Rotorua Lakes High School +++
+ “Mauria te pono – Keep steadfastly to the truth” NEWSLETTER ISSUE No. 16 – 2 JUNE 2017
CHALKBOARD From the Principal P. 1 - 2 Important Information P. 2 - 3 News from Departments P. 4 - 5 Sports P. 5 - 6 Careers P. 7 - 12 Contact us P. 13 Community Notices P. 13 - 14
Dear Parents/Caregivers Kia ora tatou
Sponsors P. 15 - 16
FROM THE PRINCIPAL STUDENT SUCCESSES ________________________________________________________________________________
TRUSTPOWER COMMUNITY AWARDS A big congratulations to Matt Gatenby, Yr 13 student, who has been nominated as a finalist for the Trustpower Rotorua Lakes Community Spirit Awards. Great achievement well done. ________________________________________________________________________________
E-CIGARETTES / VAPING AT RLHS I would like to clarify that at RLHS we have zero tolerance for any student vaping. If a student is caught ‘vaping’ this will be taken very seriously and they will be sent home as we cannot guarantee what substance is in the ecigarette. We do not want these at school, and believe that students may be “peer-pressured” into vaping. _________________________________________________________________________________
ASSESSMENTS The following assessments have been set down to take place within the next few weeks. There may be times where, due to unforeseen circumstances, changes will need to occur. This will be done in consultation with the class(es) concerned. Level Subject Standard Date 2 Chemistry 91167 Fri 9 June 2
2 2
Biology Physical Education
91312 91317 91447 91452 91153 91335
Fri 9 June Fri 9 June Week 6 (beginning Tues 6 June) Tues 6 to Wed 14 June
FROM THE BOT The following policies are currently up for review. If you would like to view any of these policies, we invite you to come into the school where they are available at the Principal’s PA Office. Alternatively, if you would like a copy emailed, please contact Sexual Abuse; Sports Prizegiving; Fundraising for the School Community & Refund Procedures; Career Education & Guidance; School Wide Assessment
TERM 2 KEY DATES Yours sincerely,
Mon 1 May – Friday 7 July Mon 5 June Mon 12 & 13 June Thurs 15 June Mon 19 to 23 June Fri 23 June Tues 27 June Wed 28 June Mon 3 to Fri 7 July Fri 7 July Fri 7 July
TERM 2 DATES PUBLIC HOLIDAY Stage Challenge (CIVIC) Interhouse Competition School House Competitive Netball Challenges Snr/Jnr Reports issued 3.30 – 5.30 pm Jnr/Snr Report Evening SCHOOL CLOSES AT 3 PM Jnr/Snr Report Evening 4 – 6 pm School House Competitive Touch Rugby Challenges Regional Kapa Haka END OF TERM 2
IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR PARENTS / CAREGIVERS / STUDENTS ________________________________________________________________________________
EUROPE TRIP 2018 On Tuesday night we held our first meeting for those students interested in being part of the 2018 Social Sciences Trip to Europe. This was an introductory information evening for parents and students. If you missed this meeting and would like the information emailed to you please contact Mrs Allen on To be eligible for the trip students must currently be in year 10,11 or 12 and be either currently studying or intending to study next year one of the following subjects: History, Geography, Classical Studies, Tourism or Legal Studies. _________________________________________________________________________________
DON’T FORGET Rotorua Lakes High Schools Kapa Haka group are selling hangi to help raise funds for the upcoming Te Arawa Regional Secondary School Kapa Haka competition, to take place at the Energy Events Centre on July 7, 2017. The hangi fundraiser is this Saturday 3 June. The hangi will be 150 pre-sold tickets @ $10 each, which will consist of: 2 meats, 3 veges, stuffing, bread and a drink. There will also
be side dishes @ $3 each, surimi salad, seafood chowder and raw fish. The hangi will be prepared by whanau at Taheke Marae and distributed at designated pick up points: Taheke Marae Westbrook netball courts Te Ngae shops Time of pick up yet to be confirmed. If you would like hangi please feel free to contact Matua Taumata at school tel: 345 6124 ext 251 or _________________________________________________________________________________
STAGE CHALLENGE 2 weeks to go until Stage Challenge!!!! The date for the competition is Tuesday 13th June. Students need to have paid in full by 30th May. Tickets for the show are not available through school, this is a decision of the competition, they will be sold via TicketMaster. BE QUICK BOOK NOW! Tickets sold on a ‘first come first serve basis’. To book please click on this link: TicketMaster
WEEK 5 Lunch After School Finish at 5
Friday Sunday 4th/06 2/06 Scene 4 Micheal NO REHEARSAL
Monday 5th/06
Tuesday 6/06 Everyone – run through
Wednesday 7/06 Everyone – run through
After School Finish at 5
Thursday 8/06 Everyone – run through
Full After School
Friday 9/06 Everyone – run through
Sunday 11/06
Full DRESS Rehearsal from 1pm – 5 pm
Monday 12/06
Tuesday 13/06
Rehearsal for the full day in school time Showing school periods 4 and 5
NEWS FROM DEPARTMENTS ______________________________________________________________________________ FROM THE HEALTH & WELLNESS CENTRE
Please see the Nurse, Pauline at the health centre if you have a sore throat.
______________________________________________________________________________ MATHS HOMEWORK CENTRE
Each Thursday from 3.30 – 4.15 in A11
All Welcome Please bring a snack and a smile
SPORTS Hot off the Press from our Coaches and Managers ________________________________________________________________________________
A student’s perspective by Tegan Fookes Last weekend I went on my bronze qualifier tramp to Dalys Clearing in the Upper Kaimais in Tauranga. On the first day we got into 4 groups of 5 and started our tramp to the clearing. We walked through open scrubland and through native forest, with small patches of gentle incline. We used our maps every 20 minutes to check that we were on the right track and that we were in the right place. The weather conditions on the first day were quite unpleasant to walk in as it was pouring down with rain for most of the morning. However after a quick lunch break we headed back onto the track and the sun came out! From there we walked for another hour until we reached the hut. We then got into all of our warm woollies and started to build a fire, before tuning in to the mountain radio that some of the girls from Aquinas had set up. We then had dinner and went to bed tired but satisfied with the day and how fun it had been. I enjoyed the tramp as I met lots of new people and made lots of friends within the group I was walking with. It was fun and interesting to talk to people from different schools about what there school was like and what they had done for their service, skill and sport. On the tramp I learnt how to light a fire using a piece of tire and how to slowly build up the fire. I also learnt how to use the mountain radio and how it is operated. It was exciting seeing the Kauri trees on the second day and doing all three of the river crossings before heading back along the river back to the Franklin road carpark. The weather was beautiful and sunny and it was nice to sit in the sun after doing the river crossings. I learnt how best to approach a river crossing and the signs that it is too dangerous to cross a river. Overall it was a fun tramp and I really enjoyed the experience.
GIRLS HOCKEY Another grading game this week against Tauhara College from Taupo. RLHS set to win with a will from the outset and mounted a steady stream of attacks but it took 12 minutes before Abi Donald found the back of the goal; Ella Fookes added a second 19 minutes in, after a fine, solo, long range run. It was a very buoyant Lakes team that went off for half time , leading 2-0. The second half started in the same vein as the first but Tauhara started to mount more and more attacks. Lakes however, defended well and proved dangerous on the counterattack; it was from one such move that Sharkayla Dean was able to slot a third from a chaotic melee in the Tauhara goalmouth, in the 31st minute. This somewhat took the wind out of the opposition's sails and for the final 10 minutes the Lakes attack took up residence in the Tauhara 'D' winning a succession of PCs, corners and free hits but no one was able to capitalise from this pressure. Another emphatic win, 3-0. Indeed so emphatic that they forgot to nominate a player of the day!�
Mixed XI Hockey Team The Mixed Xl hockey team traveled to Taupo last Thursday. It was a cold night, but the team played a great game against TNT. Unfortunately we lost 3-0 but our team is working really well together. A big thank you to Mr Walton for taking the time to travel over with some of our players. Much appreciated by the team. Thank you. The player of the day was Jurell Fitzell who played an awesome game defending our goal, we even had a player who knocked himself out with his own hockey stick! Well done team; great game to watch. _________________________________________________________________________________
GIRLS SOCCER Our Social team has now had two games this season. Their first game against WHHS in the rain resulted in a fairly substantial loss but our girls were trying to see it as a learning experience. Their second game against Tauhara had the same result but the score (5:1) shows that they have rallied and are working much harder on defence. Kia kaha, girls; we are looking forward to seeing you develop as individual players and as a team. A huge thank you to their coach, Crispian Stewart. Our 1st XI battled WHHS this week and played a very exciting and admirable game. The result was a loss but only by two goals. Ella Fookes, acting as both coach and captain, led by example, being active and effective in all areas of play. Riley Majurey kicked our only goal but all players showed great defensive strategies. Maggie Donovan-Cotter as goalie was player of the day and saved countless attempts by the opposition. Last week, Riley Majurey at Tauhara also kicked three of our four goals (Katherine Hingston scoring the other one). It was a win on a sunny field which is what the girls deserved after the deluge experienced in the first game. Riley was player of the day. A MASSIVE thanks to Ethan Wait for refereeing our games. Next week our two teams play each other at school on Wednesday. All parents are welcome to come and watch.
daily notices
the each day during House Group time for important careers events and deadlines.)
TERM 2 Unless otherwise stated all Tertiary Liaison Presentations are held in the Careers Classroom, usually at lunchtime. Victoria University Liaison Visit – Wednesday 21 June 2017 Victoria University Rotorua Information Evening – all welcome – Wednesday 21 June 2017 Medical Presentation at Rotorua Hospital – Tuesday 27 June 2017 Otago University Liaison Visit – Wednesday 28 June 2017 Canterbury University Open Day – Thursday 13 July – School Holidays _______________________________________________________________________________
TEACHER TRAINING Year 13 Students considering Careers in Education please note the following: 2018 Applications to most New Zealand Colleges of Education opened on 1 May 2017. Teaching programme applications close 31 August 2017. The Application Process: Places in some Universities can be limited. You must apply and be offered a place in the programme. Applications are made online – when submitting your application you will need to provide personal details including: Educational background Employment record if applicable Personal Statement You will also need two confidential referee reports, and to sign a consent to disclosure (forms can be downloaded from the University websites) Once applications have been submitted, applicants will be shortlisted for an interview.
YEAR 13 STUDENTS PLEASE NOTE ALL UNIVERSITIES AND POLYTECHNICS SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATIONS ARE NOW OPEN! All applications are completed online with the individual Tertiary providers. Login to the University of choice and follow the links to the scholarship pages. Students should apply for as many scholarships as they can. It is important that students get their applications organised eg, birth certificates, id photos, NCEA Yr 12 results and contact a person to be their referee also some applications require a written personal statement (approx. 500 words). You can use this information for multiple scholarship applications with perhaps small changes depending on what you are applying for and any special requirements that the individual University or Polytechnic want. Not all applications require this information but be prepared! _________________________________________________________________________________
GENEROSITY NZ - IS A NZ SCHOLARSHIP ONLINE DATABASE! Hundreds of scholarships are offered online Students can access this database FREE AT SCHOOL in the library or the careers classroom. Please see Mrs Oldman in the Careers Office for further details. _________________________________________________________________________________
SCHOLARSHIPS @ WAIKATO Check out our school leaver scholarships Please visit our website - _________________________________________________________________________________
2017 QUOTA NEW ZEALAND EDUCATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP FOR YOUNG WOMEN IN NEW ZEALAND Full details of the Scholarship, Application Forms and Brochures are available at Quoto’s website: _________________________________________________________________________________
2018 MESNZ ENGINEERING SCHOLARSHIP As part of the Maintenance Engineering Society of New Zealand objective "To encourage greater numbers of New Zealanders to take up education and training in the field of mechanical engineering", a MESNZ Scholarship worth up to $5,000 is to be offered each year, for the specific purpose of covering tuition fees. This scholarship is available to assist students commencing study towards a MESNZ/IPENZ accredited engineering degree, diploma or certificate at any level. Applications are sought from candidates interested in maintenance engineering as a career. Students from anywhere in New Zealand are encouraged to apply for the MESNZ scholarship. Students with links to MESNZ through work or other avenues are urged to apply. Download a copy of the Scholarship Application form here. Bill Sole MESNZ Committee
_________________________________________________________________________________ WAIKATO UNIVERSITY SCIENCE & ENGINEERING OPEN WEEK Please note this is not a school trip, students and parents are welcome to register online and attend any of the workshops and lectures.
ROTORUA LAKES HIGH SCHOOL Mr P B Walker, Principal BA (Hons), Dip Ed, Post Grad Dip Second Language Tchg, Dip Tchg P O Box 7002, Te Ngae, Rotorua Phone: 345 6124 Fax: 345 5964