June 2013 RM Review

Page 1

RM Review Volume 14 Number 6


Pull-Out Holiday Activities and Destination Guide


a Summer ‘STAY-cation’ Package on Page 11 www.rmreview.net


Serving the RM of Vanscoy, Harris and Montrose


June 2013

CTV Home Town Tour Delisle Friday May 31st Free Hotdogs at School 4 - 6pm RM of Harris Administrator Retiring


fter over 40 years of service, Jim Angus is set to retire from his position as Administrator for the Rural Municipality of Harris. Back in 1972 Jim’s father advised him that a friend of his, Bob Bryant, was near retirement. Jim trained and applied for the position, and the rest, as they say, is history. Over his career, Council Reports.......p. 4 Police Report...........p. 5 Red Williams...........p. 5

Jim has also served a 4-year term as President of the Saskatchewan Association of RM Administrators and another 10 years as the parttime Executive Director. Jim has also served on the Rosetown School Board for 6 years and the Harris Council for 13. Jim’s family moved from Rosetown to Harris when he

was in grade 1 and he has since witnessed many changes to the community.

school” says Jim. “That’s back when we had three elevators, three stores and three garages

Jim Angus

Retirement BBQ June 15th Harris Community Centre Tickets $15/person Call Brenda or Connie 656-4555 “We once had 60 kids in the grade 1 & 2 class, now we have less than that in the whole

School News............p. 6 4-H News.................p. 6 MP Report.............. p. 12

in town” Even his profession has changed. What was once an exclusive men’s

club, is now 80% female dominated and that ratio is still increasing. Jim’s wife Brenda grew up in Harris as well, and they have raised 3 daughters who all graduated from high school there. They also have four grandchildren living nearby in Saskatoon. After retiring this year, Jim expects that he will help his wife Brenda

MLA Report.....................p. 13 Business Directory..........p. 14 Community Calendar......p. 15

with her insurance business in Harris. He plans to build a new office there. He will also have more time for his hobby, restoring vintage Ford vehicles. Jim hadn’t planned on spending his life in Harris, joking he has “been leaving for the past 40 years”, but says “it has been a great place to work and.... a good community to raise a family in”.

Summer STAY-cation Feature Page 7-10

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June 2013

RM Review


Editorial OK, summer is now here ! Better do something quick this year or you will miss it. And I am here to help with that. Why not spend your summer, or at least part of it right here, discovering the things that people from far away drive here to see. How about if all of it is free ?? Enter our “Summer STAY-cation” contest and we could give you everything you need. Check it out on page 11 along with our Local Activities and Destinations Guide. Enjoy the summer. And why not take Dad out to the Father’s Day Pig Roast in Asquith this month. We deserve it !! Ken Sowter Editor

Congratulations to the Winners of our Mother’s Day Contest Monica Anderson Winner of the Mother's Day Gift Package and Bonnie Ross, Marian Summach and Andrea Stronski Winners of pairs of PBR tickets.

Thanks to everyone who entered !

Enter our June “Summer STAY-cation” Contest at www.rmreview.net HARRIS COMMUNITY CENTRE DINE & AUCTION “THANK YOU!” Many Thanks to everyone who donated a wide variety of items and generously supported the Dine and Auction on April 20th! Your enthusiastic participation was amazing and entertaining and is greatly appreciated! See you again in 2015! Harris Community Centre Committee

THANK YOU The family of the late Ron Bailey of Delisle, wish to express our deepest gratitude and appreciation for the amazing outpouring of support and kindness shown to us all with the recent passing of our Husband, Dad and Grandpa. Special acknowledgment to: Delisle First Responders, RCMP, St. Anne’s Parish, Fr. Emmanuel Banahene, Fr. Jon Hansen, Park Funeral Chapel, Saskatoon Elks Lodge #12, and Delisle Seniors Centre. Thank you to our wonderful friends, neighbors, and community members of Delisle and surrounding area for their many expressions of love, kindness and thoughtful gestures through cards, flowers, food, phone calls, emails, visits, stories, offers of assistance and memorial donations in Ron’s honor to the Delisle Cemetery Fund. Your generosity and thoughtfulness will forever be remembered and sincerely appreciated. Warm Regards, Julie Bailey, Barb, Lee, Carson & Lynnea Engemoen, Patty, Tim, Roman & Conrad Timmerman, Loralee & Ward Windrim

Community Calendar

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Please join us for a bridal shower honoring

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Dead-Line for Submissions for the July 2013 Issue is Friday, June 21, 2013 CONTACT US Phone: 306-668-1312 Fax: 306-978-4481 mail@rmreview.net www.rmreview.net Box 333, Vanscoy, SK S0L 3J0


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DISTRIBUTION & SUBSCRIPTIONS 3,500 issues of the RM Review are published monthly and direct mailed for free to all homes in the communities shown in map, As well it is available for free at various news stands within this distribution area. Out of area subscriptions are available for $30/yr.

We reserve the right to edit copy for libel or other legal, spelling or grammatical errors. We accept no liability for any such errors.

RM Review

June 2013



Pike Lake Cottage and Watershed Association


he Pike Lake Cottage and Watershed Association (PLCWA) is the group made up of more than 130 cabin owners within Pike lake Provincial Park and some property owners adjacent the lake outside the park. The purpose of the association is to enhance the ecological and recreational health of Pike Lake and its watershed. Pike Lake sits in an old river channel (oxbow) of the South Saskatchewan River in a large flood plain approximately thirty kilometres south of the City of Saskatoon Pioneers found the lake ‘teeming’ with fish hence the name Pike Lake. These waters supplied food to the settlers. It even was a commercial fishery from 1916-19 and Henry Sawyer sold five tons one year. Officials of the day drained the lake to clear the weeds and pumped in fresh water from the river. Apparently some chemicals used on the weeds also did in many fish. In the earlier days, license was required to fish and 25 people could be fishing on a nice day. As the resort grew, up to 300 fish were taken in a day. In years when the river flooded, suckers and goldeye could be hooked. Pike finger-

lings were released and the lake likely had its highest fish population about 1956. Pickerel were also stocked but failed likely due to the hungry jacks. Ice fishing was a bit different in the early days as fish were enticed by bait and then speared or gaffed through the hole in the ice. The largest fish was found frozen in a spring on the west side - reported at 25 pounds! Since settlement there have been a number of initiatives to manage the lake. At least three trenches have been dug for the pumping of river water and dredging has been attempted at least once. Culverts, weirs, outlets and roadways have been built. Approximately two decades ago the riverbank was altered at significant cost to assist in the ease of pumping water in to the lake in order to maintain adequate lake levels. Such management has been in response to the needs and wants of people who lived near or made use of the lake, mostly for recreation. When the Government of Saskatchewan created Pike Lake Provincial Park in the early 1960’s it was in recognition of the need for the people of Saskatoon and district for a place to “recreate” and of the

need to preserve the natural aquatic and prairie upland ecosystems of the region. The Park has been designated as a “recreation park” by Parks Branch. Recently, with growth of population in Saskatoon and district, there has been increased usage of the park by all user groups: especially day users. The past three summer seasons have seen high water levels early each spring until mid -summer. During this time there have been unprecedented numbers using the lake for swimming, boating of all types and for fishing. Total Park usage is high. More people pass through the entry gates than in any other Provincial Park. The south bridge will be completed shortly affording easy access to Valley Road from the city. Continued growth in day usage is predicted. During summer weekends, park visitors make up the equivalent in population to the 10th largest city in Saskatchewan with up to 10,000 visitors! The Park visitations have been increasing as indicated: 2006 – 177,392 2008 – 207,432 2010 – 215,679 2007 – 185,790 2009 – 221,499 2011 – 250,000 approx.

Over the past winter, representatives from PLCWA met with the Minister of Environment, the Minister of Parks, Culture and Sport, and the President of the Water Security Agency. The outcomes of these meetings were productive and positive with strong relationships being built. Three proposals were presented. 1. To finish the infrastructure at the river pump site, including a concrete building to store the pumps and a rail system to put the pumps in the river. This will ensure improved water availability from the river. The Water Security Agency will complete the design and engineering work during 2013 and will complete the construction during 2014.

report by the end of August 2013, outlining the tasks that would be required to do this and the costs and implications of doing so. 3. To partner in developing a LAKE MANAGEMENT PLAN. The outcome of this plan will guide the future actions to improve the lake and its watershed. The process to develop the plan will involve all stakeholders in our watershed. As the Park is initiating both an advi-

sory committee to help in its improvement and a long term planning process, the timing for conducting a lake management plan is most appropriate. You are invited to check out the website www.plpa.ca and to submit any historical papers, maps, photos, documents of interest, etc. Information submitted by Les Ferguson & Max Abraham, both from the PLCWA

Modular & Manufactured homes from 864 sf to 2400 sf New Show Homes Now in Stock

2. To raise the Full Supply Level of the Lake by 6 inches. The WSA will complete a



Headquarters Vanscoy Sausage & Meats Ltd. Custom Cutting - Sausage - Slaughtering Vanscoy

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Blue Jays Baseball in Minneapolis: Sep 4 - 10 (7 Days) Southern Canyons & National Parks Tour: Sep 15 - Oct 4 (20 Days) Minot Norsk Hostfest: Oct 2 - 6 (5 Days) Nashville-Branson-Pigeon Forge: Oct 14 - Nov 4 (20 Days) Moose Jaw: Nov 4 - 6 (3 Days) Branson Christmas Show Tour: Nov 14 - 25 (12 Days) Bismark Shopping Tour (Black Friday): Nov 28 - Dec 1 (4 Days) Edmonton River Cree Shopping & Casino: Dec 6 - 8 (3 Days) Mesa - Palm Springs: Jan 17 - Feb 8 (23 Days) New Orlean’s - San Antonio: Feb 11 - Mar 4 (22 Days)


June 2013


RM Review


Asquith Town Council held its regular May Council Meeting on May 14, 2013. Attending the meeting were Mayor James Maddin, Councillors Gail Erhart, Sue Sawicki, Karen Gamble, Garry Dumont , Ross Beal and Don Lysyshyn. Council resolved that the accounts paid in April 2013 in the amount of $18,143.45 and the accounts payable for May 2013 in the amount of $20,893.10 be approved as presented. Council resolved to pay Town auditors, Gilchrist and Company, $4,205.20 for the 2012 audit. Tentatively, the streets will be swept the second week of June, so it is asked that residents do not park their vehicles on the street. The final lot policy for the sale of the lot on Lunn Street was passed. A summary of the purchase agreement can be found on the Town’s website www.townofasquith.com The Town of Asquith will be sponsor the Royal Canadian Legion’s Military Service Recognition Book with a purchase of an advertisement for $195.00. The Town will also be sponsoring Crime Stoppers with a donation of $200.00. Letters will be sent to individuals regarding mowing of untidy and unsightly grass. The Town’s Annual Waterworks Notice is available online at the Town’s website or can be obtained at the Asquith Town Office. This office would like to take this time to remind residents of two very important bylaw of the Town of Asquith, both of which can be found on the Town’s website www.townofasquith.com . First, the Burning Bylaw of the Town of Asquith allows for individuals to enjoy a recreational fire as long as a proper fire pit is utilized with a screen to ensure that sparks are somewhat contained. Of course, it is asked that people use common sense when having a recreational fire and ensure that it isn’t in the form of a bon fire that could in fact cause potential loss of property and life should it get out of control. Secondly, with the warm weather people start contemplating installing a swimming pool in their yard. The Town’s Swimming Pool Bylaw dictates that all

pools that are of a depth of 18 inches or more and/or a surface area of 200 feet or more shall be totally enclosed with a fence that has to be no less than five feet in height. The Bylaw goes on to describe guidelines for the swimming pool fence, and this bylaw should be read before installing a swimming pool. If you do not have access to the internet, you may acquire a copy of the bylaw at the Asquith Town office. Asquith Town Council will be holding a Public Meeting at the Asquith Seniors Center on Tuesday, June 18, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. On the agenda will be a discussion regarding town infrastructure, community planning and the 2013 mill rate. Council hopes that many of the residents attend. The next regular meeting of Asquith Town Council will be held on June 11, 2013.

RM OF VANSCOY Council held their May meeting on May 6th , 2013. Council approved 5 applications for building and development permits. A request was sent to the Ministry of Government Relations to have the R.M. designated an eligible assistance area under the Provincial Disaster Assistance Program (PDAP), which provides financial assistance to eligible claimants who have had substantial loss or damage to uninsurable property. We will provide more information once we have been accepted into the program. A fire ban has been issued. Until further notice, the Fire Chief is requesting that all ratepayers stop controlled burns. This also means not even using burning barrels. Assessment notices were mailed out on May 10th. This year is a revaluation of all properties in the province. These new values are using January 1, 2011 as the base date. The previous revaluation in the province was completed in 2009, using June 30, 2006 as the base date. The next meeting of Council is scheduled for June 11th. Any submissions for the June meeting need to be in the R.M. office by June 3rd.

VILLAGE OF VANSCOY The Assessment Roll for 2013 is open for inspection, but only until Monday June 10 at 4pm. If you have any concerns or questions regarding your assessment, contact SAMA (933-5385) or the Village Office. To file an appeal, fill out the form on the assessment notice and return to the office, along with the appeal fee of $100 per parcel. Back lane pickup should commence in the next few weeks. Place your bags of leaves and yard waste in the alley for pickup; as well as tree branches. Repair to the streets should also begin in the next few weeks. Reminder that prior to any construction to residential or commercial buildings (new or existing), a building permit is required; this includes decks and fences. Contact the Village Office for a building permit application.

TOWN OF DELISLE Delisle Town Council held a regular meeting May 14th. Cue to increasing Loraas landfill costs and receiving many items that should be recycled, 2013 will be the last year for the “Clean Sweep Weekend” campaign. A $200 donation was made to the Saskatchewan Crime Stoppers program. The annual allotment to the Delisle Cemetery Committee will be increased to $2,000. The Town of Delisle, in recognition of the benefits and values that recreation, parks and leisure services provide, do hereby designate the month of June as “June is Recreation & Parks Month” Beginning in 2014 the Town will utilize the services of the WaterWolf Board of Revisions. Campground fees are set at $10/night + GST. A business card ad, for $195, was placed in the Royal Canadian Legion Saskatchewan Command “Military Service Recognition Book”. CTV Home Town Tour will be held on the Composite School football field May 31. The Town nominated all citizens of Delisle as the recipients of the CTV Home Town Hero Award

Town of Asquith Consolidated Statement of Operations As of December 31, 2012

RM Review

June 2013



From the RCMP Police Desk Traffic

On May 23, at 12:39 a.m. police observed a 1992 Dodge car operating on Centennial Drive, in Martensville. The vehicle attempted to enter the parking lot of a restaurant in the area and struck a curb. Police continued to follow the vehicle to a nearby hotel and observed the vehicle drive over a curb and get hung up. Police approached the driver and observed him to be heavily intoxicated. The man was arrested for impaired driving and taken to the police detachment where he provided samples of his breath that were in excess of three times the legal limit. This same subject had been arrested and released on impaired driving charges on May 19 in Martensville. The man was held in custody pending a bail hearing the following morning. The driver, a 55 year old Corman Park man, is facing new charges of driving while impaired and driving with a blood alcohol exceeding the legal limit, as well as a charge of driving while under a suspension order. On May 24, at 1:50 a.m. police were dispatched to a single vehicle rollover one mile west of Radisson, on highway 16. When

members arrived, First Responders from Langham and Radisson Fire were already providing emergency care to the driver, the sole occupant of a 2011 Dodge Ram truck. STARS ambulance was dispatched to the scene; however MD Ambulance personnel pronounced the 45 year old male driver from Martensville dead at the scene. So far, the investigation has revealed the Dodge truck was driving eastbound, left the highway and struck an approach in the center median which caused it to roll. The road conditions were dry and the weather was clear at the time of the collision. Alcohol does not appear to be a factor. An RCMP Collision Analyst is assisting with the investigation. On May 25, at 11:53 p.m. RCMP were conducting a patrol in the Pike Lake Provincial Park and observed a car traveling at a high speed around a curve. The vehicle was stopped and it was determined the driver was displaying signs of alcohol impairment. The driver was arrested and transported for a breath test. However, the 18 year old male driver refused to provide samples of his breath. The male was

lodged into cells and later released for court on charges of refusal and breach of Undertaking.

Property On May 21, police were called to the Osler School where a complainant advised that several vehicles had their tires slashed at a construction site near the school. On May 21, RCMP were called to a residence in Langham where the complainant advised there had been a noisy party at a neighbour’s residence on the weekend and that party goers had shot paint balls at his and other residences in the neighborhood. Over 50 pellets were shot at a nearby camper trailer. Police are investigating. On May 22, at 2:44 p.m. police were called to a residence on Albert Street in Radisson for a complaint of vandalism. Police attended and were advised by the home owner that sometime around 6:00 p.m. on May 21 the window of his residence’s front door was broken by an unknown culprit. There are no suspects at this time, police are investigating. During the overnight hours of May 24th, several vehicles were

Food for Thought


Debt and Austerity

ike most everyone my knowledge of macroeconomics is rudimentary at best. That makes me a good candidate to open the subject and try and fit the clash of opinions about austerity policies into our local situation. We have dozens of examples around the world and in history of countries deeply in debt hoping to correct the situation by cutting in government spending. The records show that where there are positive results there is also some factors the drive the economy, usually from outside the victim’s borders. That is approximately what is happening in south-

ern Europe with very limited success. In the US which led the world into the 2008 recession there is pressure from the Republicans to reduce government spending while the main move was to print money. There are weak signs that the US may have imposed the right corrections; a little bit of austerity and a lot of stimulus. As for Canada we are stymied until the US economy gains momentum. Our strategy has been mixed: some stimulus of large investors, cuts in social programs, closing down research projects and fretting about the personal debt. Unfortu-

C.M. (Red) Williams

nately the large pools of capital have not responded as yet and so there is little direction to our economy even though there are several Free Trade Deals on the table that are touted a being a major economic stimulus. For the ordinary citizen (that is you and me) we have an opportunity to test the federal political parties in how they understand and plan: that is, continued austerity, stimulus or just wait for the US to pull us out of this economic situation. There are times when governments can coast, but my hunch is that this is pay-up time.

unlawfully entered in Martensville in the MacCormack Ranch, Hamm Terrace, Friesen Cove, Sandy Rise and 2nd Avenue neighborhoods. Numerous unlocked vehicles were entered and various personal items were stolen. Police are again reminding the public to lock their vehicles and not leave valuables in plain view. On May 25, at 04:30 a.m. police received a call from a resident of Langham that he found two teenage males inside a family member’s garage. The two youths ran away when they were discovered, and were not caught. It does not appear the youths took anything. Police continue to investigate. On May 25, at 9:00 a.m. police were called to a residence in Langham where a 2013 Dodge car was stolen from a garage. The car was later recovered in Saskatoon by the Saskatoon PS. At 11:00 a.m. police were then called to a resi-

dence in Warman where a 2003 Mitsubishi car was stolen. It was also recovered. Both investigations are continuing. On May 26, RCMP were called to a break and enter at a cabin in Pike Lake. The culprits pried open an entrance door and smashed a window to enter the cabin. Inside, a small quantity of alcohol, money, two portable communication devices and two soft air pistols were stolen. Police continue to investigate.

On May 26 at 7:10 a.m. police received a call of a Ford truck stuck in a field along with two pieces of heavy duty equipment off highway 14, near Grandora. It was determined the heavy equipment was unlawfully taken from a nearby business and used in an attempt to pull out the truck. There was damage to the heavy equipment and a portion of the CP rail tracks. Police have spoken to the driver of the truck and are continuing their investigation, along with the CP Police.

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June 2013

SCHOOL NEWS www.rmreview.net

RM Review



The final exam schedule has been issued. Grades 10, 11, and 12 will begin writing finals on Thursday, June 20. Grades 7, 8, and 9 will begin their final tests on Friday, June 21. Several dates to keep in mind are: May 31 is District track meet at Griffiths Stadium in Saskatoon. Also on that day, the CTV Hometown Tour will be broadcasting from Delisle. June 4 is the PSSD West Band concert in Vanscoy. On June 5, the PSSD student film festival is held at the Roxy Theater in Saskatoon. DCS has submitted five films, and are waiting to hear if they made it through the pre-judging process! June 6 is the annual elementary school fun night, with many of the events being run by DCS volunteers. Thanks to everyone for helping out! Monday, June 10 is the DCS Color Night, which is our annual awards night. There will also be many student displays of projects and school work, so please be sure to come early to check those out. Culture fair for the grade 8 classes will be held on Wednesday, June 12 from 9:30 am to 12:00pm. Community members, family, and friends are very welcome. Grad is on June 27. Report cards are on June 28. Congratulations to the grade 12 football players who were chosen for the North/South Senior Bowl. We had six players and one coach who represented our school at the game on May 20. Those individuals are: Dixon Smith - DB, Taylor Barber -LB, Cole Ward- DL, Tanner Olson-RC, Kolton McKenzie-TE, Jared Derdall-LB, and Mike Karakochuk - Defensive backs coach. Congratulations also to Dixon Smith, as he was named the top defensive back for the North team. The other sports news is track and field. Our local meet was held on March 14, with 107 athletes moving on to the conference meet on May 23 at Griffiths Stadium. Thanks to the HPS group (Health Promoting Schools) who gave out free smoothies! At press time, we don't know exactly how many students have qualified for the district meet, but will have a complete update at the next issue. Thanks to Mrs. Wirz, Ms. Hill, Mr. Schlosser, and Mrs. Dyck for all their hard work. Hard to believe the next school report means that it is July. Good luck to all students in exams!

This past month was a very busy one with the Conference Track meet being held on May 23rd at Griffiths Stadium. We had many people move on to the District meet on May 31st, also held at Griffiths Stadium. The Mara-Fun run went very well and took place on May 26th in Saskatoon. The month of June will also be a busy one with many year-end activities taking place. Greaser Day will be held on June 7th in the afternoon. The annual Pike Lake swim trip will be on June 14th, and the whole school will attend. The Grade 6’s are also headed to Pike Lake in the morning of June 14th where they will be learning some canoeing skills. Our Awards Day and the Grade 8 Farewell are being held on June 21st. The awards ceremony is in the morning and the farewell is in the evening. The K-4 Play Day is to be held on June 19th in the afternoon. The grades 7 and 8’s are headed to Meadow Lake on the last three days of school for their end of the year trip; we hope the weather will cooperate. We have many other field trips taking place throughout June and we anticipate all to be very eventful. Report Card Day is on June 28th and you can pick them up between 10:00 and 11:00am. We want to wish everyone a safe and happy summer! By Amy Blom, Braden Rein, and Keesan Corey

4 - H News Vanscoy 4-H Hey everyone this year has gone by quick. To start off Vanscoy Multiple 4-H had our last meeting on May 27th at Vanscoy Hall. We are helping the Vanscoy Ag Society with their perennial exchange and with the

Riding Arena repairs on May 25 and 26. We are also planning a scavenger hunt for the Fair in August. Our Achievement Day will be on June 15th beginning 10 o'clock at the Vanscoy Hall. By Alexia King

Delisle Branch 201 - 1st st W 493 - 8288

Summer Reading Program Begins Wednesday July 3rd Weekly Prizes “Come Join the Fun” Monday Noon - 4pm

Wednesday Noon - 4pm & 7pm - 9pm

Friday 10am - 5pm

Laura Multiple 4-H We are busy finishing up projects and planning our Achievement Day on June 9/13 at Laura Hall. Fun will be had by all with many displays to see. We will close the year with a 4H family BBQ. We would like to thank our great leaders for a fun time this year & look forward to learning more new skills next year. By Cody Kearnan

PIKE LAKE PRESCHOOL June has arrived! That means graduation, and the preschool students have been practicing hard so they can sing their graduation songs loud and clear. Graduation Day is Tuesday, June 18th in the morning at Pike Lake Hall. After this long winter, I know we are anxiously waiting for school to finish so we can enjoy the summer. The 3-year old class saw the arrival of a new student in May. Welcome Jackson! The students got messy making Mother’s Day cards and learning about purple. They used 9 circles to make a caterpillar and blasted off into space with the rockets they made. Next week, they will learn about different kinds of animals. Then it’s a field trip to the Forestry Farm to see some of the animals we will have talked about. The 4-year olds will also go to the Forestry Farm after they’ve finished up their animal theme. Each student chose a different forest animal to make – these are hanging up in the classroom. They also made whales and jellyfish. We will be learning about jungle/zoo animals and playing with real baby chicks on farm animal day. Thank you to the Ross Family for bringing them. The 4-year olds got really messy with shaving cream and food colouring for purple day, made a nice helping flower for Mother’s Day, and cut out a 9 and put 9 stamps on it for Number 9 Day. June will find both classes learning about the colour brown and the number 10. The 4-year olds will also learn about summer. Hooray! We can’t forget the dads, though. I wonder what gifts the students will bring home for Father’s Day? Just a reminder that our registration for next year is Thursday, June 13th at the hall from 6:30-7:30. Spread the word! Thank you to everyone who helped with preschool this year, from the wonderful helper parents to the community who supported us with your presence at our movie night to the editors of the papers for allowing us to put in a blurb every month. I truly appreciate everyone involved in making Pike Lake Preschool a successful preschool. I hope everyone has a fantastic and fun summer! 3-year old days: 6, 13, 18 4-year old days: 4, 7, 11, 14, 18 Colour: brown Number: 10

Perpetual Donations Delisle Elementary Delisle Co-op - monthly quota of milk School thanks our Volunteers & Delisle Credit Union - case of fruit monthly Delisle Royal Bank - case of juice monthly Supporters! Donations Debra Karilenko Mrs. Schnitzler Mr. Sauer Dawn Pollard

ReqUeST or Renew books at www.wheatland.sk.ca

Agrium Community Investment Program Department of Community Resources Phipps & Rempel Denture Clinic - cheese Colborn Farms- monthly quota of eggs Vetter Enterprises/Delisle Hotel - cereal The Pink Chair - yogurt Delisle Senior Centre Agrium - breakfast meat for the month Schumacher Farms - Angus Beef RM Review - Advertising

Check out the RM Review On-Line School Page Bus Cancellations, Daily Calendars, School Links, Announcements


RM Review

June 2013


Activities and Destination Guide to your

‘Summer STAY-cation’ This summer you will find a whole vacation waiting for your right here at home. Check out all the fun activities and unique destinations with your family. Pull-out this guide and keep it with you for fun ideas all summer long. Be sure to enter our ‘Summer STAY-cation Package’ contest too. Enter once every day at www.rmreview.net Good Luck !







Eagle Creek Kids Fishing Derby

Canada Day Celebrations at Pike Lake Provincial Park

Saskatoon Fringe Festival


Perdue Ranchman’s Day, Vanscoy Community Garage Sale, Pike Lake School Centennial Celebration


Father’s Day Pig Roast Britannia Restaurant, Asquith

JUNE 21-23

Eagle Creek Jamboree


RM Review ‘STAY-cation’ Draw



Saskatchewan Day


Free Fishing Weekend Across Saskatchewan

Saskatoon Exhibition



Railway Heritage Day Celebration at Railway Museum (Hwy 60)

16th Annual Fiddle Fest

AUGUST 15-17


Saskatoon Folkfest

Delisle Days

AUGUST 17-18

JULY 26-27

Vanscoy Summer Fair

Perdue Agricultural Fair

AUGUST 30-31

Saskatoon Fireworks Festival


Summer Time Health

iving in Saskatchewan is wonderful. We are so lucky to have warm summers with a lot of sun, colourful and fresh falls, white winters, wet and flowery springs. With the changing seasons upon us keep in mind some of these easy summer safety tips. Most people who live in Saskatchewan want to be outside during the summer months. However, our beautiful sun can raise some health concerns. Think about slipping on a shirt, slopping on sun screen and slapping on a hat before stepping outside to have some fun! The sun’s rays are strongest in the middle of the day, from 11 am to 4 pm. But nobody, regardless of their age wants to stay inside so remember to:

- Check the UV index before you go out (stay out of direct sun light if UV index is 3 or higher) - Cover arms and legs with lightweight and loose fit clothing - Wear a wide brimmed hat to protect you face, head, neck and ears - Stay in the shade – under a tree, umbrella or awning - Wear sunglasses with UV protection - 20 minutes before going out apply sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or higher on exposed parts of your body. Use a waterproof sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or higher for kids and reapply often. Keep infants out of direct sunlight. Along with the beautiful sights and smells of summer come those pesky mosquitoes. Culex tarsalis mosquitoes are the main carrier of West Nile Virus (WNV) in Saskatchewan. These mosquitoes are most active in July, August and early September. Most people infected with WNV have no illness or very mild disease. Symptoms can begin 2 to 15 days after the bite of an infected mosquito. Mild disease may cause flu-like symp-

toms: fever, headache, muscle aches, swollen lymph nodes and skin rash. Rarely WNV causes severe disease such as meningitis or encephalitis. Mosquito precautions are key for prevention. Take personal protection measures such as: - Wear light coloured, loose fitting clothing with long sleeves and pants when spending time outside - Use mosquito repellents that contain DEET when you are outdoors, especially at dusk and dawn. - Do not use insect repellents on infants less than 6 months - Choose 10% DEET or less for children aged 6 months to 12 years - Age 6 months to 2 years: apply once a day avoiding hands and face - Age 2 to 12 years: apply no more than 3 times a day avoiding parts of the hands which may have contact with the mouth or eyes - Choose up to 30% DEET for 12 years and older - Pregnant and nursing mothers consult your physician - Make sure windows and screen fit tightly and are free from holes - Reduce mosquito populations by draining any standing water (such as old tires, wading pools, eaves troughs) Information taken from Canadian Cancer Society, SunSense, Feb 2010 and Mosquito Precaution Fact sheet, Populations and Public Health Services, Saskatoon Health Region, Aug 2010.

Railway Heritage Day July 7th


he Saskatchewan Railway Museum on the Pike Lake Highway hosts "Railway Heritage Day" on Sunday, July 7, 2013. This event honors the pioneers of the railroad across Saskatchewan.

There will be special events, a bbq, and caboose rides. Prices are $5 for adults, $3 for youth. Gates are open 10 am to 5 pm. Come on out and enjoy Saskatchewan's railway history!



June 2013

RM Review


Plan your Summer STAY-cation ASQUITH 306-329-4231

Start you Spring with us... Lindenberg vegetable and flower seeds


2kg red seed potatoes

Turf Care potting soil

RO WI N Por UGHR a t I in the able DER’ ST RM Coole s AY Re r Con -cati view tes on t

English-Style Beer Batter Fish & Chips!


Head North... Highway 14 runs across the north of our community and west of Grandora you will find the Sandyridge Gas & Groceries store where you can fuel-up with gas or diesel, pick-up some grocery items or enjoy a soft ice cream cone. You can even buy a Traegar Wood Pellet BBQ. A few minutes west is Asquith. Here you can stop in at the Britannia Restaurant where Jim will serve you his famous Beer Battered Fish & Chips. Just north of Asquith is Eagle Creek Regional Park. Here you will find a camping, swimming, boating, fishing, golfing, playground, mini-golf and a

Go West... Yes, go west young man, and you will find many things to do. In the centre of the community is Vanscoy, where you will find the Robin’s Nest Cafe. This extremely popular restaurant and catering business is run by Quinten and Robin Odnokon. Enjoy top quality food while you take in the antiques and Rider gear that decorate the restaurant. And if you need to know the latest weather update, amateur storm chaser Quinten is your man. Attached to the restaurant is the Tempo gas station and store where you can get everything from groceries to fireworks. If you are in Vanscoy on August 17 & 18 you can take in the Summer Fair with horse shows, street dance, kids land and more.

Happy Father’s Day Vanscoy 931-6996 Mon-Fri 7 - 8 Sat 8 - 8 Sun 9 - 7

Win a set of BBQ Tools

by entering the RM Review “Summer STAY-cation” contest at www.rmreview.net

concession. They also host many events though the summer such as a jamboree, golf tournament and trail ride. A few miles further west is Perdue. The annual Ranchman’s Day is June 8th and features horse competitions, calf roping, cattle penning, trade show, dance and more. On July 26 & 27 you can also catch the Perdue Agricultural Fair.

Going south west on highway 7 will take you to Delisle where you will find the Delisle Co-op. Here you can stock up on all your camping and picnic supplies. And if you happened to have just come from the Robin’s Nest in Vanscoy, you will probably have the urge to look through the extensive offering of Rider Gear at the Delisle Co-op. In the north end of Delisle you will find the Valleyview Golf course. This pristine 9 hole course offers grass greens, power carts and a licensed clubhouse with drinks, snacks and golf supplies. After a round of golf you will want to stop at the Delisle hotel for a refreshing cocktail and maybe sample thier food specials. They also offer a deck and off sale beer and coolers. Drop by Delisle on July 20th and take in Delisle Days with pancake breakfast, slow-pitch tournament, beer gardens, car show, street dance and more.

Riders Gear Headquarters Great Father’s Day Gift Ideas

WIN a Rider Hat & Shirt from Delisle Ag Co-op ! Enter the RM Review “STAY-cation “Contest

FR Car EE W Dra ash w ever y Fr in Ju iday ne ! Ente ri n St


Enter at www.rmreview.net Today ! Groceries & Confectionary - Truck & Car Wash Gas Pumps & Card Lock - Propane & Bulk Fuel

Open 7 Days a Week 6:00am - 10:00pm

493 - 2212 Delisle

RM Review

June 2013



with these local Destinations 376

Eagle C Eagle Creek reek Regional R egional Park Park

Oasis Perdue P erdue Oa sis

Sandyridge Sandyridge Groceries Ga s & Gro ceries Gas

Highway H ighway 14 14





h ig

y7 wa


Crickle Crickle Creek Creek

Railway Museum Museum


Moon R iver Moon River Golf Par-3 Par-3 Golf



762 Highway H ighway 6 60 0


Valley V alley R oad Road

Moonlake Moonlake Sa skatoon Saskatoon B erry Farm Farm Berry

Pike Lake Pike Lake P rovincial Park Park Provincial

Explore E xpl ore a and nd your Wi Win n over oLocal ver $ $650 65 0 iin nP Prizes rizeSTAY-cation s-E Enter nter a att w www.rmreview.net w w.rmreview.net Explore Summer Destinations

Out East... Travel east of Vanscoy on 766 and you will find the scenic Valley Road which runs all the way to Saskatoon. There are many businesses along this route, such as Crickle Creek. This complete amusement park has many inflatable rides for the kids in the FunZone, an 18 hole Pitch & Putt golf course, mini-golf and an ice cream shack. A mile south is the Moon River Golf Club with nine par3 holes and a driving range across the road. On the south end

www.cricklecreek.ca of Valley Road is Moonlake Saskatoon Berry Farm. They offer pre-picked Saskatoon’s or you can pick your own when they are ready in mid-late July. Another mile or two west is the Moon Lake Golf Club where you will find golf pro Brad Birnie ready to teach you how to take a few strokes off your game. Visit his website for details. Travel back up Highway 60 to the Highway 7 junction and you will come across the Saskatchewan Railway Museum. They are open during the summer fro 10am-5pm Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Admission is only $5 for adults and $3 for kids. You can see over two dozen different rail cars and engines as well as train stations Moon River and railway Golf Club buildings.


Down South... A short drive south down Highway 60 will bring you to Pike Lake Provincial Park. One of the most beautiful parks in the province, Pike Lake is a recreation park characterized by aspen, poplar and Manitoba maple groves; manicured lawns with two picnic areas close to the main beach; desert-like sand dunes a short hike away and a popular outdoor pool with a waterslide. Add to this a diverse array of plants and wildlife owing to its location on a flood plain of the South Saskatchewan River and you can see why Pike Lake Provincial Park offers a delightful change of pace for people wishing to recharge their batteries without having to travel for hours. The park of-

Vanscoy W

F ull ServiCe - GAS & DieSel Ph: 683-5024 Fax: 683-6307

Fr e


Co F


Confectionary Post Office A G reAT STArT G reAT DAY !

To A

FIR e carry EW S to OR ck up KS now CA NA for DA DA Y

ATM Videos

Coffee Lottery

Weekly $25 Gas Draw (entry with minimum 30 litre fill)

fers 210 electrified campsites, cabin rentals at Night Owl Cabins and many lush, shaded picnic areas. The Huddle store offers a full concession as well as groceries and camping supplies. On the beach Irene’s Boat Rentals can provide you with canoes, kayaks, aqua bikes and standing paddle boards so IRENE’S BOAT RENTALS you can cool off in the cool Pike Lake Provincial Park calm waters of the lake or you can just sit in the Canoes, shade of the huge mature trees and watch the many Kayaks, Aqua Bikes, birds including Purple Martins. Standing Paddle Boards The Pike Lake mini-golf is OPEN & Operated by: 10AM - 8PM a great place for the family Owned Gerry & Irene Purcell Weather Permitting to spend some time showing off thier putting skills. The Glow-Golf event every Saturday night is always Pike Lake Provincial Park the biggest hit of the week Fast Food - Convenience Store end.


Pike Lake Mini-Golf

Breakfast, Burgers, Ice Cream, Grocery & Camping Supplies

Owned & Operated by: Sheila Purcell & Irene Purcell



June 2013


16th Annual Fiddle Fest

Still going strong and growing in its 16th year, the John Arcand Fiddle Fest gives musicians and dancers of all ages a grassroots, culturally rich experience. While the festival has a strong Métis theme, it also promotes other types of fiddle, music and dance from all cultures. When founding the Fest, John Arcand knew that for the traditions to live on, young people must adopt them. Therefore, the event is a family affair with a very large workshop component. The John Arcand Fiddle

Fest is highly regarded for its seemingly magical powers to dissolve the cultural barriers that sometimes interfere with harmony in day to day life. Participants come from a variety of ancestries and from all over Saskatchewan, Canada, and even into the United States. Once at the Fiddle Fest, they become one nation and one community – all united around music, dance, and fun. A low admission rate with effective programming serves the John Arcand Fiddle Fest mandate to pro-

mote and preserve fiddle, music and dance and provide a forum to showcase youth talent and culture. “We are indeed preserving and promoting the Métis and old time traditions of fiddle, music and dance,” says John Arcand, Fiddle Fest Founder and Artistic Director, “and, now with the addition of the Cultural Camp other Métis traditional art forms we have a winning product that is making a huge impact on the Métis legacy, Saskatchewan people, and the communities around Saskatoon.”

Fiddle Finale 2012

Golf fore Life SEPTEMBER 7, 2013 8:00AM Shotgun – Best Ball Limit: 72 Ladies

The new Cultural Camp will be a designated area on the Festival site that offers a variety of hands on teachings in Métis beading, embroidery, finger-weaving and traditional dance. Workshops last two full days and deliver something for virtually any level of player – including the absolute beginner fiddler with fiddles provided. The instructors are well known and respected fiddlers, dancers, guitar and piano players who come from all over Canada. Red River Jigging, one of the mainstays of Métis culture is also taught. Other interactive opportunities to develop technical, competition and performance skills are the fiddle and jigging contests. Both competitions offer categories for all ages and skill levels. Surround-

Evening Concert 2012 ing the formal opportunities to learn are many informal opportunities as fiddle instructors and young participants network throughout the weekend in conversation and spontaneous jam sessions. There are evening concerts Thursday, Friday and Saturday and both Friday and Saturday evenings end with an old time dance. Saturday morning starts with the “Fiddle and Flapjacks” Breakfast, a pancake breakfast with live fiddle music. Sunday starts with a nondenominational hour of gospel music, before the competition finals begin. Surrounding the artistic presentations is a family friendly atmosphere and planned interactive activities for kids in the Children’s Area. There is also free un-serviced camping

Registration opens July 1, 2013 $170/TEAM OF 2 Includes: 18 holes golf, light breakfast to go after 9, big lunch after 18 PLUS all games on course. Power Carts NOT included, extra $30.00/team Sign up at Clubhouse or Call 306-493-3288 or e-mail Lori @ delisle.golf@sasktel.net Payment must accompany registration.

August gust 8 to 11, 2013

Corporate Passes Now Available 20 PACK



$480 walking $740 riding

$720 walking $1110 riding

$880 walking $1360 riding

Golf Lessons - Sunday, June 23 Sign up at clubhouse or call 306-493-3288

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RM Review

right on site as well as a concession. For those who prefer serviced camping or hotel accommodations, the surrounding area offers many options. This festival has been quietly growing strong and is widely acclaimed for its quality instruction, family atmosphere, and bringing developing and professional artists together to learn from one another both formally and informally. “The growth that the festival has experienced is exponential. As the numbers continue to grow, we continue to work towards changes that will enhance everyone’s experience,” says Vicki Arcand, Administrative Director, “We are so thankful for the continued support of attendees, participants, sponsors, funders and volunteers. It takes a community to run an event – and we have a strong one backing us.” And, all of this is offered for a one time gate fee…there is no charge for entering competitions, or participating in workshops. General admission is just $50 per weekend per person or $20 per day. Children 12 & under are admitted free when they come with a parent or guardian. Admission is only at the gate and not sold in advance.

RM Review

June 2013


Win a “Summer STAY-cation” Package N o r T h

e A S T

Sandyridge Gas & Groceries - $20 Gas, Ice Cream Cone & Shirt


ath Early er’s Day Bird D raw G

Britannia Restaurant - Fish & Chip Dinner for 2

olf Le s

Asquith Co-op


wi t h g olf pro

- Roughrider’s Portable Cooler

Brad Birnie www. b ra

W e S T

Crickle Creek - Day Pass to Fun Zone

Railway Museum - 2 Free Admission Passes

Fiddle Fest - 2 Free Admission Passes

dbirn iegolf .ca DRAW DATE JUNE 14

Delisle Golf Course - 4 Rounds of Golf w/carts

Delisle Co-op

S o u T h

- Rider Shirt & Hat

The Huddle

Carrol King

- $20 Food Voucher

- Reflexology Treatment

Irene’s Boat Rentals

Robin’s Nest Cafe - BBQ Tools Set

Contest Closes June 23, 2013 Contest Rules on Website

Vanscoy Tempo - $20 Fireworks Package



- One Hour Boat Rental

Pike Lake Mini-Golf - 2 Family Passes (4 people)

Gospel Brunch Sunday July 7

The Bidders’ Choice Sold on Service Licensed, Bonded,Insured Auction Company

10:30am - 1:00pm Seniors Hall, Harris

Mobile Auction Equipment Computerized Auction Software

On-site Credit Card & Debit Professional Service & Staff


Entertainment by

Copper Creek Gospel Band

Thinking about having an Auction Sale?

Catering by

Estate of Lawrence & Frieda Moon & East Hills Stock Farm Auction 9:00am- Biggar Rec Valley Rodeo Grounds North of Biggar on Hwy 4, East side of road Saturday, June 15th - Biggar, SK

Call Frederick and take advantage of our extensive advertising campaign by booking early!

Pat Trask Menu includes quiche, sausage, bacon, hash browns, scrambled eggs, muffins, toast, scones, jams and jellies, fresh fruit platter, veggie tray, coffee, tea, Saskatoon Berry tea, orange juice

Storage Mart Storage Auction Sale 9:30am- 901 1st Ave N 11:00am- 345 Portage Ave 1:00pm - 3010 11th St W Friday, June 21st - Saskatoon, SK Howard & Betty Butler Auction Sale 11:00am Wednesday, June 22nd - Saskatoon

Adults $15.00, 6-12 years $10.00, under 6 $5.00 Advance phone calls appreciated 306-656-4722, leave message. Walk-ins welcome as well.

(306) 227-9505




Member of Sask, Man, Alta Auctioneer Assoc. & Better Business Bureau PL #318200 SK PL #324317 AB



June 2013



May 24, 2013 Kelly Block, M.P.



June 11


Seniors Hall, Harris

’d like to inform you of a major policy shift that our government introduced earlier this month to the National Research Council (NRC) and its $820 million annual budget, 4,000 employees, and 50 research facilities located in every province. The NRC is a federal organization whose mandate it is to support industry and business to enhance their innovation capabilities and help foster the knowledge and products that will power Canada’s economy for decades. Since its creation in 1916, it has grown into the single largest research arm of the Government of Canada. In recent years, the NRC operational model has been what is known as the “linear model” of innovation.

RM Review

New Reforms to the National Research Council Simply put, the Government of Canada would fund basic research through universities, colleges, and its own facilities, and build a core base of knowledge. It was considered the sole responsibility of industry to convert this research into commercial products in Canada. This approach worked well when few world economies had the infrastructure to convert general research into commercial products, but in today’s increasingly international and competitive marketplace, the NRC has been unable to provide sufficient support to industry and businesses across Canada. That’s why this change is both timely and nec-

essary. The NRC is refocusing to help Canadian businesses stand shoulder to shoulder with the world’s most innovative and competitive companies. It will now focus on the identified research needs of Canadian businesses, of all sizes, and assist these businesses develop and sell the products that will drive our economy. Canadian businesses in need of support to bring their ideas to market can now access the specialized technical services, scientific expertise, and unique infrastructure through the NRC’s centres nationwide. It is important to note that Canada spends more on higher education research and de-

velopment, as a percentage of our economy, than any country in the G7. Funding for research has been increased in every budget since our government took office and we will continue to do so as we recognize how important spending on science and technology is to assure the highest standard of living for all Canadians. This reform will better assist the NRC fulfill its mandate to help foster the knowledge and products that will power Canada’s economy, and lead to good jobs for all Canadians, while offering good value and real results to Canadian taxpayers.

15 Games - Minimum Prize Value $20 Game Cards $5, Extras $1


CLOTHING, JEWELLERY SCARVES & PURSES Unique Clothing in Sizes 2 to 24

Huge Summer Sale Now On ! CuSToMER AppRECIATIoN DAyS 25 - 50% oFF THE WHoLE SToRE No rEfuNdS or ExChaNGES duriNG thiS SalE

Wed, Thur, Fri 12 - 5 ...Sat 11 - 3 208 1st Street West, Delisle 493-2401 Facebook: Designs By Nancy

Kerrie Sparrow Exe. Regional Vice President Independent Consultant

668 - 4218 ksparrow@yourlink.ca



Backhoe & skidsteer services

Get a “Jump on Spring” s for u t c a t


ater W & c Septi vices Ser Con

306-222-9737 Email: larrylink@yourlink.ca Office Phone: 306-493-2410 Office Hours 9 - 2 Weekdays


plus. Sprin .. Fl o o d g i ng Issue s

Call for info about Emergency Services on holidays & after hours

Spay & Neuter Season Dr. Lorrie Fraser Dr. Angela Oranchuk Delisle 300 - 2nd St East (Hwy 7 Service Road)

with Animal Inn*spa*rations

Examinations Vaccinations X-Ray Surgery In-clinic Lab

www.delislevet.net on-line pet supply catalogue

Dental Cleaning Dental Extractions Dental X-Ray Ultrasound Canine Reproduction

Monday 9:00am - 6:00pm Tuesday 8:00am - 8:00pm Wednesday 8:00am - 8:00pm Thursday 9:00am - 6:00pm Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm Saturday: 9:00am - 4:00pm

RM Review

MLA REPORT May 29, 2013 Randy Weekes, MLA


s your representative, I believe strongly in the responsibility those in public life have to be accountable for their actions. I work for you and have an obligation to conduct myself in a manner worthy of your trust. It is with that in mind that I express my concerns about recent events regarding the Canadian Senate. For many years, politicians in Western Canada, including those in Saskatchewan, have been strong advocates for Senate reform. Proposed reforms included elected Senators and greater accountability. Some provinces, but not all, have even gone so far as to elect Senators, who are then appointed by the Prime Minister. While this is a small step in the right direction, all Senators, including those who were elected, serve until the age of 75 and do not have to stand for re-election, unlike MPs and MLAs. Further, we are no closer to having a Senate in which each province is represented equally. The fact that many provinces have indicated they will not elect Senators leaves us with an Upper House that is a hybrid lacking accountability and equal representation. It may look more legitimate, but that legitimacy would be false. Given the lack of progress regarding meaningful Senate reform, aboli-

tion of the Upper House must be given serious consideration. To that end, MLAs will consult with constituents over the next month to find out where they stand on abolishing the Senate. At the same time, the Saskatchewan Party will be holding a referendum of its membership on abolishing the Senate, with results expected in early July. If that vote is a yes, and there is widespread support for abolishing the Senate, Premier Brad Wall will bring the issue to the next Premier’s meeting, also in July. Since abolishment of the Senate could only be achieved by amending the Canadian constitution, the Premier will also consider moving a constitutional amendment in the Saskatchewan Legislature this fall. Our sense is that Saskatchewan people overwhelmingly support abolishing the Senate. Regardless, one thing is certain – the status quo of an undemocratic, unelected institution costing taxpayers nearly $100 million a year is no longer acceptable. An important part of accountability is setting goals and working toward them, as demonstrated by our government’s Growth Plan. One of the major goals of that plan is to ensure our economy continues to grow is to meet the identified need for 60,000 more workers by 2020. Recently it was announced our province

would receive an additional 450 spaces this year under the Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program, bringing our total nominee level to 4,450 for 2013. Effective immigration policies that focus on providing opportunities to skilled workers in hard-to-fill in-demand positions continues to be a important part of our governments growth strategy. Another part of the Growth Plan is ensuring that we have a safe, reliable, effective transportation throughout the province to meet the challenges of growth. This year’s $576 million Highway Construction Season, which will result in more than 350 km of major projects throughout Saskatchewan, is now officially underway. One notable pilot project to improve safety and traffic flow are new passing lanes on Highway 10, between Balgonie and Fort Qu’Appelle. This $16.9 million investment will provide a significantly improved experience for travelers. Since 2008, our government has invested $3.7 billion into our transportation system. Remember to slow down in highway construction zones – fines and enforcement have been increased this year. A major benefit of a growing economy is the increased services our government can provide for you and your family, such as more child care spaces. This



Randyy Weekes, Weekes, MLA MLA Biggar iggar Constituency Constituency Office Office 106 - 3rd 3rd Ave. Ave. West, Av West, Biggar, Biggar iggar,, SK S0K 0M0 Toll Toll Free: Free: 1-877-948-4880 Phone: Phone: 1-306-948-4880 Fax: 1-306-948-4882 Find Randy on http://on.fb.me/SfKsYx

www.randyweekes.ca randyweekes.mla@accesscomm.ca year, over 500 new child care spaces will be developed in 15 communities throughout Saskatchewan. This increase brings the number of child care spaces to more than 13,700. Since our government took office in 2007, we have increased the number of licensed child care spaces by 48 per cent or by 4,435 new spaces. We also continue to make real progress towards our goal of making Saskatchewan the best place to live in Canada for persons with disabilities. Effective June 1st, benefits under the Saskatchewan Assured Income for Disability (SAID) program will increase by $50 a month for single people, $60 for couples and the benefit for persons in residential care will rise by $20 per month. There are now more than 10,000 people with significant and long-term disabilities benefiting from SAID, providing them with a dignified income support program separate from the Saskatchewan Assistance Program.

Contractors Complete Reno’s New Construction Eavestroughing

June 2013


Sunday June 16th

4:00pm - 8:00pm

$15/person 1/2 lb. Roast Pork on a Kaiser Bun, Baked Beans, Cole Slaw, Potato Salad

Main Street, Asquith “The Centre of the British Empire”

329 - 2496

Regular menu items not available during this event

Community Health Chiropractic Clinic Dr. Dr. Lisa Lisa Merkosky, Merkosky, BSc BSc Chiropractor Chiropractor

Rob Rorke 270-6986 robrorke@live.com

Available for Chiropractic Appointments Available for Chiropractic Appointments starting Tuesday, April 2, 2013 Box 60 Saskatoon, SK S7K 3K1 Large & Small Animal Medicine


Clinic Hours Mon & Thur: 9:00am - 1:00pm & 3:00pm - 7:00pm Tue & Fri: 9:00am - 1:00pm & 3:00pm - 5:00pm

Call for an Appointment

24 hr Emergency Services


Drs. Harvey Domoslai - Wally Kononoff Blair Simonson - Lisa Wayman Dave Nairn

Delisle Primary Health Centre 305 - 1st Street West, Delisle, SK


June 2013

RM Review


DIRECTORY TO BUSINESS Find Detailed Listings at www.rmreview.net or Scan the QR Code with your phone Accommodations


Government - Federal

Home Care Products


Delisle Hotel Delisle 493-2462

Dexteriors Vanscoy 934-3048

Watkins - Anne Plummer 725 Valley Rd 382-1284

RixEdge Sharpening Services Saskatoon 270-8048

Jeannie’s Place Delisle 493-2489 / 380-9664

Flatlander Construction Delisle 493-7547

Kelly Block, MP 904E 22nd St W, Saskatoon 1-888-590-6555

Watkins - Darla Christopher Delisle 493-2933

Sign Painting

Sally’s Place Delisle 717-0841 / 221-0735

Larmar Contracting Services Vanscoy 380-2327


G & L Drywall Delisle 493-8228 / 668-4583

Accountsability Vanscoy 292-4085/668-4216

Government Provincial Randy Weekes, MLA 106 3rd Ave W Biggar 1-877-948-4880



Gravel / Sand

Angus Insurance Harris 656-4555

New Age Foundations Plus Grandora 329-4610

Graham Contracting Asquith 230-4653

Delisle Agencies Delisle 493-2260

Lyndsay Lee Pike Lake 244-2777

Side by Side Contractors 270-6986

Klassen Trenching Delisle 493-7579

Mooney Agencies Ltd. Vanscoy 668-2181

Papertrail Legacy Vanscoy 931-2153

Victoria’s Design 370-9399

Link’s Backhoe & Skidsteer Delisle 222-9737




Larson Custom Fencing Delisle 934-3185 / 403-664-8252

Jillian Walker Massage RMT Vanscoy 242-7780

J C Electric Vanscoy 290-2052

Rice Lake Sand & Gravel Asquith 329-4768

Orchard Transport - Ag Div. Delisle 493-2408

Westland Enterprizes Ltd Delisle 493-2709

Lindsey Kocay Therapeutic Massage Delisle 493-8247


Viterra - Delisle LSO Delisle 493-8188

Golf Clubs Driving Range Valley Road 221-0842

Back 40 Embroidery Delisle 493-3033/493-2751

Moon River Golf Club Valley Road 931-8960

Air Conditioning & Heating


PLAINSMAN HVAC-R Ltd 24 Hour Emergency Service Vanscoy 306-242-3002

Delisle Credit Union 1st St, Delisle 493-2414


Edward Jones -Colleen Schneider 234 First Ave S Saskatoon 244-0398

Integra Tire/Empire Auto Saskatoon 244-8070

Dejardins - Norma Sparrow 330 - 20th St. E Saskatoon 242-1188

Scouts Auto Parts Donavon 493-2637

Valleyview Golf & Country Club Delisle 493-3288

Grocery Epicure Selections - Vanscoy Brandi Orth 382-2220 Prairie Sun Orchard Ice Cream Vanscoy 242-7573


Beauty Arbonne Intl - Kerrie Sparrow Vanscoy 668-4218 BeautiControl-Rose-Anne Kielo Delisle 493-2233 Sultry Skincare “Waxing Services” Vanscoy 230-1389

Schneider’s Gourmet World Delisle 493-3199

First General Services Saskatoon 979-3205

Garden / Yard

Hairstylist / Beauty Delisle Hairstyling & Barber Delisle 493-2467

Like A Rock Grandora 382-3978

Hair by Dawn Vanscoy 384-6807

Gas / Confectionary

Chiropractor Dr. Lisa Merkosky Community Health Chiropractic Clinic Delisle Primary Health Centre 493-2800

Computer -Service Catprint Computing Delisle 230-8783

Julie’s House of Style Delisle 493-2950

Amsoil - Roland Rusnell Delisle 220-3357

Salon 360 Delisle 493-2486

Delisle Agricultural Co-op Delisle 493-2212 Sandyridge Gas & Grocery Grandora 668-4362

Meat Cutting Vanscoy Sausage & Meat Vanscoy 668-4742

Cattle Care Hwy #14 343-5773/260-6729 Corman Park Vet Services Hwy #14 (SLS) 384-7676 Delisle Veterinary Service Delisle 493-3143 Fafard’s Mobile Vet Service Grandora 371-4534 Outlook Veterinary Clinic Outlook 867-8777

Pet Care

Water / Septic

‘A’ Deb’s K-9 Kennelling Delisle 220-4727

Graham Contracting Asquith 230-4653

Animal InnSpaRations Delisle 493-3143

Klassen Trenching Delisle 493-7579

Lynne Road Kennels Grandora 270-5831

Link’s Backhoe & Skidsteer Delisle 222-9737

Lynn Ross Dog Grooming Vanscoy 382-6224

Starlings Septic Services Delisle 493-2241

Plumbing & Heating

Sew Kleen Hydro-vacing & Septic Asquith 283-4406

Iron Eagle Mechanical Saskatoon 717-0151 Thermal Mechanical Vanscoy 381-7998/270-0160

Potash Mine Agrium Potash Mine Vanscoy 668-4343


The Pink Chair Delisle 493-2266

Pike Lake Preschool Pike Lake 978-8164

Welding Arc-Fab Industrial Pike Lake 380-7525 STP Mobile Welding Saskatoon 280-9368

Yardwork/Excavation Big Pines Services Inc. Vanscoy 230-7399 Graham Contracting Asquith 230-4653


KBM Earthmoving Vanscoy 867-3770


Reflexology - Carrol King Delisle 493-2452

Britannia Restaurant Asquith 329-2496

Klassen Trenching Delisle 493-7579


Robin’s Nest Cafe Railway Ave Vanscoy 931-6996

Link’s Backhoe & Skidsteer Delisle 222-9737

Vesta Homes Vanscoy 242-9099

Wolff’s Den Delisle 493-2239

Stobbe’s Backhoe Service Grandora 668-4289


To List Yours Call: Merv Easton - Vanscoy 306-270-2022 merv@pin.ca


Air & Alkaline Water Purifiers Perdue 1-877-652-6853

Silpada - Marilyn Hungness Asquith 329-4768

Businesses in: Delisle, Saskatoon, Harris Asquith and Rosetown etc.

Sid’s Auto Service Vanscoy 668-2013


Whole Wheat Web Design Vanscoy 493-3023

Land in local R.M.’s of: Vanscoy, Montrose, Eagle Creek and Aberdeen

Vehicle Repair

Vanscoy Tempo Vanscoy 683-5024

Partylite Gifts -Cindy Hanson Vanscoy 978-0219

Several Local Properties Available “For Sale by Owner”

Ryjo Tours Inc. Tessier 1-866-656-4786

Vanscoy Early Learning Center Vanscoy 668-6338

Computer -Web Design

Check out... WWW.PIN.CA

Kim’s Signs That Sell Vanscoy 493-3011

L’IL BIT OF COUNTRY Antiques & Collectibles

Gifts, Memorabilia & so much more

Farm / Acreage / Ranch / Recreation Buying? / Selling? Sask. Land Sales

Come In,

Coldwell Banker

See What’s New & Old

ResCom Realty

1st St. W, Delisle Mon - Fri 9:00 am - 4:30 pm

Real Estate Specialist TOM NEUFELD 306-260-7838

Check out On-Line Classifieds and Business Directory at www.rmreview.net

Saturday June 15th 10:00am - 1:00pm



Railway Ave & 2nd St. E. Will move to Delisle Lodge Room if poor weather

3rd Saturday of each Month Hosted by...

“A Variety of Local Vendors” Book a space for $10 Contact Lil at 306-220-8281 For more information visit us at www.womeninbiz.ca

RM Review

June 2013



COMMUNITY CALENDAR Find More Event Details at www.rmreview.net or Scan the QR Code with your phone May 30 Thursday 7:30pm Aaron Roy Professional Bull Riding Asquith Sport Grounds

June 8 Saturday Community Garage Sale Vanscoy

June 14 Friday EARLY BIRD DRAW RM Review “STAY-cation”

June 21-23 Fri - Sun Eagle Creek Jamboree Eagle Creek Regional Park

May 31 Friday 4-6pm CTV Home Town Tour Delisle School Football Field

June 9 Sunday Laura 4-H Achievement Day Laura

June 14 Friday 7:00pm Roughriders at Eskimos CFL Pre-season

June 24 Monday “STAY-cation Package” DRAW RM Review

June 1 Saturday Outlook Soccer Tournament Outlook School

June 9 Sunday Sandy Hills 4-H Achievement Day

June 16 Sunday FATHER’S DAY

June 26 Wednesday Last Day of School

June 2 Sunday ECWF Kids Fishing Derby Eagle Creek Regional Park

June 9 Sunday Vanscoy 4-H Achievement Day Vanscoy

June 16 Sunday FATHER’S DAY PIG ROAST Britannia Restaurant, Asquith

June 28 Friday School Report Cards

June 8 Saturday Centennial School Celebration Pike Lake School

June 9 Sunday 7:30pm Jordon Raycroft Concert Routes Gallery (RESCHEDULED)

June 20 Thursday 8:00pm Stampeders @ Roughriders CFL Pre-season

June 29 Saturday 1:30pm Roughriders at Eskimos Edmonton

June 8 Saturday Perdue Ranchman’s Day Perdue Fair Grounds

June 13 Thursday 6:30-7:30pm Pike Lake Preschool Registration Pike Lake Hall

June 21 Friday First Day of Summer

July 1 Monday CANADA DAY

Promote Your Event Here For FREE - Call 668-1312 or mail@rmreview.net S andyridge g aS & g rocerieS Fuel & Diesel / ATM / Video Rentals Grocery / Confectionary / Post Office

Grandora 668 - 4362

Win $20 in Gas, a T-Shirt and Ice Cream Cone in the RM Review

“STAY-cation Contest” Enter at www.rmreview.net




Medium & Large Dogs

Relieves Tension Improves Circulation Helps Promote Overall Health

“In Floor Heat” Delisle, Sk 220 - 4727

Please support our armed forces personnel & law enforcement officers



organic Beef Your Certified empyre Dealer


Vincent Keindel Phone (306) 382-0878 Fax (306) 978-8718 RR #3 - Site 318, Box 3, Saskatoon, SK S7K 3J6

Rick Maines (306) 493-2637 Delisle, SK

Carrol King



P.O. Box 729

‘A’ Deb’s K-9 Kennelling Service

S0L 0P0

Halves, Quarters, Custom Packages Samples Available Your satisfaction is guaranteed.

Sparlyn Organic Farm 668-4216

SK Sew Kleen SepticTank Pumping Septic Repairs Hydrovac Services

Portable Toilet Rentals 283 - 4406

Trenching & waterworks sand - Gravel - Topsoil

230 - 4653

Stobbe’s Backhoe Service Grandora, SK Sand & Gravel Spreading Hauling Ken Klassen RR1 Box 15

Delisle, SK S0L 0P0

Bus. (306) 493-7579 Fax. (306) 493-8135 ken@klassentrenching.com

Ag Services Division

Leo Stobbe 668-4289

493 - 2408

Installation of Rural Water & Sewer Systems

Box 130, Delisle, SK S0L 0P0

Pumps - Tanks - Switches - other Trenching & Excavation


June 2013

RM Review



Saskatoon, Saskatchewan June 24, 4, 2013 2


4– 2012 NEW HOLLAND CR9090

1 OF 2– 2009 CA CASE SE IH 7120



2011 JOHN DEERE 4930 120 FT





2004 JAZZ AZZ XL3100RL 31 FT


CURRENT CU RRENT INVENTORY INVENTORY INCLUDES: INCLUDES: ! Agricultural Tractors ! Combines ! Headers Swathers ! Sw athers ! Sprayers ! Air Drills & Seeders

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... and Much More!

AUCTION SITE: SITE: Hwy 12 North & Cory Road, Saskatoon, SK Sale Starts 8 AM

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DON’T DON ’T M MISS ISS OUT. We are still accepting con consignments nsignments for this auction.Call auction Call you your ur local representative today. Fle Flexible xible contract opti options ons C Competing ompeting on-site e & online on bidders C Certain ertain sale & payment ment dates


rbauction.com rbauction n.com Auction Company License #309645

Enter to Win a “summer sTay-cation” Package from the RM Review at


Details on page 11

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