July 2013:rm review new

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RM Review Volume 14 Number 7

Serving the RM of Vanscoy, Harris and Montrose


July 2013

30th Annual Summer Fair T

for the Vanscoy and District Agricultural Society

he Vanscoy & District Agricultural Society will celebrate 30 years at the Summer Fair, August 17 & 18. The history of ‘promoting agriculture and rural living through education, entertainment and community development’ will be honored not only with the traditional exhibits and competitions, kid’s games and meals, but with a few new additions that will make it a memorable event. You will want to make sure to take in the parade, the supper and especially the fireworks! The Vanscoy & District Agricultural Society was formed in 1983 with the first meeting held on June 29. The new directors immediately set upon planning events for their community, the first of which was assisting with the Vanscoy Sheep and Wool Fair in August. This was followed by the first Summer Fair – a horticultural fair, where they worked together with the Vanscoy Senior Citizen Club. The fair became an annual event, now 30 years running that has provided a venue where local and provincial celebrations could be incorporated. In 1985, the fair grew from one day to two, to include a day of celebration for Heritage ’85. The extra day afforded time to include a parade, both Light Horse & Gymkhana, a bbq and dance, horseshoes, lawn bowling, a museum, an ecumenical church service, pancake breakfast and picnic. In 1992, the fair included the ‘Canada 125 Celebration’, where they held a program with multi-cultural dancers and music (and of course a cake, too!). 1995 was Saskatchewan’s 90th anniversary. This fair included a history display depicting agriculture in our community through the last 90 years. The Saturday night entertainment was a program consisting on 10 acts. Saskatchewan celebrated 100 years in 2005. This meant another opportunity to celebrate. By this time, the fair had grown from an event held in the hall to one that incorporated most of the village facilities. The bulk of the fair was held in the skating arena. A large stage was set at the end of the building, commercial booths lined the boards, and exhibits were displayed throughout the middle. The arena vibrated with energy from the stage that provided continuous entertainment all weekend.

The society has a long history of working with all the organizations within the community – early on, they sponsored the 4-H Club and the Vanscoy Sheep & Wool Fair. In 1984, they participated in a community fundraising event for the Delisle Fire Department, who was purchasing the Jaws of Life. More recently, the fire department was running a lottery to purchase a new truck and the draw was made at the fair. The Community Club (now the Vanscoy Community Recreation Board) participated in the fair by running the concession, dances and supper and at various points agricultural society helped the recreation board with clean-up and renovations in the rinks. When the ag society deemed it necessary to have bleachers built for events, the cost was shared between the two organizations. When, more tables to service events were necessary, they pooled resources to get the job done. The Delisle Composite School Industrial Arts class was hired to build easels for fair displays. Both the UCW & CWL were involved in the fair in a big way by supplying the Sunday supper in the early years, then operating ‘Hilly’s Tea Room’, and then the concession. The Senior Citizen Club was always ‘at the ready’ to participate when needed. There were many other partnerships, but these are a few that stand out. The philosophy of including everyone has served them well and continues to do so. Finding funds for initial set-up and operating is always a challenge for new organizations. The first fundraiser that the society held was a ‘Polka Dot Lamb’ Raffle at the Vanscoy Sheep & Wool Fair. They made a profit of $289.75. Continuing to boost their income, they worked bingos in Saskatoon. This was not as profitable as one would expect, so they decided to run a bingo in their own community. The November Turkey Bingo continues to this day, filling the hall to capacity. One year the bingo was a real ‘black-out’ bingo… the power went out, but the playing continued by candlelight. Other means of fundraising included catering RM Suppers, reunions, weddings, and meetings. They also held a very successful giant garage

Sale and auction for a few years with donations from the community. Dances too, were organized and for several years, they hosted a Fiddle Contest which filled the hall with toe tapping, ‘I can hardly sit in my seat’ music. In addition to the fair and fundraising events, each year also included various seminars and clinics to serve the community, some of which are: Wood Stove Installation and Care Clinic, exhibitor clinics, Organic Gardening, straw weaving, Retirement Planning for Farm Families, a Job Search seminar, animal nutrition seminars, knitting workshops, Tax Reform Seminar, quilt workshops, landscaping, boating safety certification. As farm diversification occurred, the ag society moved in this direction as well by hosting ‘A Taste of the RM’. This concession type venue included booths with the various types of food produced in the area: bison, emu, elk, wild boar and fresh produce were included in the menu. Attendance at seminars seemed to wane as people’s schedules became busier, so ‘Farmer’s Night Out’ suppers were introduced. These meals were provided at an affordable cost and included a speaker



Physical accomplishments include the building of the cattle shelter in 1993. This project was funded entirely with ag society monies and built with community labor.

continued on page 14

Tornado Alley is in Saskatchewan

id you know? Saskatchewan is at the Northern tip of Tornado Alley. We are in the midst of this area and the potential dangers should be taken seriously. We all make a plan in the case of a fire, but every household should also have an emergency plan in the case of severe weather. It will only take 20 minutes, but could save your life.

GRAD 2013 Page 8 Council Reports.......p. 4 RCMP Report..........p. 5 School News............p. 6

on a current topic. Education for youth was addressed by providing sponsorship for school field trips that had agriculture content. Directors also visited Asquith, Delisle, Pike Lake and Vanscoy schools to teach children about plants, gardening and their environment. The ag society also provides a bursary for graduates who are furthering their education in the agriculture field. The Perennial Exchange was introduced in the late 90’s. This event still provides an opportunity for plant sharing and community bonding each spring. In 2000, the ag society was approached by the Delisle Fire Department to co-sponsor the Delisle Rodeo. It was agreed and the event moved to Vanscoy. This was a huge commitment, but directors approached it with new enthusiasm and worked to make this another stellar event, which continued until 2003.

4-H News.................p. 7 MP Report.............. p. 12 MLA Report.............p. 13

Continued on Page 12

Red Williams...................p. 14 Community Calendar......p. 15 Business Directory..........p. 16

Summer Leisure Guide Page 10

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July 2013

RM Review


Editorial “A Sense of REAL Community”


s the years go by, I find am more of a ‘stay at home’ kinda guy than I once was. (Thank god).

I enjoy watching a movie at home with my family or playoff hockey with friends, or PGA golf on the couch by myself on any given Sunday. Still, in the past month, I have managed to take in a variety of activities in our community with part or all of my family. We have attended the United Church confirmation in Delisle, had a BBQ at the Vanscoy Dart League wind-up near Valley Road, ate a hotdog at the CTV Hometown Tour in Delisle, I attended my son’s soccer game in Rosetown (missed his tournament in Outlook though... oops), golfed a couple of rounds in Delisle, sold some of my junk at the Community Garage Sale in Vanscoy, had a 25 cent hotdog (or two) at the hotel in Asquith, ate a great hamburger at the 4-H Achievement Day in Vanscoy and stuffed myself with pork at the Britannia Restaurant’s Father’s Day Pig Roast in Asquith. (Gee, when I write it all down like this it starts to seem like I am eating out a lot !!) There were also many things happening last month that I wasn’t able to make it to them all... the Pike Lake School Centennial, Professional Bull Riding in Asquith, Ranchman’s Day in Perdue, the Kid’s Fishing Derby at Eagle Creek Park, the Bingo, nor the Routes Gallery Concert, in Harris, and, once again, I missed the Eagle Creek Jamboree. (Bet the food there is great !!) My point is not so much how many events or activities I could have, or did attend in the past month, (or what I ate at them), but more importantly WHERE I have attended them. Having not been born in this community I have no genetic allegiance to any one part of it. Because my house is located closer to Vanscoy than Delisle, I seem to have been relegated by others to the Vanscoy corner in the Dog River v.s.Wollerton style fued that some say exists between Vanscoy and Delisle. I have yet to let such a silly notion prevent me from doing anything I want though. But the reality is deeper and darker my friends. In the 20 plus years I have lived here I have encountered, on many occasions, how narrow some people believe thier community is. “I’m from Asquith so I don’t attend the Vanscoy fair” or I’m from Vanscoy so I can’t go to Delisle Days”, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah... I’ve heard it all. I can understand when you must chose between two similar things, that you would possibly default to your home base. But when there is only one to chose from ??? Give me a break. Why would you create an impervious circle around you with “that isn’t part of my community” ??? It IS ALL part of your community... just that some things are in different neighborhoods than yours. Is the geography is too vast? Do you only have a horse or dogsled for transportation ?? Think in terms of street names, not towns and villages, maybe it will all seem easier for you. Ready?? Say it with me now... The ONLY golf course is on Delisle STREET, just behind the ONLY curling rink. The ONLY Vietnamese Restaurant is on Asquith AVENUE. The ONLY library is on Delisle DRIVE. The ONLY waterslide is on Pike Lake PLACE, The ONLY banks are on Delisle BOULEVARD. Let’s even go one step further, at the risk of totally blowing your mind, and replace the word ‘ONLY’ with the word BEST !! Now you suddenly live in a diverse and rich community with the BEST library, banks, waterslide, etc. (After all, it is easy to be the best, when you are the only one) I know you want this, because of the complaining I often hear about what “we don’t’ have”. So I say it’s time to suck it up, buttercup !! No more bitching about ‘this is ours’ or ‘that is just for them’, or ‘they have this and we don’t’... Enlarge your self imposed ‘circle’ of exile and get a REAL sense of your community. Why don’t we give it a try right now... Take a deep breath... close your eyes... slowly take that first step outside of your little circle. You can now finally see more of... indeed the BEST of, your REAL COMMUNITY. Full of friends and neighbors... (you know, the people that treat you better than strangers would). To help you navigate this brave new world I have included a Leisure Guide in the paper this month. Make this your Break-out Year and check out what YOUR REAL COMMUNITY has to offer you !! And when you run into me ‘on the other side’ ... maybe we could grab a bite to eat ?? Enjoy the summer. Ken Sowter Editor RM Review

CONTEST WINNERS Congratulations to... Liz Melburn Winner of the Grand Prize STAY-cation Package including... BBQ Tools Set from Robin's Nest Cafe $20 Gas, Ice Cream Cone and Shirt from Sandyridge Gas & Grocery Fish & Chips Dinner for Two from Britannia Restaurant 4 rounds of golf with power carts from Delisle Valleyview Golf Course Reflexology Treatment (1 hour) from Carrol King Reflexology Roughriders Hat and Shirt from Delisle Ag Co-op Roughriders Portable Cooler from Asquith Co-op $20 Fireworks Package from Vanscoy Tempo FunZone Day Pass from Crickle Creek 2 Free Admissions from Saskatchewan Railway Museum 2 Free Admissions from 16th Annual John Arcand Fiddle Fest $20 Food Voucher from The Huddle, Pike Lake Park 1 Hour Boat Rental from Irene's Boat Rentals, Pike Lake Park 2 Family Passes (4 people each) from Pike Lake Mini-Golf

Congratulations to... Shelley Friesen Early Bird Draw Winner of a FREE Golf Lesson from Brad Birnie Golf Academy

www.bradbirniegolf.ca Thank you to our family and many friends who shared in the celebration of our 60th wedding anniversary. Thank you for the cards, gifts, phone calls, and personal greetings. A special thank you to our family for the celebration supper. It was all a very memorable time. Bud and Elsie Gordon

Dead-Line for Submissions for the August 2013 Issue is Friday, July 19, 2013 CONTACT US Phone: 306-668-1312 Fax: 306-978-4481 mail@rmreview.net www.rmreview.net Box 333, Vanscoy, SK S0L 3J0


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DISTRIBUTION & SUBSCRIPTIONS 3,500 issues of the RM Review are published monthly and direct mailed for free to all homes in the communities shown in map, As well it is available for free at various news stands within this distribution area. Out of area subscriptions are available for $30/yr.

We reserve the right to edit copy for libel or other legal, spelling or grammatical errors. We accept no liability for any such errors.

RM Review


July 2013


1st Annual Mother & Daughter Tea Party a Great Success!

n May 26th, at the Vanscoy Hall, about 80 ladies participated in a lovely afternoon of tea and activities. The young ladies enjoyed dressing up and decorating tea hats, while the older ladies had a wonderful time relaxing and visiting with neighbours. Shouts of 'I love Tea' and bouts of laughter rang out in the beautifully decorated hall. A few people had these comments:

"... as soon as we came in the mood was set for a good time - decorations, and activities and treats were great!"; "The tea was a great flavour."; "A wonderful, relaxing way to spend time with daughters and neighbours." The support of local businesses allowed many to go home

with door prizes. Everyone went home with something, whether it was a game prize, a small thank you gift or the raffle basket. We couldn't have done this without all the people who helped set up, serve, and clean up, with a special thanks to Ty, Jean, and Fran for the entire day's help.

Thanks to Ace of Carts, The Vanscoy Community Recreation Board, Martin's Produce, Troy Ross and Robb McGill for their support. We are anxiously waiting for next year's Tea Party, as we had a fantastic time planning this year's. If you are interested in helping out next spring, please contact us. Bonnie Ross 306.668.9159 Wendy Schoonbaert 306.978.8164


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Jim Angus Retirement BBQ Close to 200 ratepayers, friends and family were on hand at the Harris Community Centre on June 15 to help honor retiring administrator Jim Angus for his 41+ years of service to the R. M. of Harris No. As a tribute,

the municipality are naming the road which heads straight north from Harris the “Jim Angus Road” and as well, Jim was presented with an ATV to enjoy in his retirement. During the evening those in attendance heard

from many municipal dignitaries from around the province who outlined Jim’s career in municipal governance. Jim thanked all in attendance and especially his many council members for their support over the years.

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July 2013

RM Review

COUNCIL REPORTS www.rmreview.net



Asquith Town Council held its regular council meeting on June 11, 2013. Attending were Mayor James Maddin, Councillors Sue Sawicki, Karen Gamble, Garry Dumont, Ross Beal, Don Lysyshyn and Gail Erhart. Council passed a resolution accepting accounts paid in May of $23,141.40 and accounts payable for June of $35,948.18. A water connection line on Charles Street had to be repaired, and a line at the water plant leading from the new well to the plant needs to be repaired. The Asquith Volunteer Fire Department held a controlled burn along Railway Avenue to get rid of the long, unsightly grass that also posed a fire hazard. The Fire Department also assisted in the landing of the STARS helicopter in Asquith, as it was sent out to transport an ill child to the hospital. The Town streets have all been swept. Three building permits were issued, one for a new garage, one for a new house and one for the reconstruction of a garage. Bylaw No. 2-2013, A Bylaw to set Minimum Taxes, was passed. Minimum tax in the Town is now $800 minimum for a residential or a commercial property with improvements on it, $250 for agricultural and large parcels, and $6.50 per foot frontage for vacant lots. Council held a special meeting on May 28, 2013 passing the 2013 operating budget. The mill rate has been set at 11 mills, with revenues of $934,656, expenditures of $925,022 and a surplus of $9,634. A special meeting was held on June 20, 2013 to pass Bylaw No. 3-2013, the Building Bylaw. Added to the original bylaw is now a section which addresses fences within the Town of Asquith. According to the new bylaw, no wall or fence located along any lot line, other than those in a required front yard shall exceed 2 m (6.56 ft.) in height. No wall or fence located along any lot line in a required front yard shall exceed 1 m (3.28 ft.) in height, and in the case of a corner lot, no wall, fence, hedge or shrubs shall exceed 0.75 m (2.46 ft.) in height in an intersection sight triangle. Have a wonderful summer!

Council set the 2013 mill rate at 6 mills. This is down from last year’s mill rate of 10.5 due the changes of assessment values on this year’s revaluation. A bylaw was also passed changing the mill rate factors. The new mill rate factors are 1.0 for Ag, .80 for Residential and 1.193 for Commercial. Tax notices will be mailed out in August. Council approved 3 applications for building and development permits at their June 11th meeting. One application to subdivide was approved. The R.M. has received approval to become an eligible assistance area under the Provincial Disaster Assistance Program (PDAP), which provides financial assistance to eligible claimants who have had substantial loss or damage to uninsurable property. Forms under this program are available on our website at www.rmvanscoy.ca or you can pick up an application form at the R.M. office. The next meeting of Council is scheduled for Tuesday July 9th. Any submissions for the July meeting need to be in the R.M. office by July 2nd.

Agricultural Fair. The parade will commence at 10:00 am. Entries can be registered by calling 306 668-2008. Leave a message if it is after hours.

TOWN OF DELISLE Delisle Town Council held a regular meeting June 11th. The Town will contribute up to a maximum of $8500 towards the capital cost of establishing a playground on Lots 7 & 8, Block 38, Plan 101953357. The sidewalk on the East side of the 300 block of Main St. will be removed and replaced with rolled curbing with gutter. Permission was granted to the Delisle and District Recreation Assoc. to hold an ourtdoor liquor function on Saturday, July 20, 2013 in conjuction with a dance at the rink parking lot from 9:00pm to 2:30am. Crops for Community will be nominated for consideration at the Saskatchewna Municipal Awards. Homeowners are asked to trim the grass in back alleys behind their property. Trees and shrubs should be trummed back to the propertyline. This includes the front street. Any trees or shrubs that are not trummed can be cut back at the Town’s discretion. The Town will be flushing fire hydrants on July 11 from 1pm - 4pm and on July 12 from 9am to 4pm. Discoloration of water may occur. If it does, run an outside tap until the water is clear. Do not run a hot water tap in the house to clear discolored water!

VILLAGE OF VANSCOY The Village of Vanscoy received two appeals that were dealt with and has one appeal that is being sent to the board of revision for consideration; therefore Council can continue setting the 2013 Budget and set the mill rate. Adjustments to the tax roll will be done when the board of revision finishes with the final appeal. Back lane and yard waste pickup has resumed for the season. Leave your bags of leaves and tree branches in the alley for pickup. Unlicensed vehicles and/or vehicles that have been sitting on the street should be removed or they will be removed. Violators will receive a notice from the Village with a time limit to remove them. The Village is receiving the names for entries in the parade for the August

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RM Review

July 2013 5 www.rmreview.net that the residence, pears to be related to cut and Sask Power which was not yet ingraduation pranks that was contacted. habited, had been enhave been taken too tered by thieves and far. Persons: numerous new items On June 13 at 8:56 where one was euthawere stolen, including a On June 14 at 3:30 p.m. police were called nized. An investigation dishwasher and a bed. a.m. police received an to a domestic disturinto the crash is being Outside of the resialarm call to the Warbance at a residence in conducted by the collidence was an old school man Hotel on North Martensville. A caller sion analyst from bus which was being Railway Street in War- advised police that they Saskatoon. used to store paint-ball man. Upon arrival it could hear shouting equipment. There was discovered that the and fighting between a Property: were numerous paint off-sale store had been man and a woman at ball guns, pressurized broken into and cash On June 10 at 4:00 the residence. Upon canisters and other reand liquor had been p.m. police received a police arrival it was lated supplies being stolen. The break-in complaint of a stolen learned that a man had stored in the bus, was captured on secuvehicle from the rural fled the residence prior which was entered and rity video. Four men in to police arriving. The area near Borden. An all of the equipment two vehicles had atarea resident reported woman advised police tended at the business that on June 7 his Ford stolen. The equipment that the man, her huswas used in support of and attempted to pull F250 diesel truck was band, had been drinka paint-ball business the door off with a rope ing when an argument stolen from his propthe complainant runs. attached to one of the erty. The truck is a started. The man alThe complainant estivehicles. When this 1994 model year and is legedly bit the woman mates the total value of was unsuccessful, one white in colour. The on her head and wrist the theft at approxiof the culprits smashed and pushed her. She vehicle was seen on mately $50,000. The the front door’s glass June 12 at a B&E in also advised that the RCMP are investigatwith a hammer. The the Corman Park area. man pushed his 9 year ing, and have utilized men then entered the It was later recovered old step-son when the the assistance of the premises and stole cash child attempted to inat the dump near Forensic Identification and liquor. The vehiAsquith. The investitervene. Police are inUnit to assist in the in- cles are described as an vestigating and gation continues. vestigation. Much of early 90s two-tone attempting to locate the property was later GMC single cab pickOn June 11 it was rethe suspect to speak recovered at the up truck, and a 4 door ported to the RCMP with him. No charges Asquith dump. One Jeep Cherokee, dark in have yet been laid. that unknown persons Asquith area man has colour. All four men have recently commitbeen arrested and were wearing hooded ted acts of vandalism On June 15 RCMP charged with numerous sweat shirts with the at Geransky Field in were contacted by a offences. More arrests hoods up. Their clothMartensville. City student and her parare anticipated. ing was dark coloured workers advised that ents to complain about and one man had a dis- an assault that took the soccer nets and tinctive Adidas zip-up football goal posts have On June 14 at 6:30 place at the Delisle hoodie with the word been damaged. Anyone a.m. RCMP received a Composite High School. complaint of a break “Adidas” down the who knows who may The student, a 14 year and enter at the Delisle spine. The matter is have been responsible old female, advised poComposite High School. being investigated by is encouraged to conlice that she had been When a staff member police. tact police or Crime in an exchange on attended at the school Stoppers. Facebook the previous to open the doors they On June 14 at 12:50 night with another fediscovered there had p.m. RCMP were called male student. As a reOn June 12 at 2:30 been numerous acts of to a garage fire on 3rd a.m. a resident of the sult the two students vandalism within the Avenue South, R.M. of Corman Park confronted each other school. Tables and Martensville. Police reported that he had and an argument occhairs were damaged responded with Fire observed an unknown curred in the school, and pellets shot Department personnel. which resulted in the subject attempting to through windows. A Upon arrival at the res- complainant being break-in to his shop. number of students idence it was learned The man had heard punched once in the that the home owner noises and awakened to have admitted involveface by the other girl. ment to school officials turned on the breaker find another man atPolice are investigating and the matter is being to the garage when it tempting to gain entry the incident. No investigated. No sparked and began to to the shop in his yard charges have yet been charges have yet been smoke. There was no by forcing the door laid. laid. This incident apfire. The power was open. The man went outside and observed a truck driving away from the residence and obtained the licence plate number. It turned out that the Blue Jays Baseball in Minneapolis: Sep 4 - 10 (7 Days) truck had been stolen in Borden two days Southern Canyons & National Parks Tour: Sep 15 - Oct 4 (20 Days) prior. Police are invesMinot Norsk Hostfest: Oct 2 - 6 (5 Days) tigating.

RCMP Report

Traffic: On June 06, at 1:40 a.m., police were observing traffic on highway 11 south of Osler when a vehicle that was driving southbound was noted to be driving at a high rate of speed. Police activated radar and determined that the vehicle, a 2004 Hyundai Sonata, was travelling at a speed of 187 km/h in a 110 km/h zone. The vehicle was stopped by police just north of Warman and it was determined that a 36 year old female from Beauval had been driving. The woman advised police that she was attempting to get to a funeral in Saskatoon. A violation ticket was issued to the woman in the amount of $739.00. On June 12 at 11:47 p.m. RCMP received a call of a traffic collision between a transport truck and a Moose on Highway 16 west of Maymont. No one was injured, however, the moose was killed. The driver of the transport truck advised that he was eastbound on highway 16 when the moose came out of the ditch in front of his vehicle leaving no time to avoid the collision. There was significant damage to the front end of the truck, which had to be towed. No charges are being contemplated. On June 13 at 9:45 a.m. RCMP responded to a report of a head-on collision on highway 766, west of highway 60, southwest of Saskatoon. It was reported that a 2006 Chrysler Sebring had collided with a 2012 Ford Escape. EMS and Fire crews attended as it was reported that the driver of the Ford Escape was entrapped in the vehicle. A 53 year old Pike Lake area man, the driver of the Escape, was pronounced dead at the scene. Two teenaged girls, who were in the Chrysler Sebring, were treated for minor injuries at RUH. Evidence at the scene suggests that the Sebring, which was trav-

elling eastbound, veered to the shoulder and the driver over corrected and crossed into the oncoming lanes. The driver of the Ford Escape attempted to avoid the collision by entering the westbound ditch, but the Sebring crossed all the way over and the vehicles collided in the ditch. The collision is still under investigation. A collision analyst from Saskatoon attended the scene. On June 13 at 9:44 p.m. police were travelling on highway 684, west of Saskatoon, when they came upon a vehicle partially submerged in the water of a ditch adjacent to the highway. An officer investigated the vehicle and discovered an intoxicated male passed out behind the wheel of the vehicle. The man was awakened and directed out of the car. The man displayed signs of impairment from alcohol and was arrested for impaired driving. It was also revealed that the man was on probation for other criminal matters. He was taken to the police detachment where he provided breath samples that were almost double the legal limit. A 44 year old North Battleford man was later released on charges of impaired driving and breaching a probation order. He is scheduled to appear in Provincial Court on August 7. On June 14 at 6:11 p.m. police responded to a two vehicle collision on highway 16 at intersection with 71st Street near the City of Saskatoon. A northbound van collided with an eastbound SUV. The SUV was an unmarked RCMP vehicle which was transporting police service dogs. It appears as though the van did not yield through the intersection. The RCMP officer, a canine handler, was seriously injured and was transported to RUH with extensive injuries, including a broken pelvis. Both of the RCMP service dogs were taken to the U of S Veterinary Center

Nashville-Branson-Pigeon Forge: Oct 14 - Nov 4 (20 Days)

On June 12 at 10:00 p.m. an Asquith area resident contacted RCMP to advise of a break-in at his residence in the rural area near Asquith. The complainant advised police that he had attended at the property where he had just had a new home constructed and discovered

Moose Jaw: Nov 4 - 6 (3 Days) Branson Christmas Show Tour: Nov 14 - 25 (12 Days) Bismark Shopping Tour (Black Friday): Nov 28 - Dec 1 (4 Days) Edmonton River Cree Shopping & Casino: Dec 6 - 8 (3 Days) Mesa - Palm Springs: Jan 17 - Feb 8 (23 Days) New Orlean’s - San Antonio: Feb 11 - Mar 4 (22 Days)


July 2013

SCHOOL NEWS www.rmreview.net


As we put together the last report of the school year, final exams are underway and the countdown to summer holidays is on! The Grade 8 class from Delisle Composite School participated in the annual Cardboard Boat Race Challenge held Friday, June 14th at SIAST Kelsey Campus and Harry Bailey Aquatic Center. This competition tied in with the Grade 8 science unit on Forces, Fluids, and Density where there is a section on buoyancy and boats. The students worked hard and spent weeks preparing for this day, planning and creating prototypes for the boat that they would build at the competition. They then put their plans to work, having 90 minutes to build a lifesize boat made entirely of cardboard and tape. Then it was time to put their boats to the test. They raced their boats at Harry Bailey pool against other schools. All participants had a great time racing their boats, even if they didn't make it to the end of the pool! Delisle even picked up awards: The team of Cameron Judkins, Swade Orchard, and Sydney Tabin received two silver medals. They received a silver medal for fastest time and a silver medal for overall boat design. All students were excellent during the competition and made DCS proud! The Grade 8 students were also busy as they held a Culture Fair on Wed., June 12. The students worked at researching a country and its culture and then had a culminating activity in the Culture Fair. Various countries were on display. We enjoyed the displays and foods from the countries, such as Japan, Philippines, France, Sweden, Egypt, Finland, to name a few. Thank you to the students for all their hard work and to everyone who came and shared the day with the Grade 8s. On June 3, the grade 7 classes from Delisle Composite School travelled to Blue Mountain Outdoor Adventure Center to participate in a fun-fill, educational day. While there they learned how to safely hook up and work a harness for climbing and ziplining. After which, they participated in both activities with much success and fun! Following those activities, the students were sent through a challenge course ( much like an obstacle course) in teams where team work was the mission and truthfully the only way for success. There were many laughs as the courses were completed. To round out the day, students were asked to complete four short pre-writing activities so that when they returned to school the experiences they had would be fresh in their minds and they would be able to wrap up their assignments for ELA class.( The hot dog bbq was a big hit too!) All in all it was a funfilled day full of laughter, learning, and thankfully, no rain. Many high school students helped to volunteer and run events at the elementary school fun night. Thanks to everyone who helped out and to Mrs. Kielo for organizing it. After a two year hiatus, the Prairie Spirit Film Festival was back, showcasing student-made movies at a gala event at the Roxy Theater on June 5. DCS entered five films into the festival, and did very well in the different categories. "Beyond Normal" was a trailer for supernatural teenagers, filmed by grade 11 students Cassandra, Brooke, Karly, Kathy, Ashley, and Denika. It was nominated for Best Trailer. "Romeo and Juliet in a Nutshell" was a one minute, one-take movie done by grade 9 students summarizing Shakespeare's play. It starred Lauren, Dane, Zach, and Cody J. It won the award for Best Adaptation. "Without the Bacon" was a superhero short film done by grade 8 students Swade and Christian (with Josh as an extra.) This movie won the award for Best Trailer. Grade 12 student Connor Judkins submitted two films,


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ATM Videos

and both did very well. "The Photographer" was a three minute film with no dialogue, instead telling the story through strong and fantastic visuals. It won the award for Effective Visuals/Camera Angles to Communicate. Connor's second film was a 'mockumentary' called "The Gamer: A Look Inside the Life-less" which pokes fun at the stereotypes of young adults who do nothing but play video games. It was very well received, being nominated for four awards, winning two: Effective Acting, and Best Overall Film. Congratulations to all of the students involved in making movies for this year's festival. Looking forward to more film-making next year and more entries for the 'big screen'. In terms of sports, the school had four football players chosen to be part of a Provincial football team. Sean Murray, Dane Murray and Sam Michnik were chosen to represent Saskatchewan on the under 16 provincial team. Alex Rorke made the under 18 provincial team that will play in a national championship this summer. Also, congratulations to the eleven students who qualified for Track and Field provincials in Moose Jaw, on a rainy and cold weekend. Nakia T won a gold medal in javelin and Lauren R won a silver medal in long jump. Our school also won third place overall against schools in our size category. Great job to Mrs. Wirz and the other coaches! We fell behind publishing the Rebels of the Month. Here they are for the last three months. April- Junior: Matthew N, Senior: Dawson N, Group: Gym Blast. leaders. May : Junior : Alexia K, Senior: McKinley S, Group: Life Skills group. June: Junior: Meagan K, Senior: Kamry S, and Team: Provincial Track Team Finally, Color Night awards were handed out on June 10. High academic awards from 7-12 were: Meagan K, Sydney T, Paige R, Sarah B, Brooke V, Brittany D. The "Taz" awards from 7-12 were: Matthew N and Connor J, Natalie B, Tara C, Jordyn C, Mitchell K, Nakia T. The Spirit and Cooperation award from 7-12 were: Chayla U and Nolan W, Eliisa L, Lauren R, Dielle G, Kaylee M, Emma S. Sportsmanship award from 7-12 were: Jordan T, Bailey T, Evan M, Alexi O, Jake S, Jared D. The participation awards from 7-12, female and male were: Brooklyn C and Graeme J, Eliisa L/Alexia K and Steven T, Heather K, Jaden F/Zach S, Jordyn C/Sarah B and Sheldon D, Ashton U and Mitchell S, Morgan PM and Connor J. The Dedication award 7-12 were: Rhys M, Kayden F, Jillian N, Harry J, Tyson R, Cole W. The Athlete awards: senior male Cole W, senior female Maddie H, junior male Zach S, junior female Paige R. The outstanding personal achievement award for senior was Morgan T, junior Steven T. The Scott Kielo Citizenship award for senior was Brittany D, junior Bradley M. Leadership award senior was Morgan PM, junior Cody J. The Fine Arts award senior male was Connor J, senior female Katherine C, junior male Jaden F, and junior female Alexia K. Industrial Arts Award: Matthew S. Home Economics Award: Sheldon D. Senior Humanities Award: Brittany D. Senior Science Award: Nakia T. Senior Math Award: Brittany D. Driver Education Award: Matthew Mc. Yearbook Award: Brittany D. Story Award (Grade 9): Delaney M. Grade 12 Premier Award: Kamry S. Perpetual Donations Delisle Elementary Delisle Co-op - monthly quota of milk School thanks Thank you to the busiDelisle Credit Union - case of fruit monthly our Volunteers & nesses and organizaDelisle Royal Bank - case of juice monthly Supporters! tions that supply a Agrium Community Investment Program bursary/ scholarship for Department of Community Resources grad. Your generosity is Phipps & Rempel Denture Clinic - cheese Donations greatly appreciated. Colborn Farms- monthly quota of eggs Have a great summer everyone! Looking forward to seeing you in the fall.


Coffee Lottery

Weekly $25 Gas Draw (entry with minimum 30 litre fill)

RM Review

Debra Karilenko Mrs. Schnitzler Mr. Sauer Dawn Pollard

Vetter Enterprises/Delisle Hotel - cereal The Pink Chair - yogurt Delisle Senior Centre Agrium - breakfast meat for the month Schumacher Farms - Angus Beef RM Review - Advertising

PIKE LAKE PRESCHOOL Hooray - we finished another year of preschool! Graduation was held on Tuesday, June 18th at Pike Lake Hall. The students did an incredible job singing their songs for the 30 or so family members that came to help them celebrate. Diplomas and gifts were handed out and everyone went home happy and with a full belly. Thank you so much to those who helped set up and clean up, and also to everyone who brought lunch fixings to go along with the barbecued food. I loved how the graduation theme made it into 3 different desserts! Thank you to all the parent helpers and everyone else who helped make this school year a successful one. A special thank you goes to Lyndsey Lee for all her hard work as president during the past 3 years. We had registration on Thursday, June 13th and our numbers are looking good for the fall. If anyone else wants to register for next year, please contact Lyndsey at 244-2777 or Wendy at 978-8164. Your child needs to be 3 or 4 by December 31st, 2013, and toilet-trained. Have a fantastic summer!

RM Review

July 2013


Bikes for Books Winner

Bikes For Books winner at the Delisle Library was Rochelle Wright. Presenting the bike to her are: Carl Krause (Most Worshipful Brother Grand Master of the Grand Lodge

Delisle Branch 201 - 1st St W 493 - 8288

#99 of Saskatchewan Ancient and Free Accepted Masons) on the left and Dave Hartley (Worshipful Master). The presentation was made on June 11 at the Delisle Town Hall.

Summer Reading Program

Delisle/Vanscoy United Church Confirmations

Begins Wednesday July 3rd

Confirmation classesled by Rev. Jordan Cantwell and Debbie Rolston at the Delisle/Vanscoy United Church culminated with Real Landry, Eliisa Landry, Remington Sowter, Keesan Corey, Garth Knittig and Damon Ryan joining the church. Brittany & Sheldon Dugas renewed their faith statement at the service on May 12.

Weekly Prizes “Watch for us at Delisle Days” Monday Noon - 4pm

Wednesday Noon - 4pm & 7pm - 9pm

4 - H News The Vanscoy Multiple 4H Club held its Achievement Day on Saturday, June 15. Each of the projects had an opportunity to display their work and talk about what they had done throughout the year. The day wrapped up with an awards ceremony recognizing various members’ accomplishments. The Judging Hi-Point Award went to Ryan Tetland. Grand Champion Steer and Beef High Aggregate went to Kolton McKenzie. The Light Horse Grant Aggregate winner was Sierra Fehr and the Laura Multiple 4-H We had a great day on June 9/13. Our members had many great projects to share. A big thank you also needs to go out to Ann Oviatt (DCS Service Club) for BBQ our hamburgers and hotdogs. We would also like to thank our Leaders - Phyl Rolston, Barb Kielo, Karen Isley, Neil Isley, Larry Link, and Andrea Stronski, we wouldn't have a club if it weren't for their leadership. We would also like to thank our executive for keeping us organized Meagan Kielo, Erin

Mechanics Grant Aggregate was Dallon Richmond. The overall Grand Aggregate was Samantha Adams. Ella Rose was recognized as “Member of the Day”. The club also recognized Sierra

Fehr and Sara Morrison for completing their fifth years as members. Stuart and Jen Redekop, Wade Richmond and Janice Shea were recognized for five years of 4H leadership.

Vanscoy Multiple 4-H Members Kielo, Brady Gaucher, Amanda Kearnan. We also would like to put a special shout out to our families and community members that assisted us thru out the year. Laura Hall Committee for the hall use. Grand Aggregate award - Meagan Kielo, Cloverbud Award Mitchell Kielo, Member of the day - Heather Kearnan, Display Award - Woodworking. Congratulators Members can't wait for next year to start. Thank you By Cody Kearnan

Friday 10am - 5pm

REQUEST or RENEW books at www.wheatland.sk.ca

Laura Multiple 4-H

Vanscoy 4-H



July 2013

RM Review


Congratulations to the...

Anweiler, Tineil

Atchison, Logan

Banga, Daegan

Banga, Kayleigh

Barber, Taylor

Bonk, Rachel

Bosch, Katrina

Derdall, Jared

Derdall, Riley

Dubkowski, Jessica

Dugas, Brittany

Heinrichs, Jeremy

Heise, Madison

Judkins, Connor

Keeler, Brendo

Klassen, Kale

Koebrich, Sonja

Lingnau, Gage

McCullum, Russell

Mckenzie, Kolton

McClean, Shari

Mitchell, Jack

Moen, Logan

Nordal, Travis

”Don’t let anyone else take the measure of your worth and capabilities. Always stand proud in who you are!” Margaret Spellings

CONGRATULATIONS ... to the Delisle Class of 2013

Vanscoy & Area

Faye McClean ph: 931-2153 fax: 931-7507 email: papertraillegacy@sasktel.net


Bookkeeping, Accounting, Income Tax

Congratulations to the Graduates of 2013

Congratulations 2013 Graduates

‘Best of luck in all your future endeavors’ RBC Blairmore Branch 111 Betts Avenue, Saskatoon 306-933-3626

“Wishing you all the Greatest Success”

Embrace the future as each new door opens!


300 - 1st Street West, Delisle

306-493-2820 ATM available 24 hours

RM Review

July 2013



...Delisle CLASS of 2013

Nordick, Dawson

O'hara, Andrew

Olson, Tanner

Orange, Parris

Parker, Nicole

Peacock, Cassidy

Peakman, Tyler

Pepper-martens, Morgan

Pirlot, Ryan

Prentice, Logan

Ragotzky, Julia

Sawatsky, Matthew

Schnitzler, Renie

Schulte, Kamry

Shah, Casey

Sloboshan, Megan

Smith, Dixon

Sparrow, Emma

Best of Luck Tetland, Ryan

Thompson, Samuel

Thorpe, Nakia

Toporchak, Amee

Ward, Cole

The RM Review would like to Congratulate the Delisle Class of 2013. Best of Luck in the Future

July 2013


RM Review


Your Summer Leisure Guide 2nd Annual Delisle Days set for July 20th

Gospel Brunch

Plastic Bat & Ball Tournament is New

10:30am - 1:00pm Seniors Hall, Harris

Sunday July 7


fter a successful first year Delisle Days is on again. Once again there will be a pancake breakfast, parade, car show & shine, games and rides for the kids. A new feature this year is a Plastic Bat & Ball Tournament. You need a minimum of 9 players per team with 3 members of the opposite sex. Registration Fee is $100.00 and each team will receive 10 drink tickets with registration. There is a full Bar & Beer Gardens as well as a concession on site Registrations can be picked up at the Rec. Office or online at: www.delislerec.com For more information contact Spencer at 493-8283 or e-mail delrec@sasktel.net Registration Deadline: JULY 6TH, 2013 AT 12:00PM

Entertainment by

Explore your Local Summer STAY-cation Destinations

Copper Creek Gospel Band Catering by

Pat Trask Menu includes quiche, sausage, bacon, hash browns, scrambled eggs, muffins, toast, scones, jams and jellies, fresh fruit platter, veggie tray, coffee, tea, Saskatoon Berry tea, orange juice

Adults $15.00, 6-12 years $10.00, under 6 $5.00 Advance phone calls appreciated 306-656-4722, leave message. Walk-ins welcome as well.

RM Review

July 2013



Pike Lake Provincial Park

Morning Events Yoga - An hour of yoga to start the day. Hike - learn the medicinal uses of plants. Photo Jog - A morning jog to take pictures.

Afternoon Events Nature Art - Using nature to make art! Wildgames - Fun games for people to play. Captain Planet - defeat evil Captain Pollution. Scavenger Hunt - best picture & time win! Pond Dipping - see what calls the Lake home!

Campfire Events Broadway by the Beach - entertaining play! Whose Park is it Anyway? - improve show. Pike Lake Trivia Contest - what do you know?

Watch for August Events Calendar in Next Month’s Issue of the RM Review

THE HUDDLE Pike Lake Provincial Park Fast Food - Convenience Store

Breakfast, Burgers, Ice Cream, Grocery & Camping Supplies Owned & Operated by: Sheila Purcell & Irene Purcell

IRENE’S BOAT RENTALS Pike Lake Provincial Park

Canoes, Kayaks, Aqua Bikes, Standing Paddle Boards Owned & Operated by: Gerry & Irene Purcell


Weather Permitting


Save these Dates...





Canada Day Celebrations at Pike Lake Provincial Park

Saskatoon Fringe Festival


Free Fishing Weekend Across Saskatchewan


Gospel Brunch - Harris


Railway Heritage Day Celebration at Railway Museum (Hwy 60)

JULY 20TH Delisle Days

JULY 26-27 Perdue Agricultural Fair


Saskatchewan Day


Saskatoon Exhibition


16th Annual Fiddle Fest

AUGUST 15-17

Saskatoon Folkfest

AUGUST 17-18

Vanscoy Summer Fair

AUGUST 30-31

Saskatoon Fireworks Festival

Pike Lake Mini Golf

Railway Heritage Day July 7th


he Saskatchewan Railway Museum on the Pike Lake Highway hosts "Railway Heritage Day" on Sunday, July 7, 2013. This event honors the pioneers of the railroad across Saskatchewan.

There will be special events, a bbq, and caboose rides. Prices are $5 for adults, $3 for youth. Gates are open 10 am to 5 pm. Come on out and enjoy Saskatchewan's railway history!


July 2013



RM Review

June 14, 2013 Kelly Block, M.P.

Kelly Block Celebrates 100th Anniversary of 4-H Canada

ne of Canada’s longest running and most respected youth organizations, 4-H Canada is celebrating its 100th Anniversary this week. I’d like to extend my deepest congratulations on one hundred years of bringing people together, and helping youth discover their talents, and grow their confidence. It’s community organi-

zations like 4-H that make our province, and our country such a great place to live, work, and raise a family. 4-H began in Roland, Manitoba in 1913 as a community based organization dedicated to growth and development of rural youth. Today’s 4-H program reaches both farm and non-farm youth, in rural, suburban, and


urban areas across Canada. It focuses on practical and life skills development such as citizenship, leadership, responsibility and independence. The 4-H Pledge best exemplifies the positive contribution made to our communities by all its participants. I pledge, My Head for clearer thinking My Heart to greater

loyalty, My Hands to larger service, My Health to better living, For my club, my community and my country. I’d like to thank all the volunteers who continue to participate in all 4-H programs, and wish all of you the very best for the next 100 years.

Tornado Alley is in Saskatchewan Be prepared by making a plan



continued from page 1 What should you do if threatening weather approaches: If you see a tornado, funnel cloud or debris swirling near the ground TAKE COVER IMMEDIATELY in a sturdy, permanent building or underground. Vehicles, mobile homes, cottages, boats or any tents or trailers are UNSAFE. Seek shelter in a location like a bathroom, interior closet, stairwell, basement or the lowest level in the building. Stay away from windows or outside walls as the offer little protection. Your radio can be used to monitor the situation.

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It is also helpful to know some first aid. Your emergency kit should include: - water (2L/person) - food (canned/dried) - manual can opener - wind-up or battery power flashlight - first aid kit - some cash (small bills) - list of contact information: Rural Municipality, town, province, hospitals, police, fire, emergency measures, friends, family - prescriptions, medications, infant formula -candles, matches, toilet paper, garbage bags, duct tape - tools, pocket knife,

whistle - change of clothing, blankets - radio It is helpful to have some first aid training. If you see severe weather happening, don’t assume someone else will report it. Call Environment Canada at 1-800-239-0484 or email: storm@ec.gc.ca to report your sighting. The most important thing is the ability to warn others of impending danger! Knowledge and preparedness is the key to staying safe. “Don’t take the chance

by thinking that it won’t happen to me. So far this year, there has been five comfirmed, Saskatchewan tornados. The season is early and we must take this seriously,” says local storm chaser, Quinten Odnokon.The possibility of a tornado disaster in our area is real. Yes, it can happen right here. I can’t stress enough, the importance of reporting suspect weather immediately. The sooner it is reported, the more time everyone has to get to safety.”

After a hot, hard day of storm chasing, why not stop in for a meal or drink in Air Conditioned Comfort ....we can give you a table away from the windows !! Call for info about Emergency Services on holidays & after hours

Spay & Neuter Season Dr. Lorrie Fraser Dr. Angela Oranchuk Delisle 300 - 2nd St East (Hwy 7 Service Road)

with Animal Inn*spa*rations

Examinations Vaccinations X-Ray Surgery In-clinic Lab

www.delislevet.net on-line pet supply catalogue

Dental Cleaning Dental Extractions Dental X-Ray Ultrasound Canine Reproduction

Monday 9:00am - 6:00pm Tuesday 8:00am - 8:00pm Wednesday 8:00am - 8:00pm Thursday 9:00am - 6:00pm Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm Saturday: 9:00am - 4:00pm

Vanscoy 931-6996 Mon-Fri 7 - 8

Sat 8 - 8

Sun 9 - 7

RM Review

July 2013



MLA REPORT June 17, 2013 Randy Weekes, MLA


ith graduation upon us, the future has never been brighter for young people in Saskatchewan. The latest population numbers reveal that in the first four months of 2013, we grew by more than 4,000 people to a new record high of 1,093,880. Saskatchewan remains the place to be in Canada for career opportunities and a great quality of life. For far too many years, leaving Saskatchewan for school or career after graduating from high school was as much a part of spring in our province as seeding. Not only were young people leaving by the hundreds, our economy was one of the weakest in the country and we had a government that seemed disinterested in doing anything about it. Fast forward to Saskatchewan in 2013. Our economy is one of the strongest in Canada, our population is higher than it’s ever been and there are opportunities for young people. Unlike the NDP, your Saskatchewan Party government is taking action to ensure they have the tools they need to take advantage of those opportunities. This way, they can start their careers and families at home. One of the first things we did was introduce Canada’s most aggressive Graduate Retention Program (GRP). Under the GRP, post-secondary grads can access a refundable tax credit of up to $20,000 – basically allow-

ing them to recover the entire cost of an undergraduate degree. There’s also the Saskatchewan Advantage Scholarship. New high school grads can access up to $500 a year over four years, for a total of $2,000, to go toward the cost of their post-secondary education. We are also taking action to help parents save for their kids’ education in the form of the Saskatchewan Advantage Grant for Education Savings (SAGES) program. Our government will provide a contribution to Registered Education Savings Programs (RESP) at a rate of 10 per cent of annual contributions up to a maximum of $250 per year.

sake of growth isn’t enough. It’s what you do with that growth that’s important. Our government is committed to using the benefits of growth to improve the quality of life for all Saskatchewan people. That’s why this summer MLAs are again going across the province to consult with you – to find out what’ s important to you and what you think we should do with the benefits of growth. Together, we can keep the Saskatchewan Advantage.

Under our government, post-secondary institutions are receiving more support. Funding for the U of R, the U of S, SIAST and regional colleges has increased every year since 2007. There are significantly more training seats to specifically Contractors address challenges around the recruitComplete Reno’s ment and retention Rob Rorke New Construction of healthcare profesEavestroughing 270-6986 sionals and skilled FREE ESTIMATES robrorke@live.com tradespeople such as welders or electricians. With an anticipated need for 60,000 more workers by 2020 as identified in our Growth Plan, we taking action to ensure that need is met. All these investments were made possible by Saskatchewan’s historic growth, which is due to the hard work you do. But growth for the

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Vanscoy Sausage & Meats Ltd. Custom Cutting - Sausage - Slaughtering Vanscoy

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668 - 4742


July 2013

RM Review


Food for Thought Farm Subsidies




arm subsidies are the most consistent support of any industry in the developed world. Although it is recognized as a drain on each country’s budget and depresses prices for farmers in the developing world strong western economies cannot wean themselves from the practice. On the positive side; subsidies ensure a stable industry, a consistent supply of commodities for export and dependent industries and encourages investment in new management systems. The European Union created a system where farmers were paid to produce

C.M. (Red) Williams

to the point that this CAP program gobbled up more than half the budget and huge surpluses accumulated that had in turn to be subsidized to move them onto the international market. Some rational changes have been recently introduced. The US through a series of “Farm Bills” and pressure from the farm lobby also ended up buying the capacity of the farming industry. As the largest grain exporter the policy of establishing a domestic floor price and unloading at lower prices distorted the world market. The Farm Bill currently under study by Con-

gress is emphasizing the use of crop insurance over direct subsidies but each State has amendments that weaken it. The Canadian experience has been far less aggressive and has tinkered with various policies from government matching farmer savings; to insurance triggered at 70% of a global average. The current run of good crops and higher prices has lowered the agitation from the farm lobby for more generous supports. The rapid expansion of grain farms may create a vulnerability that governments will have to recognize at some point.

Vanscoy Fair continued from page 1

The structure still stands for use by the 4-H Club, the ag society and anyone who requires. As the fair grew, the need for more indoor space was solved in 1997 with the purchase of a 30’ x 30’ tent. The tent was made available for rent at a very affordable cost, until the year when the wind took it, leaving it irreparable. In 2006, the ag society commissioned local artist Kim McFarlane to create a mural for the highway side of the curling rink. This depiction of the transition of agriculture in our community, honors the citizens of Vanscoy and area by showing growth and diversity through cooperation, education and solidarity. Improvements continue today. Currently, the ag society is in the process of revamping and upgrading the riding arena. This too, is through funds that they have acquired and community labor. The dedication and commitment of those who became directors of the Vanscoy & District Agricultural Society and of those who volunteered countless hours of service, is recognized by their many accomplishments. Through education, entertainment and involvement they have been and continue to be an integral part of this community. A history of the Vanscoy & District Agricultural Society will be on display at the summer fair in August. Your memories are an important part of this history and should be part of the display. Please send your pictures and recollections so that they may be included! Please email to: shelley.sowter@live.ca or mail to: Box 333 Vanscoy, SK.,. S0L 3J0 by July 30. Be sure to attend the Vanscoy Summer Fair in August and share in the success of your community.

RM Review

July 2013



COMMUNITY CALENDAR Find More Event Details at www.rmreview.net or Scan the QR Code with your phone June 27 Thursday 7:00pm Delisle Composite Graduation Delisle Centennial Arena

July 2 Tuesday 6:45pm July 7 Sunday 10:30am - 1:00pm New Zealand U21 @ Delisle Diamond Dog Gospel Brunch Delisle Ball Diamond Seniors Hall, Harris

July 20 Saturday Delisle Days Delisle

June 29 Saturday 1:30pm Roughriders at Eskimos Edmonton

July 5 Friday 7:00pm Stampeders @ Roughriders Regina

July 11 Thursday 7:30pm Concert - Sean Ashby Routes Gallery, Harris

July 21 Sunday 5:00pm Tigercats @ Roughriders Regina

July 1 Monday CANADA DAY CELEBRATION Pike Lake Provincial Park

July 6-7 Saturday - Sunday FREE FISHING WEEKEND All Saskatchewan Lakes

July 11 Thursday 5:30pm Roughriders @ Argonauts Toronto

July 26-27 Saturday - Sunday Perdue Ag Fair Perdue

July 1 Monday CANADA DAY CELEBRATION Vanscoy Seniors Park

July 7 Sunday RAILWAY HERITAGE DAY Saskatchewan Railway Museum

July 14 Sunday 2pm-4pm Mavin & Doreen Campbell 60th Anniversary Tea, Vanscoy Hall

July 27 Saturday 5:00pm Roughriders @ Tigercats Hamilton

Promote Your Event Here For FREE - Call 668-1312 or mail@rmreview.net

‘A’ Deb’s K-9 Kennelling Service

Carrol King



Medium & Large Dogs

Relieves Tension Improves Circulation Helps Promote Overall Health

“In Floor Heat” Delisle, Sk 220 - 4727

Please support our armed forces personnel & law enforcement officers




Organic Beef

Box 60 Saskatoon, SK S7K 3K1 Large & Small Animal Medicine


Your Certified Empyre Dealer Vincent Keindel

24 hr Emergency Services Drs. Harvey Domoslai - Wally Kononoff Blair Simonson - Lisa Wayman Dave Nairn

Phone (306) 382-0878 Fax (306) 978-8718 RR #3 - Site 318, Box 3, Saskatoon, SK S7K 3J6

Halves, Quarters, Custom Packages Samples Available Your satisfaction is guaranteed.

Sparlyn Organic Farm 668-4216

SK Sew Kleen SepticTank Pumping Septic Repairs Hydrovac Services

Portable Toilet Rentals 283 - 4406

Trenching & Waterworks Sand - Gravel - Topsoil

230 - 4653

Stobbe’s Backhoe Service Grandora, SK Sand & Gravel Spreading Hauling Ken Klassen RR1 Box 15

Delisle, SK S0L 0P0

Bus. (306) 493-7579 Fax. (306) 493-8135 ken@klassentrenching.com

Ag Services Division

Leo Stobbe 668-4289

493 - 2408

Installation of Rural Water & Sewer Systems

Box 130, Delisle, SK S0L 0P0

Pumps - Tanks - Switches - other Trenching & Excavation


July 2013

RM Review


DIRECTORY TO BUSINESS Find Detailed Listings at www.rmreview.net or Scan the QR Code with your phone Accommodations


Government - Federal

Delisle Hotel Delisle 493-2462

Dexteriors Vanscoy 934-3048

Jeannie’s Place Delisle 493-2489 / 380-9664

Flatlander Construction Delisle 493-7547

Kelly Block, MP 904E 22nd St W, Saskatoon 1-888-590-6555

Sally’s Place Delisle 717-0841 / 221-0735

Larmar Contracting Services Vanscoy 380-2327


G & L Drywall Delisle 493-8228 / 668-4583

Accountsability Vanscoy 292-4085/668-4216

New Age Foundations Plus Grandora 329-4610

Lyndsay Lee Pike Lake 244-2777

Government Provincial Randy Weekes, MLA 106 3rd Ave W Biggar 1-877-948-4880

Home Care Products


Watkins - Anne Plummer 725 Valley Rd 382-1284

RixEdge Sharpening Services Saskatoon 270-8048

Watkins - Darla Christopher Delisle 493-2933


Gravel / Sand

Angus Insurance Harris 656-4555

Graham Contracting Asquith 230-4653

Delisle Agencies Delisle 493-2260

Side by Side Contractors 270-6986

Klassen Trenching Delisle 493-7579

Mooney Agencies Ltd. Vanscoy 668-2181

Papertrail Legacy Vanscoy 931-2153

Victoria’s Design 370-9399

Link’s Backhoe & Skidsteer Delisle 222-9737




Larson Custom Fencing Delisle 934-3185 / 403-664-8252

Jillian Walker Massage RMT Vanscoy 242-7780

J C Electric Vanscoy 290-2052

Rice Lake Sand & Gravel Asquith 329-4768 Westland Enterprizes Ltd Delisle 493-2709

Lindsey Kocay Therapeutic Massage Delisle 493-8247

Orchard Transport - Ag Div. Delisle 493-2408 Viterra - Delisle LSO Delisle 493-8188



Clubs Driving Range Valley Road 221-0842

Back 40 Embroidery Delisle 493-3033/493-2751

Moon River Golf Club Valley Road 931-8960

Air Conditioning & Heating


PLAINSMAN HVAC-R Ltd 24 Hour Emergency Service Vanscoy 306-242-3002

Delisle Credit Union 1st St, Delisle 493-2414


Edward Jones -Colleen Schneider 234 First Ave S Saskatoon 244-0398

Integra Tire/Empire Auto Saskatoon 244-8070

Dejardins - Norma Sparrow 330 - 20th St. E Saskatoon 242-1188

Scouts Auto Parts Donavon 493-2637

Valleyview Golf & Country Club Delisle 493-3288

Grocery Epicure Selections - Vanscoy Brandi Orth 382-2220 Prairie Sun Orchard Ice Cream Vanscoy 242-7573


Beauty Arbonne Intl - Kerrie Sparrow Vanscoy 668-4218 BeautiControl-Rose-Anne Kielo Delisle 493-2233 Sultry Skincare “Waxing Services” Vanscoy 230-1389

Schneider’s Gourmet World Delisle 493-3199

First General Services Saskatoon 979-3205

Garden / Yard

Hairstylist / Beauty Delisle Hairstyling & Barber Delisle 493-2467

Like A Rock Grandora 382-3978

Hair by Dawn Vanscoy 384-6807

Gas / Confectionary

Chiropractor Dr. Lisa Merkosky Community Health Chiropractic Clinic Delisle Primary Health Centre 493-2800

Computer -Service Catprint Computing Delisle 230-8783

Julie’s House of Style Delisle 493-2950

Amsoil - Roland Rusnell Delisle 220-3357

Salon 360 Delisle 493-2486

Delisle Agricultural Co-op Delisle 493-2212 Sandyridge Gas & Grocery Grandora 668-4362

Cattle Care Hwy #14 343-5773/260-6729 Corman Park Vet Services Hwy #14 (SLS) 384-7676 Delisle Veterinary Service Delisle 493-3143 Fafard’s Mobile Vet Service Grandora 371-4534 Outlook Veterinary Clinic Outlook 867-8777

Water / Septic

‘A’ Deb’s K-9 Kennelling Delisle 220-4727

Graham Contracting Asquith 230-4653

Animal InnSpaRations Delisle 493-3143

Klassen Trenching Delisle 493-7579

Lynne Road Kennels Grandora 270-5831

Link’s Backhoe & Skidsteer Delisle 222-9737

Lynn Ross Dog Grooming Vanscoy 382-6224

Starlings Septic Services Delisle 493-2241

Plumbing & Heating

Sew Kleen Hydro-vacing & Septic Asquith 283-4406

Iron Eagle Mechanical Saskatoon 717-0151 Thermal Mechanical Vanscoy 381-7998/270-0160

Potash Mine Agrium Potash Mine Vanscoy 668-4343


The Pink Chair Delisle 493-2266

Pike Lake Preschool Pike Lake 978-8164

Welding Arc-Fab Industrial Pike Lake 380-7525 STP Mobile Welding Saskatoon 280-9368

Yardwork/Excavation Big Pines Services Inc. Vanscoy 230-7399 Graham Contracting Asquith 230-4653


KBM Earthmoving Vanscoy 867-3770


Reflexology - Carrol King Delisle 493-2452

Britannia Restaurant Asquith 329-2496

Klassen Trenching Delisle 493-7579


Robin’s Nest Cafe Railway Ave Vanscoy 931-6996

Link’s Backhoe & Skidsteer Delisle 222-9737

Vesta Homes Vanscoy 242-9099

Wolff’s Den Delisle 493-2239

Stobbe’s Backhoe Service Grandora 668-4289


To List Yours Call: Merv Easton - Vanscoy 306-270-2022 merv@pin.ca


Air & Alkaline Water Purifiers Perdue 1-877-652-6853

Silpada - Marilyn Hungness Asquith 329-4768

Businesses in: Delisle, Saskatoon, Harris Asquith and Rosetown etc.

Pet Care

Vehicle Repair Sid’s Auto Service Vanscoy 668-2013


Whole Wheat Web Design Vanscoy 493-3023

Land in local R.M.’s of: Vanscoy, Montrose, Eagle Creek and Aberdeen

Vanscoy Sausage & Meat Vanscoy 668-4742

Ryjo Tours Inc. Tessier 1-866-656-4786

Vanscoy Tempo Vanscoy 683-5024

Partylite Gifts -Cindy Hanson Vanscoy 978-0219

Several Local Properties Available “For Sale by Owner”

Meat Cutting


Vanscoy Early Learning Center Vanscoy 668-6338

Computer -Web Design

Check out... WWW.PIN.CA

Sign Painting Kim’s Signs That Sell Vanscoy 493-3011

L’IL BIT OF COUNTRY Antiques & Collectibles

Gifts, Memorabilia & so much more

Farm / Acreage / Ranch / Recreation Buying? / Selling? Sask. Land Sales

Come In,

Coldwell Banker

See What’s New & Old

ResCom Realty

1st St. W, Delisle Mon - Fri 9:00 am - 4:30 pm

Real Estate Specialist TOM NEUFELD 306-260-7838

Check out On-Line Classifieds and Business Directory at www.rmreview.net

LOST and FOUND LOST at Asquith PBR on May 30th. Grey carpeted equipment box containing cables. Contact Shirley at 306-242-2211

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