1 July 2022 :-)

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Rotorua Lakes High School “Mauria te pono - Keep steadfastly to the truth”


CONTENTS From the Principal – P. 1 - 3 News from Teachers – P. 4 Student Successes – P. 5 Sport – P. 6 Careers – P. 6 - 7 Notice Board – P. 8

Kia ora Koutou, This is my last newsletter for Term 2. A long term but I hope you will agree a very successful one. Our sports teams have been fantastic and the many workshops and events where our students have represented us so well have been really awesome. This is a huge thank you to our students but also to our very dedicated staff who have put in tremendous work and efforts under sometimes difficult circumstances. It was great to see so many of our community attending our parent/teacher evenings last week. I know for some there were concerns around progress and hopefully, the conversations provided a measure of reassurance and also clarified the positive pathways forward that we have in place for our students. It was good to see parents smiling both on the way in and the way out! If you missed these for any reason, and want to catch up with any specific staff, please feel free to email us at the school and we can pass on your queries in the right direction or you can email teachers directly. One of the key focuses of Term 3, will be our practice assessments. In some ways, I prefer not to call them practice assessments but derived grade exams. The reason for this is that these assessments provide evidence that we can give to NZQA to determine a grade for a student should they be unable to go to the final external exams. Every year, there are a number of students who have medical issues or family concerns which prevent them from attending the final exams and this is particularly true as we continue to work in the covid environment. In these cases, with the appropriate documentation, we can look at providing derived grade evidence. As we all know it has been a long term and I have stressed to our staff how much everyone needs to take a break, re-charge batteries and be ready for the important academic Term 3. I hope that you and your whanau will have an opportunity to relax, recuperate and generally rest at some point through the break. We look forward to welcoming everyone back on Monday 25th July. Have a lovely holiday and a safe break. Ngā mihi, Jon Ward, Principal/Tumaki 1

___________________________________________________________________________ FROM OUR MAORI DEPARTMENT Nga mihi nui to all the whanau, tauira, kaiako ma that attended and supported our first Matariki Festival Fundraiser yesterday at Lakes. The Maori Department and tauira are very grateful for all the koha (donations) that were given over the last few weeks. The event was a successful one! Our ultimate goal was to bring our community together to celebrate Matariki over a yummy kai (food) and great company whilst listening to some lovely music and great entertainment. It's been a long time since we have had a celebration together and it was well worth the hard mahi to put it all together. All money made will be going towards new resources for our wharenui and a trip for our tauira towards the end of the year (when its warmer). A special mihi to Aunty Di for her entertainment throughout the evening and her ongoing support towards our Kura - you are a star! It was also lovely to have Rehua Mihaka attend from Whangamarino to support our kaupapa also. Nga mihi nui whanau katoa. We look forward to making this a regular celebration at our kura.


SCHOOL BALL 2022 To all our wonderful Senior Students – have a great night!!

___________________________________________________________________________ ROTORUA LAKES HIGH SCHOOL - SCHOOL BOARD ELECTIONS

Parent Election Notice Nominations are open for the election of 6 parent representatives to the school board. All eligible voters will be emailed a nomination form. Use this form to nominate yourself or someone in your community. You will also receive a nomination cover letter calling for nominations. Information on who is not eligible to be a board member is provided with the nomination form. If you need more nomination forms, contact the school office. Nominations close at noon on Friday 5 August. You may provide a signed candidate statement and photograph with your nomination. The electoral roll is held at the school and can be viewed during normal school hours. As nominations are received, there will be a list of candidates’ names kept at the school up until election day, which you can view. Voting closes at 4pm on Wednesday 7 September. Signed L Gilbert, Returning Officer


___________________________________________________________________________ HEALTH CARE DURING THE HOLIDAYS • • •

Just a reminder that over the holidays the Piripoho Nurse who is based at Owhata Medical Centre is available at no cost. Please contact 027 3459699. Also, 12- 24 year old’s can be seen for free at Roto Vegas Health 0800 234509. You do not need to be enrolled at either place.

___________________________________________________________________________ BRIEF LOOK – TERM 3 2022 28 – 31 July

NZ Secondary School Swimming Champs

3 August

Subject Choice Evening – 4 to 6 pm

4 – 5 August

Loves Me Not Programme (for Yr 12 & 13)

5 August

NCEA Tracking Reports issued

5 August

Board nominations close

9 – 11 August

Yr 9 Hearing Screening

11 – 12 August

Epic Night Out Concert

15 - 19 August

School Roadshows week promoting our school

16 August

Interschool Sports Day - Morrinsville

18 August

Accord Day – school is closed

26 August

NCEA Tracking Reports issued

22 – 26 August

Hillary OutdoorsTrip

22 August

Open Day Yr 9 & 10 students in school only

24 August

Open Evening – school closes at 1.30 pm

7 August

Voting for the Board closes

29 – 2 September

Winter Tournament week

19 – 23 September

Senior Exam Week

27 September

Arts and Cultural Prizegiving

28 September

Interhouse day

30 September


___________________________________________________________________________ LOST PROPERTY / CONFISCATED ITEMS Items of lost property (including school uniforms) and confiscated items are being held at Student Reception. They will be held until the beginning of term 3, after that they will be disposed of and/or sent to charities.

___________________________________________________________________________ SCHOOL BUS We now have availability on our school transport from Hamurana. Cost is $210 per term. If you would like more details please contact Ms Lilian Gilbert 07 345 6124 ext 243


NEWS FROM OUR TEACHERS ___________________________________________________________________________ SUBJECT INFORMATION 2022 During the first two weeks of Term 3, senior students will be making choices about subjects next year. There is a subject evening for students and whanau on Wednesday 3 August 4 - 6 pm. Head of Departments and Teachers In-Charge will be available to talk about what their department offers. At the start of term 3 students will also be issued a guide to help in this process.

___________________________________________________________________________ ASSESSMENTS The following assessments have been set down. There may be times when, due to unforeseen circumstances, changes will need to occur. This will be done in consultation with the class(es) concerned. Level 2 2 2 3 3 2 3 1 2

Subject Sport Science Painting Painting Painting Painting History History Legal Studies Legal Studies

Standard 91328 91311 91316 91451 91446 91229 91434 US27844 US27839

Date Wednesday 6 July Thursday 7 July Thursday 7 July Thursday 7 July Thursday 7 July Friday 8 July Wednesday 27 July Beginning now. Due next term. Date: TBC Beginning now. Due next term. Date: TBC

___________________________________________________________________________ THE 2022 ANNUAL ROAD SHOW Our year 11 students yesterday enjoyed the annual Road show held at the Energy Events Center. There were many displays around all aspects of driving. The Students watched some in depth videos. They loved being able to try on the anti impairment glasses and try to walk in a straight line and hop in a car! Great learning experiences for our students 😊 😊


STUDENT SUCCESSES ___________________________________________________________________________ SHOWQUEST On Wednesday we took a stunningly amazing group of students to perform at the Bay of Plenty Showquest event at Baycourt Theatre in Tauranga. It was a huge pleasure to watch as all of their hard mahi came together into a beautiful performance.

The recorded Bay of Plenty DIgital Show and results will be released on Friday the 8th June @ 4pm via www.showquest.nz

___________________________________________________________________________ GREAT DANCE MOVES This week some of our year 12 and 13 students spent two of their lunchtimes learning Merengue, the national dance of the Dominican Republic. Huge thank you to the Rotorua Multicultural Council for sponsoring this experience and helping our students get some dance moves under their belts for the upcoming ball. It was a great opportunity for the students to learn about another culture and broaden their horizons.

___________________________________________________________________________ HUGE SINGING SUCCESS Lauren Thompson entered the New Plymouth singing competitions last weekend. On Saturday she placed 3rd in the secondary classical class. On Sunday she placed 2nd in secondary contemporary pop, and 3rd in secondary musical theatre. She won second place overall in secondary contemporary.

It has been a great experience for Lauren meeting new talented singers. Big congratulations Lauren, an awesome achievement. 😍🥰 5

SPORTS ___________________________________________________________________________ COMPETITIVE CHALLENGES Each fortnight houses play each other at lunchtime sports, we call these Competitive Challenges and after finals are played, the winning house gets two points and the second place house gets one point. • So far this term we have played Touch, Football, Volleyball and Basketball. Next week is Netball. • The Basketball final was between Tarawera and Tikitapu with Tikitapu taking out the win. This is a great way for students to show their skills in front of their peers and to watch their friends compete😊



Tēnā koutou Applications for Ngā Karahipi Uru Rākau – (Forestry Scholarships) are now open for study beginning 2023. This is an amazing opportunity for anyone considering studying forestry science, forest engineering or forest management next year.

Scholarships available Nine forestry scholarships are offered for 2023: · Bachelor of Forestry Science at University of Canterbury (open to those who are Māori or identify as female, or both) · Diploma in Forest Management at Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology (open to those who are Māori or identify as female, or both) · Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) in Forest Engineering at University of Canterbury (open to ALL applicants entering their first year) Successful recipients will receive: · $8,000 a year for 4 years (the length of the degree) to help with tuition fees and living costs, or · $7,000 a year for 2 years (the length of the diploma) · Paid summer internship(s) with Te Uru Rākau – New Zealand Forest Service or another forestry employer.

Applications Applications open 1 June and close: · 15 August for Degree Scholarships · 16 December for Diploma Scholarship. For more information about the scholarships, go to: www.mpi.govt.nz/forestryscholarships Or you can email MPIForestryScholarships@mpi.govt.nz or phone 0800 00 83 83

Why study forestry? By studying and choosing a career in forestry you can:

· Help New Zealand reach its climate change goals · Enhance and protect our country’s biodiversity · Partner with Māori and iwi to optimise land use potential and outcomes · Create a sustainable environment for the future · Help create new industries and technologies · Be part of the move to building a bioeconomy. Videos about the scholarships and forestry careers He ataata o ngā karahipi me ngā mahi ngahere See what other students have to say about the scholarships – YouTube (2:14) Learn about the benefits of higher-level forestry study and career opportunities – YouTube (2:09)


___________________________________________________________________________ Waikato University, The School of Engineering welcomes secondary students to our annual oncampus experience engineering event! In our Experience Engineering (E²) workshops, students will be exposed to various challenges run by our own lecturers and undergraduates. From civil to software (and so much more), our activities will allow students to have a taste of the many different engineering streams offered at Waikato. This is a great opportunity for students to see the real-world problems our staff and undergraduates are helping to solve. Not only will our attendees learn more about what a career in engineering means, they’ll also get a glimpse of what student life is like with a guided tour of the campus followed by a free lunch. Students aren't the only ones who will benefit from the experience. While we design our workshops for Year 10s to Year 13s, both teachers and parents are invited (and encouraged) to participate during the day. When: July 14 & 15 *

Time: 9:30 AM to 2:30 PM Where: University of Waikato Campus, LSL (Large Scale Labs) Cost: Free Lunch and a light Morning Tea provided. *Please note: the workshops and challenges will be identical on both days so students will be able to attend whichever day they prefer. Each individual student will need to register their attendance. A QR code has been linked below to make this easier to share.

Register for E²


MISTRESS OF CAKES are looking for a dishwasher after school on a Wednesday student must be 15 years or over 4.30 pm – 8.30 pm

Could be more shifts for the right student😊 Please contact Ms Siobain Higgins 07-345 6521 for further info



Phone: 07- 345 6124 Email: office@rotorualakes.school.nz www.rotorualakes.school.nz


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