Rotorua Lakes High School “Mauria te pono - Keep steadfastly to the truth”
CHALKBOARD From the Principal – P. 1 - 2 News – P. 2 - 3 Dept News – P. 4 - 5 Sports – P. 6 Careers/Gateway - P. 6 - 7 Notice Board – P. 7 - 9 Contact Us – P. 9 Our Sponsors – P. 9
Kia ora Koutou, This is my last newsletter of Term 2, and what a Term it has been! We are all aware of the significant disruptions to our school year thus far. But also, the positive interactions that have come about because of these events. I want to take this opportunity to congratulate our students for how they have dealt with the constantly changing environment, maintained their focus and have risen to the various challenges facing them. I would also like to thank all our parents and caregivers for the significant input (not necessarily all wanted!) in the day to day education of our students. The support that we have been able to provide to all our learners is testament to the hard work and professionalism of the staff we have at Lakes. They have created, adapted and developed resources and materials that have allowed our students to continue with their learning. Added to this, they have frequently provided advice, support and a sounding board for students who have been dealing with stressful situations. I would like to Tautoko all our staff for their efforts. It was great to see so many of our community attending our parent / teacher evenings last week. I know for some there were concerns around progress and hopefully the conversations provided a measure of reassurance and also clarified the positive pathways forward that we have in place for our students. It was good to see parents smiling both on the way in and the way out! If you missed these for any reason, and want to catch up with any specific staff, please feel free to email us at the school and we can pass on your queries in the right direction or you can email teachers directly. One of the key focuses of Term 3, will be our practice assessments. In some ways, I prefer not to call them practice assessments but derived grade exams. The reason for this is that these assessments provide evidence that we can give to NZQA to determine a grade for a student should they be unable to go to the final external exams. Every year, there are a number of students who have medical issues or family concerns which prevent them from attending the final exams. In these cases, with the appropriate documentation, we can look at providing derived grade evidence. The way this year is going, I think it would be wise for all students to have strong derived grade evidence in the bank. Here’s hoping it won’t be needed. At the start of Term 3 we are welcoming back Mrs Kat Goodrick from maternity leave. Her classes have been ably supported by Mrs Annie Scott for the first two terms, and I want to thank her for her invaluable support and 1
professionalism. She will not be a stranger to the school in the future as she will continue to support us in a day relief role. As we all know it has been a long term and I have stressed to our staff how much everyone needs to take a break, re-charge batteries and be ready for the important academic Term 3. I hope that you and your Whanau will have an opportunity to relax, recuperate and generally rest at some point through the break. We look forward to welcoming everyone back on the 20th July. Have a safe break. Nga mihi,
Jon Ward Principal / Tumuaki
NEWS ___________________________________________________________________________ SUBJECT INFORMATION 2021 During the first two weeks of Term 3 senior students will be making choices about subjects next year. There is an subject evening for students and whanau on Wednesday 29 July 4 - 6pm. Head of Departments and Teachers In Charge will be available to talk about what their department offers. At the start of term 3 students will also be issued with a guide to help in this process. The school’s curriculum guide is also on schoolpoint, with details on what subjects offer. To access our Subject Choice Advice booklet please click on this link
content/uploads/2020/06/Subject-Choice-Advice-2020.pdf We will be using schoolpoint (the same one we used for parent interviews) for students to select their subjects. This will not be turned on until the day of the open evening Wednesday 29 July to encourage the students to have conversations about their choice. Students will be able to make their selections after planning their course and talking with their teachers and whanau. We ask that parents "OK" their child's choices through their login to school point (instructions below). HOD's will then confirm the student has made the prerequisites or is likely to make the prerequisites of the course they have chosen. At the option evening we will have some devices available for families to use. If you need any help logging into or using schoolpoint please contact Mrs Allen or 345 6124 ext 221.
How to approve your child’s courses: 1. 2. 3. 4.
Log into SchoolPoint Navigate to "My Courses" in the left hand navigation You will see the subjects your child has chosen. The information button gives you more details about the subject This is where you approve each subject choice your child has made
___________________________________________________________________________ ONLINE SAFETY Being safe online is a huge issue for many students in today’s technological world. Having conversations around cyber safety is growing ever more important. Here is a government supported website which might be a good place to start these difficult conversations:
SCHOOL BALL 2020 As you are all aware the School Ball is on Saturday 25 July 2020 at the Blue Baths. Just a reminder that: School fees need to be paid for students to be eligible to attend the Ball. For students who want to bring a partner from another school they need to complete an “Outside Partner Application” form (available at student reception), and return it to Mrs McLeod at the time of purchasing their tickets. Theme this year is “Arabian Nights”.
To all our Senior Students – have a great night!! ___________________________________________________________________________
BRIEF LOOK – TERM 3 2020 20 July 29 July 4 August 6 August 27 August – 1 Sep 11 September 16 September 18 September 25 September HOLIDAYS Monday 12 Oct
FIRST DAY OF TERM 3 Subject Info Evening 4 pm – 6 pm Open Day (yr 9 attend. Yr 10, 11, 12 & 13 - study day) Open Night (for students and parents interested in 2021 enrolment / information) Senior Prelim Exams Reports Issued Report Evening – 3.30 pm – 6pm Student Elections to the Board of Trustees LAST DAY OF TERM 3 Mon 28 September – Sun 11 October FIRST DAY OF TERM 4
___________________________________________________________________________ ASSESSMENTS The following assessments have been set down. There may be times where, due to unforeseen circumstances, changes will need to occur. This will be done in consultation with the class(es) concerned. Level 1 2 3
Subject Drama Drama Drama
3 1 2 3
Music Paint & Print Painting Painting
Standard 90997, 90999 91214, 91216 91512, 91513, 91515 91425 90914, 90915 91311, 91316 91446, 91451
Date Week 1 & 2 of Term 3 Week 1 & 2 of Term 3 Week 1 & 2 of Term 3 Week 1 Term 3 24 July 31 July 3 August
From the Maths Dept All Year 11 MSC students have a Study Break assignment to complete on their own paper by Wed 22 July. Each student has been given a paper copy and the assignment has been added to their Google Classroom as well. 3
___________________________________________________________________________ MATARIKI CELEBRATION 13 – 20 JULY 2020
Ka puta a Matariki ka rere a WhÄ nui. Ko te tohu tÄ“nÄ o te tau e! Matariki appears, WhÄ nui starts its flight. This is the sign of the new year
In the mid-winter solstice each year, a special cluster of stars known as the ‘Seven Sisters’ or to MÄ ori, MatÄ riki ‘the eyes of God’ or MatÄ riki ‘little eyes’, rises, heralding a new beginning for many MÄ ori. In each and every culture world-wide, pĹŤrÄ kau or stories about these stars are shared. In Japan, these stars are known as ‘Subaru’, in Greece they are known as Pleiades. Traditionally for many MÄ ori, MatÄ riki was the time to prepare for the year ahead and for preparing the fishing and planting calendars. For some iwi, the rising of Puanga ‘Rigel’ which rises around 8-9 days ahead of MatÄ riki is the start of a new year. MatÄ riki is a perfect time to reflect on the past year, a time to make decisions, to celebrate with whanau and friends, a time to prepare for the year ahead, a time to celebrate MÄ ori arts and culture and a time to remember those who have passed on. To the many friends of the school, students and staff of the Rotorua Lakes High School Community who have lost loved ones this year, we take this opportunity to remember you all and your loved ones at this time.
Ki a koutou kua ngaro ki te pĹ? uriuri, ki te pĹ? whakaoti atu ai te tangata, haere, haere, haere atu rÄ . Haere ki te putahitanga o rehua, ki Te Kahurangi, ki ngÄ toi o Rangi, hoki atu ki te tihi o Manono, ki te kaihanga o ngÄ mea katoa, ki a Io Matua Kore. E kore koutou e warewaretia e mÄ tou nei kua mahue nei ki muri, Haere, haere, haere atu rÄ . ___________________________________________________________________________ LUNCH ORDERS IS COMING TO OUR SCHOOL ON JULY 27TH! Lunch Orders is a convenient and contactless online lunch ordering platform. You will be able to browse the NEW Eat Smart menu and order or schedule a nutritionally balanced and affordable meal anywhere at any time. Your order is then sent to the canteen where it will be made fresh on the day, ready for your hungry learner to pick up at lunch. Easy as that! Rest easy knowing that your child’s nutritious lunch is sorted with Lunch Orders. đ&#x;˜Š
___________________________________________________________________________ KICKSTART BREAKFAST KickStart Breakfast, is a community partnership initiative with Fonterra, the Government and Sanitarium where they provide free kai for schools across Aotearoa. Lakes have been accepted as a participating school starting in Term 3. We were recently offered the opportunity to receive free bread with support from the Whakaora Trust, and because of this we have started up a daily Breakfast Club offering toast and a hot drink each morning in the Auditorium. Now that we have the availability of the KickStart Breakfast for Term 3 we will be able to offer a more substantial breakfast. Lakes provides the hot drink and the spreads but the other products are all kindly donated. The Auditorium is a great place to run this from as it has a kitchen, with a dishwasher and there are tables and plenty of chairs available as well as storage space. We are looking for volunteers who could help with serving a breakfast of weetbix, toast and a hot drink to students. Please contact Liandra Allen 3456124 ext 221
___________________________________________________________________________ HEALTH CARE DURING THE HOLIDAYS • • •
Just a reminder that over the holidays Leesa, the Piripoho Nurse who is based at Owhata Medical Centre is available at no cost. Please contact: 027 3459699. Also, 12- 24 year old’s can be seen for free at Roto Vegas Health 0800 234509. You do not need to be enrolled at either place.
To all our students and families – have a healthy, happy and safe break! From Nurse Rach. ___________________________________________________________________________ A REMINDER TO OUR STUDENTS You can follow our nurse using these platforms:
LOST PROPERTY / CONFISCATED ITEMS Items of lost property (including school uniform) and confiscated items are being held at Student Reception. They will be held until the beginning of term 3, after that they will be disposed of and/or sent to charities.
___________________________________________________________________________ FROM THE BOT The following policies are currently up for review. If you would like to view any of these policies, we invite you to come into the school where they are available at the Principal’s PA office. Alternatively, if you would like a copy emailed, please send an email to New Policy – Board Meeting & Board Resolutions via Electronic Means (RLHS) Credit Card Policy (renewal) (RLHS) RTLB – Policies for renewal: o Appointment of RTLB, Cluster Charter, Personnel, RTLB Practice, Health & Safety 5
SPORTS ___________________________________________________________________________ BASKETBALL RESULTS – 25 JUNE 2020 Girls Our girls were missing 2 of our regular players and had to dig deep to beat a very determined RGHS Maroon Team. The very close game ended with the win to us at 25-20, Players of the Day were: Capryce Proctor and
Waire Hapeta. Well done girls!
Boys Our boys played Ruamata Tama-Tuakana (Snrs) and after a very close first quarter pulled away to win comfortably, 48-32, Player of
the Day was Yohan Hepi-Ritete. Well done boys! ___________________________________________________________________________ 1ST XI BOYS HOCKEY We travelled to Whakatane to play against Whakatane 1st. The boys started play with a strong determined game. Within the first 15 mins a back shot from Tama Te Whau opened the scoring followed shortly by another beauty by Jayden Fraser. Two more goals during the game by Cody Managh and Jamaal Abdul Rahman saw a final score of 4-0. The game showed brilliant periods of team work play on the attack and strong defensive action. Player of The Day: Matthew Gray Games next Term: Girls 1st XI Game at 5.45pm in Rotorua Boys 1st XI Game at 4.30pm in Rotorua 2nd XI Bye Please be at the turf ready to play at least 30 mins prior.
CAREERS & GATEWAY ___________________________________________________________________________
KEY DATES FOR YOUR CAREER The following UNIVERSITIES will come in / virtually talk to interested students on these dates: Lincoln University Virtual Open Day
Friday 17 July
University of Otago Virtual Open Day
Thursday 23 July 3.30 – 7.30 pm
Dunedin On-Campus Open Day
Monday 10 August 9 – 3.30 pm
Victoria Uni Course Planning Visit
Tues 11th August – 1.10 pm in L1 6
Canterbury Uni Course Planning
Mon 7 September – 1.30 pm in L1
Contact the Careers Department for further info: Barbara Walker 3456124 x 235
___________________________________________________________________________ Cummins are pleased to announce that we have commenced the apprentice recruitment process for our January 2021 intake for 23 branches across Australia and New Zealand. This could be a great career opportunity for students that are interested in Heavy Diesel Mechanics, Electrical or Parts Interpreter apprenticeships. Details about apprenticeship positions and eligibility criteria are provided on the Cummins careers page. All applicants are required to submit an application online; which can be found at If you have any questions please let us know at
Gateway at school also has an opportunity for a student that is interested in work experience in this field. If you are interested can you please see Mrs E Hingston in the Gateway office for more information.
CALLING ALL BUSINESSES Let’s Help Our Youth understand the Trades and opportunities in the Real World
Mrs Eva Hingston Tel: 07- 345 6124 Ext 258
NOTICE BOARD Te Wātaka Takurua (Winter Events Guide).
Warm Pacific Greetings, Applications for the POPO Foundation Programme Scholarship open on 1 July 2020 and close on 15 August 2020. Students can apply for the Scholarship using the following link: The POPO Foundation Programme is for Pacific students intending on studying Health Sciences at University. Foundation Year offers a university entrance qualification recognised by all New Zealand universities and the qualification prepares students academically for their first year of study. What does the Scholarship provide?
A guaranteed place in a University of Otago Residential College A subsidy towards the accommodation fees at a University of Otago Residential College Private tutorials for Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Maths A dedicated, full-time Programme Coordinator Progress and attendance monitored to keep students on track Mentoring with senior students to aid in adjusting to life at Otago Please contact if you have any questions.
Real Lakes Youth Services
We are excited to announce that groups are back! Over lockdown, we have also been busy working on some new mental health groups for the young people in the Rotorua community. Each group has been designed to fun, interactive, and relevant for young people with the aim of equipping them with the knowledge, skills, and strategies to manage different challenges that they face in their daily lives. We will be running the below groups in term 3 2020 • Zones Group • Anxiety Group • Social Confidence • Sensory Modulation When will each group run? 8
Please see below for the group timetable for term 3. This will let you know the day, dates, and times of each group. How do I refer to a group? Attached you will find our referral form. Please return all referrals to by 01.07.2020 with the consent of your young person and a caregiver if 15 or under. All young people who are accepted and their referrers will be notified by 10.07.2020. For young people who do not get a place in group, the referrer will be notified by email. What else do I need to know? • If there are not enough appropriate applicants for a group, the group will not go forward. • Group spaces are limited; therefore, priority will be given to the young people who we feel will gain the most out of the group. • The ages for each group may vary slightly depending on the referral received. • Making a referral does not mean automatic acceptance into the group. Referrals may be declined if they are deemed not appropriate or if there is not enough space within the group. • Late referrals will be looked at and accepted if there is still available space within the group. • Please talk to the young person to see if they are willing to commit to the group and the identified day/time on the flyer before referring. This helps to ensure that we can offer places on the group to those who want to and can attend. • Acceptance onto group does not mean that the young person will receive a key worker. • Accepted young people will be notified of the venue before the group starts, it will be relatively central to Rotorua. • Real can provide transportation to and from the group if required (within reason), but own transportation will be preferred when possible.
CONTACT US we are here to Phone: 07-345 6124 Email: help Web: ___________________________________________________________________________
Thank you to our Sponsor 9