Totowa PAL-O-Ween 5K Run, Walk & Trick or Treat

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The 3rd Annual Totowa PAL Road Race, a.k.a Totowa PAL-O-Ween 5K is being brought to you by (Diamond Event Sponsor, TBD) and is set for October 30th of this year. Support for this event will assist the PAL in fostering its athletic programs to the children of the Totowa community by providing much needed facilities and infrastructure maintenance. In order to maintain our programs the Totowa PAL community must fundraise as a means of generating the funds needed to insure the ongoing support and safety of the facilities and programs the PAL community has come to rely on. This includes, but is not limited to, the PAL building itself, whose roof is still in need of significant repair/replacement. The roof fund started its fourth year in 2011. Proceeds collected through this fundraising event will be earmarked for this and other underpinning projects spread across the next several years. More details on these projects can be located as part of the event sponsorship (levels) package provided or by contacting Kevin Barnes of the Totowa PAL Board of Directors. The PAL Road Races, since its inaugural running two years ago, have been well received, thanks to the supportive community. The PAL, however, still has a long way to go. The event has become a fundraising staple, however it still requires the community’s continued attention and focus to succeed. Focused as a family friendly affair, the PAL-O-Ween encourages all PAL members, 7 & older to walk the 5K with their parents while the those 9 & under can participate in the Kid’s Fun Run. Given the Halloween theme all our walkers will be able to Trick-or-Treat through the course where a number of candy stations will be setup and hosted by costumed PAL parents/supporters. The Kid’s Carnival following the 5K award’s ceremony is well positioned for an afternoon of fun. The following schedule will be in affect for the day’s events and should make for a most enjoyable Fall family outing: 8:00-9:30am 10am 11:00am 11:30am 12:00pm 6pm

5K Registration 5K Run/Walk/Trick-or-Treat Start Awards Ceremony Kid’s Fun Run Kid’s Carnival Event Closes

Many of our local business will be on hand to add to the event festivities. As one can tell from its name this event boasts a USATF New Balance Grand Prix (please check for additional details) road racing event. The 5K (3.1 mile) course is a single loop through the streets of Totowa which surround the PAL

building and its playing field/areas. Upon conclusion of the Awards Ceremony there will be a Kids Fun Run for those 9 & Under. All participants will be awarded. The course is roughly a third of a mile around the PAL field along the paved running track. The Kid’s Carnival will commence immediately following the Fun Run. The carnival will be jam packed. There will be blow up slides, games of chance, local business support and plenty of food and fun to carry everyone through a cool Fall afternoon. Several local businesses have been asked to provide a kid friendly activity to attract the parents and kids alike to their designated area.

The 2011 event will carry with it a special Halloween theme to entice the community and those that read about the event to come out and have a good time. For 2011 the event will be dubbed the “Totowa PAL-O-Ween 5K Run & Kid’s Carnival”. Costumes, face painting, candy stations and Halloween specific amusements will be the order of the day. PAL volunteers and local businesses will be asked to get in on the festivities by providing support the Halloween them. We expect a few ghosts, goblins and monsters to be on hand to scare the bejeebers out of those that dare to enter. To ensure the word gets out the Totowa PAL will be actively canvassing the NJ road racing scene starting in late August. Flyers (below) will be placed on race tables and in event bags to ensure the “running” community is well informed. Additionally an advertisement will be placed in the Sept/Oct issue of RaceForum(.com), which most consider to be the multi-sport event bible, to ensure coverage across all road racing events in Northern NJ.

Tri-fold Race Flyer Jacket Tri-fold Race Flyer Insert

RaceForum Ad/Poster

A community mailing will be sent out in support of the event while a series of email blasts will be targeted to 2,000+ Passaic County Runners and 25,000 RaceForum subscribers. This media blitz will be supported by the Passaic County Race Directors Coalition of which Ross Mistretta, our co-director is both the founder and President. ( For those that want to take there time and enjoy a leisurely stroll with friend and family as the children trick or treat there way through the course we recommend coming out and walking the course. Running, jogging, walking, skipping, trotting or lollygaging… are all supported along the Pal-O-Ween course. Take your pick and get your feet moving with us. The Totowa PAL Board of Directors are committed to those that support their efforts. The Totowa PAL and its members welcomes your suggestions as it’s only with your involvement that this event will be able to evolve. Please convey your expectations to us and we’ll work closely with you, our sponsor, to ensure that the event is as lucrative for you, as we expect it to be for the PAL. The Race Committee suggests that those attending make a day of it, bring the family, stick around and have some fun with the Totowa Community and its sponsors.

Our Most Heartfelt Thanks The Totowa PAL Road Race Committee The PAL is a non-profit public benefit corporation which builds partnerships between youth and the community through recreational, athletic and educations programs designed to encourage and develop good citizenship and improve the quality of life in the Totowa area.

Sumday, October 30th 2011 Registration 8-9:30AM Starting Time: 10:00AM Kids Carnival from 12-6PM Runners/Walkers in 2010: 300 Estimated Runners expected in 2011: 500+ For additional info visit

Totowa Police Athletic League * Post Office Box 13 - PAL Building Totowa, NJ 07512 * Phone: 973-790-7500 *

Diamond Event Sponsor – $5000+  Sponsor's name will be affiliated with the 2011 Totowa PAL-O-Ween 5Ks.  Event title will be appended as follows: “brought to you by sponsor’s name”  Sponsor's logo will occupy 5x5 center space on the back of the event t-shirt.  Sponsor's logo will be featured on the cover of all race applications,  Sponsor’s logo will be featured in the September issue of RaceForum. (must be received before August 28th)  Sponsor's logo will be featured on all printed banners.  Sponsor's logo will be featured in the credits of the event video posted on and the Totowa Police Athletic Leagues website.  Sponsor's logo will be featured on the event page of the Totowa PAL Road Races event website (until 2012 races)  Sponsor's logo will be featured on all correspondence about PAL events through the completion of the 2012 races.  Sponsor will be mentioned frequently as the “major event sponsor” during the day’s events.  Sponsor will be visually featured in the post race sponsorship acknowledgement sent to all participants. (a.k.a Thank You) Platinum Event Sponsor – $2500-$4999  Sponsor's logo will occupy 4x4 space on the back of the event t-shirt.  Sponsor's logo will appear on the all race applications.  Sponsor's logo will appear on all printed banners.  Sponsor's logo will appear in the credits of the event video posted on and the Totowa Police Athletic Leagues website.  Sponsor's logo will appear on the event page of the Totowa PAL website (until 2012 races)  Sponsor will be mentioned often as a “contributing sponsor” during the day’s events.  Sponsor will be visually represented in the post race sponsorship acknowledgement sent to all participants. (a.k.a Thank You) Gold Event Sponsors - $1000-$2499  Sponsor's logo will occupy 3x3 space on the back of the event t-shirt  Sponsor's logo will appear on race day banners  Sponsor's logo will appear on the event page of the Totowa PAL website (until 2012 races)  Sponsor's logo will appear in all tri-fold race applications  Sponsor's will be mentioned at key times during the day’s events  Sponsor will be verbally represented in the post race sponsorship acknowledgement sent to all participants. (a.k.a Thank You) Silver Event Sponsors - $600-$999  Sponsor's logo/name will appear on the back of the race event t-shirt  Sponsor's name will appear on the race day banner (space permitting)*  Sponsor's name will appear on the mile markers/directional signs.  Sponsor's name will be mentioned randomly through the day’s events.  Sponsor will be verbally represented in the post race sponsorship acknowledgement sent to all participants. (a.k.a Thank You)

Bronze Event Sponsors - $250-$599  Sponsor's name will be listed on the back of the race event t-shirt  Sponsor’s name will be listed on the Totowa PAL event website  Sponsor will be verbally represented in the post race sponsorship acknowledgement sent to all participants. (a.k.a Thank You) Friends of Totowa PAL – $150-$249  Sponsor’s name will be listed on the Totowa PAL event website  Sponsor will be referenced in the post race sponsorship acknowledgement sent to all participants. (a.k.a Thank You) Contributors > $150  Sponsor will be referenced in the post race sponsorship acknowledgement sent to all participants. (a.k.a Thank You) New for 2011 - TD Bank Affinity Sponsorship - $0  Let TD Bank make a donation for you* *Must (be)come a TD Bank account holder to utilize this method. Please refer to for more details. IMPORTANT Deadlines: Print publication – August 28th Print media – September 17th t-shirt logo - Oct. 1st Proceeds to benefit the Totowa Police Athletic League 2011-2012 infrastructure repairs, improvements then programs For sponsorship related questions please contact: Ross Mistretta 973-706-8969 For race related inquiries please contact: Kevin Barnes 862-377-4799 Please make checks payable to the: Totowa PAL Mail donations to: Totowa Police Athletic League
Post Office Box 13 
 PAL Building
 Totowa, NJ 07512

Highlights: New elevation dropping courses created in 2010. Run your 2011 5K PR here. Race will begin one block north of the PAL building/fields and continue as a day filled with food and fun for the entire community. 2011 enhancements: Halloween Theme and a Trick or Treat along the 5K course. Mission Statement: The Police Athletics League of Totowa NJ is a non-profit public benefit corporation which builds partnerships between youth and the community through recreational, athletic and educational programs designed to encourage and develop good citizenship and improve the quality of life in the Totowa area.















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In reply refer to: 0248567576 June 04, 2010 LTR 4168C EO 22-6275527 000000 00 00016808 BODC: TE


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22-6275527 Employer Identification Number: Person to Contact: MS YATES Toll Free Telephone Number: 1 877-829-5500 Dear Taxpayer: This is in response to your May 25, 2010, request for information regarding your tax-exempt status. Our records indicate that your organization was recognized as exempt under section 501(c)C3) of the Internal Revenue Code in a determination letter issued in March 1978. Our records also indicate that you are not a private foundation within the meaning of section 509(a) of the Code because you are described in section(s) 509(a)(1) and 170(b)(1)(A)(vi). Donors may deduct contributions to you as provided in section 170 of the Code. Bequests, legacies, devises, transfers, or gifts to you or for your use are deductible for Federal estate and gift tax purposes if they meet the applicable provisions of sections 2055, 2106, and 2522 of the Code. Beginning with the organization's sixth taxable year and all succeeding years, it must meet one of the public support tests under section 170Cb)(1)CA}(vi) or section 509(a)(2) as reported on Schedule A of the Form 990. If your organization does not meet the public support test for two consecutive years, it is required to file Form 990-PF~ Return of Private Foundation, for the second tax year that the organization failed to meet the support test and will be reclassified as a private foundation. If you have any questions, please call us at the telephone number shown in the heading of this letter.


June 04, 2010 LTR 4168C EO 22-6275527 000000 00 00016809 POLICE ATHLETIC LEAGUE OF THE BOROUGH OF TOTOWA NEW JERSEY PO BOX 13 TOTOWA NJ 07511-0013

Sincerely yours,

Michele M. Sullivan, Oper. Mgr.

Accounts Management Operations I

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