Rotorua Lakes High School “Mauria te+ pono – Keep steadfastly to the truth” NEWSLETTER ISSUE No. 1 – 3 February 2017
CHALKBOARD From the Principal P. 1 - 1 Important Information P. 2 - 4 News from Departments P. 4 - 4 Sports P. 5
Contact us P. 5 Community Notices P. 5 - 9
Dear Parents/Caregivers Kia ora tatou
Sponsors P. 9 - 10
FROM THE PRINCIPAL _________________________________________________________________________________
WELCOME BACK I would like to welcome you back for 2017. We especially welcome all our new students and their families. I hope your summer has gone well and you are refreshed and looking forward to the beginning of the new school year. As we all know and appreciate, attending school and teaching is one of those rare situations for students and teachers alike where you get a clean slate every year. That always brings hope and possibility. Our job as teachers is to empower the students with education and life learning skills. We want them to have the tools and resources they need to do great things and progress through life. While we may not be able to provide everything we would like, we feel responsible for doing all we can to support the students and their families. In turn, we trust that our students will take responsibility and ownership of their own learning and remember that, if in doubt, always ask for help. I feel extremely fortunate to be working with such an exceptional group of students, families, caregivers and staff members. _________________________________________________________________________________
WELCOME TO OUR NEW STAFF MEMBERS We welcome 5 new staff members: Mrs Chandani Jinadasa – Science Mr Tod Sharland - Science Ms Vicki Wallace - Science Mrs Leanne Barnett – Maths Mrs Eva Hingston - Administration Yours sincerely,
TERM 1 KEY DATES Mon 6 Feb Fri 17 Feb Wed 1 Mar Thurs 2 Mar Tues 7 – Fri 10 Mar Fri 10 Mar Mon 27 – Fri 31 Mar Tues 11 – 14 Apr Wed 19 Apr – Fri 5 May FRI 14 APR TO MON 1 MAY
Public Holiday (Waitangi Day) Athletics Day New Parents Evening (4 – 6 pm) Swimming Sports Day Year 13 Camp Mid Island Athletics Summer Tournament Year 10 Camp Spain Trip EASTER BREAK
IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR PARENTS / CAREGIVERS / STUDENTS _________________________________________________________________________________
_________________________________________________________________________________ SCHOOL TIMETABLE The organization for the school day is: 8.45 - 9.05 HOUSE GROUPS 9.05 – 10.05 PERIOD 1 10.05 – 11.05 PERIOD 2 11.05 – 11.30 INTERVAL 11.30 – 12.30 PERIOD 3 12.30 – 1.30 PERIOD 4 1.30 – 2.15 LUNCH 2.15 – 3.15/3.25 PERIOD 5 Officially 3.25 pm is the end of the school day and, on some days, students may not be released until that time if follow up/administrational tasks are required to be done. This will not impact on bus students as buses do not arrive at the school before 3.25 pm. _________________________________________________________________________________ NEW PARENTS MEETING We invite new parents to an informal meeting to meet staff on Wednesday 1 March 2017 from 4 – 6 pm. Further details will follow shortly. _________________________________________________________________________________ PUNCTUALITY It is very important that students arrive at school on time for house group at 8.45 am to be marked present at school on the attendance register and to hear the daily notices so they are aware of what is happening around the school. o Warning bell 8.40 am o Into House Group 8.45 am
_________________________________________________________________________________ PARKING AT ROTOUA LAKES HIGH SCHOOL We appreciate your cooperation with the following parking regulations at the school: Please do not park at the bus stop near the school main gate between 3.15 pm and 3.45 pm. It is illegal to park or briefly stop as this is a designated bus area only which is regularly enforced by the Police and tickets have been issued before. Always single park (double parking causes accidents and traffic jams). For afternoon pick up, please do not park in the bust stop, arrange with your child to meet further down the road. _________________________________________________________________________________ SIGNING OUT OF SCHOOL DURING THE DAY The system is: The student brings a note written and signed by parent / caregiver The House Group Tutor signs the note at House Group time in the morning The student presents the note to leave class The student presents the note to the Duty Dean in the Duty Dean’s office next to the Canteen to sign out of school The student signs back into school at the Duty Dean’s office when they return. _________________________________________________________________________________ STUDENT ABSENCES It is expected that parents phone the school absence line (345 6124, ext 244) before 8.30 am to let us know that their child will be away from school. A written letter from home explaining the absence must be supplied to the House Group tutor on the student’s return to school if you have not phoned in. We also have an ABSENCE LINE FOR TEXTING 027 765 4957. For those of you who do not have a land phone line, you may text your child’s absence. Please give your name, your student’s name, House Group and the reason for absence. Please contact our Attendance Officer, Mrs Paula Short, if you have any concerns 345 6124, ext 266. _________________________________________________________________________________ STUDENTS LATE TO SCHOOL If students are late to school they must either bring a note from home to explain the lateness, or an appointment card from their Doctor/Dentist/Optician, etc., or parents may phone the school to explain lateness. All late students must report to the Duty Dean in the Duty Dean’s office on arrival to sign in and be issued with a late pass. _________________________________________________________________________________ LUNCHTIME All students are expected to remain at school for lunch, they are not permitted to leave the school grounds at lunchtime. If for any reason there is an occasion that a student must leave school at lunchtime, they will need a written note from home to excuse them and sign out as above. _________________________________________________________________________________ CHARTER BUS All Charter Bus students must have purchased their bus passes by Friday 10 February 2017. A term pass costs $180.00 A 10 ride pass costs $25.00 Payable at student reception
________________________________________________________________________________ SCHOOL STATIONERY / WORK BOOKS It is very important that students get their stationery as soon as possible for the start of the school year so that they do not fall behind in their learning and their books are up-to-date right from the start of the year. When purchasing your 2017 school stationery from Warehouse Stationery please request ‘SUPPORT YOUR SCHOOL’ points for LAKES HIGH. We are then able to redeem these points for valuable resources. We appreciate your support _________________________________________________________________________________ SCHOOL UNIFORM Thank you to those parents whose students are already in the correct uniform. The students look wonderful. Some reminders about uniform: Shoes and laces must be completely black Sandals must be completely black with the backs up so they do not look like jandals NO jandals/boots/gumboots/slippers Only white singlet/top under shirts Shorts/trousers/skirts must not be rolled up Plain black or navy caps – no emblems except for the school logo NB: Uniform items must be purchased from Bill Davis Outdoor World in Eruera Street, except for the school jackets, jersey and PE uniform which are purchased from school. Donations of second hand uniform are gratefully accepted by the school – thank you _________________________________________________________________________________ THE PARENT AND TEACHER CALENDAR APP Parents and caregivers can now access our school calendar with a great free app developed by Advert Media. The PTC App is a great alternative to web calendars and paper notices, using today's technology to reach out to the school community. Download from the app store now.
School Calendar View school dates and events. Syncs with your personal calendar to show any clashes.
Absentee Messaging Quick, simple and convenient way to report your child as absent.
School Contacts One easy list of contacts for your school in your phone for your convenience.
School info School emblem, motto, school introduction and welcome.
School map Never get lost again with a graphical layout map of the school on your phone.
_________________________________________________________________________________ NCEA
New to NCEA? New Zealand's National Certificates of Educational Achievement (NCEA) are national qualifications for senior secondary school students. Students who will be sitting NCEA assessments this year will be issued an information booklet that helps to explain key areas. NZQA also has made a video to help parents understand NCEA. Go to their website ( and search for "How NCEA works video". There is also a mobile app available (search for "NCEA Mobile app").
NEWS FROM DEPARTMENTS _________________________________________________________________________________ YEAR 13 CAMP – OHOPE CHRISTIAN CAMP 2017 The camp for year 13 students will be at Ohope Christian Camp from after school Tuesday 7 March to Friday 10 March 2017. The aims of the camp are to: Develop unity in the Senior School Develop leadership and initiative skills Motivate students to set goals and work towards achieving them. Review their year 12 progress and set targets for Level 3 (or where appropriate Level 2) NCEA Identify and meet key competencies as set by the New Zealand Curriculum Start the House Spirit ethos for the year. Activities will include Motivation and Goal Setting, Careers, Leadership, Team Building and House Spirit activities, Time Management, Beach Education and Stick Games. A letter with further details will be sent to all Yr 13 parents next week.
Tuesday 7 March to Friday 10 March Leaving school @ 3.45pm Return to school @ 1.30 pm (approx.)
Cost = $185 approx Bus travel provided Open to all Year 13 Students
SPORTS Hot off the Press from our Coaches and Managers _________________________________________________________________________________ SUMMER HOCKEY
Dream Team 24th Jan A great start back after a holiday break for the Lakes Dream Team winning 7-0. They all played spectacularly as a team, including Kody Mayes with a broken wrist but still putting in a solid effort in the back. Player of the day went to Dylan Walton for his big improvement in skills since the start of the season, where he had never played hockey before.
Dream Team 31st Jan Another great game with some impressive teamwork all round. Unfortunately one of our goals was disallowed which resulted in a 4-3 loss in the final 5 seconds of the game. Player of the day went to Kody Mayes for a fantastic performance, just days out of his cast.
ROTORUA LAKES HIGH SCHOOL Mr P B Walker, Principal BA (Hons), Dip Ed, Post Grad Dip Second Language Tchg, Dip Tchg P O Box 7002, Te Ngae, Rotorua Phone: 345 6124 Fax: 345 5964