Rotorua Lakes High School “Mauria te pono - Keep steadfastly to the truth”
CHALKBOARD From the Principal – P. News & Events – P. Department News – P. Sports – P. Careers – P. Contact Us – P. Community Notices – P. Our Sponsors – P.
Dear Parents/Caregivers Kia ora tatou
NORTH ISLAND SECONDARY SCHOOLS MIXED HOCKEY TOURNAMENT What a fantastic week of hockey we had in Taupo last week. This is the second time we have attended this competition. This year 17 teams from throughout the North Island competed. Our team did us proud both on and off the turf. We have been extremely fortunate to have highly skilled coaches for both the Girls and Boys teams (Mark Smithells and Isaac King) throughout the year, which then allowed for Tournament Coach Neil Watson to blend 9 boys and 6 girls for the tournament - no easy feat up against schools who play all season together. The team fought hard and only lost one game (and only by 1 goal) to end up 3rd in the North Island - an absolutely amazing achievement! Many thanks to parent helper Phillipa Fraser and chief photographer Chris Sutton and to all the supporters who travelled over during the week. The team looked smart in their hoodies and back packs. We were fortunate with the generosity of sponsors, John and Eva Hingston (hoodies) and individual hockey back packs (Lisa Crowe from Bayleys Real Estate).
A big thank you also to our departing Year 13's (photo) - you have all contributed well to hockey over the years and have been great role models to our juniors. What a great way to end your secondary hockey. Article by: Jo Sturme, Manager
1,948 points earned
86,320 questions answered
Estimated time spent learning:
119 hours online learning languages
Top Achievements: 1st in New Zealand for the 51 - 100 students category (out of 49 schools) 5th overall in Spanish (out of 175 schools) 22th overall in New Zealand (out of 271 schools) Gold Awards (3000+ points):
Liam Gatenby, Yezsa Pagtolon-An and Sam Pinckney
Silver Awards (2000+ points):
Rhys Downes, Andy Kwok, Kirsty Lyall, and Zak Holster-Haidzir
Bronze Awards (1000+ points): Credit Awards (500+ points:
1 Harry Millar Sammy Vincent, Robbie Meredith, Jai Tuavera, Gabby Holt, Alex Vincent, Nicole Moree, Megan Long, John-Stanleu Bosma, Clay Fookes and Jack Eggleston
Bien hecho! Well done! Felicitaciones! Congratulations!
___________________________________________________________________________________________ PARENT INTERVIEWS Parents of all students will have the opportunity to meet with teachers on Wednesday 20 September 2017 from 3.30 pm until 6 pm. I invite parents to come and discuss their child’s progress. Appointments are 5 minutes long and we ask that everybody keep to the time allocated. On line bookings are open – go to and enter the code vu74n –If you need help please contact Liandra Allen 345 6124 ext 221 or email her We will be closing the school earlier on Wednesday 20 September i.e. 2.55 pm to allow staff sufficient time to prepare. Buses run as normal. Please note, we do not separate out Junior and Senior interviews therefore if you have children at multiple levels you can see your teachers in one visit.
Senior and Junior reports will be sent home with your student today Friday 15 September, 2017. ___________________________________________________________________________________
STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE TO THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES Congratulations to Freddy-Ray Collier who has been elected the Student Representative to the Board of Trustees for one year September to August 2018. Thank you to the following students who were also nominated, Emma Jackson, Tangaroa Yorke, and Te Aorere White. ________________________________________________________________________________ OUTGOING BOT REPRESENTATIVE Our thanks to the outgoing Board of Trustees Student Representative, Liam Dixon. Liam has represented the students well for the past year and on behalf of the BOT, I thank Liam for his work with the BOT. ________________________________________________________________________________
Level 3
Subject 13HOF
Standard 13325
THIS Tues 19 Sep (see note under department news)
13 Maths with Stats 12 MSC 12 MAT History History
Week 9
91259 91268 91004 91232
Week 9 Week 10 Friday 29 Sep Friday 29 Sep
2 2 1 2
Date THIS Mon 18 & Tues 19 Sep (any questions please see Mrs Gainsford)
3 History 91437 Thurs 28 Sep 3 Physics 91522 To be completed by Fri 27 Oct 1 Spanish 90910 & 90912 Weeks 9 & 10 – due 29 Sep 2 Spanish 91150 & 91152 Due 29 Sep The following assessments have been set down to take place within the next few weeks. There may be times where, due to unforeseen circumstances, changes will need to occur. This will be done in consultation with the class(es) concerned.
Yours sincerely,
Wed 27 Sep Fri 29 Sep
Mike King presentation (Yr 11, 12 & 13) 9 am – 10.20 am Mike King Community Presentation 7 pm RLHS Auditorium Mike King presentation (Yr 9 & 10) 9 am – 10.20 am Sports Prizegiving House Spirit Day
Mon 25 Sep Tues 26 Sep
NEWS & EVENTS ___________________________________________________________________________________________
Our Annual Sports Prizegiving to celebrate our successful sporting students and to thank and acknowledge coaches/managers, will be held on Wednesday 27 September 2017 at 6 pm in the D C Price Auditorium. Invitations to coaches and managers have been sent and we remind them to RSVP to tel 3456124 ext 223 as soon as possible to ensure a ticket is set aside for them. Student Prizewinners will be announced shortly. Tickets are available for purchase at student reception or tel Ms McLeod 345 6124 ext 220 We advise any families who wish to attend to please book
tickets early as we have limited spaces for the evening.
HOMESTAYS We are looking for caring and supportive homestay families for international students. The homestay fee is $230 per week. If you are interested, please contact Jayne Humphries (Principal’s PA) for application forms or ring Gail Hodgkinson on 021378162 for further information.
___________________________________________________________________________ LOST PROPERTY We have a number of items in lost property. Please check at student reception. Items will be re-sold or given to charity if not collected by the first week of Term 4.
ENROLMENT FOR 2018 We are currently taking enrolments for 2018. Enrolments forms are available from our school office. We recommend you complete the enrolment documentation and return it to us as soon as possible, or alternatively, you can hand it in to your school office for us to collect.
DEPARTMENT NEWS ___________________________________________________________________________________________ HEALTH & WELLNESS
“Whooping Cough” Otherwise known as “Pertussis” “WHOOPING COUGH”– Parents can think about immunizing themselves against “Whooping Cough” – a booster vaccination, see your Doctor for this. SPREAD BY: coughing, adults and older children may pass on the infection to babies – all babies need to be immunized – babies are more susceptible to whooping cough than the older person, make sure all their childhood immunizations are up to date. (This can help to stop the spread). TIME BETWEEN EXPOSURE AND SICKNESS: 5 – 21 days (usually 7 – 10 days) EARLY SIGNS: Runny nose, persistent cough followed by ‘WHOOP’ vomiting or breathlessness. HOW LONG IS THE PERSON INFECTIOUS? From runny nose stage and for 3 weeks after onset of cough if not treated with antibiotics, or until 5 days of antibiotic treatment. EXCLUSION OF CHILD FROM SCHOOL: 21 days from onset of coughing or after 5 days of coughing. BUT this can change because of the diagnosis and treatment of whooping cough – Ask your Dr about this and a medical certificate stating the time you may require. If suspected you have ‘Whooping Cough” go to your DOCTOR ASAP to be checked. Only a Doctor can diagnose whooping cough and this can be done by a swab which is sent to the laboratory. _________________________________________________________________________________ INVITATION TO ARTISTS
Unison Power Boxes October-December 2017 Rotorua CBD This year sees the redesign of the Unison Power Boxes in Rotorua CBD. This is a wonderful opportunity for local work to be viewed by both residents and visitors to Rotorua and will remain in the public eye for five to seven years. Artists are invited to submit their plan with the theme of ‘The Rotorua Experience.' The design brief is otherwise open. All styles (traditional, abstract and contemporary) are welcomed. There are 30 Power Boxes in the central city to be designed (or redesigned) and artists may choose to submit one or more designs for these. Of these power boxes, a number require a front design (one-sided) and others a front and rear design (two-sided). Either variation also has space for artistic design on the sides and top, as the artist wishes. Artists are encouraged to plan for either scenario. All selected entries will be given an award of $400.00 per one-sided or $800.00 per two-sided design upon completion and final approval by Unison. In addition to this,
Reader's Choice Awards of $1000 and $500 will be given to the first and second most votes received respectively through a published competition. A ceremony will be held on Friday 15 December to celebrate completion of the project, recognise the selected artists and award the People's Choice winners. See Mrs. Carlan-Riddell for printed entry forms, or visit the website. She is happy to help you with your designs and application. Would suit junior students as seniors might be busy sitting NCEA exams!
Click Here to upload Entry Form and Terms & Conditions _________________________________________________________________________________
YEAR 11 MIXED MEDIA & PHOTOGRAPHY AND 12 / 13 PHOTOGRAPHY Tutorials are now running every Tuesday and Thursday
after school 3.15 - 5pm until the end of the term. (Room C4 for Mixed Media and Room C10 for Photography). This time will allow students to work on their folios. Bring afternoon tea with you. _________________________________________________________________________________
FROM THE MATHS DEPARTMENT All students in the four 11 MSC classes will be sitting their first external exam, commonly called the MCAT, on Tuesday 19 September. It is a one hour exam and will be held in the Auditorium during Period 1. All the students in the 11 MSC classes will need to be at school by 8.40am on the exam day with blue or black pens in a clear plastic bag. If a student cannot attend the assessment at this time for any reason, please contact Shaun English (HOD Maths) as soon as possible and particularly before 8.30am on the day of the assessment. A medical certificate will be needed for absences due to illness. No calculators are allowed for this assessment.
Students in Mrs Richardson's and Mr Kairaoi's 11MAT classes will NOT be sitting this
assessment at this time. _________________________________________________________________________________ SENIOR VISUAL ARTS EXTERNAL ASSESSMENT PORTFOLIO DUE DATES All Senior Visual Arts students are working diligently towards completion of their portfolios for their external assessments in Sculpture, Design, Photography and Painting. The following final summative due dates for Levels 1, 2, and 3 are as follows. Please note that the four Arts teachers, Mr. Flitton, Mrs. Carlan-Riddell, Ms. Howard, and Mrs. Malcolm will have their own formative due dates in term three, and they will be communicating with parents and caregivers directly about them. This is because the different disciplines have particular processes in photographing, printing or finishing the works. All work must be reviewed thoroughly with their teachers, before fixing it securely to the boards for assessment. If the students miss the summative due date there is no late entry or resubmission opportunity, unless they submit in the following academic year. Please make sure your son or duaghter is clear on the requirements about their assessments. The folios are worth 12 credits at Level 1-2, and 14 at Level 3. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact your son or daughters' teachers (
Level 1 Mixed Media Photography and Painting/Design (Mrs. Malcolm and Mrs. Carlan-Riddell): Folio boards must be presented to the auditorium no later than 9 am on 17th October. Level 2 Sculpture, Photography, Design and Painting: (All teachers) Folio boards must be presented to the auditorium no later than 9 am on October 24th. Level 3 Sculpture, Photography, Design and Painting: All folios are couriered to NZQA for assessment on Thursday November 2. A courier pick up will be available from school at 10 am with pre-payment to the school office (price to be confirmed). Students must submit their work to their teachers for review on or before Wednesday 1 November during classtime for authenticity and photography purposes. ___________________________________________________________________________________________
Each Thursday from 3.30 – 4.15 in A11
All Welcome Please bring some questions, a snack and a smile
SPORTS AT RLHS From our Coaches & Managers _________________________________________________________________________________ RUGBY BY THE BEACH 2017 From Wednesday 30 to Friday 1 September our RLHS Rugby Team enjoyed participating at the Rugby by the Beach Tournament held in Papamoa. It was great to see the boys enjoying the competition with some cracking games played. Even if all the results didn’t go our way we aimed to finish 5th but came 6th. We are very, very proud of the effort all the boys put in and with the fantastic support from Reporoa College; Shangahi Herbert, Kirimaere Palmer and Connor Flavell; Jayden from Papamoa College and Liam from Te Puke High. A huge thank you must go out also to our 2 Head Coaches, Butch Tarei and Maurice Pomare for their dedication and efforts in not only getting us to the tournament but for keeping the boys going in what has been a very tough year. Also to Matai Bennett who came on half way through the year – thank you or everything you have shown the boys and who could forget our trainer / kicking Coach, Jaxon Dittmer. Many thanks also to Pania Tarei and Kaci Dittmer. Finally, it was decided that for his huge effort for each game and for playing out of position, Tangaroa Yorke was Player of the Tournament. Article by Russell Dittmer
There were some fantastic times had off the pitch and the boys have gone home with great memories and photos recording their fun. Bring on 2018!!
CAREERS AT RLHS Bridging the Gap and more
daily notices
(It is important that students check the each day during House Group time for important careers events and deadlines.)
TERM 3 University Halls of Residence online applications are open.
Before applying -
Please see Mrs Oldman in the Careers Office regarding your teacher nomination for your CCRF part of the online application.
LEAVING SCHOOL MAGAZINE – PICK UP A COPY FROM THE CAREERS OFFICE OR YEAR 13 DEAN. The following University Liaison visits are 2nd round visits and are designed to assist students with their selection of first year papers and their programme applications. 19 September 2017 20 September 2017 26 September 2017 21 September 2017 19 October 2017 27 October 2017
VIC University Liaison Visit to School Canterbury University Liaison Visit to School Otago University Liaison Visit to School Massey University Liaison Visit to School WINTEC Liaison Visit to School Toi Ohomai Liaison Visit to School
BCITO are hosting to inform senior students and their parents about our apprentices ‘Trade Secrets’ of how to get a building and construction apprenticeship. With over 11,000 apprentices currently on our books and in excess of 150 apprentices signing up every week there’s a great opportunity out there. tips on finding and securing employment our job-matching service BCITO scholarships on offer how apprenticeships work various trade and employment opportunities And of course it’s also a great opportunity for parents to ask questions.
SCHOLARSHIPS AUCKLAND UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF LAW ENTRY-LEVEL SCHOLARSHIPS Be awarded up to $2,000 to help start your law studies Contact : Auckland Law School Student Centre To apply visit and search for Law Entry-level scholarships
APPLICATIONS CLOSE 8 OCTOBER 2017 Auckland University scholarship database _______________________________________________________________________________________
TOI OHOMAI INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY A number of Scholarships are available including Alf Rendell Photography Scholarship 2018 Toi Ohomai Study Award 2018 Business Administration Scholarship 2018 Secondary School Achiever Award 2018 High Performance Academy Sports 2018
Check out: ________________________________________________________________________________________
GENEROSITY NEW ZEALAND/GIVEME This is an Online Scholarship Database available FREE in the School library OR the Careers Classroom and the Rotorua Public Library. You can access hundreds of scholarships from across New Zealand. Domestic Students/NZ Residents Only. Please see Mrs Oldman in the careers office for password access to this database.
And don’t forget to source scholarships from other resources and apply for as many as you can!
GIVEME DATABASE (ASK YOUR SCHOOL CAREERS DEPARTMENT) Your Iwi/Hapū, register with them online Kia Ora Hauora database GOOGLE! “Undergraduate Scholarships”, “Health Science Scholarships”, “Māori Scholarships” etc…. _______________________________________________________________________________________
CAREERS NEW ZEALAND Thinking about teritary study? Making decisions about tertiary study is a big deal for students. The sooner they do this before they head off to tertiary study, the better off they will be. We know many students know exactly what they want to study and where, and just as many are still thinking about what's next. A great resource for all students is the Careers New Zealand website, there's a section just for secondary school students to help them with their decision making. __________________________________________________________________________________________
FROM THE STUDY LINK TEAM Sign up for information - registration page Last year we launched our "Sign up for info" form on the StudyLink website. We wanted to make it easy for high-school students to register for regular updates from us on things like when to apply and what documents to send us. It was a great success with nearly 2,000 students registering. This year's form is now up and running. There's a link on the StudyLink homepage and it takes seconds to complete.
We would really appreciate your support again this year in encouraging your Year 13 students to register. Sign up for information Students should also check out StudyLink's website to think about what it will cost to live and study. The tools and calculators will help them get a picture of the financial choices they will face and how they will manage as they move into tertiary study
Phone: Email: Website: Mail:
07-345 6124 Porikapa Rd, PO Box 7002 Te Ngae, Rotorua 3042
Rotorua Tennis Club Junior Programme for Term 4 and 1 Open day: Sunday 15th October 1-3pm. Manuka Crescent. Racquets supplied. Starting date: Wednesday 18th October. Coaching with club professional. Intermediate 4.30-5.30 High School 5.30-6.30 Squad coaching 6.30-7.30 Friday tennis match play and fun games 4.30-6.30 Contacts: Debra Dowland 021 335492 Justin Megraw 0210 8355422 Holiday Programme 9-13 October. See website. __________________________________________________________________________________________
Thank you to all our Sponsors