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Rotorua Lakes High School “Mauria te pono - Keep steadfastly to the truth”


CHALKBOARD From the Principal – P. 1 - 2 Reminders for the year – P 2 - 4. News – P. 4 – 6 Sports – 6 - 7 Notice Board – P. 9 - 10 Contact Us – P. 10 Our Sponsors – P. 11

Dear Parents/Caregivers ____________________________________________________________________________ 2019 TERM DETAILS Please note the following term dates for 2019:

TERM DATES 2019 Tuesday 29 January Monday 29 April Monday 22 July Monday 14 October

Friday 12 April Friday 5 July Friday 27 September Friday 6 December

11 weeks 10 weeks 10 weeks 8 weeks


15 April – 28 April 6 July - 21 July 28 September – 13 October 9 December onwards

PUBLIC HOLIDAYS 2019 Auckland Anniversary Waitangi Day Good Friday Easter Monday Anzac Day Queen’s Birthday Labour Day

Monday 28 January Wednesday 6 February Friday 19 April Monday 22 April Thursday 25 April Monday 3 June Monday 28 October

TERM 1 KEY DATES 2019 Wed 13 Feb Tues 19 Feb Wed 20 Feb Thurs 21 Feb Tues 26 Feb – Fri 1 Mar Mon 4 – Wed 6 Mar Tues 12 Mar Fri 12 Apr Yours sincerely

Investiture / Celebratory Assembly School Photos New Parents Information Evening (4 – 6 pm) Swimming Sports Day Year 13 Camp Year 10 Camp Road Safety Youth Expo END OF TERM


NEWS REMINDERS FOR THE YEAR ____________________________________________________________________________ GENERAL DONATION Each year the school seeks from parents a $70 donation per student. This is included in the school fees account. This donation can be claimed as a charitable donation through Inland Revenue. At Rotorua Lakes High School we spend the donation on first aid supplies, school nurse, library donations and to support our co-curricular activities. It is unfortunate that we need to seek charitable support from parents / whanau for so-called ‘free education’ but government grants to schools do not cover a lot of extras. Thank you very much to the parents / whanau who pay this voluntary donation, it is greatly appreciated.

____________________________________________________________________________ SCHOOL TIMETABLE The organization for the school day is: 8.45 - 9.05 9.05 – 10.05 10.05 – 11.05 11.05 – 11.30 11.30 – 12.30 12.30 – 1.30 1.30 – 2.15 2.15 – 3.15



____________________________________________________________________________ PUNCTUALITY It is very important that students arrive at school on time for house group at 8.45 am to be marked present at school on the attendance register and to hear the daily notices so they are aware of what is happening around the school. Warning bell

8.40 am

Into House Group

8.45 am

__________________________________________________________________________ PARKING AT ROTORUA LAKES HIGH SCHOOL We appreciate your cooperation with the following parking regulations at the school: please arrange with your child to meet further down the road. Please do not park at the bus stop near the school main gate between 3.15 pm and 3.45 pm. It is illegal to park or briefly stop as this is a designated bus area only which is regularly enforced by the Police and tickets have been issued before. Always single park (double parking causes accidents and traffic jams).

__________________________________________________________________________ SIGNING OUT OF SCHOOL DURING THE DAY The system is: The student brings a note written and signed by parent / caregiver The House Group Tutor signs the note at House Group time in the morning The student presents the note to leave class The student presents the note to the Duty Dean in the Duty Dean’s office next to the Canteen to sign out of school The student signs back into school at the Duty Dean’s office when they return.

__________________________________________________________________________ STUDENT ABSENCES It is expected that parents phone the school absence line (345 6124, ext 244) before 8.30 am to let us know that their child will be away from school. A written letter from home explaining the absence must be supplied to the House Group tutor on the student’s return to school if you have not phoned in. We also have an ABSENCE LINE FOR TEXTING 027 765 4957. Please give your name, your student’s name, House Group and the reason for absence. Please contact our Attendance Officer, Mrs Paula Short, if you have any concerns 345 6124, ext 266.

_________________________________________________________________________ STUDENTS LATE TO SCHOOL If students are late to school they must either bring a note from home to explain the lateness, or an appointment card from their Doctor/Dentist/Optician, etc., or parents may phone the school to explain lateness. All late students must report to the Duty Dean in the Duty Dean’s office on arrival to sign in and be issued with a late pass.

__________________________________________________________________________ LUNCHTIME All students are expected to remain at school for lunch, they are not permitted to leave the school grounds at lunchtime. If for any reason there is an occasion that a student must leave school at lunchtime, they will need a written note from home to excuse them and sign out as above.

__________________________________________________________________________ SCHOOL STATIONERY / WORKBOOKS It is very important that students get their stationery as soon as possible for the start of the school year so that they do not fall behind in their learning and their books are up-to-date right from the start of the year. When purchasing your 2019 school stationery from Warehouse Stationery please request ‘SUPPORT YOUR SCHOOL’ points for LAKES HIGH. We are then able to redeem these points for valuable resources. We appreciate your support.

__________________________________________________________________________ SCHOOL UNIFORM Some reminders about uniform: Shoes and laces must be completely black Sandals must be completely black with the backs up so they do not look like jandals NO jandals/boots/gumboots/slippers Only white singlet/top under shirts Shorts/trousers/skirts must not be rolled up Plain black or navy caps – no emblems except for the school logo NB: Uniform items must be purchased from The Rugby Shop, Maisey Place, Fairy Springs, except for the school jackets, jersey and PE uniform which are purchased from school.

Donations of second hand uniform are gratefully accepted by the school – thank you __________________________________________________________________________ CHARTER BUS All Charter Bus students must have purchased their bus passes by Friday 15 February 2019.  A term pass costs $200.00  A 10 ride pass costs $30.00 Payable at student reception.

NEWS __________________________________________________________________________ 2019 YEAR 10 CAMP 2019 Year 10 Camp is being held at Okataina Outdoor Education Centre for three days and two nights from Monday 4th March to Wednesday 6th March. The aims of the camp are to: provide an opportunity for students to practice safety procedures/strategies for risk situations develop/understand environmental, traditional and cultural values develop a sense of respect for the environment

encourage students to build positive and constructive relationships which should lead to students feeling happier and settled in school increase knowledge and skills of recreational/leisure activities in a practical setting. Activities will include cross-curricular challenges, team building and recreational paddling in the form of Kayaking and Raft Building. Places for this camp are limited and will be allocated on a first come first serve basis. The cost of the camp is yet to be confirmed but should stay similar to last years, which was $100. A deposit of $50 is required to confirm your child’s place at camp. You are able to set up an automatic payment to pay off the camp fee but you will need to do this as soon as possible. There is no refund should the camp have to return early because of unforeseen circumstances i.e. weather.

Forms and initial payment are due by Wednesday 20th February. __________________________________________________________________________ RLHS U15 TR IP TO FIJI In December last year, as students were celebrating their last day of school and the beginning of the holidays, a RLHS U15 netball team were on their way to Fiji for 9 days to attend an international netball festival. This was attended by teams from Fiji, Australia and NZ. It was definitely a super hot time to be in Fiji playing netball but it was well worth it. The girls played some good games and were exposed to some different styles of netball which was a great learning experience for them. They even played some games on grass courts. The cultural interactions between the local Fijian teams on and off the courts, and the hospitality of the locals, is definitely something everyone will remember for a long time. It was truly awesome. On other days the team visited local markets, spent a day at Beachcomber Island partaking in a variety of water sports, visited mud pools (a bit different from what we have here) as well as taking gifts to a local Fijian village and meeting the Chief. Accommodation was at the First Landing resort which was a fantastic complex, totally picturesque. The staff were amazing and the girls got involved with many of the activities that they had on offer. On the last evening the staff sang a farewell song to the team. This was quite special as they did not do this to any of the other teams that were staying. What really made the night though was the reply from the netball team. They stood and performed the school haka back to them. It brought tears to many of the Fijians, and really topped off an amazing experience that this trip was. Bula!


YEAR 13 CAMP – OHOPE CHRISTAN CAMP 2019 The camp for year 13 students will be at Ohope Christian Camp from Tuesday 26 February to Friday 1 March 2019. The aims of the camp are to: Develop unity in the Senior School Develop leadership and initiative skills Motivate students to set goals and work towards achieving them. Review their year 12 progress and set targets for Level 3 (or where appropriate Level 2) NCEA Identify and meet key competencies Start the House Spirit ethos for the year Activities will include Motivation and Goal Setting, Careers, Leadership, Team Building and House Spirit activities, Time Management and Beach Education. A letter with further details will be sent to all Yr 13 parents shortly. Tues 26 Feb to Fri 1 March Leaving school @ 11 am Return to school @ 1.30 pm (approx.)

Cost = $190 approx Bus travel provided Open to all Year 13 Students

__________________________________________________________________________ MATHS HOMEWORK CENTRE Each TUESDAY from 3.30 – 4.15 in A11

All Welcome - Please bring a snack and a smile

SPORTS __________________________________________________________________________ NETBALL AT ROTORUA LAKES HIGH SCHOOL The 2019 netball season is fast approaching with exciting changes. This year secondary school netball will be played on a Wednesday evening. The lights were installed over summer on the top 8 courts, and the remaining courts have been laid with the green surface.

Senior Netball Information (Year 11-13)

Junior Netball Information (Year 9-10)

Muster Dates Tuesday 12th February, Tuesday 19th February Trial Dates Tuesday 26th February, Thursday 28th February, Tuesday 5th March Trainings Begin week 7, from Monday 11th March onwards Grading Days Week 10 and 11 of the school term (may be a Saturday)

Muster Dates Thursday 7th March, Trial Dates Tuesday 12th March, Thursday 14th March, Tuesday 19th March Trainings Begin week 9, from Monday 29th March onwards Possible pre-season tournament week 11 Grading Days Begin week 1 term 2, Wednesday 1st May

If any parents wish to assist with netball as a coach, umpire, or manager, please contact Kimiora Insley on 027 292 9807 or insleyk@rotorualakes.school.nz



School to skies 2019 - An amazing opportunity for a Year 13 Female: Some of you may know about the RNZAF Schools to Skies program. It is an amazing opportunity for young women in year 13 who have an interest in maths and science? New Zealand needs more women in the aviation industry as Engineers, Technicians, Pilots and more. This is a great way for young women to see what these careers are all about. NZDAF are giving 40 students from around NZ a chance to spend 7 days with them to find out. The “School to Skies� Programme is a Tech and Aviation Camp that will give them the chance to try before you buy. Applications are open for girls in Year 13, from anywhere in NZ, who are currently studying NCEA Level 3 (or equivalent) maths AND science subjects. Travel costs to and from RNZAF Base Woodbourne will need to be met by the applicant (noting there may be limited travel subsidies available for qualifying applicants). All other costs including food and accommodation will be taken care of by RNZAF. If you know of schools or young women in your area looking for an amazing opportunity then this could be it. I understand the learning and fun they have is very high. More details and applications are open at https://rnzaf.schooltoskies.co.nz/info/


Mad Butcher is looking for student for after school work and 1 day in the weekend - only apply if you are keen to work hard! Ph Todd: 07 345 9283

Or Mrs Eva Hingston Tel: 07- 345 6124 Ext 258 Email: hingstonev@rotorualakes.school.nz

The following UNIVERSITIES will be in to talk to interested students this term during lunchtime on these dates:


Waikato Uni Liaison Introduction visit – 1.30 pm in L1 Canterbury Uni Liaison Introduction visit – 1.30 pm in L1 Wintec Liaison Introduction visit – 1.30 pm in L1 Otago Uni Liaison Introduction visit – 1.30 pm in L1 Massey Uni Introduction Visit – 1.30 in L1

Contact the Careers Department for further info: Barbara Walker 3456124 x 235 walkerb2@rotorualakes.school.nz



Wednesday Years 9-13 5.30-6.30 and /or 4.30-6.00 Friday only $75 for rest of the season membership. Coaching with professional tennis coach, Justin Megraw. For more information see www.sporty.co.nz/rotoruatennis or contact Debra 021335492

CONTACT US we are here to help

Phone: 07-345 6124 Email: office@rotorualakes.school.nz Website: www.rotorualakes.school.nz

Thank you to all our Sponsors

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