In the summer of 2024 as part of our new strategic plan, RMAG staff sent out an anonymous member survey to our 1,143 members at the time. Thank you to the 40% of you who responded, providing a strong representation of the organization. With the last survey conducted in 2017, the goal was to re-establish who makes up our membership and how the Board of Directors and staff can better serve you
Since 2017, membership has significantly decreased from just under 1,800 members to approximately 1,200, seven years – and a global pandemic – later Nearly 70% of the membership is late-career or retired While the membership is still predominantly male, the percentage of female members has increased to almost 20% up from 14% in 2017 As a scientific association, it is unsurprising to discover 75% of members hold a master’s or doctorate degree, with geology as the primary discipline Threequarters of the membership is located here in Colorado, and nearly 75% of them are in the Denver-metro area.
The membership is almost evenly divided into thirds: retired, employed, and self-employed. The majority identify as a petroleum geologist, with a fairly even spilt between working in conventional, unconventional or hybrid plays. Notably, the Denver-Julesburg, Permian, and Powder River Basins are each receiving an equal share of your focus, an interesting shift from our 2017 survey
Overall satisfaction with RMAG programing is high, with members indicating they are ‘satisfied’ to ‘completely satisfied’ across all categories Publications and continuing education opportunities are considered the most important aspects of membership, while networking and social events rank lower Field trips remain a favorite component of our programming Additionally, the frequency of programming meets members’ needs
Members provided a wealth of written feedback, expressing satisfaction with existing programming and offering new ideas. Suggestions included expanding programming beyond the Denver metro area, increasing online opportunities, and diversifying topics to include not just oil and gas but also hydrology, geothermal, and
mining. Many members also suggested collaborating with other related societies, both in Denver and across the region.
Most members rely on the weekly email for updates about association activities, and the frequency appears to meet your expectations While the website is functioning well overall, updates are needed Social media engagement is low, likely reflecting the aging demographics of our membership However, if you are active on social media, we encourage you to follow our pages and share ideas for content
While our mission and name are not exclusive to oil and gas or the Denver area, the data reflect that the majority of our membership is based in the Denver metro area and works in oil and gas To expand our programming beyond current offerings, we need volunteers Seventynine of you expressed interest in joining a committee, and 37 are interested in serving on the board in the future. If you indicated interest, keep an eye out for communications regarding committee meetings for 2025. We look forward to your contributions and thank you for willingness to contribute to our association.
For everyone else, watch the email newsletter over the next few weeks, as it will outline the work of each committee If a committee’s focus aligns with your interests, we encourage you to join in 2025 If you have ideas and want to organize something in your area, please contact the office we would love to help you The Board and I are here to support you, but RMAG cannot do all it does without our members’ help
Thank you to everyone who responded I would be remiss if I did not express my gratitude for your kind words It is a privilege to work with you, and I look forward to continuing to serve you and collaborate with the Board of Directors in our shared mission to support RMAG’s members effectively
- Bridget Crowther RMAG Executive Director
Highest Level of Education
Q6 Degree Major/Discipline In what major/discipline is your degree in? Total Number of Responses - 561
What is your current employment status? Total Number of Responses - 462
How long have you been with your current employer/with your last employer? Total Number of Responses - 344 Length of Employment
Length of Self-Employment
How long have you been self-employed? Total Number of Responses - 117
Type of Work
Hydrologist Management
Metallurgical Technician
Mineral Appraisal
Project Manager
Quality Control Geoteacher Software Development Program Analyst
Web developer
Resource Enabler
Q17 As a self-employed member, how many employees do you have?
Total Number of Responses - 117 Number of Employees
Q18 Industry
How would you categorize your employer/company?
Number of Responses - 439
Total Number of Responses - 274
Total Number of Responses - 1207
Other Basins
Anadarko Appalachian Australia
Big Horn
Basins, continued...
If you work in oil & gas, hydrology, or another industry, what basin(s) are your currently focused on?
Total Number of Responses - 1207
Bonaparte, Arabian
Eagle Ford East Texas
Greater Green River
Gulf of Mexico
Haynesville Illinois Indonesia International
Current Students
Jordan Michigan North Park North Sea Paradox Piceance
Prudhoe Bay, AK
San Juan
Sand Wash
South Texas
West Africa
Wind River
Overall how satisfied are you with your RMAG Membership?
Total Number of Responses - 444 (5 Completely Satisfied, 1 Completely Unsatisfied)
I normally just read articles and then utilize any class for CE credits for my Oregon RG license
Great organization, love the speakers and the conferences
Great publications and field trips. It is difficult to please all geologists who work in distinctly different areas and I think RMAG walks that difficult line well
Love it
Keeps me informed about Rocky Mtn geology through publications and field trips. very satisfied; like the topics covered in monthly meetings, workshops and field trips offered.
Good communication
This is an excellent community; however, we could stand to improve upon speakers of late in addition to a new monthly luncheon venue Our monthly luncheon attendance will improve significantly with a new location that serves better food, and all are able to eat. Too often the food has run out leaving members without lunch
Denver is to far away to be involved most of the time Love the people
Lack of proximity - Wish I was able to participate in Denver area events. I have remained interested in NW US geology since working in Denver 1995-7.
I am a very new member and plan to be more involved I'm mostly retired and don't interact with the organization that much now, but in the past I thought it served the geologic community well
I like being a member even though I don't partake in the social events.I'm glad RMAG exists.
Great organization
It’s good
I like RMAG's field trips, publications, and educational offerings I would make it to more field trips and activities if they were on the Western Slope, but it is hard to get to Front Range activities.
I enjoy the lunches and opportunity to stay connected to the community
I've been a long-time member of RMAG - I really can't imagine being a geologist, working in the Rockies region or living in the Rockies and not being a member.
Keeps me up to date
The office and leadership are keeping the group together during a time of rapid change Unlike normal boom bust industry cycles, this disparate technology based work force needs communication for career support.
I've only been an active member for a few years
Seems like things are well run
Don't receive emails I receive 40 - 50 emails a day from other sources, but none from RMAG This survey is the first one I have received in quite a while. This has been going on for 2 years. My computer tech can find nothing wrong with my computer.
Lots of oil
I enjoy the mix of social and professional events put on by RMAG and argue that it is a great value for the annual dues
Retired gulf coast geologist. RMAG informs me on Colorado matters.
I enjoy the Outcrop and Mountain Geologist.
I’m happy with RMAG
Communication is excellent and the Outcrop is well done
"Its a bit pricey for what I get out of it, as I don't live in Colorado any longer.
However, most Outcrop and Mtn Geologist have articles which are interesting to me "
I like the monthly luncheons and the networking opportunities (happy hours etc )
I think RMAG could do more to promote prospects, projects, and play sales. I think the monthly presentations have been less than top quality on some occasions.
I love the new energy we have the last few years from the " younger " recent leaders I like the courses brought in on bias for example I like the field trips
And the Outcrop is great (kinda always late), as is Mtn Geol.
Love the lunch and learns and the coffees. I honestly need to go to more of them to really start to build a network within the group
Well organized, actually provides quality, professional level services, such as publications, speakers, field trips, and courses.
Overall how satisfied are you with your RMAG Membership?
(5 Completely Satisfied, 1 Completely Unsatisfied)
Total Number of Responses - 444
This is a large group with many offerings but the core offering (the speaker luncheons) have been very disappointing This is the main venue in which people get engaged in local societies and thereby expand their participation to other offerings.
Good events, interesting geology
I still enjoy reading the materials and keeping up on ideas and events but am not very active Would appreciate more virtual events and education I appreciate the opportunities offered even though I don't take advantage of many of them. I'd like to do some of the field trips. Its a good value for the money
Good organization that fosters friendships, education and work opportunities
I am very happy with RMAG I just wish I had more time to participate.
I think that Bridget and the others are doing a great job with the RMAG considering the difficult times in the O&G industry
Provides active technical updates with assorted schools, technical articles and a variety of relevant symposiums, online training, and periodic general membership meetings. downtown is difficult to get to for the presentations You gals do a really fantastic job! And the golf tournament is the best!
Would appreciate more activities on the West Slope When I was working I appreciated all of the opportunities RMAG presented.
RMAG is my fave geo society
Enjoy the outcrop, 3D Symposiums and trade show opportunity
RMAG is, by far, the most active geologist society that I have been a part of for a long time Luncheon topics are good content, not just sales pitches, and the number of field trips is great. Also, I am looking forward to getting involved with RMAG volunteer events Overall, very good content for the membership price I'm about to be paying full membership cost instead of student fees and I think the price is completely reasonable You do well for active professionals in networking, presentations and social interaction.
Appreciate the information they provide on the local geological community
RMAG is a great organization, and I'm very satisfied with the publications, outreach, and networking opportunities The organization could improve by providing more geology content besides oil and gas.
Great engagement through field trips, talks, grants, publications and workshops I have been on a few RMAG field trips and they were excellent I hope to be more involved in the future!
RMAG has done an excellent job evolving through several industry downturns and downsizings while maintaining service to its members
I think the diversity in subject for technical meetings etc is great, but for me the Oil and Gas and fundamental geoscience topics are lacking a bit. Alot of the content seems CCS and alternative energy focused. I understand we are dynamically shifting away from O&G in Colorado in terms of balance of subjects, but there could be more of a focus on traditional geology
Since I retired 4 years ago I don’t take advantage of most of the offerings of RMAG but I like to keep up with the local news in geology and attend an occasional event.
Although I haven't lived in Colorado for over 30 years, I like to keep up with events and publications Great! Could provide more petroleum play updates for the Greater Rockies region at least twice a year Good programs and information.
Great professional association emphasizing relevant geological and industry publications/education, social gatherings/networking, field trips and career development opportunities Efforts on community/educational outreach could be more targeted and impactful.
Focused on Rocky Mountain area, not too big like AAPG
Great field trips!
RMAG has kept its fees reasonable and produces quality publications Having been a long-time member of AAPG as well, their fees have become too high and led to my leaving the organization after 40 years. RMAG provides a forum for earth scientists that is commendable, affordable and convenient I love the updates that are sent to my email and the opportunities for engagement
RMAG provides good information and provides opportunities for networking.
My only issue is not being able to participate in person. "
I've made valuable contacts and learned a lot of new things
Very satisfied Balanced programs and good forward movement on keeping up with the times, in terms of promoting diverse engagement and membership.
Membership Satisfaction, continued...
Overall how satisfied are you with your RMAG Membership?
(5 Completely Satisfied, 1 Completely Unsatisfied)
Total Number of Responses - 444
Helps me stay in touch with the industry
Provides strong services for its membership
Professional newsletter and events. I wish I could attend more events, but I can only make the whitewater rafting trips
All good "Excellent publications- Mountain Geologist & Outcrop and Special Symposium Publications
Been a member since ~1980
RMAG is a great organization with many activities, informative monthly meetings, and a community spirit. I love the organization RMAG is a great collection of geologists!
Always lots of good stuff going on!
RMAG has diversified its offerings over the past several years and broadened its appeal. Reminds me of the 1970s-1980s when I was first into RMAG. I may not participate much anymore due to time and health, but I still appreciate the offerings
I don't attend very many meetings or events anymore but I do keep up with newsletters and emails
RMAG is a top-notch regional society that offers a wide range of educational and social events for members to gather
I love the amount of offerings and opportunities in RMAG We have a strong and vibrant group of geoscientists in the Rockies & this is the best professional organization to bring them together.
RMAG provides exceptional education and networking opportunities through monthly luncheons, field trips, conferences and social events
RMAG provides high value to its membership with quality programing and education for the cost Glad to see that RMAG has an eye on the future while still serving their members. AAPG has almost been "preying" on its remaining members these last few years as their older membership refuses to change but they are in an economic world of hurt as they continue to bleed the member count
While I seldom make the luncheons and other events in Denver, I appreciate the publications and short field trip opportunities.
I appreciate and look forward to reviewing the Outcrop when it comes out I also look forward to the organized RMAG events such as coffee hours, happy hours and the annual golf tournament, which helps me connect with other geoscientists throughout the industry.
Great group, very limited offerings for folks not in the Denver area
I appreciate the email communication from RMAG. You need more short courses and symposiums. This membership is a great value and there are lots of activities offered to members
Great organization I wish I had my second home in Denver so I could go the great field trips you have We left in Covid. Denver has gotten too big and too weird in a bad kind of way so I doubt we will return. The traffic is worse that Houston - although the climate is nicer Too many California nuts being added every day is another problem
I enjoy the luncheon talks and field trips
The camaraderie of fellow geologists is one of the strongest benefits of RMAG membership.
Would like "Geologists" to be more inclusive of other exploration-related areas (e.g., minerals).
RMAG provides excellent programs for geoscientists, including monthly luncheon meetings/talks, field trips, symposia, core workshops etc , plus publications including Mountain Geologist and Outcrop
I am no longer doing exploration work, but mostly environmental site remediation and investigation work. Some stray gas migration work too It would be great to have an environmental geology subgroup, something like AAPG does Love the news and ideas, and Outcrop/Mountain Geologist. Would like more Zoom access to meetings, as a distance member.
I like the publications, both current and past. Even though I'm in Houston I do like that RMAG offers lots of talks, field trips, meetings
There are generally a lot of opportunities to participate in activities, and the membership provides good value and connection.
Keeps me informed on Rocky Mountain information and issues
It is beginning to get woke
What's there to complain about, for an old fart like me!
A professional organization that serves the interests of its members
I like the news I get, the training opportunities and the strong geoscience community that results from it
RMAG is in my view the best geological society to belong to I am or have been a member of several RMAG has great publications, interesting talks (when I have been able to attend), and great people Keep up the good work!
Membership Satisfaction, continued...
Overall how satisfied are you with your RMAG Membership?
Total Number of Responses - 444 (5 Completely Satisfied, 1 Completely Unsatisfied)
RMAG has gone off the deep end bowing to the climate change fraud, the stupidity of low energy density “renewable" (wind & solar) energy and the associated mostly useless subset spin-off industries, like carbon capture. [why would you want to further reduce the primary gas / CO2 needed for photosynthesis, and thusly the base link of earths food chain] Surely the managing members of RMAG are aware that the use of o& g in the world’s economies continues to increase year over year and is projected to continue as the base load power (along with nuclear) of economies and petrochemical products (damn near everything) RMAG should be supporting all extractive industries and should be trying to debunk the illegitimate boogeyman that is Catastrophic Climate pseudo-science. Anyone with a geoscience degree that included earth’s geological history, and a smattering of risk analysis should understand this
Enjoy the publications but would like to see more classic oil field papers
Great organization, I just need more time to participate in events.
Great publications
Mediocre resources for professionals
As a retired geologist, I want to keep up with the RMAG activities
I have benefited from the publications, field trips and meetings of the RMAG as well as the social and professional contacts with members for almost 60 years.
Always fun to read the stuff I get
Great publications and field trips
I do not participate in many of the RMAG classes, lunches, field trips, etc at this stage of my life, however over the years I have believed this organization was top notch and continues to provide quality events, articles, talks, etc.
Unfortunately, I don't live in Denver, so I can't take advantage of the local activities (luncheons, field trips, symposia, etc ) offered by the Association My relationship is solely through the publications, which seem to be decreasing in number and personal interest over the decades.
I enjoy the field trip offerings, some of the luncheon talks, and the social events
Would like to see more mid-career people in lunch and learns and other events
Would like to see more programs for retired geologists
Good networking opportunities, nice events, field trips, some outreach
I’m no longer active, but I’m supporting RMAG because of its rich legacy.
Most excellent professional organization.
I love how outgoing the society is Lots of field trips, good seminars & meetings, good articles, etc Since I'm out of state I really can't take advantage of most of those
It is o.k.
I rarely attend luncheons, workshops, etc because most topics presented are unrelated to my interests
I feel it is well run I really appreciate all of the events that are put together Bridget is a wonderful and remembers peoples names and information about them, which made me feel welcomed and less awkward when I joined.
Fantastic to be able retain a connection to Rockies geology and activities
I am no longer able to interact as I moved out of state when I retired
I miss the petroleum geology talks and emphasis on exploration. Too much carbon sequestration emphasis. Nobody cares.
Overall satisfied with the value of my membership but like to see more online access to presentations via a library of talks and Zoom Meetings for various presentations
I'm now retired and living in the Central Mountains so not very involved these days with RMAG.
I think RMAG has a lot of resources and outlets for geologists of all ages! I wish I lived closer to be more engaged, but I do still feel like all of the resources are available and helpful to me
No significant complaints I appreciate the Outcrop and other publications.
RMAG is an active, focused organization that succeeds in moving forward with our rapidly changing discipline. Very satisfied, great events and communication! RMAG provides a robust offering of opportunities for members to learn and network
Like to keep informed although prefer not to go downtown for meetings as I no longer work downtown. Westside options always welcome.
I think RMAG is doing a fine job serving its members
Most of the issues I have with scientific and professional organizations has to do with the lack of interest by geoscientists and unfortunately I'm not sure what else organizations like RMAG can do to fix that.
Membership Satisfaction, continued...
Overall how satisfied are you with your RMAG Membership?
Total Number of Responses - 444 (5 Completely Satisfied, 1 Completely Unsatisfied)
First rate assoc w members foremost
It's nice to stay in touch
The employees and (most of the) members are 1st rate!
I appreciate RMAGs outreach programs. The luncheons tend to be expensive and the topics to focused on Oil and Gas
Good content, pubs, local social events and conferences
great staff (Bridget), and great group of volunteers
RMAG is a good society.
I would be much happier if I could join meetings remotely through Zoom or other
I very much enjoy the RMAG My only disappointment is the last RMAG/AAPG conference where I as an older geologist felt completely outnumbered and isolated from the recent graduates.
I think RMAG is doing well reaching out and providing value to the geoscience community, with technical meetings and luncheon speakers etc , and I think the publications are well regarded!!
I like the technical articles, the field trips, and conferences
Too Denver-centric. You didn’t even have ND (my home) as a prospective choice of places to live in this survey!!!
Good overall all value
Membership provides valuable networking opportunities, information and technology updates from other members and professionals
Great society to be a part of Retired but have worked primarily on the TexasLouisiana Gulf coast
I am happy with what I get out of the membership but being on the west slope I don't get the benefits that folks on the east side of the mountains get Great association for RM geologists. Luncheons, meetings, field trips, courses etc. we are fortunate to have it here.
Lack of special publications (books) and talk topics of interest on a regular basis are the reasons I don't rate RMAG 5 stars Field trip offerings and the Outcrop are very good
I only wish there was an "old timer’s" reunion. Not at night because many of us have difficulty driving at night
Hard to join any activities in Grand Junction
I have been an RMAG member for decades to share cross border geology in the Williston Basin
Just joined within last couple of months, so just starting to meet members. So far so good.
Would give 5-stars if RMAG publications covered a broader range of geo-disciplines; however, RMAG seems to lean more towards oil and gas topics.
I am also active with the Houston Geological Society, and it seems that the RMAG is much better run than the HGS
For more than a year, I have not received regular emails from RMAG HQ Every time I inquire about the problem, I get emails for a few weeks then they stop I have been told that the RMAG email system has trouble with comcast addresses. I am surprised that I even received the email for the survey The first email in months I suppose I could check the website for events, lunch talk subjects, and announcements, but it is a lot more convenient to get a regular email
Communication to members is an important function for the organization and this email issue is why I gave an did not assign a higher rating.
RMAG membership has value to me primarily for continuing education and current events
Good value
I would like to see RMAG increase its membership beyond oil & gas, i.e., hard rock, environmental, hydro, geothermal, H & He, etc.
I attend so few events, luncheons, courses that it is hard to rate my satisfaction! I am certainly NOT unsatisfied!
Overall happy, but organization is too Denver oriented
I don't attend a lot of functions, but those I do are very well organized. There seem to be fewer O&G relevant papers published, but I understand that the industry/academia demographics have changed The membership cost is fair
Broad professional span, flexible with change Frequent networking/social opportunities and technical programs.
I am very happy with RMAG! I love the community participation, the job opportunities, the scholarship opportunities, and the newsletter! It helps me stay connected with the Colorado Geological area! Seems like a week run organization that is meeting its members needs is there a discount rate for retirees?
A well-run organization I am happy to be associated with I have published 5 papers in the Mountain Geologist
RMAG has always provided the most economical and applicable educational services and an avenue to socialize with others in the geological community.
Overall how satisfied are you with your RMAG Membership?
(5 Completely Satisfied, 1 Completely Unsatisfied)
Total Number of Responses - 444
RMAG has proved to be a very valuable resource regards all of the foregoing My primary contact has been the two RMAG publications which have provided excellent coverage of a diversity of fields and associated histories. I have worked most of those fields and areas Online meetings began during the pandemic years which were very much appreciated being as up until then I was not able to attend in person I hope those online capabilities can continue, at least for the more major presentations. RMAG membership and staff seem to be very dedicated to the goals and purposes of the organization
RMAG is still mostly focused on a model where their members work for companies in downtown Denver rather than based in home offices all over the place Events are in the middle of the day downtown which is inconvenient for consultants who work from home, not downtown.
Good Events and networking opportunities
Happy with how RMAG keeps me abreast of what is going on with geology in Colorado
Great support for education and networking
I would like to see a larger variety of geoscience topics. I especially like some of the virtual geologic tours describing different places in the rocky mountain region
Great service to geologists
V engaged & engaging society, wish I could engage more, but: distance Made some friends through RMAG
Fabulous value!
While I am not very active, because I am based outside of Denver, I find the quality of the technical aspects (papers, talks) to be high
It would be 5 stars if you could email me the Outcrop every month.
Good offering of programs.
I joined RMAG to have a way to reach geologists when I was giving away publications when I retired and closed my geology publication store This led me to discover the field trips and I have been loving them ever since. I wish I had joined 20 years ago!
While unable to participate, other than maintaining membership, I very much enjoy the publications and following the society activities I was more active when living in Denver from 1977 through 1985
The meetings are a good place to network and see what companies are focused on. Most events centered on Denver.
I maintain mostly for nostalgia as I travel extensively while I'm physically able Once I get to the point of not being able to travel, hike and goof off extensively I may again start to attend meetings, but I have no interest in actual professional work - did that for 40 years and now I do what I want
RMAG has adopted several philosophies I do not believe and has dropped responsibilities that are important generationally The loss of a generation of literature by RMAG geologists such as Bob Weimer, Don Stone, and Fred Meisner. Probably the most egregious is never updating (modernizing) the "Red Book" on Rocky Mountain Geology There is a lost generation of geology there
Publications keep me abreast of activities and often include interesting articles
Because most events are downtown, I don't attend as often as I should.
Would like to attend more events but work schedule doesn’t allow
The content is good A lot of opportunities for networking events Workshops and field trip amounts seem reasonably often.
Finding the monthly Outcrop is now dependent on social media announcements rather than an active link in a weekly email blast I rely on the Outcrop to find out what's going on with the RMAG
As a semi-retired geologist, I enjoy a broad range of geoscience activities and news, including non-oil & gas along with things like CCUS, geothermal, etc. I think RMAG is doing a good job with these types of things. But also as a semi-retired geologist, I find that my activities in geologic societies is waning The new generation is stepping up, which is great!"
I'm neither satisfied nor dissatisfied with RMAG I'm a member only because I always have been and find almost no benefit for being a member. Being a member has never related to my career or lifestyle. RMAG is a distinguished society that I enjoy being part of
I am happy that this organization exists, and they seem quite active, but overall I receive lots of invitations for things I cannot attend.
RMAG expands its horizons into new science, basins, techniques, it isn't stuck in the past like AAPG is It gives me what I most want (site-specific geologic information and field trips) but tends to overemphasize extractive industries
Great organization with a core team of people driving it to be better. Well done!
Overall how satisfied are you with your RMAG Membership?
(5 Completely Satisfied, 1 Completely Unsatisfied)
Total Number of Responses - 444
Keep publishing those journals as I consider it the most valuable benefit of my membership I actually read yours, unlike AAPG which doesn't bother to send me any emails to tell when the Bulletin is available. I also appreciate your classes and sometimes have time to actually take one I worked the Rockies for many years so I consider everything you publish relevant to keeping me informed about basins outside of the Permian
Disappointed that you stopped sending printed journal
The talks and other learning opportunities are excellent Seems to be a bit of a bias about having engineers serve in Board positions though
Good organization
The events seem great but since I'm in Utah I can't attend many of them
RMAG has been a great way for me to get connected early in my career, attend fun social events, field trips, and give back to the community
I wish there were more luncheon topics about basins other than Permian or Colorado
At 81, I am happy to be a member of anything
Great organization
Not thrilled to see some of the organizations that RMAG supports I am a firm believer in equality for all and do not think the organization should support race, gender or sexually oriented organizations
Lately I have not been very visibly active In the past the RMAG was a significant benefit to me
Fantastic resource to the Denver area industry/academic communities
Love The Outcrop and Mtn Geologist but having retired to Michigan am no longer available for the luncheons and other RMAG symposia and activities
Good mix of activities
I prefer these smaller organizations as opposed to something like AGU, so I like that this is a regional organization focused on the Rockies community. However, there is not much that I can actually take part in since mostly everything is in Colorado
RMAG has been an important part of my career The professionalism of the members and publications and many friends associated with.
Rocky Mountain Basins (RMB) include the WCSB - it would be beneficial if RMAG found a way to include the WCSB RMB are an excellent analogue to the WCSB - and vice versa, WCSB is an excellent analogue to RMB Would suggest luncheons etc had a virtual component so non - Denver members could participate.
RMAG does a great job of providing a variety of activities Much appreciated
Great mix of work week events and fun weekend field trips, volunteer opportunities, etc.
Just great to be part of a local organization where geology is the focus 100%
I used to enjoy the free Zoom meetings I've considered cancelling my membership since the fees started
Good society with an excellent journal and informative workshops/conferences.
Enjoy the articles in Mountain Geologist
I was unable to come to many events for the membership, but I believe that the opportunities for students and connection was great!
I enjoy all the communications and rely on good professional articles from RMAG.
I think it's a good organization that genuinely tries to help its members and the broader geologic community to build professional networks and grow technical skills
Excellent and affordable field trips
Workshops are usually very much on the mark! Luncheons have been variable on topics of interest. But, sorry, the monthly meeting venue isn't conducive to good networking and interaction with other members The social events are great and nice that you are moving around town to draw in nearby operators/participants
Great network of local geologists. Many I have known for years.
I just enjoy my relationships with the RMAG community, and the activities and articles help with that
Not enough activities outside of the Front Range/Denver Metro area.
As an armchair observer of all things Rocky Mountain geology, I enjoy reading with some participation in geo-activities
I think that RMAG is an exceptional organization and a great value for the money!
Well-rounded suite of services
Liked eating at Maggiano’s better. Good speaker variety.
Needs to be more diverse than just oil and gas
While I really only show up for the golf tournament, I am grateful for you all at RMAG!
Overall Very good
Honestly - I live at least 45- 60 minutes away and come to very few events.
Overall how satisfied are you with your RMAG Membership?
(5 Completely Satisfied, 1 Completely Unsatisfied)
Total Number of Responses - 444
There is always room for improvement, but I pleased with my current membership
Attended Helium Conference
Significant portion of my time working other geological provinces and not focused on Rocky Mtn Basins
I attend most monthly meetings prior to retirement plus most field trips I now only attend with only exceptional talks
I like the frequency of communication via email
Quality programming, good camaraderie
Useful membership
I've always valued my RMAG membership
A great group of people
Overall how satisfied are you with the education programing i.e., luncheon speakers, core workshops, classes, symposia, conferences, etc.
Total Number of Responses - 413 (5
Just attending first one It is going well
The workshops, classes, symposiums, and conferences mentioned above are always well thought out and well presented
The conferences and classes I have attended have been very instructional though I wish there were more mining and mineral processing-based educational opportunities The reality is that these are difficult to organize as many mining companies are hesitant to hold fieldtrips or disclose operational information
I give it 5 because I think you do what you can I haven't been interested in the program content. I haven't been jazzed about geology talks in a while, but I need to be part of the solution! There are interesting stories to be told, we just need to get people to want to tell them
Offer great courses
Most of the luncheon and workshop topics are petroleum/gas related, which is not my field. I would like more on geologic hazards, general geology of Colorado, and engineering geology
These are difficult times - I understand that, with the changing demographics there is a change in how people perceive the value of RMAG or similar technical societies. For me - it's been an indispensable part of my network and career.
The quality of geo scientists and natural resource workers in the Denver area is the largest most modern and most rock outcrop trained Along with other groups RMAG is a great partner in bringing practical science into digital data bases through continuing education and various events.
Doing a good job
Not able to attend as I no longer live in Colorado
Overall education is good
You do a great job with field trips and other activities
More zoom things as I am not in Colorado and would like to maintain ties, connection.
Love the lunch and learns and the coffees. I honestly need to go to more of them to really start to build a network within the group
Well done and relevant
Good speakers, field trip locations and subject matter
It is hard for me to get to the luncheons because I don't work downtown Denver
Provides active technical updates with assorted schools, technical articles anda variety of relevant symposiums, online training, and periodic general membership meetings
I attended several symposia while I was still employed and was very impressed with their quality.
Great discussions and workshops
So near some way to be more involved.
Overall how satisfied are you with the education programing i.e., luncheon speakers, core workshops, classes, symposia, conferences, etc. ?
(5 Completely Satisfied, 1 Completely Unsatisfied)
Total Number of Responses - 413
I don’t attend these and that's something I need to change It's just a drive for me to come downtown from my home office.
Could be more, maybe a few geophysics oriented together with the DGS
Better range of symposia, and other short courses
Having a few more day-long classes throughout the year would be ideal
Interesting and educational topics. Communication from RMAG pertaining to upcoming events and events
I am registered for has been great.
RMAG is great at providing opportunities to keep current on industry happenings and technologically significant information
I’m not attending any events due to Covid concerns, but I have seen some interesting events that have been tempting.
I love the content However, most of it does not directly relate to my career as a hydrogeologist
Excellent opportunities
Talks are great quality, and I appreciate being able to tune in online.
Unable to attend most activities as I don't live in the area.
I do not participate
The events offer a nice variety of topics I don’t attend hardly any as I am retired now, but I like to see what is offered Fantastic!
Interesting stuff.
Good mix of topics
RMAG is very interactive with its members and responsive to their needs
I have only seen one speaker on the Permian Basin, but he was great!
Haven't attended any - remote in Texas
Broad spectrum and diverse topics. Well done as usual!
I’m kept informed, that is what I am looking for Newer attended, but strong offerings
Again, my only experience is the white water rafting trip.. but that was first rate. They are excellent.
Have not been able to attend because out of town, limited schedule in past With Zoom broadcast, I have attended numerous luncheon speakers
I participate in many of the offerings, and I find them to be a great mix I don’t attend any more though There always seems to be something going on. I really appreciate the luncheons & class offerings. I haven't gotten to take many of the field trips but I'd like to I like the diversity of topics, anchored in oil and gas but now branching out to other disciplines such as geothermal, CCUS, helium etc
Lunch talks are longer than I prefer. I’d enjoy two 15minute talks per lunch with time to chat with people and speakers after the talks.
I have not attended the luncheons, classes or workshops yet, but have heard great things about them
Perhaps half of the monthly lunch talks are of interest to me. Enough of the more special events are of interest that it definitely makes it worth still being a member
Good offerings Making them available online for talks allows those of us in remote corners of the state to still have added value from being members of RMAG
More field trips
Plz provide more
There is a great variety of offerings to reasonable prices
Overall, they are good I appreciate the increasing emphasis on topics other than oil and gas (e g geothermal, mining, helium exploration)
The education benefit allows for a wide-ranging perspective on the diverse subject of geology.
Have not attended any recently, but past programs in which I participated mostly were first-class
A/A, I am no longer doing exploration work, but mostly environmental site remediation and investigation work Some stray gas migration work too It would be great to have an environmental geology subgroup, something like AAPG does.
Again, as a distance member, I can usually participate only via Zoom or equivalent
Even though I'm in Houston I do like that RMAG offers lots of talks, field trips, meetings
It is sometimes hard to participate in programs during work hours in person, so the hybrid attendance options are appreciated.
I am mostly into field trips at this point
If I lived closer to downtown I would attend more frequently, but I don't so I don't
Education Programing Satisfaction, continued...
Overall how satisfied are you with the education programing i e , luncheon speakers, core workshops, classes, symposia, conferences, etc ?
(5 Completely Satisfied, 1 Completely Unsatisfied)
Total Number of Responses - 413
I have an interest in perhaps half of the luncheon talks.
Good when I was located in Colorado Poor since I moved to Pacific NW
Not very industry focused
Good stuff I should attend more often
I seldom participate mainly due to the distance from my home to Denver
Haven't seen many core workshops offered in a while
It would be good to get a few more in Denver
Good variety with focus on energy transition work
I only rarely attend talks
Unable to accurately access since I live in Texas. I really enjoyed the luncheon meetings while I lived in Denver
I would like to attend more events but school and family keep me to busy but I attend when I can and encourage other students to participate
Pricey and not well publicized
I don't usually attend the luncheons or other learning opportunities
Nothing special offered
Appears good quality activities
I don't get to many meetings now that I am retired but still benefit from the publications
They have always been great but since I live in New Mexico I don’t make many these days.
Well done.
I am not that familiar with the oil and gas industry, so the programming educates me on the challenges and opportunities the industry faces I also like the diversity of monthly meeting topics, the field trip opportunities, the workshops and classes offered.
Remote login to luncheon presentation is good
Perhaps more conferences if demand warrants
Offerings are diverse and informative
Wish the luncheons could be on different days every so often As I am unemployed, some of the conferences and symposiums are a bit expensive
Relevant educational opportunities though I myself am retired and will likely not participate.
Wish there were more zoom style events
The talk are very interesting The location is comfortable and appropriate for the talks
Due to my location, I cannot give the best perspective and judgement as I am not able to participate in most things.
I can no longer attend as I live out of state
Overall satisfied with the value of my membership but like to see more online access to presentations via a library of talks and Zoom Meetings for various presentations
I am not able to attend the talks due to living in Palisade, Co. I attend Grand Junction Geological Assn meetings.
Just joined and have not attended any events
I don't attend
Always enjoyed and appreciated RMAG luncheons, classes, etc But being retired, don't come to Denver very often to attend these events.
RMAG does a great job organizing these activities! RMAG used to (10 plus years ago) hold multiple courses for introduction to oil and gas for new professionals
I like the option to watch a talk on line
No significant complaints
A wide variety from traditional O&G to CCUS! Haven't attended any. Not many on the western slope.
I think these are well arranged
Good program, responding to the current industry needs
Good job even I don’t always partake
I enjoy these events when I'm able to participate. Being in Saudi, I don't use any of them, but I continue to follow them.
I don't go to these any more, but when I did they were spot-on
Luncheon speakers tend to be oil & gas oriented Have not attended symposiums or conferences lately Ed programming is good and evolves with needs of the geoscience community.
Good talks.
I would be much happier if I could join meetings remotely
Wonderful lunches and field trips I've learned a lot
I have not attended a lot of events other than technical meetings, and luncheons, but others have said the more social and scientific things are worthwhile.
Too Denver-centric
Great menu of field trips and luncheon presentations
I have very much enjoyed numerous field trip opportunities, lunch programs via zoom, high quality information in the monthly and quarterly publications. Great programing
Live too far away
Overall how satisfied are you with the education programing i.e., luncheon speakers, core workshops, classes, symposia, conferences, etc. ?
(5 Completely Satisfied, 1 Completely Unsatisfied)
Total Number of Responses - 413
I should probably leave this blank, because being on the west slope and not driving any more, I am unable to attend events on the other side of the mountains I would like for RMAG to have an event over here once in a while
Nice to see geothermal and CCUS talks, stuff beyond oil and gas.
Am glad RMAG still does course offerings and luncheons.
Have not joined any
Would give 5-stars if topics covered a broader range of geo-disciplines; however, RMAG seems to lean more towards oil and gas topics
Unfortunately, being in Houston I rarely have the opportunity to take advantage of the RMAG's many opportunities.
Educational programming is great, but since I live in the northern Front Range area getting to Denver
Metro venues (especially Downtown) is problematic I appreciate that the lunch talks are still presented to a remote audience, but because of the email problem described above I often miss the lunch talks.Although the Covid scare is largely over, RMAG should provide more remote educational opportunities if appropriate for the topics being presented
Great luncheon talks
Would like to see an annual core workshop/conference
Too much is in Denver. For a regional organization it should try organizing small events elsewhere
I appreciate the zoom option for luncheon meetings as it's often difficult for me to get downtown
All of the above offerings have been excellent I can't reach a 5-star rating because being in Houston I have not attended some of those activities mentioned, hence no experience there
Lots of choices
Lunch topics seem strongly biased to petroleum industry Perhaps more balance
Since I am no longer in Denver, I am not able to attend most offerings
The offerings are good, but refer to the previous comment about lack on convenience
Generally, topics for me aren't of interest Also, since I no longer work downtown slogging to downtown is a pain in the neck with traffic and parking
Varied topics, highly qualified people.
I would like to see more classes, conferences, and core workshops.
Very good variety High quality presentations
One excellent conference
Love the many options to interact with other members & expand my technical horizons!
Only reason I am not giving 5 stars is that there are a bit too many talks that don't dive into fundamentals, like stratigraphy, structure, basin evolution, etc. good mix
I have not been to any of those, only field trips
I don't take advantage of the program for logistical reasons
As mentioned above I do not participate but from what I read I think those things are done very well.
When I was active, these were great.
I think RMAG has always done an excellent job of providing educational opportunities for its members and the community in general
Would like for all of the talks to also be available virtually.
Not near me.
I think there are a variety of speakers, many of whom are very good don't attend
Haven’t been able to attend any yet I like all the opportunities. Would be great if more were on the Western Slope.
Haven't been to one in a while, but was satisfied with the content and organization
For those active in the workplace, I think the current programming is awesome For retirees, not so much, but I don't have any good ideas on how to fix that Too expensive and so I haven't attended in over 10 years. Rarely a topic in which I think I can learn and actual technique to make me a better subsurface geologist
I wish I could attend more
I have been to several meetings and conferences all of which I have enjoyed.
Many of these things sound fabulous, but not being local, are just additional emails of things I cannot do. I have not participated in them
Would like more programs It would also be mind if some of the happy hours were in Boulder Fruitful in the past, when I attended Excellent learning opportunities for engineers.
Education Programing Satisfaction, continued...
Overall how satisfied are you with the education programing i e , luncheon speakers, core workshops, classes, symposia, conferences, etc. ?
(5 Completely Satisfied, 1 Completely Unsatisfied)
Total Number of Responses - 413
Luncheons should offer more networking opportunities. I enjoy the DERL location, but it doesn't have the same socializing benefits as Maggiano's I understand that there is a significant cost difference between the two locations, but the luncheons should give me both technical information as well as networking opportunities.
I don't attend many since I am in Houston, but it is always possible that I might, especially if some were given in an online format
Many activities are downtown; I do not do downtown any more
Excellent learning opportunities for engineers
Prefer more O&G focus and courses for 10+ year geologists.
The luncheon speakers have been poor, the food has been so-so and sometimes there hasn't been enough, and the venue is not conducive to networking with the basement setting and columns blocking flow in the room I have heard many people say that they stopped going to luncheons when the venue switched from Maggianos to DERL. Out of the talks I have attended, one was a state regulator marching through 30 plus word slides on the state progress on CCUS primacy and the other was a vendor describing routine core analysis I didn't learn anything in either talk and the audience wasn't engaged. I would suggest that RMAG seriously consider completely revamping their luncheon series.
I think it would be great to bring in more speakers from some of the other geosocieties I see lots of interesting talks advertised with WTGS, OCGS, and HGS that would be informative to see in person I live in SW Colorado and don't attend any Denver functions.
They look good
RMAG should focus on educating geologists in Petroleum engineering and financial aspects of their jobs Too many geologists do not have a broad understanding of the OIl & Gas industry.RMAG appears to be heavily focused on alternative energy, CCUS etc. these days.
I have had very little contact with RMAG, and I am not aware of most of the programs
Too far away to participate in these now days They look great, I just don't get to them
Always professional and educational
Although RMAG wants to (and should) be more diverse than just focusing on petroleum, luncheons focused on petroleum topics tend to get the most activity The recent lack of petroleum related topics is primarily the reason that I haven’t attended as many luncheons as of late
Field trips have been great, I try to get on as many as possible subject to my international travel plans
Conferences/symposia are good for out-of-state members
I find it difficult to participate in luncheons as I live over 70 miles from Denver
I was unable to come to many education programming but the opportunity’s provided were great!
Being remote from a lot of activities means I am unable to participate as frequently as I would prefer. They seem quite good though I admit that I haven't participated in many because the luncheons are far from where I live and the classes, workshops etc are expensive for a retiree :-)
As above, 3 stars for luncheons and five stars for workshops.
I attend less frequently than in the past when employers would pay and I was in the city every day I'm not close, but it's good to participate when I can N/A because I have not been able to attend Always of interest, even though I rarely participate anymore
I have taken several short courses through RMAG and they have been top shelf!
all good
Different topics other than oil and gas
They all look great, but I'm in Dallas and can never attend
Most of these are too specific to oil and gas industry for meet my needs, but I realize they are meant to meet the needs of most of your members relevant to current research
I appreciate RMAG's ongoing efforts to provide diverse programming and training opportunities for Rocky Mountain geologist through luncheons, classes and workshops
Limited exposure to remote technical events
Thank you for keeping the Zoom option for monthly lunch speaker meetings
I seldom am involved, being retired.
Education Programing Satisfaction, continued...
Overall how satisfied are you with the education programing i.e., luncheon speakers, core workshops, classes, symposia, conferences, etc. ?
(5 Completely Satisfied, 1 Completely Unsatisfied)
Total Number of Responses - 413
Some things are of little interest or of little value to my work Which should be normal
All is pretty in person and local Would prefer more virtual and perhaps travel/meeting options
Most (90%) technical programs are good, just a few of them didn't quite hit the mark.
I wish there was a more fair process for selection of speakers at these conferences- at times it seems like they just appear from nowhere with a full slate of speakers (like the fall ccus one) with little opportunity for others to engage
Just feels that way.
Rocky Mountain Basins (RMB) include the WCSB - it would be beneficial if RMAG found a way to include the WCSB RMB are an excellent analogue to the WCSB - and vice versa, WCSB is an excellent analogue to RMB Would suggest luncheons etc had a virtual component so non - Denver members could participate.
Fees on Zoom meetings have put me off
Overall how satisfied are you with “The Outcrop”?
(5 Completely Satisfied, 1 Completely Unsatisfied)
Total Number of Responses - 418
They are good and informative
Interesting articles
The Outcrop is very informative
Great articles
Enjoy the feature articles. I even contributed one! Less content over the years is disappointing. Can't cast for more
It was easier to read in hard copy I understand the reasons for digital change We are smothered with digital information It simply requires more discipline to read articles on an electronic device.
Good mix of topics and information.
I don’t read it only because I don’t read anything these days
No idea what that is
Great publication Well done and I enjoy it!
What's not to like
Keeps me up to date, Almost always an interesting geological article,
It's consistently very good and enjoyable
Would rather have paper copy to pick it up when I have time
Don't receive it
Source of information
look forward to its arrival
Not reading it anymore
Excellent publication More hydrogeology content please. very informative newsletter
A great newsletter! I especially appreciate the focus on local geology
Amazing publication that has evolved with the time Technology enhanced its quality and distribution I typically look through each issue
Publications could be combined
Great, but would like to see more technical articles, even if they are a summary of recent work rather than an entire journal article
I must admit that I don't read the Outcrop regularly now that it is in digital only format
Interesting topics
I love reading through this newsletter!
I'm biased here, having published a few articles The Outcrop is a valuable news/geology/current events source for me
It remains a good read
Beautifully produced with interesting articles.
“The Outcrop” Satisfaction, continued... Overall how satisfied are you with “The Outcrop”?
Total Number of Responses - 418 (5 Completely Satisfied, 1 Completely Unsatisfied)
Great way to communicate with members on a regular basis about upcoming events, spotlight relevant geo topics and stay in touch
Informative articles!
Great stuff in there. Don't read it consistently but appreciate it
Good content
Interesting articles
Please make sure that we can read the Outcrop without needing to log in or use a password. My waning interest in the outcrop coincides with my waning interest in RMAG.
I mostly look at the events
Good source of information
Typically, worth a read, which is more than I can say for AAPG Explorer
Excellent technical publication
Good content, some of the articles are a bit fluffy
The Outcrop is very useful to keep me in the loop.
Just a first-rate publication
Nice overview of what is going on with RMAG
NA uninformed about it
I like to read what is current
Great current information about the society and its members.
Good reading
Always a pleasure to read
I enjoy reading the articles and like to learn what's going on in RMAG
It's a nice digital publication, but I miss the hardcopy version. I'm old school.
It's interesting. It doesn't change how I work but informs me of events and has some pieces that I enjoy reading about--mainly the historical stuff sorry, I haven't been reading it much like to see articles about geological sites in the western US.
Generally, well written; topics interest me. Good use of color Reports from RMAG officers could use a "little more meat"
Always a good read
Let’s you keep up with how good or bad the state of local societies. This is getting critical for my area in Oklahoma City.
I think it’s put together well. It is great
Good interesting articles
Excellent articles and very interesting
Just joined Cannot rate
I enjoy keeping up with events and technology.
It is easy to read and very user friendly as a former editor, the Outcrop is and always has been, great
Excellent product each month which requires much work by the editorial staff
I would like to see more balanced articles across RM geology but am glad it still exists! Times are tough (also applies to the Mt. G. to have authors come forward seems good when i have the chance to read it
Good publication
Excellent quality and content
No additional comments
Good sense of where RMAG is going.
I don't find myself wondering why they chose a topic and/or subject and/or author
The focus on Rocky Mountain geology is outstanding
Good diversity of content, not too long, not too short
Look forward to reading each issue.
I think this journal serves an important niche that is different than the typical peer reviewed long journal papers that come in Mountain Geologist!
The outcrop is a very good source of regional informati0n
Have enjoyed the articles and photos presented each month. This is a really great learning and educational source Very enjoyable to read thru each month One of the main features that encouraged me to join RMAG comprehensive Could be more timely--issued on the first of the month, especially when there are talks and other events early in the month. I'm a former Outcrop editor and know it's possible.
Good publication covering topical interests
Have not joined any
Well-conceived publication
As mentioned above, compared to the HGS Bulletin, I think the Outcrop is much better done and more consistent.
Good articles, but if I don't get an email announcement of Outcrop availability, I'm not likely to see the most recent issue
Topic relevance is inconsistent but usually interesting Interesting updates
I look at it in its entirety every month.
Often interesting articles and good updates on upcoming events
Broad scope of articles, both academic and industrial
“The Outcrop” Satisfaction, continued... Overall how satisfied are you with “The Outcrop”?
Total Number of Responses - 418 (5 Completely Satisfied, 1 Completely Unsatisfied)
Fun, interesting, helpful, and a great read
Excellent overview of RMAG activities and timely articles.
Don't need the Summit Sponsor pages in every issue
Well done
Always interesting to see what is happening in the society, even though I am several hundred miles away I browse through it to see what's included.
Read it to keep abreast of Colorado geology. Good information, able to keep up with what is happening
Very good and timely articles
Terrific publication for the general reader
Understand it is more of an informal periodical, but generally only a few things of interest.
I don't read it.
Very interesting reading and well edited I like the discussion of various topics An example would be articles concerning mineral locations or geothermal
Very enjoyable read every time.
I think RMAG provides good opportunities for the exchange of information and ideas.
Interesting articles
I think its ok I usually look through it
Enjoy reading
Very interesting articles and enjoy the updates
As mentioned above, it's hard to find it in a timely manner, and I am on several social media platforms (sometimes detrimental to my mental health, but hey)
When I find it, I enjoy reading it
No opinion
Informative and interesting
The magazine keeps you updated.
I enjoy this publication and have appreciated the support it has given my students when they have sought to provide an article for this
Lots of ads and RMAG promotionals but some good information as well
Good publication
I love the pictures and the layout. I always read the president's letter and at least peruse the rest of the publication if I don't have time to read I do not read it Sorry!
Always great readings and information and a lot of it pertains to local based geological topics
This is the best geology newsletter I've ever had. The technical articles are very good
I enjoy the articles and appreciate the calendar of events.
Well done and interesting
Good publication
I have not been receiving the Outcrop on a regular basis
Enjoy every page of every issue Great editors!
More conventional papers if possible
I like it a lot, I wish more people would care about these smaller community-led organizations and publications Especially with how much time they take to put together
Very informative
Great to get briefed on everything all at once!
Very informative for a regional society I like reading it online.
Informative overview of RMAG activities with some very thoughtful columns
Enjoy the articles
Cool topics released I enjoy the Outcrop!
I think this is a great regional technical journal. Good newsletter. Don't read it often
The articles I've written for it were stellar :)
Good information to keep abreast of others in the industry
good to read about what's going on of late
The articles are always very interesting!
Nice presentation
I struggle to find the time to read it, but the limited content that I have read is good
It is useful to me for its Rockies coverage
Not mailed anymore.
Great articles, concise presentation.
Decent publication.
I enjoy the reading the outcrop and staying up to date on the latest news and activities in RMAG
I don’t read it very often I mostly check it for field trip opportunities
More science-rich articles would be interesting. Frankly I hardly read it
Good reviews overall
Always useful for news about upcoming events The major articles are sometimes of interest, sometimes not
Excellent newsletter. Good subject matter, graphic layout and professional publication
“The Outcrop” Satisfaction, continued... Overall how satisfied are you with “The Outcrop”?
Total Number of Responses - 418 (5 Completely Satisfied, 1
Completely Unsatisfied)
Excellent publication
Lots of good info.
The articles they select are good.
Recent was excellent. don't know enough about it to say Good info and communications fun and easy to read
Excellent coverage of relevant RM technical articles
Regular annual and special topic sessions are excellent.
I never read it! I am so sorry to admit that
Never read it, maybe one can highlight articles in the email newsletter
haven’t had as much time to read lately but love the publication
Have not explored this much since I have been very busy lately with my MS program. I expect to explore/enjoy these publications later
It’s very entertaining
Interesting articles and pertinent information
I think it is the most professional monthly newsletter of any Geo society that I know of.
I enjoy the articles and news updates
Well run publication but probably under-read I don't read it every month :(
“The Mountain Geologist” Satisfaction
Overall how satisfied are you with “The Outcrop”?
(5 Completely Satisfied, 1 Completely Unsatisfied)
Total Number of Responses - 409
An excellent publication series which is always very well written and informative
A bit too specialized and esoteric for my taste
The research papers in the Mountain Geologist are of the highest quality.
Quality and number of papers has declined lately. Most articles are regional in scope. The perception among younger colleagues seems to be that if they submit it there, it won't receive wide reading I myself was persuaded to send my last paper to Geosphere, which required extensive rewriting to broaden the scope to appeal to a wider audience.
No problems / just less likely to read in digital format. Interesting papers leaning toward the Rockies
Also well done!
Again - what's not to like As someone who has authored more than my share of papers over the years I have yet to publish in the Mountain Geologist. Perhaps I should change that. My reason has more to do with the international audience that I typically write for vs the audience that the Mountain Geologist reaches
Off the wall subject matter, aimed at narrow audiences
Enough now
Good subject matter, graphic layout and professional publication
I would like to see more focus on the publications on historic oilfields and conventional geology I think a lot of the old knowledge is disappearing as we lose more of the old pioneers.
Good articles, varied subjects, excellent source of special area information
Don’t really read it that much I never read it! I am so sorry to admit that Never read it, maybe one can highlight articles in the email newsletter.
haven’t had as much time to read lately but love the publication
Needs more exploration-based articles
Have not explored this much since I have been very busy lately with my MS program I expect to explore/enjoy these publications later. Not reading it anymore.
Excellent publication. More hydrogeology content please
very good technical writing and topics
It’s not as relevant to me since I no longer work Publications could be combined Helpful
Very well done
“The Mountain Geologist” Satisfaction, continued... Overall how satisfied are you with “The Mountain Geologist”?
Total Number of Responses - 409 (5 Completely Satisfied, 1 Completely Unsatisfied)
Hard to keep the offerings broad when constrained by what comes in and is acceptable. Been there done that
Not of very much interest to me
Not sure, I haven't read it
I think it is a good publication, but I rarely take the time to read it.
I do not read it. Sorry!
I probably read less than half of the papers published in the journal, but many that I do read are very informative and concern subjects that I am interested in or apply to some off the areas that I am consulting on.
Frankly I hardly read it
Well curated and high-quality articles that, unfortunately, I don't have enough time for Would like it to be more frequent
The magazine offers good subject matter topics and review of field trips taken throughout the year
Quality papers.
Has always been good, but I don't read it much these days Still looking for those environmental articles! Need to read it more When do historic copies become accessible and via what source (Datapages, etc)?
Good content
Same as above. I want to make a click or two; and be able to read.
I have thought for years* that Mountain G was one thing too many for RMAG to be doing Articles in it are in a very obscure location, though now with online searches, papers may be more accessible It is a lot of work for both the authors and the editors to keep Mtn G going. This was my position when I was on the board lots of years ago.
OK source of hard rock geology
Outstanding reference for Rockies geology I should probably volunteer to be a reviewer after I retire
Excellent technical publication
Good publication; diverse articles.
Many papers are regionally relevant and well written. See Outcrop comment
Occasionally useful
Good variety of papers from different geologic disciplines
Always learn new things.
A bit specialized.
Quality articles. Relevant.
Excellent publication
Nice digital publication, but I miss the hardcopy version. More importantly, it's rare when I read an article that really interests me. Specifically, I miss the Rocky Mountain Structures emphasis of the past I do use this publication routinely sorry, I haven't been reading it much
Seems a little stodgy, format could use freshening up
Many topics are too specialized for me.
Wish there were more
Excellent publication
Still coming up with good local articles
It is o k Rarely read it
I think it’s put together well
Great journal with regional focus. Much like the Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society, my other geological "homestead".
I read some articles
RMAG does a great job
Takes a very long time for the review process to complete
Issues are always well-done with very diverse subject matter.
Very worthwhile - newsy and applied (predominantly) seems good when I have the chance to read it
Good publication
Still like to stay in touch with Rocky Mountain geology
I don't find myself wondering why they chose a topic and/or subject and/or author. Articles are up to date, or otherwise on other subjects of interest.
An excellent professional forum
Could use some updating to appearance Content is good, but could use more of it
I recognize it is challenging to get abundant submittals
As a former article reviewer for the Mountain Geologist, I understand and appreciate the volunteer effort that goes into the publication
It’s a good journal that leads the way in the region
Have enjoyed the in-depth papers presented each quarter. This is a really great learning and educational source. Very informative.
Good information
Great for topics of mostly regional interest
Theme issues are good Papers are often quite esoteric
Good publication covering pertinent subjects. Do not know about it.
Should include more topic diversity.
It is a good regional peer-reviewed journal
“The Mountain Geologist” Satisfaction, continued... Overall how satisfied are you with “The Mountain Geologist”?
Total Number of Responses - 409 (5 Completely Satisfied, 1 Completely Unsatisfied)
The Mountain Geologist is a good magazine but is very infrequent and often contains articles of little or no interest. It doesn't have much visibility.
Generally good articles about a wide range of geological subjects not so heavily oriented towards oil and gas
Good in-depth articles
I always look at it; I don't seem to find many articles that I read.
I usually find the articles/topics to specific and focused in areas I'm not usually interested in (I don't work the Rockies currently)
Broad scope of articles, both academic and industrial
Never found much use for the publication
Excellent selection of topics Featured articles are very thorough and timely.
Interesting excellent quality!
Well done
The magazine provides an avenue for the average geologist to write and to read about the topics of the day Peer review is important and kudos to all of the editors.
The articles are high quality science and well edited. While interesting topics are outside my areas of expertise or they seem industry related I'd like more overview articles, big picture stuff
High quality scientific publication with varied topics
Good, interesting, timely articles. Well-written and thoughtful
I published in it! Kind of a joke but TMG works hard to overcome structural challenges facing similar journals
Well-written & well-edited top tier technical journal
Seldom read
I don't read it
The presentation is excellent. But the truth is I only read an article if it is on point with my work. Again, always enjoy reading about different aspects of the Geology in the Rockies
I think RMAG provides good opportunities for the exchange of information and ideas
Articles related to Rocky Mountain region.
I think it’s a very good publication
Enjoy reading.
The technical papers are well written and timely
I enjoyed reading many of the articles
Excellent Scholarly Publication
I rarely read through The Mountain Heist articles entirely
I struggle to find the time to read it, but the limited content that I have read is good
It is useful to me for its Rockies coverage.
Need to read it more often no opinion
More Permian and PRB focus if possible
I don't often read the Mountain Geo but hear good things from others
I enjoy the articles.
Good and sound
Will read if directly related to what I am doing.
I have not been receiving the Mountain Geologist on a regular basis
Appreciative of the efforts of the researchers and editorial staff to provide technically sound, impactful topics
Mostly enjoying it but seemingly increasingly difficult to get great and interesting papers.
Good quality
I like it a lot, I wish more people would care about these smaller community-led organizations and publications Especially with how much time they take to put together.
great articles and gleaned a lot of knowledge
Could do with more outreach
I like reading it online
The Mountain Geologist is an excellent regional journal with high-quality papers that lean towards applications.
Enjoy the articles.
Cool topics released
Also a great local technical journal
I don't read it, sorry :( Don't read it often
Clayton does a good job
Good information to keep abreast of others in the industry
I don't read much of what appears in MtnG
Great articles by exceptional geologists!
High quality
Well written articles
The content is interesting.
Good articles
A go to source for Rocky Mountain geology
Source of information
Most papers are excellent
I enjoy it
The articles that they select are good.
“The Mountain Geologist” Satisfaction, continued...
Overall how satisfied are you with “The Mountain Geologist”?
(5 Completely Satisfied, 1 Completely Unsatisfied)
Total Number of Responses - 409
Very happy to have a local publication such as the Mountain Geologist The emphasis on Rocky Mountain strata has been very helpful for my own research at Mines I hope to publish in it one day!
Interesting topics
It provides a quality publication medium which published quickly With internet access to publications the Mountain Geologist provides a very viable alternative to more expensive and tedious publication processes I have authored many papers but take great satisfaction in the Mountain Geologist publications.
I am unfamiliar with the Mountain Geologist. Perhaps I have missed that information
Excellent So glad RMAG has a peer-reviewed journal in addition to the more 'nimble' newsletter pub That is a great combo
It remains a good read. I haven't seen it!
I am unfamiliar with the Mountain Geologist. Perhaps I have missed that information
Excellent So glad RMAG has a peer-reviewed journal in addition to the more 'nimble' newsletter pub That is a great combo
Again, just to survive at a high level of science and technology is commendable The Mountain Geologist publishes articles about the greater Rocky Mountains by geologists near and far. The western geologists tend to be more detailed in depth documentations. The farther from the mountains the authors tend to be more technical and more innovative with alternate theories
This journal often features very specific rocky mountain-themed papers that one cannot find anywhere else and that also might not be sophisticated enough to make it into the more academic journals I appreciate that because a lot of work gets done that never sees the light of day I don't always have time to read it with the detail it deserves Interesting
Interesting topics
It provides a quality publication medium which published quickly With internet access to publications the Mountain Geologist provides a very viable alternative to more expensive and tedious publication processes I have authored many papers but take great satisfaction in the Mountain Geologist publications. Very interesting and good reading.
Overall how satisfied are you with the networking opportunities available, i e golf, coffee hour, happy hour, Rockbusters, etc ?
(5 Completely Satisfied, 1 Completely Unsatisfied)
Total Number of Responses - 370
Not a networker, never had time as an ops geologist and was against rules of previous employer.
Great for networking with fellow geologists and engineers
Live in Fort Collins, so basically N/A
The network opportunities are very good, but my fieldwork requirements in WY and NM keep me from attending.
Looks great from afar
I'm pretty much retired, so networking is not so important anymore
Don't take advantage of these. Just home alone. Its more events than I can attend. Most colleagues now gone can't say - have not attended Usually never participate in most of those Maybe have some not just downtown, like on the different sides of the city.
I was not interested in many of these events. Now I no longer live in Colorado.
I try to attend as many of these as possible and sponsor when I can
Overall how satisfied are you with the networking opportunities available, i e golf, coffee hour, happy hour, Rockbusters, etc ?
(5 Completely Satisfied, 1 Completely Unsatisfied)
Total Number of Responses - 370
I am glad you provide the above for professionals and although I no longer participate much as retired I am confident such is greatly appreciated
Love the golf tourney and networking. More hydrogeology content please.
very good
Have not been to these smaller but hear they are great and well-attended
Unable to attend activities as I don't live in the area
I do not participate
I don’t usually attend these any longer.
Events on the outskirt of town are hard to get too.
Golf too far South
Neutral here, as I live in Oklahoma
Plenty of opportunities though I am a less frequent participant Rockbusters was a bit of a disappointment a few years back so we have opted out.
The industry is again in a dynamic period so these functions provide important opportunities for professional options
I think the number of opportunities available are great! Haven't attended
I don't live in Denver so am less likely to go to these events lately
Love the coffees and the women ' s network.
Rockbusters Ball is always a great event as are the happy hours The one thing I'd work on is the field trips I like the diversity and the mostly-in-Colorado aspect I realize that they are logistically difficult, but they are great and I'd like to see more of them. So I should probably join that committee!
It works good offerings
I don't participate in these activities, but usually enjoy the social aspects before/after talks, short courses, field trips and the like Alas I don't really have time for socialization unless it is in tandem with an educational opportunity.
The increase to monthly happy hours is great idea. Lots of opportunities but I seldom attend There are a variety of opportunities for members to socialize I like to model of the HHs because they are held at different locations around town Coffee hour is only held downtown. Would it be possible to switch it up to different locations, like on the west side?
Love em all!
Limited for those of not I the Front Range
Love the golf tournament, though it was INCREDIBLY SLOW this year, worse than in the past Happy hours and coffee hours are a great idea to get people together.
I love the new monthly happy hour. It's always on my calendar but I've attended a number of times. When I have attended I've always had a good time seeing friends and meeting new people Golf is a great tradition and I'm glad it continues I've played a few times over the last few years I like the coffee hour idea, although I haven't attended. I typically do not attend the Rockbusters, I rank the other social options higher
Bridget makes RMAG look like a million bucks here
The value of having a full time staff member to make these events smooth and well organized cannot be understated.
I do not often participate since I am not in the Denver metro area
I am spending less time in Denver so I don't get to go to these events very often
Our monthly social events this year are popular and I think folks appreciate them The luncheon now is in a much better place at DERL then when it was at Maggiano's.
I can’t attend I live 100% in Houston
These are good avenues to connect with fellow associates
Have not participated
Haven't had time. Would be interested in an Environmental Geologist gathering. Has been great to see RMAG participate in Scout Days and Dino Ridge, Pride Day and other Denver events
Not applicable, not being in Denver area
I like that the happy hour moves to accommodate people in different areas
I haven't been to any of these lately. I go on the field trips, when they jive with my schedule.
N/A I usually don't participate with these anymore Ok when I was in Colorado Poor since relocating to Pacific NW
I'm a hardcore introvert, so I don't attend, but I see the ads and I think they are a good thing
Sorry, but I seldom participate mainly due to the traveling distance from my home
Lots of events all year long to attend
I seldom attend
Overall how satisfied are you with the networking opportunities available, i e golf, coffee hour, happy hour, Rockbusters, etc ?
(5 Completely Satisfied, 1 Completely Unsatisfied)
Total Number of Responses - 370
I would really like to see the clay shoot come back I have emailed in several times and offered to help organize the event. Other oil and gas groups run clay shoots that are very well attended. Golf tournament was great!"
Haven’t participated in these Don't care
I don't participate in many of these networking events now
They have always been great but since I live in New Mexico I don’t make many these days.
I do not participate in any of these but the amount of opportunities looks about right
I'm retired, so this would be of little use to me even if I lived in Denver
Seems like a good set of offerings
Even though, I am not able to participate in the networking opportunities, I feel that is a valuable service RMAG offers
Enjoyed the ones I have attended
No answer because I am not available to attend and see how effective they are I like the idea of coffee and happy hours.
Little interest.
Like the different events but am unable to partake unless I were to travel long distance
It seems geologists marketing to one another is not particularly effective
Again, everything is run smoothly It’s been a nice way to meet people.
I do not participate to my international location. No longer relevant to me
Somewhat unfamiliar as I have not attended any Can't attend
Just joined Cannot rate
I don't do networking these days, except with past associates.
RMAG does a great job connecting everyone socially. Although living on the Colorado west slope not many opportunities to participate
No comment as I do not take advantage of these opportunities
Two coffee hours have been time well spent. The Rockbusters is quite expensive & limits my attendance. No need for networking given that I'm retired
These are all amazing and my favorite part of RMAG
Frequent programming
Westside opps preferred
No additional comments Don't attend.
I don't/didn't do all of these, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't have them!Maybe have a few more local "low key" get-togethers
Really don't participate in networking events
A lot of these events are in Golden or outside the Denver Metro area, so those of us who work downtown are unlikely to make it. Much easier if venues are walkable downtown before commuting home I'd be more likely to attend happy hours for example
Retired, not currently engaged
I can't generally participate, but it's a good idea Great effort. I wish more networking opportunities were available outside of Denver in the suburbs. I do not participate much but hear positive comments. I live and work on the south side of town I will not fight traffic to attend any events There are never any on the south side of town Plus, who wants to drive downtown if they do not have to I'm not in Denver so no opportunity to attend Denver, Denver, Denver
Many great opportunities available to choose from Not usually able to attend, but nice to have for those who can too far away
Those really don't apply to those of us west of the mountains.
Great to see regular coffee and happy hours in addition to the luncheons
Don't participate much Glad they are there for the younger geologists to network
Have not joined any.
Per networking, RMAG is a front-range organization. As noted above, since I am located in Houston, I really don't have much opportunity to take advantage of the RMAG's opportunities
As stated above, since I reside in the northern Front Range area, getting to those kinds of activities is problematic.
Happy hours are clearly geared towards the younger RMAG members
Mostly in poor locations or at bad times monthly happy hours have been great
Overall how satisfied are you with the networking opportunities available, i e golf, coffee hour, happy hour, Rockbusters, etc ?
(5 Completely Satisfied, 1 Completely Unsatisfied)
Total Number of Responses - 370
I enjoy the golf tournament The happy hours and coffee hours are usually impossible for me to make as I don't work downtown or anywhere close to where the events are happening (I live and work in Evergreen) If you had one in Golden I could probably make that work.
I cannot enjoy these opportunities after I was transferred from Denver to CA However, I did attend when in town for AAPG or vacation
Retired not interested
Coffee hour is a wonderful way for people to connect, network, and share their love for geology
Can't rate as unable to attend these activities.
Lots of choices
love the happy hours Try Littleton for a change
No comment, I have never participated in them
They were great when I was in Denver and could attend
One of the core purposes of RMAG is to provide adequate, inexpensive and fun venues for its members to socialize Has always accomplished this mission
I haven't gone to one in a long time I attended one happy hour on the west side this year, no other events
Don't use any networking Never liked networking Big groups give me the willies.
Don't take advantage much any more.
Feels about right with the level of participation in these events
Good opportunities to meet people Worthwhile
NA for me really
Love ‘ em all!
Do not participate because of my location.
I don't live in the Denver area,
Like the happy hours if they are near a light rail station
Meeting various geologists initially during my giveaway and later on field trips has been wonderful It has led to a number of friendships and geology outings outside of RMAG.
I don't take advantage of the program for logistical reasons
I do not avail myself of these opportunities So, I do not feel qualified to evaluate these opportunities
Not near me
Although I am unable to participate in many of these networking activities, I very much appreciate the fact that they are available. Too far away
haven't attended
Tried one happy hour but because I was new didn’t know where the group was located
Haven't been to an event in a while, but the amount of opportunities seems good.
Doing a great job with this, but personally I am not oriented toward downtown Denver for coffee hours, and that is totally a function of not working downtown anymore Rockbusters is fun and I enjoyed the reestablishment of it last year I don't golf and never have
No opinion, I don't attend because they are too expensive or don't align with my lifestyle and schedule.
Love the happy hours
Networking is an important way of staying connected
As stated above, I think I would be more satisfied by these events if I could actual attend
Don't participate
The happy hours and coffees are great for networking, but participation isn't as good as when it is combined with technical content Loved the Ski Trip!
Have not participated in events I network through my work contacts
No longer relevant to my life
An excellent mix of networking options. no opinion
All good. Could add a bowling social event.
It would be fun to occasionally do other activities like Rockies games and other interesting venues that might attract a crowd of attendees that don't usually attend RMAG events
I never make time for them.
This does not apply to me.
I can’t avail myself of them currently but when I was a member in the past they were excellent
I am retired and live south of Denver so don't really like to drive downtown for Happy Hour etc If held down south, I would consider attending.
I have not participated recently
No longer available to participate.
Nice mix of activities
Pretty good although having happy hour at kid unfriendly places is not a way to get more folks to show up
I would participate if I still lived in the area. Nothing better than face time and social interaction.
Haven't participated
very satisfied
Overall how satisfied are you with the networking opportunities available, i e golf, coffee hour, happy hour, Rockbusters, etc ?
(5 Completely Satisfied, 1 Completely Unsatisfied)
Total Number of Responses - 370
Always good, but I wish there were more in north denver metro / Boulder area
Little opportunity for non-Denver based members. Maybe interreact with CEGA (formally CSPG) Lots of opportunities for synergy between the two organizations
Although it seems contrary to what 90% of people say, I would appreciate more reminder emails for activities (coffee hours, etc).
I can’t attend due to my geographic location. Being remote greatly limits my participation I live over 79 miles from Denver
Great opportunities but was unable to attend Being remote makes many of these items off my schedule. That is ok.
I'm glad you host them even though I don't participate in those events anymore
I love the golf event the most!
I'm not in the Front Range nor am I a golfer or a drinker, so they are not of interest to me Hikes or mountain bike rides would be awesome.
I need to attend more of these event
I don't play golf and I’ve never been to the Rockbusters - but I do value the lunchtime talks, and the occasional short courses
Since I'm not in Denver its harder to attend these that's on me though It might be nice to do a joint event once in a while with a group like UGA and hold it closer to SLC so it would be easier for me and my Salt Lake City based geology team to participate We fully recognize the burden is mostly on us to get to Denver it would just be nice if we could do something like this once in a while
Seems like we have something to suit everyone
I don’t attend them. Too far away!
I don't participate much, but I do enjoy the fieldtrips occasionally
Useful events, offered on a regular basis, with good O&G support from industry
I don't participate - it is difficult to get downtown Golf is #1.
I haven't really participated but it seems there is a wide variety of networking opportunities. Networking was more important to me at the beginning of my career I also don't like in the Denver area so attending them is not always convenient
But, again, since I'm retired, I haven't participated in these (distance and expense)
Would be nice to have some in other surrounding areas of Denver and not have to go into Denver every time to meet up
It's been better lately with happy hours on the west side of town
I'm glad they happen, even though I'm too far away to typically participate.
N/A because I have not been able to attend.
I don't do much networking anymore
I have been to several Rockbusters and have always enjoyed myself!
Ample opportunities
The golf tournament is always a hit The happy hours have been okay but not as well attended as one would hope. Perhaps we have an activity happy hour e.g. axe throwing, top golf, climbing
There are many opportunities for networking I should take advantage of these opportunities more frequently
Coffee hour is great! I went a few times when it was just ladies. it was nice to meet like minded women that have similar interests. I have been to a couple HHs. I ride the bus to work, so when the HH is outside of downtown it is harder to convince me to go But I understand that RMAG membership has a broader geography than downtown
Very good but more zoomable things would be great Good. I need to go to more of them to be honest. Living outside of the Denver area, there is little opportunity to participate
Really not applicable because I am based in Salida So very localized with Denver and front range focus
I am happy with them only made luncheons and happy hours but always a great time with great people!
Overall, I think the frequency of events is great Re coffee hr: I arrived to a coffee hour a little late and didn't know anyone yet since I had just moved to town
It would have been nice if there was a small RMAG sign or something on the RMAG table.
Zoom has helped with this, otherwise being outside of Colorado I wouldn't have much opportunity to partake. It could be cool to have RMAG work with state/local organizations for these types of events
Overall how satisfied are you with the field trips?
(5 Completely Satisfied, 1 Completely Unsatisfied)
Total Number of Responses - 332
They are always very well organized and conducted by experts
I've had fun and learned a lot
I have not been on a RMAG fieldtrip, but they look well organized
Hear nothing but good things about them
I much enjoyed the one to Red Rocks and wish my physical condition allowed me to attend more of them. The field trips, both virtual and in person, have been well done The trips are well paced, provide plenty of opportunity for participants to exchange ideas as well as learn from the field trip leaders
I cannot comment as I have yet to attend. However, I have heard good things about the field trips. Do not use them
I attended one field trip this year, and thought it was effectively executed, and met my expectations too far away
I think the field trips are the strongest attribute of RMAG.
Have done many. No more time
The OTR committee did a great job putting together a great slate of trips this year
For those I have previously attended they were great Now, at my age I likely will not attend any more field trips.
I have always loved the field trips. They are good
I enjoyed the trips that I was able to attend However, I no longer live in Colorado
I haven't attended a field trip
Haven't done one.
Even though I never make them, they are exciting, and what we all love. I am glad to see more have been added
don't know enough about it to say
Pricey from the ones I have seen
I've only participated in one field trip (2021 WY fish bed fossil), and it was well-organized and interesting Don't care
Since retiring I have not been on a field trip
Haven’t been on one in years
Many enjoyable and informative outings
Just Wish I was closer
Superb offering!
I don’t participate any more
Always interesting topics, I just can't participate haven't been on any in a long time
Great bang for the buck! The field trip committee has done an outstanding job coordinating these and they are so fun to attend lead by amazing experts in the field
Love the offerings but I haven't made it on one yet I think the number and diversity are excellent
Lots of offerings this year! :)
I have not taken a field trip yet but have heard they are awesome. And who doesn't love a good field trip?!?
I always go on at least one a year and I always find them to be informative, interesting and a lot of fun
Good networking opportunities as well
Worth the drive, informative.
Very varied, high quality, great locations, well organized! But I may be biased
The ones I went on are first class!!
Field trips are very well organized and expose me to Front Range geology
The field trips are excellent and offer an opportunity to see a diverse variety of geological phenomena. Knowledgeable leaders. Well-organized trips.
Wish I could do more
Look good but hard to participate at a distance
I like that you have them, someday I'll go on one, maybe with Denver friends
Good variety and options.
Field trips are my favorite.
The ones I have attended have been great. Geologists need to get out of the office more It is still true that the more geology you have seen the more you understand
Not industry focused
Outstanding! I intend to go on more after I retire.
Excellent! in the few I've participated in
All sorts of cool fun trips in the area
I have attended at least 100 over my career
Haven’t participated
Overall how satisfied are you with the field trips?
(5 Completely Satisfied, 1 Completely Unsatisfied)
Total Number of Responses - 332
Even though I never make them, they are exciting, and what we all love I am glad to see more have been added
don't know enough about it to say
Have not participated
Haven't experienced them. Not sure why.
I have not done one, but they look interesting
The few I have been able to do lately were really good
Good leaders, locations and geology Lot of friendly like-minded people
Always been top notch opportunities.
I never attended and I would like to. Not enough time with family stuff and kid sports.
I am happy with them Maybe a few more oriented towards current areas of interest, ie Permian have not done any but need to in the future
Fieldtrips are hard to make for me I have the desire but all of my fair weather weekends are tied up with my kids' sports activities. So maybe one weekday field trip? Not complaining, just informing
Have not been on one yet but looking forward to attending trips in future
Haven’t been on one
Not attending
I haven't been on one, but they look super interesting. excellent and very educational with great people involved
haven't been on any of the field trips
I had the pleasure of joining RMAG on the recent Lyons field trip and it was very well-organized despite there being over 30 attendees! I could tell that the trip leaders were truly experts on the formations being discussed but left room for discussion and interpretations as well I'm looking forward to joining more RMAG field trips in the future!
Have never gone on a field trip
I am most interested in the field trip opportunities
Need more of them!
Lots of great options and always well run!
Most are close to home
I haven't been on one in a while but they are good I haven't participated in any of these Haven't attended but like the offerings have not attended field trips
Excellent when I can attend.
The offerings look good, I have not taken any since I retired
Never attended one
Enjoyed the one I went one and about to attend the Canon City one
See first answer, but many of the trips do look fun, and I'd probably attend them if I lived in the Denver area
The field trips I have had an opportunity to participate in I thought were exceptional The presenter(s) were knowledgeable and well organized.
Very educational.
No answer because I am not available to attend I like the post-trip write ups in the Outcrop
Affordable and good options but have not yet been able to go on a trip.
Well organized and conducted.
This is one area with benefit
I admit I haven’t been on any yet, but they all look interesting
I do not participate to my international location
Look interesting
Haven't taken any.
Have not attended
There is good variety!
I have not yet attended a RMAG field trip during the last two years
I have not attended one in some years, and so I have no personal opinion.
I have not participated Haven't attended any
Have not done one
Haven’t taken up this opportunity although nearly did and had a conflict
I have not participated in any RMAG field trips. Don't attend
Need more west slope field trips.
The 1st or 2nd best thing about RMAG!
RMAGs OTR field trips are an exceptional opportunity to learn more about the geology of Colorado Many of RMAGs presenters are older and while their experiences are invaluable, it would be nice to see more current research areas.
Trips are great, lots of interesting location and diversity I haven't been on one in several years however
would be nice to have field trips spread out thru the year
Not attending.
I like the field trips.
Been on several field trips and will go on more
I do not participate much but hear positive comments Haven’t taken any
Field Trip Satisfaction, continued...
Overall how satisfied are you with the field trips?
(5 Completely Satisfied, 1 Completely Unsatisfied)
Total Number of Responses - 332
I have not had an opportunity to attend a field trip, although the subjects appear to be very interesting and educational
The ones that I've attended recently are well run and typically relevant
Need to go on one! good variety of offerings
Many of them look good but, again, I can't remember the last time I went on an RMAG Field Trip. I've never been on a RMAG field trip
NA Not able to attend, but good subject matter trips offered
Probably only reason I have remained a member
Can't rate as have not participated in any field trips. Lots of choices
Excellent variety and frequency Maybe a few more one-day offerings
No comment, the last one I went on was 15 years ago Haven't been on any RMAG field trips
Good cost and interesting locations. It's always good to be one with the rocks.
The offerings are good, but it's hard to make time to attend
Great when I've gone but that's very rare
Don't take advantage much any more
Well-lead by interesting, dedicated people Good variety. Great opportunity to learn
On The Rocks offers great variety
Again, have not participated like to read about them
I don't attend
They are wonderful They might need to have a little more specific details about how fit (fast) you need to be to participate. I haven't been on THAT many trips, but already three of them had folks who either couldn't do the activity or really delayed the entire group
I don't take advantage of the program for logistical reasons
I think the field trips are extremely important, and I think RMAG provides excellent opportunities. I have always enjoyed the field trips; wish I could attend more since I moved to the western slope
Look interesting but have not joined any I think some great field trips have been provided interesting subjects; may attend
I haven't attended one so I can't comment, but the variety and cost seems very good.
More Western Slope field trips
I love the program the group sets up. Awesome. I don't attend as they don't help with my day-to-day career responsibilities
As stated above, I think I would be more satisfied by these events if I could actual attend
Some are wonderful! The costs are a bit high for my budget.
Can't say I have ever attended a RMAG field trip. Participate occasionally and have been very satisfied
Always productive at one level or another
Cannot rate - have not been on one yet
They look great but I live too far away to attend
Haven't participated in one yet.
The field trips I have been on have been fun, informative, and worthwhile at the price point
Seem like good options
I enjoy participating and presenting
Have not done a field trip in a long time
I have not participated recently.
They sound great but am unable to participate. I’ve only been on one or two, but they’ve been great greatly enjoyed the discussions and added debate Haven't really participated
I can’t attend due to my geographic location
Trips have been great, once retired in a few years time I hope to be able to support them more often
Again being remote limits my participation.
I'm out-of-state, so am neutral on this one
Great opportunities but was unable to attend
I have not attended any trips
I haven't participated, but they look fun and exciting for geologists!
Good offerings, but haven't attended.
I'm glad they happen, but I haven't been on one.
N/A because I have not been able to attend I do participate in occasional OTRs and always find them worthwhile
The field trips have been great!
I have gone on a few. Could try and recruit younger folks.
greatly enjoyed the discussions and added debate Haven't gone on any of them in recent years
The white-water rafting and field trip opportunities are world class
Have enjoyed numerous field trips over the years as a member. Probably one of the main features that encouraged me to join RMAG Along with the outcrop
Overall how satisfied are you with other association programing, i e volunteering opportunities etc ?
Total Number of Responses - 327 (5 Completely Satisfied, 1 Completely Unsatisfied)
I have heard good things about the programs, but have not been involved in them.
No volunteering lately.
There are many opportunities to volunteer I think the networking and educational opportunities are key services that RMAG's employees and volunteers consistently deliver
To far away
Infrequent participation due to remote location
I like that the Association is alive and well and provides opportunities for members to be involved even though I choose not to
I am only aware of golf volunteer opps
Generally very good.
I would like to do more but am reluctant to commit since my schedule is weird. long gone keep the emails coming
At my age I do not get involved don't know enough about it to say
Have not participated
thanks to those who set these volunteer opportunities up
I don’t participate in any Too far away!
Enough opportunities for all technical areas, levels of experience, on a regular basis
I am not familiar with any of these. have not done any but need to in the future
Looking forward to getting involved
Not participating very good
Outreach is excellent
They have always been great but since I live in New Mexico I don’t make many these days. No personal experience.
The opportunities to volunteer are there.
I’ve enjoyed volunteering at a few events It’s been easy to do so
Hope to more fully support outreach in the coming year
I may do some additional volunteering in the future but presently I am caretaking for a family member so I can’t commit any time.
Generally a diverse set of offerings for RMAG members Volunteer opportunities for community outreach/education could be more robust
RMAG has a great volunteering presence in the Denver Metro, whether at DMNS or Dinosaur ridge etc.
I've enjoyed working with the Geoscience Outreach Cte I think we ’ ve made great steps in our outreach capabilities
They look good, I wish I had more time I am a volunteer for RMAG and I like being able to contribute.
I don’t participate any more
Too many opportunities at certain times of year I wish I had more time to participate I think the programming is very good and appealling for most geos It seems there are more volunteer opportunities, than there are volunteers. not part of my participation
I don't partake in too many of these
Over the last couple of years we have greatly expanded our volunteering opportunities through the participation in such events as the Pride Day or June Thirteenth. This is great! I we would want to add more opportunities, I would want to hear from the members what they are looking for. Otherwise, we run the risk of overcommitting
Good opportunities but would like to see more subjects
Again, just looking for the environmental geology topics.
Appreciate the notice of opportunities to volunteer N/A Haven't done much of this lately
Don't have an opinion
Lots of opportunities to volunteer and connect
This was never important to me
Haven’t participated uninformed about it.
Not involved any more, not being asked
Do not participate since retiring I have held many offices over the decades of membership
Other Programming Satisfaction, continued...
Overall how satisfied are you with other association programing, i e volunteering opportunities etc ?
(5 Completely Satisfied, 1 Completely Unsatisfied)
Total Number of Responses - 327
Could use much more publicity Seems like the only one I hear about is the DEI committee (or whatever it is called today)
I do not participate to my international location.
Somewhat unfamiliar
RMAG does a great job
I have volunteered at several RMAG functions during the past two years - Pride day in Denver, 2023, and Cinco de Mayo
No significant complaints. great leadership
Good to go
Lots of opportunities
I haven't done this; no reason you shouldn't offer this/these
Of all the professional societies I have belonged to, RMAG provides the most value.
Outcrop might be a good place to ask for volunteers
There is always a need for volunteers Having the need announced may help indicate the consistent need
Not engaged
I do not participate much but hear positive comments
Many opportunities are available for those so inclined. It seems to be helpful
Plenty of active committees to choose from
Have not joined any
Again, RMAG is mostly front-range centered
I do volunteer with the Houston Geological Society, but RMAG would not be practical.
A few years ago I volunteered to contribute an article to a RMAG publication. It was a great experience and was compatible with my remote location
I would like to be considered for mentoring since I have already done it twice +
I would like to see more outreach to diverse communities, graduate students, and inner city high schools. Educational Outreach doesn't seem to be addressing these underserved groups
Retired, not interested
The programming is excellent I don't much opportunity for volunteering activities
Seems good
No comment, I have not participated with it.
When in Denver, I did my fair share of volunteering. So, the opportunities are there for those who want to contribute
Haven't really used these Do volunteer at Dinosaur Ridge and Wings Over the Rockies
Still volunteer.
I wish people would get more involved! Feels like it's the same group of people volunteering at each event
How do we get more people involved?
Many good opportunities to help the geologic community
I don't find them compelling don't have any personal experience with this, but from what I've heard from others it is worthy and well-liked I applaud you for participating in LGBTQ+ things and things for kids!
As an out-of-state member I see no reason to be critical because I am not involved in the programing
Overall, I think RMAG does an excellent job of providing opportunities for community outreach if the individual desires I must admit I have done less than I could have..
Haven’t been able to participate yet.
I love the opportunities. I wish more people participated in them
Provides good opportunities
Considering how organized this organization is, they clearly are doing well here
Have not done this
You all do a great job promoting the society here in your area of governance Haven't participated in one yet
Plenty of opportunities, but we could use some more during the school year, lots seem to be in the summer
No issues.
Have not participated in a long time.
I have not participated recently. In the past I was quite active in RMAG very good
I can’t attend due to my geographic location
Hope to help out more when I hang my hammer up!!
I would do such if I lived closer.
All seems good. Volunteer work is the lifeblood of all societies I have been involved with Great opportunities but was unable to attend
I like the CEC that I'm involved in
More volunteering opportunities would be great I honestly don't know much about them
Wonderful programming, etc.!
Have offered myself as a volunteer several times - no follow up from those asking for volunteers So I have stopped volunteering
Not sure - have not had a chance since I volunteer with SPE
Ample opportunities
What aspects of your RMAG Membership are the most important to you?
Total Number of Responses - 442
Staying informed about oil and gas in the NW US.
I need you to rally the Denver geos and get them to attend things That's where my money goes I don't participate much anymore
More active members should respond to this Would like to continue with RMAG, but can't figure out the email problem. I don't think it is on my end. Keep up the high-quality publications and keep up with the rapid changing aspects of geology and industry retired
I support this organization because I believe that it contributes significantly to younger, active members. Networking is everything! And love the sharing of geo knowledge from some incredible minds here in Colorado!
Doing a great job ��
RMAG may play a very important role in assisting oil & gas professionals to transition into other industries anything that can get me in front of a big group of geologists!
the community of great geos
This is a great group of people I think the best networking happens at field trips and workshops The Mountain Geologist is very important to me, as are the grants that the RMAG Foundation provides.
The Outcrop and the Mountain Geologist are the most important benefits to my membership
Satisfied overall with the programming content. Seems there is a shortage of young folks rising in industry, exploration and environmental What is RMAG doing to help these issues?
A comment on attending luncheons vs attending remotely: I live SW of Castle Rock I no longer work in downtown Denver, so attending a luncheon in person is a 4-5 hr dedication of time for me. So, I appreciate being able to attend remotely HOWEVER, I was amazed at the remote $ charge for this week’s talk ( Blackburn field, Geothermal, Repurposing old wells) I found the on line literature (Google) on this topic to be adequate for my interest, so did not attend remotely. This has happened several times, but it happened less when the fee was smaller."
Great work by a dedicated group of volunteers Keep up the good work! It is appreciated!
As the shale patch dwindles over the next ten years, it will be imperative to help define what comes next for geos, and RMAG is leading the way
Networking opportunities are great, especially with the diminishing population of geologists in the Denver area
Please understand my responses would be more positive if I lived in the Denver area
We need a local professional organization like RMAG Keeping in touch with the Rockies and its geology.to support RMAG even if I am not an active participant Networking and giving back to the geo community
Please provide any additional comments on what aspects of your RMAG membership are most important to you?
Total Number of Responses - 98
Thanks for the afore-mentioned opportunities for learning and participating
If I were younger, able to drive, and lived east of the mountains, my answers would be completely different. I tried to "un-check" the buttons but the survey won't let me I think all of those items are important and I participate with everything that the Grand Junction GS does, but I can't do that with RMAG events
Gatherings of past presidents, past (and current) Outcrop editors, past committee chairs could be fun and generate ideas for the current BOD and ED. It keeps me in touch with the geologic community
Feeling connected to the greater geoscience community is important
Your questionnaire does not include a question on the monthly talks, which I have attended via Zoom, and found to be quite useful. I would give them five stars. I joined RMAG in 1970 in graduate school. Still have all the Mountain Geologist editions in my library I have always appreciated the academic and technical offerings published and participatory, by RMAG
Being remote, online activities are most important, followed by the 2 publications. outreach to general community - educating the public about geology earthquakes, oil and gas, paleontology, landslides, glaciers, etc
Bridget, it is a well run organization, I look forward to receiving the Outcrop and Mountain Geologist
Even though I have volunteered with the organization in many capacities over the years, I have received much more in return. I still have many of the guidebooks and field trip/coursework manuals And most importantly, I still have many friends and mentors within the organization
Very good communication from staff members I appreciate the many different opportunities to learn. The organization offers high quality people and events Keep it up!
Please send me the Outcrop There must be a work around
As an educator staying current and connected I live in Calgary AB, Canada. Any online luncheons or conferences are most appreciated - thanks! For example, I plan to attend the September 11 on geothermal energy from a mature oilfield This is very applicable to Alberta Thanks!
Did not rate social functions and field trips since I really don't have the ability to participate in these I like to keep up with what is going on
I'm glad to support my local society, it was very important when I was working, but in my advanced years as a retiree, less so. Some of my peers have maintained strong relationships in industry and academia but I have let those fade
I don't attend as many events as I used to but still believe these are very important for younger full-time geology employees to have access to
I don't know what proportion of membership that retirees constitute, but I am wondering what could be done to better engage that group. Or maybe it's just me
Field trips talks are at a good level of discourse for me
Nothing else - keep up the great programs
Most important are O&G luncheons and advanced learning courses.
I really appreciate seeing things geared towards early career professionals
Networking is great Good organization Hope to see it stay focused on Geoscience and related fields and not focus too much on societal trends
Hope this great organization can continue through these challenging times.
The field trips would be important if they were outside of Colorado
Remember your non-Denver based members
Just good to listen to other geologist talk geology As a small one-man band its really nice to listen to people talk with a passion about our science
I really enjoy your publications.
Ability to stay informed
Publications are the most important to me
I loved TRIVIA during COVID, but now that it is in person I can't participate since I don't live on the Front Range.
I am also a member to keep up with the community. I pay attention to the article subjects and learn what other members are interested in I also pay attention to the advertising as part of the services I may need when we drill a well
It seems we have lost the awards tradition. Would be good to resurrect this in some form to acknowledge those who do much of the heavy lifting for RMAG. I like the idea of expanding our outreach beyond petroleum, as RMAG is doing And I like our outreach and representation at the various summer festivals
Continuing education seminars on relevant topics: i e Helium Symposium
Please provide any additional comments on what aspects of your RMAG membership are most important to you?
Total Number of Responses - 98
Networking in the areas I am working in. I am conflicted about submitting a talk or paper about an potential impact structure that I have known about for quite a while which would potentially be useful although it is a prospect of mine so there is a paradox in presenting it
RMAG attendance is a great way to meet other geologists.
Since I am not local, I don't participate in the networking/social/educational/field trips. Unless these activities are associated with a national AAPG meeting that I would attend But I enjoy the publications very much Always need to keep learning Keeping abreast of what's going on in the Denver geological community Would like to see some "punchier" letters to the editor in the Outcrop commenting on employment trends in the Denver community, for example
What other societies/associations do you belong to?
Total Number of Responses - 1171
American Chemical Society
American Economic Association
APEGA Association for Women
Canadian Society of Exploration Geophysicists Coast Geological Society
Colorado Environmental Management Society
Colorado Mining Association
CSEE East Texas Geological Society
Geochemical Society
Geologists of Jackson Hole
GSP International Association of Geologists
International Geothermal Association
International Geothermal Association
Karst Waters Institute
Local gem and mineral clubs
Norwegian Geological Society
Pacific Section -AAPG
Russian Institute of Geosciences
San Joaquin Geologic Society
SEPM-AWG 11 Shreveport
Tulsa Geological Society
Sigma Xi
Society of Mining Engineers
Southwest Utah Geological Association
SW Utah Friends of Paleontology
Tobacco Root
Geological Society
In the past 12 months how many RMAG events have you attend?
Total Number of Responses - 454
Of the regularly scheduled events line-up, which have you attended in the past 12 months?
Total Number of Responses - 505 (multiple responses allowed)
RMAG Events
Why haven’t you attended any RMAG Events in the past 12 months?
Total Number of Responses - 187
Programing Frequency
What programming would you like to see more or less of?
Total Number of Responses - 410 HAPPY HOUR
If RMAG were to add additional programming, what would interest you?
Total Number of Responses - 124
Opportunities outside of traditional oil and gas exploration plays and oil field studies
I think the RMAG is striking a good balance of activities for members
Business, political events that impact membership. Perhaps more job-seeking specific stuff
Field trips and workshops.
Focus on improving the core programming vs adding more
More virtual opportunities
topics related to structural geology
More exploration talks - oil field case studies or recent discoveries overviews at the luncheon's
Workshops on how to present geologic topics to elementary school kids or for other outreach opportunities
Workshops and short courses relating to sed or structural core description/data, and software (modeling).
Virtual or zoom lectures especially on Colorado geology
Economic geology and environmental geology topics
History of oil and gas plays
More topical conferences I possibly could attend
More mountain bike rides!
Actually, post retirement I've morphed into a woodturner so teach and take classes in that more than geology One can never have enough rocks, wood, and power tools More local day field trips would be nice, such as the Niobrara quarry, Dinosaur Ridge, and Donna Anderson's Golden tours. Paleontological topics including paleoclimatic indicators, chemical breakdowns of rocks from biological sources (fungi, lichens, bryophytes, etc ) and rock to soil processes
Tour of Dinosaur Ridge in Golden, Mining tours in Idaho Springs, ski day at an EPIC resort
It would be great if some of the workshops could be put in online format like SPE has been doing, and even SPWLA has done
More O&G focused courses for more experienced geologists (Friendly) competitions between companies would be fun!
Opportunities for retraining. A workshop/talk on tips for unemployed geoscientists to get back into the workforce
Online programming
Presentations via Zoom
Joint programs with CEGA, especially for training opportunities
If RMAG were to add additional programming, what would interest you?
Total Number of Responses - 124
I attended Helium Conference and plan on attending again.
Some geo societies act as a hub for employmentserving both job-seekers and job-offerers. Such a thing might be a useful addition
More distance learning access via zoom etc Like GSH or HGS talks that are virtual Lithium developments in the USA
Please bring back the clay shoot!
I like basin-themed conferences, but important to identify those that would have local interest or entice out-of-state geos to come to Denver
Environmental Geology
Again, distance learning opportunities
This is a type of field trip, but more mine tours. Coordinated Denver Regional Coffee Groups?, ie out of downtown Denver. Many of us already belong to this type of group, but I wonder if RMAG sponsored groups outside of downtown would have any draw ie Parker / Castle Rock / Evergreen / Golden/ Aurora/ Tech Center/ etc "
More events that appeal to young people, like disc golf, red rocks night, mentoring programs etc
Clay shoot
Teaching opportunities
Old timers social events
A failure conference Examples of ideas that didn't work What was learned?
More networking opportunities.
The continuing education programming is great. Short courses would also be welcome
Alternating coffee and happy hours on a weekly basis
Any resources for retirees? Don't want an ""old timer's club"" though
Really enjoy the Helium and Hydrogen (new exploratory areas) conferences and presentationsWould like to see them yearly rather than every other year - this is such a growth market
Community outreach/education volunteer opportunities
The significance of Rocky Mountain basins and adjacent uplifts for oil, gas, helium; uranium, water and strategic and critical minerals.
Possibly more integration with geophysics
West slope field trips
Hydrogeology of various formations of Denver Basin
Hydrogeology, Active Mines, Geomorphology
Collaboration with other societies. i.e. field trip meetup or publication collaboration with other geo societies. i.e. FCGS, GJGS, WGS, etc.
I think it is very important to provide at least one hour of Geologic related ethics training every year. Could be in the form of a luncheon speaker but does not have to take the place of the regular luncheon schedule This is very important to maintain Professional Geologist status in various states and is very hard to find every year This would be a huge service to your membership
RMAG is very focused on oil and gas geology, to the exclusion of the mining geologists and hydrogeologists See my answer regarding other professional organizations I belong to RMAG does not reach all geologists in the rocky mountain region because of this By expanding topical areas into other branches of geology, RMAG could increase its membership, participation, and outreach. More content aimed at hydrogeology please.
Smaller, casual day trips around points of geologic interest within 1-2 hours of the Denver Metro would be great! They could have a geology emphasis but not involve as much planning and coordination, and be cheaper as well. e.g. a hike around Roxborough park as a "walk through time", a visit to post-glacial landscapes and batholiths at Three Sisters Park, or a tour of a mine These could be free or very inexpensive opportunities for networking and engaging members on weekends or even weekday evenings in the summer
I would be interested in recorded trainings or online seminars that would be useful for students interested in learning more about professional careers as a geologist
Oil & gas related, and hard rock mining programs
Happy Hours or something focused on bringing other societies together under the RMAG region - e.g., WGA/MGS/NMGS, etc.
More conventional carbonates!
More Mountain Geologist articles
Ability to get together on Western Slope
More publications
More diversity in programs other than oil and gas
Whenever possible have a virtual option
more community volunteer opportunities
Joint programs with other societies
Something on project management
Petroleum engineering and financial related programs
Visiting lectures if not prohibitively expensive
Outreach/service to undergraduate geology departments. Assist in networking, jobs, or guidance to undergraduates.
Additional Programming, continued...
If RMAG were to add additional programming, what would interest you?
Total Number of Responses - 124
More of the upcoming technologies like geothermal energy.
More conferences related to the subsurface but not in oil and gas Helium, geothermal, CO2 storage, etc
Field trips
Go to the broader region that the organization claims to represent.
Geothermal topics and networking
An old geezer or geezette lunch
Any possibility to have any activity in Grand Junction?
Not sure how many members here but may be quite few Never mind
An event where employers with open positions could meet with people seeking employment.
Regional programming not centered on the frontrange
Emerging plays, AI applications to oil and gas, economics
If asked, would you be interested in volunteering on a committee?
sequence stratigraphy short course & shale/mudrock core workshops
Short courses on log analysis/petrophysics or geophysics
Evolving new technologies and application case histories
Greatly appreciate any activities that can be adapted to online connection.
Collecting & providing links to access troves of digital data and GIS data With companies shutting down, I would love to see RMAG accept legal digital datasets which would be of tremendous use to the members
Geochemical analysis, proprietary geophysical data, mud logs etc. etc. The RMAG Guidebooks have been wonderful!"
Combining CO2 sequestration with geothermal energy recovery
West slope field trips
Do you have any interest in serving on the RMAG Board of Directors
Total Number of Responses - 439
Have you met RMAG Executive Director Bridget Crowther?
Number of Responses - 449
RMAG Staff
Do you find the RMAG Staff responsive to your needs as a member?
Number of Responses - 408
Additional Feedback for RMAG Staff:
Total Number of Responses - 103
I may be interested in serving as a volunteer at a later time, but not at this moment
Carry on! Your voice is important!
You provide important services that can easily be overlooked by the membership when done correctly. Thanks for keeping RMAG functioning!
Good job RMAG team!!! Thanks for putting all of this stuff together!
I appreciate that it is always easy to get help Bridget does a great job, thanks for all of your hard work
I talked to Bridget about my computer problem about a year ago. She was cordial and helpful, but ultimately, the problem wasn't solved If she sends me an email, I get it If RMAG sends a blast, I don't get it
I have been out of town a lot recently and do not work downtown anymore so I’ve done less with RMAG than in the past but I still like being connected.
Very responsive!
Everyone is friendly, professional, and thorough
You’re doing a good job with what we have in the industry now always been helpful
More hydrogeology content please
Excellent staff, very responsive
Most of the events are within the Denver Metro area
The Western Slope does not receive nearly as much attention
Bridget is AWESOME Best thing that's happened to the RMAG in the last decade.
I will not be renewing my membership as I cannot be part of an organization that actively promotes discrimination based on gender, sexual preference, and skin color, instead of merit and character
Keep up the good work
Thank you for your work in this organization! Have not posed questions to the Staff
Bridget is awesome! I really appreciate her dedication to doing the best for RMAG
Good staff
Bridget is doing a great job, keep up the good work! Keep up the good work
Nice to have her in DERL. You do a great job of communicating. Bridget is an effective director. Because of my involvement in other organizations, I don't have extra time to participate unfortunately I have never had the need to contact the RMAG Staff Keep up the good work!
Doing a great job!
Don't be woke
Additional Feedback for RMAG Staff: Total Number of Responses - 103
I'm retiring in 18 months, and then you can probably talk me into helping out more (when I'm not out on road trips, that is)
Bridget is a beast! She works very hard and is good at what she does
I have emailed a few times and not got a response at all But someone was also very helpful fixing my accidental dual membership problem.
We need to ensure Bridget is happy with her compensation and do everything to retain her She is a great asset to the organization
Better exposure of committee activities, who's on them, time commitment
Great Society, I attended the online helium conference (a year ago?). More online programming is greatthanks!
Thank you
I do not know the answer to staff responsiveness
Bridget is wonderful You can tell an organization is run well, when you don’t see any problems I know it takes a lot of back-end work and planning to make that happen.
She’s also very responsive to questions and very helpful I really appreciated that she remembered me when I joined It helped me feel very welcomed
On being able to serve on a committee, this of course would have to be judged by RMAG on how useful it would be given my international location and it would have to be a task that could be served form an international location in Norway I did my post-doc in Wyoming and have later both published on and run a number of field trip for my company and a few for e g AAPG in the Rockies I am happy to contribute, but it would have to be something such as publications or other that can be done remotely. I may come more often when I retire in a couple of years but very happy to also be just a member
Thanks for all you do behind the scenes
Still wish i could get EMAIL about upcoming RMAG activities! I have to constantly check the website to sign up for upcoming events!!! My Email works fine, I do not know why I am not receiving RMAG updates. Having full time staff for a professional society is wonderful Staff have been very responsive to my inquiries
Bridget has done a fine job since taking over The Helium Conference has been a big hit, with international attention. I wonder if geothermal would be as successful?
Keep up the great work! I’m very lucky to live near this active geology community.
I live about a thousand miles from Denver now but follow RMAG closely.
OMG there is nothing but fantastic feedback Bridget is wonderful, so competent and very responsive
Grateful to have her!
I am out of Grumps, My few dealings with RMAG staff have all been satisfactory.
You seem to be doing a sterling job as far as I can tell!
Supremely responsive!
Keep it up!
Bridget is wonderful!
I think Bridget does a great job running our organization with no other staff help or support. We are lucky to have her.
It is truly amazing what Bridget has done with this organization!
I have been heavily involved with HGS (served on it
BOD and we turned around HGS) I was also very connected in AAPG and its current turn around.
However, I view the RMAG as a go-by for how a society should be run I can add to RMAG, and I can learn from it
I'd be open to a committee or service at some point, just not right now
Have never had the need to contact RMAG staff, so don't have a string feeling one way or another.
Nothing comes to mind
Bridget is super I'm convinced she is actually 2 or 3 people
Have more opportunities on the CU boulder campus!
Bridget is great and very helpful with any questions
Keep up the great work!
I was a 40-year resident of Colorado. Five years ago, I moved to Kansas City (my hometown) for family reasons I will always keep my RMAG membership!
Thank you
Thanks for all you do! Even if I don’t take full advantage of it
Keep up the good work!
Everyone is great!
Excellent efforts and incredible work!
I'm certainly glad we have Bridget! I have not met anyone else at this time
Bridget is a great administrator, real asset to the organization
Keep it up
No additional comments
Additional Feedback, continued...
Additional Feedback for RMAG Staff
Total Number of Responses - 103
Keep up the great work Bridget Really appreciate the hard work and determination you bring to RMAG. Couldn't do it without you. Would love to hear what you think would be most efficient helpful for RMAG.
I'm sure you have noticed some inefficiencies or ways the organization could improve
Although I haven't met Bridget in person, I've communicated by email, and I think she does a great job!
Keep up the great work!
I do not ask them for anything, so no need to be responsive Not their fault
Good work getting out from under the office lease!
Thank you for your support!!
The staff I have talked to about the email problem are very responsive and eager to solve the issue, but the fix never seems to last more than a few weeks.
Staff is always available and helpful
No suggestions at this time Good staff, it is hard to run a volunteer-based organization.
I am hoping that the move to the DERL has been fruitful for both organizations Haven't interacted in years The rate of emails is fine Bridget is great, doing a wonderful job! Keep up the good work! Delighted with our collaboration with the Denver Earth Resources Library. ❤
Still not getting the Outcrop or other emails I think your all-inclusive and politically correct outlook is great!
I have not dealt with the RMAG staff I am a low maintenance member Any contact has been quickly responded to and answered adequately. Keep up the good work!
How satisfied are you with the current level of and frequency of communication from RMAG?
hard to balance too much communication but also just the facts. I enjoy having the email blasts weekly or biweekly.
Good email communication
It’s just right
Quite many but cannot attend any RMAG seems to be a pretty well-run organization
Email issue as stated in previous answers.
Frequency of communications to the membership varies
I think RMAG communicates appropriately It’s not excessive and it’s not too little
Primary communication is download notifications for the 2 RMAG publications
Enough but not overwhelming.
You are doing a great job
Not too much not to little
email problem on your end
I think the emails keep me informed as to RMAG activities.
I think we receive a good amount of communication from the RMAG
There are enough emails to keep up to date on the upcoming events Don't want more as then it gets lost in too many emails.
I get the information I need.
I receive no communication
You keep me informed of what is happening Thanks for that
Not too much, could maybe be a little more clear
Would appreciate more technical communications vs "social" communications
No free Zoom.
All is excellent
How satisfied are you with the current level of and frequency of communication from RMAG?
(5 Completely Satisfied, 1 Completely Unsatisfied)
Total Number of Responses - 440
Works for me!
I don’t get the email very often.
I am satisfied with level of communication
A good balance between informative and promoting I like the availability of information when I am curious I can always go back and check the notices and updates even if skip them initially.
don’t get on the computer as much anymore reliable and consistent see above comments
Don't need more communication
For some reason, I never receive news from RMAG about events in my Email We have checked and rechecked my Email account, but nothing seems to work.
Many emails have been helpful
Just right frequency and communications are well laid out so that I can quickly get what information i am seeking and want to know more about
The emails are great
The weekly email blast is just fine for me about right amount
I think RMAG hits the right cadence with its social post schedule without overwhelming its members
Communication for upcoming events such as field trips and workshops are timely, informative and comprehensive.
You keep me informed. Anymore and I will start auto deleting the emails. A guy can only get so many emails.
So you have it "just right"
"I'm not as active with RMAG as I was prior to retiring Communications seem fine to me at this point Thank you "
Enough emails to be informed about what is hoping on without feeling like spam
The amount of communication is just about right
Total email frequency is about right Re next Q I scan nearly all weekly email updates, full read not so much
Less is more
The communication is sufficiently frequent, though I don’t pay attention to everything sent
I feel like i get plenty if notifications about events
Average 4.55
Seems frequent enough to get the information I need.
I get frequent emails from RMAG that keep me apprised of the latest happenings
I appreciate the reminder emails when a sign up deadline is nearing
Office always in communication regarding upcoming events
I get what I need when I need it!
I am kept informed through emails and greatly appreciate it
Good level of communication - I always feel in the loop without feeling swarmed by emails
I get the information I am looking for
The current level keeps me informed.
I think it is just right.
email correspondence works fine at keeping me informed
Fine as is!
I receive very little comms The weekly updates often contain non important info or my email filter is burying them.
I enjoy the monthly publications but am now retired and not active in industry
Good communication via email!
I occasionally see announcements but unsure if I miss any
I am a member but seems to be off the mailing list
Ok as is
Excellent communication when needed
Just joined
Being retired, I focus on things that interest me. It is just enough but not too little where I forget about the association
See comment above
No significant complaints email is working well
Appreciate the frequent reminders
All good.
Email updates are satisfactory in both level and frequency
Current Communication, continued...
How satisfied are you with the current level of and frequency of communication from RMAG?
(5 Completely Satisfied, 1 Completely Unsatisfied)
Total Number of Responses - 440
Perfect! Not too many emails either
Good updates on a frequency that works for me
Not missing anything of importance
Good level of communication from the RMAG staff i think the emails are very helpful and informative in outlining upcoming events. sometimes it borders on too many emails with all the events, field trips, publications and stuff RMAG does
Do you read the weekly email updates from RMAG?
of Responses - 440
Emails are very informative and not too long communications have always been excellent I keep up with my Internet daily Plenty of emails I feel informed I feel like I receive way more emails than I am able to engage with RMAG.
RMAG Website
How Satisfied are you with the RMAG website, RMAG org?
(5 Completely Satisfied, 1 Completely Unsatisfied)
Total Number of Responses - 422
RMAG Website
How often do you view the RMAG Website per Month?
Total Number of Responses - 441
Additional Comments on RMAG.org
Any additional comments on RMAG.org: Total Number of Responses - 38
I clicked on 2-5 visits to the website - but the reality is that I might go several months without going there at all and then other months when I might be searching for something that leads me to visit much more frequently.
The office seems better run than in the past. Quite a while back it got overly relaxed. It worked out when new people brought in modern tech That's what has kept up standards is the website and publications making the organization work for modern professionals
Sometimes a little time consuming to find what is desired.
Great organization to belong to. it's fine you figure out where to go it has annoyed me in the past, but I end up getting what I need done
Well managed web-site It IS time to revitalize the "Articles" on the front page - they have been stale for a long time now.
I'm there a lot, it works well.
The website is logically organized and I can find what I need
The site feels a bit dated and certain things are to me a bit hard to find Overall though, I think it serves its purpose very well.
We in the HGS need make our website as user friendly as yours!!
I think RMAG members, (especially long-term members >40 years), should have free access to all back issues of the Mountain Geologist
I find it somewhat confusing to download from Box I don't visit often enough to have formed an opinion on user-friendliness of the website
Get rid of DEI should figure out a way to make dues automatically renewing
Could use some freshening up Would be nice to know that content has been updated.
Easy to use
No need for change
More publications of a local nature
The website is easy to use and read
Would be nice to diversify geologic disciplines
Would be great to have easy to obtain free digital downloads of pubs from the website.
Have to search to find dues payments, etc.
Per the member, maybe add the option to include specialties in addition to searching regional members?
For example, it would be great to reach out to another geologist having knowledge regarding a project or topic I am working on That way I could search for a geologist who knows " x " really well and lives/works near " y " . Maybe that's hard to explain? It seems that there could be a better online operation networking solution for reaching out to others without building something such as a Listserv As a contractor I am supporting clients all over the topic spectrum, working in different areas across the State of Colorado yearround. While I often contact CGS geologists, having access to a broader group covering a wider specialty spectrum would be great!
As previously discussed, I don't read the weekly email updates because I don't get them
Excellent organization
I go to the website to renew and download Outcrop and Mountain Geologist.
I kinda wish it was easier to find/access past material. Talks, slide presentations, publications, etc
I have to go to the website to download the Outcrop I only go on to sign up for events
Be aware that as a retiree in the mining/minerals industry, my only academic relationship with RMAG was and would have been the stratigraphic papers written in the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s on the geology of the Cretaceous Seaway (for uranium, from Montana to Utah) and the Basin & Range (for gold)
Good website
Could add a page for links to local/state organizations, with updates from them. probably could do with a bit of spruce up
Social Media
Do you follow RMAG on social media?
Total Number of Responses - 440
Social Media
Where do you follow RMAG?
Total Number of Responses - 112 (multiple selections allowed)
Social Media Presence
How satisfied are you with the current social media presence of RMAG?
Total Number of Responses - 83 (5 Completely Satisfied, 1 Completely Unsatisfied)
Social Media Presence
Is there another platform we should be on?
Total Number of Responses - 3
Get away from X/twitter
You do a good job, but could post more frequently and perhaps even provide commentary on hot topics
Is there anything specific you would like to see more of on our social media?
Total Number of Responses - 11
Promote the vendors, promote work people are doing More photos of members participating in field trips and events would be nice Right now it just seems like a page for disseminating information rather than attracting new members I think the activity of RMAG in LinkedIn is appropriate (content and cadence). I wonder if we should encourage our volunteers more to either post, repost or like RMAG content, and if the board members should take a more active role in that endeavor Where RMAG is headed, and why I would advertise whenever a publication like TMG or Outcrop comes out.
I like having multiple notices from multiple sources: i.e. email blast & social media notifications Multiple and repetitive notices help with busy schedules and lives More of everything? Email announcements are good, but you know how it goes with email when you ' re slammed... oh, this looks important but (crap) I can't read / digest that much content right now. I'll read / follow up later and then never really follow through :) Thinking like a retail marketer, if you hit us with the same message three times on multiple platforms we tend to remember announcements of volunteer opportunities
Any additional comments on RMAG communications:
Total Number of Responses - 31
I need to follow you guys! Assuming Instagram? I generally feel like RMAG does a good job of communicating with its members I will now Just right.
Make sure emails all have RMAG prominent in the sender name
Didn't know there was a page to follow I appreciate the emails, they are something I can read and review again later on It may be that most of us are overwhelmed with various forms of communication. Perhaps I need to better pay attention.
Seeing articles from the Outcrop on social reminds me to read it all the way through if I get distracted the first time I open it
I'm not an overly active LinkedIn user, but it is fun to see posts that I either missed in the email blast or are additional fun notices and commentary by other members
I enjoy the pictures and field trip follow ups
For the most part RMAG is doing a really good job! All good Thanks to leadership and staff I follow some social media
My employer still blocks social media.
A good outfit!
Do you have any additional feed back for RMAG?
Total Number of Responses - 101
I have good memories of my time working in Denver I wish you well and intend to remain a member in retirement.
No but this feedback was really long!
As I've said - can't imagine not being a member I'll continue to lobby Oxy to continue their support My feeling is that as a larger company and as a major participant in Rocky Mtn production it's incumbent on Oxy to be an active part of the geoscience community. Thanks for the extra time to respond
Keep up the good work.
as a longtime member and past president, I've been involved in helping RMAG grow and become an important part of a professional career - keep up the good work
The complete withdrawal from oil and gas for RMAG luncheons has been frustrating. There seems to be a sense that the RMAG no longer knows its identity. I realize the name does not indicate any relationship to energy resources and mining, but that has always been where the RMAG has been focused In the energy community, there is a contradiction between those saying "oil and gas will be around for a long time" and those saying we are in a "transition." It seems like "transition" is a strong word, as many of the "transition" topics are not economically viable without government support A better description would be that we are finding "the mix" of future resources and ways to improve how we produce and use oil and gas within this mix, with fewer emissions (already much improved). Our messaging is confused because of these contradictions
Keep up the good work!
Although not actively involved due to retirement, still participate by membership in RMAG, WGA, SPE to assist the ongoing viability of these organizations. Regular user of the technical article libraries for 24 years of participation in O&G projects, US wide consulting etc"
You are all great!
I appreciate RMAG and the staff I live in Michigan If I lived in Denver you would see a lot more of me. Rockbusters ball should have a student discount, especially considering it is on the Mines campus. Perhaps a $30 ticket that does not come with a drink ticket would get more students to come and make them more likely to also come to future RMAG events Keep up the good work in yet another dynamic period for geologists.
It’s a great organization and I have enjoyed being a member for many years (I think I joined in 1981 or 1982)
As I am retired, I mostly keep my membership to stay in touch with what the organization is doing and attend an occasional field trip.
Keep up the excellent work
Keep up the good work!
Spread out your emails Once a week is plenty / perfect
To remain viable, may need to expand more into hydrology, environmental and other subsurface sedimentary minerals such as uranium, even aggregates, lime resources Even topics such as precious gems and placer gold mining would be interesting As a geologist, earlier in my career, I was laser focused on petroleum geology, now I appreciate broader spectrum and really enjoy occasional branching off into other fields.
Good job, great organization!
I feel RMAG is well-run and does a good job of serving our geo-community The challenge is how to get more engaged volunteers It seems there are 50-60 members that form the core of the organization How do we get more involved?
Wish I could be more active in RMAG, but I live in Reno, NV
Love that you remain independent For a volunteer organization, persistence >> growth Don't take on too much Keep in mind the future age demographics of your constituency.
Really looking forward to seeing the results of this survey. I hope we get enough response to better understand our membership Well done, Bridget!
You are a great local geological society
Free access for RMAG members to all back issues of Mountain Geologist, please
I first joined RMAG over 50 years ago. As I took employment opportunities far from Colorado, unfortunately I let my membership lapse I couldn't be more pleased to have renewed my membership It was a great professional organization then and it is even better now
I think RMAG is great. I enjoy it. I live in Wichita, KS, so makes it nearly impossible to go to talks, functions, etc. But I have been on a couple field trips and really liked those I also enjoyed the zoom or webinar talks Thanks for all that is being done
RMAG is my favorite professional organization Thanks
This is a long survey.
Do you have any additional feed back for RMAG?
Total Number of Responses - 101
Everything's great and I don't have much to say aside from that I'd like to see more networking opportunities
Please provide for a greatly reduced dues schedule for retired folks
Great job
I think it would be interesting if you had something like Matt Silverman’s AAPG “Historical Highlights” column in the Outcrop that focuses on Rocky Mountain petroleum geology
Online programming is great - thanks Great organization. Just wish I were closer to take advantage of all the good things being done. With AAPG now publishing 90% of its articles on some play or basin in China, I appreciate RMAG still focusing on the Rockies!
There has never been an energy ""transition"" in the history of the earth If you look at the data over the last 10,000 years, "" new "" energy sources are just added to the mix. The oil & gas business will be here for countless reasons long after we are all dead in spite of all of this noise we hear Don't get sucked into current popular cultural philosophies The people of this country depend on us to do our job regardless of their bitching.
The time will come when global events will dictate our industry to stand up.The Rand report states this is coming sooner rather than later
Save the data We helped pay for the scanning of the Tooke Mudlogs by WGA We have internally scanned all of the Chief mudlogs Save the data because it is easy to lose, and once its lost, you'll never get it back. Geochem, seismic, core, p&k, mud logs etc. etc. As a non-profit, RMAG can provide a vehicle for the donation of these proprietary datasets
Thank you
Keep up the great work!
Great organization that provides vital service to the geologic community.
Too bad RMAG no longer provides public issues information to its members
I served as Co-Editor of the 1989 Sandstone Reservoirs volume with Ed Coalson, and was a regular attendee for RMAG luncheons when they were weekly events back in the 1980s. I returned to Denver in Jan 2023, and am resumingmy participation in RMAG and RMS-SEPM events I would be more than happy to help with publications once again in the future
Keep going with all the excellent work and new ideas
Western slope, for the most part, left out of things RMAG should seek out new ideas to make production of hydrocarbons carbon-neutral
Strong geologic organization in the current environment, adapting well to the changes in our industry…
Keep up the GREAT work!
So much is done by volunteers I don't think the general RMAG member realizes how much work is done by the few, and that through contribution would be welcome and IMO needed for the organization longevity (avoiding active contributing volunteer burnout).
Please consider allowing remote access to the talks RMAG has been a very good organization, and I have kept or filed many of the publications I wish all of you continued success
Love it!
Past presidents are an underutilized resource
Hang in there. Nothing lasts forever.
I just need to get more active with you all So, that is on me
What happened to the annual photo contest?
For someone not located in the Denver area, I find that RMAG fills my needs and interests very well. It is a very credible source of information.
As Geologic Supervisor for Mobil from 1984-1991, I tried to arrange donation of Superior Oil's extensive mountain area scout ticket library to RMAG Tragically, Mobil chose instead to destroy this unique and valuable asset I also tried to arrange donation of core material and data with no success. With ongoing consolidation of oil and mining companies, it would be beneficial to ensure good constructive communication with all companies & management to identify such future opportunities
Being remote, any online activities are appreciated Well run organization.
I am hopeful that the organization thrives for another 100 years. This will only happen if the younger generation participates and volunteers like I and many of my peers did way back when You provide a great service I have whined about not getting Outcrop enough
Hope you make it another 100 years!!
No. I am satisfied where things are at.
Proud to be a member
You have drained me!
Continue what you are doing
Do you have any additional feed back for RMAG?
Total Number of Responses - 101
I see a challenge maintaining momentum as the energy transition saps the high paying o&g jobs
Organizations like RMAG, SEPM, GSA, AAPG etc are going to have to evolve if they are to persist How to become relevant to the younger geoscientist? How to carve out a niche among the digital natives? Easier to ask than to answer.
By comparison, NMGS is much stronger on field trip publications, which are extremely comprehensive But that is because the society focuses on only 2 events per year - a spring conference and a fall field trip
I am an elderly generalist with a career in applied ecology and find that RMAG meets many of my needs at this time, including less stressful episodes of walking
Downtown events are very difficult to attend when one does not work downtown
A well-managed professional organization
Great organization.
Don't forget about the old timers. We have a lot to offer
Keep going as long as the membership supports the RMAG
while stating the obvious we need to attract more young people to the society, we need to continue to make the science appealing, exciting and attractive as a career... no magic wand but increased representation with state legislators and educator's may help the cause of a rapidly declining industry as observed not just in the US but all around the world
RMAG is an excellent regional geological society The Outcrop is an excellent " newsy " publication I am not aware of any other regional geological society that maintains a journal of the quality of the Mountain Geologist.
More opportunities on CU boulder campus! Not at this time but might be interested in committees at a later date
I have a second home in Lake City Colorado Although I'm primarily in the oil & gas business, I've had interests in hard rock mining over the years, and I prefer igneous and metamorphic environments over sedimentary. I joined RMAG for this reason.
I view RMAG as a regional organization, but there is not a lot of focus on RMAG serving as a resource for local/state geologic organizations in that region More collaboration between these small organizations with RMAG as a guiding regional organization could be beneficial as we all try to save these smaller (and moderate to bigger) organizations in this weird (postCovid)/(Gen Z don't care)/(Boomers don't want to volunteer but want to take take take) era
Is the RMAG mentoring program still going on? I've been a mentor several times and really enjoy it would do that again if needed Keep it up
RMAG a good vehicle to see how RMB are evolving in relation to the WCSB