RM Review
Serving the Communities of Asquith, Delisle, Grandora, Harris, Pike Lake, Vanscoy
Volume 15 Number 1
January 2014
Winning Entry in the Village of Vanscoy Christmas Lights Contest 1st Place - Ed & Cecile St. Germaine 2nd Place - Bryan & Sandy Ehr
In the Spotlight......... p. 3 Red Williams............. p. 3 Council Reports......... p. 4
3rd Place(tie) - Dan Hood/Crystal Lee 3rd Place(tie) - Ryan & Rina Brissette
RCMP Report............. p. 5 School Reports............ p. 6 Agriculture Reports.... p. 7
MP Report................... p. 8 MLA Report................ p. 9 Community Reports... p. 10
Community Calendar..... p. 11 Business Directory.......... p. 12
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January 2014
Enter to Win !! 4 Admissions to the Friday Night Concert Series from the RM Review. Just visit our website at
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Fabulous Fa abulous m music usic in Delisle! Delisle! E Everyone veryyone We ve W Welcome! elcome!
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Mar Mar 28 8
Zachary Z achary Lucky Lucky www.zacharylucky.com
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Jeffery Je effery Straker Straker
May 23
Series Se ries Tickets T ckets $40 Ti (($15 $ 15 @ T The he d door) oo or)
7:30 7:30 @ De Delisle l is l e U United nited Church Church call Sylvia@ call S lvia@ 493-2955 Sy 493-2 2955 potluck p otluck before before concert con o cert Meet M ee t a and nd G Greet reet to to Follow Follow
The RM Review CONTACT US Phone: 306-668-1312 Fax: 306-978-4481 mail@rmreview.net www.rmreview.net Box 333, Vanscoy, Sk S0L 3J0
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Avery Norris and her family would like to express their gratitude to Delisle and surrounding area for their generous support. Avery will be attending Ability Camp in Ontario for intensive therapy in January. Without your generosity it would not have been possible. Thank you so much!
DISTRIBUTION & SUBSCRIPTIONS 3,500 issues of the RM Review are published monthly and direct mailed for free to all homes in the communities shown in the map to the right. As well it is available for free pick-up at various news stands within this distribution area. Out of area subscriptions are available for $30/yr.
We reserve the right to edit copy for libel or other legal, spelling or grammatical errors. We accept no liability for any such errors.
Dead-Line for Submissions for the February 2014 Issue is Friday, January 31st, 2014
RM Review
January 2014
BARK PLACE 306-491-9335 Delisle www.barkplacepetspa.com
olene McLeay has been around dogs since she was a child. She got hooked on dogsledding at a young age and that is where her love of dogs came from.
Not surprising that she got interested in dog grooming and was hired at a Saskatoon shop. That was over 14 years ago. Jolene recently wanted to set her own hours, to be able to spend time with her kids. She chose to open a new shop were she lives, on a peaceful acreage between Vanscoy and Delisle. She wanted to open something special and cater to the customer that wants a bit more for their pooch. A dog spa was the answer. Bark Place Pet Spa features natural shampoos suited for their skin and coat, environmentally safe products, top quality grooming equipment and a groomer that strives to continue her education and is currently working towards the top Masters certificate. Located between two paved highways, just 20-25 minutes west of Saskatoon off highway 7, she is also close to Pike lake and Asquith . Book now to give your dog a treat and a spa treatment. www.barkplacepetspa.com or check her out on Facebook and ''like'' her. She also offers a referral program.
Clean Team Program Supports Vanscoy 4-H
he Vanscoy & District Agricultural Society would like to take this opportunity to thank the Saskatchewan Association of Agricultural Societies and Exhibitions (SAASE) and Sask Power for their sponsorship of the Clean Team Program. This year we were able to support the local youth group; The Vanscoy Multiple 4-H Club. This youth group participated in
the Spring horticulture presentation and the Perennial Exchange, the Vanscoy & District Summer Fair, the Gymkhana and Light Horse Show, and the Christmas Turkey Bingo. They helped with set up, clean up and take down as well as any other jobs they could assist with. These youth were vital in maintaining the grounds and facility throughout the events. The Vanscoy Multi-
ple 4-H Club will be receiving a monetary amount to use for activities in their clubs. The Clean Team has completed a three year program that supported our youth as well as supplied recycle and garbage barrels and T-shirts to our events. Thank you to both SAASE and Sask Power for this great collaborative program.
Food for Thought
Free Trade
he December 16 copy of Bloomberg Business Week has a frightening article entitled. “Farewell to the age of free trade”, by Joshua Kurtantzick. It is frightening because Canada has recently “bet the farm” on our ability to expand exports on the back of free trade. What has happened is that the global trade which was increasing is now stalled and in many case reversed into tight patterns controlled by preferred partners and trade agreements. Some of the change is due to technical advances which make it not profitable to out-source; processes are contracting into single large plants with shortened plant runs. The effect is diminished trade,
C.M. (Red) Williams
particularly with the developing nations. The side effects are trade tensions and irritation that lead to conflicts. Those developing nation that have depended on the expanded global trade for their further development will have internal adjustments and diminished incomes. It is suggested that the trade agreements including the upcoming U.S-E.U. and Trans- Pacific Agreements will worsen the situation. The Canada-E.U. agreement may never make it to the finish line, after all the enthusiastic lead up. A step forward and one back in the long road to global trade and peace. Opinions expressed here are those of the author
Website Exclusive Read a new ‘Food for Thought’ column every week at www.rmreview.net
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January 2014
Asquith Town Council held its regular council meeting on December 10, 2013. Attending were Mayor James Maddin, Councillors Sue Sawicki, Karen Gamble, Gail Erhart, Garry Dumont, Ross Beal, Don Lysyshyn, C.A.O. Holly Cross and Foreman Darren Kraft. The treasurer’s statement of receipts and expenditures for November, 2013 and the October bank reconciliations were accepted as presented. Accounts paid of $21,024.18 and accounts payable of $38,806.89 were accepted as presented. A letter was received from Loraas Disposal informing Council that there will be an increase to the cost of residential carts from fourteen dollars a month to fifteen dollars a month due to an increase in landfill costs. Public works employees have been working on a hydrant at the corner of Charles Street and East Avenue. The Asquith Rink Board reported that the ice was put in at the Asquith Sports Center. The Community Rink Affordability Grant of twenty-five hundred dollars has been received. A demolition permit was issued to David Phillips for the demolition of a garage at 490 Cory Street. After much deliberation, Council has decided that as of February 1, 2014, all users of the Asquith Landfill will be required to pay two dollars ($2.00) upon entry. Individuals from municipalities other than the Town of Asquith and the R.M. of Corman Park No. 344 will be subject to additional fees. This office will also take this time to remind all individuals that the Asquith Landfill is closed on Easter Sunday, New Year’s Day, Christmas Day and Boxing Day. The only other time that the Landfill is closed is when the temperature the morning of the opening is -40 degrees Celsius or colder with the wind chill. Please check Environment Canada for the temperatures to save yourself a drive on a cold morning to the Landfill. Asquith Town Council accepted a quote from Sask Power to install three new street lights on Lunn Street for a total cost of eight thousand, five hundred and seventy five dollars and eighty-six cents ($8,575.86). This office wishes a Happy New Year to all!
RM Review
The Regular Council meeting for January has been postponed to Tuesday January 14 @ 7:30pm. Residents are reminded to renew their dog licenses in January - $15 per dog; licenses double in February to $30 per dog. Business Licenses are also due in January - $50 for a home based business license, if renewed / purchased in February the license is $75. It is a contravention to the Business License Bylaw to advertise a business without a license or to operate without a license, and fines will be levied. Residents are also reminded that Loraas Disposal will not pick up a garbage or recycling container where the lid is not able to be closed properly. Containers must be curbside by 7am on the designated Thursday, alternating garbage and recycling. New residents who require a brochure outlining what can be placed in the bins should call the office for a copy. Council will be finalizing the Sump Pit and Drainage Bylaw at their next council meeting. Sump pumps and sump pits must be installed so as to allow surface discharge to the front yard of any property that has curbing on the front street. The sump pit and surface drainage system shall be installed by a journeyman plumber to comply with the Village Bylaw and other regulatory authorities. The bylaw will also state that weeping tile and sump connections into the sanitary sewer system will be strictly prohibited, fines and penalties will be levied for these contraventions. Congratulations to the winners of the Christmas House Decorating Contest: 1st place - Ed & Cecile St. Germaine ; 2nd place – Bryan & Sandy Ehr; tied for 3rd place – Dan Hood/Crystal Lee and Ryan & Rina Brissette.
RM OF VANSCOY Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada is launching an Agroclimate Impact Reporter. They are looking for 2-4 reporters from our R.M. to complete monthly surveys. The surveys run from April through October and only take about 5-10 minutes. They largely contain closed-ended or multiple choice questions relating to drought, flooding, feed supply, soil moisture and pasture conditions.
If anyone is interested please contact BobbyJo.Moore@AGR.GC.CA Council held their January meeting on January 3, 2014. Floyd Chapple, Leonard Junop and Ron Stevens were appointed to the Delisle & District Fire Commission. Floyd Chapple, George Kool and Orest Michalowski were appointed to the Delisle Health Council. Harvey Pippin is Deputy Reeve. Floyd Chapple, George Kool, Orest Michalowski and Ron Stevens are on the Planning & Development Committee. Daryl Jorgenson is the R.M.’s representative with the Eagle Creek Regional Park. Herman Michael was appointed Building Inspector, Weed Inspector and Pest Control Officer. The next meeting of Council has been scheduled for March 18, 2014.
TOWN OF DELISLE Delisle Town Council held a regular meeting on December 10, 2013. The Town purchased a 2008 Volvo G946 grader from Brandt Tractor for $124,300, taxes included. The 1987 John Deere grader will be sold for the best price attainable. The Town accepted SaskPower’s quote of $14,359.82 plus GST to install seven street lights in the new residential subdivision. Permission was granted to install signs paying tribute to Doug and Max Bentley, on the sign posts of the digital sign located in front of the Town Office. One water and sewer account and one waste collection account will be added to property taxes if not paid in full by January 31, 2014. The caretaking contract with Tomi Karakochuk was renewed for another year on the same terms and conditions presently in effect. A bylaw was passed so easements for the new water trickle line could be registered against the new lots in the South Industrial subdivision. A bylaw was also passed so new rates can be charged for certain office services like tax certificates and tax searches. The Traffic bylaw was amended to reflect the newly created 3 way stop at the intersection of Valleyview Drive and 6th Avenue East.
Southwest Regional Water Utility
ack in April at the subscribers meeting you gave the committee direction to continue working on the water project and look for Gov. Grants. Over the past while we have been in contact and numerous letters sent on your behalf to elected members. We have just been informed of the recently announced new program coming and full details will be announced shortly. The program is called New Build Canada Plan which is a shared program between the Federal Government and the Province Government which has been announced in the budget and is awaiting final detail. New Building Canada Plan Economic Action Plan 2013 proposes to provide federal support of over $53 billion, including over $47 billion in new funding over 10 years, starting in 2014-15, for provincial, territorial and municipal infrastructure projects. In preparation for this upcoming funding and grant application process we are now getting prepared to submit on your behalf an application for funding. As you can well understand it requires a number of things to get accomplished and to form part of this application. The predesign report that was presented to the subscribers in April from our engineers is a big part of the application.
Subscribers list will form another part of this application. This is the info that was taken from your original application or expression of interest that you filled out along with your deposit to become part of SWRWU. We now have to reconfirm with you that your information and your requests being the number of connections , volume and your intention to be part of this potable water supply system hasn’t changed. If changes are required we need to be made aware of any changes being the number of connections , ownership or any other changes that you would like to advise us of. I have heard from a few of you earlier expressing desired changes which have been recorded. That also brings us to the situation of those that haven’t signed up as a subscriber and are not a recorded subscriber. Once we make the application (early in 2014) for funding only those subscribers on the subscriber list will be eligible to receive funding assistance. Those who didn’t sign up will not be eligible and in fact will have to wait to be considered for connection at a later date in time. Non-subscribers will also be faced with paying full cost and any additional cost of engineering etc. So to be blunt and to the point you have a very short window to get an application and deposit into SWRWU otherwise you will be left out.
If you know someone that is interested but is still procrastinating you need to talk to them and convince them to get on board. Other documents that will form part of our application are -Updated Subscriber Map -Letters of support -Supply Agreement with Saskwater -Expression of interest for Financial Institution Pre Design Report -Subscriber Lists We don’t want to miss this opportunity and we want to be ready to be one of the first applications submitted once the call for applications comes out. We have no time for procrastination or weed sitting. Now is the time to take action and that includes the subscribers as well as the committee and engineers. As you can see progress is being made, it might seem to be taking longer than one would like but the resent announcement was great news. It’s almost the best Christmas present that an adult could receive. George Kool Ph 668-4700 H 221-0083 C E-Mail georgemargkool@sasktel.net
RM Review
January 2014
For the Week of December 30, 2013 - January 6, 2014 3 Vehicle Accident December 30, 2013 at 1:00 pm. Police responded to a 3 vehicle accident on Centennial Drive in Martensville near the Tim Horton’s. The 62 year female driver of one of the vehicles failed to yield to oncoming traffic causing the collision. She was charged with failing to yield. The vehicles were towed from the scene with assistance from Astro Towing. There were no injuries reported. Rollover near SLS December 31, 2013 at 9:00 pm. Police received a complaint of a single vehicle rollover near the Saskatoon Livestock sales on highway 16. A 35 year old male was driving a mini van when he lost control of the van and rolled the vehicle. He was charged with driving with undue care and attention. He was uninjured. The van was towed from the scene with assistance from Astro Towing. Cudworth Man Towed to Jail January 1, 2014 at 5:15 a.m. Police were called to a complaint of a possible impaired driver who was being assisted by a tow truck near the Clarksboro Ferry. Police attended and charged a 45 year old male from Cudworth with breaching his conditions of not having alcohol. He was released for court in Saskatoon. Speed Causes Rollover January 3, 2014 at 11:45 a.m. Police were called to a single vehicle rollover on Highway 16 near the Borden bridge. Road conditions at the time of the accident were very icy. A 43 year old male driver of the vehicle from Prince Albert was charged with driving at a speed that is greater than reasonable and safe. There were no injuries reported. The vehicle required towing with the assistance of Astro Towing.
Street south in Martensville. It was believed that the occupants of the vehicle were intoxicated. Police attended and found that the 23 year old male driver of the truck was intoxicated as were the male passenger and female passenger. The 23 year old male passenger from Langham was charged for breaching conditions of his release. The driver was arrested and charged with impaired driving. He was released for an upcoming court date. Faulty CO Detector Alarm January 1, 2014 at 12:00 pm. Police received a complaint of a carbon monoxide alarm at a residence in Warman. The Warman Fire Department was already on scene when the police arrived. The residence was checked and found to not have a CO2 leak, but rather a faulty detector. There were no injuries. Sled Trailer Stolen January 3, 2014 at 3:30 pm. Police received a complaint of an abandoned snow mobile trailer on a back road near Martensville. Police attended and found that the vehicle was stolen from Saskatoon earlier that day. The owner of the trailer, from Saskatoon was contacted and retrieved it. There was minor damage done to the trailer.
Charges in Assault January 1, 2014 at 8:20 pm. a female individual reported her boyfriend drove her out of the city and threatened to kill her. A 38 year old male from Saskatoon was later arrested and charged with 8 criminal counts, including uttering threats, assault with a weapon and possession of a prohibited weapon. The female did not require medical attention.
Gravel Crusher Damaged January 4, 2014 at 9:00 a.m. Police received a complaint of mischief to equipment at a work site near Langham. The suspects damaged a gravel crusher at the site. Investigation into this matter is ongoing. Gas & Dash in Warman January 2, 2014 at 2:15 pm. Police received a complaint of a gas and dash at the Co-op in Warman. The suspect was captured on surveillance video. The investigation into this matter is ongoing.
Rollover on Highway 16 January 3, 2014 at 3:05 pm. Police attended to a report of a single vehicle rollover on Highway 16 near Auction Mart road. A 22 year old male driver of the vehicle from Radisson was charged with driving without due care and attention. He was not injured, but the vehicle required towing from the scene by Astro Towing.
Domestic Assault in Warman December 30, 2013 at 9:15 pm. Police were called to a report of a domestic assault in Warman. A 33 year old male from Warman was charged with assault and released for Court in Saskatoon. The 31 year old female victim did not require medical attention.
Multiple Impaired Charges January 4, 2014 at 1:00 a.m. Police received a complaint of a vehicle stuck in the ditch on 4th
Gas & Dash in Grandora December 31, 2013 at 8:15 pm. Police received a complaint of a ‘gas and dash’ in Grandora. The
S andyridge g aS & g rocerieS Grocery ATM
Drunk Taken to Hospital January 2, 2014 at 2:25 a.m. Police received a complaint of a male outside the Co-op gas bar in Warman who was not dressed for the weather and was extremely cold. The male told police that he consumed alcohol that night. EMS treated the 17 year old male from Warman before transporting him to hospital.
Fuel & Diesel Confectionary
Video Rentals
suspect drove off without paying for $100.00 worth of gas. Police were unable to locate the parties responsible for the theft. No charges have yet been laid on this matter. Cold Crook Caught January 1, 2014 at 3:00 a.m. Police were called to a report of an individual trying to break into a van in Warman. The home owners attempted to scare the individual away from the vehicle. Police attended and located a 16 year old male who was intoxicated and extremely cold. He was attempting to get into the vehicle to warm up. He was unsuccessful in entering the vehicle. He was taken to a residence of his request where a responsible person took care of him. Nothing was taken from the van. Charges on this matter are pending.
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Website Exclusive Read weekly RCMP Reports and Breaking News every day at www.rmreview.net
January 2014
SCHOOL REPORTS www.rmreview.net
RM Review
Oh the weather outside is frightful but the learning at Pike Lake School is still delightful. In an attempt to stay warm in our long Saskatchewan winter, the students and staff are working hard learning in our classrooms, to stay warm. We’ve also been having a lot of indoor recesses lately. Hopefully the weather will improve and we can get back to outdoor recesses. Thanks to our staff, parents, and students for making Pike Lake School the great place that it is even in the dog days of winter. Speaking of the weather, although many of us feel frustrated towards the weather there is a student at Pike Lake School who has decided to make our weather a focal point for his studies in the Grade Four this year. Indeed Paul has decided to create a weather blog to track and inform the public about the weather. Please feel free to check out Paul’s Weather Blog on the internet. Paul is excited to share his love of weather and would appreciate your comments and suggestions! http://blogs.spiritsd.ca/thatweatherguy/ Once again our small school did their part in helping to take care of Mother Earth! Our school has recycled 123 phonebooks for recycling this year! We would like to thank the SaskTel Pioneers for providing incentives and encouragement to collect the phonebooks, which help green up our environment! The students actually see how many phonebooks get recycled from our school and are amazed when they load them up in the truck to take for recycling! Thanks to all who have contributed to this worthy program and look forward to having you support us next year!
Welcome to 2014! I hope everyone enjoyed their holidays. December was an incredible month at preschool. We had so much fun making Christmas crafts to learn about red and Christmas. The 4-year olds even experimented in the kitchen again, making rice krispie Christmas treats! The kids sang their best at the concert. I have to say that their singing was probably the loudest I’ve heard any of my preschool classes ever sing! We finished up December by combining the classes for a Christmas party complete with crafts, snacks, singing, and gifts and a visit from Santa. After a great holiday, it’s back to school again. We have 3 new students starting this January, so the first day back will be getting them acquainted with the rules and routines of the preschool. I’m hoping to go on a field trip with the 4 year olds to the dinosaur museum at the U of S and the 3 year olds will have a special Teddy Bear Day. Both classes will learn about the number 5 and the colour white. Stay warm!
Looking towards our future, as always Pike Lake School, continues to work on the projected enrolment for our school. We are presently working on next year’s enrolment for Kindergarten. Children who are five years of age as of December 31 of the school year (2014) may be admitted to kindergarten. PSSD Policy No. 403.2.a. If you have a student or know of one that will be attending Pike Lake School in the fall of 2014, phone number, please send us their name address and date of birth. You may call Mrs. Dumanski @ (306)668-4808 or email at claire.tarala @spiritsd.ca. Moreover if you know of any families in our community and area that may have young children who will attend Pike Lake School within the next five years, please let us know. Or even better drop by the school for a tour! Thanks for your assistance in helping Pike Lake School as we look forward to continuing the fine tradition of helping students to reach their full potential as they are encouraged in our unique and beautiful community to work hard at academics, to be environmental conscientious, and to be respectful towards one another. Dates to Remember Jan.21st-SCC meeting at 3:30 p.m. in school library Jan 23rd-Hotmeal Jan.29th- Field trip Chamber Players in Delisle a.m. Jan.31st-No School
DELISLE COMPOSITE SCHOOL Welcome back from a long and well deserved break. January is definitely going to be a busy month, but we can say that we are looking forward to it. All four basketball teams are still going strong and are looking froward to the rest of their seasons. Curling will also be starting in the days to come so keep an eye out for that as well. The school library is also open again so feel free to stop by and check out some great books. As we all know January is the month of Finals and to take away from some of that studying stress, the SRC has come up with some fun spirit days: January 10 Neon/Highlighter Day January 17 July in January January 23 PJ Day Remember that finals are from the 24-30 of January, so study, study, study! And then take a day to relax on the 31, No School! We hope that everyone does well on their finals and that everyone had an awesome first semester! Delisle Composite SRC
VANSCOY SCHOOL No Report This Month
Website Exclusive All School Calendars and Newsletter plus bus cancellations at www.rmreview.net
Delisle Elementary School Thanks our Supporters! Donations Dorothy & Brenden Carnell—we are so grateful for the kind donation of a trolley cart for transporting baking supplies back and forth to the Senior’s Centre
3-year old days: 9, 16, 23, 30 4-year old days: 7, 10, 14, 17, 21, 24, 28 Colour: white Number: 5
his year in Laura 4H we have 10 members and 4 leaders . Phyl Rolston returns as general leader and Neil Isley , Karen Isley and Barb Kielo are the three project leaders. Our club executive consists of ; President - Erin Kielo , Vice President Bronson Bardi , Secretary - Megan Kielo, Treasurer- Emma Gessell , Reporter - Austin Gillis . Some of the projects offered this year are : model building , wood working, outdoor adventure , and scrap booking . For children ages 6 - 8 , clover buds is available . We plan to learn to do alot by doing !!! Happy New Year ...
Delisle Branch
201 - 1st St W
Perpetual Donations
Delisle Co-op - monthly quota of milk Delisle Credit Union - case of fruit monthly Agrium Community Investment Program Department of Community Resources RM Review - Shelley & Ken Sowter Delisle Senior Centre Phipps & Rempel Denture Clinic - cheese Colborn Farms- monthly quota of eggs Vetter Enterprises - cereal Schumacher Farms - Angus Beef
Thank YOU!
306 - 493 - 8288
HOLIDAY HOURS We are closed on Dec. 25, 27 & Jan. 1 We are open Dec. 30 Request/Renew Books at www.wheatland.sk.ca Monday Noon - 4pm
Wednesday Noon - 4pm & 7pm - 9pm
Friday 10am - 5pm
RM Review
January 2014
AGRICULTURE REPORTS Dwayne Summach Regional Livestock Specialist
Over 200 samples of forage harvested across the province in 2013 were collected earlier this fall by regional forage and livestock specialists. The purpose was to gather forage quality data for the upcoming winter feeding period. Most samples were collected from the first cut harvest except for five samples of second cut alfalfa. The samples collected were assigned to one of four categories: · Alfalfa Legume Hay = 35 · Alfalfa Legume – Grass Hay = 126 · Grass Hay = 17 · Annual Crop, Greenfeed = 24 The chemical analysis of the forages was evaluated against their John Ippolito Regional Crop Specialist The past couple of growing seasons have been frustrating for pulse growers in the province with a higher incidence of root rots on both peas and lentils. Part of the explanation for higher incidence of root rots and root rot like symptoms has been higher rainfall. Pulse crops are not very tolerant to saturated soils and even 5 days of growing in saturated soils can have a negative impact on plant health. This has been partially responsible for depressed yields and poor crop health in both peas and lentils. In 2013 larger numbers of samples submitted to the Crop Protection Lab were diagnosed as having root rots caused by a complex of pathogens. These pathogens were Fusarium species, Rhizoctonia solani and Pythium species. These fungi are difficult to deal with in that they are soil
2013 Forage Quality Survey Highlights
ability to meet the energy requirements of cows six months pregnant in minus 25 degrees Celsius. Thirty-eight per cent of all the forages sampled met this requirement. Only twenty-nine per cent of the alfalfa, and alfalfa grass hays provided adequate energy, while seventy-seven per cent of the grass hays and seventy-five percent of the greenfeed did so. Four months down the road, it will be getting warmer, the cows will have calved, but the increased nutrient demands of lactation means less than five percent of the sampled forages would provide adequate energy. The reality is that approximately two-thirds
of this year’s forage produced to winter the beef herd will require energy supplementation. The only way to know if the forage you are using is adequate is to have it tested and evaluated against the requirements for the class of livestock being fed. If supplemental energy is required, the amount can be determined using ration balancing software, such as CowBytes, available from Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development. For additional information regarding forage analysis and evaluation contact your Ministry of Agriculture Regional Livestock Specialist.
Root Rot in Pulse Crops borne and have a wide range of hosts including other broadleaf crops such as canola. In 2012 Aphanomyces root rot was also identified in samples of pulse crops from a couple of fields in Saskatchewan. This is a new finding for Saskatchewan but given the large distance between these fields it is suspected that it is more widespread than we think. This disease is specific to field peas but can infect some species of faba beans as well. One of the characteristics of this disease in field peas is caramel colored roots. Control of root rots in pulse crops is not easily achieved. Seed treatments are effective against root rot fungi but only for 3 to 4 weeks after planting. Root rot infections often occur later in the growing season. Seed treatments
are not effective against Aphanomyces. Crop rotations of 4 to 5 years between peas are recommended for Aphanomyces. Crop rotations with cereals are recommended for the other root rot pathogens. Producers should try and seed when soils have had an opportunity to dry out and warm up. Avoid seeding into compacted and saturated soils that may contribute to poor plant growth. Residue management during the previous harvest may also provide some benefit through not having saturated soils under heavy residue. For more information on root rots in pulse crops refer to the Pea Production Manual and Lentil Production Manual produced by the Saskatchewan Pulse Growers.
Website Exclusive Read new weekly Ministry of Agriculture reports any time at www.rmreview.net
Reports are provided by the Ministry of Agriculture office in Outlook, Saskatchewan John Hauer Regional Forage Specialist
Extending your Grazing Season with Crop Residues
Crop residue is chaff and straw from annual cereal, pulse, and oilseed crops. When collected and bunched into piles and fed in the field you extend your grazing season. Conventional winter feeding cows in a feed yard is expensive, calculated to be $1.75/head/day or up to 60 per cent of the total cash costs of maintaining a cow herd. These costs include the costs of harvesting, handling and transporting the feed to the cow then removing the manure from the pen after. Crop residues are a by-product of the grain crop you have produced so other than the system to collect it there is little additional cost to produce the feed. I feel using chaff and straw as a feed resource is often overlooked. As an added benefit, research at the Western Beef Development Centre at Lanigan has shown that a higher level of nitrogen is recycled and returned to the soil when livestock are fed in the field. This is in comparison to feeding the cows in confinement then hauling the manure to the field. There are several collection systems which will collect just chaff or both chaff and straw together. One simple design is a chaff box. The box is built and mounted at the back of the combine. It is counterweighted to automatically dump 20-25 pound piles. These piles generally are 8-12 inches high and four feet long. For plans to build a chaff box go to our “Crop Residue Collection for Field Grazing” factsheet on our website at www.agriculture.gov.sk.ca. Estimated cost to build this chaff box including both materials and labor was $500.00 at the time of writing this factsheet. Another system is the
“Whole Buncher” system. It is mounted at the back of your combine and automatically trips and deposits 4060 pound piles of feed. It collects both straw and chaff together. These piles are approximately three feet high and five feet long. The Whole Buncher is patented and sold by AJ Manufacturing in Alberta. The feed value of crop residues depends greatly on the grain crop you collect the residue from and the conditions during which you harvested this residue (i.e. how much grain and cracked grain you include in the chaff and straw). Feed test the residue material and plan the feeding accordingly. If possibly limit the cattle to only the feed they will consume in a 3 day period. Depending on weather conditions during feeding and what levels of nutrients are in the residue feed you may have to supplement this residue feed with a little grain or hay. Last week I had the opportunity to attend the Canadian Forage and Grassland Association Conference and Tour based in Olds, Alberta. On the tour we visited several different ranches. One ranch, operated by Scott and Terrie Copley uses a straw and chaff buncher. Scott has found that with strawchaff bunches the straw and chaff are mixed in the pile. This forces the cattle to consume both chaff and straw together, not just chaff that is laid on top of the windrow with a different collection system. The piles are large enough that the cattle find them even through snow cover and small enough that they clean them up well so next year’ s seeding is not impeded. Scott estimates, for his
operation located around Airdrie Alberta, this extensive feeding system saves him about $100.00 per acre. This saving is based on costs like fuel, labor, land and equipment costs he would incur if he was using traditional dry lot feeding for his cow herd. Scott and Terrie also feel their cows are in “better physical shape” after walking and foraging in the residue fields during the winter so they have an easier time during the calving season. For more information on the benefits and savings from Crop Residue Collection for Field Grazing go to our website at www.agriculture.gov.sk.ca, or contact John Hauer, Regional Forage Specialist, Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture at the Kindersley Regional Office.
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January 2014
RM Review
MP REPORT New Year’s Riding Tour Monday, January 6
January 3, 2014 kelly Block, M.P. Dear Friends, I trust that you have had a wonderful holiday season. As I reflect on the past year I can’t help but note that we have much to be thankful for and much to be proud of. Canada had a great year in 2013 and we are well positioned for success. This truly is Canada’s moment and together we will seize it. Below you’ll find my schedule for my annual riding tour (weather permitting) for next week. My family and I wish you a blessed, healthy and successful New Year. Sincerely, Kelly
8:00 am to 9:00 am Grandora @ Sandy Ridge Gas & Grocery 10:00 am to 11:00 am Asquith @ New Horizons 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm Vanscoy @ Robin’s Nest DUE TO THE COLD WEATHER, MONDAYS TOUR HAS BEEN RESCHEDULED TO MONDAY JANUARY 20TH
Tuesday, January 7
1:30 pm to 3:00 pm Sonningdale @ Pensioners & Pioneers Community Hall
Thursday, January 9 8:30 am to 9:15 am Sovereign @ Sovereign Post Office 9:30 am to 10:30 am Harris @ Senior Centre Community Hall 1:30 pm to 2:30 pm Stranraer @ Hall 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm Herschel @ Hall
Friday, January 10
8:30 am to 9:15 am Rosetown @ A&W 10:00 am to 11:00 am Fiske @ Bar & Grill
9:30 am to 10:30 am Delisle @ Centennial Arena 1:30 pm to 2:30 pm Saskatoon @ Station 20 West
Wednesday, January 8 9:30 am to 10:30 am Ruthilda @ Ruthilda Hotel 11:30 am to 12:30 pm Biggar @ Weasie’s Gourmet Blends
Website Exclusive Read new MP Report and MLA Report every week at www.rmreview.net
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RM Review
January 2014
December 18, 2013 Randy Weekes, MLA Provincial Population Higher Than Ever Before Saskatchewan is the place to be – just ask the 5,867 new residents who decided to move to the province in July, August and September. Our provincial population has grown by 19,797 over the last year, reaching a record 1,114, 170. Among the provinces, only Alberta had higher population growth. More and more people see Saskatchewan as one of the best places in Canada to live, work and play. These people are international immigrants as well as those relocating from places like British Columbia, Ontario, New Brunswick, Alberta and Quebec. There are also a lot of babies born in Saskatchewan. Continued population and economic growth is expected in 2014. Meanwhile, our government remains on track to meet our growth plan goal of 1.2 million people by 2020. Come See Saskatchewan.ca It is now easier than ever before to find the information you need. If you’re looking to relocate, change careers, learn about government programs, services or simply find something fun to do, you can get it all on the new Government of Saskatchewan website – Saskatchewan.ca. This user-friendly website, which is
compatible with tablets and smartphones, is designed to improve access to information and services. Using the headings “Live,” “Work,” “Play” and “Government,” this website is organized by Saskatchewan people’s interests rather than by government ministries. This change also reflects what Saskatchewan has to offer visitors, potential investors and future residents. Analytics are also used to track and promote frequently visited pages like the Highway Hotline, SaskJobs.ca and where to find day care so the most sought after information can be highlighted and kept current. Over the coming year, government will continue to transition content and services from gov.sk.ca to Saskatchewan.ca. Both will operate until the transition is complete. Powerful Voices For Change The health and well-being of Saskatchewan people is vital. With an estimated one in five experiencing a mental health or addictions problem, our government understands it has a role to improve the services currently offered. We are currently seeking feedback to form a Mental Health and Addictions Action Plan. So far, over 2,600 responses have been submitted at http://www.health.gov.sk.ca/powerful-voice. Using a confidential questionnaire, we’re encouraging Saskatchewan people to share stories, experiences
Randyy Weekes, Weekes, MLA MLA Biggar iggar Constituency Constituency Office Office 106 - 3rd 3rd Ave. Ave. West, Av West, Biggar, Biggar iggar,, SK S0K 0M0 Toll Toll Free: Free: 1-877-948-4880 Phone: Phone: 1-306-948-4880 Fax: 1-306-948-4882 Find Randy on http://on.fb.me/SfKsYx
www.randyweekes.ca randyweekes.mla@accesscomm.ca and suggestions for improving mental health or addiction services within the province. These submissions – which take about 15 minutes to complete – will be accepted until December 31st. These results, as well as results from other consultations including focus groups, in-person interviews and other meetings, will help inform development of an Action Plan for Saskatchewan. The Saskatchewan Advantage Scholarship Nearly 13,000 Saskatchewan students have now taken advantage of a Saskatchewan-made scholarship. Through the Saskatchewan Advantage Scholarship, current Grade 12 graduates who enroll at a Saskatchewan post-secondary institution are provided with a scholarship of up to $500 per year to a lifetime maximum of $2,000. Students even have up to 10 years to
use the benefit. To support our province’s growth, we need to ensure that more of our students are entering post-secondary education, completing their training and connecting to jobs in the Saskatchewan economy. The Saskatchewan Advantage Scholarship helps make post-secondary education more affordable and accessible for students. Since the scholarship was first put into place in 2012, the province has provided more than $6.4 million to help thousands of students pursue post-secondary education. Since 2008, our government has invested $4.6 billion in our post-secondary institutions and students. This includes the Graduate Retention Program which provides up to a $20,000 refundable and non-refundable tax credit for graduates who live in Saskatchewan.
Riders Gear Headquarters
New Year Resolutions Call for info about Emergency Services on holidays & after hours
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Monday 9:00am - 6:00pm Tuesday 8:00am - 8:00pm Wednesday 8:00am - 8:00pm Thursday 9:00am - 6:00pm Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm Saturday: 9:00am - 4:00pm
I resolve to... * become a member of the Delisle Co-op so I can share in the profits, like my neighbor * pick up my Co-op Coffee & Muffin each morning * purchase last-minute groceries at Delisle Co-op * buy my gas and diesel at the Delisle Co-op * wash my car more than once a year, at the Delisle Co-op Car & Truck Wash Groceries & Confectionary - Truck & Car Wash Gas Pumps & Card Lock - Propane & Bulk Fuel
Open 7 Days a Week 6:00am - 10:00pm
493 - 2212
January 2014
RM Review
Updates on Delisle Sports Fundraising Projects
he Delisle Excellence in Sports Hockey Calendar featuring all winning provincial hockey teams, semi-pro & NHL hockey players is almost sold out. 350 calendars were printed & only a few are left at Delisle Co-op & Delisle Agencies. They have gone across Canada & also to the USA. All profits will go towards
the roof loan on the Delisle arena. The Delisle Bruins Senior Hockey Team would like to thank everyone in the community for their support for this project. Watch for future calendars over the next few years featuring other provincial, Western, & National winners in various sports.
undraising continues for the Bentley sign in Delisle to honour NHL hall of fame hockey players Max & Doug Bentley. The sign will be in place & unveiled sometime in February. Contributions are accepted at Delisle Credit Union. Thank you to the families & businesses who have already made a donation.
Operation Santa Says Thank You
squith is a caring town, full of good neighbors. The community of Asquith has proved it by their tremendous response to Operation Santa! Groceries, toys, baked Christmas goods, knitted mitts and toques and cash donations were received, allowing Operation Santa to make Christmas and grocery hampers. Mitchell’s, thanks to Doug Haugrud, made up meat hampers for the families as well. This year we provided hampers and groceries to SEVENTEEN family units, in which there were 32 children. People who received the hampers have expressed thanks again and again. You met a physical need and touched many hearts! Money received went directly to the hampers
and was spent at local merchants. Organizations that we would like to thank specifically are: The Asquith Baptist Church, The Asquith Legion, The United Church, St. Theresa’s Parish, Asquith Elks, the Asquith Royal Purple, Asquith Lodge AF & AM, the B.L.R.A., the Britannia Restaurant, Lord Asquith School and students. A special thank you has to go out to the Asquith General Store and the Asquith Co-operative Association, who special ordered in some staples and who also donated some of the food stuffs!! You guys are great!! Mitchell’s Foods, thanks to Doug Haugrud, donated wonderful hampers of meat for the Christmas hampers!! Individuals who made cash donations were
867-8121 567-2194
Gerry Anderson, Jim Theriault, Dave Anderson, Wayne Strom, Tamarie Hudon, Janet England, Mel and Mary Ellen Moline, Lillian Demyen, Darleen Warren, Marg and Don Down, Bob and Lorraine McTavish, Baptist Secret Santa and several anonymous donors. Thanks to John and Eva Rempel who donated pizza coupons!! Leona Dumont and Donna Laye knitted beautiful scarves, toques and mitts to keep many a child warm this cold Christmas season. The Asquith Baptist Church donated a space for sorting and distributing the hampers. A special thank you goes to the elves Josh Goetz, Jason Ottman, Gail Erhart, Lorna and Herb Gutsch, Melissa Nygren, Reuben Ditmars, Lloyd Cross and Darren Kraft for sorting and delivering the Christmas hampers. Their hard work ensured that those in our community who needed the hampers received them. We hope that the spirit of “Operation Santa” will be a continuing success in 2014. Asquith and the surrounding area is a wonderful community and we thank you for your help and support in helping Christmas be a little bit brighter for many in our community! Operation Santa Committee
Delisle & District Arts Council
Amazing Space
Submitted by Kellie Walton
fter a very busy holiday season full of family and friends, let's take a minute to appreciate an amazing local space. There is a very special corner in the town of Delisle. At the corner of First Street West and Second Avenue, a group of local senior citizens, plus a few other town residents, take a great deal of time and energy to create a unique space. This corner lot has been used as a set for grad and wedding photos (plus a few girls night out photo shoots). Volunteers spend many hours gathering decorations and props to make this little corner special. This corner has been decorated for many occasions; it is never empty. In the spring there are baskets bursting with flowers. Fall brings us pumpkins, corn and the fruits of a bountiful harvest from local gardens. That's not all, the corner is also decorated for Valentine’s Day, St. Paddy’s day, the Olympics, and the list goes on and on. I drive past this corner everyday on my way to work and each day it makes me smile! It's always interesting to see what they come up with next. I have spoken to a few of the people involved in keeping this creative corner going and here is what they had to say. Gail Mantyka, owner of Little Bit of Country, says they enjoy coming up with new ideas, and collecting new items to add to the display each time. When asked how they fund such a project she told me that they use the "Baking Fund". The Baking Fund, a great idea, works like this. The ladies from town attend coffee row at Little Bit of Country takes turns bringing baking. Customers
may purchase this baking for $0.50 apiece. The proceeds from the sale of baked goods go towards purchasing some of the items for the corner display. It can take some time for the baking fund to grow at $.50 a muffin, and as such, donations are gratefully accepted too!. In the past they have received donations from local people, some donations in the form of cash others in the way of decorations that people were no longer using. I asked Cathy Shackleton, a local resident, how they came up with the ideas for the corner display. Cathy says they discuss ideas over coffee and then pick a date and time. Everyone comes and pitches in to get the old display down and the new display up. Gail and Cathy told tell me this level of collaboration isn’t big deal, however, I disagree! Having this corner display go on throughout the year takes many hours of planning and hard work. The ladies tell me that one of the largest contributors is Mary Orchard. Not only does the Orchard family own the corner property where the Amazing Space is located, Mary spends many hours planning the displays, searching out decorations, and growing the beautiful baskets that gardeners in town are envious of. All of this work is done by local seniors, using a baking fund to pay for electricity and decorations! Local volunteers are doing this for the simple reason that they love it. Their effort is a big deal that is greatly appreciated by area residents! In the years that this display has been running, it has suffered vandalism only once. The volunteers involved in creating the display were saddened by this, and local residents were shocked. However the culprits
were found, and assisted in the cleanup and redecorating process. This showed the vandals how much time and effort goes into this little corner. A sure sign of this corner lot display’s popularity is that people are always speculating when the new display will go up and what it will be. I think it's wonderful that Delisle has this great little space! People from our community lovingly care for it and make it a beautiful space to visit, take pictures, and visit just to relax with a book. If you would like to donate to this ongoing project please contact Gail Mantyka at Little bit of Country. They are always looking for volunteers to help. Other local events happening in our community include the Concert Series being held at the United Church January 24th 7:30pm featuring Sylvia and Friends. Tickets for the Concert Series are $15 at the door. You may purchase tickets for the entire series for $40. Please contact Sylvia Chave for additional information or to purchase tickets. Do you have an artist in your house? Would you like to be an artist? We are hosting a discovery art class with local artist Kevin Hastings. This class is open to artists age 10yrs through adult. The class registration fee is $70 and will be held at Vanscoy School Tuesday evenings Starting January 21-February 11 at 6:30pm. Art created during this class with Kevin will be displayed at an exhibition February 11th at 7:30pm. Please contact Pamela Hank ( HYPERLINK "mailto:pchank4@gmail .com"pchank4@gmail.c om or 306-362-7583 for more information or to register for classes.
RM Review
January 2014
Find More Event Details at www.rmreview.net or Scan the QR Code with your phone January 11 Saturday Tree Pick-up Day Town of Delisle
January 15 Wednesday 6:30pm Parent & Tot Night Lord Asquith School
January 22 Wednesday 6:30pm Parent & Tot Night Lord Asquith School
February 1 Saturday Perdue Snowmobile Rally Perdue
January 11 Saturday Delisle Initiation Bruins Tournament Delisle Arena
January 17 Friday 9:30am Vanscoy Mom’s Group Vanscoy Early Learning Centre
January 24 Friday 6:30pm Sylvia & Friends - Concert Series Delisle United Church
February 1 Saturday 7:00pm Baby Back Rib Night Asquith Hotel
January 11 Saturday Elks/Eagle Creek Snowmobile Rally Asquith
January 18 Saturday Vanscoy Initiation Tournament Vanscoy Arena
January 28 Tuesday 10:00am Delisle Parent & Tot Group Delisle Town Hall
February 4 Tuesday 10:00am Delisle Parent & Tot Group Delisle Town Hall
January 11 Saturday Quilt Workshop Vanscoy Circle Hall
January 18 Saturday Harris Snowmobile Poker Derby Harris Arena
January 29 Wednesday 6:30pm Parent & Tot Night Lord Asquith School
February 4 Tuesday 6:30pm Country Quilters Vanscoy Senior Centre
January 12 Sunday 2:00pm St Martins Church Travel Series Pike Lake
January 21 Tuesday 10:00am Delisle Parent & Tot Group Delisle Town Hall
January 31 Friday 9:30am Vanscoy Mom’s Group Vanscoy Early Learning Centre
February 5 Wednesday 6:30pm Parent & Tot Night Lord Asquith School
January 14 Tuesday 10:00am Delisle Parent & Tot Group Delisle Town Hall
January 21 Tuesday 6:30pm Country Quilters Vanscoy Senior Centre
February 1 Saturday Vanscoy Atoms Tournament Vanscoy Arena
February 8 Saturday Conquest Snowmobile Poker Rally Ardath Community Hall
Promote Your Event FREE
Call 306-668-1312 or mail@rmreview.net Certified
Organic Beef
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Ag Services Division
Leo Stobbe 668-4289
493 - 2408
Installation of Rural Water & Sewer Systems
Box 130, Delisle, SK S0L 0P0
Pumps - Tanks - Switches - other Trenching & Excavation
January 2014
RM Review
Find more Detailed Listings at www.rmreview.net or Scan the QR Code with your phone Construction
Government - Federal
Delisle Hotel Delisle 493-2462
B & B Homes Delisle 493-2750
Jeannie’s Place Delisle 493-2489 / 380-9664
Dexteriors Vanscoy 934-3048
kelly Block, MP 904E 22nd St W, Saskatoon 1-888-590-6555
Government Provincial
Flatlander Construction Delisle 493-7547
Larmar Contracting Services Vanscoy 380-2327
Accountsability Vanscoy 292-4085/668-4216
G & L Drywall Delisle 493-8228 / 668-4583
Lyndsay Lee Pike Lake 244-2777
New Age Foundations Plus Grandora 329-4610
Papertrail Legacy Vanscoy 931-2153
Side by Side Contractors 270-6986
Agricultural Larson Custom Fencing Delisle 934-3185 / 403-664-8252 Orchard Transport - Ag Div. Delisle 493-2408 Viterra - Delisle LSO Delisle 493-8188 Air Conditioning & Heating PLAINSMAN HVAC-R Ltd 24 Hour Emergency Service Vanscoy 306-242-3002
Twin Painting Vanscoy 934-5803 / 261-0689 Victoria’s Design 370-9399
BeautiControl-Rose-Anne kielo Delisle 493-2233
Moon River Golf Club Valley Road 931-8960
Flood First General Services Saskatoon 979-3205
Dr. Lisa Merkosky Community Health Chiropractic Clinic Delisle Primary Health Centre 493-2800
Gas / Confectionary Amsoil - Roland Rusnell Delisle 220-3357 Delisle Agricultural Co-op Delisle 493-2212 Sandyridge Gas & Grocery Grandora 668-4362
Computer -Service Catprint Computing Delisle 230-8783
Vanscoy Tempo Vanscoy 683-5024
Vehicle Repair
Mooney Agencies Ltd. Vanscoy 668-2181
Sid’s Auto Service Vanscoy 668-2013
Jillian Walker Massage RMT Vanscoy 242-7780
Cattle Care Hwy #14 343-5773/260-6729
Lindsey kocay Therapeutic Massage Delisle 493-8247
Corman Park Vet Services Hwy #14 (SLS) 384-7676
Meat Cutting
Delisle Veterinary Service Delisle 493-3143
Vanscoy Sausage & Meat Vanscoy 668-4742
Fafard’s Mobile Vet Service Grandora 371-4534
Pet Care
Outlook Veterinary Clinic Outlook 867-8777
‘A’ Deb’s k-9 kennelling Delisle 220-4727
Graham Contracting Asquith 230-4653
Bark Place Delisle 306-491-9335
klassen Trenching Delisle 493-7579
Lynne Road kennels Grandora 270-5831
Link’s Backhoe & Skidsteer Delisle 222-9737
Lynn Ross Dog Grooming Vanscoy 382-6224
Starlings Septic Services Delisle 493-2241
Prairie Sun Orchard Ice Cream Vanscoy 242-7573 Schneider’s Gourmet World Delisle 493-3199
Hairstylist / Beauty Delisle Hairstyling & Barber Delisle 493-2467
Water / Septic
Animal InnSpaRations Delisle 493-3143
Plumbing & Heating
Sew kleen Hydro-vacing & Septic Asquith 283-4406
Iron Eagle Mechanical Saskatoon 717-0151 Thermal Mechanical Vanscoy 381-7998/270-0160
Hair by Dawn Vanscoy 384-6807
Welding Arc-Fab Industrial Pike Lake 380-7525 STP Mobile Welding Saskatoon 280-9368
Potash Mine
Salon 360 Delisle 493-2486
Agrium Potash Mine Vanscoy 668-4343
The Pink Chair Delisle 493-2266
Yardwork/Excavation Big Pines Services Inc. Vanscoy 230-7399
Reflexology - Carrol king Delisle 493-2452
Ryjo Tours Inc. Tessier 1-866-656-4786
Delisle Agencies Delisle 493-2260
Valleyview Golf & Country Club Delisle 493-3288
Air & Alkaline Water Purifiers Perdue 1-877-652-6853
Angus Insurance Harris 656-4555
Julie’s House of Style Delisle 493-2950
Like A Rock Grandora 382-3978
Rice Lake Sand & Gravel Asquith 329-4768
Garden / Yard
Sultry Skincare “Waxing Services” Vanscoy 230-1389
Link’s Backhoe & Skidsteer Delisle 222-9737
kim’s Signs That Sell Vanscoy 493-3011
klassen Trenching Delisle 493-7579
Clubs Driving Range Valley Road 221-0842
Dejardins - Norma Sparrow 330 - 20th St. E Saskatoon 242-1188
Arbonne Intl - kerrie Sparrow Vanscoy 668-4218
Sign Painting
Graham Contracting Asquith 230-4653
J C Electric Vanscoy 290-2052
Edward Jones -Colleen Schneider 234 First Ave S Saskatoon 244-0398
Watkins - Darla Christopher Delisle 493-2933
Gravel / Sand
Delisle Credit Union 1st St, Delisle 493-2414
Scouts Auto Parts Donavon 493-2637
Watkins - Anne Plummer 725 Valley Rd 382-1284
Randy Weekes, MLA 106 3rd Ave W Biggar 1-877-948-4880
Integra Tire/Empire Auto Saskatoon 244-8070
Sharpening RixEdge Sharpening Services Saskatoon 270-8048
Westland Enterprizes Ltd Delisle 493-2709
Back 40 Embroidery Delisle 493-3033/493-2751
Home Care Products
Pike Lake Preschool Pike Lake 978-8164
Graham Contracting Asquith 230-4653
Vanscoy Early Learning Center Vanscoy 668-6338
kBM Earthmoving Vanscoy 867-3770
klassen Trenching Delisle 493-7579
Computer -Web Design
B & B Homes Delisle 493-2750
Britannia Restaurant Asquith 329-2496
Link’s Backhoe & Skidsteer Delisle 222-9737
Whole Wheat Web Design Vanscoy 493-3023
Silpada - Marilyn Hungness Asquith 329-4768
Vesta Homes Vanscoy 242-9099
Robin’s Nest Cafe Railway Ave Vanscoy 931-6996
Stobbe’s Backhoe Service Grandora 668-4289
Truck Storage / Living Quarters
Antiques & Collectibles
2400 sq. ft. (2) 14’x14’ OHD Sub fenced 2 acre yard. Farley Road off Hwy 14 Coldwell Banker ResCom Realty MLS $479,000
Tom Neufeld 306-260-7838
Farm / Acreage / Ranch / Recreation Buying? / Selling?
Gifts, Memorabilia & so much more
Sask. Land Sales
Come In,
Coldwell Banker
See What’s New & Old
ResCom Realty
1st St. W, Delisle Mon - Fri 9:00 am - 4:30 pm
Real Estate Specialist TOM NEUFELD 306-260-7838
HAY FOR SALE Small Bales, Alfalfa/Brome/Crested Wheat Mixture In Hay Shed $3.50/bale
Check out... WWW.PIN.CA Several Local Properties Available “For Sale by Owner” Land in local R.M.’s of: Vanscoy, Montrose, Eagle Creek and Aberdeen Businesses in: Delisle, Saskatoon, Harris Asquith and Rosetown etc. To List Yours Call: Merv Easton - Vanscoy 306-270-2022 merv@pin.ca
Advertise Your Goods or Services Here for Only
$20/Month Call the RM Review at 306-668-1312 or visit our website www.rmreview.net
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