Q & A Auckland Uni

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The University as a whole, and those faculties not specifically noted below, are working hard to develop resources and webinars for students. Our team will be in contact with careers advisers and also post these to our website and Careers Advisers Hub as further resources become available. As always, our team are available to be contacted by Careers Advisers, students or their families who require support. Please see below for the initiatives we are offering at this time; 

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The Schools Partnership Office (SPO) remain contactable for calls, email, presentations, zoom sessions, skype sessions and to assist with questions from students or Careers Advisers. Please contact us via the details on our Meet our Team page Our SPO advisers are happy to work with Careers Advisers to identify the best ways we can support you at this time and into the future. We understand that each school is in a different situation at present and we are happy to develop support and solutions tailored to what will work for you, your students and your school Careers advisers are encouraged to enter your details to receive updates from the University to receive the updates that will be sent out to students that have registered their details Students are encouraged to Register their Details in order to receive communication and updates from the University of Auckland Students are encouraged to Apply Now in order to receive communication and updates from the University of Auckland SPO are currently working to record our overview presentation and this will be loaded to the website soon. We are also happy to host zoom sessions to present this to groups of students as required We will be working to provide resources and content to assist you in your work and will be updating the Careers Advisers Hub as a central location for these resources. We encourage you to bookmark this page for ease of reference We are producing an image and links for careers advisers to share via their usual channels of communication with students to assist them to connect with the University of Auckland. This will be sent out to Careers Advisers in an email following the Easter holidays We will continue to produce our LINK News which will be provided in digital form Student Centres across the University are offering support to prospective students and will continue to do so throughout the lockdown period. Appointments will be made via Zoom instead of in person. Requests for appointments can be made via the faculty webpages or our central contact centre

Arts 

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New Kaitakawaenga, Mohi Allen, has been appointed. Mohi was previously the president of the Maori Students Association. He will be looking after decile 1-4 schools in South and West Auckland. Please contact Ainsley O’Connell to connect with Mohi (ainsley.oconnell@auckland.ac.nz) The Faculty of Arts are working on recording their presentation as an online tool for schools. This will be a voice recorded presentation with PowerPoint The Faculty is also working towards offering virtual events, however advice and support sessions with students are already available via skype and zoom. To book these in please contact ainsley.oconnell@auckland.ac.nz


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The Faculty of Creative Arts and Industries have Programme Ambassadors readily available to support your students during this time. The Ambassadors are equipped with knowledge and information around their programmes of study and will happily work remotely with any prospective students interested in similar pathways. The Ambassadors are 2nd and 3rd year students in Architecture, Dance, Design, Fine Art, Music and Urban Planning. They can conduct Q and A sessions or remote workshops, short activities and performances, talk through audition and portfolio requirements or share their experiences on the programme Academics in Dance are holding PD sessions along with student workshops. This has been shared on DanceNet The Faculty is working with their Music Association and academics to look to hold webinars and workshops for prospective students and teachers The Faculty is also working to build an online library with podcasts, YouTube videos and additional resources To book a session or to get in touch, please email catherine.cutler@auckland.ac.nz

Education and Social Work: 

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The Faculty of Education and Social Work will be working to add a voice over to their presentation to have this available to careers advisers to share with their students and parents The Faculty will be working to provide online support sessions for students via zoom or skype The following interviews are available to send on to students and parents to give them an insight to the faculty and programmes: Why we love teaching – 60 sec Jingwen Wang - Early Childhood Teacher Ryan Kwok Primary Teacher Gemma Thompson Primary Teacher, Huarahi Māori Why Social Work is my career choice - 60s video Lauren Bartley – Social Worker, 40 sec Sophie Harpur – Youth Social Justice Worker, 40 sec Rad Fatani – Youth Social Worker, 40 sec Max Stowers – Community Health Worker

Engineering: 

Women in Engineering are working to offer their sessions online and are available to be contacted to speak further about these wie@auckland.ac.nz

Science: 

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The Faculty of Science are developing a virtual presentation which will include departmental subject videos, student videos about their experiences and link back to information around degree structure and planning. This will be loaded onto the Science Student Centre website soon Science Student Academic Advisers are able to respond to queries around degree entry and degree planning. These individual queries should be directed to scifac@auckland.ac.nz All Student Academic Advisers are available on time trade for zoom appointments and the link ‘Making an Appointment’ is available on our website here

Law     

Dedicated webpage for school leavers Videos that explain different career pathways with a law degree Videos that depict student life and the clubs and societies within the faculty Webinars and video links from law academics Kelly Zhong – contact details for queries from both prospective students and careers advisers k.zhong@auckland.ac.nz

Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship  

An online tour of our Unleash Space is available on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1KrrZAka24E A Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship promotional video is available on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6kX6tw6Uioo&feature=youtu.be

Thank you for the opportunity to communicate the steps we are taking to continue to support our students, teachers, careers advisers and the wider school communities. We are continuing to develop our resources to provide support to students and will be in contact regarding these as they develop. I hope that you, your family and your community are well. Please let us know if we can help in any way. Ngā mihi, The Schools Partnership Office spo@auckland.ac.nz www.auckland.ac.nz Register for Updates: auckland.ac.nz/register Apply now: auckland.ac.nz/apply

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