2 minute read
Volunteer! Opportunities Abound
Linda L. Osmundson
ARE YOU LOOKING FOR ways to contribute to your community? Consider volunteering. Opportunities abound. Look for organizations that match your abilities and passion. Start slow. Don’t jump in with both feet and get overwhelmed. The more you get involved, the more you’ll be called upon. Set volunteer boundaries. Not sure where to start? VolunteerMatch (https:// www.volunteermatch.org/) specializes in pairing people with organizations. Consider some of the groups listed below.
Volunteers of America
(https:// www.voacolorado.org/) offers assistance with basic needs such as home repair and homemaker services, travel and companionship. They provide information, meal programs and referrals. You might also consider volunteering for their two free hours a week of caregiver service.
Seniors Helping Seniors
(homecarenortherncolorado.com) believes both parties benefit. Their services of light housekeeping, companionship, cooking and shopping might fit your talents. They need assistance with small repairs, pet care and yard work. Volunteers also can help with household tasks such as mailing letters or bills and transportation to appointments. Are you willing to provide respite care for families and caregivers or overnight stays? Can you keep long-distant families apprised of their loved one’s needs? Seniors Helping Seniors compensates volunteers for performing some services.
Office on Aging
(www.larimer. org/humanservices/aging/ooa) teaches caregiving evidence-based classes by trained personnel. Anyone can apply to teach. A cost or sponsorship may be required for the training. You might fit into their family caregiver support services. Check the Office on Aging in your county for more information and volunteer opportunities.
Senior Access Points
(https:// senioraccesslarimer.colostate.edu/ partnership-for-age-friendlycommunities/) needs ambassadors for their program. Trained ambassadors distribute information to seniors who need various kinds of help. Their one number, LarimerSeniors.org, 970-498- 7740, connects you to staff who can answer all your questions or send you to the proper source for the answer. Other counties provide similar services.
Partners Mentoring Youth
Schools love to have grandparents read to classes or mentor students who need extra help. Partners Mentoring Youth (https://partnersmentoringyouth.org/) is dedicated to Northern Colorado youth who face challenges in their personal, social and academic lives. Their mission is to “create and support one-on-one mentoring relationships between positive adult role models and troubled youths.”
Habitat for Humanity
(https:// www.habitat.org/) “builds much more than houses. Together, we’re helping families build strength, stability and self-reliance.” They stock their ReStores from donations and need volunteers to sort items and man the operations. Various museums accept volunteers. The Loveland Museum/ Gallery (www.lovelandmuseumgallery. org) trains volunteers to give tours or serve as guards throughout the museum. Each seasonal community event requires dozens of volunteers. Every year they present workshops for Thompson Valley 2nd graders. Teachers, walkers, chaperones and guides all volunteer their time.
Take time to research volunteer opportunities, then choose an activity you might enjoy with the organization that matches your talents and passions.