7 December

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Rotorua Lakes High School “Mauria te pono - Keep steadfastly to the truth”


CHALKBOARD From the Principal - P. 2020 info -P. News – P. Careers/Gateway – P. Notice Board – P. Contact Us – P. Our Sponsors – P.

Kia ora Koutou, The school term has well and truly begun with academic expectations and courses being discussed with students, and our swimming sports coming up. On Wednesday next week we will be celebrating an investiture assembly, where our prefects and houses captains will be formally badged and presented to the school. Parents of those students receiving acknowledgement are welcome to attend, invitations have been sent out. We hope to see you there. NCEA figures for 2019 continued our positive academic results with our Level 2 results close to 90% verses a 76% national average; our NCEA Level 3 results at 76% verses a national average of 65%. These figures will only get better once we have completed programmes to support students who had marginal results. I want to take this opportunity to again thank the staff at RLHS for the outstanding commitment they put into supporting our students. As part of the Investiture Assembly we will also be recognizing students at Levels 1, 2 and 3 NCEA who received Merit and Excellence endorsements in their overall certificates. It has been a very hot couple of weeks for the start of term and I am conscious that it has been uncomfortable in certain learning environments. The Board is actively looking at ensuring we maintain learning environments that meet the needs of our student and this includes temperature control. At this point in time, we are encouraging all students to remain hydrated and we have fans operating in those rooms where air conditioning is currently not available. We aim to have a plan in place to address school wide temperature control more effectively very shortly. I am also aware that many of our families have had difficulty obtaining the school uniform from our current supplier. We are reviewing these issues to ensure that they will not happen in the future and I apologise for the inconvenience that this has caused you. We are taking this up with our supplier and finding a better approach in the future. For the most part, the uniforms being worn by our students are currently looking very good. One area that I do need to address though is that of socks. The school uniform is plain black, navy or white socks. In recent times many students have started to wear socks with specific logos on them. These are not our uniform. This is a gentle 1

reminder to please ensure students do have the correct socks for school. We do not believe this is a financial burden as you can get 5 pairs of plain black socks at the Warehouse for $10. Students will be reminded over the next week and a half about wearing the correct socks but ultimately if they continue to wear the incorrect uniform there will be escalating consequences. We take pride in our school and the uniform that our students wear is an outward sign of the pride that they also show. I would like to take this opportunity to welcome our new International Students who have started at the beginning of this term and also to thank those families who offer a wonderful, welcoming homestay environment. It really is a great opportunity to embrace other cultures, be part of our wider school community and form positive international relationships. I also wish to welcome Turanga Merito starting our dance instruction for our students every Monday. I know, his lively enthusiasm, will be greatly appreciated by our students and it is good to see dance once again growing at Lakes High. Nga mihi

Jon Ward Principal / Tumuaki

___________________________________________________________________________ 2020 DETAILS BEGINNING OF 2020 INFO Please note the following term dates for 2020:

TERM DATES 2020 Tuesday 28 January Tuesday 28 April Monday 20 July Monday 12 October

Friday 10 April Friday 3 July Friday 25 September Wednesday 9 December

11 weeks 10 weeks 10 weeks 9 weeks


13 April – 26 April 6 July - 19 July 28 September – 12 October 7 December onwards

PUBLIC HOLIDAYS 2020 Good Friday Easter Monday Anzac Day Queen’s Birthday Labour Day

Friday 10 April Monday 13 April Monday 27 April Monday 1 June Monday 26 October

BRIEF LOOK 12 Feb 20 Feb 27 Feb 28 Feb 3 - 6 Mar 11 – 13 Mar 10 April

– TERM 1 2020

Investiture / Celebratory Assembly Swimming Sports School Photos School Athletics Year 13 Camp Year 10 Camp END OF TERM 1 2

NEWS ___________________________________________________________________________ PARENT INFORMATION EVENING A reminder to all parents that the Parent information evening is Wednesday 19 February 2020 from 4 – 6 pm. We particularly welcome all our parents who are new to our school community. A schedule will be in next week’s newsletter.

___________________________________________________________________________ DANCE 2020 Dance is a new itinerary class offered to students on a Monday who wish to experience dance as a performing art. Classes will commence on Monday the 10th of February and Turanga Merito will be our Dance tutor. All students who signed up have been offered a place in the programme and will be coming home with a timetable indicating when their weekly class will be held. We are really looking forward to introducing Dance to our students at Rotorua Lakes High School. If your daughter or son is interested in taking part please see Mrs Stunell in the Music department to sign up.

__________________________________________________________________________ SWIMMING SPORTS Swimming Sports is on Thursday 20th February. A letter was sent home with students on their first day of school. Please return the permission slip attached. Attendance and participation is the key for this event. Students are to come to school in their togs and House colours, they will be bused to the Aquatic Centre. They should bring water bottles, food, sunblock and hats. If they are going to be picked up from the pool at the end of the day they need to have a note from home. Bring on the first major House event of the year! There is a fundraiser sausage at the venue as well.

___________________________________________________________________________ MĀORI EDUCATION TRUST 2020 The Māori Education Trust 2020 Scholarship Programme is open and offers scholarships to Māori secondary school and tertiary students who meet the respective scholarship’s criteria. The 2020 Secondary Scholarship Programme is made up of the following scholarships:

Year 9 • • •

Tī Maru Māori Trust Secondary Boarding Scholarship Rose Hellaby Scholarship Māori Education Trust Year 9 Scholarship

Year 10 – 11 •

Māori Education Trust Year 10 and 11 Scholarship

Year 9 – 13 • • •

Sister Anne Henry Scholarship Edward Carlton Holmes Memorial Scholarship Māori Education Trust Boarding Scholarship

Year 12 – 13 • •

RJ Graham Scholarship Māori Education Trust Year 12 and 13 Scholarship

Year 13 • •

VW & LM Rosier Scholarship Regina Rudland Memorial Scholarship

Applicants can download an application form from www.maorieducation.org.nz, or contact as below for email or post. If you would like more information, please do not hesitate to contact: 04 586 7971, text: 027 262 8046, or email: info@maorieducation.org.nz. 3


2020- 2022 Scholarship NOW OPEN The Ngati Whakaue Education Endowment Trust Board in conjunction with Toi Ohomai and MDA Experiences are proud to support the Ngati Whakaue Education Endowment Adventure Tourism Scholarship Programme. This scholarship is established to assist Ngati Whakaue descendants to obtain employment, training and junior leadership positions within the Adventure Tourism industry. Please follow the link below for all details:

https://vps.ngatiwhakaue-eetb.org.nz/index.php/2-uncategorised/34-nweetb-toi-ohomai-mda-adventuretourism-scholarship ___________________________________________________________________________ YEAR 13 CAMP – OHOPE CHRISTIAN CAMP 2020 The camp for year 13 students will be at Ohope Christian Camp from Tuesday 3 to Friday 6 March 2020. The aims of the camp are to: Develop unity in the Senior School Develop leadership and initiative skills Motivate students to set goals and work towards achieving them. Review their year 12 progress and set targets for Level 3 (or where appropriate Level 2) NCEA Identify and meet key competencies Start the House Spirit ethos for the year Activities will include Motivation and Goal Setting, Careers, Leadership, Team Building and House Spirit activities, Time Management and Beach Education. A letter with further details will be sent to all Yr 13 parents shortly and forms will be sent home with students at course confirmation days. TUES 3 MARCH TO FRI 6 MARCH 2020 Leaving school @ 11 am Return to school @ 1.30 pm (approx.)

Cost = $190 approx Bus travel provided Open to all Year 13 Students

___________________________________________________________________________ PARKING AT ROTORUA LAKES HIGH SCHOOL We appreciate your cooperation with the following parking regulations at the school: Please do not drive into the school to drop off or pick up your child at peak times as this causes significant traffic jams. Please arrange with your child to meet further down the road. Please do not park at the bus stop near the school main gate between 3.15 pm and 3.45 pm. It is illegal to park or briefly stop as this is a designated bus area only which is regularly enforced by the Police and tickets have been issued before. Always single park (double parking causes accidents and traffic jams). We thank you for your help and cooperation.

________________________________________________________________ TEACHER AIDE POSITION AT RLHS We are looking to employ a full time Teacher Aide to work with students in our Supported Learning Unit. A passion to develop students' understanding of the curriculum and maintain a positive outlook to support all students is needed. Previous Teacher Aide experience is a benefit. For further information and an application form please contact Jayne Humphries, Principal's PA, humphriesj@rotorualakes.school.nz or 3456124 ext 223 (closing date: 17 February 2020 at 4pm)



Civil Defence Youth Ambassador Programme 2020 Keswick Christian Camp - Rotorua

Information for Schools The Civil Defence Youth Ambassadors Programme (CDYAP) is an internationally recognized, two and half day summit aimed at Year 11 students. The programme is run by Emergency Management Bay of Plenty and will focus on emergency preparedness and improving resilience within our schools. The objective of the programme is to train students from every high school in the Bay of Plenty to become civil defence leaders. Students will be given the knowledge, skills and support to ensure their school and community are prepared for any emergency. Benefits for students • Gaining relevant, real-world leadership skills with a key focus on raising awareness of civil defence at school and in the community. • Learning about emergency response processes and how they can take an active role should a disaster occur. • Making key connections with communities, civil defence organisations and experts in the Bay of Plenty. • Meeting diverse new friends from across the region and learning in a fun, dynamic environment! Benefits for our schools and communities • Every school will gain at least two trained civil defence leaders, to join those already trained in 2018 and 2019, who are able to educate their peers and raise awareness of emergency response procedures. • Students will receive training to support school H&S staff in matters related to emergency planning. • Ongoing support from EMBOP will be provided to students to enable them to run school emergency drills, plan awareness campaigns and spread civil defence key messages. • Students will return to school with a clear understanding of community connections vital to emergency preparedness. • Students will return to their schools with civil defence knowledge that is linked closely to key competencies in the NZ Curriculum. The key points: • The CDYAP is an opportunity open to all Year 11 students, regardless of academic, sporting or existing leadership ability/experience. • EMBOP will cover the costs for students to attend this event, including transport to and from the venue. 5

• • • • •

Students interested in attending the CDYAP are invited to apply. Schools can submit multiple student applications, which will be considered by a panel. There are 6 places available for students who attended the programme in 2019, to return as mentors. Information packs, including application paperwork, will be sent to schools in due course. There is a clear expectation that each school will nominate a member of staff to support their two students post-event and commit to being a civil defence liaison. Teachers interested in attending can also apply to participate. There are five spaces for teachers and these will be allocated by ballot if oversubscribed. Teachers who attend will be supported to develop H&S procedures for school emergency plans. Teacher release will be paid by EMBOP.

For any enquiries about this event, contact Theo Ursum – Emergency Management Advisor, EMBOP Mob: 027 213 5272 Email: theo.ursum@embop.govt.nz EMBOP Website: bopcivildefence.govt.nz/

__________________________________________________________________________ The following UNIVERSITIES will be in to talk to interested students this term during lunchtime on these dates:

KEY DATES FOR YOUR CAREER CALENDAR Canterbury Uni Massey Uni Wintec Auckland Uni Victoria Uni

- Wed 11th March - Tues 24th March - Wed 25th March - Thurs 26th March - Wed 8th April

- 1.30pm in L1 - 1.30pm in L1 - 1.30pm in L1 - 1.30pm in L1 - 1.30 pm in L1

Contact the Careers Department for further info: Barbara Walker 3456124 x 235 walkerb2@rotorualakes.school.nz



CONTACT US we are here to help

Phone: 07-345 6124 Email: office@rotorualakes.school.nz Web: www.rotorualakes.school.nz 7

Thank you to all our Sponsors


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