Vol. 128, No. 16 Tuesday, August 28, 2018

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Vol. 128, No. 16 Tuesday, August 28, 2018




CSU needs to update old facilities

Rams prepare for Rocky Mountain Showdown

Cosplayers strut their stuff at Comic Con

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Braiden Hall is currently at overcapacity. Housing and Dining was forced to move students into the basements, where they are forced to share single bathrooms and showers. Students in overflow housing have been temporarily housed in Allison, Edwards, Durward, Westfall, Newsom, Parmelee and Ingersoll halls. PHOTO BY AJ FRANKSON COLLEGIAN

Residence halls at capacity

Students live in overflow housing for first week By Emma Iannacone & Ravyn Cullor @CSUCollegian

The Colorado State University residence halls have met capacity after the largest freshman class ever moved in for the

fall semester. Approximately 6,400 students moved into residence halls on Aug. 15 and 16, leaving around 100 students in overflow housing waiting to be placed in permanent housing, said Director of University Housing Laura Giles. Braiden, Allison, Edwards, Durward, Westfall,

Newsom, Parmelee and Ingersoll halls are housing overflow students who have not yet been placed in permanent rooms. Those students are paying the lowest community-style residence price with 14 meals a week, $5,718 per semester, to live in hall lounges and basement rooms until HDS knows

what rooms are available after cancellations and no-shows, Giles said. Giles said the class of 2022 is the largest class ever admitted with approximately 5,300 students, which is an increase from 5,031 in 2017 and 4,956 students in 2016, according to the Office of Institutional

Research, Planning and Effectiveness. Housing and Dining Services had to accommodate a few hundred more students than had previously been indicated by the Office of Admissions, with whom

see OVERFLOW on page 5 >>

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