31 Aug 18

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Rotorua Lakes High School “Mauria te pono - Keep steadfastly to the truth”


CHALKBOARD From the Principal – P. 1 - 3 News & Events – P. 3 - 4 Department News – P. 4 - 5 Sports – P. 5 - 6 Careers & Gateway – P. 6 - 8 School Notice Board – P. 8 - 12 Notice Board for Students & Whanau – P. 12 - 14 Contact Us – P. 14 General Community Notices – P. 15 Our Sponsors – P. 16

Dear Parents/Caregivers

FROM THE PRINCIPAL _________________________________________________________________________________

REGIONAL SPEECH COMPETITION for THE KELSTON DEAF Shianne Murphy Year 9 (Te Puawaitanga) went to Hamilton Wednesday the 29th of August 2018 to a Regional Speech Competition for the Kelston Deaf. She came 3rd (equal) in her group and earned herself $20 prize money. She scored 16/20 for Organisation, 16/20 for Delivery and 7/10 for X Factor, giving her a fantastic total of 39/50. The judge praised her on eye contact, use of humour, good pace and great conclusion. Teachers, staff and students in Te Puawaitanga are extremely proud of her. Congratulations Shianne on all

your hard work!

From Whaea Lucille


MUSIC SENIOR SCHOLARSHIPS RESULTS – A PLUS FOR RLHS Article and photo supplied by The Daily Post A handful of young, local musicians have been recognised for their discipline and talent at this year's Registered Music Teachers Rotorua Senior Music Scholarship event. Ten musicians each prepared a 20minute programme on their chosen instrument, to compete for a scholarship. The branch's vice chairwoman Jenny Brown said all competitors were of a Grade 6 to Diploma standard and "the quality of musicianship was of a high standard". The finals concert was held at the Ascot Room of Rydges Hotel, Rotorua on Saturday 24 August 2018. Our year 13 student, Euan Robinson was placed 2nd overall for his piano performance. Fantastic achievement – we are very

Euan Robinson first left

proud of you. _________________________________________________________________________________


Exam Revision Seminar for NCEA students Wednesday 12 September 2018

In 1 hour learn some useful tips for passing exams This seminar will cover some great revision strategies to help you get best results.

If you are interested, please sign up with Mrs Walker in the Library ________________________________________________________________________________

ASSESSMENTS The following assessments have been set down to take place within the next two weeks. There may be times where, due to unforeseen circumstances, changes will need to occur. This will be done in consultation with the class(es) concerned.

Level Subject 1 DRAMA

Standard Date 91000 Assessment weeks 7 – 9




Assessment weeks 7 – 9




Assessment weeks 7 - 9




Weeks 7 & 8




Weeks 7 & 8

3 1


91416 91036

Weeks 7 & 8 Wednesday, Thursday & Friday – week 7

1 2


91004 91227

Thursday 13 September Week 9 – Monday - Thursday




Week 7 – Monday - Friday

Yours sincerely


TERM 3 KEY DATES 2018 Secondary Schools Winter Tournament Elective Books returned JUNIOR & SENIOR REPORTS ISSUED McAT (yr 11 MSC class only) JUNIOR & SENIOR REPORT EVENING SCHOOL SPORTS PRIZEGIVING EUROPE TRIP Last day Term 3

3-7 September 7 September 14 September 18 September Pd. 1 19 September 20 September 24 September – 12 October 28 September

NEWS & EVENTS _________________________________________________________________________________________

VISUAL ARTS FOLIO DUE DATES 2018 The following art folio submissions listed are external assessments. For this reason any folios not received by the required due date and time will unfortunately get a Not Achieved grade. Please be aware that extensions can NOT be given for these standards. After school tutorials are now running in the art room each week for any students who may need extra help. (Thursdays 3.15 - 4.30). The art room, sculpture room and photographic darkroom are also open lunchtimes to give students the opportunity to get work completed. Level 1 Mixed Media Photography external folio (12 credits) due date: 20 September Marked in auditorium 19th October from 9am Level 2 Design/Painting/Photography due date and marking in auditorium 26th October 9am Level 2 Sculpture due date: 24th October Marked 26th October in auditorium from 9 am


BOARD OF TRUSTEES STUDENT REP ELECTION 2018 Nominations Forms are available from Student Reception for the Student Representative on the Board of Trustees. Nominations close on Tuesday 4 September 2018. All full-time students in Year 9 and above are entitled to stand for election and vote. Election Day will be held on WEDNESDAY 19

SEPTEMBER 2018. _________________________________________________________________________________________

OVERSEAS TRAVEL The Principal requests a letter from parents / caregivers advising of all overseas travel for your child during term time. Thank you for your cooperation. _________________________________________________________________________________________

STUDENT ABSENCES It is expected that parents phone the school absence line (345 6124, ext 244) before 8.30 am to let us know that their child will be away from school. A written letter from home explaining the absence must be supplied to the House Group tutor on the student’s return to school if you have not phoned in. We also have an ABSENCE LINE FOR TEXTING 027 765 4957. For those of you who do not have a land phone line, you may text your child’s absence. Please give your name, your student’s name, House Group and the reason for absence. THANK YOU __________________________________________________________________________________________

ENROLMENT FOR 2019 We are currently taking enrolments for 2019. Enrolments forms are available from our school office. We recommend you complete the enrolment documentation and return it to us as soon as possible, or alternatively, you can hand it in to your school office for us to collect.

DEPARTMENT NEWS ________________________________________________________________________________________

FROM THE HEALTH & WELLNESS CENTRE The flu season is upon us! Here are a few helpful hints for you and your whanau: What you CAN do If you have an infection of the ear, nose, throat, sinuses and / or chest, most likely caused by a virus – Antibiotics aren’t effective. Antibiotics won’t make you feel better or recover faster, and may cause unwanted side effects (eg diarrhea, thrush, rash or allergic reactions). There are no instant cures for viral colds and flu but some of the following suggestions may help make you feel more comfortable:

Rest – A warm comfortable environment will help your immune system fight off the viruses that cause colds and flu. Stay at home as this will avoid spreading the infection to others.

Drink plenty of fluids.

Paracetamol or Ibuprofen pharmacy products – Use to relive aches and pains. Ask your doctor or pharmacist about the most appropriate medicine and dose. CHILDREN SHOULD NOT BE GIVEN ASPIRIN-BASED PRODUCTS. Steam inhalations or nasal rinse – Breathing in steam during a hot shower can help you clear mucus from blocked sinuses, relieve nasal congestion and chest tightness. Nasal saline irrigation may provide relief for some people. Again ask your pharmacist for advice on products. A decongestant – These may help ‘dry’ a runny nose or relive blocked sinuses. Ask your pharmacist about an appropriate medication but do not use for more than 5 days. Lozenges and gargles – Antiseptic throat lozenges or gargling either warm salted water or dispersible aspirin may help to relieve a sore throat. Prevent spread of infection: cover your mouth when sneezing or coughing. Wash your hands after blowing your nose and avoid shaking hands. If you or your child develop any RED FLAG SYMTOMS you should contact a Doctor IMMEDIATELY     

Severe headache or neck pain Non blanching skin rash Eyes intolerant to light Persistent vomiting Very high fever (>40˚C)

In Children Floppy or drowsy Unable to tolerate fluids Unusual or high pitched cry

Strep throat is HIGHLY contagious. It is spread through close contact with an infected person, often by inhaling airborne droplets from an infected person’s cough and sneezes. It can also be spread through shared drinks and food. Please encourage your child to come and see me if they have a sore throat. A simple throat swab can diagnose a person with strep, once diagnosed, a 10 day course of antibiotics can kill the bacteria. Left untreated however, the bacteria can spread into the heart muscle causing damage or Rheumatic Fever. Please encourage your child to come and see me if they have a sore throat. If you have any concerns or questions please don't hesitate to contact me, Nurse Rach 345 9502 or smithr@rotorualakes.school.nz. _________________________________________________________________________________________

MATHS HOMEWORK CENTRE Each WEDNESDAY from 3.30 – 4.15 in A11 All Welcome - Please bring a snack and a smile

SPORTS ______________________________________________________________________________________

DUKE OF EDINBURGH Duke of Edinburgh's Hillary Award dates of Adventurous Journey opportunities being run by Gerry Purcell, our outside provider in the upcoming weeks. As usual, any groups of students that attend will need to be supported by a parent helper/supervisor in order to proceed. See Mrs. Allen or email allenl@rotorualakes.school.nz for more information or permission forms.

TRAINING COURSES SEPTEMBER THRU DECEMBER: BRONZE level AJ Training Course (2 days not overnight) - 8 & 9 September (Sat & Sun) BRONZE level AJ Training Course (2 days not overnight) - 2 & 3 October (Tues & Wed) SILVER level AJ Training Course (2 days overnight) - 29/30 September (Sat & Sun) SILVER level AJ Training Course (2 days overnight) - 4/5 October (Thurs/Fri) GOLD level AJ Training Course (not including Outdoor First Aid) (2 days not overnight) - 1 & 2 December Outdoor First Aid Course (managed by Red Cross, Tauranga) (One day) - 29 September Full details for each of the AJ courses will not be available until 25 August (as Gerry will be away overseas until 23 August) NOTE: Bronze level participants who have done the online training module must attend Day two of one of the

above Bronze level Courses (to gain necessary practical skills) before undertaking an AJ. AJ OPPORTUNITIES: BRONZE AJ (2 days overnight) - 6/7 October (Sat/Sun) BRONZE AJ (2 days overnight) - 13/14 October (Sat/Sun) SILVER AJ (3 days ) - 9-11 October (Tues-Thurs) SILVER AJ (3 days) - 20-22 October (Sat-Mon) (Labour W/end) GOLD Practice AJ - 20-22 October (Sat-Mon) (Labour Weekend)



Otago University Course Planning visit (1.30pm) Victoria University Course Planning visit (1.30pm) Massey University Course Planning visit (1.30pm) PIHMS Career Week

Hospitality &Tourism Diploma/Degree with Paid Hotel Internship PIHMS specialise in hospitality, tourism and hotel management education with a Paid Hotel Internship included with earning potential of over $55,000 during the course. Only at PIHMS can you live, study and learn in a hotel set environment:

Two sides of learning: Practical training in our own PIHMS Hotel Business/commerce based subjects Paid Hotel employment throughout your study:

Two 6 month paid Hotel Internships (exclusive to PIHMS) Experience a mini gap year while you study; choose from a selection of top hotels around New Zealand or Australia Earn up to $55,000 during the Paid Hotel Internship segment Graduate - Get Global: Get your dream hospitality, hotel or tourism management job. PIHMS students are employed throughout the globe! We have a great International presence and reputation. 98% of PIHMS students receive employment within 3 months after graduating from PIHMS A qualification that helps you have a great career:

23 years of operation, over 3300 students graduated, we are here to stay our qualification is trusted 80 % of PIHMS graduates receive a promotion within one year of graduating The only provider in New Zealand where students graduate with a diploma/degree and 1 year paid work experience PIHMS graduates have great careers and lifestyles earning good $$$. There are loads of different career pathways in NZ and all around the globe

Hotel Management Event Management Marketing Human Resources Revenue Management

Run your own restaurant / Business Food and Beverage Management / Front Office Management Or maybe you want to make the best coffee anywhere in the world from Dunedin to Hawaii! www.pihms.ac.nz – For general information about PIHMS’s hospitality, tourism and hotel diploma and degree with a guaranteed job offer. Plus, great videos! PIHMS are looking for school leavers who: Have a willingness to learn through training and working Have an interest in Hospitality, Tourism or Hotel Management Are looking for a life-changing experience

Please note: Career week is for year 12 and 13 students Career week - http://www.pihms.ac.nz/career-week.html

Next career week 9th – 12th October 2018 PIHMS career week provides any student with the opportunity to experience PIHMS, our culture, lifestyle, education, training to see if this is where your future lies Get first-hand hand tips and information about the hospitality and tourism industry $199 – Everything is included – Accommodation, all meals & beverages and scheduled activities All students attending need to be motivated about considering PIHMS as an option for tertiary study Places are limited as we only have a limited number of rooms available for accommodation – So apply asap to avoid missing out Email info@pihms.ac.nz to apply for our career week or for more information about PIHMS. www.pihms.ac.nz/career-week.html - Or students can apply online.

Career Week October 2018: The extra 20 places have been reserved for high school leavers – Year 13’s or year 12 who are leaving at the end of the year. All other students can apply online for a 2019 career week www.pihms.ac.nz/career-week.html


Air Cadets 29 Squadron Wednesday Nights 6.15pm - 9pm 23 Geddes Rd Rotorua for more details contact: Poihaere.knight@cadetforces.org.nz __________________________________________________________________________________________

OPENING DAY FOR JUNIORS AND SENIORS Saturday Sept 8th 1.30. Manuka Crescent. All Welcome

TERM 4 and 1 program for High School students Wednesday 5.30-6.30 and Fridays 4.30-6.00 For further info contact: Debra Dowland physiodeb@hotmail.com or 021335492 __________________________________________________________________________________________

Holden Street Smart is a world-class, cognitive based driver programme that aims to positively influence the lives of young kiwis across the country. The Programme has been developed with the involvement of world-renowned road safety expert, Peter Sheppard. In addition, passionate road safety advocate, Greg Murphy, is our Programme Ambassador. Offering a practical hands-on learning experience, Holden Street Smart is a programme that aims to add to, and compliment, the great work already undertaken by NZTA, NZ Police and others in the area of road safety and driving training.

Holden Street Smart is a one-day event providing young drivers and their parents/caregivers the opportunity to undertake supervised driving practice. There is a focus on developing good decision-making strategies for safe driving, including assessing themselves, reading the road environment, resisting peer pressure, managing or eliminating distractions and planning ahead. The Programme takes place in safe, controlled, off-the-road environments, under the watchful eye of qualified coaches plus the parent/caregiver. This provides the parent the opportunity to also assess themselves, in order to be a better coach and mentor to their teen. Holden Street Smart will be delivering it’s programme throughout these next School Holidays at the following venues:

Highlands Motorsport Park Cromwell Sun 30 September

Bruce McLaren Motorsport Park Taupo Tues 9 & Wed 10 October

Mike Pero Motorsport Park Christchurch Tues 2 and Wed 3 October

Manfeild Park Fielding Fri 12 & Sat 13 October

Hampton Downs Motorsport Park Hampton Downs Mon 8 October Registrations are open for only $49 at www.holdenstreetsmart.co.nz Holden Street Smart is a programme that equips young Kiwis with the tools needed to safely drive our roads, well prepared and confident. Registrations can be completed via the easy to use pages on our website: www.holdenstreetsmart.co.nz _________________________________________________________________________________________



UPCOMING LEARNER LICENCE COURSES: Sept4-5-6 and the 25-26-27 October2-3-4 and the 16-17-18 November— 6-7-8 and 27-28-29 December4-5-6 WHERE Lakes Prime Care building first floor TIME 9am – 2.00pm Course Cost $80

NB: The cost to go for your driver’s licence is $93.90, paid to AA or VTNZ. Students must bring their original birth certificate, valid Passport, bank statement or phone accounts, IRD number. Lillian Emery, Tutor/Road Safety Instructor, 0274 114 104 parents and students

CONTACT US we are here to help

Phone: Email: Website: Mail:

07-345 6124 office@rotorualakes.school.nz www.rotorualakes.school.nz Porikapa Rd, PO Box 7002 Te Ngae, Rotorua 3042

GENERAL COMMUNITY INFO _______________________________________________________________________________________

Thank you to all our Sponsors

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