RM Review June 2015

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RM Review


Serving Asquith, Delisle, Donavon, Grandora, Harris, Kinley, Laura, Perdue, Pike Lake, Swanson, Tessier, Vanscoy, Zealandia

Volume 16 Number 6

JUNE 2015


Perdue Arena Burns to the Ground Story on Page 18

o t s e e i m c o n C Age ary s r e l e is niv n l e n D o i A t a h r t b 5 e 1 8 th 3 l e C ne page 6 on Ju s l i a D et

Prairie Spirit School Division Eliminates Band Program Story on Page 15 Win a Summer ‘STAY-cation’ Package from the RM Review

Over $1,000 in Prizes Contest Details on Page 12

Summer Destinations Guide Pull-out Feature Section on Pages 9 -12


Editorial............................ p. 2 Council Reports................ p. 4 RCMP Report................... p. 5

Agriculture Reports......... p. 8 Red Williams.................... p. 8 Consumer’s Corner.......... p. 13

School Reports................ p. 14 MP Report....................... p. 16 MLA Report..................... p. 17

Community Reports......... p. 18 Community Calendar....... p. 19 Business Directory............ p. 20

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June 2015

RM Review



“The Day... The Music... Died...”

I can't remember if I cried When I read about his widowed bride But something touched me deep inside The day the music died

I was a lonely, teenage broncin' buck With a pink carnation and a pickup truck But I knew I was out of luck The day the music died

Don McLean wrote the 1972 hit “Bye, Bye, Miss American Pie” partly about what the loss of musician Buddy Holly, in a 1959 plane crash, meant to him. But more than that, with the over 800 word lyrics, he says that he also “wanted to make a whole series of complex statements. The lyrics had to do with the state of society at the time.” I will use some of his lyrics, where they seem appropriate, in this editorial. Thanks Don. Feel free to hum the song in your head as you read this. Try it now... ‘bye, bye, miss american pie, drove my chevy to the levy....’ There you go, keep humming, and read on....

Music defines our cultures, and has since from the beginning of time. From government commissioned, classical music by Bach and Beethoven to the birth of American blues (or Jungle Music as my grandma called it), to the British Invasion of Rock & Roll (she called that Devil Music), to the mercifully short lived Disco phase, right up to todays “pants on the ground” gansta’ rap & hip hop (can’t imagine what grandma would have had to say)

So just as Don McLean did, lets look at the ‘state of society at the time’. We continue to work to change countries and regimes around the world where there is music censorship, dancing censorship and general human right violations. We watch in horror as ISIS is destroying the priceless culture artifacts in the cradle of human civilization. It seems that only pure evil can cause such a loss of humanity’s arts and culture. It even maybe seems to be ore disturbing than the countless lives lost in these conflicts. Cue lyrics... Oh, and as I watched him on the stage My hands were clenched in fists of rage No angel born in Hell Could break that Satan's spell And as flames climbed high into the night To light the sacrificial rite I saw Satan laughing with delight The day the music died

Our Prairie Spirit School Division claims it needs to make budget cuts, in the 6-7 million dollar range. Recent population growth is driving up the numbers enrolled in our schools, but the Provincial Government claims it has increased funding to the PSSD. Regardless of the arguments of lack of funding or inefficient use of the funds, decisions are being made as to what we see as important to the next generation that we will soon be sending into this world we have created for them. One of those decisions has landed hard on the band/music experience we are providing in our schools for that coming generation. How good of a job have we been doing with the music programs up to now anyway ? Well let’s take a little look at that, shall we... The school division’s own numbers tell us that in Grade five, as many as 65% of students are involved in the music programs. Well that sounds pretty good, but by Grades 9 - 12 the participation is as low as 2%. Holy Crap ! Two percent ? ... Really !!! They are unable to get the teenage, high school, ear bud wearing, dance crazed, car stereo blasting, late night rave crowd, that (through iTune and iPod purchases) helped propel Apple to become the largest corporation on the planet kids ? Surely these numbers can’t be right. How is it even possible to turn almost all the musically active young people in your schools away from the music program in such a few short years ? North Korea, Iran, the Taliban and ISIS combined could not achieve such success with suppressing music in a million years ! So how has the school division decided to fix this self admitted failure ? The recent announcement regarding budget changes states, and I quote... “Support will no longer be provided for instrumental band instruction in grades 5 - 10.” (read it for yourself on page 15) I’m not making this up... they have decided to eliminate that part of the music program that had a 65% success rate. I assume to prevent another 2% of graduating students ending up with some sort of musical ability. Cue lyrics again...

CONTACT US Phone: 306-668-1312 Fax: 306-978-4481 mail@rmreview.net www.rmreview.net Box 333, Vanscoy, SK S0L 3J0

I met a girl who sang the blues And I asked her for some happy news But she just smiled and turned away I went down to the sacred store Where I'd heard the music years before But the man there said the music wouldn't play Music has a powerful effect on every person in every society. It can make you smile, dance, smile, cry, relax... with lyrics or just sounds. It transcends language, cultural and religious boundaries and feeds the spiritual component of the human condition in a way that nothing else does.

Big, challenging, global issues indeed, but what about closer to home ?

The RM Review

These evolutions of music are always driven by the younger generations and apparently resistance to cuts to the music program might have to be as well. We do have School Community Councils at each school, to advise the schools and division, but it seems very few communities have embraced them as an important part of their community, or are even aware they exist. So a young girl that has been in the band program at Langham school for seven years, and doesn’t want to let “the man” take away her music program, has started an on-line petition. Check it out at www.change.org/p/prairie-spirit-school-division-keep-all-band-programs Cue more lyrics...

As we watch the seemly unstoppable growth of so called religious fanatics, we also see declines in participation in mainstream religions. Churches have always been places (and were often the only place) where people could experience and participate in music. Elvis Presley is one of countless, successful musicians who attribute their beginnings in music to a church. If we are not going to use our schools to influence the musical lives of the next generation, maybe our churches will have pull it together and resume the historic musical role they once played ? But wait, maybe the school division should revisit the 65% success rate part of the school music program and get off their butts to find a way to bring the rest of the program up to those numbers, not use the excuse of budgets to run away from a program they have obviously done a miserable job of running, and is easier to get rid of than improve. Maybe that will come up at the public meeting they are holding on June 8th. The next generation is going to need much more than math, science and technology to improve the world we are leaving them,. They will have to successfully learn what it means to live together as humans on this planet, and music must, maybe more than ever, play an important role in that world. Play us out Don... And in the streets, the children screamed The lovers cried and the poets dreamed But not a word was spoken The church bells all were broken And the three men I admire most The Father, Son and the Holy Ghost They caught the last train for the coast The day... the music... died... Ken Sowter - Editor (Oh ya... Happy Father’s Day.... fore !!)



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DISTRIBUTION & SUBSCRIPTIONS 3,500 issues of the RM Review are published monthly and direct mailed for free to all homes in the communities shown in the map to the right. As well, it is available for free pick-up at various news stands through out this distribution area. Out of area subscriptions are available for $30/yr.

We reserve the right to edit copy for libel or other legal, spelling or grammatical errors. We accept no liability for any such errors.

Dead-Line for Submissions to the July 2015 Issue is Friday, June 19, 2015

RM Review

Ministry of Highways Presents Finalized Plan to Route Highway 7 Twinning around Vanscoy


ver 50 people attended the Ministry of Highways open house in Vanscoy on May 28th, the third such open house in the past six months. An update to the twinning of Highway 7 from Saskatoon to Delisle was presented. At the previous open house, held in April, residents were shown various options to design a bypass around the Village of Vanscoy. 130 people attended that open house, with 84 of them filling out comment sheets. 79% of those respondents favored a bypass to the north of Vanscoy. Earlier in April the Village of Vanscoy also surveyed the Village residents specifically,

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with 69% favoring a north bypass versus running the divided highway ‘Chamberlain style’ through the Village. Know as option ‘A’, the bypass will begin on the east side of Vanscoy, just east of Minnesota Road, head due west, crossing the paved Grandora Grid 672 north of Vanscoy and rejoining the existing highway route about 2 miles west of Vanscoy. There are three possible access points to get on and off the bypass, one a mile east of Vanscoy, another one is 1/2 mile north of Vanscoy at Grid 672, and another one a mile west of Vanscoy at the grid that runs west to Agrium.


Phase One of the project (between Vanscoy and Cory Potash mine) has already begun with the current Highway 7 (future eastbound lanes) being resurfaced in the past week. Grading and earthwork for the new westbound lanes running along the north side of the highway will begin right away and should be completed this fall. Paving is projected to start in 2016 and be completed by the fall. Phase Two (Vanscoy bypass) is still in design and planning and is not projected to begin until 2017 and be completed late 2018 or early 2019. (between Phase Three Vanscoy and Delisle) is projected to begin the


grading and earthwork phase next spring, with paving completed in the fall of 2017. Phases One and Three will include a reduction of the number of access points along their routes, utilizing service roads to bring traffic to new, safer 90 degree crossings. There are also changes anticipated where the project reached the east edge of Delisle. The current intersection where paved Grid 766 (Pike Lake highway) crosses Highway 7 in front of the Co-op will be closed and relocated a mile east of Delisle, to allow for a 90 degree intersection to be built, with a service road on the north side running back to Delisle.

Leen Van Marion Wins Byelection for Town of Asquith Councillor


Twinning of Highway 7 maps can be found at www.rmreview.net

Robins Nest Participates at Ronald Mcdonald House


June 2015


obin and Quinten Odnokon of Robin’s Nest Cafe in Vanscoy, recently participated in the Ronald McDonald House ‘Home for Dinner’ program. It is a volunteer opportunity for corporate groups, organizations, or even groups of friends, to come to Ronald McDonald House to prepare a home cooked meal for families

that are using the facility. Families received a invitation to attend the dinner, but if their schedule of running back and forth to the hospital didn’t allow them to attend, the group packaged up containers for them to enjoy later that evening. “Our friends Curtis and Candice, who own Brunner Construction, are one of many financial spon-

sors of the charity. They invited us to work with them and we jumped at the opportunity” says the Odonokons. “We were able to visit with the people staying there as well. It really puts things into perspective when you see what having a child in the hospital does to a family. It was a fulfilling experience, we will do it again”.

hen Gail Erhart was elected Mayor of the Town of Asquith she had to resign her seat as a councillor, triggering another a by-election to fill the vacant position. There were two candidates nominated for the seat. 57 people turned out on election day, May 27th. Leen Van Marion received 43 of the votes, defeating Ted Goodnough who received 14.

RM of Montrose Division 5 Councillor By-election was held on May 27th


ue to the resignation of Councillor Maylene Starling back in February the RM of Montrose held a by-election for Councillor. Two candidates were nominated for the Divi-

sion 5 Councillor position. Only 20 people turned out at the poll. Joel Abraham, a local farmer, received 14 votes, defeating Henry Boire, who received 6.

Thank You to those who came out to support me in the election for Division 5 Councillor in the R.M. of Montrose Election Joel Abraham

Community Health Chiropractic Clinic Dr. Jolene Palmer, BSc. is available for Chiropractic Appointments

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Delisle Primary Health Centre 305 - 1st Street West, Delisle, SK

“We extend our sincere Thanks to everyone within the community for their heart felt support and aid during and following the devastating loss of our home at NE 1-34-8 W3 to fire on April 14, 2015. Special thanks are extended to the Delisle & District, including Pike Lake, and the Montrose Fire Departments for their successful efforts in containing the fire and miraculously saving outbuildings and surrounding property, while battling very strong winds. The immediate and continuing help offered by each of you, along our grid and beyond, has been overwhelming and comforting beyond words in helping us deal with this tragedy toward resuming our life. When we first moved here in 1988, we were immediately taken in, finding everyone within the RM, the Town of Delisle, and the Pike Lake Community always friendly and accepting of us “newcomers”. Even though our daily commute to the City for work and family restricted our active involvement in community events, we always felt accepted as part of the community and very glad we chose to live here. Having both grown up on farms, we deeply value our neighbors and strongly believe that we are all here to simply help each other. We have always been more than pleased with the courteous, friendly, and efficient services provided by the people within the RM. Again, Thank You all, so very much!

Quinten Odnokon from Robin’s Nest Cafe carves meat for guests


Sincerely, Austin & Yvonne Wilkinson, along with our dog Bronson and our cat Eddie


June 2015





May Meeting Update: The May Regular Meeting of Council was held at the municipal office on Thursday May 7, 2015. ▪ 11 - Development & Building permit applications were submitted for approval. ▪ 1 – Discretionary Use Application for a Home Based Business – Small Concrete Batch Plant was tabled for decision until the June Council Meeting. ▪ Bylaw No. 4-2015 being a Bylaw to Amend Bylaw No. 3-2009 known as The Zoning Bylaw was given third Reading and adopted by Council.

Asquith Town Council held its regular council meeting on Wednesday, May 13, 2015. Attending Council were Mayor Erhart, Councillors Sawicki, Dumont, Beal, Warren and Lysyshyn, as well as C.A.O. Cross and Town Foreman Kraft. The April 8, 2015 council meeting minutes were accepted as presented. A motion was made to accept the treasurer’s statement of receipts and expenditures for April, 2015 , as well as the March bank reconciliations as presented. Resolution was carried to accept accounts paid in the amount of $22,761.08 and accounts payable in the amount of $64,148.15. Letters from the Sask Housing Corporation, Sasktel and SAMA were received indicating that their 2014 annual reports for their organizations are now available online. Foreman Kraft reported that he had started the spring lagoon pumpout. A water break reoccurred at Eagle Avenue and Andrew Street and as the ground was very saturated, it was a very difficult repair. A manhole and a valve was repaired at the same time. A draft copy of the Waterworks System Assessment was presented to Council. Foreman Kraft reported that DelcoWater will be installing a pilot project in the Asquith Water Station that would utilize a biological filter to get rid of the iron, manganese and ammonia in the water. This pilot project will be at no cost to the Town of Asquith. The Asquith Fire Department and the Asquith First Responders held a joint training session on the Jaws of Life that was very successful. A controlled burn was carried out by the Asquith Fire Department in the large grassy area west of Main Street and south of Eagle Avenue in the hope that this will lessen the chances of a prairie fire in this area. Street sweeping was performed around town, and street repair is under way. The 2014 financial audit was performed on May 1st and May 4th. The Asquith Community Rink Board’s 2013/2014 financial report and the March 31, 2015 minutes were presented to Council. Councillor Sawicki attended the semi-annual Wheatland Regional Library meeting in Saskatoon. She presented the Wheatland Regional Library Annual Report, which is also available for viewing at the Asquith Town Office. The Town of Asquith is offering for sale by sealed bid the unserviced lots on Railway, lots 4, 5, and 6, Block 2, Plan F1840. All bids must be received by 4:00 p.m. on June 5, 2015, lowest or any bid will not necessarily be accepted. The Town of Asquith adopted the 2015 Development Standards as presented by the Town’s engineer, Associated Engineering. A Town Clean-up Day will be held on Saturday, June 13, 2015 at 1:00 p.m. Everyone should meet in front of the Senior’s Center, and garbage bags will be made available. Asquith Town Council will provide a hot dog lunch for all participants at 3:00 p.m. Asquith Council will also be serving Nuisance Orders to those individuals whose yards require cleaning, tidying, etc. Please ensure that you remove all refuse, junked vehicles, etc. from your yard or you will be receiving a notice! Let’s make Asquith a neat and tidy community ! There have been reports of rats found on farms around the Town of Asquith. Once the Pest Control Officer puts bait stations out, he warns that the rats will be on the move. Do not leave pet food outside, or anything else that could become a potential food source for rats.

Saskatchewan Municipal Hail Insurance: Municipal Hail Insurance crop reports have been sent out to area land owners currently enrolled in Municipal Hail. As a reminder the deadline to submit Crop Reports to the RM office is Monday June 15th. If you are not currently enrolled in the Municipal Hail Insurance program, and are interested in enrolling, the deadline for new applicants is June 30th. Additional Municipal Hail is once again available at the office for land owners who rent land or are not currently enrolled in Municipal Hail. Please contact the RM office to receive more information or obtain a 2015 Municipal Hail Insurance quote. Municipal Fire Ban: A blanket Fire Ban is currently in place for both the RM’s of Vanscoy and Montrose. Until further notice no burning is permitted within these RM’s. Please check the RM of Vanscoy website for updates regarding the status of the Fire Ban. The RM website is regularly updated with public notice information in an effort to keep the ratepayers as informed and up to date as possible. Assessment Roll: The RM of Vanscoy Assessment Roll is currently being finalized. Assessment Notices will be circulated within the next week, and the Assessment Roll will be open for inspection once finalized. As a reminder Assessment Notices will only be forwarded to land owners within the RM where lands have changed in Assessment from 2014 to 2015. Grandora Land Fill Summer Hours schedule: The Grandora Landfill is now operating on the Summer Hours schedule. From May1st to August 31st the Grandora landfill hours are as follows: Saturday: 9:00am – 5:00pm Monday: 9:00am – 5:00pm Wednesday: 4:00pm – 8:00pm The Pike Lake Landfill hours do not change in the summer and the landfill will remain open during the following: Saturday: 9:00am – 5:00pm Sunday: 9:00am – 5:00pm Tuesday: 9:00am – 5:00pm June Regular Council Meeting: The June Regular meeting of council will be held on Thursday June 11th 2015 at The RM of Vanscoy Administration Office. All submissions for the meeting must be submitted in writing to the RM office prior to 5:00pm Friday June 5, 2015.

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RM Review

TOWN OF DELISLE Council held a regular meeting May 12th, 2015. The arena ice plant will be turned on September 1st. Skating ice will be available to rent by mid-September. Council authorized the temporary street closure of 1st Street West and Main Street on Saturday, July 18th, 2015 in order to accommodate the Delisle Days Parade. Council also authorized the temporary street closure of 1st Street West in front of 209-1st Street West from 11:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. on Thursday, June 18th, 2015 to allow for the grand opening of Delisle Agencies Ltd. Funds from the Federal Gas Tax program will be allocated to the rehabilitation of existing street infrastructure. The Town of Delisle will be accepting donations to the Delisle Centennial Arena in memory of Peter Wiebe. Donations must be made to the “Town of Delisle” and can be left with Wayne, Byron or Terry Wiebe or mailed to the Town of Delisle at Box 40, Delisle, Sk. S0L 0P0. At a later date, the family will decide where the donations to the arena will be allocated.

VILLAGE OF VANSCOY Council of the Village has made some amendments to the Outdoor Fire Bylaw: • General Requirements – Burning of the following materials is prohibited: rubbish, garden refuse, any material that will generate black smoke or offensive odor (insulation, roofing material, plastic or treated wood) • Fire Bans – In the event there are fire bans issued in the Rural Municipality, there shall be no fires lit (of any kind) in the Village of Vanscoy The Assessment roll has closed – Council will be holding a Budget meeting and setting the mill rate for 2015. Tax notices will be sent out when the budget is finalized. Council has set the price for the topsoil/fill for sale @ $2.75 / yard. This price does not include the cost of delivery.

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RM Review



June 2015


Read New RCMP Reports Every Week at www.rmreview.net Erratic Driver near Asquith May 3, 2015 at 12:55 p.m. Police received a complaint of an erratic driver on Highway 14 near Asquith. The caller reported the vehicle was driving at a high rate of speed and almost caused an accident. Police attended the scene and attempted to stop the vehicle, but the vehicle did not immediately stop. However, the vehicle was stopped a short time later by Saskatoon Police and a 25 year old male from Rosthern was arrested. The male was remanded on several charges and was to appear in Saskatoon the following morning. Window Smashed on Vehicle in Langham April 28, 2015 at 7:51 a.m. Police received a complaint of mischief to a vehicle in Langham. The caller reported that someone broke the window of his vehicle but nothing was taken from the vehicle. Investigation into this matter is ongoing.

Driver Hits Moose near Asquith May 9, 2015 at 10:00 p.m. Police received a complaint of a single vehicle accident on Highway 14 near Asquith. The 52 year old male driver of the vehicle reported he hit a moose on the highway. There were no injuries.

Vehicle Hits Ditch near Pike Lake May 19, 2015 at 5:35 p.m. Police received a complaint of a single vehicle accident on Highway 60 near Pike Lake. The caller reported he hit the ditch after avoiding a vehicle that blew a stop sign. Investigation into this matter is ongoing.

Motorcycle Stolen off Highway 7 May 6, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. Police received a complaint of theft of a motorcycle on Highway 7 near Saskatoon. The 27 year old owner of the vehicle from Saskatoon reported he left the bike on the side of the road as it had broken down. When he returned a short time later to retrieve the bike it was gone. Investigation into this matter is ongoing.

Another Vehicle Hits Ditch at Pike Lake May 19, 2015 at 10:10 p.m. Police received a complaint of a single vehicle accident on Highway 60 near Pike Lake. The driver of the vehicle from Saskatoon reports that he swerved to miss some debris on the highway and hit the ditch. His vehicle was not driveable.

Theft from Vehicle in Langham April 28, 2015 at 8:00 a.m. Police received a complaint of theft from a vehicle in Langham. The caller reported that someone broke into his vehicle and stole his wallet that was left in the vehicle. There was no damage to the vehicle.

Missing 75 Year Old Delisle Man Found Safe in Alberta May 6, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. Police received a complaint of a missing 75 year old male from the Delisle area. The caller reported the male left the residence that morning and had not returned. A short time later the male called a family member from Alberta to advise he had taken a drive and got lost. The male was picked up by Alberta police and returned to his family. He was not injured and there were no charges.

Impaired Driver on Highway 14 May 1, 2015 at 2:05 a.m. Police conducted a traffic stop on Highway 14 near Saskatoon. When checking the vehicle they found the 31 year old male driving the vehicle from Saskatoon had consumed alcohol. He was taken back to the Detachment to provide a breath sample. He was released on documents for an upcoming court date in Saskatoon on impaired driving charges.

Domestic Dispute in Vanscoy May 7, 2015 at 11:00 p.m. Police received a 911 call of a domestic at a residence in Vanscoy. Police attended and found that it was not a domestic, but rather a verbal disagreement between the 31 year old female caller and her 37 year old husband. No assault had occurred. There were no charges and no one was injured. The male had left the residence before police arrived on scene.

Semi Trailer Burns near Langham May 23, 2015 at 1:20 p.m. Police received a complaint of a semi trailer on fire on Highway 16 near Langham. Police and fire attended and spoke with the driver of the semi, who advised that he had a tire blow on his trailer and it caught on fire. 2 Vehicle Collision near Langham May 23, 2015 at 6:40 p.m. Police received a complaint of a 2 vehicle accident on Highway 16 near Langham. Police spoke with the involved drivers and found that a 35 year old male from Saskatoon driving one of the vehicles admitted to rear ending the other vehicle. He was issued a ticket for driving without due care and attention. The 64 year old male driving the second vehicle was not injured. Window Smashed on Vehicle in Langham May 21, 2015 at 7:00 a.m. Police received a complaint of mischief to a vehicle in Langham. The caller reports that his driver side window was smashed and his vehicle was gone through. Nothing was taken from the vehicle. Investigation into this matter is ongoing.

Police had a number of mischief and thefts complaints from vehicles in the town of Langham. People are reminded to keep their vehicles locked and not to leave valuable in their vehicles 2 Vehicle Collision on Highway 7 May 23, 2015 at 7:20 p.m. Police received a complaint of a 2 vehicle on Highway 7 near Saskatoon. A car driven by a 40 year old male cut off another vehicle causing the accident. The male was issued a ticket for driving without due care and attention. The 37 year old male driving the second vehicle was not injured. Hitch Hiker on Valley Road May 22, 2015 at 11:05 p.m. Police received a complaint of a hitch hiker on Valley Road near Saskatoon. The caller reports that the male was dressed in black and difficult to see. The caller also advised that it appeared the male may be intoxicated. Patrols of the area were made, but police did not locate any individuals matching the description provided.

Vehicle Stolen from Langham Residence May 25, 2015 at 6:40 a.m. Police received a complaint of theft of a vehicle from a residence in Langham. The owner of the vehicle reports that his vehicle was parked outside of his residence overnight when it was taken. Investigation into this matter is ongoing. Women in Hospital after Langham Fight May 23, 2015 at 7:45 p.m. Police received a complaint of a fight at a community function in Langham. The fight was between 2 males, but a female got into the middle of the fight and received minor injuries. She was taken to hospital by ambulance for treatment of her injuries. Investigation into this matter is ongoing and charges are pending. Alcohol is believed to have been a factor in this incident.

On May 7, 2015 at midnight, police responded to a complaint of a witness hearing screaming in the area of 2nd Street South and 6th Avenue South in the community of Martensville. A second complainant had observed a young

child run screaming from a SUV, an adult male exited the SUV, grabbed the child and put the child into the SUV and drove away. The SUV is described as a white, four door SUV, possibly a Jeep, with an out of province license plate (no specific location identified). The incident is currently under investigation by Warman/Martens ville RCMP. At present, there have been no reports of missing children in the area. If you have any information that would assist us in our investigation, please contact Warman/Martens ville RCMP or Crimestoppers.

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June 2015

RM Review


Delisle Agencies Celebrates 35 Years


elisle Agencies is celebrating 35 years in business and the grand opening of their new 1,800 square foot building in Delisle. The family run business was started in 1980 by Art Kelly. His stepson Rob Ouellette joined him in 2010, and took the business over in 2013. At 85 years of age, Art still remains active in the business. The business has always been active in the Delisle district. “We have always taken pride in supporting local and area groups and events” says Rob “and this year are also sponsoring the new Delisle Rodeo”. Delisle Agencies business has grown significantly over the years and recently Rob decided it was time to expand into a new building. “We want to create a more enjoyable experience for our customers when they

come to see us” says Ouellette, “plus we want to help improve the overall look of the main business area of Delisle.” Delisle Agencies is open Monday-Friday, including over lunch, plus Saturday mornings. “We are committed to giving our customers convenient, professional service” Ouellette explains, “ our hours are more than just Monday to Friday, we make ourselves available when our customers need

us to be. It is really more like a 24/7 business.” “We do not see ourselves as someone you just give your money to” Rob goes on to say “ but rather we strive to educate people in our community about insurance, whether they have a policy with us or not.” Delisle Agencies is not just an SGI auto issuer. They offer all types of insurance like personal, commercial, agricultural, hail, life and medical.

They also provide roadside assistance, mortage brokering, real estate and financial services, as well as being a Notary Public and Commissioner of Oaths. The 35th Anniversary celebrations will take place on June 18th in front of the new building on the street, which the town will close off.. “We are erecting a large tent on the street” Rob says, “and we will have a ribbon cutting at noon”.

Delisle Agencies opened their new building in December

Congratulation to Everyone at Delisle Agencies on 35 Successful Years

Congratulations on your 35th Anniversary Wendy Perry - Mortgage Associate 306.242.5418 Lic# 316193

The Educational Tour Group from Delisle Composite School will be serving a bbq as a fundraiser. 35th Anniversary and Customer Appreciation Day will take place on June 18th in front of the new building.

and learn a bit more about what Delisle Agencies can help them with in their lives. Company representatives from all the products and services Delisle Agencies offers will also be in attendance to answer any questions people may have.

“We have many draws for prizes” Ouellette says, “including an iPad mini and the custom fire pit in our lobby, crafted by Metalman Art & Design” Rob hopes everyone will be able to stop in and see the new building, meet the staff, enjoy a bbq

“We really want to thank Delisle and district for thier past and continued support. We strive to play an important role in our clients lives” says Rob, “and we look forward to sharing this day with our existing clients and also meeting future clients.”

The Delisle Agencies Team Tammy Wiebe, Rob Ouellette, Candise McGonigal

Congratulations to Delisle Agencies on a successful 35 years in business! Here’s to many more. HEALTH & TRAVEL INSURANCE | GROUP BENEFITS GROUP MEDICAL SERVICES Products not offered in Quebec, New Brunswick, Nunavut, Yukon, and the Northwest Territories. The GMS logo is a registered trademark of Group Medical Services.

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Congratulations on your 35th year of business! Wishing you continued success!

Wishing you continued Success From your friends at Wawanesa

Congratulations to Delisle Agencies on 35 Years of Service to our Community

From the Town of Delisle Council and Staff Earning Your Trust Since 1896

RM Review

June 2015


Congratulations to Rob and the staff on 35 years

protecting you is our business

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Congratulations to Delisle Agencies on 35 years of business

Congratulations on your new building and 35 years in business !

Colleen Schneider - Wealth Advisor “Building relationships for life”

Delisle Credit Union Ltd. “Partners in our Community”


Congratulations Delisle Agencies Ltd. on your 35th anniversary.

www.sgicanada.ca Warm wishes from your friends at SGI CANADA. Here’s to many more years of working together.



June 2015

RM Review


AGRICULTURE REPORTS Sarah Sommerfeld, PAg Regional Haying and the Saskatchewan Forage Specialist Hay Harvest Challenge

Haying season approaches and the challenge to put up good quality hay with minimal field losses exists. Despite all attempts to put up good quality hay, the weather does not always co-operate and poorer quality hay makes its way into many winter feeding systems. Regardless of harvest management and weather conditions, the nutrient content of forage is highly variable. Matching the nutrients supplied by the forage with livestock nutrient requirements is only possible if the nutrient content of the forage is known.

The Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture, Central Testing Laboratories and Saskatchewan Peavey Mart locations are working together to promote the Saskatchewan Hay Harvest Challenge – to raise awareness of the importance of growing and harvesting good quality forage and the importance of feed testing. Growing and harvesting good quality forage is the first step in meeting the nutritional requirements of livestock. Stage of maturity at the time of cutting is the single largest factor that determines forage quality. Delaying

John Hauer, PAg Regional Forage Specialist The Environmental Farm Plan (EFP) is a voluntary and confidential self-assessment tool that producers can use to rate the environmental risks and opportunities of their farms. The planning process is designed to increase producer’s environmental awareness by working through chapters

harvest to maximize yield sacrifices quality and finding the balance between yield and quality is key. This point of balance generally occurs the third week of June, at the latebud to early flower stage, but is dependent on growing conditions and forage species. Harvest losses significantly impact forage quality. Minimizing harvest losses is achieved by shortening dry down and curing time. Harvest losses occur through three actions: respiration, weathering and mechanical. Rapid dry down reduces respiration losses.

Environmental Farm Plans A New Delivery

dealing with various aspects of their farming operation. As producers work through the chapters they will highlight their farm’s environmental strengths. They may also find areas where there needs to be some changes made to the operation to minimize impact on the environment.

Often these changes also improve the personal safety of the producer and/or their families. Completed EFPs also increase public awareness and recognition of farm stewardship practices, adds value to the farm property, safeguards the local environment and helps maintain sustain-

Drying time can be reduced by conditioning the hay and a wide swath width. Under good drying conditions, respiration losses range from two to eight per cent dry matter. During poor drying conditions, respiration losses can be as high as 16 per cent dry matter. Weathering prolongs respiration losses and causes leaching of water soluble nutrients and leaf shatter. Leaving a wide swath and conditioning the windrow helps to reduce the time from cutting to baling, reducing the chance of rain on the windrow. Mechanical losses are greatest in alfalfa hay. Raking windrows together inverts the swath and places them onto drier ground.

When raking alfalfa windrows, rake early morning when the dew is still on to minimize leaf loss. Many livestock and forage producers keep a field record book. The Saskatchewan Hay Harvest Challenge provides producers with a pocket sized field book to record hay field conditions and harvest operations across their forage acres. In taking the Hay Harvest Challenge, producers are encouraged to submit forage samples for feed testing. The field record book provides an entry form to fill in after the feed test analysis is returned. Not only is the field book for record keeping, it is also full of forage production and harvest management

information – great for a quick reference on often asked forage questions! Prizes for the Saskatchewan Hay Harvest Challenge include four $250 vouchers for feed testing analysis sponsored by Central Testing Laboratories and a $1,000 voucher for instore merchandise purchase from a Saskatchewan Peavey Mart location. Entry forms are found in the official field record book. The official challenge kick-off date is June 23, 2015 and all entries must be received by January 15, 2016. For more information or to obtain an official field record book contact your local Regional Forage Specialist.

able production of crops and livestock. As producers work through the chapters they will develop action plans with time tables to identify management practices which can reduce their environmental impact. Changes to these management practices can include adoption of Beneficial Management Practices through the Farm Stewardship Program. Farm Stewardship

program is funded through Growing Forward II, a federal-ProvincialTerritorial policy framework of Agricultural Programs. Completion of an EFP is one of the requirements for accessing funding to adopt these Beneficial Management Practices. In the past the EFP was delivered through one or two day workshops that the producer had to attend. As of April 1, 2015

the EFP program is now delivered online. Producers can visit the website at efp.saskatchewan.ca. The producer can log into the program and work through the chapters at their own time and their own pace, all from the comfort of their own home. They do not have to complete the whole plan at once but can do some each day over a several day period.

Food for Thought The Bully Backed Down

Unreserved Public Auction

Hurrah! The COOL issue has finally wound its way through the WTO and the US Congress has given in. It was a long, unnecessary battle with Canada and Mexico taking on the big boys in Washington. It also shows how much the lobbyists have a grip

Saskatoon, SK June 22 | 8 am

on government. It would be interesting to be a fly on the wall as the RCalf agitators lick their wounds. It was always a wonder how the cowboys and their senator lap dogs could take on the whole US beef industry. Unfortunately there is no

way to recover the billions of dollars because of the misguided labelling rules that required country of origin. I guess we just have to suck it up and go on. C.M. (Red) Williams

Opinions expressed here are those of the author.

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RM Review

June 2015



Activity and Destination Guide to your

Summer ‘STAY-cation’ The hard, cold winter is finally over and it is time to enjoy the long awaited summer. You can find a whole summer vacation waiting for your right here at home. Camping, swimming, golfing, jamborees, fairs... all right here at home ! Check out all the local fun activities and unique destinations this summer. Pull-out this handy guide and keep it with you for fun ideas all summer long.

Be sure to enter to Win our ‘Summer STAY-cation Package’ with over $600 value ! Enter once every day at www.rmreview.net

Explore your Local Summer STAY-cation Destinations

This Month’s Feature Destination



he backdrop for The Oasis is the eastern slopes of the Bear Hills. It gives way to the great outwash prairie and paints a unique backdrop. To the west is the rugged terrain of the hills, to the east, the flat of the great Saskatchewan prairie carved by Lake Van Scoy that is home to thousands of Canada Geese the odd Whooping Crane and Bald Eagles during the fall and spring migration. The south view is flanked by CPR tracks that wind through the ever-changing panorama of the Canadian prairie and now, to the north is the expanse of the golf course itself. Situated on a hill, the clubhouse sits like a grand beacon surveying the grandeur in all directions. All this splendor can be found a short 33-minute drive west of Saskatoon on Highway 14. The Oasis golf course has been built by the designer, Glen Campbell. The course features massive bent grass greens (some are over 17,600 FT) and tees, 6 water hazards, 68 bunkers, including one of Saskatchewan's largest sand bunkers. The course is a playable par 72 6,943 yards from the black tees, 6,373 yards from the gold tees and 5,887 yard blue tree and 5209 from the white tees. There is also a practice putting green, and a large practice facility/driving range.

The avid golfer will enjoy the challenge of The Oasis and the weekend warriors will love it too! This is a serene course, a place to get away from it all. The Oasis offers not only a challenging 18hole course, but an environment to cater to your every need. It has a fully-stocked pro shop. The restaurant promises meals to excite your palate and its licensed 2,200 square foot terrace offers an unparalleled view overlooking the course and the ever-changing prairie sky.

A mere hundred years ago on this land, the buffalo roamed at will. Aboriginals called the hills home, raised families and worshipped their god with medicine wheels, still in evidence, just to the west, in the shortgrass prairie which covers the hills. As the railroads pushed west, the first of the settlers arrived. The Scharf family was one of the original eastern families to settle in the area. Jim Scharf was the third generation to care for the land and help develop the community that became Perdue. Jim, like his grandfather and father before him, was an active promoter of Perdue. He was a firm believer in rural revitalization and looking at value-added use of the land. He had already located a successful business in the village, but could see his community literally shrinking around him. The area needed a boost. Jim's passing left a void. But we are dedicated to fulfill his vision of a one of a kind facility where golf and nature come together.

So plan your next round of golf at The Oasis. Tee times can be booked by calling the pro-shop.

306 - 237 - 4653


June 2015

‘STAY-cation’ Activities

SEPTEMBER 12, 2015 9:00 AM - Registration 10:00 AM Shotgun Start - Best Ball Limit: 72 Ladies Registration opens July 1, 2015 $170/TEAM OF 2 Includes Champagne Breakfast at Registration, 18 holes golf, big lunch after 18 PLUS all games on course


Harbor Golf Club & Resort

The Saskatchewan Railway Museum is located on the Pike Lake Highway just west of Saskatoon, at the intersection of mile 2.9 of the CN Rosetown Subdivision and Highway 60. The museum is open during the summer months from the May long weekend to the September long weekend from 10am to 5pm and by appointment on other days. The Museum is staffed by summer students and volunteers that provide tours and undertake various restoration projects. In the offseason, museum members keep busy working behind the scenes, holding an annual general meeting and beginning preparations for the spring opening on the May long weekend. The museum will celebrate Railway Heritage Day on July 1 with special demonstrations and exhibits.

Opened to the public in 1988, the Harbor Golf Club & Resort features an 18 hole championship course that is situated on the bluffs overlooking the scenic Lake Diefenbaker. The panoramic view of miles of sandy beaches and sailboats make this a spectacular golfing experience. The clubhouse sports a pro-shop, licensed dining area and lounge with a natural fireplace and outdoor patio.

CRICKLE CREEK A unique experience located south of Saskatoon on Valley Road. Mini Golf, Par 3 Golf Course and "Fun Zone" offer entertainment for all ages. Enjoy a cold treat from "What"s the Scoop! Ice Cream Works. Bring the whole family and spend the day!

Monday & Friday Green Fee Special 2 Golfers, 9 holes, $22 ($11.00 each) 4 Golfers, 9 holes, $40 ($10.00 each) 2 Golfers, 18 holes, $31 ($15.50 each) 4 Golfers, 18 holes, $60 ($15.00 each)

PIKE LAKE BOAT RENTALS When the sun is high, why not head down to Pike Lake and cool with some fun in the water. Irene’s Boat Rentals provides canoes, kayaks, Aqua Bikes and Standing Paddleboards for a fun, wet time.


www.cricklecreek.ca The RM Review presents....

Enjoy a round of 18 holes of mini golf in Pike Lake Park. Be sure to plan to come out for a round of Glow Golf after dusk every Saturday night in July & August.

The Delisle Hotel

PICKLED EGG Competition

Pike Lake Mini-Golf

S at u rday Prize J u ne 2 s for Regi 7t h T ster o p a tt and Rece he Delisle 3 Win from i Hote ners Slob ve 2 D l by J osha o zen une n Farm s

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un F e h th ceive a

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RM Review



PLUS Predict the Winner and Win a Prize

Who Makes the Best Pickled Eggs ? MAIN STREET, DELISLE 306-493-2462

VALLEYVIEW DELISLE GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB A well maintained, quality 9-hole course offering irrigated greens and fairways. Situated along a creek bed, the natural terrain makes the course scenic and interesting to play. Amenities include green fees and memberships that are easy on the pocketbook, 25 powercart rentals and a liquor endorsement. Valleyview is an ideal place to host company functions and family reunions, with banquet facilitated through local caterers. Experience first-hand a course that is recognized as a great place to enjoy the game of golf.

HIGHWAY 60 MARKET - JUNE 20TH Shop til you drop! Some of the finest artisans in our community will be at the first annual Highway 60 Market, Saturday June 20th – under the roof at Windy Acres – the home of the John Arcand Fiddle Fest. The ROOF is an 80 by 200 foot pole structure with drop down sides built by the John Arcand Fiddle Fest in 2010. When not in use for their annual festival held every August it’s available for rent to others for special events, wedding, reunions etc. The organization decided to try the Market as a community building event and a means to raise awareness of the facility. The response has been terrific! There’s over 90 tables filled with many unique offerings. Crafts, homemade goods, home based business products, antiques and collectibles, second hand items and more. THE HIGHWAY 60 MARKET! It’s a tradeshow? It’s a craft fair? It’s a garage sale? IT’S ALL OF THAT - in one location! Come check it out, Saturday, June 20th from 9 to 5. Admission is FREE – tons of prize giveaways will happen from 10 a.m. til 12 noon. Bannock Burgers and more at the concession! Plenty of free parking and many one of kind items and bargains to be had. Easy to find – From Saskatoon - head out of the city going west and follow the signs to Highway 7 – when you see the turn off to Highway 60 (Pike Lake) – turn left and follow that road for 5 kilometers. There will be signs posted along the way! What a great way to spend a Saturday. Come out and join us for the first annual Highway 60 Market, June 20th from 9 a.m. til 5 p.m. For more information call 306-382-0111.

Highway 60 (Pike Lake Highway) - Just South off Highway 7 10:00am - 5:00pm Friday, Saturday, Sunday & Holiday Mondays

RATES Mon - Thurs $48/18 holes with cart

Fri, Sat, Sun $58/18 holes with cart Under New Management

306 - 237 - 4653 www.perdueoasisgolf.com

June 2015


RM Review

‘STAY-cation’ Camping




Pike Lake Provincial Park is 20 minutes from Saskatoon and a million miles from the city. Pike Lake is a recreation park characterized by aspen, poplar and Manitoba maple groves; manicured lawns with two picnic areas close to the main beach; desert-like sand dunes a short hike away and a popular outdoor pool with a waterslide. Add to this a diverse array of plants and wildlife owing to its location on a flood plain of the South Saskatchewan River and you can see why Pike Lake Provincial Park offers a delightful change of pace for people wishing to recharge their batteries without having to travel for hours. Pike Lake is a shallow body of water that's called an "oxbow" - it's a loop of the South Saskatchewan River that became cut off from the main channel. A barrier-free trail that starts at the main beach and runs southward to the creek that feeds the lake includes observation decks that provide a good view of the aquatic life and waterfowl in the vicinity. A 1.5-km nature trail that begins at the interpretive centre, meanwhile, provides a fine opportunity to experience the surprisingly diverse ecosystems contained within this small park.

Eagle Creek Regional Park is located on the picturesque Eagle Creek, nestled down in a verdant valley of trees and foliage. The park is a jewel in the crown of the surrounding area, and offers year round fun for the whole family. The park has electrified and non-electrified sites, a church and a hall for weddings and anniversaries, a nine-hole golf course, a water spray park, playground equipment, a new washroom/shower house and a new floating dock for swimmers. Beach volleyball can also be enjoyed at the park. A riding arena is available where bull riding and trail rides have been held in the past. Plan to take in the Fish Derby or Jamboree in June.


The Vault Restaurant resides in a former bank, where you can still see the giant steel vault door on display. They serve an extensive menu of authentic Vietnamese cuisine that rivals any Vietnamese restaurant.

Owned & Operated by: Sheila Purcell & Irene Purcell

Canoes, Kayaks, Aqua Bikes, Standing Paddle Boards Owned & Operated by: Gerry & Irene Purcell

Weather Permitting

If a home cooked sit-down meal is what you are looking for, try the Homestead Restaurant. Fresh, quality ingredients and ample portions are sure to satisfy your hunger. Authentic German cuisine “Like Grandma Cooked” is the specialty of the Homestead. Enjoy home made meals like Bratwurst or Schnitzel, as well a traditional North American fare. They are open for breakfast, lunch and supper If you happen to be in Delisle on a Friday you can catch the weekly charity lunch BBQ sponsored by the Co-op Ag Centre, where local charities serve up BBQ burgers for lunch every Friday during the summer months.

‘at the Brit’

For the kids a special treat is the stop at the Jelly Bean. Pop into Whimsy for a past is present moment. A stop in the local artist Guild Gallery is a must, as is Studio 168, with world renown artist work on display for your purchasing pleasure. Make a side trip into Simply Outrageous this&that and browse through the many treasures to be found. Fancy Feet offers ladies footwear designs. Finish your day at the Mini Golf course, the Ice Cream shop or top off a wonderful day on the roof top deck of the Elbow Hotel and watch a prairie sunset.

11:00am - 3:00pm

Sunday June 21st Main Street, Asquith “The Centre of the British Empire”

306 - 329 - 2496

Regular menu items not available during this event

Happy Father’s Day Vanscoy 306-931-6996 Mon-Fri 7 - 8 Sat 8 - 8 Sun 9 - 7




Come to Elbow and experience the unspoiled beauty of Lake Diefenbaker. Be it for a day trip, a week's vacation... we're sure you'll enjoy our little Village. ‘Sail into Elbow’ for our unique Main Street offerings... eat, shop, play and stay !

na i r a M


If your need to cool down in Delisle, stop in to the Ice Cream Island where you will find 16 flavours of hard ice crean, 15 kinds of milkshakes, twisters, sundaes and many other cool treats. You can also get fresh salads or chose from burgers, wings, ribs and much more on the hot food menu.

Sail into Elbow Make Elbow part of your Saskatchewan stay-cation this summer. Stay at the Elbow Sunset Suites or the one of two Provincial campgrounds in the area. Enjoy a wonderful breakfast or lunch at The Backhome Bakery specialist of good, wholesome, homemade foods. Gas up and get all your fishing needs at the Corner Gas station. Play a round of golf at Harbour Golf, with breathtaking views of the Lake Diefenbaker or put your boat into the water at the Harbour and play on the miles beaches on the shores of lake. Enjoy a stroll down Saskatchewan Street, take in the Museum and Sod House.

Breakfast, Burgers, Ice Cream, Grocery & Camping Supplies

Pike Lake Provincial Park


The Britannia Restaurant has taken it home of Asquith, “The Centre of the British Empire”, seriously, and has become well known for their British Style Fish & Chips made in beer batter. The have gained a reputation for their pizzas and offer a complete menu of full course meals.

Pike Lake Provincial Park Fast Food - Convenience Store


‘STAY-cation’ Dining Robins Nest Cafe has long been a fixture in the community. Owners Quinten and Robin Odnokon have built a reputation for quality meals and friendly service over many years. They are well known for exceptional catering. Attention to detail have made them the best caterer for miles around. Sit down or take-out meals, 7 days a week, or catering for 100 people, the Robin’s Nest is well worth a stop.



Enter the RM Review Summer “Stay-cation” Contest to Win a Package of Unique Elbow Experiences


Win a set of BBQ Tools and Mitts by entering the RM Review “Summer STAY-cation” contest at www.rmreview.net


June 2015

RM Review


Enter to Win the FREE Summer... O v er $1,00 0 in Priz es !!

CONTEST Win a ‘STAY-cation’ Package by visiting our website at www.rmreview.net Enter every day to increase your chances ! GRAND PRIZE DRAW JUNE 22nd Complete Contest Rules on Web Site

Early Bird Draw

‘Sail into Elbow’

SHOP & PLAY Package 18 Hole Round of Golf - Harbour Golf Club $20 off $50 Purchase - Simply Outrageous Original Prints Gift Cards - Elbow Art Society $10 Gift Certificate - Back Home Bakery $20 Gift Certificate - Elbow Hotel $20 off $50 Purchase - Fancy Feet $10 Gift Certificate - Sweet Treats Free Round of Mini Golf Terrarium - Gallery 148 DRAW DATE JUNE 8th


Family Admiss Saskat ion Pas chewan s Railway 2 Wee Museum ke n d F estival John A Passes rcand F iddle F 1 Fun est Centre D a y Pass Crickle Creek Gift B asket ARB O

NNE Light I llusions Kerrie Sparrow Outdoo PartyL r LED ite - Ci Pillar n d y Hans $20 F o n irewor ks Pac kage Vansco yT Fish & Chips D empo i n n er f Britann or Two ia Rest aurant - Asqui $20 F th ood Vo The Hu ucher ddle - P ike Lak 1 Hour e Park Water Craft Irene’s Rental Rental - Pike L 1 Mini ake Par Golf F k Pike La a m ily Pas ke Min i s Reflex Golf - Pike Lak e Park ology T reatme Carrol nt King - R 4 Roun eflexol ds of Valleyv Golf w ogy iew Gol ith Car f& ts LED Ca Country Club Delisle mping Mooney Lanter n Agenci es - Va Roughr n scoy i d er s H a t & Shirt De BBQ T lisle Ag Co-op ool Se t & BB Robin’s Q Mitt Nest C s afe - V Chocol anscoy ate En ergy P Whole ack Natura l Flavor


BONUS Father’s Day Draw

Two Rounds of Golf at Oasis Golf Resort DRAW DATE JUNE 15th

Your June Summer Activities Calendar Lunch BBQ Delisle Co-op

Coachman Car Club Show & Shine Pike Lake Park Eagle Creek Fish Derby

RM Review Summer ‘STAY-cation’ Contest ‘Sail into Elbow’ Early Bird Draw

RM Review Summer ‘STAY-cation’ Contest Oasis Golf Resort Father’s Day Draw

Lunch BBQ Delisle Co-op

Delisle Agencies 35th Anniversary and Customer Appreciation BBQ 12pm - 4pm

Lunch BBQ Delisle Co-op

Highway 60 Market at Windy Acres

Eagle Creek Jamboree

Eagle Creek Jamboree

Lunch BBQ Delisle Co-op

Pickled Egg Contest Delisle Hotel

Father’s Day Father’s Day BBQ Britannia Restaurant in Asquith Eagle Creek Jamboree

RM Review Summer ‘STAY-cation’ Contest Grand Prize Draw

July RM Review on News Stands

Last Day of School

Watch for July Calendar in the RM Review next month !!

Foam Fest at Windy Acres July 4th www.5kfoamfest.ca

RM Review

June 2015





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t is good practice to schedule medical checkups when you are well because it helps maintain your health. The same is true of your insurance program. Insurance must be constantly updated to reflect changes in your life and a strong insurance plan is built on regular communication with your advisor. Given the dry start to our year, now, more than ever, is the time to review the limit on your policy for Fire Fighting coverage. Mooney Agencies recommends a minimum of $10,000 fire fighting expense coverage, which typically costs up to $80 per year. In the current dry conditions, a carelessly discarded cigarette butt from a vehicle could result in significant fire fighting expenses to the property owner! Some insurance companies include fire fighting charges with your policy but the included limits are often inadequate on their own. It is no longer unusual to see fire fighting bills exceed $10,000 from a single incident. If you have additional land or unique exposures to fire risk then much higher limits may be required to avoid an uninsured loss. In addition, you may also be charged for materials utilized in the performance of fire suppres-

www.mooneyagencies.ca /mooneyagencies ‘Serving YOU is our TOP PRIORITY’

306 - 668 - 2181 101 2nd St E. Box 158 Vanscoy, SK S0L 3J0


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sion including foam, water, rented, hired or third party equipment and any loss of firefighting equipment that occurs in firefighting when negligent. Note many insurers have “bundled” options available that increase your Fire Fighting coverage to more reasonable limits along with providing coverage for other important items such as Debris Removal & Demolition expenses. These optional policy bundles are often the best value to provide you with adequate levels of protection and typically range from $100-150 per year. Why do you need Fire Fighting coverage if you live in town? Many communities including the Village of Vanscoy do not include fire fighting with your property tax! Mooney Agencies proudly works for YOU rather than an insurance company or financial institution. We use our professional knowledge, experience and local expertise to help determine your insurance needs, shop for the best value in coverage and help you in the event of a claim. We are proud to represent SGI CANADA, Wawanesa, MMFI and SMI (Sask Mutual).


aving a specialist in this transaction by your side gives you incredible advantages that you simply cannot have, especially as a first-time

buyer. The knowledge, the tools and the connections are just the cherry on top… So do you need a listing agent to buy you a house? You bet! Even though the internet has made it all easier, you simply cannot replace the expertise of a real estate agent! He/she will save you money, time and a lot of stress! So, the endless number of search sites and howto guides can give you a starting point, but that’s it, be-

cause you’ll most likely come across documents or situations that you won’t be able to manage efficiently! Without an agent, purchasing a house will surely be much more difficult, while house hunting will turn into a genuine challenge. A buyer’s agent is what you need; someone to represent you and work in your best interest! There are costly mistakes you are sure to avoid, let us help you avoid those, call us today!

Article snippet taken from Tour Wizard and submitted by Jocelyne Petryshyn, Broker/Owner, RE/MAX Shoreline Realty.


hen I was asked to create a column in this local newspaper, I posted a request on our Jaba Construction Facebook page asking our clientele what question about the construction industry would like answered. I chose the following from the questions I received. “I’d love to know the impact HGTV and Home Shows has had on your industry. Are home owners more informed or do they just think they know more? Does everyone think the reno’s can be done in a half hour now? ”Has it contributed to any growth do you think? “ This question comes from Kristy and I thank you for a great question to start my column off with. Let’s start with the TV shows in general, promoting their home renovation cause. Let’s be honest here- they are all staged. What that means is that somewhere behind the scenes they are being dictated to, for what type of format and/or audience they are wanting to attract. I have been involved in TV promotions in my career so I understand a large portion of that side.

this TV personality says we should be doing this or doing that. Most homeowners don’t have an open wallet and fail to realize that without the sponsors of the show, you and I can’t always afford some of the things that they showcase. In today’s world, you can easily access information online, as well as watch TV shows on how to perform a renovation, but I won’t lie to you, hands-on experience is the most valuable contributing factor. With all of the information that is provided and the stigmatism that TV shows provide, they always forget to show you the behinds the scenes management that takes place before the renovation starts. That is the most critical factor in setting up a renovation. A lot of the TV personalities wouldn’t be who they are today if they had to air that part of the show. “ OOOOPPPPPS !! CUT!! Can we redo that scene?” How many times do you think that is said while taping a 30 minute show? Think about that one!!! “Can someone hand me a sledge hammer... they want a shot of me knocking a wall out" Do you get the full picture of what I am saying? If they can do this on TV then I can do this at home? Great selling feature !!

What impact has it had in our industry? You as a viewer can only see what they want you to see, so on the TV they can make it look like a very simple process. First of all, define a renovation? A renovation could be installing new flooring in your bathroom and a coat of paint on the walls, or it could be a full-fledged addition with all the bells and whistles.

In my mind, all the TV shows are saying is that anyone can hire the right contractor/designer or they can hire the wrong contractor/designer, but in reality they are promoting that they are the best you can hire or else do it yourself, because no one is any good except them.

There is no set standard so in the shows they make the renovator /designer look like the best thing around. As a contractor, when I go to your home, I always hear

So where does that leave us as to "does it contribute to growth in our industry?" It contributes to the concensus that anyone can rip

apart and rebuild it to their TV standards; anyone with computer skills can provide a concept as to what your home should and can look like. They fail to tell you that in a lot of cases architects, engineers, designers, Planning and Building departments, sub-contractors, suppliers are also involved. They also fail to tell you that it can take months, and in some cases, up to a year to set up and provide budgets or quotes to perform the proper renovation. If they don’t have a hands on approach then why are they there? A lot of people I know in the industry do have that approach and I respect them for this. This is called experience! The TV shows will never show you the true side of the home renovation industry because if they did, they would have no show! If you would like your questions answered in this article, send your question to jaba@shaw.ca or check us out on our facebook page. We will pick a new question every month. Answers are solely my personal opinion and in no way reflect on any individuals or programs. Thanks, Dave Anderchek President JABA Construction Limited Platinum Homes Plus Inc. For more information please visit: www.jaba.ca JABA Facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/pages/JABA-Construction-Limited/501436563245866



June 2015



elcome to our last month of preschool! The preschoolers have been getting ready for Graduation Day, practicing their songs, and it will soon be time to make their graduation hats. Grad Day is Thursday, June 18th at 10am downstairs at the hall. May has been a great month for learning about plants, animals, and the outdoors. The 4-year olds planted grass seed in eggshells that they had decorated with faces. They tell me the hair (grass) is about 6-12 inches high, although no-one has given their egghead a haircut yet. They also have been learning about different habitats - ponds, deserts, and African grasslands so far - and what plants and animals live in each habitat. We will continue with this topic, ending with a trip to Pike Lake Park to see what habitats and plants and animals we can find there. Both classes made owl Mother's Day crafts, and they both explored the number 9 with the 3-year olds making a 9circle caterpillar and the 4-year olds gluing 9 items on a big 9 they drew. On Blue Day, the students wore blue, made blue fish and a Little Boy Blue craft, ate blue foods, and found blue all around us. Thankfully they did not feel blue when we were done! To finish the month, we will be going on a field trip to a dairy farm. One of the 4-year olds lives on a dairy farm and his parents have offered for us to spend an afternoon there watching the cows being milked. That should be quite an experience!


RM Review


That brings us into June when we will explore the number 10 and the colour black, as well as continue with our graduation preparations. We had registration for next year, and right now, numbers are low, particularly for the 4-year olds. If you would like to register your child for September, please call Wendy at 306-978-8164. Your child must be 3 or 4 by December 31st, 2015 and toilet-trained. At this time, I would like to thank all the preschool parents for their help and understanding throughout the year. A school, no matter what kind or how big or small it is, cannot function properly without parental help in some form. So thank you parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles. Your help is so very much appreciated. I would also like to send a huge thank you to Pike Lake School for all they offer us, from playground equipment and toys to inviting us to special occasions like Hot Meals or seeing baby chicks. Thank you for all you do to keep the preschool going strong. Have a great summer! Dates to Remember... 3-year old days: June 4, 11, 18(graduation at 10am) 4-year old days: June 2, 4, 9, 11, 16, 18(graduation at 10am) Colour: black Number: 10


ow do you showcase the accomplishments of students? We have always used marks, numbers and letters to show what students have accomplished, but does the number 82% really show a lot? When you meet with others at work or as part of a volunteer organization and are getting feedback, do they write 82% on a card and give it to you? PSSD has been working to change the way we assess, offer feedback and really, showcase what students are accomplishing in our schools. We are trying to increase feedback, increase student involvement in assessment and promote/showcase student work and accomplishments. Our students do amazing things, and in those accomplishments, learn more than the number on the card can ever tell us. Last night we hosted a Division Band Concert and in the set up I got to see the pride of these students in their accomplishments. On Wed. June 3 a number of our students films will be shown at the PSSD Film Festival held at the Roxy

Theatre in Saskatoon. We will be hosting our Annual Colour Night in the School on Wed. June 10 which will feature a student award ceremony and showcase many talents and accomplishments of our students in the form of work displayed and performances. All our celebrations of our students will culminate with Graduation on June 26 with an opportunity to celebrate and thank our Grade 12's for their many accomplishments. I invite you to join us in celebration of these students and take the time to attend or participate in any activities we will be hosting this upcoming month. It is really easy to get lost in the stress of June with finals, schedules, and the many other tasks that need completion, but for our students, it is also an opportunity to celebrate a job well done and I hope that you are able to join in these celebrations!



ike Lake School held our ‘Volunteer Appreciation Tea’ on May 15th. It’s our way to say thank you for the incredible support that our Pike Lake community provides. Volunteers enhance the learning opportunities for our students through countless hours of assistance: contributors on special days, members on our community council, hot lunch helpers, the distribution and collection of fundraising materials, assisting with social events such as literacy night, and the ‘Welcome Back BBQ.’ Thanks to all of you for helping to make Pike Lake School the great place that it is. Volunteers are not paid. Not because they’re worthless but because they’re priceless. Speaking of volunteerism and great learning opportunities, the weather cooperated on our postponed Earth Day as we worked around our school playground collecting garbage and recyclables! Once everything was neat and tidy, we cared for our feathered friends by putting up the bird houses we made and also tidied up our garden box to ready it for planting. We made some wonderful bird feeders to take home for all kinds of birds to visit. Once our exhausting work was completed, we quenched our thirst with a freezie treat! We all certainly had a fun time sprucing up our school surroundings. A special thanks goes to three wonderful ladies who came and extended the yard cleanup. Kathy Rose, Sandy Ross and Udelle Milton graciously volunteered their time to clean, prune and pretty up our flower beds and corner tree plot! Their hard work shines and everything now looks beautifully trimmed and manicured and neat! It was quite the job and we are absolutely grateful for their commitment to help keep our school beautiful! Thank you ladies! The Pike Lake School Community Council (SCC) is very excited to be holding


the first ever Try-A-Thon for our students. The Try-A-Thon is fully sanctioned by the Saskatchewan Triathlon Association and involves the running, biking and swimming components. We would like to shout out a big hoorah for some wonderful businesses and organizations who contributed monetary donations towards making this Try-A-Thon a success! We extend our big hearted thanks to: Pike Lake Community and School Association Neimar’s Custom Work MJ’s Convenience Store Ball & Sons Heating Co. Ltd. Crickle Creek Fun Zone Tuff Turf Growers Ltd. Saskatchewan Triathlons Association Completing this activity will be a big achievement for our students and we would like to encourage parents, family and community members to come out and cheer them on as they go through the course! The event will run Monday, June 15th at 1:15 p.m. The kids will be swimming at the Cabin Owner’s Beach (The Old Beach across from the tennis courts) and doing their run and bike along Lakeside Drive. Hope to see you there! Dates to Remember... May 22 – Rider Spirit Day June 4 – Grade 4 Orientation in Delisle @ 1:00 p.m. June 15 – Try-A-Thon June 16 – Dr. J. G. Egnatoff School Band Performance June 22 – Gr. 1-4 Swimming @ Pike Lake Pool June 25 – Grade Four Farewell, Last Day of Kindergarten June 26 – Last Day of Classes, Report Cards June 29 – Teacher Prep Day June 30 – Teacher Prep ½ Day


t is important to pick a good book because if a kindergarten pick a chapter book they won’t know how to read it and if their parents tell them every word they might not understand and get upset. If they can’t read it they will get mad and by accidently rip a page or through the book and wreck it. They may also not won’t to read it because it

will be hard for them so they will put it somewhere and forget about it and never find it again. That’s why you should pick the right book for you. You can find a just right book by using the five finger strategy, reading the back cover or asking a friend or teacher for a recommendation. By: Rylee

I wish you a great month of June!

Delisle Branch

Kirk Schlosser - Principal

201 - 1st St W 493 - 8288

Delisle Elementary School Thanks our Breakfast Program Supporters

Modular & Manufactured homes from 864 sf to 2400 sf New Show Homes Now in Stock

PERPETual DonaTionS Delisle Co-op Delisle Credit Union RM Review K & K Enterprises Delisle Senior Centre Cencan Processors Ltd Phipps & Rempel Denture Clinic Colborn Farms Vetter Enterprises Schumacher Farms Back 40 Embroidery RBC Royal Bank Agrium Inc.

FEBRuaRy BakERS Carrol King Dorothy Carnell Janet Norrie Linda Kielo PluS Thank you to all of the Volunteers for Prepping and Serving

Summer Reading Club Starts July 3rd Story teller, Danica Lorer will be at park beside the post office Monday, July 13th at 2:00pm (in the library if poor weather)

Watch for Hootie in the Delisle Days parade Monday Noon - 4pm

Wednesday Noon - 4pm & 7pm - 9pm

Friday 10am - 5pm

ReqUeST or Renew books at www.wheatland.sk.ca

RM Review


June 2015



Prairie Spirit School Division Releases Statement on Cuts to the Music & Band Programs

he Prairie Spirit School Division has a rich history of band programs that have provided valuable musical experiences to many of our students over the years. The music education received by these students has been excellent and very impactful on their lives. In many cases, music education has helped students to discover their identity as individuals and gave them focus and engagement that crossed over into many other areas of their academic lives. We continue to value the importance of music education, and wish for all of our students to feel engaged through music. As students move from elementary, through the middle years and into high school, we notice that fewer of them keep exploring music in their academic lives. We know that students continue to have a strong interest in music in their lives, but they often are unable to find appealing or feasible ways to connect it to their experiences in school by the time they reach the secondary level. Due to the major financial shortfall being experienced by our school division, we are faced with tough decisions regarding the allocation of available funds. Currently, our band programs experience larger numbers at the grade 5 level (38%-64% of students), but by the grade 9 -12 level reduce dramatically (2%-6%). As a result, we are moving to create and support a broader musical culture in our schools that will positively impact more students musically – and potentially academically – by helping our schools be responsive and relevant to the interests of our students through the K-9 Arts Ed curricula and elective music options at the secondary level. Over the next several years, the Prairie Spirit School Division will be transitioning from the current instrumental band program to a broader music education program. We plan to provide targeted support to Prairie Spirit schools in order to achieve the following goals through music curricula: 1. Engage students in meaningful, sustainable musical learning and activity. 2. Make music learning relevant to students and connect their in-school and out-ofschool interests and experiences. 3. Enable students to experience practical music making and understand the process of music making.

Students who earn a Band 10 credit in 2014/15 will have the opportunity to complete Band 20 and/or 30 over the next two years. The required 100 hours will be achieved through an approach of two timetabled 60 minute classes per 6 day cycle (62 hours) with a band teacher and an independent study component that will provide resources and structure for students (38 hours). Beginning in September 2015, itinerant band support will no longer be provided for instrumental band instruction in grades 5 - 10. Curricular after-school band practices will no longer be held. It is possible that after-school practices of an extra-curricular nature may be organized by interested staff. In such cases, bussing of band students for extra-curricular after-school practices will not be provided. Our hopes for the future... - We can positively impact the music education of a significantly higher percentage of our students through this transition. - Music education will become more authentic for more of our students. Through Kindergarten - Grade 9 Arts Education curricula and secondary music electives, students will find a place for their musical passion inside of our schools. - This transition will create the opportunity to invite talented musicians on our staffs and in our communities to become resources for music education. - This approach will provide the flexibility needed for each school’s musical program to meet the local needs of their student musicians and develop a culture of music in their schools. Informational Meetings We are very appreciative of the support and contributions of parents and band parent associations to the instrumental band program in our school division. We recognize your passion for the band program. We are offering an opportunity for parents to meet to discuss this transition. We are sensitive to the timing of these meetings as we do not want to detract from our students’ efforts and accomplishments as they are showcased at the year-end band concerts. We invite you to attend an informational meeting so that we may provide additional detail about the transition, listen to you, and gather your input.

Principles of the transition...

Delisle Composite School 400 – 2nd Street East, Delisle, SK Monday, June 8, 2015 6 - 7:30 p.m.

1. Equity – All students will have the opportunity to create and compose music. 2. Efficiency – Available budget dollars will be used to increase the number of students pursuing music electives at the secondary level.

South Corman Park School 1760 Baker Road East, Casa Rio, SK Wednesday, June 10, 2015 6 - 7:30 p.m.

3. Musical diversity - Music education will strive to provide support for a variety of avenues for musical expression.

Questions may be directed to Noel Roche, Learning Superintendent, at 306-683-2833.

4. Musical culture - A culture of music will be evident in all schools.

Agrium supports Literacy at Vanscoy School


anscoy students will enjoy a variety of new books in their classroom libraries as a result of a generous donation from Agrium. Vanscoy School recently received $7500 in funding from Agrium to support the school’s literacy goals and enhance classroom libraries in the Kindergarten to Grade 8 school. “We are thrilled to receive these funds and we know our students will love the

new books that will be added to our classroom libraries,” said Darin McKay, Vice-Principal of Vanscoy School. The $7500 will be used to enhance classroom libraries and support levelled reading programs to meet the literacy needs of the school’s diverse group of readers. McKay noted that students will provide their input into the books that are selected for the school. Vanscoy School applied for the grant funding through Agrium’s community investment programming. Agrium offers funding for non-profit organizations, focusing on the following areas: youth, health and wellness, environment, civic/arts and culture. Agrium has a potash mine near Delisle and has been a firm supporter of the schools in the community.

Donna Walker from Agrium (left) presents cheque to Audrey Russell, Resource Room teacher

“Vanscoy School enjoys a beneficial relationship with Agrium,” McKay said. “As a result, our students have had access to programs and learning materials we would not have been able to provide otherwise.”

‘Foam Fest’ comes to ‘Fiddle Fest’ on July 4th !


nother exciting event has decided to partner with the John Arcand Fiddle Fest; The 5K Foam Fest Canada is coming to Saskatoon July 4th drawing tourism to the City and Saskatchewan. For Saskatoon to be chosen as 5K Foam Fest Saskatchewan location speaks volumes to its central location, tourism draw and amenities. Gearing up for 2015 race season, 5k FoamFest Canada will run its familyfriendly foamy obstacle course at 11 Locations all across Canada including Windy Acres, home of the John Arcand Fiddle Fest, on Highway 60. With thousands of foamy fun-runners expecting to participate in Canada’s second season of 5k FoamFest events, 365 Sports Inc. is hyped to get the ball rolling on the season for participants

(We sell smiles for a Family Focused Day of FUN). The 5k FoamFest Canada takes a bouncy foamy-family twist to your typical mudrun where participants jump, slide and bounce their way through massive inflatable obstacles such as army crawls, colossal walls, foam and mud pits, cargo net climbs, a body washer, slip’n slides and even a towering 50 foot death drop. The 5K Foam Fest is expected to draw well over 3000 people just in Saskatoon alone, sourcing much of its needed equipment and supplies locally, creating tourism and economic spin offs. 5K Foam Fest Canada raises funds for Habitat for Humanity and the Canadian Cancer Society. For more info or to register go to www.5kfoamfest.ca


June 2015



RM Review

May 22, 2015 Kelly Block, M.P. Prime Minister Stephen Harper announced the intention to provide longterm support for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) and the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) to help counter terrorist threats, including from high-risk travellers. Canada is not immune to the threat of terrorism, as made tragically clear by the brutal attacks of last October in Saint-Jeansur-Richelieu, Quebec, and Ottawa. Economic Action Plan (EAP) 2015 proposes to provide intelligence and law enforcement agencies with additional investigative resources to help them keep pace with the evolving threat of terrorism and continue protecting Canadians. For the RCMP, the new resources would support the organization’s capacity to conduct criminal investi-

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Vanscoy Delisle Pike Lake

For the CBSA, additional resources would enhance the Agency’s capacity to identify high-risk travellers

The measures announced yesterday will require parliamentary approval.

Canada, the Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program will invest $150 million over two years to support projects that rehabilitate existing community facilities across Canada. These projects will ensure a lasting legacy as a result of Canada 150 and strengthen communities from coast to coast to coast. Western Economic Diversification Canada (WD), on behalf of the Government of Canada, will deliver the Canada 150 Community Infrastruc-

ture Program in Western Canada. WD will invest in projects that rehabilitate or improve cultural and community infrastructure, which will help communities realize longterm growth and vibrancy in the years to come. Applications in Western Canada will be accepted from Tuesday, May 19th, 2015 until Wednesday, June 17th, 2015 @ 3:00 p.m. Central Standard Time.

High-Speed Internet Coming to Saskatoon-Rosetown-Biggar

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and support the Agency’s participation in the RCMP-led National Security Joint Operations Centre, a group that examines individual cases of extremist travellers to tailor the most, timely, effective and accountable response.

Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program


Co F

gations related to terrorism. This includes bolstering front-line policing through the five RCMP-led Integrated National Security Enforcement Teams, which investigate high-risk travellers and other national security threats.

ATM Videos

Coffee Lottery

Weekly $25 Gas Draw (entry with minimum 30 litre fill)

ook B o n lt Cal Garde r You DAY ! TO

May 27, 2015 Everyday tasks that were once done in person, such as shopping, communicating, learning and banking, are now done online. To help Canadians have better access to these and many other online services, Kelly Block, Member of Parliament for Saskatoon-Rosetown-Biggar, today announced that 1,695 homes in her riding will get access to highspeed Internet services. The Government of Canada is delivering on its commitment to rural Canadians to connect an additional 280,000 households in rural and remote regions of the country to high-speed Internet at minimum speeds of five megabits per second

KennY’S CulTiVATinG 306 - 281 - 4111

(Mbps). Much of this will be completed by the time Canada celebrates its 150th anniversary in 2017. Last summer, the Government completed the first step, inviting Canadians to provide feedback online to help better determine areas in need of highspeed Internet access. Once information was received from individual Canadians and governments across the country, Industry Canada invited Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to submit proposals for funding under Connecting Canadians to build wireless or wired infrastructure that will provide services to rural and remote communities in need.

Today, the Government is partnering with dozens of ISPs to build the necessary wireless or wired infrastructure across the country that will bring an additional 280,000 Canadian households highspeed Internet access. By Canada’s 150th birthday in 2017, over 98 percent of Canadian households will be able to subscribe to new or improved highspeed Internet services, delivering on the Harper Government’s commitment to Canadians. For Canadians who live in communities with slow or no Internet, access to high-speed services will lead to new economic opportunities and the creation of new jobs, products and services.

Professional Garden Roto-Tilling Starting at $35 4WD Kubota Rear Tiller

RM Review

June 2015




May 27, 2015 Randy Weekes, MLA Surgical Wait Times Continue to Fall

Governments Move to Finalize Job Training Deal

Dramatic reductions in surgical wait times that began during the four-year Saskatchewan Surgical Initiative have continued, with even more patients receiving sooner, safer, smarter surgical care a year later.

We want to ensure everyone in Saskatchewan has access to the training and employment services they need to fully participate in our strong, diversified economy. Today we are in final discussions to retool an existing federal-provincial job training deal that will further align training to labour market opportunities and help people secure meaningful employment.

The number of patients waiting more than three months for surgery is down 89 per cent, with 13,613 fewer patients waiting that long for surgery on March 31, 2015 than in March 2010. Of the 10 health regions that offer surgery, seven had zero patients waiting longer than three months for surgery as of March 31, 2015. Saskatchewan’s Wholesale Trade 2x Greater Than National Increase According to figures from Statistics Canada, Saskatchewan’s broad-based economy is strong when compared to other jurisdictions. Year-over-year wholesale trade in Saskatchewan was up 12.2 per cent in March 2015, more than double the national average of 5.6 per cent. Saskatchewan wholesale trade totalled $2.4 billion in March 2015, the highest March on record. Our province’s diverse wholesale sector is helping to create more jobs and business opportunities and contributing to moving our economy forward in the long-term. Saskatchewan Home to World-Class Mining Industry Saskatchewan has one of the most opportunity-rich investment climates in the world, and nowhere is this more evident than in our mining industry. The value of Saskatchewan mineral production in 2014 was $7.3 billion. The Fraser Institute’s 2014 Survey of Mining Companies measures the opinions of thousands of exploration, development and mining-related companies and ranked Saskatchewan number one in Canada and number two in the world among jurisdictions attractive to mining investment. As the world’s largest potash producer, second-largest uranium producer, and a go-to destination for global mining investment dollars, Saskatchewan Mining Week is encouraging people to take time to learn about what the industry does for them and their communities.

Approximately 770 Saskatchewan workers are receiving training through the Canada-Saskatchewan Job Grant with 145 Saskatchewan employers already approved for funding. Saskatchewan is currently accepting employer applications for the Canada-Saskatchewan Job Grant. Employers can learn more and apply online at economy.gov.sk.ca/jobgrant. Consultations on Farmland Ownership Now Open We want to make sure our government is on the right path and makes the correct decisions regarding farmland ownership. This is why we’ve launched an online consultation, allowing interested parties to share their views regarding farmland ownership rules in Saskatchewan. This consultation will help us understand who should, or should not be, allowed to own farmland in Saskatchewan, specifically pension plans, investment trusts, pension plan administrators and foreign investors. You can participate in the consultation online at saskatchewan.ca/farmland. A paper copy of the survey may be picked up at any Ministry of Agriculture Regional Office or can be requested by calling the Agriculture Knowledge Centre. At the end of the consultation period (which runs until August 10, 2015), results of the survey and all comments will be posted online. Once the results have been analyzed, decisions will be made regarding next steps. If you have a question about this Legislative Report or any other matter, just Contact Randy.

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June 2015

RM Review



Village of Perdue Loses Rink in Fire T


bout 2:30pm on Saturday, May 23rd Perdue volunteer firefighters were at the scene of the Perdue rink, already well engulfed in flame. Within an hour or two, the building was completely destroyed except for the Zamboni, which was housed in an addition to the rink. The natural ice rink was built in the early 1960’s by volunteers and has seen

generations of local residents pass through its doors to watch or participate in minor hockey and figure skating. The fire seems to have started in the end of the rink where the concession once was, but the cause of the fire is still under investigation. Residents are hoping the arena can be replaced as it serves an important role in their community.

The fire seems to have started in the concession end of the rink

Vanscoy Community Recreation Board Meeting Report May 21, 2015


eports were heard from each of the groups in attendance. The Seniors Club held a BBQ on May 1st and had 13 people attend and will be having a another BBQ on June 1st. The 4-H will have their Achievement Day on June 20th. The Ag Society had a very successful Perennial Exchange and are hard at work on all the details for the Summer Fair. Bowbusters had an outdoor shoot with 48 people attending and the JOP had a BBQ windup on May 24th at the outdoor range. Minor hockey will have 3 teams in Vanscoy this next season. The Shiverdome committee is working on a proposal for renting an artificial ice plant and will be having another 50/50 raffle. The Village council reported that they were fixing roads in town and the water at the cemetery. Our Community Wide Garage Sale was

a lot of fun on May 23rd, it was nice to see lots of people out and enjoying the nice day! The Rec Board will be purchasing new chairs for the hall to keep them from scratching the new floors, all the old metal chairs will be up for sale shortly. Upcoming Dates: August Summer Fair with Family Street Dance – August 15th & 16th; Vanscoy Open House – September 10th, Quad Rally – October 10th; Fall Supper – October 18th. Watch for more information on our facebook page. Our next meeting is 7:30 pm June 17th, 2015 at the Vanscoy Seniors Centre. Everyone is invited and welcome to attend meetings, we are always looking for new ideas and suggestions. We will not be having meetings July and August. Please follow us on Facebook at Vanscoy Community Recreation Board.


for their continued support and recent donation to our Community Hall Bathroom Fund.

Thank You! Like us on Facebook

Vanscoy Community Recreational Board

Amazing Space Delisle & District Arts Council Report

he Delisle Community Choir would like to thank everyone who came out to our first ever community concert. We were overwhelmed by the support and encouragement we received from all of you. Thank you, thank you, thank you! The choir is taking the summer off – but watch for us serving hamburgers at the Co-Op in July. We will resume rehearsals on September 10th (second and fourth Thursday of each month) at 7 pm at the United Church. New members are always welcome. The only requirement to participate is a love of singing.

In January the Arts Council went together with other community organizations and applied for a government grant for a summer student position. We are delighted to report that we have received funding to hire a full-time student for eight weeks this summer. The successful applicant for the position is Robyn Bray. Robyn is a university student in the Faculty of Education, with a background in theatre and extensive experience working with children and youth. Robyn will begin work in our community on June 29th. She will be providing summer programming for children, youth and seniors in both Delisle and Vanscoy. Coordinating Vacation Bible School programs in both towns, planning and leading weekly playground activities, offering social and fitness activities for seniors, helping out with Summer reading programs at the Wheatland Library, assisting with activities at the

Vanscoy Fair and Delisle Days... we expect to keep Robyn very busy! The supervising committee for our summer student consists of Sylvia Chave, Jordan Cantwell, Shannon Wright, and Lori Coleman. If you have any questions or ideas about summer programs in which Robyn will be involved, please call the Delisle Rec Office at 306-493-8283. Please note these upcoming events: Next meeting of the Arts Council: Thursday, June 18th at 3pm at the United Church Culture Days: Last weekend in September – watch this space for more details in the future Free Art Classes with Janet Williams! March 12th & March 19th 2016 Janet Williams is a Saskatchewan born artist with a background in Education. She is currently a juried member of the Saskatchewan Craft Council and is a member of the Art Quest art group. Janet's paintings are brought to life through the use of a bold and unique color palate. Her paintings include whimsical figures which appear to dance across the canvas effortlessly. Sponsorship for art classes by the Delisle & District Arts Council is made possible through a grant from Saskatchewan Lotteries. Submitted by Jordan Cantwell

Laura Multiple 4-H Report Hey all and thank for reading this. This 4-H year is coming to an end but not before our annual achievement day. Achievement Day is on Saturday June 14th 2pm at the Laura hall. Their is Supper Provided if you wish too attend. This Years Projects that will be displayed is Module Building, Scrapbooking, Outdoor Adventure, photography, and The Clover Buds, For our May fun activity we planned an overnight trip to Shekinah Retreat. We would also like to thank the Bruins for letting us use there bus. When we first arrived we went down to the North Saskatchewan river where some people used clay to sculpt stuff after seeing a crayfish in the water. Then after we were able to go zip-lining and Wall-climbing for part of the afternoon then the rest of the afternoon we spent doing co-operative games like

whale watcher and titanic. In Whale watchers you have to balance a platform as a group to complete the task. In Titanic you have to rope swing onto a platform and get the whole team on the platform. we did a few more co-operative games then we went back to the lodge we were staying at. after supper we had a fire and roasted marshmallows. On Sunday, after Breakfast we went for a walk on the trails around Shekinah. We also went back to the Co-operative games and did Arachnophobia. Arachnophobia is were you have to get through a spider web without making the bell ring. The Time we spent at Shikinah was Amazing. although during are stay we had a few unwanted guests join us. they are known a Mosquitos and ticks Cody and Heather Kearnan

Vanscoy Early Learning Centre Celebrates with Parade


ay was Child Care month in Saskatchewan. The Vanscoy Early Learning centre celebrated on May 14 with an annual parade and bbq They also celebrate 5 years of being open in Vanscoy and thank the community for the overwhelming support over those years!

Vanscoy & District Early Learning Centre Parade May 14th

RM Review

June 2015




Find More Event Details at www.rmreview.net or Scan the QR Code with your phone

June 2 Tuesday 12:00pm Delisle Interagency Meeting Delisle Seniors Centre

June 9 Tuesday 7:30pm Village of Kinley Council Meeting Kinley

June 17 Wednesday 7:00pm Delisle Recreation Board Meeting Delisle Recreation Office

June 21 Sunday 11am - 3pm Father’s Day BBQ Britannia Restaurant - Asquith

June 3 Wednesday 8:00am RM of Harris Council Meeting Harris

June 10 Wednesday 7:00pm Town of Asquith Council Meeting Asquith

June 17 Wednesday 7:30pm Vanscoy Recreation Board Meeting Vanscoy Circle Hall

June 22 Monday GRAND PRIZE DRAW RM Review ‘STAY-cation’ Contest

June 3 Wednesday 7:00pm Village of Harris Council Meeting Harris

June 10 Wednesday 7:30pm Village of Vanscoy Council Meeting Vanscoy

June 17 Wednesday 7:30pm Village of Milden Council Meeting Milden

June 26 Friday Last Day of School

June 5 Friday 6:30pm Vanscoy ELC Wing Night Vanscoy Hotel

June 11 Thursday 9:00am RM of Montrose Council Meeting Donavon

June 18 Thursday Noon Delisle Agencies 35th Anniversary Delisle

June 27 Saturday Pickled Egg Competition Delisle Hotel

June 7 Sunday Kids Fishing Derby Eagle Creek Regional Park

June 11 Thursday 9:00am RM of Vanscoy Council Meeting Vanscoy

June 19 - 21 Friday - Sunday Eagle Creek Jamboree Eagle Creek Regional Park

July 1 Wednesday CANADA DAY

June 8 Monday Early Bird Draw - Sail into Elbow RM Review ‘STAY-cation’ Contest

June 15 Monday Father’s Day Draw - Oasis Golf RM Review ‘STAY-cation’ Contest

June 20 Saturday Vanscoy 4-H Achievement Day Vanscoy Circle Hall

July 4 Saturday Foam Fest Windy Acres - Highway 60

June 9 Tuesday 8:00am RM of Perdue Council Meeting Perdue

June 16 Tuesday 7:30pm Village of Perdue Council Meeting Perdue

June 20 Saturday 9am - 5pm Highway 60 Market Windy Acres - Highway 60

EVERY FRIDAY AT NOON BBQ Lunch Fundraiser Delisle Ag Co-op

June 9 Tuesday 7:00pm Town of Delisle Council Meeting Delisle

June 17 Wednesday 6:00pm Potluck Supper - Everyone Welcome Delisle Senior Centre

June 21 Sunday FATHER’S DAY

Promote Your Event Here for FREE

Call 306-668-1312 or mail@rmreview.net

S andyridge g aS & g rocerieS Grocery ATM

Fuel & Diesel Confectionary

Box 60 Saskatoon, SK S7K 3K1

Video Rentals

Large & Small Animal Medicine

306-384-7676 24 hr Emergency Services

Grandora 306 - 668 - 4362

Drs. Harvey Domoslai - Wally Kononoff Blair Simonson - Lisa Wayman Dave Nairn


Organic Beef Halves, Quarters, Custom Packages Samples Available Your satisfaction is guaranteed.

Sparlyn Organic Farm 668-4216

Ag Services Division

306 - 493 - 2408 Box 130, Delisle, SK S0L 0P0

Stobbe’s Backhoe Service Grandora, SK

Leo Stobbe 306-668-4289 Installation of Rural Water & Sewer Systems Pumps - Tanks - Switches - other Trenching & Excavation

Sid’s Auto Service Oil Change/Lube Job Clutch & Brake Work


306-668-2013 or 306-229-2016

RR1 Box 15

Delisle, SK S0L 0P0

Bus. (306) 493-7579 Fax. (306) 493-8135 ken@klassentrenching.com

SepticTank Pumping Septic Repairs Hydrovac Services

CoMpLEtE SErViCE on FarM MaChinEry


Ken Klassen

SK Sew Kleen

Rear Ends Transmissions

EnginES Gas & Diesel

Sand & Gravel Spreading Hauling

Trenching & waterworks Sand - Gravel - Topsoil

306 - 230 - 4653

Portable Toilet Rentals 306 - 283 - 4406


June 2015



RM Review

Find more Detailed Listings at www.rmreview.net or Scan the QR Code with your phone Accommodations Delisle Hotel Delisle 306-493-2462 Jeannie’s Place Delisle 306-717-0841





Dexteriors Vanscoy 306-371-8260

Silpada - Marilyn Hungness Asquith 306-329-4768

Angus Insurance Harris 306-656-4555

RixEdge Sharpening Services Saskatoon 306-270-8048

Flatlander Construction Delisle 306-493-7547

Government - Federal

Delisle Agencies Delisle 306-493-2260

G & L Drywall Delisle 493-8228 / 668-4583


Larmar Contracting Services Vanscoy 306-380-2327

Papertrail Legacy Vanscoy 306-931-2153

New Age Foundations Plus Grandora 306-329-4610


Side by Side Contractors 306-270-6986

Crop Production Services Delisle 306-493-8188

Twin Painting Vanscoy 934-5803 / 261-0689

Delisle Agricultural Co-op Delisle 306-493-2212 Innovative Ag Performance Group Ltd Delisle 306-493-3167 Orchard Transport - Ag Div. Delisle 306-493-2408 Air Conditioning & Heating PLAINSMAN HVAC-R Ltd 24 Hour Emergency Service Vanscoy 306-242-3002

Victoria’s Design 306-370-9399

Electrical ATL Electrical, Heating & A/C Delisle 306-493-2410

Embroidery Back 40 Embroidery Delisle 493-3033/493-2751

Delisle Credit Union 1st St, Delisle 306-493-2414 Cooper Schneider Private Wealth at Scotia McLeod Colleen Schneider 306-664-1860

Integra Tire/Empire Auto Saskatoon 306-244-8070

Desjardins Financial Security Investments Inc. 330 - 20th St. E. Saskatoon Norma Sparrow 306-242-1188

Sid’s Auto Service Vanscoy 306-668-2013 Trusty Appraisal Service & SGI Arbitration Delisle 306-222-0456

Fire & Flood First General Services Saskatoon 306-979-3205

Beauty Arbonne Intl - Kerrie Sparrow Vanscoy 306-668-4218

Chiropractor Dr. Lisa Merkosky, BSc. Dr. Jolene Palmer, BSc. Community Health Chiropractic Clinic Delisle Primary Health Centre 306-493-2800

Government - Provincial Randy Weekes, MLA 106 3rd Ave W Biggar 1-877-948-4880

Saskatoon Fire & Flood Saskatoon 306-934-7477

Floral Wedding Florals (silk only) Custom design by Colleen Hancharuk dchancharuk@gmail.com

Garden / Yard Like A Rock Grandora 306-382-3978

Computer -Service

Gas / Confectionary

Catprint Computing Delisle 306-230-8783

Delisle Ag Co-op Delisle 306-493-2212

Computer -Web Design

Sandyridge Gas & Grocery Grandora 306-668-4362

Whole Wheat Web Design Vanscoy 306-493-3023

Vanscoy Tempo Vanscoy 306-683-5024

Sign Painting Kim’s Signs That Sell Vanscoy 306-493-3011

Mooney Agencies Ltd. Vanscoy 306-668-2181


Massage Jillian Walker Massage RMT Vanscoy 306-260-0671

Ryjo Tours Inc. Tessier 1-866-656-4786

Gravel / Sand

Meat Cutting


Graham Contracting Asquith 306-230-4653

Vanscoy Sausage & Meat Vanscoy 306-668-4742

Cattle Care Hwy #14 343-5773/260-6729

Klassen Trenching Delisle 306-493-7579

Pet Care

Corman Park Vet Services Hwy #14 (SLS) 306-384-7676

‘A’ Deb’s K-9 Kennelling Delisle 306-220-4727

Link’s Backhoe & Skidsteer Delisle 306-222-9737



Kelly Block, MP 904E 22nd St W, Saskatoon 1-888-590-6555

Rice Lake Sand & Gravel Asquith 306-329-4768 Westland Enterprizes Ltd Delisle 306-493-2709

Animal InnSpaRations Delisle 306-493-3143

Delisle Veterinary Service Delisle 306-493-3143 Outlook Veterinary Clinic Outlook 306-867-8777

Bark Place Dog Grooming Spa Delisle 306-491-9335

Water / Septic

Lynne Road Kennels Grandora 306-270-5831

FRP Manufacturing (2010) Inc. Asquith 306-329-4884

Moon River Golf Club Valley Road 306-931-8960

Lynn Ross Dog Grooming Vanscoy 306-382-6224

Graham Contracting Asquith 306-230-4653

Plumbing, Heating, A/C

Oasis Golf Resort Perdue 306-237-4653

ATL Electrical, Heating & A/C Delisle 306-493-2410

Klassen Trenching Delisle 306-493-7579

Valleyview Golf & Country Club Delisle 306-493-3288

Thermal Mechanical Vanscoy 381-7998/270-0160

Golf Clubs Driving Range Valley Road 306-221-0842


Potash Mine

Schneider’s Gourmet World Neunlage 306-225-5764

Agrium Potash Mine Vanscoy 306-668-4343

Hairstylist / Beauty


Delisle Hairstyling & Barber Delisle 306-493-2467

Pike Lake Preschool Pike Lake 306-978-8164

Julie’s House of Style Delisle 306-493-2950

Vanscoy Early Learning Center Vanscoy 306-668-6338

Salon 360 Delisle 306-493-2486

Real Estate

Air & Alkaline Water Purifiers Perdue 1-877-652-6853

Wedding Wedding Florals (silk only) Custom design by Colleen Hancharuk dchancharuk@gmail.com

Welding Arc-Fab Industrial Pike Lake 306-221-6692

Yardwork/Excavation Big Pines Services Inc. Vanscoy 306-230-7399 Graham Contracting Asquith 306-230-4653



Britannia Restaurant Asquith 306-329-2496

Vesta Homes Vanscoy 306-242-9099

Homestead Restaurant Delisle 306-493-3313

Home Care Products

Robin’s Nest Cafe Vanscoy 306-931-6996

Watkins - Anne Plummer 725 Valley Rd 306-382-1284 Cindy the Tupperware Lady 306-683-0986/403-548-4668

Sew Kleen Hydro-vacing & Septic Asquith 306-283-4406

RE/MAX Shoreline Realty Jocelyne Petryshyn - Owner Outlook 306-867-8380

Reflexology - Carrol King Delisle 306-493-2452


Starlings Septic Services Delisle 306-493-2241

One Percent Realty Sue Stene REALTOR Delisle 306-370-6306

The Pink Chair Delisle 306-493-2266


Link’s Backhoe & Skidsteer Delisle 306-222-9737

KBM Earthmoving Vanscoy 306-867-3770 Klassen Trenching Delisle 306-493-7579 Link’s Backhoe & Skidsteer Delisle 306-222-9737


Snow Removal & Mowing Delisle 306-361-6343

Great North Storage Company Delisle 306-202-8140

Stobbe’s Backhoe Service Grandora 306-668-4289



$60/Year Classifieds

$20/Month Call the RM Review at 306-668-1312 or visit our website www.rmreview.net


Check out... WWW.PIN.CA

Antiques & Collectibles

Several Local Properties Available “For Sale by Owner”

Gifts, Memorabilia & so much more Come In, See What’s New & Old

1st St. W, Delisle Mon - Fri 9:00 am - 4:30 pm

Land in local R.M.’s of: Vanscoy, Montrose, Eagle Creek and Aberdeen Businesses in: Delisle, Saskatoon, Harris Asquith and Rosetown etc. To List Yours Call: Merv Easton - Vanscoy 306-270-2022 merv@pin.ca

Kenny’s Cultivating

Farm / Acreage / Ranch / Recreation Buying? / Selling?


Sask. Land Sales


Garden Rototilling

Coldwell Banker


starting at $35

Delisle, Vanscoy, Grandora, Pike Lake

306 - 281 - 4111

ResCom Realty Real Estate Specialist TOM NEUFELD 306-260-7838 katneufeld@sasktel.net

Check out the Expanded Interactive On-Line Business Directory at www.rmreview.net

Business Directory

$20/Month Call the RM Review at 306-668-1312 or visit our website www.rmreview.net

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