April 2015 RM Review

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RM Review


Serving Asquith, Delisle, Donavon, Grandora, Harris, Kinley, Laura, Perdue, Pike Lake, Swanson, Tessier, Vanscoy, Zealandia

Volume 16 Number 4

APRIL 2015


Prime Minister Visits Saskatchewan

Delisle Mayor Dave Anderchek with Prime Minister Harper

Vanscoy Mayor Robin Odnokon with Prime Minister Harper

Federal Funding Announced for Twinning of Highway 7

Road Weight Restrictions are Now in Place


n March 12th, Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Premier Brad Wall announced the Federal Governments participation in funding the twinning of highway 7 to Delisle. Local government officials were invited to the Highway Department in Saskatoon to attend announcement. The project will be done in three phases, with the first phase beginning this year to twin the section from the Cory potash

mine to the east side of Vanscoy. Phase two begins next year and will see a controversial new section of highway built north of Vanscoy, bypassing the village, and joining the existing highway a mile west of Vanscoy. The third, and final, phase will take place the following year, completeing the twinning from Vanscoy, west to Delisle. Phase one has already begun with trees being cleared on the north side of the existing highway.

Come See How We Hid the Ugly!!


When’s the last time you saw a pig with lipstick? How about the Vanscoy Circle Hall?

ut seriously, thanks to the RM of Vanscoy who donated $5000 to the Recreation Board to use for some much needed improvements at the hall, we have been able to put that money to great use. A hall committee was formed and we got to work, painting and refinishing the floors. Spear-headed by Glen Lyons who has spent countless hours and days, working mostly by himself, to improve the appearance of our

community hall. Our next goal is to redo the bathrooms and for this we need to raise some more funds. We will be hosting an Open House and Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser on April 12th from 10 am – 1 pm. All proceeds will go directly to the renovations needed on the bathrooms. We want to put together a hall photo album. So dust of those pictures and bring them with you to the breakfast or email them to tnbross@hotmail.com. Many thanks go out to Glen, Shelley, Ty, Tracy, Lexxa, Reiger, Janelle, Vickie, and the “strong men”. Thanks for lending your time and efforts to make the Vanscoy Hall a more enjoyable place to gather.


he RM of Vanscoy has imposed restrictions on the following roads or portions of roads to 4540 kilograms or 10,000lbs maximum gross vehicle weights effective 12:01 a.m. Monday March 23, 2015. Roads will be signed at each end and at all intersecting roads. 1) Range Road 3075 #672 grid road South of Highway #14 at Grandora corner to Highway #7 at Vanscoy 2) Range Road 3071 (Langham Grid) 1 mile North from Highway #14 to 33rd Street extension 3) Township Road 343 between Range Road 3100 to Range Road 3093 #673 Grid road West of Delisle 4) Range Road 3073 South of Township Road 352 to Township Road 350 5) Range Road 3072 South of Township Road 364 to Highway #7 6) Range Road 3071 South of Highway #14 to Township Road 364 7) Township Road 343 from Highway #60 to Range Road 3063 8) Range Road 3063 from Township Road 343 to Township Road 340

All other Roads within the RM have been restricted by The Ministry of Highways order as follows: Steering Axle - 10.0 kg per mm (560 pounds per inch) width of tire (manufacturer’s stamped dimension) to a maximum of 5,500 kg on the steering axle for a truck or truck tractor equipped with a single steering axle. 11,000 kg on the steering axle group for a truck or truck tractor equipped with a tandem axle steering group Other Axles - 6.25 kg per mm (350 pounds per inch) width of tire (manufacturer’s stamped dimension) to a maximum of 1,650 kg (3,638 pounds) per tire. This restriction does not apply to: Emergency vehicles; School buses Ministry of Highways and Infrastructure vehicles and municipal maintenance equipment when conducting maintenance or accessing sites on or along the restricted highway; SaskPower, SaskEnergy and SaskTel vehicles when accessing sites along the restricted route; Recreational vehicles; Buses; Farm Equipment operated or towed Vehicles directly crossing Provincial Highway

Mother’s Day CONTEST

Submitted by Bonnie Ross

FREE to Enter

Win over $300 in Prizes ‘Just for Mom’ on Page 9

Newly refinished floor & walls in the Vanscoy hall


Editorial............................ p.2 Council Reports................ p. 4 School Reports................. p. 6

4-H Reports...................... p. 6 RCMP Report................... p. 8 Agriculture Reports........ p. 10

Red Williams................... p. 5 MP Report....................... p. 12 MLA Report..................... p. 13

Community Reports......... p. 14 Community Calendar....... p. 15 Business Directory........... p. 16

Read us on your computer, iPhone or iPad with our FREE On-Line Reader - www.rmreview.net


April 2015

RM Review



Just One More Thing.....


n last month’s editorial I encouraged you to take a look at getting involved in a community organization. You may have likened that suggestion to one of those ‘starving children’ commercials on tv, and thought that if you just looked away, it would end, and you could forget about it. That might have worked had I not just found out that April 12 - 18 is National Volunteers Week, so avert your eyes now ‘cause here I come again!

You should be pleased to know that volunteering is alive and well in your community. In this issue you can read about the Vanscoy Community Recreation Board that has recently renovated the Vanscoy Hall... or learn the Agricultural Society is hosting their annual Perennial Exchange. You can also read about the Delisle Arts Council dance classes, art workshop, community choir, Mardi Gras, Delisle Days, Culture Days..... those are some busy folks. If you can’t, or just don’t want to participate, make it a point to recognize those that are making your life, and the lives of those around you, richer. The R.M. of Vanscoy is doing just that this month at the Spring Ratepayers Supper, where they will again honor the newest Citizen of the Year.

If you let me, I would like to highlight one organization that I figure you may not even know exists. The School Community Councils (SCC). There is actually one for every school, and has been, since 2007 when they replaced the local School Boards in Saskatchewan. You can read more about them on the facing page, but the basic purpose of these boards is to provide a link between the local community and it’s schools. With the recently announced $6 million budget cuts to our school division, our involvement in our school is more necessary than ever. I have provided a listing of the coming annual general meeting of our local SCC’s so you can plan to attend and learn a bit more about how you may be able to help. One example of what an SCC can do, can be found with the Delisle Composite School SCC. They have looked at the use (and mis-use) of the internet and social media, not only by students, but the whole family, and decided to so something... so they have brought in Professional Protection Systems to educate all of us on the potential problems that are lurking in our on-line worlds. Now you can attend a free, world class presentation that you would probably not see any other way. You may not want to join an SCC, but I do suggest you go this presentation. Read more about it on the facing page. Happy Easter Ken Sowter - Editor

NOTICE is hereby given that the Assessment Roll for the Village of Vanscoy

R.M. of MONTROSE No. 315 Public Notice to Amend The Zoning Bylaw Public notice is hereby given that the Council of the RM of Montrose intends to amend a bylaw under The Planning and Development Act, 2007 to amend Bylaw 1983-02 known as the Zoning Bylaw. INTENT The proposed amendment of Bylaw 1983-02 will amend the zoning district map to change from A - Agricultural District to AR - Agricultural Residential District all the land within the bold dashed line, and shown cross-hatched on the attached map. AFFECTED LANDS The affected land is that portion of the NW 32-32-06-W3 shown within the bold dashed line and cross-hatched shaded on the Map forming part of this notice.

for the year 2015 has been prepared and is open to inspection in the Office of the Assessor from 9am to noon and 1 to 5pm on the following days: Monday to Thursday, April 7 to May 7, 2015 A Bylaw pursuant to Section 214 of the Municipalities Act has been passed and the assessment notices have been sent as required Any person who wishes to appeal against his or her assessment is required to file his or her notice of appeal, accompanied by a $100 appeal fee with: The Assessor, Village of Vanscoy, Box 480, Vanscoy, SK S0L 3J0 by the 7th day of May, 2015 Dated this 31st day of March, 2015 Dawn Steeves Assessor


REASON The rezoning is required to allow for an additional Agricultural Residential development on the said parcel. PUBLIC INSPECTION Any person may inspect the proposed Bylaw at the R.M. of Montrose No. 315 located in the Hamlet of Donavon, Saskatchewan, between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding holidays, up to 4:00 p.m. Tuesday, April 7, 2015. PUBLIC HEARING Council will hold a public hearing on Thursday, April 9, 2015 at 11:00a.m. in the Council Chambers at the R.M. of Montrose No. 315 Office to hear any person or group that wants to comment on the proposed Bylaw. All written comments received by 4:00 p.m. (one week prior), will be forwarded to Council.

Notice is hereby given that the assessment roll of the Town of Asquith for 2015 has been prepared and is open to inspection at the office of the Administrator of the municipality until the time for lodging appeals has expired, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon and from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday to Friday on the following days: April 10, 2015 to May 11.2015 A Bylaw pursuant to section 214 of The Municipalities Act has been passed and the assessment notices have been sent as required. Any person who wishes to appeal his/her assessment to the District Board of Revision is required to file his/her complaint(s) in the prescribed form with a $200.00 fee to: The Assessor, Town of Asquith Box 160 Asquith, Saskatchewan S0K 0J0 by May 11, 2015

Issued March 17, 2015 at the Hamlet of Dovavon, in the Province of Saskatchewan

Dated at Asquith, Saskatchewan, March 31, 2015

Donna Goertzen Returning Officer

Holly Cross, Assessor

The RM Review CONTACT US Phone: 306-668-1312 Fax: 306-978-4481 mail@rmreview.net www.rmreview.net Box 333, Vanscoy, SK S0L 3J0



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DISTRIBUTION & SUBSCRIPTIONS 3,500 issues of the RM Review are published monthly and direct mailed for free to all homes in the communities shown in the map to the right. As well, it is available for free pick-up at various news stands through out this distribution area. Out of area subscriptions are available for $30/yr.

We reserve the right to edit copy for libel or other legal, spelling or grammatical errors. We accept no liability for any such errors.

Dead-Line for Submissions to the May 2015 Issue is Friday, April 24th, 2015

RM Review

April 2015



Three Free Internet Safety Presentations on April 28th


ith the ever increasing use of with the Victoria City Police Departthe internet and social media, ment with over 28 years of law enforcethere is a real need to underment experience, and is a Certified stand what it is all about and how to Advanced Open Source Intelligence / Soprotect yourself. cial Media Investigator with a strong inThe School Community Council (SCC) at terest/background in on-line and social Delisle Composite school has arrange to media investigations. have Personal Protections Systems, Inc. Darren is an internationally court recogcome in to give a series of nized safety expert/advocate, three presentations to the award winning published aucommunity on April 28th. thor and highly sought after The first presentation is international keynote for Grade 6 - 8 students. speaker, who specializes in The second is for Grade 9the area of personal safety 12. All students from and self protection both onAsquith, Delisle and line and off-line. Darren and Beth Laur of Vanscoy will be atTo date, Darren and Beth Personal Protection Systems tending these presenhave presented their Intations during the school day. ternet and Social Media Safety programs to over 260 Schools, 212,000 Jr and Sr The third presentation is designed for secondary students, and to thousands of parents/adults. There is no admission teachers and parents throughout British charge, and all adults from the surColumbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and rounding communities are encouraged to the United States, and both are a attend. trusted and respected safety resource to businesses, government, schools, school Personal Protection Systems Inc., estabdistricts and Law Enforcement in North lished in 1993 in Victoria B.C. Canada, America. is a family run company dedicated to providing pro-active Internet and Social There is no doubt that the Internet and Media safety education, violence prevenSocial Media have facilitated important tion, safety awareness and self protecpositive connections and amazing accomtion training to men, women, children, plishments. Unfortunately, many of us schools, businesses, corporations, law who are using Social Media and the Inenforcement and government. ternet are not always taking the appropriate safety precautions to help Darren and Beth Laur live in Victoria mitigate the risks from those who might British Columbia Canada with their son want to victimize our families on-line for Brandon. Darren , also known as "The personal gain. These presentation, will White Hatter", has dedicated his life to provide important information that you public safety, and is currently a highly need to keep safer and protect your prirespected and serving Staff Sergeant vacy. YOU DON’T WANT TO MISS IT !

Do You Know What School Community Councils are ?


chool Community Councils (SCCs) are comprised of elected individuals from the community who help advance the educational objectives of their school. In 2007, SCCs replaced all school parent/teacher associations, school councils, home and school associations, and local boards throughout Saskatchewan. Members representing each SCC meet regularly in an assembly to share ideas with each other and the school board. The function of School Community Councils is, through an advisory and practical manner, to assist the administration of the school and the Board in delivering educational and extra-curricular programs; to develop shared responsibility for the learning success and wellbeing of all children and youth; and to encourage and facilitate parent, community and youth engagement in school planning and improvement processes. The School Community Council provides the school and division with a critical link to facilitate understanding of the community. The duties of School Com-

munity Councils vary as needs change in particular schools, but members of these important groups are always involved in School Learning Improvement Planning, Review of School Finance and Activities, Community Engagement, and School Community Council development. SCCs play an important role in school improvement and enhancing student learning: Student benefits: • Improved marks and graduation rates • Increased involvement in classroom activities and a more positive attitude towards homework. • Higher attendance rates and greater enrollment in post-secondary education. Parent benefits: • Enhanced communication between parents, administrators and teachers. • More opportunities for learning activities in the home. • Better understanding of how schools operate. Community benefits: • Increased cost-effectiveness due to the pooling of time, money and effort. • Strengthened community pride through involvement in the school’s achievements.

SCCs do not discuss or have access to confidential personal information or complaints about students or their family members, teachers, administrators or other board employees. SCCs consist of two types of members - elected and appointed. At minimum, SCCs consist of five to nine elected parent and community members. The majority of these members must be parents or guardians of students that attend the school. Any parent or guardian of a student who attends the school or any community member who is an elector and lives within the attendance area for that school is eligible to run for an elected position on the SCC. They also required appointed members that include the principal, one teacher and two students from Grades 10 - 12 (if the school offers Grades 10 12) For information about the SCCs in your school or school division, contact your school principal or school division office, or visit your school division website and follow the links to SCCs.

Inte Internet ernet Saf Safety S fety ety y for fo rP Parents arents

F ADM REE ISS P la n I O N Attento d

Teens a Teens re a mong tthe he p rimary p roducers o eb ccontent ontent aand nd w ant tto o sshare hare ttheir heir id eas, are among primary producers off w web want ideas, tthoughts houghts a nd p icctures w ith o thers o n-line. IItt is a rreality eality ho h wever, tthat hat tthe he IInternet nternet and pictures with others on-line. however, (just (ju st llike ike tthe he rreal eal w orld) has has a lso ccreated reated a no n-line vvirtual irtual eenvironment nvironment w here th ieves, world) also an on-line where thieves, v andals, con-artists, con-artists, and and in in rare rare r cases cases sexual sexual predators, predators, will will hu nt ttheir heirr p rey. vandals, hunt prey. U nfortunately, m any o ho a re u sing S ocial Media Media and and the the Internet Internet ar Unfortunately, many off u uss w who are using Social aree not always ttaking aking tthe he a ppropriate safety safety precautions precautions to to he lp m itig gate tthe he rrisks isks ffrom ho ose w ho m ight appropriate help mitigate who might rom tthose wantt to victimize personal gain. wan victimize you you and and your your family family on-line on-line ffor ersonal g ain. or p Personal Personal Protection Pro otection Systems, Systems, Inc., Inc., with with ttheir heir award award d winning winning Social Social M edia/Internet Media/Internet Safety and Digital Literacy presentation, provides important information need Safety a nd Dig gital L iteracy 1101 01 p resentation, p rovides im portant in formation tthat h t yyou ha ou n eed to know help protect to k now tto o he lp keep keep your your children childre en safer, safer, increase increase ttheir heeir privacy privacy and and p rotect ttheir heir on-line on-line digital digital footprint. footprint. The De The Delisle lisle C Composite omposite Sc School hool School S chool Community Community Council Council invites in vites tthe he w hole ccommunity ommunity tto o whole P ersonal Protection Protection Systems Systems Personal IInternet nternet Safety Safety for for Parents Parents ssession ession sso o yyou ou m ay llearn earn ho w tto o may how protect and protect yyourself ourself a nd yyour our ffamily. amily. Visit the the w ebsite link link to Visit website learn a bout this th his session. session. learn about

Internet Safety for Parents


Delisle Composite School 7:00pm, Tuesday, April 28, 2015 Free Admission for Everyone


School Community Council AGM Meetings

Delisle Elementary School Tuesday, April 28, 5:00pm

Delisle Composite School Monday, May 4, 6:30pm

Vanscoy School

Tuesday, May 5, 7:30pm

Lord Asquith School TBD

We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks and appreciation for the tremendous support shown all of us following the death of our beloved Sandy. Special thanks to those who arranged, donated to and served the lunches following the service and burial. Thank you for the many cards, phone calls, floral tributes and donations to Heart Health. Thanks also for the many kindnesses shown Sandy during her lengthy illness and hospital visits. Your kindness will be ever remembered. Bryan Ehr and family


April 2015



RM Review




Asquith Town Council held its regular meeting on March 11, 2015 at the Asquith Town Council chambers. Attending were Councillors Gail Erhart, Sue Sawicki, Garry Dumont, Ross Beal, Blair Warren, and C.A.O. Holly Cross. Councillor Blair Warren was sworn in as a new Councillor and took his Oath of Office. All of Council received a formal letter of resignation from Mayor James Maddin, resigning immediately from his position as Mayor. Council regretfully accepted the resignation. This office would like to take this time to thank Mr. Maddin for all of the time and hard work that he devoted to this position. Councillor Gail Erhart took over the Chair for the meeting. The minutes of the February 11, 2015 regular meeting were accepted as presented. February financial statements and the January bank reconciliations were accepted as presented. A resolution was made to accept accounts paid in the amount of $25,006.63 and accounts payable in the amount of $75,699.60. Water repairs were carried out in the 600 block of Cory Street, and the boil water advisory has been lifted. The Resgrid system has been purchased for the dispatch of Fire personnel and it is now operational. BN Metals has been contracted to remove white metals from the landfill and the wood pile has been burned. Nine grant requests for funding were received by the Asquith Recreation Committee for TIP Grants this year. Councillor Blair Warren was assigned the portfolio of the Sportsgrounds Committee, the Town Personnel Committee and the Fire Department Committee. The contracts for Cemetery Maintenance and for Sports Grounds Maintenance are now being tendered; all bids are to indicate the expected monthly contract and experience and are to be received at the Asquith Town Office by 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 2, 2015. A motion was made to appoint Doug and Bonnie Voth of Kinley, Saskatchewan to the Eagle Creek Regional Park Board to represent the Town of Asquith. There is still one more position available on the Board, and Council invites interested individuals to contact the Town Office for more information. Resolution was made to write a letter to SUMA indicating that the Town of Asquith is not willing to redirect any of its Revenue Sharing to fund the Municipal Capacity Development Program. A letter will be written to a ratepayer regarding a Bylaw infraction. The By-Election for a new Mayor will be held on Wednesday, May 6, 2015 from 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.. An Advance Election will also be held on April 28, 2015 from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Nomination Day, the deadline to turn in nomination papers, is April 8, 2015. A reminder goes out to all that a criminal record check must accompany all nomination papers. Should there only be on one nomination received, that individual will be declared Mayor by acclamation and no election will be held.

The March Regular Meeting of Council was held at the municipal office on Thursday March 19, 2015. ▪ 2 - Development & Building permit applications were submitted for approval. ▪ 1 – Single Parcel Agricultural Subdivision Application was approved. ▪ 1 – Discretionary Use Application was approved ▪ Bylaw No. 1-2015, a Bylaw to provide for the closing and selling of a Municipal Road was adopted by Council. ▪ Bylaw No. 2-2015 being a Bylaw to provide for the closing and selling of a Municipal Dedicated lands adopted by Council.

Council of the Village of Vanscoy held a meeting with the Village Engineers to discuss the drainage/flooding problems in the Village. Discussion in particular was regarding the alley behind 2nd Street East. Council is asking that residents owning property in this area grant permission to the engineers to access their property to perform an assessment on the drainage/flooding issues. This will include residents on Lots 12-19 in Block 15 on 2nd Street East, as well as residents on Lots 19-23 in Block 15 on Olauson Crescent. Council is accepting tenders for the Seasonal Public Works Personnel contract. Tenders will be received until 4pm on Wednesday April 22 at 109 Main Street or mail to: PO Box 480 Vanscoy, SK. Please submit tender with expected salary. Applicants will be contacted for an interview.

A final reminder goes out to all pet owners that any pet licenses not purchased by March 31, 2015 will result in a fine. Also, complaints are starting to be received regarding barking dogs. As the weather warms and neighbors start opening windows to enjoy the warmer weather, please keep in mind that while your dog barking does not bother you it may be interfering in the quality of life of others. Please be respectful and responsible pet owners. Happy Spring!

Municipal Road Bans are now in effective throughout the RM. Effective 12:01am March 23, 2015 the following roads have been restricted to 4540 kilograms gross weight including the load until further notice: #672 grid (Range Road 3075) running South of Highway #14 at Grandora corner to Highway #7 at Vanscoy. 2.Range Road 3071 (Langham Grid) 1 mile north from #14 to 33rd Street extension. 3.Township Road 343 Between Range Road 3100 to Range Road 3093 #673 Grid road West of Delisle. 4.Range Road 3073 South of Township Road 352 to Township Road 350. 5.Range Road 3072 South of Township Road 364 to Highway #7. 6.Range Road 3071 South of Highway #14 to Township Road 364. 7.Township Road 343 from Highway #60 to Range Road 3063. 8.Range Road 3063 from Township Road 343 to Township Road 340 Effective 12:01am March 27, 2015 and until further notice all other Roads within the RM have been restricted via The Ministry of Highways order as follows: Steering Axle ▪ 10.0 kg per mm (560 pounds per inch) width of tire (manufacturer’s stamped dimension) to a maximum of 5,500 kg on the steering axle for a truck or truck tractor equipped with a single steering axle. 11,000 kg on the steering axle group for a truck or truck tractor equipped with a tandem axle steering group Other Axles ▪ 6.25 kg per mm (350 pounds per inch) width of tire (manufacturer’s stamped dimension) to a maximum of 1,650 kg (3,638 pounds) per tire. This restriction does not apply to: Emergency vehicles; School buses Ministry of Highways and Infrastructure vehicles and municipal maintenance equipment when conducting maintenance or accessing sites on or along the restricted highway; SaskPower, SaskEnergy and SaskTel vehicles when accessing sites along the restricted route; Recreational vehicles; Buses; Farm Equipment operated or towed Vehicles directly crossing Provincial Highway The 2015 RM of Vanscoy Ratepayers Supper will be held on Thursday April 16, 2015 at the Vanscoy Circle Hall. Supper will be served at 6:30pm with a short program to follow. Tickets are available for purchase at a cost of $10.00/ticket from any Division Councillor or at the RM Office. April Regular Council Meeting: The April Regular Meeting of Council will be held on Thursday April 9th 2015 at The RM of Vanscoy Administration Office. All submissions for the meeting must be submitted in writing to the RM office prior to 5:00pm Thursday April 2, 2015.

TOWN OF DELISLE Council held a regular meeting March 10th. The administrator was instructed to initiate Tax Enforcement proceedings against the following properties: a) Lot 18, Block 2, Plan S6147 b) Lot 23, Block 2, Plan S6147 c) Lots 15 & 16, Block 19, Plan G464 d) Lot 4, Block 2, Plan AB1153 Bylaw No. 3-2015, being a bylaw to enter into an agreement with the City of Saskatoon respecting the provision of fire and protective services, was read three times and adopted. Saturday, May 9th is "Garage Sale Day" in Delisle. Residents interested in having a garage sale are encouraged to use this date. For a fee of $2.00, your civic address and/or name will be listed in the next newsletter, your garage sale will be placed on a map for public distribution and an ad will run in the Star Phoenix. To register for the Garage Sale visit the Town Office by no later than Thursday, April 30th. Some local individuals have begun brainstorming ideas for some exciting renovations and improvements to our Centennial Arena complex. There are some short and long term plans in the works to make our facility even better than it has been in the past. Please watch for posters for an upcoming “town hall” meeting to consider various wants, needs and layout ideas for the complex. With the 50th Anniversary fast approaching we want to honour the pride of our past with promise of our future. If anyone would like to help in any way, please do not hesitate to contact the town office with your name or talk to Nancy Durham or Dan Bardi. This is an exciting community endeavor and we will need support from many so please consider doing you part to assist our community. Spring is just around the corner! Take preventative measures now to avoid flooding on your property. Shovel snow away from the base of your home and ensure all surface water has a clear path to run away from your basement wall. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!


Sale of impounded vehicle. On April16, 2015, the Town of Delisle, Sask. will offer up for sale a red 1988 Chev Sprint car serial no. JG1MR2155JK701791. All offers over a reserved price of $175.00 (one hundred seventy five dollars) plus 45 days storage, will be accepted. For more information about this Notice please call 306-321-2617.

RM Review

April 2015


Rural Municipalities Hosting Annual Ratepayer Meetings and Supper


pring has arrived and the Rural Municipalities are once again hosting annual meetings for their taxpayers. The R.M. of Vanscoy is once again, hosting a supper meeting, being held on April 16th at the newly renovated Vanscoy Hall. Ratepayers are invited to

join council for a supper before the meeting. Supper is at 6:30pm and tickets are only $10 per person. If you just want to attend the meeting, without supper, the meeting is no charge and starts at 7:00pm. It will feature reports from division Councillors

Starling Resigns from RM of Montrose


n February 11, 2015 the R.M. of Montrose No. 315 accepted the resignation of Division 5 Councillor Maylene Starling. The RM Council has put out a Notice to Call for Nominations to fill the vacant position. Nominations for Councillor will be accepted until

April 22, 2015. If there are more than one candidates nominated a By-Election will be called. This recent resignation comes 6 months after Ray French, the previous Administrator for the RM of Montrose, resigned his position last August.

R.M. of Eagle Creek No. 376

Public Meeting of Voters Wednesday

April 22nd 7:00pm

Gu e st Sp eake Sgt. r Saw re n k o RCM P

Arelee Hall RM of Montrose #315 and Ray French In response to the notice advertised by the council of the R.M. of Montrose #315 in the March 2015 issue of the RM Review, I would like to inform the taxpayers of the municipality that I did not retire as the Administrator of the municipality. On August 1, 2014 I resigned (quit) as the Administrator of the municipality because I could no longer work with the current Reeve Murray Purcell and Councillors Dennis Goll, Bob Haugen, Greg Anderson, Tim Kuiack and Glen Kearnan. Ray French

Community Health Chiropractic Clinic

as well as the presentation of the Citizen of the Year Award. There are also two guest speakers, Ray Orb, VicePresident of SARM, plus a representative from STARS Air Ambulance will make a presentation. This is a great opportunity to get to know your council representatives.

The R.M. of Eagle Creek is hosting a meeting as well (no supper) on April 22nd at the Arelee hall. They will also have a guest speaker from the RCMP, Sgt. Sawrenko. These annual meeting are a good chance for resident to better get to know their local councils.

Jim Madden Resigns as Mayor of Asquith


fter 6 years as Asquith Mayor, Jim Madden has tendered his resignation from Council on March 11, 2015. A Call for Nominations for the Mayor seat has gone out and nominations will be accepted until April 8, 2015. A criminal record check must accompany all nomination papers.

Should there only be only one nomination received, that individual will be declared Mayor by acclamation and no election will be held. If required, a By-Election for the Mayor position will be held on Wednesday, May 6, 2015 from 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.. An Advance Election will also be held on April 28, 2015 from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

TENDER The Village of Vanscoy is accepting tenders for: PUBLIC WORKS PERSONNEL Duties will include but will not be limited to: Grass cutting, back lane pickups, minor repairs Contractors are welcome to apply. Tenders will be received until: Wednesday, April 15, 2015 at 4:00 pm Vanscoy Village Office 109 Main Street or mail to: PO Box 480, Vanscoy, SK S0L 3J0

r.M. of Vanscoy no. 345 invites you to the....

Spring ratepayerS Supper thursday, april 16, 2015

Vanscoy Circle Hall 6:30pm - Supper $10/person - Advance tickets only

7:00pm - Meeting Open to all RM Residents

“Come meet your RM Council and join the community for an informative and entertaining evening”

Guest Speakers... STARS Air Ambulance - Saskatoon Ray Orb - Vice President SARM PLUS... Presentation of ‘Citizen of the Year’ Award


Only 150 Supper Tickets Available ! Contact your Division Councillor or the RM Office at 306-668-2060 for tickets, before April 10, 2015 NOTICE TO CALL FOR NOMINATIONS Rural Municipality of Montrose No. 315 Public notice is hereby given that nomination of candidates for the office of: Councilor Division 5 Will be received by the undersigned at the municipal office during normal office hours until April 22, at 11:00 a.m. local time. Nomination forms may be obtained from the municipal office. Dated this March 18, 2015. Donna Goertzen Returning Officer

Applicants will be contacted for interviews.


LIVE BAND Friday, April 24, 9:00pm


Dr. Matt Ruff, BSc. is available for Chiropractic Appointments starting Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Live 3-Piece Band

Regular Clinic Hours Monday & Thursday 2:00pm - 7:00pm Call for an Appointment


Delisle Primary Health Centre 305 - 1st Street West, Delisle, SK

Vanscoy Delisle Pike Lake

ook B o n lt Cal Garde r You DAY ! TO

Ditches, Acreages, Pastures Delisle, Vanscoy, Pike Lake, Swanson

Call Today to Book your Mowing for this Summer

306 - 361 - 6343 KennY’s CulTivATinG 306 - 281 - 4111

This isn’t Country... This is ROCK !

Delisle Hotel Professional Garden Roto-Tilling Starting at $35 4WD Kubota Rear Tiller



April 2015



Easter Break April 3 - 12 DELISLE COMPOSITE SCHOOL


n March, DCS had a second spirit week this semester. These spirit days consisted of grey on grey, Hawaiian, western, superhero, and trash n' fashion day. Each lunch break that week the SRC organized themed activities for all students to participate in. The activities were: Monday- bingo, Tuesday- Limbo, Wednesday- Partner cowboy game, Thursday- bump, and Friday- musical chairs. The students who participated in these activities enjoyed them greatly. Thank you to all students who dressed up and participated in our lunch activities, way to show school spirit! The Senior Girls Basketball Team finished off their season on a high note. Although it wasn't with a win, it was with determination that the team made it to Regional playoffs in Indian Head. At playoffs the girls were really impressive. They fought hard and although they came up short, they gave the Host team, Indian Head, a really hard battle. The team had only one graduating player, Jordyn Colborn, her leadership will be greatly missed on the court. The girls had such a wonderful year and we are looking forward to next season, as we

feel DCS will have a returning core group that will be very strong. Team Members: Captains: Jordyn Colborn gr. 12, Shelby Wollman gr.11, & Kristy. Robichaud. gr.11 Grade11: Lauren Ryan Grade 10: Kyla Zerbin, Maddi Crapley, Natalie Bartsch, Amy Blom, Kathy Pirlot Grade 9: Chayla Unger, Meagan Kielo, Rylee Schultz, Sierra Merrick Another high school curling season has come to an end. Our senior mixed team competed at regionals in Meadow Lake the last weekend in February. They curled well as a team, but unfortunately they were not able to qualify to go on to provincials. Team Members: Harley Keenatch, Payton worth, Braden Rein and Eliisa Landry. Our SRC group is organizing a gym blast for our DCS students. The set date is May 8th. In order to participate, we are asking senior students to bring a donation of five or more nonperishable food items for a local food bank.

DELISLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL The Five Finger Rule re you searching for the perfect book? Well we know just the way to find it. The five finger rule is one of the best and easiest strategies to find a just right book. This method works for all ages. This is how it works, you start by picking a book, then flip to a random page and read it. If you find one


hard word this book is too easy. Two hard words is okay, three hard words is just right. Four hard words you might need help and five hard words the book is too hard. Thank you for taking the time to read this. Submitted By: Samantha A. and Timea M.


Internet Safety Internet Safety for fo rP Parents arents

F ADM REE ISS Plan ION Attento d


ell, the snow is still here, but everyone at Pike Lake School is hopeful that more spring weather is on its way! Our school has been a busy place! The months of January and February have come and gone and March is quickly soaring by as we hope that the cold weather is gone for good! These next two weeks will be very busy with report cards and interviews. Thank you in advance to our parents for booking an interview time and for joining us to celebrate the learning that is taking place at Pike Lake School. The conferences always create an opportunity for students to take pride in their learning and set goals as learners. The celebration of spring and the learning this season brings can be felt throughout the halls and playground of Pike Lake School! Daily exploration of the spring playground has already begun, marked by the creation of fresh outdoor adventures for students. Yes, the digging of trenches, and the building of sandcastles, and the preparation of sand cupcakes in the freshly thawed out sand are in full operation. This being said having students explore and learn through the outdoors is extremely beneficial not only during recess times or during their free time at school but also during their academic instruction as well. Hands on learning with connections to the natural world will be guiding the students experience in the next few months at Pike Lake School. As students learn about the world around them - bugs, plants, wildlife, and weather. They will be taking an active role in the learning process by exploring their own outdoor interests and wonderings. Thus students will be developing a new found knowledge and trust of the natural world along with a deeper understanding of the importance of the beautiful world around them. So exciting!


RM Review

Some of our current plans include classes occurring outdoors, nature club activities, outdoor classroom spaces being researched and developed, watching larva turn into butterflies, hatching of chicks, worm composting, presentations from guest speakers, and the expansion of our outdoor garden project. We live in the most beautiful place with nature all around us. We are looking to explore it more and more with our outdoor classroom development. The students and staff of Pike Lake School are looking forward to our newest learning adventure as we further develop our “living” classroom. We will keep you informed of this amazing project! Also sprinting towards the future, Pike Lake School must present future (looking ahead five years) enrollment numbers to the Ministry of Education to help plan the necessary funding for our school. We are sending out a request to contact the school for those families (or families you may know) in our community that would have school age children within the next five (5) years. This would include anyone who currently have preschoolers in their family. If you have a child who will be attending Kindergarten in the 2015-2016 school year, or if you are unsure if you are registered with us for future enrollment, please call the school at 306- 668-4808 to confirm your registration. This information is valuable to ensure our school is sufficiently funded for the anticipated number of students. Dates to Remember March 27 – Report Cards March 31 – April 1 – Interviews April 2 – NO SCHOOL April 3 – NO SCHOOL APRIL 6 – April 10 – Easter Break April 17 – Hot Meal March 26 – Hot Meal April 23 – Earth Day Activities


ongratulations to our Senior Girl’s Basketball team. It was a long, hard-fought road to Hoopla 2015, but the dedication and perseverance of our girls and their coaches, Perry and Vicki Quittenbaum, paid off. A win against home town Langham earned them a berth at the Regional Playoffs, where they had a nail-bitting, stomach-clenching win against host

Lake Lenore to advance to the Provincial playoffs. Friday night the girls faced topseeded Kenaston Kodiaks. Losing that game pushed them into the Bronze Medal game against Kinistino the next day. Our girls came out strong and never looked back. Way to go girls !! Thank you to all the many fans that came out to cheer on the Green & White.

Teens a Teens are re a among mong tthe he p primary rimary p producers roducers o off w web eb ccontent ontent aand nd w want ant tto o sshare hare ttheir heir id ideas, eas, tthoughts houghts a and nd p pictures icttures w ic with ith o others thers o on-line. n-line. IItt is a rreality eality ho however, wever, tthat hat tthe he IInternet nternet (just (ju st llike ike tthe he rreal eal w world) orld) has has a also lso ccreated reated a an no on-line n-line vvirtual irtual eenvironment nvironment w where here thieves, thieves, vandals, vandals, con-artists, con-artists, and and in in rare rare cases cases sexual sexual predators, predators, will will hu hunt nt ttheir heir p prey. rey. Unfortunately, Unfortunately, m many any o off u uss w who ho a are re u using sing Social Social Media Media and and the the Internet Internet are are not always taking taking the the a appropriate ppropriate s safety afety precautions precautions to to he help lp m mitigate itigate tthe he rrisks isks ffrom rom tthose hose w who ho m might ight want want to victimize victimize you you and and your your family family on-line on-line ffor or p personal ersonal g gain. ain. Personal Protection Protection Systems, Systems, Inc., Inc., with with ttheir heir award award winning winning Social Social M edia/Internet Personal Media/Internet Safety a nd Dig ital L iteracy 1101 01 p resentation, p rovides im portant in formation tthat hat yyou ou n eed Safety and Digital Literacy presentation, provides important information need to k now tto o he lp keep keep your your children children safer, safer, increase increase ttheir heir privacy pri riv vacy and and p rotect ttheir heir to know help protect on-line digital digital footprint. footprint. on-line The De The Delisle lisle C Composite omposite Sc School hool S chool Community Community Council Council School in vites tthe he w hole ccommunity ommunity tto o invites whole P ersonal Protection Protection Systems Systems Personal IInternet nternet Safety Safety ffor or Parents Parents ssession ession sso o yyou ou m ay llearn earn ho w tto o may how p rotect yyourself ourself a nd yyour our ffamily. amily. protect and V isit the the w ebsite link link to Visit website llearn earn a bout this this session. session. about

Internet Safety for Parents


Delisle Composite School 7:00pm, Tuesday, April 28, 2015 Free Admission for Everyone


Top Row (L-R) Coach Perry Quittenbaum, Manager Emily Ganchar, Erica Quittenbaum, Evan Stack, Rachel Waycott, Kiahna Marianchuk, Hannah Ablass, Coach Vicki Quittenbaum Bottom Row - Left to Right: Alivia Shule, Mirjam Kielstra, Taylor Feist, Stephanie Quittenbaum, Brittany Quittenbaum

RM Review

April 2015



Proposed Early Learning Centre for Delisle Denied Funding

Vanscoy Early Learning Centre


he Community of Delisle will not receive funding for an Early Learning Center this year. Unfortunately with the funding halted for all new child care spaces in the Saskatchewan provincial budget for the year 20152016 the citizens from Delisle along with the Vanscoy Early Learning Center will not be opening a center in the community this year. There are

plans to try again next year but this will leave families with limited access to quality licensed child care. The surveys completed by members of the community were overwhelming with over 70 children and families wanting some type of full time, part time or drop in early childhood education for their children such as infant, toddler, preschool and school age care as well as morning preschool

4-H Reports


Laura Multiple 4-H

ack with an another Laura Multiple 4-H club update. Our fun activity for March is a trip to the zoo followed by subway lunch and our monthly meeting. We had our club speeches on March 1 and they were awesome to hear. We would like to thank our judges for their time – Lori Coleman, Jenn Peach, Kelsey Richardson and Heather Tweedie. Heather Kearnan (senior), Meagan Kielo (intermediate), Eryn Kielo and Bransen Bardi (junior), Mitchell Kielo and Addysen Bardi (cloverbuds) went on to represent our club at district speeches in Outlook.

From there Heather Kearnan, Eryn Kielo, and Mitchell Keilo moved on to Kyle, Saskatchewan for regional speeches, They did a great job representing our club. We wish Eryn Kielo good luck in Swift Current at provincial speeches in April. Barb Kielo, Heather Kearnan, Meagan Kielo went to the AGM meeting in Saskatoon on March 21/22 and had lots of fun. We are very busy planning and gathering items for our annual silent auction to be held in April 2015. Please watch for posters and come out and support our club. Submitted by Cody Kearnan

programs. Things were looking good for the new center; there were talks with members of the community in regards to locations and space for the early learning center. With the halted funding it

is uncertain whether these opportunities will still be there in a years’ time. To find out about the lack of funding in the area of early learning and child care you can contact your local MLA.

2015 Bursary Application


ducation - the key that opens so many doors for all generations. The Vanscoy & District Agricultural Society is offering a $500 bursary to a Grade Twelve Graduate who will be pursuing a post-secondary education program in Saskatchewan within one year of graduating. It is open to students who reside in the Asquith, Delisle, Pike Lake, Grandora, or Vanscoy Districts. All post-secondary educational programs will be considered in the selection process. The bursary will be dispersed to the successful applicant upon receipt of a copy of paid tuition. The selection committee will consist of Directors of the Vanscoy & District Agricultural Society.

Some of the primary selection criteria will include the following: Letter of motivation for the committee to select you, proof of acceptance to an education/training program within Saskatchewan, written references and completion of an application form. The Vanscoy & District Agricultural Society reserves the right to withhold this bursary. The Directors may also decide to split the bursary. Call (306)493-2428 or email them at vanscoyag@gmail.com and an application form will be emailed to you for your completion. APPLICATION DEADLINE: May 31, 2015 The successful applicant will be notified by the end of June.

Delisle Elementary School Thanks our Breakfast Program Supporters

PErPETual DonaTionS Delisle Co-op Delisle Credit Union RM Review K & K Enterprises Delisle Senior Centre Cencan Processors Ltd Phipps & Rempel Denture Clinic Colborn Farms Vetter Enterprises Schumacher Farms Back 40 Embroidery RBC Royal Bank Agrium Inc.

FEBruary BakErS Carrol King Dorothy Carnell Janet Norrie Linda Kielo PluS Thank you to all of the Volunteers for Prepping and Serving

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Bring B ring you y your our ou rG Grand Grandmas, randma mas, a aunts, unts, u nts, s siste sisters isters rs and girl f friends riends Fo For r an afte aftern afternoon rnoon o of f fun fu n and e entertainment ntert tainme ainment

867-8121 567-2194

On O n Su Sunda Sunday nday April 19th 2015 nday at a t 2 o’cl o’clock ock in the afte afternoon rnoon at at the Vanscoy Vanscoy Circle Circle Hall Steeped Tea Display Displ D ispl pla ay Steeped donation do nati na tion at at the doo door r

wear you y your our ou r prettiest d dress ress

Door Doo r Prizes - S Snacks nacks nack s - Games Games - Crafts - Raf Raffle fle Ba B Basket asket

201 - 1st st W

Delisle Branch

306 - 493 - 8288

Our O ur sponsors: sponsors: sp Posters P oster ste s pr provided ovided bby by: y:

Request/Renew Books at www.wheatland.sk.ca Monday Noon - 4pm

Wednesday Noon - 4pm & 7pm - 9pm

Friday 10am - 5pm

3 lo locations cations in Sa Sas Saskatoon kattoon ka “We “We sell sell Boxes Boxes aand nd M Moving oving SSupplies” upplies” 1-866-430-4489

PProudly roudly br brought ought ttoo yyou ou bbyy the VVanscoy anscoy CCommunity ommunity Recr Recreation eation BBoar Board. d. If yyou ou would would like like mor moree informa information tion or ar aree in interested terested in helping please ccontact ontact BBonnie onnie Ross at at 306.668.9159 or tnbross@hotmail.com tnbross@hotmail tnbr oss@hotmail.com

. es. ud ibs l c R in gs, lad, Win ar Sa st s a Cae rlic To 0 2 a $ G ly ..on

Friday April 24

6:30pm Vanscoy Hotel

...plus 50/50 Draw and Silent Auction Ticket available at Vanscoy Early Learning Centre All Proceeds go to Educational Materials & Equipment


April 2015

RM Review



Read New RCMP Reports Every Week at www.rmreview.net Two Vehicle Accident in Delisle March 6, 2015 at 3:35 p.m. Police received a complaint of a two vehicle accident in Delisle. A car failed to stop at a stop sign and struck another vehicle. The male youth driving the vehicle was issued a ticket for failing to stop at a stop sign. The car required towing from the scene. There were no injuries. Theft from a Vehicle in Delisle March 5, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. Police received a complaint of a theft from a vehicle in Delisle. The caller reported his vehicle was entered while parked in his driveway and a number of small items were taken. Investigation into this matter is ongoing. Theft from a Vehicle in Vanscoy March 8, 2015 at 5:45 p.m. Police received a complaint of theft from a vehicle in Vanscoy. The caller advised they had a number of small items taken from their vehicle. Investigation into this matter is ongoing. . Asquith Sled Accident March 7, 2015 at 5:50 p.m. Police received a compliant of a snow mobile accident near Asquith. Ambulance attended and transported a 50 year old male from Saskatoon to the hospital for treatment of his injuries. Investigation into the cause of the accident is ongoing. Asquith Drunk Driver March 13, 2015 at 6:45 p.m. Police received a number of complaints of a possible impaired driver on Highway 14 near Asquith. Police made patrols and located the vehicle. The 32 year old male from Warman had consumed alcohol. He was arrested and taken back to the Detachment to provide a breath sample. He was released on documents for an upcoming court date. The vehicle he was driving was towed from the scene. Workplace Injury Near Delisle March 9, 2015 at 11:25 a.m. Police received a

Vanscoy Delisle Pike Lake

complaint of a work place accident at a residence near Delisle. A 23 year old male received minor injuries in the accident. He was transported to hospital by MD ambulance. Occupational Health & Safety investigators are investigating the accident. There were no charges. Assault in Delisle March 10, 2015 at 8:20 p.m. Police received a complaint of an assault at a residence in Delisle. The caller reports that her friend was being assaulted by her male partner. Police attended and arrested a 49 year old male from Delisle and remanded him for court the following morning in Saskatoon. The 41 year old female victim received minor injuries in the assault. Suspicious Vehicle Reported at Vanscoy March 15, 2015 at 8:10 a.m. Police received a complaint of a suspicious vehicle near Vanscoy. The caller reports that a male was inside his vehicle talking on his phone for a lengthy amount of time. The caller was concerned as there had been a number of crimes taking place in the area. Police attended and spoke with the 27 year old male from Saskatoon. He advised that he was speaking with a female and wanted to do it privately. Checks on the male revealed he had a restriction on his licence. He was given a warning. There were no charges. Misuse of 911 Ticket Issued at Pike Lake March 15, 2015 at 3:30 p.m. Police received a 911 call from a residence in the Pike Lake area. The male was very belligerent towards members. The 47 year old male continued to call 911 and was issued a ticket for misuse of 911 under the Emergency 911 system act. He did not have an emergency. Theft in Vanscoy March 20, 2015 at 3:45 p.m. Police received a complaint of a theft from a vehicle in Vanscoy. The owner of the vehicle reported she was visiting in Vanscoy when someone broke into her vehicle and stole her wallet. The in-

ook B o n lt Cal Garde r You DAY ! TO

vestigation into this matter is ongoing. Break & Enter at Cathedral Bluffs March 21, 2015 at 9:45 p.m. Police received a complaint of a break and enter to a residence in the Cathedral Bluffs estates near Saskatoon. The caller reported they had a number of small items including cash and airline tickets taken. A 31 year old male from Kerrobert was later located, arrested and charged. Track Walker Reported to CN Police March 16, 2015 at 1:25 p.m. Police received a complaint from CN police of a male walking on the railway tracks near Vanscoy. The male was reported to be dressed all in black and refused to leave the tracks when confronted by train employees. Police attended and spoke with the 20 year old male who was from Rosetown. He advised he was dropped off by friends in Saskatoon and was attempting to walk back to Rosetown via the train tracks. Police contacted a family member who said they would attend and pick the male up. There were no injuries or charges. Two Vehicle Accident Near Grandora March 23, 2015 at 2:30 p.m. Police received a complaint of a two vehicle accident on Range Road 3074 near Grandora. A 61 year old male from Saskatoon driving one of the vehicles, pulled out from the stop sign before it was safe to do so and struck a vehicle driven by a 32 year old female from Martensville. The male was issued a ticket. There were no injuries. Asquith Vehicle Fire March 24, 2015 at 2:45 p.m. Police received a complaint of a vehicle fire on Highway 14 near Asquith. Asquith Fire Department attended and extinguished the fire. Police attended and found the vehicle was reported stolen from Saskatoon. The vehicle was towed back to Saskatoon for further investigation.

Delisle Shop Robbed March 24, 2015 at 4:00 p.m. Police received a complaint of a break and enter to a shop in Delisle. The caller reported someone entered his shop overnight and stole an iPad and a small amount of money. Police attended and took a statement from the owner of the shop. Investigation into this matter is ongoing. Vehicle Stolen from Garage in Vanscoy March 26, 2015 at 7:10 a.m. Police received a complaint of a stolen vehicle from Vanscoy. The caller reported their vehicle was parked in an unlocked garage when it was stolen. Police made patrols of the area, but were unable to locate the stolen vehicle. ATV Stolen from Residence in Donavon March 27, 2015 at 12:10 a.m. Police received a complaint of a theft from a residence near Donovan. The caller report two males entered their yard and stole an all-terrain vehicle from the quonset. Police made extensive patrols of the area, but were unable to locate and suspects. Investigation into this matter is ongoing. Delisle Break & Enter March 28, 2015 at 8:30 p.m. Police received a complaint of a break and enter to a property at Delisle. The caller reported someone entered their detached garage and stole a number of tools

from inside. Police attended and check the property for evidence. There were no charges.

another male. Police attended and spoke with the 37 year old male from Delisle who made the threats. He was given a warning about his actions. There were no injuries.

Threats in Delisle Result in Warning March 29, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. Police received a complaint of threat in Delisle. The caller reported their family member was threatened by


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RM Review


April 2015


‘It Works’

t Works Global is a health and beauty company that provides over 30 different products. All products are made from all natural, organic and NONGMO ingredients such as wholefoods, and herbs. There are no harmful chemicals, additives ,fake sugars of fillers. All of the products are high quality and help to improve overall health and wellness, there are natural weightloss products and a top of the line product called HAIR SKIN NAILS that will help your hair to grow back, grow fuller, longer and healthier hair. These products give your body a chance to function at it's best and help you to feel and look great... Naturally. 1. complete SKIN CAREline - hair skin nails nutrient that helps hair to grow back thicker, fuller and healthier, and improve skin and nail health, improve acne, Rosacea, dry skin, wrinkles and fine lines, aged and weathered skin, age spots 2. GREENS - detox, alkalize, balance and boost immune system, support all organs and cells, nourish the body, give natural energy boost, improve digestion with probiotics .. Clean the body and give 8 servings of veggies and fruit in one servings. 3. BODY - body slimming and contouring wraps tighten tone and firm the skin anywhere from the neck down, 45 minute treatments, can assist with weight loss and inch loss, Defining gel - to help banish cellulite, improve results of the body wraps, improve tattoos, clear up eczema and psoriasis, contact dermatitis, Varicose veins and spider veins, daily moisturizer 4. LIFESTYLE / SUPPLEMENTS - weightloss formula, boost metabolism naturally, fat fighters, nutritional supplements (multi vitamins, omega 3, minerals), regular supplement to support the colon and improve IBS symptom, anti anxiety and anti stress herbal formulas, relief for arthritis and pain, supplements to improve sleep quality, protein powder and meal replacements, energy drink, And so much more ! For a full health consult today, please contact Amorita Hovorka at 306-222-1274 or email amoritahovorka@hotmail.com www.amoritahealth.com

Walking Their Way to Health


ince January 24, 2015, a group of Asquith and area residents have walked 398 miles, the equivalent of walking from Asquith to Saskatoon and back 9 times. These women and men are participating in Walk “Live” fitness classes being held in Asquith. Walk “Live” is the group fitness version of Leslie Sansone’s Walk At Home program, the #1 in-home walking program worldwide. Living a healthier life can be as simple as taking a walk, according to Mayo Clinic Healthy Lifestyles. Regular, brisk walking can help you: •Maintain a healthy weight •Prevent or manage conditions such as heart disease, high blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes •Strengthen bones and maintain healthy joints to prevent osteoporosis and arthritis •Protect brain function to reduce the risk of dementia •Lift your mood – studies have shown regular exercise, such as brisk walking, to be as effective as antidepressants in cases of mild to moderate depression •Increase your energy by boosting oxygen supply to cells •Improve balance and coordination

The Walk “Live” classes provide additional benefits of: •A total-body workout, using muscles of the arms, back, chest, and core, resulting in a more effective workout with a higher calorie burn and toned muscles •A fun environment, walking to the beat of motivating music and being inspired by fellow walkers •Easy to follow moves. There is no complicated choreography. You can’t do it wrong! •A comfortable environment out of the cold, snow, and wind in the winter and heat in the summer The Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology guidelines for adults recommend at least 150 minutes of moderate- to vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activity per week plus muscle and bone strengthening activities at least 2 days per week. That may sound like a lot of time to dedicate to exercise but, broken down into manageable chunks, it can be very doable. Because

Mother’s Day

CONTEST Win over $300 in Prizes !

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t o wi n !!

Walk “Live” classes provide aerobic activity plus muscle and bone strengthening, two 50-minute Walk “Live” classes and five 10-minute bouts of exercise during the rest of the week is all it takes. The next session of Walk “Live” classes will be starting in Asquith on Tuesday, April 7th at 7:30 p.m. at Lord Asquith School. For more information, call Sandy at 306 221-9000, e-mail sandy_walkleader@yourlink.ca, or visit us on facebook at Walk “Live” With Sandy.

Danielle Hovorka Certified Personal Trainer Bachelor of Kinesiology Health and Lifestyle Coach Hello, Hello, My My name name is is Danielle, Danielle, I have have been been in the the Fitness Fitness industry industry for for 13 13 years. ye a rs I graduated graduated ffrom rom U of R wi th m helor of Ki nesiology aand nd hhave ave tr ained with myy Bac Bachelor Kinesiology trained alll types looking al types of clients clients from from stay stay at home home mothers mothers lo oking for for weight weight loss, loss, retired men re tired m en and and wwomen omen striving striving for fo r g r e a t e r m u s c l e m a s s andd fu functionality, an nctionality, teenage teenage athletes athletes looking looking for for sport sport specific specific workouts, workouts, as as welll as men wel men who who want want bulky bulky Muscle Muscle ASAP. ASAP. If yyou ou aare re llooking ooking to lose lose weight, weight, build build lean lean muscle muscle mass, mass, feel feel more m o re energy, overall physical after pastt iinjury, boostt yyour en ergy, iimprove mprove ov erall ph ysical recovery recovery af ter a pas njury, boos our metabolism, make that me tabolism, or or jjust ust get get back back into into the the fitness fitness groove, groove, I aam m hhere ere to m ake th a happen. ha ppen. GGuiding uiding and and motivating motivating you you with with the the most most current current research research and a nd knowledge kno wledge iinn the the fitness fitness industry industry today. today. I love love working working with with people, people, getting getting results, results, and and reaching reaching goals… making goal s… m aking ffriendships riendships is is the the bonus bonus on on top. to p . WHAT IS AN IN_HOME PERSONAL TRAINER? Well…I motivating We ll…I drive drive to yyou, ou, ggive ive yyou ou a ffun, un, creative creative aand nd m otivating workout workout using using minimal minimal equipment, equipment, in your home Enjoy yo ur ho me oorr wworkplace. orkplace. Enj oy tthe he convenience convenience getting getting in in your your best best shape, shape, in the the ccomfort omfort ooff yyour o ur own home. home.!I will will design design a homework homework schedule schedule tailored tailored to your your sp specific ecific goals, goals, re resources sources & needs. needs. hey vary vary according according to to distance distance traveled) traveled) P R I C I N G (t (they GROUP CLASSES CLASSES (3 (3 or more more people) people) $40.00 $40.00 each each (I (I hour) hour) GROUP COUPLES CLASSES CLASSES (2 (2 people) people) $50.00 $50.00 each each (1 (1 hour) hour) COUPLES ONE-on on-ONE CLASSES CLASSES $70.00$70.00- $80.00 $80.00 per per session session (I hour) ho ur) ONE-on-ONE

Let this be your YEAR, Overcome your FEAR, Danielle Hovorka (306) 222-1434



April 2015

RM Review




John Hauer P.Ag Regional Forage Specialist

eed wipers or wick applicators have been around since the early 1900’s. The use of this technology increased greatly in the United States during the 1970’s and 1980’s when row crop producers of cotton and soybeans applied Glyphosate to weeds. These weeds were taller than their crops so they could selectively apply the herbicide to only the weeds. Recently, since the development of Glyphosate tolerant crops, weed wipers have become unnecessary in row crop agriculture. However there is now potential to use weed wipers to control weeds in pasture. Pasture weeds often grow taller than the desirable pasture plants. Also, if lightly grazed, the forage plants are grazed and typically the weeds are not grazed, further creating a height difference. The weed wipers can then be used to apply herbicide to the taller weeds and not to the forage crop. There are many benefits to using weed wipers. One advantage is the selectivity of application. You are only applying the herbicide

broadleaf herbicides like 2,4D, Mecoprop and Dicamaba mix, Clopyralid, and Picloram and 2,4-D mix. This wiping application reduced the Canada Thistle in the stand significantly. The 2,4-D, Mecoprop, Dicamba herbicide mix reduced the thistle in the stand by 53%. The Glyphosate herbicide reduced thistle by 63%, the Clopyralid herbicide by 83% and the Picloram and 2,4-D mix by 90%. Thus weed wiping can be used to control weeds in pastures. During the summer of 2014 the Ministry of Agriculture, along with Ducks Unlimited Canada, conducted a project looking at weed wiping. We applied some of these same herbicides from the Alberta study onto two different pasture weed species, Common Tansy and Absinthe Wormwood. The project was conducted at three sites, Lestock, Watrous and Cutknife. Preliminary analysis of this project is showing some promising results. A more detailed project is being considered for the 2015 season.

to the taller target weeds. Another benefit is the reduced herbicide use. You apply the herbicide to the target weed only, not broadcast sprayed onto the weed, forage crop and soil. Since you apply the herbicide directly it is not susceptible to spray drift. Thus you can apply the herbicide on days that would be too windy with conventional spray application. This allows application close to susceptible crops without risk of spray drift. Generally, concentrated solutions of herbicide are used so less mixing water is needed to apply the herbicide. The University of Alberta conducted a study in 2008 on controlling Canada Thistle in pastures in the Parkland areas of Central Alberta. This study is summarized in the Factsheet “How to Win the War on Canada Thistle, Tips for Pasture Managers” available at http://www.foragebeef.c a. One of the methods of control they studied was weed wiping. They compared using a concentrated solution (33% solution) of glyphosate with cost equivalent concentrations of

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Sarah Sommerfeld, P.Ag Regional Forage Specialist

Using Weed Wipers to Control Pasture Weeds

ook B o n lt Cal Garde r You DAY ! TO

Suitable Variety Selection for Maximum Production


electing the most suitable crop variety is a critical farm management decision. This also holds true for perennial forages. Seeding forages requires a significant financial investment. Producers planting perennial forages must live with their forage choices for many years after seeding. The time and effort taken to select suitable forage varieties that maximize onfarm production goals is well spent. When selecting a forage variety, answers to initial planning questions can help in the selection process. The first question to ask is what is the intended use of the forage stand? Most forage stands are grown for hay, pasture or a dual role. When harvested as a hay crop, the forage stand may include a large proportion of alfalfa or grasses that have a higher yield potential and slower rate of regrowth. Tap-rooted alfalfa varieties provide greater hay yields. If the stand is used for grazing, it may include grasses with excellent regrowth potential and a low proportion of alfalfa. Creeping-rooted alfalfa varieties are better

suited for grazing or in low moisture areas in the brown soil zone. Nonbloat legumes, such as sainfoin or cicer milkvetch may also be used. Nonbloat legumes can be used in mixtures with alfalfa and/or grasses to improve forage yield, quality and reduce risk of pasture bloat. The next question to consider is what are the soil conditions of the area to be seeded? Forage species are not equal in their capability to tolerate conditions such as drought, flooding or salinity. For example, tall wheatgrass, slender wheatgrass, and western wheatgrass all have good salinity tolerance. However, if using bunch-grass type forage species to control salinity, consider seeding a forage mixture that includes at least one creeping-rooted, saline tolerant grass or legume. Including creeping-rooted forage species in the mixture will increase ground cover, reduce surface evaporation and reduce surface salt deposits. A third question a producer should also consider is the intended stand duration, or how long the forage stand will remain in production. Forage


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For more information on selecting the right forage species, refer to the Forage Crop Production Guide publication found on the Ministry of Agriculture website at www.agriculture.gov.sk.c a. For further assistance or to speak to a forage specialist contact the Ag Knowledge Centre at 1866-457-2377 or the Outlook Regional Forage Specialist at (306) 8675559.

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species differ in longevity. A short duration forage stand integrated into an annual crop rotation will contain different forage species than a long lived stand intended for ground cover, reclamation or restoration. For example if an alfalfa stand harvested for hay will be in production for five years or less, select a variety based on yield potential. If the stand will be used longer than five years, select a variety with stress tolerance and good disease resistance.

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Professional Garden Roto-Tilling Starting at $35 4WD Kubota Rear Tiller

RM Review

April 2015



Food for Thought Democracy and Capitalism


n many people’s minds, including mine, the terms Capitalism and Democracy are more or less the two sides of the same coin. Nothing could be further from the truth and the difference is a critical issue that goes ignored by the majority, public and politicians alike. Democracy in its many forms can be summarized as government by the people, whereas capitalism is the free use of wealth. They can operate in unison or be in conflict depending upon the laws of a nation. Currently capitalism is running mostly without controls and threatens the tenants of democracy. The evidence for the lack of controls on capitalism is the ever widening separation of the poor from the middle class and more significantly the accumulation of wealth by the

upper 10% of the population. This is not a static situation but rather a growing division that puts more and more of the world’s wealth in the hands of the few. The result is not only the lack of wealth in the average person’s hands but with wealth goes power and the ability to influence and even control the decisions of government. This situation is evident today in the US where elections are bought by the wealthy, and in the EU where the economies are limping while the wealthy 10% have never been as wealthy in modern times. The fact that our democratic form of government is at risk because of the uneven distribution of wealth is obvious, but how to correct the situation is not so simple. In the past centuries the corrections occurred because the wealth disappeared

C.M. (Red) Williams

due to the ravages of war, however without some major catastrophe the process of the wealthy just growing more so by the simple mathematics of interest on previous wealth. In a book Capitalism in the Twenty First Century, Thomas Piketty explains the solution as a progress tax on wealth (not on income) of a modest amount, perhaps about 1% per year that will curtail increasing the division and eventually control the excesses of capitalism. The difficulty is that the tax should be applied globally to avoid the movement of wealth to the most favourable country much as now occurs in the Swiss and other money havens.

AgriumNourishing a Growing World Agrium is as committed to nurturing communities in which we operate, as we are to growing safe and nutritious food. As one of the world’s largest nutrient suppliers, Agrium is committed to increasing the world’s food supply by helping growers produce more while keeping the earth healthy for future harvests. And generations.

Vanscoy Potash Operations Vanscoy, Saskatchewan S0L 3J0 Phone: (306) 668-4343; Fax: (306) 668-2003


Opinions expressed here are those of the author.


Perdue, SK



April 28th s AM Directions: 4.5 miles South of Perdue, SK Seller Contact: Garry & Ruby Dennis, 1-306-237-4319 Auction Coordinator: Brendan Kramer, 306-445-5000

FALL BLOW-OUT - 2013 prices while stock feeders last 2014 Prices will be in effect due to increases in steel prices

Tractors: 1991 Ford Versatile 846 Designation 6 4wd, 4104 hrs showing; 1998 New Holland 8770 MFWD, 5894 hrs showing; 2007 New Holland TL80A MFWD & NH52LC FEL, 2379 hours showing; Combines & Accessories: 1990 New Holland TR96 s/p w/ NH 971 p/u header, 2900 thr / 4163 eng hrs showing; 1991 New Holland TR96 s/p w/ NH 971 p/u header, 3375 thr / 4452 eng hours showing; 1999 Honey Bee 994 30’ draper header; 1999 Honey Bee 994 30’ draper header; Swathers: 1995 Westward Turbo 9000 s/p & MacDon 30’ 960 header, 2172 hrs showing; Seeding & Tillage: Morris Prasco 75-55 35’ air seeder, K-Hart in-row packers; 2013 Bourgault 6000 70’ mid-harrow; Morris 543 47’ cultivator; Morris 35’ cultivator; Flexicoil System 70 35’ packer bar; Massey Ferguson 820 21’ tandem disc; Grain Handling & Storage: Good selection of hoppered grain bins; 2011 Westfield TF100-36 10” x 36’ grain auger, Wheatheart mover, 36 hp Kohler; 2009 Westfield TF 80-41 8” x 41’ grain auger, Wheatheart mover, 25 hp Kohler; 2008 Westfield MK100-61 10” x 61’ swing auger; REM Midwest 252 grain vac; Simon Day 245 grain cleaner; Viking No 27 fanning mill; Spraying: 2001 Apache 790 90’ 2wd s/p, Cummins 466 diesel, Raven SCS460 auto rate, 2183 hrs showing; Heavy Trucks: 1986 International S2500 tandem axle grain truck, 466 diesel, Allison auto, Ultracel 20’ box; 1981 Ford F600 single axle grain truck, 370-4V, 5+2 trans, Univision 15’ box, 68,150 km showing; Light Trucks & Cars: 1996 Ford Super Duty F350 2wd flatdeck dually truck, Powerstroke diesel, automatic, 12’ SWS steel deck; 2006 Ford F150 XLT 4wd reg cab long box, 5.4L Triton; Trailers: 20’ homebuilt deckover gooseneck flatdeck; Lawn & Garden: ATV’s: Other Misc Equip: Consignment from Rick Fyson, Perdue, SK 306-237-4497: 2 Massey Ferguson 360 discers (2-12’s), piggy back, c/w packers. Partial listing only – See full list and pictures on the internet at www. kramerauction.com, or call 306-445-5000 for more information


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Vanscoy Delisle Pike Lake

ook B o n lt Cal Garde r You DAY ! TO

KennY’s CulTivATinG 306 - 281 - 4111

Professional Garden Roto-Tilling Starting at $35 4WD Kubota Rear Tiller


April 2015



RM Review

Canada’s Military Mission Against ISIL March 25, 2015 Kelly Block, M.P.


esterday the House of Commons debated the Government’s Motion, seeking the House’s support for the Government’s decision to extend the military mission against ISIL. ISIL has targeted Canada and Canadians by name. As the Prime Minister said, we cannot protect Canada or our communities by simply choosing to ignore this threat. We recognize that it is in Canada’s national interest to participate in the global fight against jihadi terrorism. Justin Trudeau and Thomas Mulcair do not take the threat of jihadi terrorism seriously, are out of step with the international community, and would pull Canada out of the global fight against jihadi terrorism. As a point of interest, here is the actual motion that was put forward by our Conservative Government: Modular & Manufactured homes from 864 sf to 2400 sf New Show Homes Now in Stock

Easter Service

All Delisle Churches Joint Service

10:30am - Good Friday Delisle Community Chapel - 417 2nd St E.

(v) the Government of Iraq has requested military support against ISIL from members of the international community, including from the Government of Canada; (vi) Canada is part of a broad international coalition of allies and partners, including numerous countries of the Middle East, committed to the fight against ISIL; (vii) the United Nations Security Council remains seized of the threat posed by international terrorism with the unanimous passage of United Nations Security Council Resolution 2178; (viii) the deployment of Royal Canadian Air Force assets has played an important role in degrading, destabilising, and weakening ISIL's position and operations in the region; (ix) the advise and assist mission of the Canadian Special Operations Forces in Northern Iraq has increased the capabilities of Kurdish-

Iraqi Security Forces to combat ISIL; and (x) continuing to degrade ISIL will require striking its operations and infrastructure where they are located, including in Syria; Accordingly, this House: (a) continues to support the Government's decision to contribute Canadian military assets to the fight against ISIL, and terrorists aligned with ISIL, including air strike capability with authorization to conduct airstrikes in Iraq and Syria; (b) supports the Government's decision to extend the mission to a date not beyond March 30, 2016; (c) notes that the Government continues not to deploy troops in a ground combat role; and (d) offers its resolute and wholehearted support to the brave men and women of the Canadian Armed Forces who stand on guard for all of us.

Motion No. 17—That, whereas: (i) the terrorist group known as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) has repeatedly called on its members to target Canada and Canadians at home and abroad; (ii) ISIL poses a clear and active threat to the people of the Middle East, including members of vulnerable religious and ethnic minority groups who have been subjected to a brutal and barbaric campaign of sexual violence, murder, and intimidation by ISIL; (iii) unless confronted with plus... Life Insurance, Notary Public strong and direct force, the threat that ISIL poses to Commissioner of Oaths, Photocopy & Fax Service Canada and to international Now O peace and security, will Monday - Friday 8:30am - 5:00pm During pen grow; Lunch (iv) Canada desires, consisSaturday 9:00am 12:00pm tent with Canadian values P.O. Box 28 and interests, to protect the Closed Sunday & Holidays 209 - 1st Street W. vulnerable and innocent Delisle, SK S0L 0P0 Phone 306 493 2260 Fax 306 493 2344 civilians of the region, including through urgent humanitarian assistance;

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RM Review

April 2015



March 25, 2015 Randy Weekes, MLA Saskatchewan Budget Provides Record Funding For Health Care Our government is continuing to invest in seniors’ care, major capital projects, and in programs aimed at reducing emergency department wait times. Budget 2015-16 provides a record $5.12 billion for health care, an increase of $135 million over the previous year. First and foremost our aim is to continue improving patient care in the health system, building on our record of reducing surgical wait times and recruiting new doctors and nurses. Seniors’ care will be improved with an additional $10 million investment in new targeted funding to support seniors living in their own homes as well as improving the quality of long-term care. In addition, this budget includes increased funding for critical infrastructure repairs across the province while supporting the planning and continued construction of new hospitals, integrated health and long-term care facilities. To learn more about how the 2015-16 provincial budget is improving health care in Saskatchewan, visit saskatchewan.ca/budget. $98 Million in New Savings Achieved Throughout Saskatchewan’s Health Care System Our government understands that a high-quality, sustainable health system means care will be here for our children and grandchildren. That is why we commend the work of health regions, the Saskatchewan Cancer Agency and 3sHealth (Health Shared Services Saskatchewan) for collaborating to identify savings which can be redirected to patient care. The Saskatchewan health system has progressed toward standardizing product purchases across the province. Major cost savings have been attained by developing joint contracts for medications ($44 million), surgical supplies ($33 million), dividends and rebates from highvolume orders ($9 million), lab supplies ($3 million), and utilities ($2 million). All cost-saving initiatives have had to provide at least the same – if not higher – quality of patient care. In partnership with the health regions and Saskatchewan Cancer Agency, 3sHealth has surpassed its five-year target to identify $100 million in cost savings for Saskatchewan’s healthcare system. Together with the system, 3sHealth has saved a total of $110 million.

Randyy Weekes, Weekes, MLA MLA Biggar iggar Constituency Constituency Office Office 106 - 3rd West, 3rd Ave. Ave. West, Av Biggar, Biggar iggar,, SK S0K 0M0 Toll Toll Free: Free: 1-877-948-4880 Phone: Phone: 1-306-948-4880 Fax: 1-306-948-4882

Improvements to Saskatchewan’s Immigrant Nominee Program Over the last several months, our government has incorporated feedback from stakeholders, researched best practices and worked with the federal government to make positive changes to the Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP). As a result, The Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program will be introducing improvements to its entrepreneur category. To increase responsiveness and ensure that the program continues to have successful outcomes, the SINP Entrepreneur and Farm category will consolidate five streams into two main streams – the entrepreneur stream and the farm owner/operator stream, with new eligibility requirements. The program has also removed the requirement to submit a $75,000 good faith deposit, encouraging approved applicants to use these funds in the establishment of their business or to assist with their settlement. Instead, approved applicants will be issued a temporary work permit (TWP) support letter to be submitted to the federal government as part of an application for a TWP that will allow them to land in Saskatchewan and begin business. These improvements are designed to improve processing times, attract investment, create jobs and ensure Saskatchewan continues to have one of the best nominee programs in Canada. For more information, visit immigration.saskatchewan.ca. Recipients Announced On 20th Anniversary of Saskatchewan Volunteer Medal Saskatchewan has the highest rate of volunteerism in Canada. As the heart and soul of our neighbourhoods and communities, volunteers make positive things happen each and every day. Launched in 1995, The Saskatchewan Volunteer Medal recognizes an outstanding volunteer or someone who exemplifies exceptional community involvement. The 2014 recipients are: John Barton – Saskatoon Tina Bird – Estevan Marnie Eistetter – Regina Ray Fox – North Battleford Don McDonald – Saskatoon Harold Ross – Fort Qu’Appelle Edith Slatnik – Outlook Darren Whitehead – Prince Albert Congratulations to these remarkable men and women for this achievement. Following a presentation of medals in April, a total of 174 people will have received this provincial honour..

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Dwein Trask Realty Inc. 306 - 653 - 4100 info@dwein.ca www.traskrealty.ca Skyview Country Estates: Live in the city work at the lake. Short commute to your home on Lake Blackstrap. ¾ acre. Lots starting at $79000. Langham: Well drained, productive land with small amount of bush. Services close by. Could be ready for spring 2015 development. $69900. Langham: Property is just 44 km from Saskatoon with utilities close by and excellent building site potential. $134900. Delisle: Great building spot just 1 mi west of Delisle immediately off highway #7. Under 25 minutes to city with power and gas very close by. 74.74 acres $124900. Delisle: Acreage 2630 sq.ft. 4 bd. 3 bathroom, dbl. attached garage on 10 acres in the RM of Vanscoy. $434900. Asquith: Parcels A and C. Pavement to Saskatoon from Property. 2 miles west of Asquith, heavy bush and power to transformer at east side of property. $119900. Donovan: Acreage 6bd. 2 story split on 5.4 acres. 1 mile west of Donavon. Private country living at it’s finest. $369900. Pike Lake: Just off O'Malley road south of Pike Lake. This building site offers all the peace and tranquility you could desire. Services close by. $49900. Radisson: 10 acre building site fully subdivided and ready to sell. Heavy bush. Very good access with utilities in area. $39900.

RYJO TOURS INC. Ryjo Tours Spring presentations 2015: ** Regina @ Best Western Seven Oaks Tuesday, April 14 @ 7:30 pm ** Saskatoon @ Saskatoon Inn Wednesday, April 15 @ 7:30 pm Call Terry or Joyce Coben toll free: 1-866-656-4786 *** Anyone interested in our tours is welcome. ***


April 2015

RM Review



Delisle & District Arts Council Report


udget cut season is here and the first things to go in everyone’s budget, it always seems, is funding for the arts. Not at the Arts Council! We will continue to bring our communities amazing opportunities to enjoy and participate in the arts. We hope that you will watch for them, and support them by coming out. We will be having our last Dance Night on April 25th, a splendid opportunity to come out and have fun while learning some easy dances that will help you out this wedding and graduation season. It runs 7- 9 at the Seniors Centre and we are very thankful to Norma & Keith Colborn for keeping the spirit of dance alive for us. May 1st is the date for the Community Choirs first concert and we are very excited about it. It will happen at the Vanscoy-Delisle United Church, @ 7pm. This is a Free event as well with dainties & coffee to follow. We were pleased to offer a pencil drawing workshop in April, with Heather Gessell, one of our own, for Free, and we were over the moon with over 25 registrants. The works that came out of that

By Sylvia Chave

class were amazing and we look forward to fostering the artists of our community again in the future. April 19th, brings around another Arts Council Meeting. It will be at 1pm @ Vanscoy-Delisle United Church. We invite anyone, who would like to be active in the arts, in our community to come out. We are going to be planning for our next major event, Culture Days, in September, and we are excited about the ideas that are being considered. Delisle Days is on July 18th this year and we are up and running with ideas and planning. If you would like to be a part of this wonderful event in a big or small way, please call Sylvia Chave 306.493.2955, there is always room for more ideas and helpers and floats! On one last note, I have to send out a big THANK YOU to all the organizations & volunteers who helped put on Mardi Gras, now that was a party! We are still on a wonderful high from the success of that community event and want to thank everyone that came out and made it such a success. Oh, and it was Free too!

Saskatchewan Talent To Perform At Pike Lake Ladies Diamond Dinner


o you recall the television show Canadian Idol? There’s no shortage of talent in our vast country and we were proud to see representatives from our own great province. In 2004 the gentle voice of Theresa Sokyrka from Saskatoon landed her in position of runner-up; 2006 Tyler Lewis from Rockglen placed third runner up with his husky, powerful sound. In April 2008 the Pike Lake Ladies Diamond Dinner was a sell-out with Tyler Lewis as the entertainment. Great news – Tyler’s coming back! May 2nd Tyler Lewis and BUCK$HOT will be performing at the Pike Lake Hall, entertaining the ladies for the evening. Tyler is lead vocals with Dean Person from Saskatoon on lead guitar; Chris Smith, Saskatoon on rhythm guitar/vocals; Lee Bell from Meadow Lake on base guitar/vocals and Damon Tupper from Saskatoon, drums/vocals. Pi M ke A Y La ke

Ladies Diamond Dinner

Collectively these band members have a lot of experience performing with most being members of multiple bands in and around the Saskatoon area, including Men Without Shame, The Hung Jury, Rock Candy, Milcreek Boys.

Buck$hot’s sound is predominately Country Rock ranging in covers of Keith Urban, Garth Brooks, Luke Bryan, Dierks Bentley, Blake Shelton as well as classic rock songs by Tom Petty, CCR and a countless list of others. This is a fun-loving group of talented Saskatchewan good ole boys. A guarantee for a good time. Submitted by Karen MacEwan


Tickets available at the Pike Lake Hall on Tues, Apr 7 & 21, 6-8 pm and Sun, Apr 12, 4-6 pm or by calling Sherry at 306.934.0987

Delisle Credit Union

7:00 p.m. Vanscoy Circle Hall Silver Collection Gue ue essstt Spea ea ak ke k er er Doo oo or r Priz iz ze ess e

Tickets Only $45


eports were heard from each of the groups in attendance. The Seniors Club is looking for new members, anyone 55 years or older and interested should contact Irene Abel at 306-668-4997. The Multiple 4-H will host their petting zoo at the Lawson Heights Mall on April 3 & 4th. The Ag Society will have their Rib & Steak Night on March 28th and their perennial exchange in mid May. Bowbusters Archery held their kids fun shoot and had 40 kids in attendance. The Shiverdome committee is working on a proposal for renting an artificial ice plant. Our volunteers are getting ready for both the Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser and the 3rd Annual Mother & Daughter Tea Party. If you would like more information or to help with either event, please text or call Bonnie Ross at 306.668.9159. Upcoming Dates: Hall Open

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Cocktails 5:30, Supper 6:30, Entertainment 8:00

Country Rock Band... Featuring Tyler Lewis Dig out your cowboy hat & boots and kick it up!

nation was made to Ronald McDonald house. The 4th quilt was raffled in 2014 and some of the proceeds was used to purchase fabric to make 50 pillow cases which were also donated to Ronald McDonald House. These pillow cases were given to children living there during the month of December 2014. A big Thank you to the members of the Country Quilters Guild for their patience and skills to complete these quilts. The Country Quilters meet the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month, 7 pm at the Vanscoy Seniors Hall. New members and visitors always welcome.

Vanscoy Community Recreation Board Meeting Report March 18th

Sponsored by


Entertainment by...


n the fall of 2011 about 50 unfinished Dresden Plate quilt blocks were donated to the “Country Quilters” of the RM of Vanscoy. Most members decided to take on the challenge to give these blocks a home. The fabric in these blocks was from the late 1940’s to early 1950’s which I am sure many were also from flour sack prints. Many of the blocks needed repair. These block were given to the lady who generously donated them to Country Quilters. The original designer and sewer who started them is unknown. Over the course of 3 years our group met to hand repair, organize, design, hand applique, piece and machine quilt. As a result 4 quilts were completed; 2 to be given away and 2 to be raffled as a fund raiser for Ronald McDonald House in Saskatoon. The first quilt was given to the lady who donated the original blocks, the 2nd quilt was donated to the Vanscoy Senior Center as a thank you for using their space to meet twice monthly. The third quilt was raffled in the fall of 2012 and a financial do-

House & Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser– April 12th; Mother & Daughter Tea Party – April 19th; Community Wide Garage Sale – tentative date June 6th; August Summer Fair with Family Street Dance – August 15th & 16th; Quad Rally – October 10th; Fall Supper – October 18th. Watch for more information on our facebook page. Our next meeting is 7:30 pm April 15th, 2015 at the Vanscoy Seniors Centre. Everyone is invited and welcome to attend meetings, we are always looking for new ideas and suggestions. Please follow us on Facebook at Vanscoy Community Recreation Board. THE VVANSCOY ANSC OY CCOMMUNIT OMMUNIT Y RECREA RECREATION TION BO BOARD ARD PRESENT PRESENTSS


Annual Perennial Exchange

T 2n UR Co d , D A m 2 Y m 0 un 1 ity 5 Ha l

Dresden Plate Quilts

Dra ra aw ws Sil ille en e ntt Auc n uc ctttiiio on o n

Bring your perennials to exFKDQJH« EXW LI \RX KDYH none, you can still participate and take home new plants to start your Perennial Garden!




If you have lots of perennials bring as many as you can to share!


AAdults dults $7 Kids K ids $5

Bring along a tasty dessert to share while

Call 493-2428 for information or to rent a table


10 AM  1 PM

Please put in pots and label if possible.

you enjoy our guest gardening speaker!

CCheck heck out the recent renovations reno v a tions aatt the VVanscoy ansco y CCircle ircle Hall Hall..

(12 and Under)

Refinished Floors

All proceeds will go direc directly tl y ttoo fund Bathroom Ba throom RRenovations. eno v a tions .

RM Review

April 2015




Find More Event Details at www.rmreview.net or Scan the QR Code with your phone

April 2 Thursday 7:00pm Barbie Night Delisle Senior Centre

April 12 Sunday 10am - 1pm Pancake Breakfast Vanscoy Circle Hall

April 19 Sunday 1:00pm Delisle & District Art Council Mtg. Delisle United Church

April 25 Saturday 7pm - 9pm Dance Night Delisle Senior Centre

April 3 Friday 10:30am Ecumenical Good Friday Service Delisle Community Chapel

April 15 Wednesday 6:30pm Story Time Delisle Public Library

April 19 Sunday 2:00pm Mother & Daughter Tea Party Vanscoy Circle Hall

April 26 Saturday 4pm - 7pm ECWF Fish Fry & Bake Sale Asquith Elks Hall

April 3/4 Friday/Saturday Vanscoy 4-H Petting Zoo Lawson Heights Mall

April 15 Wednesday 7:30pm Vanscoy Comm. Rec. Board Meeting Vanscoy Circle Hall

April 20 Monday 6:30pm School Community Council Meeting Delisle Composite School

April 28 Tuesday 5:00pm School Community Council AGM Delisle Elementary School

April 7 Tuesday 12:00pm Delisle Interagency Meeting Delisle Senior Centre

April 15 Wednesday 7:30pm Delisle Minor Hockey AGM/Reg. Delisle Arena

April 21 Tuesday 6:30pm School Community Council Meeting Lord Asquith School

April 28 Tuesday 7:00pm Internet Safety Presentation Delisle Composite School

April 7 Tuesday 7:30pm Walk “LIVE” Class Lord Asquith School

April 15 Wednesday 7:30pm RYJO Tours Spring Presentation Saskatoon Inn

April 22 Wednesday 11:00am Call for Nominations Deadline R.M. of Montrose

April 29 Wednesday 6:30pm Story Time Delisle Public Library

April 9 Thursday 11:00am Zoning Bylaw Hearing RM of Montrose, Donovan

April 16 Thursday 6:30pm RM of Vanscoy Ratepayers Supper Vanscoy Circle Hall

April 22 Wednesday 6:30pm Story Time Delisle Public Library

May 1 Friday 7:00pm Community Choir Concert Delisle United Church

April 9 Thursday 7:00pm Community Choir Delisle United Church

April 18 Saturday 10am - 3pm Craft Sale Asquith Senior Centre

April 22 Wednesday 7:00pm Public Meeting of Voters R.M. of Eagle Creek, Arelee Hall

May 2 Saturday 5:30pm Ladies Diamond Dinner Pike lake Community Hall

April 10 Friday Silent Auction Begins Delisle Public Library

April 19 Sunday Asquith Fencing Club Bottle Drive Asquith & Area

April 24 Friday 6:30pm Vanscoy ELC Wing Night Vanscoy Hotel

April 20 Monday 6:30pm School Community Council AGM Delisle Composite School

Promote Your Event Here for FREE

Call 306-668-1312 or mail@rmreview.net

S andyridge g aS & g rocerieS Grocery ATM

Fuel & Diesel Confectionary

Box 60 Saskatoon, SK S7K 3K1

Video Rentals

Large & Small Animal Medicine

306-384-7676 24 hr Emergency Services

Grandora 306 - 668 - 4362

Drs. Harvey Domoslai - Wally Kononoff Blair Simonson - Lisa Wayman Dave Nairn


Organic Beef Halves, Quarters, Custom Packages Samples Available Your satisfaction is guaranteed.

Ag Services Division

306 - 493 - 2408 Sparlyn Organic Farm 668-4216

Box 130, Delisle, SK S0L 0P0

Stobbe’s Backhoe Service Grandora, SK

Leo Stobbe 306-668-4289 Installation of Rural Water & Sewer Systems Pumps - Tanks - Switches - other Trenching & Excavation

Sid’s Auto Service Oil Change/Lube Job Clutch & Brake Work


306-668-2013 or 306-229-2016

RR1 Box 15

Delisle, SK S0L 0P0

Bus. (306) 493-7579 Fax. (306) 493-8135 ken@klassentrenching.com

SepticTank Pumping Septic Repairs Hydrovac Services


v AnsCOY

Ken Klassen

SK Sew Kleen

Rear Ends Transmissions

EnginES Gas & Diesel

Sand & Gravel Spreading Hauling

Trenching & Waterworks sand - Gravel - Topsoil

306 - 230 - 4653

Portable Toilet Rentals 306 - 283 - 4406


April 2015



RM Review

Find more Detailed Listings at www.rmreview.net or Scan the QR Code with your phone Giftware

Home Care Products


Silpada - Marilyn Hungness Asquith 306-329-4768

Watkins - Anne Plummer 725 Valley Rd 306-382-1284

Great North Storage Company Delisle 306-202-8140

Government - Federal


Kelly Block, MP 904E 22nd St W, Saskatoon 1-888-590-6555

Cindy the Tupperware Lady 306-683-0986/403-548-4668



Delisle Hotel Delisle 306-493-2462

Dexteriors Vanscoy 306-371-8260

Jeannie’s Place Delisle 306-717-0841

Flatlander Construction Delisle 306-493-7547


G & L Drywall Delisle 493-8228 / 668-4583

Accountsability Vanscoy 306-668-4216

Larmar Contracting Services Vanscoy 306-380-2327

Papertrail Legacy Vanscoy 306-931-2153

New Age Foundations Plus Grandora 306-329-4610


Side by Side Contractors 306-270-6986

Gravel / Sand

Crop Production Services Delisle 306-493-8188

Twin Painting Vanscoy 934-5803 / 261-0689

Graham Contracting Asquith 306-230-4653

Delisle Agricultural Co-op Delisle 306-493-2212

Victoria’s Design 306-370-9399

Klassen Trenching Delisle 306-493-7579

Innovative Ag Performance Group Ltd Delisle 306-493-3167


Link’s Backhoe & Skidsteer Delisle 306-222-9737

ATL Electrical, Heating & A/C Delisle 306-493-2410 J C Electric Vanscoy 306-290-2052

Orchard Transport - Ag Div. Delisle 306-493-2408 Air Conditioning & Heating



PLAINSMAN HVAC-R Ltd 24 Hour Emergency Service Vanscoy 306-242-3002

Back 40 Embroidery Delisle 493-3033/493-2751



Integra Tire/Empire Auto Saskatoon 306-244-8070

Delisle Credit Union 1st St, Delisle 306-493-2414

Sid’s Auto Service Vanscoy 306-668-2013

Cooper Schneider Private Wealth at Scotia McLeod Colleen Schneider 306-664-1860

Trusty Appraisal Service & SGI Arbitration Delisle 306-222-0456

Beauty Arbonne Intl - Kerrie Sparrow Vanscoy 306-668-4218

Desjardins Financial Security Investments Inc. 330 - 20th St. E. Saskatoon Norma Sparrow 306-242-1188


Chiropractor Dr. Lisa Merkosky, BSc. Dr. Matt Ruff, BSc. Community Health Chiropractic Clinic Delisle Primary Health Centre 306-493-2800

First General Services Saskatoon 306-979-3205

Garden / Yard Like A Rock Grandora 306-382-3978

Computer -Service

Gas / Confectionary

Catprint Computing Delisle 306-230-8783

Delisle Ag Co-op Delisle 306-493-2212

Computer -Web Design

Sandyridge Gas & Grocery Grandora 306-668-4362

Whole Wheat Web Design Vanscoy 306-493-3023

Vanscoy Tempo Vanscoy 306-683-5024

Sharpening RixEdge Sharpening Services Saskatoon 306-270-8048


Government Provincial

Sign Painting

Angus Insurance Harris 306-656-4555

Randy Weekes, MLA 106 3rd Ave W Biggar 1-877-948-4880

Kim’s Signs That Sell Vanscoy 306-493-3011

Delisle Agencies Delisle 306-493-2260


Mooney Agencies Ltd. Vanscoy 306-668-2181

Ryjo Tours Inc. Tessier 1-866-656-4786



Jillian Walker Massage RMT Vanscoy 306-260-0671

Cattle Care Hwy #14 343-5773/260-6729

Meat Cutting

Corman Park Vet Services Hwy #14 (SLS) 306-384-7676

Rice Lake Sand & Gravel Asquith 306-329-4768

Vanscoy Sausage & Meat Vanscoy 306-668-4742

Delisle Veterinary Service Delisle 306-493-3143

Westland Enterprizes Ltd Delisle 306-493-2709

Pet Care

Outlook Veterinary Clinic Outlook 306-867-8777


‘A’ Deb’s K-9 Kennelling Delisle 306-220-4727

Water / Septic

Clubs Driving Range Valley Road 306-221-0842

Animal InnSpaRations Delisle 306-493-3143

FRP Manufacturing (2010) Inc. Asquith 306-329-4884

Moon River Golf Club Valley Road 306-931-8960

Bark Place Dog Grooming Spa Delisle 306-491-9335

Graham Contracting Asquith 306-230-4653

Valleyview Golf & Country Club Delisle 306-493-3288

Lynne Road Kennels Grandora 306-270-5831

Klassen Trenching Delisle 306-493-7579


Lynn Ross Dog Grooming Vanscoy 306-382-6224

Link’s Backhoe & Skidsteer Delisle 306-222-9737

Plumbing, Heating, A/C

Starlings Septic Services Delisle 306-493-2241

ATL Electrical, Heating & A/C Delisle 306-493-2410

Sew Kleen Hydro-vacing & Septic Asquith 306-283-4406

Schneider’s Gourmet World Neunlage 306-225-5764

Hairstylist / Beauty Delisle Hairstyling & Barber Delisle 306-493-2467 Julie’s House of Style Delisle 306-493-2950


Thermal Mechanical Vanscoy 381-7998/270-0160

Arc-Fab Industrial Pike Lake 306-221-6692

Potash Mine

Salon 360 Delisle 306-493-2486

Agrium Potash Mine Vanscoy 306-668-4343

The Pink Chair Delisle 306-493-2266



Pike Lake Preschool Pike Lake 306-978-8164

Air & Alkaline Water Purifiers Perdue 1-877-652-6853

Vanscoy Early Learning Center Vanscoy 306-668-6338

Reflexology - Carrol King Delisle 306-493-2452



Britannia Restaurant Asquith 306-329-2496

Vesta Homes Vanscoy 306-242-9099

Robin’s Nest Cafe Vanscoy 306-931-6996

Yardwork/Excavation Big Pines Services Inc. Vanscoy 306-230-7399 Graham Contracting Asquith 306-230-4653 KBM Earthmoving Vanscoy 306-867-3770 Klassen Trenching Delisle 306-493-7579 Link’s Backhoe & Skidsteer Delisle 306-222-9737 Snow Removal & Mowing Delisle 306-361-6343 Stobbe’s Backhoe Service Grandora 306-668-4289


$60/Year Classifieds

$20/Month Call the RM Review at 306-668-1312 or visit our website www.rmreview.net


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Antiques & Collectibles

Several Local Properties Available “For Sale by Owner”

Gifts, Memorabilia & so much more Come In, See What’s New & Old

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Land in local R.M.’s of: Vanscoy, Montrose, Eagle Creek and Aberdeen Businesses in: Delisle, Saskatoon, Harris Asquith and Rosetown etc. To List Yours Call: Merv Easton - Vanscoy 306-270-2022 merv@pin.ca


Farm / Acreage / Ranch / Recreation Buying? / Selling?

Filed Online

Sask. Land Sales

Discount for Seniors

GOODNOUGH BOOKKEEPING Phone 306 - 493 - 2771 Cell 306 - 361 - 9767 bob@goodnoughbookkeeping.ca

Coldwell Banker ResCom Realty Real Estate Specialist TOM NEUFELD 306-260-7838

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$20/Month Call the RM Review at 306-668-1312 or visit our website www.rmreview.net

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