9 July 2021

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Rotorua Lakes High School “Mauria te pono - Keep steadfastly to the truth”


CHALKBOARD From the Principal – P. 1 - 3 Information – P. 3 - 5 Student Successes – P. 5 Sport – P. 6 News from Teachers – P. 6 - 7 Careers / Gateway – P. 8 Notice Board – P. 9 - 10 Contacts – P. 10

Kia ora Koutou, This is my last newsletter for Term 2. A long term but I hope you will agree a very successful one. Our winter sports teams have been absolutely fantastic and the many workshops and events where our students have represented us so beautifully have been really awesome. This is a huge thank you to our students but also to our very dedicated staff who have put in tremendous work and efforts for our students. I couldn’t go any further without mentioning our Kapahaka group who performed in the Regionals on 2 July. I was very lucky to attend that day and I can tell you our students were simply amazing. We also had live streaming in our staff room and some classrooms. They did us proud and their dedication and professionalism was second to none. A huge thank you to our wonderful staff, Mrs Pani McLean and Ms Marleina Nelson who have worked with our students for so long and to our equally amazing and devoted tutors, George Haimona, Ricky Bishop, Putiputi Rowberry, Fraser Raukawa and Waimihi Rota-Matchitt. Kia ora! One of the key focuses of Term 3, will be our practice assessments. In some ways, I prefer not to call them practice assessments but derived grade exams. The reason for this is that these assessments provide evidence that we can give to NZQA to determine a grade for a student should they be unable to go to the final external exams. Every year, there are a number of students who have medical issues or family concerns which prevent them from attending the final exams. In these cases, with the appropriate documentation, we can look at providing derived grade evidence. Here’s hoping it won’t be needed. It was great to see so many of our community attending our parent / teacher evenings on 29 and 30 June. I know for some there were concerns around progress and hopefully the conversations provided a measure of reassurance and also clarified the positive pathways forward that we have in place for our students. It was good to see parents smiling both on the way in and the way out! If you missed these for any reason, and want to catch up with any specific staff, please feel free to email us at the school and we can pass on your queries in the right direction or you can email teachers directly. Around the school you may have noticed ongoing work to upgrade our physical environment – in our building courtyards, in front of the gym, around the wharenui. All of these approaches have been used to deliver spaces in which our students can be active and enjoy increasingly pleasant surroundings. Over the break and through Term 3 we will be starting on our reception upgrade. There will be a bit of disruption, with our main reception temporarily 1

moving to where our student reception is. We apologize for any disruption experienced. The builders are keen to progress the project quickly to ensure the inconvenience is minimized. As we all know it has been a long term and I have stressed to our staff how much everyone needs to take a break, re-charge batteries and be ready for the important academic Term 3. I hope that you and your whānau will have an opportunity to relax, recuperate and generally rest at some point through the break. We look forward to welcoming everyone back on the 26th July. Ngā mihi

Jon Ward, Principal Tumuaki wardj@rotorualakes.school.nz



___________________________________________________________________________ OUR NEW SCHOOL MURAL KOTAHITANGA : UNITED AS ONE We are very proud to announce the unveiling of our new mural. Created by renowned artist and ex-staff member, Taumata Soloman and initiated by our Student Cultural Committee, this artwork is a fantastic addition to our school environment, reflecting both our values and culture. A huge thank you to our staff and students involved in this. Please see description below:

Ko au ko Aotearoa, ko Aotearoa ko au. He whenua whakakotahi i ōna tāngata ahakoa tangata whenua mai, tangata tawhiti atu. Nōku no Ngā Moana te whakahīhī i a au ka kii ake i konei, he Kura mā te katoa ahau. Ahakoa ko wai, ahakoa nō hea “He Iwi kotahi tātou.” Mā whakakotahi, mā whakawhanaunga, mā manaaki, mā tiaki, mā aroha hoki tātou e ora ai.

Aotearoa is a land of inclusiveness. It is a land that unifies the many people who call this place home whether by birth or by citizenship. We at Rotorua Lakes High School are proud to be a United Kura who openly accept each and every person for who they are. No matter the race, the language or the colour “he Iwi kotahi tatou”. The coming together of all people under the principles of kotahitanga, whanaungatanga, manaakitanga, tiakitanga and aroha enables us all to share the same breath of education.

INFORMATION ___________________________________________________________________________ ASSESSMENTS The following assessments have been set down. There may be times where, due to unforeseen circumstances, changes will need to occur. This will be done in consultation with the class(es) concerned. Level 3 3


Subject History Classical Studies

Standard 91434 & 91435 91398

Date Tues 27 July Internal assessment - We will work on it the first weeks of next term. The holidays are time for the class to make their initial notes and view or read their modern myth.



Research Assignment internal assessment task this term. It is due in the first week after the holidays. That makes the holidays the perfect time for students to check that they have collected enough information from reputable sources to have detailed answers for their research questions. 3

___________________________________________________________________________ SUBJECT CHOICE FOR 2022 At the beginning of Term 3 students will be making choices about subjects next year. There is an option evening for students and whanau on Wednesday 4 August 4-6 pm). Heads of Departments and Teachers In charge will be available to talk about what their department offers. At the start of Term 3 students will also be issued with a guide to help in this process. We will be using Schoolpoint (the same one we used for parent interviews). Students should make their selections after planning their course and talking with their teachers and whanau. We ask that parents "OK" their child's choices through their login to Schoolpoint (instructions below). Head of Department's will then confirm the student has made the prerequisites or is likely to make the prerequisites of the course they have chosen. At the option evening we will have available some devices for families to use. If you need any help logging into or using schoolpoint please contact Mrs Barbara Walker, walkerb2@rotorualakes.school.nz or contact the school office 345 6124.

How to choose my Courses: 1. Log into SchoolPoint 2. Navigate to "My Courses" in the left hand navigation 3. "Subjects for Me" in the sub menu 4. Select the Subject 5. You will be taken to a page that has the course description, pathway and recommended prior learning. 6. Click on the "Add to your Favourites Courses" button to add this course to your favourite list. Click the same button to view a list of your Favourite Courses. Click on the name of the course to remove it. 7. Click on the "+ Select as one of my Courses" button to add this course to your Selected list. Click the same button to remove it. 8. Click on the "View my Courses" To view a summary of your choices. ___________________________________________________________________________ HEADS UP FOR INTERHOUSE Interhouse is Monday 2nd August. On this day, students will choose two activities to compete in, against the other houses. Students are to come to school in house colours - prizes for best dressed! (no paint). Choices for activities that day: Ki O Rahi, Uni Hockey, Ti Uru, Handball, Basketball, Flags, Kahoot, Ultimate Frisbee, and Battle of the Creative Minds - start thinking about which two you want to play.

Get involved and have fun! ___________________________________________________________________________ FREE HEARING SCREENING Reminder for Parents of Year 9 Students: The National Foundation for Deaf and Hard of Hearing is pleased to advise we will be providing free hearing screening at Rotorua Lakes High School for all Year 9 students in 2021. It is important that youth hearing loss is picked up, as early as possible, and that students can access the support services they need. The information sheet, assent (consent) form for your child to complete and a consent form for the parent/guardian to complete are available from the Wellness Centre Nurse or Student reception desk. Please complete the consent form, ask your child to complete the assent form and return to the school by Friday 23rd July please. If you have any questions about the screening programme please feel free to contact Yvonne.sinclair@nfd.org.nz or (09) 307 2922. 4

Alternatively, consent can be completed online via• Email – nurse@rotorualakes.school.nz, name of your child, their date of birth and giving consent for them to be seen. • Online Form via our website - https://www.nfdhearinghub.org.nz/copy-of-parental-consent-form

___________________________________________________________________________ MOBILE DENTAL UNIT Absolute dental will be operating their Mobile Dental unit at Rotorua Lakes High from 28th June till 6th August 2021. Any student who is not registered with a Dentist or has not seen a Dentist in more than a year can be seen. Consent and parent questionnaire forms are available from Student Reception or from the Wellness Centre Nurse. Can signed forms please be returned to either Student reception or the Nurse.

___________________________________________________________________________ NCEA EXAMS DATE RANGE 2022 The 2022 Examination Timetable for current NCEA standards and New Zealand Scholarship will run from Monday 7 November until Friday 2 December. No sessions are scheduled for Canterbury Anniversary Day (Fri 11 Nov) and Westland Anniversary Day (Mon 28 Nov).

___________________________________________________________________________ BRIEF LOOK – TERM 3 2021

MONDAY 26 JULY 2 August 4 August 6 August 11 August 20 August 16 – 22 August 25 August 27 August 30 August – 3 September 8 – 14 September 22 September 1 October Saturday 2 October FRIDAY 1 October

FIRST DAY OF TERM 3 Interhouse Subject Information Evening 4 – 6 pm Senior Tracking Reports issued Teacher Only Day Tough Guy & Gal Challenge NZ Short Course Swimming Champs Year 8 Open Day - 5. 30 – 7.00 pm Senior Tracking Reports issued Secondary Schools Winter Tournament Week Senior Exams Report Evening – 3.30 – 6 pm Senior & Junior Reports issued School Ball END OF TERM 3

STUDENT SUCCESSES ___________________________________________________________________________ KAPAHAKA REGIONALS We are so in awe of our students at the Kapahaka regionals. You are all awesome! Even though they didn't make the place to go to nationals, they gave it all on stage and they stepped their performance up to another level that we haven't seen yet.

We are so proud of you all


___________________________________________________________________________ COMMENDATION AWARD HONOUR FOR LOUISE Our year 10 student, Louise Jones-Diebert recently received the Cadet Unit Commandants Commendation Award for helping a fellow Cadet through a medical event. This is the highest award a Cadet can receive and in Louise's case at a very young age. Well done.

We are very proud of you.

___________________________________________________________________________ NEW BOARD MEMBER FOR FOCUS GROUP Congratulations to Poppy Croucher, Year 9, on her election to the board as a member of the Schools Cycling Focus Group for 2021. There were many applications received in 2021, and Poppy’s application was very impressive. The Schools Cycling Focus Group is very appreciative of her help and contribution to the group so far.

Very well done. ___________________________________________________________________________ ROTARY SPEECH COMPETITION Congratulations to Isidora Gonzalez Diaz for gaining second equal with her presentation at the Rotorua Rotary Speech competition. Isidora presented an engaging and interesting speech on the topic of "Education in New Zealand" with confidence and flair. Well done Isidora!

SPORT ___________________________________________________________________________ BOYS 1st XI Last week we travelled to Taupo to play against Tauhara. Being one of the top of the table teams we knew we would have to bring our A game. The boys started strong with good possession and team work being displayed. Unfortunately, a couple of slick moves from the opposition saw us down 2 goals in the first quarter. The boys continued to fight hard with two more quarters having both attacking and strong defensive moments. One more goal scored against us in the final quarter cemented the loss but the boys can walk away with their heads held high. They played brilliantly and were unlucky in moments. The coach had such trouble picking only one player who stood out so Players of the Day - The Team! 6

___________________________________________________________________________ BOYS 2XI HOCKEY The 2nd XI Boys travelled to Taupo on 1 July for the first match in the 2nd round, playing TNT Development side. The teams were evenly matched and our boys played well from the start, with solid defence passing and communication. Through the first 3 quarters they built dominance in possession and territory but this didn’t reflect on the scoreboard with the score level 0-0 going into the final quarter. A well taken goal to Riley Moulin opened the scoring and Lakes lifted another notch applying more pressure which resulted in a PC. Luke Sparks converted from the PC to take the score to 2-0. Player of the Day was Logan Morley who lead our defensive efforts from Centre Back, attacking the ball and stopping most of the TNT offence in it tracks.

___________________________________________________________________________ NZ MAORI U18 DEVELOPMENT SQUAD Congratulations again to Harry Durbin’s, Year13, selection for the NZ Maori U18 development squad. Follow this link for further information. https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100046440683294

NEWS FROM OUR TEACHERS Come along and enjoy dinner and a show😊 We are hosting a free community concert on Friday 13th August at 6.30pm. Performances from Rotorua Lakes High School, Mokoia Intermediate, Lynmore School, Rotokawa School, Whangamarino School and Owhata School. Food trucks and stalls will have food available to purchase from 5.30pm onwards and during the intermission. Tickets will be available in Term 3. Don’t miss this fantastic event!

___________________________________________________________________________ GREAT DAY WITH CLAY! The results of the Year 9 Clay unit in this option. The cartoon heads were inspired by the picture book “Where the Wild Things Are”. A big thankyou to our Sculpture teacher Mr Flitton and Design teacher Miss Chow. Fantastic work year 9s!!


___________________________________________________________________________ VERY SUCCESSFUL FIRST AID COURSE Our students enjoying a valuable first aid course on Wednesday. Well done.


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Fri 23rd July – Lincoln Uni Canterbury Campus Open Day – 10.00am – 4pm 29th July – Otago Uni Virtual Open Day Fri 30th and Sat 31st July – Massey Uni Virtual Open Day Wed 28th July – The Future of Accountancy – Waikato Uni - 4.30-7.00pm 1st August – University Hall’s of Residence applications Open Tuesday Fri 20th August – Victoria Uni Open Day School Leavers & 1st Year Scholarship close 25th August – Auckland Uni Saturday 28th August – Auckland Uni Campus Open Day 23rd September – Otago Uni Course Planning Visit – 1.30pm in L1Contact the Careers Department for further info: Barbara Walker 3456124 x 235 walkerb2@rotorualakes.school.nz 8


Ngā Toi Level 5 - 120 Credits Toi Ururangi programme is perfect for teachers wanting to upskill their Māori knowledge in: • Māori Song and Dance • Performance • Arts Administration • Study of Māori Composition • Māori Performing Arts in Tourism • Production

Ngā Toi Level 6 - 120 Credits Toi Ururoa programme extends your knowledge in: Māori Song and Dance | intermediate Performance | Intermediate Arts Administration | Intermediate Study of Māori Composition | Intermediate Māori Performing Arts in Tourism | Intermediate Production | Intermediate



___________________________________________________________________________ Phone: 07- 345 6124 Email: office@rotorualakes.school.nz wwww.rotorualakes.school.nz


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