Rotorua Lakes High School “Mauria te pono - Keep steadfastly to the truth”
NEWSLETTER ISSUE No. 25 – 6 September 2019
From the Principal – P. 1 - 4 News – P. 4 - 7 Careers / Gateway P. 7 - 8 Notice Board – P. 8 - 9 Contact Us – P. 10 Our Sponsors – P. 11
Dear Parents / Caregivers & Whanau Kia ora tatou katoa. Ka timata te Wiki o te Reo a te Mane nei. Ka tautoko matou i tenei kaupapa rangatira i te kura whanui nei, kia marama pai tatou nga Kaiako me nga tauira ki etahi ahuatanga o te Ao Maori me ona Tikanga hoki. Ko te tino wawata ka whakamahia te reo i te tau katoa. He iwi kotahi tatou! As I have said above: As many of you may be aware, Maori Language Week starts on Monday. We are looking forward to supporting this initiative across the school and developing student awareness of Te Ao and Tikanga Maori. In some ways every week should be Maori Language week as it represents a part of who we are as a nation. I want to take this opportunity to congratulate and celebrate some of the fantastic successes we have had in Lakes this week. As you will read below Alana Kairaoi achieved National Champion in Squash New Zealand. Our brother and sister duo, Holly and Luke Gardner, are National Champions in Rock Climbing and our students have been away on tournament achieving successes and gaining experience. Briar Wilkinson has been selected as a Netball Umpire at the AIMS Games next week. We wish her all the best and congratulate her on completing her umpiring qualifications. I look forward to these positive sporting achievements continuing into the future. Our senior students have only 30 days of school remaining as of Monday 9 September. It is really important that they are present and focused in this remaining period to ensure that they get the best support that we can offer. For our Year 13 this is the final countdown of 13 years of schooling, so now is the time to ensure they put in every effort. Our staff are spending a lot of time running tutorials, doing revision exercises and going through past exam papers which will give the students a firm footing as they head into the externals. If you have a Senior Student please encourage them to keep up the good work. As you may well be aware there is an ongoing concern regarding the National Measles epidemic. As yet, we have no direction from the Ministry of Education, but it is likely that we will need to identify who has had a measles 1
vaccination and we will be mostly likely requesting this in the near future. In the meantime, the symptoms are shown later in this newsletter. If you do have concerns please get your son / daughter to a doctor and keep them at home until you have a clear diagnosis. Nga mihi
Jon Ward Principal / Tumuaki
__________________________________________________________________________ NZ SECONDARY SCHOOLS SPORTS CLIMBING NATIONALS by Lisa McFarlane The NZ Secondary Schools Sports Climbing Nationals were held at Rocktopia Mt. Maunganui on Monday 2 and Tuesday 3 this week. On Monday morning we had Jacob Heighway and Liam Snook competing in the junior section with Liam Snook qualifying to the semi’s. He competed on Tuesday finishing up a credible 10th place. In the Seniors, Luke and Holly Gardner both climbed well on Monday, making it through to the semi’s with Luke top qualifier and Holly 2nd. Both qualified to the last four, being top qualifiers, then had the most amazing results with both Holly and Luke winning the titles of NZ Senior Boy & Girl Champions. Luke headed off a JPC Climber by 0.02 seconds in the speed climb to take the title. Rotorua Lakes High also won the NZ Secondary School Top School Trophy.
What a success!! We are proud of our new NZ Champions Holly and Luke Gardner. Congratulations!
__________________________________________________________________________ SWIMMING Last weekend 3 RLHS swimmers competed as part of the Swim Rotorua Swimming Club team at the Aquaknights Championships. This is a competition which brings together swimmers from BOP, Waikato, Hawkes Bay/Poverty Bay and Taranaki. Skye Cox (17 yrs) had a fantastic competition placing 2nd in 200 back and 3rd in 100 free and 100 back in her age group. Skye also place 4th in the Open Age A final of the 100 freestyle knocking it off in less than a minute for the first time. Skye was also part of the Club relay team that took 1st and 2nd place. This competition came on the back of the BOP championships where Skye competed against athletes from all over New Zealand and took out 3 Gold medals – including for 50 butterfly, 2 silver medals and one bronze. Samuel Trass (13 yrs) placed 1st in 100 fly, and 200 fly and 3rd in 50 fly in his age group. Samuel then tackled the 1,500 freestyle for the first time placing 1st in his age group and 6th overall. He then had to follow up a few minutes later with the Open age A final in the 200 butterfly! Stella Weston (14yrs) placed 3rd in 200 Breaststroke and 4th in 100 Breaststroke in her age group, and placed 8th in Open A Age Final of the 200 Breaststroke.
All three swimmers will compete at NZ Secondary Schools Swimming in two weeks. Best of luck!
Stella Weston
Skye Cox
Samuel Trass 3
__________________________________________________________________________ NATIONAL SQUASH CHAMPION Huge Congratulations to our teacher, Alana We are very proud of her!
Kairaoi who is the National Squash Champion of New Zealand.
__________________________________________________________________________ FROM THE BOT The following policies are currently up for review. If you would like to view any of these policies, we invite you to come into the school where they are available at the Principal’s PA office. Alternatively, if you would like a copy emailed, please send an email to Appointment of Staff Child Protection Policy
NEWS ___________________________________________________________________________ CHARITY EVENT
SUPPORT THE SALVATION ARMY! Our prefects are organizing a ‘can’ drive for donations to the Salvation Army bring a can / non-perishable foods to school throughout the week of 9 – 13 SEPTEMBER It can be anything! e.g. deo, toothpaste, noodles etc All donations can be left at student reception
Great cause!! Please help our students and donate ___________________________________________________________________________ FROM THE MATHS DEPARTMENT All students in the 4 11MSC classes will be sitting an External Achievement Standard called the MCAT on Tuesday 17 September in Period 1 in the Auditorium. Students need to go straight to the Auditorium at the beginning of House Group and line up in their class. They need their blue/black pens, pencils, ruler and rubber in a clear bag. Watches, calculators and phones are NOT allowed in the Auditorium. If your child is absent on Tuesday 17 September please ring Mr Shaun English as soon as possible on 34562124 ext 241. The Maths Department are running tutorials for the MCAT every lunchtime in A2 until 17 September and also each Tuesday after school in A11. All 11MSC students are welcome to these highly recommended tutorials.
___________________________________________________________________________ MATHS HOMEWORK CENTRE Each TUESDAY from 3.30 – 4.15 in A11 - All Welcome - Please bring a snack and a smile
___________________________________________________________________________ VISUAL ART Tutorials are now running every Thursday after school 3.30 - 5pm in C3
VISUAL ARTS PORTFOLIO DUE DATES All Visual art students are busy working on portfolios at present. These projects are external assessments worth 12 credits (year 11 and 12) and 14 credits (year 13). As they are external assessments, failure to submit finished folios on time will result in a Not Achieved grade. Due dates are as follows: Year 11 (Paint and Print / Sculpture/Mixed Media and Photography) Due Date: September 26th (last Thursday term 3) Year 12 (Photography/ Painting/Sculpture) Due Date: September 27th (last Friday term 3 Formative assessment) Year 13: (Design /Sculpture/Painting) Due Date: 1st November
___________________________________________________________________________ ASSESSMENTS The following assessments have been set down to take place within the next two weeks. There may be times where, due to unforeseen circumstances, changes will need to occur. This will be done in consultation with the class(es) concerned.
Level Subject 1 2 3 2 3
Music Music Music Physics English
91090 91270 91416 91169 91397
Due Week 8 Due Week 8 Due Week 8 18 October 2019 Due beginning Week 10 (currently working on class time) __________________________________________________________________________________
YEAR 13 ENGLISH Ms Walker's Year 13 English class are currently working on A/S 91478 4 credits "Making Connections". They are working on this in class and at home. This assessment is due in at the end of week 9 Friday 20th September. __________________________________________________________________________________
EXTERNAL ASSESSMENT DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY Digital Technology Common Assessment Task (DCAT), external assessment is Monday, 24 September 2019. __________________________________________________________________________________
FROM THE HEALTH & WELLNESS CENTRE From 1 January 2019 to 4 September 2019, 991 confirmed cases across New Zealand. 821 of these are in the Auckland region. Confirmed measles cases by district: (As at 04/09/2019) Western Bay - 29 Eastern Bay - 0 Rotorua - 3 TaupĹ? - 6 The latest case confirmed was 4th September. It is spread from person to person through the air by breathing, sneezing or coughing. Just being in the same 5
room as someone with measles can lead to infection if you are not immune. The first early symptoms of measles are fever, runny nose, sore red eyes and cough, followed a few days later by a rash usually starting on the face before moving down the body.
If you or a family member suspect you have measles you should stay at home and call Healthline on 0800 611 116 or your doctor to alert them of your symptoms. For more information: Nurse Rach
PASSING EXAMS SEMINAR International author, speaker and trainer, Patrick Sherratt will be visiting Rotorua again to present his interactive and entertaining exam-preparation seminar to our senior students. In this two-hour public presentation, Patrick will offer a five-step approach to prepare for exams while building in solutions to many of the common challenges students face in the lead up to exams. If your son or daughter is having problems getting motivated to study, procrastinates, gets distracted easily, has a poor memory or suffers from exam nerves, this will be a "must-attend" seminar. Held in the school library at 11.30 – 1.30 on Wednesday 16th of October, this seminar will cost $20 per person. If you would like your child to attend, registrations and payments can be made at the student reception For more information about Patrick’s work, please visit: ________________________________________________________________________________
KEY DATES TERM 3 2019 Secondary Schools Winter Tournament Mon 2 to Sat 8 September Tracking Reports Issued Friday 6 September NZSS Swimming Champs Thurs 12 to Sun 15 September Reports issued, Jnr & Snr Friday 20 September Parent Interview Evening Tuesday 24 September begins 3.30 pm Sports Awards Evening Thurs 26 September 6 pm onwards LAST DAY TERM 3 Fri 27 September _________________________________________________________________________________
CAREERS & GATEWAY On Thursday 12 September in L1 at 1.30 pm, Charlie Savage from TradeUp will be joining us for a talk on employment placement for youth. TradeUp is an employment placement provider that specialises in placing and supporting youth into full-time, sustainable employment with the trades where career pathways and apprenticeships are encouraged and promoted.
Need further information? please contact : Mrs Eva Hingston Tel: 07- 345 6124 Ext 258
___________________________________________________________________________ The following UNIVERSITIES will be in to talk to interested students this term during lunchtime on these dates:
Halls of Residence CCRF due date Victoria Uni Course Planning 1.30 pm in L1 Victoria Uni Open Day Victoria Uni School Leavers Scholarships close Massey Uni Course Planning 1.30 pm in L1 Victoria Uni Online Enrolment Opens
Contact the Careers Department for further info: Barbara Walker 3456124 x 235
ERICA WALKER as Sleeping Beauty
Spring into Summer with Swim Rotorua Swimming Club Come along and get fit whether for waterpolo, waka ama, triathlons or Athletics. I am Greg, the new coach of the Metro Squad at Swim Rotorua. I have recently moved here from South Africa where I have national colours for competing at the World Student Games for swimming. I am making the sessions in the Metro Squad as interesting, diverse and multi-purpose as possible. We have swimmers, water polo players and some students just swimming for fun. Bring a friend and try swimming. Sessions available most days. Email or phone: 022 332 6922. 9
CONTACT US we are here to help
Phone: 07-345 6124 Email: Web:
Thank you to all our Sponsors