MAY 2019
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Sue VanderWoude in National Academy
Julia Gillard speaks
Lagoon Summer Concert Series
Fortitude 10k on Labor Day
A global celebration of Earth Day
Colorado State University celebrated all things green April 16-26 as part of Earth Week. Get a roundup on all of the CSU Earth Week activities and initiatives at SOURCE.COLOSTATE.EDU/EARTH-WEEK/.
Celebrate! CSU and Milestones both set for May 9 Celebrate! Colorado State is scheduled for Thursday, May 9, from 10:30 a.m. to noon in the Lory Student Center Grand Ballroom. The annual CSU tradition was rescheduled due to inclement weather on April 10. The awards ceremony celebrates the teaching, research and service achievements of students, alumni and friends, academic faculty, administrative professionals and classified staff. The event will recognize recipients of the University’s highest honor for faculty – University Distinguished Professor – as well as the Monfort Professorships, established by the Monfort Family Foundation to recognize faculty who are rising stars in their fields. Additionally, top faculty honors celebrate scholarship, through the Colorado State University Scholarship Impact Award, and teaching, through the Board of Governors
Get ready for Colorado State University sesquicentennial festivities Colorado State University will be celebrating its sesquicentennial – 150 years – beginning in the fall semester and running through Founders Day, Feb. 11, 2020. During that time, many events and initiatives will take place to engage the campus community in an effort to recognize and honor CSU’s land-grant heritage. In the meantime, watch the CSU 150th anniversary celebration trailer on CSU’s YouTube Channel at youtu.be/hLuTmoWo53o.
Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Award. Celebrate! Colorado State also recognizes contributions across the campus community in advising, leadership, campus diversity and inclusion, innovation and philanthropy, among other areas. CELEBRATE! CSU MILESTONES CSU employees achieving a decade of service or more this year and retirees will be honored at the annual Celebrate! CSU Milestones event at 4 p.m. on Thursday, May 9, in the LSC Grand Ballroom.