Freestanding Multi-Tenant Industrial Building

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For Sale Investment / User Opportunity I-95 Corridor Industrial Area Fullerton Industrial Park

Property Address:

Exclusive Investment Offering

7955 Twist Lane, Springfield, VA 22153 County & Zoning:


Fairfax County - I-5 Heavy Industrial General

Guy Travers, Principal Broker Sales Price and Square Footage: $7,500,000; 52,683 Sq Ft Building ($142.97 PSF); 703.339.0100 113,920 Lot Sq Ft (2.61524 Acres) gtravers@ rlt Property Notes:


R. L. Travers & Associates, Inc. 8253 Backlick Road, Suite K Lorton, Virginia 22150 P: 703.339.0100 F: 703.550.8815 w w w .r l t i n c .n e t

Next to Fullerton Rd, Rolling Rd (638), Fairfax County Parkway, Backlick Rd, I-95, Building Signage HVAC, “Class A� style Office & Showroom Investment Notes:

100% Leased, Multi-Tenant Industrial Asset; part of Fairfax County Concept for Future Development; Established Industrial Park w/ Distribution Access; Yearly Increasing Real Estate Assessment Values Disclaimer: This information is deemed to be a reliable reflection of market values or has been secured from sources we believe to be reliable, but we make no representation, guarantee or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the information complete, or reliable, current or error-free and assume no responsibility for any errors or omissions contained therein. All references to age, square footage, income, and expenses are approximate. This is not a survey, any pictures, images, or drawings are only for illustrative purposes. Any party should conduct their own independent investigations and rely solely on those results. This is not intended as a listing solicitation for a property currently listed with another broker.


For Sale


Investment / User Opportunity I-95 Corridor Industrial Area Fullerton Industrial Park

Exclusive Investment Offering CONTACT:

Guy Travers, Principal Broker 703.339.0100 gtravers@ rlt


R. L. Travers & Associates, Inc. 8253 Backlick Road, Suite K Lorton, Virginia 22150 P: 703.339.0100 F: 703.550.8815 w w w .r l t i n c .n e t

Disclaimer: This information is deemed to be a reliable reflection of market values or has been secured from sources we believe to be reliable, but we make no representation, guarantee or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the information complete, or reliable, current or error-free and assume no responsibility for any errors or omissions contained therein. All references to age, square footage, income, and expenses are approximate. This is not a survey, any pictures, images, or drawings are only for illustrative purposes. Any party should conduct their own independent investigations and rely solely on those results. This is not intended as a listing solicitation for a property currently listed with another broker.


For Sale


Investment / User Opportunity I-95 Corridor Industrial Area Fullerton Industrial Park

Exclusive Investment Offering CONTACT:

Guy Travers, Principal Broker 703.339.0100 gtravers@ rlt


R. L. Travers & Associates, Inc. 8253 Backlick Road, Suite K Lorton, Virginia 22150 P: 703.339.0100 F: 703.550.8815 w w w .r l t i n c .n e t

7955 Twist Lane, Springfield, VA 22153 Disclaimer: This information is deemed to be a reliable reflection of market values or has been secured from sources we believe to be reliable, but we make no representation, guarantee or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the information complete, or reliable, current or error-free and assume no responsibility for any errors or omissions contained therein. All references to age, square footage, income, and expenses are approximate. This is not a survey, any pictures, images, or drawings are only for illustrative purposes. Any party should conduct their own independent investigations and rely solely on those results. This is not intended as a listing solicitation for a property currently listed with another broker.


For Sale Investment / User Opportunity I-95 Corridor Industrial Area Fullerton Industrial Park


FFuulllleerrttoonn IInndduussttrriiaall PPaarrkk

FFoorrtt B Beellvvooiirr E Ennggiinneeeerr PPrroovviinngg G Grroouunndd ((E EPPG G))

G Geenneerraall SSeerrvviicceess A Addm miinniissttrraattiioonn ((G GSSA A))

V VA A IInndduussttrriiaall PPaarrkk IInntteerrssttaattee IInndduussttrriiaall PPaarrkk Exclusive Investment Offering CONTACT:

N Neew wiinnggttoonn IInndduussttrriiaall PPaarrkk N Neew wiinnggttoonn C Coom mm meerrccee C Ceenntteerr

Guy Travers, Principal Broker 703.339.0100 gtravers@ rlt


A Alllleenn IInndduussttrriiaall PPaarrkk

G Guunnssttoonn IInndduussttrriiaall PPaarrkk G Gaatteew waayy 9955 B u s i n e Businessss PPaarrkk

7955 Twist Lane, Springfield, VA 22153

R. L. Travers & Associates, Inc. 8253 Backlick Road, Suite K Lorton, Virginia 22150 P: 703.339.0100 F: 703.550.8815 w w w .r l t i n c .n e t

Disclaimer: This information is deemed to be a reliable reflection of market values or has been secured from sources we believe to be reliable, but we make no representation, guarantee or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the information complete, or reliable, current or error-free and assume no responsibility for any errors or omissions contained therein. All references to age, square footage, income, and expenses are approximate. This is not a survey, any pictures, images, or drawings are only for illustrative purposes. Any party should conduct their own independent investigations and rely solely on those results. This is not intended as a listing solicitation for a property currently listed with another broker.


For Sale Investment / User Opportunity I-95 Corridor Industrial Area Fullerton Industrial Park

BRAC AND FORT BELVOIR: Opportunities for commercial development are expected to occur thanks to the Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) Act of 2005, which authorized the movement of more than 20,000 U.S. Army and civilian personnel to Fort Belvoir in southeastern Fairfax County near the Springfield and Richmond Highway business areas. BRAC calls for consolidation and realignment of a number of defense-related agencies including the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency and the W ashington Headquarters Service. Congress mandated that BRAC-related activities must be completed by September 15, 2011.


Exclusive Investment Offering CONTACT:

Guy Travers, Principal Broker 703.339.0100 gtravers@ rlt



R. L. Travers & Associates, Inc. 8253 Backlick Road, Suite K Lorton, Virginia 22150 P: 703.339.0100 F: 703.550.8815 w w w .r l t i n c .n e t

Disclaimer: This information is deemed to be a reliable reflection of market values or has been secured from sources we believe to be reliable, but we make no representation, guarantee or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the information complete, or reliable, current or error-free and assume no responsibility for any errors or omissions contained therein. All references to age, square footage, income, and expenses are approximate. This is not a survey, any pictures, images, or drawings are only for illustrative purposes. Any party should conduct their own independent investigations and rely solely on those results. This is not intended as a listing solicitation for a property currently listed with another broker.


For Sale Investment / User Opportunity I-95 Corridor Industrial Area Fullerton Industrial Park

Fullerton Industrial Park Exclusive Investment Offering CONTACT:

Guy Travers, Principal Broker 703.339.0100 gtravers@ rlt


R. L. Travers & Associates, Inc. 8253 Backlick Road, Suite K Lorton, Virginia 22150 P: 703.339.0100 F: 703.550.8815 w w w .r l t i n c .n e t

Disclaimer: This information is deemed to be a reliable reflection of market values or has been secured from sources we believe to be reliable, but we make no representation, guarantee or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the information complete, or reliable, current or error-free and assume no responsibility for any errors or omissions contained therein. All references to age, square footage, income, and expenses are approximate. This is not a survey, any pictures, images, or drawings are only for illustrative purposes. Any party should conduct their own independent investigations and rely solely on those results. This is not intended as a listing solicitation for a property currently listed with another broker.


For Sale


Investment / User Opportunity I-95 Corridor Industrial Area Fullerton Industrial Park

Exclusive Investment Offering CONTACT:

Fullerton Industrial Park

Guy Travers, Principal Broker 703.339.0100 gtravers@ rlt


R. L. Travers & Associates, Inc. 8253 Backlick Road, Suite K Lorton, Virginia 22150 P: 703.339.0100 F: 703.550.8815 w w w .r l t i n c .n e t

FAIRFAX COUNTY INFRASTRUCTURE: Transporta tion and u tilities are two of the vital infrastruc ture und erpinnings of Fairfax County's business & residential communities. The ex tensi ve ne twork of highwa ys , railroads and airports link residents and businesses with commercial hubs and cul tural attra ctio ns throughou t the W ashington, D.C., metropol itan a rea and the world. The county's excel lent utility companies p ro vide the vital resou rc es required b y reside nts and businesses . Disclaimer: This information is deemed to be a reliable reflection of market values or has been secured from sources we believe to be reliable, but we make no representation, guarantee or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the information complete, or reliable, current or error-free and assume no responsibility for any errors or omissions contained therein. All references to age, square footage, income, and expenses are approximate. This is not a survey, any pictures, images, or drawings are only for illustrative purposes. Any party should conduct their own independent investigations and rely solely on those results. This is not intended as a listing solicitation for a property currently listed with another broker.


For Sale


Investment / User Opportunity I-95 Corridor Industrial Area Fullerton Industrial Park

Exclusive Investment Offering CONTACT:

Guy Travers, Principal Broker 703.339.0100 gtravers@ rlt


R. L. Travers & Associates, Inc. 8253 Backlick Road, Suite K Lorton, Virginia 22150 P: 703.339.0100 F: 703.550.8815 w w w .r l t i n c .n e t

Disclaimer: This information is deemed to be a reliable reflection of market values or has been secured from sources we believe to be reliable, but we make no representation, guarantee or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the information complete, or reliable, current or error-free and assume no responsibility for any errors or omissions contained therein. All references to age, square footage, income, and expenses are approximate. This is not a survey, any pictures, images, or drawings are only for illustrative purposes. Any party should conduct their own independent investigations and rely solely on those results. This is not intended as a listing solicitation for a property currently listed with another broker.


For Sale Investment / User Opportunity I-95 Corridor Industrial Area Fullerton Industrial Park

Exclusive Investment Offering CONTACT:

Guy Travers, Principal Broker 703.339.0100


R. L. Travers & Associates, Inc.

8253 Backlick Road, Suite K Lorton, Virginia 22150 P: 703.339.0100 F: 703.550.8815 w w w .r l t i n c .n e t

SPRINGFIELD/FRANCONIA BUSINESS AREA: The Springfield/Franc onia area is cen tered on the intersection o f the Capital Beltwa y (I-49 5), In te rsta te 95 & th e Shirley Highwa y (I-395). And has an ou ts tanding R d network , & excellen t m ass tran sit options . The Metro rail Blue Line te rm inates a t the Joe A lexander Transpo rta ti on Center. This cen ter al so serves as a sta tio n for the Virginia Railwa y Express, Gre yhound & local busses . A sec ond Me trorail sta tion serving the a rea, Van Dorn Street, is located jus t o ve r the county line in the City of Alexandria. Las t, the VRE Manassas Li ne has a s tation at B ack lick Rd. Given its ou tstanding location , the Springfield/Franconia a rea co ntains m ore than 21 m illion SqFt of com m ercial developm ent, one of th e larges t concentra tions in Fairfax County. This a rea is the la rgest indus trial/flex m ark et in the coun ty w/ m ore than 10 .7 m illion SqFt. The m ajor i ndustrial park s are Flee t, Ra ve nsworth, Shirle y, Shirley-Edsall & Southern . Nearl y 4.4 m illion SqFt of Ofc space is loca ted in Springfield & Franconia. Ofc buildings va ry from to wnhouse condom inium s to high -rise buildi ngs. W / m ore than 5.2 m illion SqFt of retail spa ce, i ncluding Springfield Mall, this is the larges t re tail s ubm ark et in Fairfax County. Additionall y, the subm ark et has 10 hotels w/ m ore than 1 ,70 0 room s. Springfield contains o ne of the se ven Com m ercial Revitali zation Districts /Areas in Fairfax County. The Sp ringfield CRD consists o f a va riety of re tail, com m ercial, Ofc & reside ntial ac tivi ties clus tered at the Franconia Rd - I-95 Interchange , Old Keen e Mill Rd, Back lick Rd, & Comm erce Stree t Ro adwa y ne two rk . W hile the re ha ve been som e im portant de velopm ent p rojects in the are a such a s the To wne Place Suites b y Marriott, W aterford Conference Center, & the Marriot Residence Inn no w unde r construction, m uch of the a rea consis ts of dated com m ercial buildings. Som e of these sites have been rehabilitated o ver a period of yea rs, so th e Central Business a rea of Springfield continues to be functional, bus y, & an oppo rtuni ty for fu ture expansion & de ve lopm ent of a va riety of busine ss ac tivi ty. The prese nce of the rebuilt I-95 Inte rchange , ram ps, & Metro ac cess a t the Franconia-Springfield Transit Station, p ro vide the S pringfield CRD area w/ considerable ad va ntages w/ respect to loca tion & regional transporta tion access . In Ma y, 2006 an Urba n Land Ins titu te Ad vis ory Panel com pleted a repo rt & recom m endations for futu re de velopm ent, the “Vision” of a re vi talized Springfield is com prised of m any parts . First, Springfield will m o re firm ly establish itself as a regional center of com m erce w/ added com m ercial & Ofc space . Springfield will con tinue to be a regional tran sportation hub, given it’s p rim e locati on at the in tersec tion of two k ey regional i nters ta tes (I-95 & I-395) & a s ta tion on the Me tro Blue Line. Springfield M all will be re vitali zed & redesign ed along w/ the no rth east quad ran t of central Springfield to becom e a lifestyle shopping & entertainm ent dis tri ct. The Southeast Quad rant o f Central Sp ringfield will be transform ed in to a high technolog y Ofc cam pus. The North wes t Qu adrant will be de velo ped as a focal point for arts & culture w/ a cen ter fo r the pe rform ing arts , housing for artists , County library, & all as part of a walk -able people pl ace to wn center con venient to well located & well m aintained neighborho ods. Older apartm ent buildings will be reno vated & n ew luxu ry & wo rk force housing will be built. A trolle y s ys tem is propo sed as anothe r m ethod of interconnec ting the q uadrants & helping to crea te a sense of pla ce for Central Springfield. believe to be reliable, but we make no representation, guarantee or wDisclaimer: This information is deemed to be a reliable reflection of market values or has been secured from sources we arranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the information complete, or reliable, current or error-free and assume no responsibility for any errors or omissions contained therein. All referenes to age, square footage, income, and expenses are approximate. Thics is not a survey, any pictures, images, or drawings are only for illustrative purposes. Any party should conduct their own independent investigations and rely solely on those results. This is not intended as a listing solicitation for a property currently listed with another broker.


For Sale Investment / User Opportunity I-95 Corridor Industrial Area Fullerton Industrial Park

Exclusive Investment Offering CONTACT:

Guy Travers, Principal Broker 703.339.0100 gtravers@ rlt


R. L. Travers & Associates, Inc. 8253 Backlick Road, Suite K Lorton, Virginia 22150 P: 703.339.0100 F: 703.550.8815 w w w .r l t i n c .n e t

Fairfax County Zoning Ordinance I-5 - General Industrial District: (For Reference Purpose Only - Not A Legal Document)

Uses Perm itted by Right: 1. Accessor y uses and accessor y ser vices uses. 2. Child care centers and nurser y schools 3. Churches, chapels, temples, synagogues and other such places of worship. 4. Contractor's of f ices and shops. 5. Cremator y, human or animal. 6. Establishments f or printing of any size, production, processing, assembly, manuf acturing, compounding, preparat ion, cleaning, servicing, testing, repair or storage of materials, goods or products, and associated retail sales; except bulk storage of f lammable materials f or resale. 7. Establishments f or scientif ic resear ch, development and training. 8. Financial instit utions. 9. Funeral homes. 10. Heavy equipment and specialized vehicle sale, rent al and ser vice establishments. 11. Kennels. 12. Light public utilit y uses (Categor y 1), all uses except radio or television br oadcasting tower f acilit ies, microwave f acilit ies, satellite earth stat ions, and mobile and land based telecommunicat ion f acilities. 13. Lumber yards and building material yards to include rock, sand & gravel. 14. Mobile and land based telecommunicat ion f acilities 15. Motor f reight terminals. 16. Motor vehicle storage and impoundment yar ds. 17. New vehicle storage. 18. Off ices. 19. Private schools of general educat ion. 20. Private schools of special educat ion. 21. Public uses. 22. Quasi-public athletic f ields and related f acilit ies. 23. Recycling centers. 24. Storage yards. 25. Truck rental establishments. 26. Vehicle light ser vice establishments. 27. Vehicle major ser vice establishments. 28. Vehicle transportation ser vice establishm ents. 29. Veterinar y hospitals. 30. W arehousing and associated retail establishments. 31. W holesale trade est ablishments. Disclaimer: This information is deemed to be a reliable reflection of market values or has been secured from sources we believe to be reliable, but we make no representation, guarantee or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the information complete, or reliable, current or error-free and assume no responsibility for any errors or omissions contained therein. All references to age, square footage, income, and expenses are approximate. This is not a survey, any pictures, images, or drawings are only for illustrative purposes. Any party should conduct their own independent investigations and rely solely on those results. This is not intended as a listing solicitation for a property currently listed with another broker.

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