1 minute read
Beating the Blues
By Lynn U. Nichols
WHY DO 15 TO 20 PERCENT of Americans over 65 experience depression? And what can you do to ward it off? Chronic pain, like that caused by arthritis, and loss of function are main causes for depression as we age. So is losing a spouse or life partner, isolating, taking certain medications or abusing substances or alcohol. You may be surprised to learn that retirement can also be depressing for some seniors, especially those who felt a lot of pride and satisfaction from their work.
If you can relate to one or more of these common causes, take a step back and consider what you need. Do you need a second opinion or a new solution on a health problem? Are you regularly seeing family and friends? Do you feel bored? Do what you can to improve your outlook. Enroll in a class and learn something new. Start a new side business. Set a regular coffee date with a friend. Have family over for dinner regularly. Plan something fun to look forward to, like a trip. If nothing sounds interesting, reach out for professional help. It’s never too late to start again or redefine your life.