26 June 2020

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Rotorua Lakes High School “Mauria te pono - Keep steadfastly to the truth”


CHALKBOARD From the Principal – P. 1 News – P. 2 - 4 Dept News – P. 4 Sports – P. 5 Careers/Gateway - P. 5 - 7 Notice Board – P.8 Contact Us – P. 8 Our Sponsors – P. 8

Kia ora Koutou, Dear Parents and Caregivers, This week, I want to start my newsletter talking toilets! We, as a school, endeavour to provide our students with all the facilities that they need to enjoy life in our school environment. The most basic of these are toilet facilities. Whilst I know that sending out a mass communication about this issue is perhaps unfair, I hope that our parents and caregivers will be able to take some time to talk to the students about respecting our school environment. Today, I was called down to A block toilets. In one toilet there was pen graffiti over every wall, in another toilet there were wet paper towels thrown all over the walls and ceiling, in another toilet the hand dryer had been ripped off the wall. There was further damage to the remaining two toilets. As you can imagine, this vandalism is massively disappointing and wastes significant financial resources putting it all right. As I said, this is a minority of our students performing these acts of stupidity, but it does affect us all as a community. I will be talking with the students next week to raise this point and while I don’t enjoy growling and being heavy handed, I feel that in some ways that is the only way some of our students seem to get the message. I feel for our caretaker, who on a weekly basis, spends a significant amount of time trying to maintain a high environmental standard in this area. On a more positive note we have taken feedback from our students and changed the unisex toilets in A block to two female toilets, two male toilets and one remaining unisex toilet. Please would you talk with your students and make them aware of my frustration. Many thanks. On Thursday evening I had the pleasure of watching our Boys Basketball Team performing against Ruamata Senior Boys and coming out with a strong win. It’s really positive to see all our sporting codes back up and running and successes being achieved along the way. I hope you have a good weekend. With only one week to go, I am looking forward to finishing the term on a high! Nga mihi,

Jon Ward Principal / Tumuaki


NEWS ___________________________________________________________________________ BALL WEAR DRIVE This week, saw the last week of donations for the Year 13 Ball Wear Drive. Out thanks and acknowledgement go to Tessa McCarthy and Kayla Rahman, Year 13, who worked so hard in making this a huge success.

Awesome job!

Many thanks also to Charlie Windell of Dress for Success Bay of Plenty, who provided the much needed clothes rails. Left: Kayla Rahman Right: Tessa McCarthy

___________________________________________________________________________ WHANAU HUI Me mihia nga mate ka tika. E te hunga kua wheturangitia haere atu ra, haere atu. Tatou e toitu ana ki te mata o te whenua, Nau mai Haere mai tatou katoa. The Whanau Hui will be held on Thursday 2nd July 5.00pm to 6.30pm. Please come and meet our recently appointed HOD Maori, Whaea Marleina Nelson. Because of the Covid restrictions we weren’t able to do this as a whanau. I know she has some ideas that she would like to share with you all. I am hoping that you will also be able to meet with the 9/10 Rumaki teachers. This is also a time to catch up with any parents who missed the report evening and for those who attended gain some feedback. We will also talk about the NCEA Level 1,2,3 programmes student credits to date. Come with your concerns and questions. The plan is to also help you and your child make course selections for 2021 and help you navigate SCHOOL POINT. For parents who have Year 8 tamariki you might have questions about next year for your tamaiti. Na reira kia tutaki tatou i runga i te Rangimarie, te whakawhitiwhiti, te kaitahi. Naku na matou o te Wahanga Maori. Whaea Pani

__________________________________________________________________________ SALVATION ARMY APPEAL Thank you so much to the families and staff that contributed food items for our Salvation Army appeal to go towards needy families in our community. We will be delivering these goods early next week. Look out for a photo of our collection on our facebook page then!

___________________________________________________________________________ FROM THE HEALTH & WELLNESS CENTRE Reminder to please keep students at home if they are sick. There are currently a few bugs going around Rotorua including vomiting and sore throats. As per the current Ministry of Health advice, if your child is sick, has a sore throat and or cold/flu symptoms please keep them home. If you are worried about your child please call your GP. Note that anyone with a sore throat and or have cold/flu symptoms can drop in (details below) for a COVID throat swab. Thank you from Nurse Rach. 2

PLEASE NOTE The Rotorua swabbing clinic at the Rotorua Events Centre is closing at noon on Friday (26th June) and will reopen Saturday morning at a new site – the former Holmes Packaging site on 2 Vaughan Road, Rotorua. The new swabbing clinic location will be open for business at 9a m on Saturday 27 June, and will be open both days of the weekend from 9am to 12 noon. The Vaughan Road swabbing centre will operate as a drive-through facility, as happened at the Energy Events Centre, so people are asked to follow the signage and the traffic cones and observe all staff requests. It will continue to be a drop-in centre. Entry to the swabbing clinic will be off Vaughan Road, and exit on to Te Ngae Road.


SCHOOL BALL 2020 We are delighted to announce our 2020 School Ball on Saturday 25 July 2020. This year’s theme is Arabian Nights! We have no doubt there will be some fantastic ideas and colours out there. We are so looking forward to seeing all our students turn up and enjoy themselves socially again. Here are the details: Date: 25th July 2020 Where: Blue Baths Time: 7.00 pm Open to : all year 11,12,13 students Tickets: $115 PP Forms: permission slips and outside partner requests are at student reception. All forms and payments must be completed in full before the 2nd July at the latest. ___________________________________________________________________________________________

LOST PROPERTY Items of lost property (including school uniform) are being held at Student Reception. They will be held until the beginning of term 3, after that they will be disposed of and/or sent to charities.

___________________________________________________________________________ FROM THE BOT The following policies are currently up for review. If you would like to view any of these policies, we invite you to come into the school where they are available at the Principal’s PA office. Alternatively, if you would like a copy emailed, please send an email to humphriesj@rotorualakes.school.nz New Policy – Board Meeting & Board Resolutions via Electronic Means (RLHS) Credit Card Policy (renewal) (RLHS) RTLB – Policies for renewal: o Appointment of RTLB o Cluster Charter o Personnel o RTLB Practice o Health & Safety

___________________________________________________________________________ ASSESSMENTS The following assessments have been set down to take place within the next two weeks. There may be times where, due to unforeseen circumstances, changes will need to occur. This will be done in consultation with the class(es) concerned.


Level 1, 2 & 3

Subject Drama

Standard -




2 3

Music English

91278 91480


12 PPE Day Tramp Tarawera Trail Drama Drama Drama

1 2 3

US 425 & US 431

90997, 90999 91214, 91216 91512, 91513, 91515

Date Drama has combined papers for all senior students at Level 1, 2 and 3 to allow the students the opportunity to catch up on any 'missed' work during lock down. Assessments for Senior Drama for these papers will happen during the last week of July. Students will be working for 9-13 credits in one performance. Week starting 29 June Wednesday 1 July Thurs 2 July - students to work on their own time Thursday 2 July

Week 1 & 2 of Term 3 Week 1 & 2 of Term 3 Week 1 & 2 of Term 3


BRIEF LOOK – TERM 3 2020 3 July 2020 20 July 2020 10 August 27 August – 1 September 11 September 16 September 18 September 25 September HOLIDAYS Monday 12 October 2020

LAST DAY OF TERM 2 FIRST DAY OF TERM 3 Teacher Only Day Senior Prelim Exams Reports Issued Report Evening – 3.30 pm – 6pm Student Elections to the Board of Trustees LAST DAY OF TERM 3 Mon 28 September – Sun 11 October FIRST DAY OF TERM 4

FROM OUR DEPARTMENTS __________________________________________________________________________ MATHS HOMEWORK CENTRE

Each Thursday from 3.15 – 4.15 pm in A11

All welcome

Please bring a snack and a smile


SPORTS ___________________________________________________________________________ BASKETBALL RESULTS 18th June 2020 Lakes Girls won against RGHSS. Score 64 – 11. Player of the Day, Abigail Donald Lakes Boys won against JPCJN. Score 81 – 30. Player of the Day, Rangi Unuwai

Well done! Great results for both teams. ___________________________________________________________________________ 2ND XI HOCKEY TEAM This week we played in Taupo against Tauhara. RLHS took the win 5-1, with 3 goals to Harry Cheesman, and one each to Isaac Field and Callam Downes. Kaspa did a great job as goalie this week with 2 saves. Player of the day was Harry Cheesman for excellent positional play. Well done Team!

___________________________________________________________________________ 1st XI HOCKEY BOYS TEAM Despite the bad weather during the day our first game of the season had no rain! The boys took little time to show Whakatane 2nd XI who was going to control the game. With many attempts on Whakatane's goal the first quarter showed promise. The boys finally hit the backboard with a well executed PC, finished by Jamaal Abdul Rahman. And this opened the door for the boys with further goals by Liam Gatenby, Ethan Hoggard (2), Jayden Fraser and a second by Jamaal, giving a final score of 6-0. The team played well as a unit, with all the newcomers contributing with strength and determination. Player of the day to Ethan Hoggard. Well done Team!

Games Next Week: 1st XI Girls play in Whakatane 1st XI Boys Play in Whakatane - leaving school at 4pm Thursday. 2nd XI Team Play in Rotorua - game at 4.30, be there ready to play by 4pm

CAREERS & GATEWAY EXCITING NEWS! Seniors at RLHS have the opportunity to attend “A Trade for Me” pilot presentation Pd.5 on Wed 1st July 2020 in the Auditorium. This is a new programme we are trialing, with the support of the Ministry of Education. Our aim is to help and encourage our students to understand the diversity of various industries and opportunities out there. If you are a business and would like to be involved in any up and coming events / presentations please contact: Mrs Eva Hingston Tel: 07- 345 6124 Ext 258 hingstonev@rotorualakes.school.nz



Student Jobs MoneyHub has updated its comprehensive directory of student jobs. With 50+ well-known employers listed and links to their student job application details, getting a part-time job is a lot easier with this guide: https://www.moneyhub.co.nz/student-jobs.html


KEY DATES FOR YOUR CAREER The following UNIVERSITIES will come in / virtually talk to interested students on these dates: Applications Open – Wed 1st July

Otago Entrance Scholarship Lincoln University Virtual Open Day University of Otago Virtual Open Day

Friday 17 July (see Mrs Walker in the library for registration details) Thursday 23 July 3.30 – 7.30 Pm

Dunedin On-Campus Open Day

Monday 10 August 9 – 3.30 Pm

Victoria Uni Course Planning Visit

Tues 11th August – 1.10 pm in L1

Canterbury Uni Course Planning

Mon 7 September – 1.30 pm in L1

Contact the Careers Department for further info: Barbara Walker 3456124 x 235 walkerb2@rotorualakes.school.nz


CALLING ALL BUSINESSES Let’s Help Our Youth understand the Trades and opportunities in the Real World

Mrs Eva Hingston Tel: 07- 345 6124 Ext 258 hingstonev@rotorualakes.school.nz


WE WANT TO KNOW WHAT’S IN YOUR HEAD! This survey aims to understand what we could do to help you feel more confident in what to do when you leave school. Click here or copy this link into the address bar in your browser https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Ed2Employ It will only take a few minutes and you could win

one of

four $250 prezzie vouchers. Thanks for helping, MSD/New Zealand Government

NOTICE BOARD Real Lakes Youth Services We are excited to announce that groups are back! Over lockdown, we have also been busy working on some new mental health groups for the young people in the Rotorua community. Each group has been designed to fun, interactive, and relevant for young people with the aim of equipping them with the knowledge, skills, and strategies to manage different challenges that they face in their daily lives. We will be running the below groups in term 3 2020 • Zones Group • Anxiety Group • Social Confidence • Sensory Modulation When will each group run? Please see below for the group timetable for term 3. This will let you know the day, dates, and times of each group. How do I refer to a group? Attached you will find our referral form. Please return all referrals to Lakes@real.org.nz by 01.07.2020 with the consent of your young person and a caregiver if 15 or under. All young people who are accepted and their referrers will be notified by 10.07.2020. For young people who do not get a place in group, the referrer will be notified by email. What else do I need to know? • If there are not enough appropriate applicants for a group, the group will not go forward. • Group spaces are limited; therefore, priority will be given to the young people who we feel will gain the most out of the group. • The ages for each group may vary slightly depending on the referral received. • Making a referral does not mean automatic acceptance into the group. Referrals may be declined if they are deemed not appropriate or if there is not enough space within the group. • Late referrals will be looked at and accepted if there is still available space within the group. 7

• • • •

Please talk to the young person to see if they are willing to commit to the group and the identified day/time on the flyer before referring. This helps to ensure that we can offer places on the group to those who want to and can attend. Acceptance onto group does not mean that the young person will receive a key worker. Accepted young people will be notified of the venue before the group starts, it will be relatively central to Rotorua. Real can provide transportation to and from the group if required (within reason), but own transportation will be preferred when possible.

CONTACT US we are here to Phone: 07-345 6124 help Email: office@rotorualakes.school.nz Web: www.rotorualakes.school.nz


Thank you to our Sponsor


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