Graduation Guide Fall 2018

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FALL 2018



CONTENTS Fall 2018 Commencement Schedule ................................................................................3 A Message to Graduates from CSU President Tony Frank .............................................4 A Letter from Your Outgoing ASCSU President ..............................................................6 Adulting 101 ........................................................................................................................8 More Than a Color..............................................................................................................10 Growing With You...............................................................................................................12 Graduation FAQs ................................................................................................................16 Grad Stats by College ........................................................................................................20 Top Grad Schools ...............................................................................................................22 70 Things to Do Before You Graduate ..............................................................................26 Ram History and Traditions ................................................................................................28 Top Places to Live ...............................................................................................................30 Graduating Traditions ........................................................................................................34 Graduating Seniors.............................................................................................................36 Professional Development Tips ........................................................................................40 Flashbacks ...........................................................................................................................42


Congrats #RamGrads! We’re so proud of you. Check out these resources to stay connected to your newly minted alma mater: ∙ CSU alumni app ∙ Career Center services ∙ Ram Networks ∙ Happy hours, networking events, and more ∙ Alumni Association membership

INVOLVEMENT Editor: Pam Sera Cover Design: Emily Writebol Publication Design: Emily Writebol Writer: Amber Carvalho Fall Graduation 2018 is produced by Rocky Mountain Student Media

@CSUAlumni @CSUAlumni @coloradostatealumni

Commencement Schedule FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14, 2018 Army ROTC Commissioning...................................................................................................... 10 a.m. - Lory Student Center, North Ballroom University Honors Recognition Ceremony................................................................................. 1 p.m. - Lory Student Center, Grand Ballroom The Graduate School ................................................................................................................ 3 p.m. - Moby Arena College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences ........................................................ 6 p.m. - Lory Student Center, Grand Ballroom College of Natural Sciences ...................................................................................................... 7 p.m. - Moby Arena SATURDAY, DECEMBER 15, 2018 Warner College of Natural Resources ....................................................................................... 8 a.m. - Moby Arena College of Business ................................................................................................................... 11:30 a.m. - Moby Arena College of Agricultural Sciences ............................................................................................... 12:30 p.m. - Lory Student Center, Grand Ballroom College of Liberal Arts............................................................................................................... 3 p.m. - Moby Arena Walter Scott, Jr. College of Engineering ................................................................................... 4 p.m. - Lory Student Center, Grand Ballroom College of Health and Human Sciences ................................................................................... 7 p.m. – Moby Arena (THIS CEREMONY IS A TICKETED EVENT THAT REQUIRES TICKETS. VISIT THE COLLEGE WEBPAGE FOR MORE INFO.)

Get Social Graduation is a REALLY big deal. Share your experience on social media using the hashtag




A Message to Graduates from CSU President Tony Frank Dear Graduates, Congratulations to our Fall 2018 graduates of Colorado State University! On behalf of the faculty, staff, students, and alumni of this great university, please know that we honor you and all you have achieved during your academic career, and we look forward to seeing what your future holds.

Once you get a little distance from this moment, we hope you will also find that your education has equipped you to step out into the world and make choices that will lead you toward a fulfilling, productive life—a life that consistently means something to the people and communities with whom you interact.

In case any of you need a reminder of why your commencement matters, consider that less than 10 percent of the world’s population today holds a college degree. That percentage declines even further when you look at the number of people on this planet who have obtained a master’s or a Ph.D. You have accomplished something that most other human beings never have the opportunity to even attempt, and that accomplishment provides you with an unparalleled platform to continue to make an impact and a difference in our world.

You may or may not be able to land your dream job, but there are important, meaningful jobs out there that need doing and that will help build your skills and experience, expand your understanding of the world, and move you closer to your goals. There are people and places in this world who need the talents and knowledge you have to offer. Our world has complex problems that need solving, and the responsibility for solving most of them will fall to those who have had the privilege of an education.

Use it. You may not be able to see your impact overnight, but the work you do and the choices you make once you cross that commencement stage really do matter. A few weeks ago, we hosted an annual event to honor our most distinguished CSU alumni. These are people who took their CSU diplomas and went on to become community and political leaders, philanthropists, innovative scientists and engineers, respected faculty, groundbreaking business leaders, important journalists and artists, and even members of our governing board. But when they stood where you now stand, they had no idea what influence they would wield during the course of their lives and careers. Opportunities arose for them, and they seized those opportunities – and as a result, their influence has been profound.

4 | December 2018 | GRADUATION

As you take on those problems, as you rise to the challenges ahead and achieve more than you ever thought possible, remember that your University takes pride in you and the difference you’re able to make for our world. The term “commencement” is used at graduation because this is the start of a new beginning. Make the most of it, and take on your future with a sense of confidence and optimism. Then don’t forget to come back to your alma mater a few years from now to let us know how your life is unfolding. We at CSU are proud of you, and we celebrate this achievement with you. Congratulations again to the Class of 2018! Dr. Tony Frank President

1 in 4 CSU students is First Generation. Congratulations CSU First-Generation Students!

Join the first-gen community at


A Message to graduates from From ASCSU President

Graduates, Well done and congratulations on finishing this phase of your life. For the past few years here at CSU you’ve been taught to dream big, to pursue what you love, and to change the world. I won’t waste your time drilling that message into your head again. The message I want to deliver is more tangible and direct. Now that you’re on the job hunt and in the “real world” there are some things you should do. First, look into loan forgiveness programs-they’re tricky and if you don’t plan from the outset you can inadvertently lose your eligibility. I hope you found your degree here at CSU worth it. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t look into ways to cut the cost down. On the same note-it might be a good strategy to pay more than the minimum payments on your loans. True freedom comes with independence- which stems from the idea that you don’t owe anyone anything. Look into the nuances of loan repayment. Second, if you broke a law while at CSU and have a charge on your record, go to Student Legal Services. Petty offensives, criminal misdemeanors, or any charge can be analyzed and possibly sealed. Sealing your criminal record ensures that you’re as an attractive of a candidate as possible. You now have a world class education, don’t let one night undermine your education and value, talk to a lawyer for free. Third, if you haven’t been- go to the Career Center. They’ll see you after graduation as well. They have wonderful professionals to

6 | December 2018 | GRADUATION

help you map out the next few steps to getting a job and they give concrete help to move you’re forward tangibly and immediately! Earlier when I said Student Legal Services was free, that was a lie. Both Student Legal and the Career Center are student fee funded, meaning they already have your money, so you should at least make it work for you now. And as far as life goes, start saving for retirement today. If you take around 5 percent of your income and start saving to increase that percentage to more later in life you’ll be significantly less stressed come 45. And as far as the first car you buy goes, it should look much worse than you feel in this moment while graduating (aka buy a crap car). At the end of the day I didn’t want to tell you more of what you already know or reinforce the feel good nature of graduation. I hope you find this advice helpful. This is your life, and I wish you luck in your endeavors.

Congratulations CSU Graduates &

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Adulting 101 You did it, you graduated! Now it’s time you enter the all elusive “real world”, which means things are going to change. College is it’s own world, where life is broken up by semesters and revolves around class and homework while trying to squeeze in a social life and healthy habits. You’ve made it through some tough times, but be prepared for the awkward shift into true adulthood. It may be difficult to say goodbye to Fort Collins and the routine you’ve had for the past several years, but exciting things await you! Don’t worry too much - here are some tips to help ease your transition into true adulthood. Find New Ways to Be Social In college, you made some of your best friends through living in the dorms, sitting near each other in class, being on the same sports team or by being a member in the same club. After graduating, it may seem difficult to make connections, but there are so many opportunities to meet people. Introduce yourself to everyone at work and try to get to know them. Coworker relationships can help make a job more enjoyable, and face it - you’ll be spending a lot of time together! Another way to meet new people is by looking for meetups in your city. With a simple Google search, you can find groups for almost anything, anywhere. Whether you’re an art lover, movie junkie, dog lover, tech nerd - the possibilities are endless. This is an easy way to meet people who share your passions or hobbies, which makes for easy conversation. Try New Things Simply put, college was hectic. With due dates approaching one after another, it was hard to find time for anything else. Take this opportunity and

new-found freedom and try something new! Sign up for a dance class, learn a musical instrument, start a new sport, take a cooking class, or explore new hobbies. Do something you’ve always wanted to do but haven’t had the time to make happen. If you don’t know where to start, just say yes to things! Try not to turn down any opportunities and don’t be afraid to get out of your comfort zone. Take Time For Yourself You’ve been constantly surrounded by people for the past four years. Walking through the LSC, around the Oval, or in the library, you interacted with strangers nearly every day. Take the time to be with yourself and rest. Try meditating, reading a book (for pleasure, now!) or go on a hike. Spend some time alone and reconnect with yourself! You’ve been a student for so long, so take your time adjusting to this new life and do whatever feels best for you. Don’t Worry - You’re Still Going to Have Fun Don’t listen to those people who say that the fun is over once you’ve graduated. Sure, you have a lot of great memories to take with you, but many more are yet to come. Life after college doesn’t have to be boring; take advantage of this new chapter in life, relax, and have fun!

8 | December 2018 | GRADUATION


FIND A TASTE OF HOME AT THE REGIONAL Serving dinner, lunch, and fresh baked goods. Large party space available

Call (970) 689-3508 to make a reservation 130 South Mason St. Fort Collins, CO 80524 | Monday–Saturday: 11am–9pm Congratulations from the Department of Sociology

Class of FALL 2018 C h u c k aa ro n C h a r li e At k i n Cas p i a n Ba n k i H ay li e B u r k h a r dt A lys sa Cas i as J ess C h r i st en s en Ky le C o n aty M aya C o u s i n s Ja m es D ea n B r a n d o n D u c kwo rt h M att D u t ro T r i sta n Fa b i n y S h a n n o n Fa rqu h a r As h ley Feh r er

ja n ele h a r ry N i ko le Kast ei n St ep h a n i e M a rt i n Ja m i e M c C u e Ja k e M o h r M a d d i e M u rc ko Da n i M u r d o c k B rya n n i c h o ls o n S h a n n o n O'B r i en C o u rt n ey Pa lm er Po rt i a P et er Ca i t li n P et ers o n Kat h ry n Qu i n n

B eau R a i n ey Kassa n d r a Ro es er J o r da n Ru h l T i n a S ca c c o T r i sta n S ea r le Eb o n i St ev en s o n A m a n da Ta r lto n S h a i n a T en i n ty K r i sta T h axto n Wa d e T i c er B ru c e W h eeler Ka r i ssa W r et li n g C r i st i n a Yo u n g Da n q i n g Zao


More Than a Color By Amber Carvalho Here at Colorado State University, green is more than just our school color. As a land-grant university, CSU strives to better our community and the world around us. Through various initiatives, programs, and research, CSU has become a green pioneer. These efforts have paid off: CSU is ranked the number one greenest school in the country. What exactly has CSU done to earn this title? The list of accomplishments is long, but here are a few notable sustainability initiatives: CSU... • • • • • • • •

Is the first school in the world to earn Platinum in the STARS rating system in 2015 Is home to 25 LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certified buildings Has one of few mountain campuses in the nation Houses the first solar-heated/air-conditioned building - created by our scientists Worked with NASA to create the world’s most sensitive cloud-profiling radar, monitoring climate change and global warming activity from space Was the first major higher education institution to sign the Climate Reality Pledge in January 2017, committing to 100% renewable electricity by 2030 CSU established the nation’s first emissions-control program, a reflection of Colorado State’s long-term involvement in clean and sustainable energy alternatives. Colorado State was one of the first universities in the country to offer green power as an option to the students living on campus

10 | December 2018 | GRADUATION

Through academics, research, and operations, CSU takes sustainability to the next level. There are sustainability related majors and minors in all eight colleges, and 962 of 2,633 courses are sustainability related. Various projects and grants allow students and faculty members to participate in research, contributing to the future of not only our campus, but the planet. Sustainability is the backbone of the university, and with a strategic plan and dedication to our community, CSU will continue to be a leader in this field for years to come.

Congratulations 2018 Graduates! The Department of Geosciences would like to congratulate our Fall 2018 graduating seniors: Geology Major Students Julia Bishop Dom McWhirt Branden Dean Darrick Roanhaus Vashti Espinosa Vinny Sangaline Qiuling Huang Hunter Santiago Wyatt Jeffery Ray Wacha Mallory Johnson Kyle Young Connor Kounnas

Geology Minor Students Will Zeiner

Best wishes for future success! The Collaborative for Student Achievement congratulates the following students on their Fall 2018 commencement. Students may be past participants in a Pre-Health Professions Club, the Fostering Success Program, and/or staff of the Collaborative for Student Achievement.

Torri Allred Chris Callanan Chastin Ellington Liz Hart Rick Hatch Shelby James Courtney Kavanagh Alexa Lenz Brooke Malone Pat McNulty Jackie Nikiforov

Hannah Playter Nathan Rhine Kassie Roeser Shea Russell Lexi Satterfield Eeland StriblingHarrell Kaitlin Webb


Growing With You

By Amber Carvalho While you have been studying, making friends, and flourishing throughout your time in college, CSU has been growing right alongside you. Campus looks a little different now than it did when you took your first tour a few years ago. Many buildings have been added or remodeled to ensure there’s a place on campus for you to relax, eat, and socialize while working towards your degree. Remember eating at the Corbett/Parmalee dining center? The dining hall undertook major renovation and opened up in August 2018 as The Foundry. This food hall now is the host of eight different micro-restaurants with options for everyone: comfort foods, vegan menu items, international cuisine, mexican dishes, italian foods, an ever-changing pop up menu, and even a creamery with Walrus ice cream. Ah, to be a Freshman again! In the fall of 2017, the college of Natural Sciences was upgraded as the chemistry research and biology buildings were built, creating the science mall on campus. These buildings have become a destination on campus for student collaboration and research and has offered more space and opportunity for two of the most prominent science-related majors at CSU. Now the college has the space that it needs as it continues to grow. The CSU Health Network no longer resides in Ayelsworth Hall or the Hartshorn Health Services Building. The CSU Health and Medical Center opened in the summer of 2017. CSU partnered with UC Health to provide a place on campus that offers a full range of mental health, medical, and health education and prevention services to students. The community receives services such as a walk-in clinic, family medicine, occupational health and rehabilitation services, nutrition coun-

12 | December 2018 | GRADUATION

seling, sports medicine, and more. This partnership has elevated the care and well-being of students on campus and members throughout the Northern Colorado community. The biggest project that was approved and built during the past few years is the new campus stadium. Students used to drive miles away to Hughes Stadium to cheer on our stalwart Rams. Now, everyone gathers at the on-campus Canvas stadium. Construction began summer 2015 and lasted until the 2017 season, but the stadium was well worth the wait. With unique perks, like the New Belgium Porch and the largest video board in the Mountain West, the stadium is one of the newest structures in college football. The stadium houses the Iris & Michael Smith Alumni Center, as well as general classroom spaces and meeting rooms. The list of CSU improvements is ever-growing, so there will always be something new to explore when you visit campus as an alumni - giving you more reasons to come relive the glory days.

The Walter Scott, Jr. College of Engineering is proud to announce the Fall 2018 graduates Bahareh Abdollahipoor Derek Adams Saeid Aghahossein Shirazi Fawad Ahmad Hamza Al Kindi Ahmed Aldohbeyb Ibrahim Al-Harthi Alyssa Aligata Elaheh Alizadeh Saud Al-Khalili Mohammed Almahawis Omar Amini Jake Arenson Oladapo Aseperi Abdullah Asiri Syed Azam Kurt Azevedo Jiangbo Bai Suad Bakhshiyev Ian Bakst Nick Baron Giovana Batista Craig Baxter Sam Baxter Emily Bell Stephen Bellig Risa Benvenga Swapnil Bhosale Kelsey Bilsback Subroto Biswas Kiel Brennan Miles Brim

Daniel Brogan Ben Bukacek Bryan Burk Alex Bush Matthew Cackovic Ellie Casas Ting Cha Michael Cheeseman Rongbin Chen Xuefei Chen Valerie Cochrane Jeanne Cole Emily Cook David Crawford Paul Cross Jesse Cruce Clayton Cruickshank Mangesh Dake Daniel Dauwe Aaron Davenport Aubrey Davis Mitchell Davis Aliena Debelak Anthony DeMario Jordan Deshon Matthew Dietrich Djibril Diol Janie Dusel Yaya Fan Aatir Farooq Luke Flores Mike Follum John Francis

Sean Freeman Blake Fullenwider Jace Furley Amrapalli Garanaik Jordan Gartner Sumit Gautam Gary Geissler Ethan Gentert Bharadwaj Gorthy Michael Gotwald Colin Gould Nick Grant Ben Gratias Kyle Greer Justin Grimes Mckinley Guenzel Matt Guziewski Bryan Hackleman Jingyao Han Derek Hannon Anil Harish Kevin Hedin Greg Herman Wesley Herweynen Derek Hess Jarrod Hicks Jack Hinchsliff Stacey Hitchcock Ninad Hogade Jack Hotvet Zikun Hou Xin Huang Yejian Huang

Stephanie Hudock Da Huo Derek Isabelle Anish Jadhav Melissa James Rohan Jhaveri, Colleen Jones Kendra Jones Shashank Joshil David Jump Jeffrey Jung Rohan Kadole Tami Katz Samuel Kerr Varun Kilenje Nataraj Kiran Kinhal Jack Kodros Joel Kraft Lucas Krakow Kristin Laforge Rod Lammers Garrett Lane Mike Lasorda Matt Lewis Huishu Li MuAn Liang Jianbo Liu Yajing Liu Zheng Liu Max Loeb Lucas Loetscher Dominic Loffreda Wangtao Lu

Jiao Ma Hema Mahesh Cheyenne Maio-Silva Chad Maltby Brad Marshall Josh Martin Marco Martinez Ash Mathew Amanda McCann Colin McDaniel Stephen Mcgee Benjamin Meis Ryan Meller Asif Mirza Kayla Moden Christina Moffett Michael Montague Jason Moon Ajay More Tom Morrison Sanli Movafaghi Christopher Mundt Amritha Muniswamy Venkatappa Ryan Murphy Hanna Narans Kyle Nardi Daniel Netz Hillary Nicholas Peter Nivala Kate O’dell Mehmet Ogut Allison O’Neil

Nicole Opalinski Avpreet Singh Othee Seonggyu Park Brandon Patz Achyut Paudel Poulomi Paul James Pettus Billy Phillips Oren Pierce Colton Polczynski Monika Popang Anna Pryamkova Jason Puccetti Robbie Queen Carlos Quiroz Arita Ibraheem Qurban Brandon Rail Emily Ramnarine Nicole Ramo Holly Ramseier Austin Rankin Gururaj Reddy Carey Reich Nick Ritschard Santiago Rodriguez Lopez Patrick Rohlfs Mathew Sajeev Kyler Sanford David Schluckebier Andrea Shacklock Soran Shadman Naman Sharma

Swagata Sharma Tushar Shimpi Madison Shultz Matthew Simmons Rachael Simon Jillian Sirkis James Snyder Michael Somers Brett Steineman Caleb Stock Saman Tavakoli Kivi Ishan Thakkar Amrishnath Thena Surendran Laura Tochko Hector Toro Estrella Ben Trabing Bobby Turner Sydney Turner Shubhanshi Tyagi Zitely Tzompa Sosa Renee Vandermause Addiel Vega Kunal Milind Vichare Cody Volt Matt Voth John Vucinich Janardhan Vundala Jun Wang Lei Wang Justin Weinmeister Stan Wharry Wes White

Lloyd Wilson Bradley Winters Benjamin Wostoupal Xuguang Wu Wenlong Xu Mitchell Yohanan Derek Young Tiffany Young Abbas Yousefi Kristy Zeigler Carrie Zhang Qi Zhang


May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. Edward Abbey

Congratulations, Warner Rams. Thank you for sharing your time, talent, and dreams with us.

14 | December 2018 | GRADUATION

 


Graduation FAQS


Where is Regalia Distribution? Students and Faculty Students can pick up their regalia during Grad Fest in the Iris & Michael Smith Alumni Center on these days: Thursday and Friday, December 13 – 14, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday and Saturday, cap, gown, and tassel will be available for pick up throughout each ceremony in the Iris & Michael Smith Alumni Center. Photo ID is required for pick up. Your rental includes cap, gown, and tassel. You must return your gown and hood, but you keep the cap and tassel. (Exception: Doctorate/PVM are required to return their Tam/Cap) Where are Regalia Returns? All returns will be in the Moby C-wing, the Lory Student Center Information desk and the Smith Alumni Center immediately after the ceremony. Please note that there may be a charge for late returns. Entrance/Exit for Graduates at Moby The graduate entrance will be located on the southeast corner of the Auxiliary Gym at Moby Arena. The Auxiliary Gym is the attached building located south of Moby. We ask that all graduating students meet their family and friends outside of Moby following the ceremony, so that CSU is able to prepare the arena for the remaining ceremonies. Please bring only necessary items, as graduates are expected to abide by Moby Arena Policies. Diploma Covers Graduates will receive a complimentary diploma cover at Commencement. The actual diplomas will be mailed to graduates six to eight weeks after commencement. For those unable to attend the ceremony, diploma covers are available at the Registrar’s Office (at no charge) but if you prefer to have a cover mailed, simply submit a “Diploma Request Form” (found on the CSU Registrar’s Office website) to diplomaoffice@ Note that $5.00 per cover is required to cover the postal fee for U.S. addresses. from

16 | December 2018 | GRADUATION

Ethnic Studies Major

Tristan Linman, Amber Sahota, Zora Satchell

Ethnic Studies Minor

Leopoldo Bernal-Rivera, Arika Drake, Kevin Enns, Eilish Poe, Ahna Raygoza, Luis Rodriguez, Kent Washington, Joshua Wiley

The College of Natural Sciences Department of Mathematics

Congratulates our 2018 Fall Semester Graduates Majors William S. Adams Actuarial Science Jiayan Gu Actuarial Science Kweku, Bentsi-Enchill Applied Mathematics Kelsey A. McArdell Applied Mathematics Conor R. Welch Applied Mathematics Hongxin Yang Applied Mathematics Samuel T. Chamberlain General Mathematics Joshua J. de Jong General Mathematics Junyi Liu General Mathematics Benjamin I. Prado General Mathematics Christian D. Vernaza General Mathematics Colton J. Carmean Mathematics Education Alexander J. Ditirro Mathematics Education Grace Nishida Mathematics Education Mikayla R. Redman Mathematics Education

Minors Hamza M. Al Kindi Zachary R. Bodmer Drew R. Boston Walker L. Brown Kevin C. Bruhwiler Devin Dennis Blake Edwards Taylor M. Harris Brandon W. Hua Qiuling Huang Erick A. Johnson Colleen E. Jones Devin C. Kadillak Sawyer A. Kalmbach Bokai Liu Diminic A. Loffreda Josiah B. May Emerson J. McIntosh Amber L. Nolte Odessa O. Noriega Julien J. Pecquet Jordan T. Peterson Erik G. Rognerud Ryan Schlachter Parker D. Steindorf Alexis E. Suhr Jacob A. Tancher Aaron Thompson Andrea A. Vigil Marissa A. Vortherms Luke A. Wernert

Master of Science Candidates Jonathan Bush Ian Kessler Dustin Sauriol Scott Ziegler Ph.D Karleigh Cameron Samuel Pine


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Bri Trujillo Marissa Vortherms Dylan Wadleigh Ruoyu Wang Jeremy Wasserman Landon Webster Sheldon Wyman Erwin Yu


Cum Laude • Magna Cum Laude  Suma Cum Laude  ANTHROPOLOGY Shoshana Barbre Greg Barosh Carson Black Patrick Byers Nash Esselstyn Natalie Jones  Peter Koschnitzke Caity Krueger Laura Lane • Natasha Lee Katie McCurdy Shannon O’Brien Courtney Palmer • Lyndsey Parks Andrea Poppenhagen MaKenzie Ross Lucy Shepherd Michael Takemoto Deb Westfall  ART & ART HISTORY Mikayla Barkley Katie Brooks Abby Cohen Demi Connelley Isaac English Deanna Fuhr Kristina Gosselin Alex Gulyan Molly Gustafson Nicole Halverson Nathan Klein Amanda Krupp Ian Marshall • Roxanne McClarney Liz Morehead Kelly Newton

Shoshana Barbre Greg Barosh Carson Black Patrick Byers Nash Esselstyn Natalie Jones  Peter Koschnitzke Caity Krueger Laura Lane • Natasha Lee Katie McCurdy Shannon O’Brien Courtney Palmer • Lyndsey Parks Andrea Poppenhagen MaKenzie Ross Lucy Shepherd Michael Takemoto Deb Westfall 

Justin McGrane Brian Mitsch Taylor Mockridge Julie Monroe Rachel Nunnelee Caitlin Peterson Kassidi Pursley • Amber Roberts Taylor Robertson JC Robles Chief Schueth Madison Sluck Caleb Smith Zeke Soignier Tyler Tamez Josh Watson Hunter White Jacob Whyard Joseph Wilwerding Josh Wolberg



Nick Berry Jordan Blach Isaac Bowen Heather Bradley Mason Braginetz David Burke Cody Byrnes Lanie Clark Tommy Clarkin Hannah Cornelison Phillip Grant Wailana Hallam Grant Hannon Haley Justino Charity Kintzley Teya Kvasnicka Riley Lawlor Natasha Lee Lori Lessing Max Lukaswitz Bridget Malone

18 | December 2018 | GRADUATION

Suleiman Abdulkhaleq Hannah Aguiar Timea Balogh • Kelsie Bergh  Alexander Birk Jordan Brame Cody Bridges Alex Brown Ian Brown Jake Brown Taylor Cameron Coleman Centola Jared Cook Daniel Cooley Emma Dahi  Frank DeAngeli Christopher Fortney Julian Gameros Dany Golub • Max Harper Austin Hayes Sarah Hill Jennifer Hudler

Anthony Jansen Jiahong Jiang Tiangi Jiang Collin Johnson Alex Jordan Austin Kennedy  Jacob Klarich Caroline Klusza Peter Koppes Sara Kremm Josue Larios Jimin Liang Bokai Liu Brandon Luke Minh Luu Peter Majekodunmi Collin may Sean mcGrath Tyler Mclean Logan Meschke Kyle Moses Mauricio Munoz Jessie Nguyen Lily Nguyen Scott Nigriny Zewei Ning Odessa Noriega Dale Oppasser David Pardo-Sanchez Sarah Petzke Maria Proskurina Kevin Rayfield Thomas Re Nathan Rhine Todd Roeber Nicholas Romero Asa Salvatore Alina Sanchez Taylar Saul Christian Sprague Trevor Steward Natalia Sturgill Jayson Symons Bryan Teisl Kevin Tran •

ENGLISH Anna Arcuri Ana Avitia Alison Baunoch Natalie Choules • Tiffany Daigle  Kevin enns Aurelia isenbart Bri Johnson Josh Karlin KE Liao Tiffany Lingo Crickette Miller Esther Miskimins Michael Moening Colton Myhre Jake Niedzwiecki Jessika O’Brien Alexandre Payette Zane Peiffer Jonny Rhein Terra Seyler  McKenna Shuler Jailey Spratte Mackenzie Taylor Anastasia Thibodeau Brittany Wible • Trevor Wilson Savannah Yslas ETHNIC STUDIES Sawyer Linman Amber Sahota Zoa Satchell HISTORY Erik Ayala Eli Beaton Jason Casjey Taylor Chaffetz  Clancy Dalton  Tim Dawit Shelby De Koning Zlex DeMarie Leana Dunn Allison Eberl Mike Fleskes Brittany Fria Jacob Le gonzales Michelle Hasimi Haley Heintschel Connor Kelley Nick Krueger

Mariam Kyabou Benjamin Miller Ethan Nelson Spencer Nolan Cassidy Page Emma Sloniker Michael Takemoto Gregorio Urueta Zane Vanderberg Erika Weston Brittany Wible • Will Zeiner INTERDISCLIPINARY

LIBERAL ARTS Eli Beaton Robbie Berwick Nate Block Samuel Brown Diego Carrera Cody Carson Caroline Cutshall Zak Danielson Kathryn Darbin Christopher Davis Jessie DeLauder  Christopher DiSalvo Joshua Fleming Russell Gallimore Katie Gann JonPaul Goyette Tavis Guerra Nathan Klein Laura Lane • Karlee Lepore Brooke Malone Matthew Martin Bethany McCabe Tim Miller Brian Mitsch Chad Nichols Taylor NiswenderZenno Adina Oster Brandon Palmer Elijah Petty Kaylynn Pierce Tome Salcedo Cheryl Schrager Kevin Shaffer Katie Simota  Ryan Vesque Maura Williams

INTERNATIONAL STUDIES Alejandra AlvarezZubiate Natasha Barqawi Ethan Cryer Josh Curry Clarity Engel

Gab Josu Ma Kay Kat Dan Sor Jak Min Yiju

JOU ME CO Col Ma Col Sam Vio Mo Zac Josh Sar Aliy Sar Pai Em Nic Em Jess Cad Jen Ima Ma Bla Gab Seth Cas Kri Mil Leif Ma Eva Tab Gra Mit Zac

LA LIT CU Ale Zub Che Rox Aut Josu Kat PeiJ Ant Pete Kri Do Kel Jake Eva

Kyabou Miller lson Nolan age oniker Takemoto Urueta nderberg ston Wible • er



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arqawi er


Gabrielle M. Wilson Josue Fernandez Mackenzie Folsom Kaylee Mrgan Kathrin Naeff Daniela Pineda Soraca Jake Stewart Mindy Vaniter Yijun Wu JOURNALISM & MEDIA COMMUNICATION Colin Bernard Mack Beaulieu Colleen Boyd Sam Bulkley Viola Cai Morgan Casey Zach Christiansen Josh Dolan Sarah Ehrlich Aliya Gorelick Sara Graydon  Paige Grunewald Emily Hendrickson Nick Isbey Emily Kaiser • Jessie Marshall Cade McNelly Jen Moore Imani Morris Maddie Murcko Blake O’Brien Gabriel Peterson Seth Rutherford Casey Saunders Krista Schleich Miles Spencer Leif Strickengloss Madi Sword Evan Vicchy Tabitha Waite Grant Whitty Mitvh Wood Zachary Zimmerman LANGUAGES, LITERATURES & CULTURES Alejandre AlvarezZubiate Cheyenne Burd Roxana Bustos-Flores Autumn Cesario Josue Fernandez Katie Gann PeiJie Gao  Anthony Isham Peter Koschnitzke Kristin Maxwell  Don Mcginnis Kelly Newton Jake Phillips Evan Salzman

Alexander Todderud Gregorio Urueta Asia Zabala MUSIC, THEATRE & DANCE Mikayla Baker MacKenzie Beeler Sam Boies Jordan BrudosNockels Sarah Chicoine • Michel De Polignac Reich Arika Drake Janene Harper Emily Kaiser • Sawyer Kalmbach Kennedy Malone Madison Martinek Megan Miller Abby Nelson Gia Pizzichini Ahna Raygoza Annie Schoephoerster • Sonny Walls Kent Washington PHILOSOPHY Jack Bares Alissa Buchli Sean Burke Michel De Polignac Reich Grant hannon Charity Kintzley Bradon Matthews Sara Rothleitner Arisson Stanfield POLITICAL SCIENCE Chuck Aaron Kristen Anna Timea Balogh • Amy Bittle Nick Breland Kiana Brockel Chris Callanan Taylor Chaffetz  Josh Curry Clancy Dalton  Shelby De Koning Frank DeAngeli Tanner Dennis Brandon Duckworth Laura Dunlap Amelia Guglielmi Brooke Hale Time Herring Elizabeth Kennedy Nick Krueger Daniel Kushner Mariam Kyabou

Rachel Lentz  Stephanie Martin Maria Martinez Crickette Miller Time Miller Gabrielle Moran Kaylee Morgan Dan Myers Spencer Nolan Blake O’Brien Kelly O’Connell Emma Pattison Mitchell Pieper Nicholas Romero Tom Salcedo Josh Silva Miguel Tapia Bernal Bri Trujillo Cole Wise Josh Wolberg Jack Wold-McGimsey SOCIOLOGY Charlie Atkin Caspian Banki Haylie Burkhardt Alyssa Casias Jess Christensen Kyle Conaty Maya Cousins Jmes Dean Brandon Duckworth Matt Dutro Tristan Fabiny Shannon Fehrer Janele Harry Nikole Kastein Stephanie Martin Jamie McCue Jake Mohr Maddie Murcko Dani Murdock Bryan Nicholson Shannon O’Brien Courtney Palmer Portia Peter Caitlin Peterson Kathryn Quinn Beau Rainey Kassie Roeser Jordan Ruhl Tina Scacco Tristan Searle Eboni Stevenson Amanda Tarlton Shaina Teninty Krista Thaxton Wade Ticer Bruce Wheeler Karissa Wretlind Cristina Young Danqing Zhao


Ph.D. Candidate  ANTHROPOLOGY Emily Orlikoff COMMUNICATION STUDIES Carly Fabian Ryan Greene  ECONOMICS Levia Altringer  Alex Duvall-Pelham  William Haden Chomphosy  Sophie McKee  Anna (Nina) Poerbonegoro  Jorgen Rasmussen  Michael Roberts  Sarah Small  ENGLISH Ross Atkinson Xiayu Guo Adele Lonas ETHNIC STUDIES Aaunterria Bollinger HISTORY Matt Beeson

Jessica May Tim Murray Elham Musa Rebecca Postma Elissa Salazar Kena Shi Nora Stefu Jason Xie MUSIC , THEATRE & DANCE Cory Bissell Amy Boese Lindsey Doty Tony Federico Nathan Fry Sarah Hallgrimson Anne Marie Hester John Lampus Paul Maley Brianna McDonough Paige Mueller Grace Pomeleo Molly Taylor Emma Weinel Ashley Westwang PHILOSOPHY Joelle Hershberger Joshua Jarrott Addison Phillips POLITICAL SCIENCE Pranaya Sathe Peter Svaldi

JOURNALISM & MEDIA COMMUNICATION Marie Allen Laura Dick Thomas Gallegos Jesse Grace George Lattimore Adam Walsh Heather Young LANGUAGES, LITERATURES & CULTURES Adele Lonas LEAP INSTITUTE FOR THE ARTS Tom Abruzzo David Campbell Roni Carrasco Victoria Ferguson Chun Li


Grad Stats by College Agricultural Scienes Graduates: 41 Top Majors: Agricultural Sciences and Animal Sciences Undergraduates: 105 Top Majors: Animal Science and Equine Science

Business Graduates: 133 Top Majors: Business Administration and Computer Information Systems Undergraduates: 176 Top Major: Business Administration Health and Human Sciences Graduates: 62 Top Majors: Educ & Human Res Studies and Occupational Therapy Undergraduates: 467 Top Majors: Construction Management and Human Development & Family Studies Intra-University Graduates: 12 Top Majors: Ecology and Cell and Molecular Biology Liberal Arts Graduates:60 Top Majors: Music and Arts Leadership & Cultural Mgmt Undergraduates: 429 Top Majors: Economics and Political Science Natural Sciences Graduates: 65 Top Majors: Computer Sciences, Applied Statistics Undergraduates: 265 Top Majors: Computer Science and Psychology Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Science Graduates: 29 Top Majors: Environmental Health), Radiological Health Sciences, and Toxicology Undergraduates: 58 Top Majors: Biomedical Sciences, Microbiology Walter Scott College of Engineering Graduates: 109 Top Majors: Engineering, Civil Engineering Undergraduates:53 Top Majors: Civil Engineering and Electrical Engineering Warner College of Natural Resources Graduates: 85 Top Majors: Animal Science Equine Science Undergraduates: 123 Top Majors: Fish, Wildlife, Conservation Biology, and Natural Resource Tourism

20 | December 2018 | GRADUATION

Graduation Stats 200,000+ Alumni Worldwide Alumni in

all 50 states and many countries around the world

67% of CSU students graduate within six years

The Oval is


feet around

Department of Languages, Literatures & Cultures Congratulations and Best Wishes to our Fall 2018 Graduates

Bachelor of Arts in Languages, Literatures, and Cultures: FRENCH

Josue Fernandez

Kristin Maxwell

Katie Gann

Kelly Newton

Anthony Isham

GERMAN PeiJie Gao SPANISH Alejandra Alvarez-Zubiate Roxana Bustos-Flores Cheyenne Burd Autumn Cesario

Peter Koschnitzke Don Mcginnis Jake Phillips Evan Salzman Krista Thaxton Alexander Todderud Gregorio Urueta Asia Zabala

Congratulations and Best Wishes from the Department of Environmental & Radiological Health Sciences Fall 2018 Bachelors of Science Degree: Maxwell Brown Michael Borin Evan Eppard

Environmental Health Masters: Elden Pemberton

Environmental Health PHD: Kristen Fedak Meilin Yan

Radiological Health PHD: Amber Harshman Vivien Miller

Toxicology Masters: Taylor Connell Ginger De La Campa Jade Frank Ashley Regan Jasmid Rodriguez Kevin Tran Gretchen Malberg

Radiological Health Masters: Joshua Hayes Peter James Seel Daniel Workman


Top Grad Schools Thinking about graduate school? Here are some top ranked schools according to U.S. News and World Report. Business School Harvard University (Boston, MA) University of Chicago - Booth (Chicago, IL) Law School Yale University (New Haven, CT) Stanford University (Stanford, CA) Medical School Harvard University (Boston, MA) Johns Hopkins University (Baltimore, MD) Engineering School Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge, MA) Stanford University (Stanford, CA) Education School University of California - Los Angeles (Los Angeles, CA) University of Wisconsin, Madison (Madison, WI) Nursing School Johns Hopkins University (Baltimore, MD) Duke University (Durham, NC)


When applying, don’t forget to consider Colorado State! For info and programs, visit

22 | December 2018 | GRADUATION

Congratulations CLASS OF 2018

We’ve always thought of you as family, but now we can officially welcome you to the alumni Ramily! We are so proud of you! Thank you for all you’ve done for your University and the CSU Alumni Association.

Jillian Shook Theresa May The Department of Political Science would like to congratulate our Fall 2018 Graduates Majors: Chuck Aaron Kristen Anna Timea Balogh Amy Bittle Nick Breland Kiana Brockel Chris Callanan Taylor Chaffetz Josh Curry Clancy Dalton Shelby De Koning Frank DeAngeli Tanner Dennis Brandon Duckworth Laura Dunlap Amelia Guglielmi Brooke Hale Tim Herring Elizabeth Kennedy Nick Krueger Daniel Kushner Mariam Kyabou Rachel Lentz

Minors: Stephanie Martin Maria Martinez Crickette Miller Tim Miller Gabrielle Moran Kaylee Morgan Dan Myers Spencer Nolan Blake O'Brien Kelly O'Connell Emma Pattison Mitchell Pieper Nicholas Romero Tom Salcedo Josh Silva Miguel Tapia Bernal Bri Trujillo Cole Wise Josh Wolberg Jack Wold-McGimsey

Brittany Anderson Erik Ayala Natasha Barqawi Heather Bradley Kiana Brockel Ian Brown Samuel Brown Chris Callanan Ethan Cryer Emma Dahl Alex DeMarie Tanner Dennis Mackenzie Folsom Christopher Fortney Sarah Hill Alex Jordan Nikole Kastein Austin Kennedy Riley Lawlor Rachel Lentz Benjamin Miller Dani Murdock Dan Myers

Daniel Nelson Gabriel Peterson Nathan Rhine Landon Scheffe Cheryl Schrager Miguel Tapia Bernal Maura Williams Joseph Wilwerding

Masters: Pranaya Sathe Peter Svaldi


Congratula�ons to College of Natu

�The founda�on in every state is the e

Bachelor of Science Degrees Applied Compu�ng Salman Al Matouq Jacob L. Colleran Tanner Jacob Costello Robert Raymond Ellio�+ Isaac A. Hall Rene Ixta Cardenas Tanner Jon Kinsey Daniel A. Lennox Joshua Michael Loehr Daniel Christopher McClure Jack Franklin McCoy Paul M. Michaud Aus�n David Paswaters Aus�n Jay Reiter Gustavo Rojo Yanire Rojo Jack Cesareo Searl Courtney Nicole Torres Sabrina Louise White Biochemistry Mohammedshawqi Jessica Acosta Adrienne Jannelle Andrews Eric Bellis Jordan M. Bushnell Jake Anthony Castle Mark Edward Connolly Corwin Joseph Coppinger Lena M. Cuevas Mary Adele Ennis Emiliano R. Fuentes‐Casados Alex R. Green

Katelyn Aleese Oliver ∂

Lindsey N. Garre�

Dorian T. Wiggins

Kenneth Charles Hicks

Alexander G. Shellum


Monica Elizabeth Pedroza

Calvin Blake Geer

Bri�any Nicole Zaldin

Braden Michael Hogan

Megan A. Steindorf


Nicholas Ryan Pollock

Madison Hayley Gross

Beiyao Zhu

Brandon William Hua

Jiaming Sun


Gabriela Ramirez

Jenna Elizabeth Groth

Jeffrey Le Huynh

Jacob Allen Tancher


Alexandria Renee Renfro

Elizabeth Jane Condron Hart


Erick Albert Johnson

Colton James Tapparo

Crystal Devona Sparks

Madelyn Grace Johnson

Ian Philip Charles

Aaron James Thompson

Jacob Conrad Stapleton

Martha Carolyn Keder

Hannah Janelle Goodman

Devin Christopher Kadillak

Carson Gregory Tunnell

Alexander Brennan Voller

Andrew C. Lamb

Emma Alice Gubler

Samuel Joseph Kaessner

Eric Tyree


Ryan Dennis Willey

Kasey Carlisle Lauer

Jason R. Haines

Colton W. Larson

James McFarlain Young

Paul Jonathon Lazarus

Kai Ma�hew Yearling


Gregory Lenz

Joseph Paul Marino

Antoine�e Marie

Alexander Lawrence Laswell

Erik G. Rognerud

Calvin Michael Le

Biological Science

Sarah L. Lion ∂

Susan M. Abernathy

Kaitlin J. Mar�n

Computer Science

Kaylie Rose Angus

Luke H. McAninch

Paul Ryan Bivrell

Sabrina Cheyenne Archuleta Lia Katherine McCoy

Emily Paige Blocker

McCall Amber Barney

Logan Daniel McCoy

Drew R. Boston

Luke A. Benson

Nikhil Mirdha

Walker Lewis Brown

Nicholas Anthony Billig

Rory Aaron Morgenthal

Kevin C. Bruhwiler

Melissa Renea Blaine

Nathan Anthony Murcia +

Hayden Thomas Cannalte

Sarah Katherine Boissiere

Edward J Parshall ∂

Connor Blaze Carey

Amelia Marie Bro

Spencer John Pescar‐Nelson

Ar�se R. Brown ∂

Junyi Liu + Zackery Lofgren Alexander William Long


Christopher W. Westerman Eric E Alexa Zane Womeldorph

Mathema�cs William S. Adams

Alana Staci

Nicho Madi

Michael Earl Lynn

Kweku Bentsi‐Enchill

Alexander James Malo� ∂

Colton James Carmean ~

Brian Lee Mar�n

Samuel T. Chamberlain

Josiah Barnabas May ∂

Joshua James de Jong Alexander James DiTirro ~

Thomas Evere� Cavey

Emerson Jacob McIntosh Robert Radhakrishna Melrose

Nathan T. Pihlstrom

Sandeep Chundru

Chris�an Ko� Meyer

Cheyenne S. Burd +

Ruby S. Reed

Andrew Leland Clements

Robert J. Miller

Sean Patrick Joseph Cannon

Bre� Elizabeth Ritland

John‐Marc E. Cloer

Tanner Wayne Nickels

Jordan Marie Castle

Benjamin Evans Robinson

Jonathan David Cowles

Amber Lee Nolte

Mingyu Chen

Reagan Alexandra Rupard

Emanuele D'Alessandro

Julien Jade Pecquet ∂

McKenzie Leigh Christ

Luke Allen Schnebeck

Natural Sciences

Richard M. Cornejo ∂

Lauren Marie Schneider

Ma�hew Richard Danielson Jordan Tyler Peterson John H. Pokorski Evan Kees DeBakker

Kraig Robert Burleson ~


Samuel Xavier Co�en

Alexandra Breyn Shaughnessy Devin Case Dennis

Stephen Jules Porsche

Emily Joan Busi ~


Marina Elise Dart Ψ €

Samantha Jolyn Short

Blake Wynn Edwards

Sahand Raoufiirani

Tristan Tell Fredrickson ~


Andrew Degenhart

Jose A. Silva

James Cassidy Filben

Logan Vincent Reed

Jennifer Hernandez ~


Peter Nguyen Dickerson €

Connor Joshua Szczepanik

Jarret Reid Flack

Ellio� Jake Roberts

Chris�e Marie Lemmond ~


Autumn N. Edge

Rachel Esther Thiessen

Ian A. Franklin

Luis Antonio Rodriguez

Maria Alexandria Olney ~


Elizabeth McLeod Edwards

Griffin John Van Amringe

Niklas Ryan Fredriksen

Angela M. Root

William David Risheill ~


Shantel Denise Vigil

Jus�n Allex Glover

Michael Dean Rowle�


Stephanie D. Herrera Briones Jordan Markley Fleming € Sheanay Clorreta Flowers Sarah Jorgenson Nikola Kujawa+

Donald Connor Larson


Minh Quang Vu

Benjamin Chan Goodwin

Ashley Ann Franklin

Kaitlin Margaret Webb

Jiayan Gu +

Alexa Dawn Freeman

Kathryn Michelle Werman

Lu Han

24 | December 2018 | GRADUATION

Evan Charles Salzman +

Kelsey Ann McArdell Grace Etsuko Nishida ~ Mikayla Renee Redman ~ Chris�an D. Vernaza Conor Ryan Welch Hongxin Yang






Arian John

Leana Zane





Christopher John Schaffer Ryan M. Schlachter ∂



William Charles Schoonover

Benjamin T. Boesch


tural Sciences� Fall ���� Graduates

the educa�on of its youth.� ‐Diogenes

Graduate Degrees

Taylor Marie Harris ∂

Jenny L. Heckmann

Elizabeth V. Ward

Christopher B. Lewis

Susan E. Henry‐Crotche�

Cameron T. White

Trevor Wayne Lewis

Katherine M. Higgins

Chase A. White

Luke Anton Wernert Ω €

Bri�any Marie Hudgins

Kellie Nicole Wolff


Jedediah Hughes ∂

Thomas B. Young, Jr.

Shelby Ann James

Jacob Hunter Acosta

Bryce Wayne Andersen

Eric Esteban Andrade

Alexander T. Bailey ∂

Lauren Elizabeth Baum

Alana Nicole Beaulieu +

Staci L. Benjamin

Peter J. Keigley‐Mitchell


Eilis Marie King

Thomas Langkamp

Ginna Lee Klein

Benjamin Ignacio Prado +

Brandon Kolinek

Alexis Elizabeth Suhr

Peter A. Koppes + Jared Tyler Lepore


Xiya Li

Holly G. Bagby ∂

Nicholas Reed Breland +€ Zhirun Li Madison Taylor Brown Karissa Nicole Luna Haylie D. Burkhardt Amanda J. Maas

Mark Daniel Chapman

Ercilia A. Chavez‐Vazquez

Maya N. Cousins +

Angela P. Davies + Ψ €

Arianna A. Delgadillo €

John Richard Duffy €

Leana Catharina Dunn +

Zane Devon Shad Dupper

Cassandra Lynn Elston

Laura Elizabeth Feger + ∂

Danielle Alicia Fletcher

Sarah C. Folch

Shawn M. Fox ∂

Jus�n Bradley Grant

Preston Patrick Gray

Jeffrey Grimm

Simon Peter Gulau

Nicholas B. Gunderson

Zoey Danielle Hamilton

Jordan E. Hancock

Mariah Kately Hancock

Marley Marina Hawkins

Yared Belay

Master of Science Degrees

Master of Science, cont.

Doctoral degrees, cont.

Natural Sciences �duca�on

Computer Science

Erin Lyn Beal

Brianne M. Hansen

Mar�n Drake Muggli Pradyumna Kumar Narayana Rao Gari


Ryan Allen Stern

Applied Sta�s�cs

Gavin Lee Hester

John Henry Clinard

Alec Robert Iverson


Chris�ne Margaret Leonard

Gabriel Ma�hew Murray

Karleigh Jenelle Cameron

Weiwei Gao

Colin Sarkis

Samuel John Pine

Catherine G. McVey

Mark Anthony Watkins

Seth Frederick Thomas

Danielle Rose Yahne

Applied Industrial/ �rgani�a�onal Psychology Paula Fri�s Brown

Physics Daniel L Richardson

Forrest S. Walker Psychology

Anna Taylor Brown

Kaitlyn Ann Reed


Felix C. Bruner


Alyssa Caitlin McGee

Maria G. Carbonell

Madeline Aileen Maher

Melissa Rae Muniz

Octavia E. Cordova

Sean Myers

Rachel Lynn Cordova ∂


Erik Brandon Nu�ng

Richard G. Evans

Ryan Gerald Anderson

Rachel Katlyn Pearson

Jesika Rose Feldman

Kathryn Ann Lindberg


Megan Lee Plesscher

Susan A.Halvorson

Brian Ma�hew White

Porsche Magdalina Robison Sta�s�cs

Savannah Brooke Rankin

Jason Premysl Krbec Computer Science

Professional Science Masters

Margot Anne Rheinhardt € Corrina Lam Camille E. Richey

Ava Louise Lambert

Athith Amarnath

Emma Robinson

Chris�na Marie Mar�nez

Grant Emery Charlton

Keyla Y. Rodriguez Mejia

Emily Catherine Moore

Richard Jason Humphrey

Elizabeth Rose

Jaimi Jordan Mostellar

Sheri Ann Mickelson

Rebekah Lynn Rusk

Marissa Renae Mullins €

Marie Jessica Russell

Kaitlyn Read‐Maney

Bhavin D. Parekh Yu Qiu

Lauren Elizabeth Silver

Amanda Rose Rojo

Robin H. Spencer

Cyrus Aban Salvani

Rachel Audrey Surra� €

Jiao Ying Teh

Jessica L. Tomcheck Erin R. Tyler Ari Uhrmacher Jenna Leigh Van Lone Andrea A. Vigil

Emily Anne Yannarella Honors Key: ~ Teacher Licensure Graduate ∂ Verified Veteran + Double Major Ψ Summa Cum Laude Candidate ∑ Magna Cum Laude Candidate Ω Cum Laude Candidate € University Honors Scholar

Steven Gary Manning Sta�s�cs

Victoria Presco� Ma�ngly

Barbara P. Blossom

Robert Daniel Torrence James Warren Weston

Colin Evan Dotson Jessica Lindsey Velthuis

Miranda Jeanne Fix Soo Young Kim Qian Xiong Ben Zheng

Doctoral Degrees

Maxwell Lawrence Roselius



Robert Francis Higgins

Johnathan Edwin Bush

Annalise Elizabeth Maughan

Ian Holm Kessler

Benjamin Joseph Peters

Dus�n Taylor Sauriol

Heather Nicole Rubin

Sco� James Ziegler

Jing Tang

David W. Crawford

We apologize for any inaccuracies or omissions.


70 THINGS TO DO BEFORE YOU GRADUATE Remember this list from your freshman year? Reminisce here on all you’ve done at CSU, or hey, maybe check off a few before commencement.

1. Wear your For-Ever-Green T-shirt 2. Get a photo with CAM the Ram 3.

Participate in Ram Welcome


Yell loudly when the ROTC cannon is fired

after CSU scores during a football game

5. Serve the community by participating in CSUnity or Cans Around the Oval

6. Attend "Grill the Buffs" on the LSC plaza to support the Rams as they take on the CU Buffaloes

7. Join a student organization (You can learn

17. Get in the CSU spirit by tailgating before a CSU home football game

18. Make a statement on the Stump in the LSC plaza


Join in the MLK Day march in January

20. Find the high-water mark from the 1997 flood in the Lory Student Center and in the Oval

21. Ride a Transfort bus 22. Attend - or perform in - a University Center for the Arts (UCA) production

more through the annual Involvement Expo

23. Take a picture of you and your friends on

and RamLink)

the steps of the Administration Building

8. Eat a free lunch and listen to the speech

24. Cheer on the Rams at the Rocky

at the President's Annual Fall Address and

Mountain Showdown

University Picnic

9. Help build a float and cheer on the annual Homecoming & Family Weekend parade

10. Hike to, help paint, or light the "A"

25. Learn why CSU is called a "land-grant university"

26. Study in the sun on the Monfort Quad 27. Spend a Friday afternoon in the

11. Find out who Peanuts the Bulldog was


12. Vote in each ASCSU election

28. Take a moonlight stroll across the Oval

13. Climb, hike, swim, camp or relax at

29. Learn more about a culture or

Horsetooth Reservoir (or do all five!)

community that isn't your own at a Student

14. Learn the CSU Fight Song and sing it

Diversity Programs event

with gusto

30. Volunteer for Ram Ride

15. Sport your orange at an "Orange Out"

31. Make - or fill - a request on 90.5 KCSU

16. Sing or dance along with the CSU

32. Attend an ASAP concert, comedy

Marching Band (in the audience or as a

program, or other event


26 | December 2018 | GRADUATION


"Get Your Green On" and wear CSU

53. Wish CSU a Happy Birthday at the

gear on Fridays

annual Founders Day celebration in February


54. Go to CSU's world famous International

Submit a "Ram Talk" to the Collegian

35. Play in or cheer on an intramural or club sports team

36. Cross the Vietnam Memorial Bridge and think about why it's there

37. Work off a stressful day at the Recreation Center

38. Thank whoever made your college experience possible (parents/families,

Invitational Poster Show

55. Put together a stellar resume at the Career Center

56. Debate with a speaker on the LSC plaza (The CSU community values the free exchange of ideas)

57. Learn about or visit CSU's Pingree Park Mountain Campus

teachers, yourself, scholarships, donors)

58. Play in the snow on the West Lawn


59. Attend a Monfort Lecture

Throw a frisbee by the Lagoon

40. Spend a Saturday night in Morgan

60. Profess your love for CSU on "I Love


CSU Day"

41. Meet the dean of your college

61. Chalk the Lory Student Center plaza

42. Do a victory lap at the Jack Christiansen

62. Have a meaningful international

Memorial Track


43. Celebrate CSU's commitment to

63. Rub Bill Morgan's nose in the library for

sustainability by getting to class in a greener

good luck

way than by car


Introduce yourself to a CSU police

44. Watch a program on CTV


45. Attend a Border War game against


Swap stories with a CSU alum


Have a picnic on the grass of the Oval



Have your picture taken with all of the

ram statues on campus

47. Hug a tree in Sherwood Forest 48. Go to an art show in the Curfman Gallery

67. Join in RecycleMania 68. Take a picture at the place that meant the most to you on campus

69. Have coffee with your favorite faculty

49. Dine at the Aspen Grille


50. Learn how to make - and stick to - a

70. Graduate - and join the


Alumni Association

51. Go to the annual CSU Rodeo 52.

Get an internship or seek out a practical

experience outside the classroom


Ram History and Traditions The Fight Song Fight on, you stalwart RAM team, On to the goal! Tear the [opponent]’s line asunder, As down the field we thunder! Knights of the Green and Gold, Fight on with all your might! Fight on you stalwart ram team, FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! GO RAMS! Alma Mater Hail to thee, our Alma Mater, Colorado State. Memories are everlasting of this place so great! May thy Green and Gold unite us, loyal ever be. Colorado State, our Alma Mater, Hail, all hail, to thee. The “A” The “A” is found painted on the western hillside of Fort Collins. It’s there in honor of CSU’s original mascot: the Aggies. CAM the Ram CAM’s name stands for “Colorado Agricultural and Mechanical” College (the university’s former name). Ram Ruckus Ram Ruckus is the university’s official spirit squad. The idea of Ram Ruckus is to create pride in everything students do at CSU. Founded in 2012, it was created by students, for students to engage in student life at CSU, specifically athletics. CSU Oval The Oval is the heart of the CSU campus. It was designed in 1909 as an aesthetically pleasing way to connect the main buildings on campus. Now, the Oval features historic buildings such as Johnson Hall, which was the original student center. I Love CSU Day! On April 18th, CSU students celebrate the university by wearing all green (a “green out”). Games and events are held on the LSC Plaza and the governor of Colorado signa a proclamation declaring April 18th “I love CSU Day!” across Colorado. Alumni are also encouraged to wear green and gold on this day.

28 | December 2018 | GRADUATION



Congratulations to our 2018 Cell and Molecular Biology Graduates



Summer 2018 Graduates: Giuma Hadhoud, MS Kaitlin Leddy, MS Shea Moore-Farrell, MS Toru Ishii, PhD Katriana Popichak, PhD Allison Zimont Werner, PhD Hailey Conover Sedam, CBZ-PhD Fall 2018 Graduates: Tymofiy Lutsiv, MS Lyndah Chow, PhD Nadia Vieira Sampaio, PhD


PhD Animal Sciences Atkins, Colton Allen Da Costa Santos, Hugo Felipe Gredell, Devin Andrew Kline, Helen Carter Klohonatz, Kristin Marie Paudyal, Sushil Weissend, Carla Jane

Bioagricultural Sciences & Pest Management Lichtner, Franz Johann

Master of Science

Congratulations to our Fall 2018 graduates! Bioagricultural Sciences & Pest Management Longtine, Zachary William Stoudt, Rachael M.

Horticulture & Landscape Architecture Kuang, Chengxuan Burns, Tara Nicole Lavergne, Florent Didier Markovic, Sean Joseph Stuemky, Andrea Brooke

Soil & Crop Sciences Eash, Lisa Marie Phillippi, Evan Michael

Lewis, Andrea Nicole Miller, Brett Denison Miller, Thaddeus Phillip Ramey, Holden Miller Σ Semler, Michael Wayne Simpson, Nathaniel James Zhou, Tainyi +

Agricultural Education Brewington, Samantha Page Fischer, Nicole Barbara Σ Halverson, Jaynee Michelle Haun, Lena Chartier McLaughlin, Jamie Lynn Melton, Reece Lane Turner, Emma Rose

Environmental & Natural Resource Economics

College of Agricultural Sciences

Bachelor of Science

Erquiaga, Marian Rose Yoshigazawa, Akiya

Agricultural & Resource Economics

Garver, Max Cormany Surber Nelson, Daniel Michael

Animal Sciences

Agricultural Business

Animal Science

Dadsepah, Sayed Amin Dideriksen, Sarah Michelle Foraker, Blake Austin McVey, Catherine G.

Ascough, Thomas James Carbajal Ontiveros, Vilma Ivette Erickson, Forest Michael Grenard, Cole Ryley Gronewoller, Alex Paul Hinkle, Rhett Aaron Kelly, Ryan Michael

Animal Science

Ψ - Summa Cum Laude Σ - Magna Cum Laude + - Second Major

Armstrong, Taylor Mackenzie Bradley, Joni Lyn Brinkhoff, Alexis Irene Brodock, Erika Victoria Cobb, Morgan Landra

Dreyer, Ryan James Hallmark, Harrison Daniel Hoffer-Dye, Madessa K. Inmon, Andi-Erin Maisie Landers, Carolita E. Larkin, Kinsey Anne Larsen, Ashley Nicole Lente, Leeroy Aaron Lewis, Brianna Marie Pugrad-Costanza, Michael Angelo Ramey, Holden Miller Σ + Roggen, Jordan Lynn + Ryan, Kaylee Rose Satterfield, Lexi Lynn + Semler, Michael Wayne + Thorpen, Sheridan Nicole Trumm, Andrena Renee Vandergriff, Taylor Riley + Wade, Katelyn Rose Walter, Sarah Nicole

Equine Science Allred, Torri Marie Brandon, Cristina Rose Braslau, Tess Curry, Anna Katherine Daily, Madison Nicole Denny, Allison Rose Dingman, Sydney M. Everitt, Andrew Chandler Grieve, Gabriella

Jones, Madeline Elaine McGarity, Kylie Marie Riley, Justin C. Roggen, Jordan Lynn Sanger, Catherine Caroline Satterfield, Lexi Lynn Schwehr, Shantel Lynn Scoles, Emily Marie Stager, Mikaela Vandergriff, Taylor Riley Wertheimer, Rachel Eve Wilkinson, Isaac Lee

Martinelli, Jaxon Stewart McCarron, Brandon Jude McKinney, David W. Ψ Meeks, Sierra Tess Overton II, Adam Thomas Quintana, Shianne Richner, Robert Alexander Stonis, Marilee Anne Whiting, Logan T.

Landscape Architecture Dave, Taylor Breanne Anette

Horticulture & Landscape Jiang, Xinyi Σ Mower, Tia Evabell Architecture Soil & Crop Sciences Environmental Horticulture Soil & Crop Sciences Dannenberg, Jacob Walter Davies Schultz, Sarah Jane + McKinney, David W. Ψ + Prentice, Sheila Kay Selby, Nathan P.

Horticulture Burkholder, Jackson F. Σ Connors, Thomas C. Davies Schultz, Sarah Jane Feist, Ariana Leigh Ford, Grayson Marsden Gocken, Khalana Kay House, Jordan Daniel

Aksland, Ian Brazil Ascough, Thomas James + Bernholtz, Elana Rose Carlson, Rachel Christine Casey, Dylan Michael Σ Child, Macy Jo Elder, Jessica Kaitlin Landers, Carolita E. + Meiners, Hailee Elise Miller-ter Kuile, Diana Isabel Overton II, Adam Thomas + Zhou, Tainyi


Top Places to Live 1

By Amber Carvalho

Austin, Texas Austin has been ranked the number one best place to live in the U.S. for two years in a row. Residents are drawn to Austin for it’s arts and music scene and strong job market. With festivals like Austin City Limits and South by Southwest, there’s always something fun happening in the city.


Denver, Colorado Just a little over an hour away from Fort Collins, Denver remains a desirable city. Denver has a flourishing art scene, fun music venues, tons of breweries and close access to outdoor activities. It’s known to be a bit expensive, but the city won’t let you down.


Des Moines, Iowa Des Moines has a little bit for everyone. Entertainment districts house a variety of one-of-a-kind shops, hip bars and locally owned restaurants. If you’re craving fresh air, there are plenty of parks, bike trails, and lakes for outdoor recreation. Even though it’s a metro city, it offers a small-town feel and the people are kind and welcoming.


Fayetteville, Arkansas This community-focused city has an abundance of ways to get involved, offering a great way to meet new people. Fayetteville residents are friendly and treat newcomers as one of their own. The city is attractive to outdoorsy types with state parks, green space, parks and walking trails. For artsy folk, there’s live music venues and festivals to keep you entertained.


Portland, Oregon With the motto “Keep Portland Weird”, the city emphasises self-expression while mixing innocence with rowdiness. Just hours away from mountain ranges and the Pacific Ocean, Portland offers the best of both worlds. There are many free or inexpensive ways to enjoy the city, so you’ll never be bored.

30 | December 2018 | GRADUATION


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32 | December 2018 | GRADUATION

The College of Business

The College of Business Congratulates our Fall 2018 Graduates Master’s Degrees Master of Accountancy Pia Denzmore Kris Horan Ryan Margheim

Master of Computer Information Systems Daniel Bragdon Emily Brenner Andy Carlson Apoorva Chauhan Jingxuan Duan


Mayra Aceves-Lagunas Melissa Atchley Zoë Bodmer Rachel Bristol Roxana Bustos-Flores Brian Callejas * Theresa Chance Adam Egger Logan Fried James Greelman Manuel Hernandez Evan Kay Shayna Keese ** Cordell Keller * Karleigh Kimble** Jordyn Kulanko Thuy Le Yu Li Lindsey Malone Devin Meister Jackson Mulgrew Kathryn Murphy *** Courtney Reece

Jonathan Grandi Zhizhou He Tom Jankowski Kierra Jewell Steve Juarez Ian King Annette Kotian Forrest Kribs Siddharth Mandava Robert Palumbo Anna Powell Rahul Rahul Alex Richardson Demere Rogers

Zhi Rong Dan Rosenbalm Zeng Yu Mo Zhang

Master of Business Administration Kali Afolayan Matt Albanese Kelly Anderson Addie Arnold Joey Barden

Eli Barthelman Cristina Benavides Wes Brin William Coffey Tyler Davis Brian Dekock Michael Dubinsky Jared Dull Ariel Eide Jennifer Fermin Pineda Luciana Figliolo Mederos Monika Flanigan Nicole Franklin

George Gifford Josh Goldstein Kelly Haugen Brian Jones Sarah Joseph Tanisha Kankam David Karlson Stacy Kentopp Wes Kuzma James Lomba Lombola Lombola Scott Lomurray Mike Lucas

Shelly Marlin John Mihaila Edouard Ntirampeba Tanner Pickett Kevin Prokop Kelsey Provost Priyanka Rajaratnam Melody Redburn Vanessa Roknic Coby Ross Stephen Scheer Daniel Schmid Aurora Sepp-Peterson

Mahmod Shamsi Amy Shockley Atkelt Simon Cody Spicer Bessie Stanisz Tory Stephens Chris Sullivan Gavin Swenson Erica Tardiff Bill Thompson Diana Vega Basto Jeff Wagner Joe Whitney

Todd Wigert Angela Wilson Patrick Yund

Master of Management Practice Andrew Bondi

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Summa Cum Laude *** | Magna Cum Laude ** | Cum Laude *

Shea Russell * Zachary Smith Ashley Spitellie Sean Sutanto Alex Ventresca Kamryn Vorfeld Rachael Zell

Computer Information Systems Colton Baumunk Kody Clegg Chad Earnest Conor Grieshaber Kyle Kleckner Alec Norvell Jamie Pratt Jacob Russell Parker Sheffield Alexa Solis Ryan Tucker Ben Zimbeck

Finance Edward Aertker Andrew Benusa Kelsie Bergh ** Brandon Bierk Stacie Boullier Andrew Bullard Drew Carey Zach Carpenter Jackson Crawford Charlie D’Adamio Cameron Diaz Bobby Elliott Steven Garrison Quincey Greene Steven Gritz Daniel Guevara Cortez Kyle Hansen Ryan Hanson Dalton Howell Sean Hudgens

Cecilia Jaquez Nick Lednev Kyle Kofford Joe Krafsur Mike Lensky Nicholas Lewis Morgan Lovett Michael Machado Peter Martinez Drew Mathern Maxwell McCullough Brooke McKenna Leonel Mendoza Jeremy Miller Josh Moser Cory Munch Scott Nigriny Casey Onyeali Emilee Peavler Daniel Ponce Kellen Pond Daniel Prendergast Tetiana Rivkina Evan Rudolph Asa Salvatore

Warren Sandoval Josh Silva Colin Sprague Monica Stashak Krystal Sun Alex Tessmann Annie Thoemke * Griffin Wahl * Shelbee Wallace Mengbiao Zhuang

Financial Planning

Beau Stransky

Human Resource Management Alana Beaulieu Angela Davies *** Jordyn Kopcow Emma Pattison Cierra Pennal

Hannah Playter ** Lauren Price Jessie Rollstin Catherine Turner Asia Zabala


Adden Alemu Sydney Barrett Michael Berg Leo Bernal-Rivera Fisher Bourn Chase Brasher Autumn Cesario Kellie Dicharry Sara Estill Rachel Fetzer Michael Grant Emily Heckel Braden Hickman Mike Hurd Giovanni Iosue Ashlyn Johnson

Caroline Jones Andrew Kupcho Marissa Mckeague Pat McNulty ** Tre Mitchell Ruthie Morton Brian Mungia Lily Nguyen Steven Pattee Abby Rippley Alexa Rose Sarah Short Lorelei Sznopek Andrew Wittleder Kyle Xie

Organization & Innovation Managment Kyle Althouse Lauren Austin Aaron Befort***

Craig Breuker Vance Carver David Etter Mike Isvanca Hannah Koch Will Kwiat Lauren Lopez-Mauer Colby Meeks Rachel Moore Nathan Morris Daniela Pineda Soraca Zach Rasmussen Baylen Rutherford Jaun Sabino II Landon Scheffe Tyler Senitz Nolan Sharpe Sebastian Sosa Dollstadt Charlie Sprinkman Emma Thompson Andy Wheeler

Real Estate Abraham Merinar Thor Samuelson Connor Vonesh

Supply Chain Management Moutaz Badawi Austin Best Meagan Chandler Dillon Cullerton Christopher Danaher Mic Fitzgerald Evan Hayter Quinn Hougen Liam Ladd Sean Malloy Taylor Nishimoto Andrew Rankin Jeremy Wasserman Davis Whitaker Kate White

THE ECONOMICS DEPARTMENT CONGRATULATES OUR FALL 2018 GRADUATES PhD Alexander Duvall-Pelham William Haden Chomphosy Sophie McKee Michael Roberts Master’s Degree Levi Altringer Anna Poerbonegoro Sarah Small Bachelor’s Degree Abdulkhaleq, Suleiman Aguiar, Hannah Balogh, Timea^ Bergh, Kelsie* Birk, Alexander Brame, Jordan Bridges, Cody

Brown, Alex Brown, Ian Brown, Jake Cameron, Taylor Centola, Coleman Cook, Jared Cooley, Daniel Dahl, Emma* DeAngeli, Frank Fortney, Christopher Gameros, Julian Golub, Dany^ Harper, Max Hayes, Austin Hill, Sarah Hudler, Jennifer Jansen, Anthony Jiang, Jiahong Jiang, Tianqi

Johnson, Collin Jordan, Alex Kennedy, Austin* Klarich, Jacob Klusza, Caroline Koppes, Peter Kremm, Sara Larios, Josue Liang, Jimin Liu, Bokai Luke, Brandon Luu, Ming Majekodunmi, Peter May, Collin McGrath, Sean Mclean, Tyler Meschke, Logan Moses, Kyle Munoz, Mauricio

Nguyen, Jessie Nguyen, Lily Nigriny, Scott Ning, Zewei Noriega, Odessa Oppasser, Dale Pardo-Sanchez, David Petzke, Sarah Proskurina, Maria Rayfield, Kevin Re, Thomas Rhine, Nathan Roeber, Todd Romero, Nicholas Salvatore, Asa Sanchez, Alina Saul, Taylar Sprague, Christian Steward, Trevor

Sturgill, Natalia Symons, Jayson Teisl, Bryan Tran, Kevin^ Trujillo, Bri Vortherms, Marissa Wadleigh, Dylan Wang, Ruoyu Wasserman, Jeremy Webster, Landon Wyman, Sheldon Yu, Erwin

~ Summa Cum Laude *Magna Cum Laude ^ Cum Laude


Graduation Traditions Pomp and Circumstance “Pomp and Circumstance,” also known as “Land of Hope and Glory,” was written by Sir Edward Elgar in 1901. The title comes from a line in Othello that states, “Pride, pomp, and circumstance of glorious war!” The catchy tune became associated with graduation when Sir Edward Elgar received a doctorate from Yale and the song was played at his graduation in honor of his accomplishment. Cap and Gown The cap and gown tradition began in the 12th century when universities had no sufficient heating systems. Graduating students wore the cap and gown to stay warm during their graduation ceremonies.

Congratulations 2018 Graduates Stay Connected At

34 | December 2018 | GRADUATION

The Community for Excellence congratulates the following students on their Fall 2018 commencement. We’re so proud of all your accomplishments!

Jessica Acosta Alejandra Alvarez-Zubiate Alyssa Antista Sandra Asante Leo Bernal-Rivera Erika Brodock Lesley Bui Sam Bulkley Haylie Burkhardt Roxana Bustos-Flores Chris Callanan Vilma Carbajal-Ontiveros Diego Carrera Ruby Castro Ercilia Chavez-Vazquez Erica Clemens Raeven Lynn Clockston Juan Conejo Maya Cousins Josiah Cuckler Zane Dupper

Aletta Eagle Josue Fernandez Zoey Hamilton Manuel Hernandez Stephanie Herrera Briones Ken Hicks Brandon Hua Jake Ingram Rene Ixta Cardenas Cecilia Jaquez Mariam Kyabou Corrina Lam Alex Laswell Nick Lednev Alex Lopez Gabriela Marquez Christina Martinez Brandon McCarron Nancy Medina Gutierrez Leonel Mendoza Lizet Mendoza

Kiri Michell Joe Mickelson Kyla Miller Brian Mungia Melissa Muniz Marissa Nelson Jackie Nunnally Alex Olney Jordan Orth Cassidy Page Eilish Poe Grace Pomeleo Gaby Ramirez Jordan Roggen

Warren Sandoval Ayo Sanusi Mabel Smartt Eboni Stevenson Rachel Surratt

Sean Sutanto Madi Sword

Courtney Torres Addiel Vega Jessica Vongrith Ford Wegner Cameron White Cole Wise

The Key Learning Communities congratulates the following students on their Fall 2018 commencement. We’re so very proud of all your accomplishments!

Tossing the Grad Cap Tossing the graduation cap was started by the Naval Academy in 1912. Prior to 1912, the graduates were required to serve two years in the fleet as midshipmen before being commissioned, so they still needed their caps after graduation. Starting in 1912, however, graduates were immediately commissioned and received their officer hats, so they no longer needed their old caps.

Jessica Acosta Alejandra Alvarez-Zubiate Sandra Asante Rita Azaltovic Colin Barnard Samantha Beaubouef Kaitlyn Bentivegna Leo Bernal-Rivera Sam Bird Samantha Brewington Kiana Brockel James Broski Haylie Burkhardt Roxana Bustos-Flores Taylor Cameron Vilma Carbajal-Ontiveros Alyssa Casias Ruby Castro Raeven Lynn Clockston Morgan Cobb Juan Conejo Maya Cousins Lena Cuevas Emanuele D'Alessandro Kailey Davis Arianna Delgadillo

Gracie Eckert Nash Esselstyn Josue Fernandez Rachel Fetzer Brock Fisher Esther Fletes Zuniga Emiliano Fuentes-Casados Cole Grenard Conor Grieshaber Daniel Guevara Cortez Wailana Hallam Stephanie Herrera Briones Alicia Hudson Rene Ixta Cardenas Bisi Johnson Nikole Kastein Cerra Kogle-Dumm

Mariam Kyabou Corrina Lam Heather Lindsey Sawyer Linman Karissa Luna Tokunbo Majekodunmi Brooke Malone Gabriela Marquez Shannon Martin Maria Martinez Bethany McCabe Juan Morales Imani Morris Colton Myhre Tessa Nguyen Seth Nice Megan Oldham Magno Perez

Taylor Phan Ruby Reed Lexy Renfro JC Robles Juan Sabino II Ayo Sanusi Alex Shellum Miles Spencer Eboni Stevenson Rachel Surratt Nathan Tarrant Mackenzie Taylor Krista Thaxton Bryson Thomson Sadie Threlkel Shantel Vigil Elaina Villanueva Catie Wakefield Josh Watson Cameron White Chase White Kate White

CONGRATULATIONS Candidates for Honors Scholar Fall 2018 Franklin Alvis Timea Balogh Sydney Barrett Kayla Bass Noalani Benedict Jacob Berg Nicholas Breland Molly Brown Lesley Bui Emma Dahl Marina Dart Angela Davies Juliette Dean Vincent Del Conte

Arianna Delgadillo Peter Dickerson John Duffy Anna Eick Wendy Fillman Jordan Fleming Damian Garno Aliya Gorelick Jaynee Halverson Kelsey Lawton Rachel Lentz Lauren Lopez-Mauer Mikaela Maldonado Chad Marquardt

Antoinette McIntosh Marissa Mullins Portia Peter Hannah Playter Margot Rheinhardt Kassandra Roeser Shea Russell Victoria Sullivan Rachel Surratt ViVi Tran Andrea Vigil Luke Wernert Rachel Wertheimer Jessica Willburn


Graduating Seniors By Amber Carvalho College has been some of the most memorable years of your life. As your time here comes to a close, we want you to look back on the memories that made you proud to be a CSU alum. Some of your fellow Rams reminisce and share their favorite experiences throughout their time on campus.

Sydney Sivertsen

Apparel and Merchandising Major with a Minor in Business Favorite Memory: Walking through campus as it was just starting to snow, it was late but people were still leaving the library and going to study. Even though you will never know everyone on campus, there is a sense of community as we all work towards our education. What I’ll miss most: Being able to stroll on campus and see friendly faces, I’ll miss the excitement of a new semester and the relief of one ending. Advice to upcoming seniors: Try not to let the realities of the real world scare you too much, it will all fall into place and you don’t want to waste your final months here worrying about the future. Why CSU: I initially chose CSU for the Apparel and Merchandising program, but I stayed because of the community and the constant support that I found here from friends and professors.

Austin Best

Supply Chain Management Major Favorite Memory: Hanging out and making new friends. What I’ll miss most: Football games and the bars. Advice to upcoming seniors: Don’t stress too much. There are always people to help if you need so don’t be isolated. Why CSU: The campus, and I like Fort Collins better than Boulder. What I’m most looking forward to after graduation: I’m looking forward to starting my career and making a salary.

Maura Williams

Interdisciplinary Liberal Arts Major with a Minor in Political Communications Favorite Memory: When you get to pet dogs during finals week at the library. What I’ll miss most: The recreation center. Advice to upcoming seniors: Enjoy your last year! Why CSU: CSU had interesting programs that I wanted to be a part of. What I’m most looking forward to after graduation: Having my weekends free from homework!

Seth Rutherford

Major and College: Journalism, Liberal Arts Favorite CSU Memory: Being able to live and work on campus over the summer. Campus is so mellow during the summer and nothing beats a round of volleyball or frisbee on an empty campus. What I’ll miss most: KCSU, the greatest college radio station in college radio. Advice to upcoming seniors: Skip class once in awhile and grab a drink with your friends. This last semester will fly by. Why CSU: Because Fort Collins is a delightful city to live in, filled with nice people, great bike paths and delicious beer. Stay blessed!

36 | December 2018 | GRADUATION



“Behind you, all your memories. Before you, all your dreams. Around you, all who love you. Within you, all you need.” -Unknown

CONGRATULATES OUR fall GRADUATES for 2018! Benedict, Noalani Bland, Morgan Bridges, Chandler Dean, Juliette Erbeck, Katelyn Gallegos, Joseph Higbee, Taylor Krieger, Kirsten Kujawa, Nikola Lahaie, Paige Martin, Kaitlin

McAlister, Carley Murcia, Nathan Newton, Molly Orth, Jordan Pierce, James Pryamkova, Anna Quilici, Marissa Sowder, Bradley Suggs, Ciara Yuan, Hao

2018 Fall Graduates! Chase Beard Jacob Berg Lesley Bui Riley Cluxton Sonya Gumba Hedyieh Jalilfar Gabby Jones Garrett Knorr Kelly Kossen Lindsey Kroboth Jena Lacy Kelsey Lawton

Amanda Lederhos Mikaela Maldonado Danielle Moran Jordan Orth Matt Renner Thomas Ryan Savannah Sandvick Victoria Sullivan Angelica Tran ViVi Tran Elise Van Leuven

38 | December 2018 | GRADUATION


Mikayla Barkley Katie Brooks Abby Cohen Demi Connelley Isaac English Deanna Fuhr Alana Garcia Kristina Gosselin Alex Gulyan Molly Gustafson Nicole Halverson Amanda Krupp Roxanne McClarney Liz Morehead Kelly Newton Erica Quihuiz MaKenzie Ross Annie Seipel Shannon Slack * Claire Stanziale Ian Marshall ** Howard Webb ** ** Cum Laude * Banner Carrier

AWARD WINNING FULL-BODY WAXING STUDIO men’s & women’s wax • threading • spray tans • microblading • boutique

- book online: GRADUATION GUIDE | DECEMBER 2018 | 39

Professional Development Tips BUILDING CONNECTIONS: If you don’t have a LinkedIn, MAKE ONE! LinkedIn is a great tool for building your professional network and making connections around the globe. It’s also a convenient way to hear about jobs in your area of study or other areas of work that you might be interested in.

SET UP INFORMATIONAL INTERVIEWS: If you have a professional connection in your area, set up a meeting over coffee to gather information and obtain advice about their field. They might not be looking to hire you, but a positive impression can lead to positive connections that can be valuable in the future. Although it’s a casual meeting, be sure to keep it professional by showing up on time, bringing your resume and following up with a thank you.

BRAND YOURSELF: A brand is more than a name or logo, its a combination of impressions and experiences that can be associated with you. Having a clear articulate brand will make you stand out on paper or at an interview because you appear more confident and comfortable. This increases your credibility and it makes you more memorable.

ALWAYS FOLLOW UP: Whether you’re submitting an application or interviewing with someone, always follow up. After applying for a job, reach out a week later to check on the progress of your application if you haven’t heard back. Sometimes it just takes a small reminder to get someone to look at it and you’re showing your interest in the position. After interviewing with someone, send a follow up email to thank them for their time within 48 hours. This also shows interest and lets the employer know you value their time.

40 | December 2018 | GRADUATION


Jake Stewart Kaitlyn Bentivegna Alyssa Casias

FA18 Graduating Student Teachers

Congrats to the graduating student teachers! We’re proud to have represent CSU as the next generation of PK—12 teachers!

Arcuri, Anna Baker, Mikayla Becker, Mattie Boies, Sam Brewington, Samantha Burleson, Kraig Busi, Emily Chicoine, Sarah Felske, Kara Fischer, Nicole Fredrickson, Tristan Gallegos, Bria Halverson, Jaynee Haun, Lena Holcomb, Michelle Johnson, Bri Lampus, John Lingo, Tiffany

Malone, Kennedy McClarney, Roxanne McIntosh, Antoinette McLaughlin, Jamie Melton, Reece Myhre, Colton Niederman, Nicole Nishida, Grace Plecker, Letha Redman, Mikayla Seyler, Terra Spratte, Hailey Stieb, Jayden Taylor, Mackenzie Thibodeau, Anastasia Turner, Emma Webb, Howard

Department of

biochemistry and molecular biology congratulates their 2018 graduates and canidates Minor Candidates Kaitlin Martin Ben Robinson


B.S. Candidates Shawqi Abuserriya Jessica Acosta Jannelle Andrews Eric Bellis Tyler Boschman Jordan Bushnell Jake Castle

Mark Connolly Corwin Coppinger Lena Cuevas Mary Ennis Emiliano Fuentes-Casados* Damian Garno* Alex Green Stephanie Herrera Briones Sarah Jorgenson* Nikola Kujawa Joe Marino

Katelyn Oliver* Monica Pedroza Nick Pollock Gaby Ramirez* Lexy Renfro Crystal Sparks* Jake Stapleton Alex Voller Ryan Willey James Young Interdisciplinary minor in molecular biology *


2015 flashback

3 YEARS AGO... The first year of CSU for most, here’s a look at some of the trends you would have talked about in those 100 level lectures and dedicated posters to in your dorm.

top song Uptown Funk - Mark Ronson ft. Bruno Mars

top video game Call of Duty Black Ops 2

super bowl winner

top movie top music video See You Again by Wiz Khalifa and Charlie Puth

internet trend The Dress Debate

42 | December 2018 | GRADUATION

Mad Max: Fury Road


Mack Beaulieu, Collegian Sports Michael Berg, Collegian Ram Page Sam Bulkley, KCSU Sarah Ehrlich, Collegian Ed Board Deanna Fuhr, KCSU Sara Graydon, CSU Life Haley Justino, KCSU and CTV Katie Lindberg, Collegian Opinion Blake O’Brien, Collegian News Beau Rainey, Student Video Production and CTV Jonny Rhein, Collegian Ed Board Seth Rutherford, KCSU and CSU Life Lee Sahota, KCSU Arisson Stanfield, Collegian Opinion Bryan Teisl, KCSU Grant Whittey, KCSU


The Department of

Journalism & Media Communication congratulates our Fall 2018 graduating class

Colin Barnard Mack Beaulieu Colleen Boyd Sam Bulkley Viola Cai Morgan Casey Zach Christiansen Josh Dolan Sarah Ehrlich Aliya Gorelick Sara Graydon Paige Grunewald Emily Hendrickson Nicholas Isbey Emily Kaiser Jessie Marshall Cade McNelly

Jen Moore Imani Morris Maddie Murcko Blake O’Brien Gabriel Peterson Seth Rutherford Casey Saunders Krista Schleich Miles Spencer Leif Strickengloss Madi Sword Evan Vicchy Tabitha Waite Grant Whitty Mitch Wood Zachary Zimmerman

We celebrate your success! GRADUATION GUIDE | DECEMBER 2018 | 43

2016 flashback

2 YEARS AGO... Take a look at some of the popular topics that you probably talked about on that awkward date or when you were supposed to be studying.

top song Love Yourself - Justin Bieber

top video game Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare

super bowl winner

top movie top music video Work From Home by Fifth Harmony feat. Ty Dolla $ign

internet trend RIP Harambe

44 | December 2018 | GRADUATION

Captain America: Civil War

8 BACHELOR OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Human Development and Family Studies Fria, Brittany Lynn +

BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Apparel and Merchandising Avers, Amanda Beth Bentivegna, Kaitlyn Jude * Burks, Bailey Rayne Frank, Alexis Marie * Hall, Amanda Elizabeth * Hoskins, Kristen C. Mancino, Raymond Eloy Martin, Shannon Denise * Mason, Hanna Marie Medina, Nancy * Moore, Courtney Ann Michelle * Nunnally, Jackie Nichole Plunk, Hannah Abigail # Sivertsen, Sydney Junille * Threlkel, Sadie Nichole * Walker, Jenelle Hailey Watkins, Elsa Grace

Construction Management Abraham, Nicholas Taylor ^ Aguiar, Colton David Alvis, Franklin Jun Basil ^ Ansay, Austin M. * Bandy, Christopher John Barbalinardo, Daniel M. * Bender, Luke Steven * ^ Berglin, John Kelly Bickel, Krystal A. Bills, Spencer Thomas Bird, Samuel Thomas Borden, Jeffrey Lloyd Brink, Glenn R. Brown, Samuel Wayne Buenzli, Bradford Cole Chandler, Connor Paul * Christner, Trent Lynn Conejo, Juan Antonio Cunningham, Jordan Wells * Denison, Kyle Jason Kurtiss Derus, Riley Maxwell * Dewey, Garrett Wright Dumanovsky, James Paul * Eleniewski, Alexander James * Emanuelson, Benjamin Richard * Falls, Justin Michael * ^ Fisher, Brock Moran * Flippo, Dylan Christian * Foster, John Daniel * Frost, Duncan Christopher Gibbons, Aaron Matthew * Gibbons, Kyle Joseph Hammers, Garrett Edwin Matthew Hickox, Savannah Lee Hieber, Andrew Thomas Hoefs-Hutter, Rodney Michael * Holmberg, Logan Alan Huey, Austin Louis *

Hughes, Samuel Alexander Jack, Jordan Everett Johnson, Shane W. Keelty, Patrick Liam Kersnick, Kristofer Daniel Kielbasa, Connor Clark Komar, Nicholas Alexander Landrum, Justin Connor Leasure, Cody Jacob Leifheit, Kristina LeAnne * Malacara, Jordan Phenix Martin, Ryan Jaime McIntyre, Travis James Nichols, Matthew Thomas = Norris, Mark W. Osmundson, Leif Frederick Palmer, Evan Charles * # Perez-Guevara, Magno Enrique Ream, Christian Michael Reichle, Tyler James Rivera, Justin Rooney, Travis A. * Rowsam, William James Ruppal, Garrett James Sanchez, Jacob Campbell Schakel, Karl W. Silverstein, Benjamin Jacob Sims, Jordan Alexander * Snyder, Zachary Hayden * Spindler, Alex James Sylvester, Jackson Bee * Tillman, Easton C. Van Beek, Cody Ryan Wegner, Ford Garrett * # Weiner, Adam M. * Wenzl, Alexander David Werden, Reese Clintion Woosley, Alec Cameron Wyka, Noah Christian * York, Rees Andrews Young, John N. * Zeidler, Michael A. Family and Consumer Sciences Becker, Mattie Elizabeth Johnson Close, Courtney Jeanne * Felske, Kara Christine Phan, Taylor Plecker, Letha May Fermentation Science and Technology Bessett, Robert Warren * Buescher, Benjamin Joseph * Hatch, Richard Stefan Keen, Nathan Michael * Kellums, Ashley Morgan * McAfee II, Scott Edward Hyatt * McMichael, James Joseph Noeller, Mason R. * Odle, Micah Nathaniel Poisson, Melissa Ann Santiago, Diego Adolfo * Sauer, Justin Tyler * Scheffer, Ryland Bryant * Stroehmann III, David Lewis Tullis, Til * =

Warren, Haley Ann Watson, Matthew Lee Thomas * Health and Exercise Science Arballo-Romero, David Oscar + Ausbun, Rick Joseph Belleville, Troy Joseph # Boone, Andrew James Broski, James Edward Butler, Shea Lekyle * Carvutto, Amy Elizabeth Castro, Ruby * Chaparas, Kayce Marie Contino, Jared Matsumura Eckert, Anna Grace ^ Ethell, Nicole Marie Ewan, Larissa Elizabeth Fillman, Wendy Rose Frauenhoff, Brynn Annelise George, Connor P. Green, Mariah Breanne Hall, Michael Andrew Hayes, Matthew Gabriel Lang, Callie Marie Mee Lonardo, Marco Antonio * Loukatos, Cassidy Lynn * Lyall, Jesse Dean * Medina, Alejandra Medina, Benjamin Gabriel * Meehleis, Dillon J. Montgomery, Abigail Lyn * Moore, Kristen Nicole Morales, Juan Miguel * Nguyen, Tessa An Osborne, William Danial Parish, Megan Grace * # Paul, Michael Charles Peterson, Abigail Margaret Davis Pieper, Joshua Daniel Prusac, Samantha Rahn, Kara Michelle Roth, Aaron Nolan Rozga, Nicholas Anthony * Schaff, Samuel D. Schmidt, Trevor Robert Schubert, Rachel E. Singh, Sunjot * Tarrant, Nathan Thomas Thomas, Devin Sherrod Vongrith, Jessica Vuckovich, Jessica Brenda Walker, Alexander Michael Wilcox, Anthony Eugene * Young, Emilie Louise Hospitality Management Alcorn, Brandan C. Arcady, David Austin Augspurger, Simone Alice Benson, David Allen Brazile, Mollie Jo Byron, Lindsey S. * Dawson, Rebecca Anne * ^ Eades, Brianna Marie * Hoover, Alaina Nicole Johnson, Olabisi Patrick Bemigho

Koslosky, Connor Jeffrey Lopez, Alex * McBride, Katy Lynn Mickelson, Joseph LeRoy * Montoya, Hannah Jayne Nitchoff, Natalie Anne Phillips, Jacob Lee + * Scritchfield, Cheyenne Noelle * Tinberg, Taylor Elisabeth Todderud, Alexander Paul + * Zeng, Kaiyan *

Weber, Lynsie Marie Weinrich, Haley E. ^ Willburn, Jessica Jenise ^ Woods, Abbey Rae Zarshenas Post, Layla Zick, Tobi Lynne

Human Development and Family Studies Anderson, Brittany Ann * Asante, Sandra Owusu Aubry, Devin Nicole Barnett, Ashleigh Anne Beaubouef, Samantha M. Boettcher, Abigail Catherine Brewster, Anica M. Brown, Molly Ann Canfield, Kimberly Ming-Feng Collins, Haley Renèe ^ Conger, Amber L. Davis, Kailey Mae Ellington, Chastin Marie Elizabeth * Feth, Liesel Helene * Fleck, Haylee Mae Fletes, Esther Maria * Gallegos Viesca, Susana Elisa George, Elijah C. * Goddard, Kara Mackenzie Good, Kristin Elizabeth Hanson, Jazlin Dee Harris, Ashley Ann Hinkel, Heather K. Hudson, Alicia Susan Kavanagh, Courtney Renee * Kennedy, Jordan Nicole * Kogle-Dumm, Cerra Lynn + Krokowski, Leah Naomi Loo, Kaylene Marie + MacNaughton, Breanne K. Mack, Carson Diane Manzo, Melody Marie McBroom, MaKenna Shea Mctigue, Grace V. Mezosi, Tatum Rae Miller, Kyla Deann Monko, Kathleen M. * ^ Nikiforov, Jaclyn Oldham, Megan Toshiko Peterson, Rachelle M. Pitto, Adrian Charles Rockford Poe, Eilish Christine Quo I * Rayne, Lauren Elizabeth Ryken, Nathaniel Lewis * Shellenberger, Ashlyn Laine Stitzlein, Andrea M. Stockton, Emily Danae Stuemky, Ashley Renee * Tucker, Justin Wadle, Lindsey Nicole * Wakefield, Catie Noelle Weaver, Taryn Annelise

Nutrition and Food Science Berg, Jessica Lillian Burgess, Mackenzie Kay ^ Buth, Emma Peyton Clark, Amber Nicole Clockston, Raeven-Lynn Miracle ^ Cuckler, Josiah Michael Duncan, Alexandra Christine Dunn, Rebecca Leigh Gray, Haley Jordyn Grubb, Elizabeth Claire Hannafious, Katey Marie Hauber, Rowan Hannah Henningsen-Dunn, Kyana R. Imbriani, Aubrey Julianna Jin, Jadee Menghui * Kearney, Emily Anne ^ Krzosek, Natalia Lane, Taylor Nicole = Lobdell, Taylor Raye McMillan, Gear Thomas Michell, Kiri Athena * Noeller, Jausten Marie Otto, Sarah Ann # Parsons, Sara Lynn ^ Pfaff, Courtney + Post, Kelsey Lyn ^ Scheffer, Kimberly Joann * Spitzer, Tiana Kylee Tarr, Jordan Daniel

Interior Design Clemens, Erica Jean Fredericks, Isabella Madigan Krenik, Dakota A.

BACHELOR OF SOCIAL WORK Social Work Christensen, Jessica Broderick + Keena, Kerry Ellyn ^ Lee, Walker T. Looby, Amelia C. Marquez, Gabriela Monroe, Katie A. Olvera, Alyssa Marie ^ Rollins-Niblet, Jaida Ricquel * Sardi, Courtney Hope See, Jeffery W. Shankel, Annabelle Kathleen Shook, Jillian Noelle * # Smartt, Mabel Lineth Sonnier, Christin Alexandria Stevenson, Eboni A. + Thorfinson, Michael Alexandra * Candidates with minor + Candidates with second major ^ Candidates for cum laude # Candidates for magna cum laude = Candidates for summa cum laude


2017 flashback

1 YEAR AGO... This is the year you really settled into your major and were surronded by these popular trends that were in the background of your school year.

top song Shape of You - Ed Sheeran

top video game Call of Duty: WWII

super bowl winner

top movie top music video Despacito by Luis Fonsi feat. Daddy Yankee

internet trend The Snapchat Hot Dog

46 | December 2018 | GRADUATION

Beauty and the Beast

2018 flashback

This past year... Let’s always remember these were the trends that were relevent during your last year at CSU, you probably are still just as excited about these as you are about graduating.

top song God’s Plan - Drake

top video game Fortnite

super bowl winner

top movie

Black Panther

top music video Girls Like You - Maroon 5

internet trend Laurel or Yanny?


48 | December 2018 | GRADUATION

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