RM Review
Serving the Communities of Asquith, Delisle, Grandora, Harris, Pike Lake, Vanscoy
Volume 15 Number 3
March 2014
Family Day in Vanscoy
he Vanscoy Community Recreation Board put on a wonderful Family Day event for our communities on February 17th. The day started with a free family skate at the rink, with many families taking advantage of the ice with beach balls and music. At 4:00 we moved to the hall and had a movie night with two shows. The first movie was Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2 and the second was We bought a Zoo. With popcorn and snacks the 60 people in attendance enjoyed the movies on the large screen. We sold hotdogs between the
movies and had a few less people stay for the second movie. We had a draw for the two movies and a 50/50 draw. Congratulations to Brody and Doren for winning the movies. I would also like to thank Robb M. for donating his 50/50 win back to the Rec Board. We would like to take this opportunity to say thanks for all those who came out and enjoyed part of their Family Day with us and showed some community spirit. As with any event it takes a lot of time and commitment from people to put something like this together. I would like to thank the Pike Lake
School for the use of the large screen, The Vanscoy Bar for the use of the popcorn maker, and Brett for the use of the projector, obviously without these items we could not of shown any movies. I would like to thank all those who were helping at the rink. I would also like to thank Ty and Robb, Wendy and Darren, and Troy for all their hard work for setting up, working the door and kitchen and for the clean up at the end of the night. It was a fun way to spend the day with family and friends and I hope to do it again next year!
All money raised stays with the Rec. Board to bring you more community events. If you have any ideas or would like to help with any events, please feel free to contact any of the Rec. Board members or myself at 306.668.9159. As this event is now complete I will be planning the Second Annual Mother Daughter Tea Party, watch for posters going up in April. Submitted by Bonnie Ross
Delisle Interagency Group Hosts Mardi Gras
he 4th Annual Mardi Gras party took place at the Delisle Town Hall on Sunday, March 2nd. The celebration was attended by people of all ages who participated in various carnival games. After the potluck supper, Sylvia Chave, of Singing With Sylvia fame, entertained everyone. This FREE event is hosted
each year by the Delisle Interagency Group. The membership of this group is made up of representatives from Delisle Churches, Schools, First Responders, the Town of Delisle, and other organizations. With donations from local business and the community at large, the group promotes family and community in Delisle.
Red Williams............. p. 3 Council Reports......... p. 4
Sylvia Chave, “Singing with Sylvia�, entertains at Mardis Gras RCMP Report............. p. 5 School Reports............ p. 6 Agriculture Reports.... p. 7
MP Report................... p. 8 MLA Report................ p. 9 Community Reports... p. 10
Community Calendar..... p. 11 Business Directory.......... p. 12
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March 2014
RM Review
Editorial “Visitor Experience”
ust like a large number of other Saskatchewan residents, I experienced a car accident this past winter. In my case it happened just before Christmas, didn’t involve any other vehicles and thankfully, no injuries... other than to my vehicle, which was a total loss. The experience began with doing a relatively easy on-line claim with SGI. I was contacted by an adjustor a few days later to have the vehicle towed through SGI for a damage inspection. This was not my first accident, so none of this was new to me, but it was the first time it had resulted in a total loss claim, and thats where it started to get weird. After the inspection I was contacted by the adjustor and informed of the total loss assessment. I was surprised at how low SGI had valued the vehicle (around $10,000) and suggested it should be higher (around $14,000), and that’s when the game began. The adjustor advised me to find comparable vehicles to justify my valuation, which I did, and I found many similar vehicles that sold at $10-15,000. I submitted my findings and suggested a value of $12-13,000 would be acceptable. Another week or so later I was told no... the initial offer would remain the same. I was given the comparables that SGI had already paid an independent company to find, and saw that they too, where in the same range as mine, so why did I just waste me time? I knew some others that were dealing with an accident claim at the same time I was, and they were having the same experience. Why were we having to go through all this process, and how could I make it stop ?? It was at this point I followed some advice and contacted Dave Collins, of Trusty Motors in Delisle, to employ his appraisal and arbitrator skills. I quickly learnt a few things... First, that the minute I was offered $10,000 for my vehicle, I had a right to a cheque for that amount, that day, without giving up my right to negotiate for more. I didn’t need to go for weeks without a vehicle or money. Second I learnt to immediately sign a proof of loss, stating the value I expected, at take the negotiation straight to arbitration. I didn’t need to provide comparables to back up my value. (SGI had already paid someone to do it anyway !! ) Third, I learnt that SGI will also pay me the taxes on top of the settlement amount, when I replace the vehicle with another. Until I asked about it, SGI had not made that information available to me in any way, and maybe never would have. Fourth, I learnt I didn’t need to be involved in any of this !!! For a very small fee, Dave could look after it on my behalf, and the day I handed the claim to him, is the day the madness stopped. Following Dave’s advice, I went down to SGI, demanded a cheque, received it, signed the paperwork needed for arbitration, and took it all to Dave. Within days I had a settlement in the range I had expected, and went back to SGI and picked up another cheque for the balance they owed me. I gained 5 times what it cost me to have Dave make it stop. Done and Done !! I am amazed at how ill-informed I, and others, were about this. Fortunately Dave has provided an article on page 3 of this months RM Review to assist the next people that are going to be going through this. Please share this information. I recently read a press release from our Provincial Parks about booking campsites for this summer. The article stated that if you have any questions you could contact a person that works for them, who has the title of “Visitor Experience Co-ordinator’. Maybe SGI needs to create a similar position to improve how we, the customers, taxpayers and owners of this crown corporation are being treated. It wasn’t a good experience !
Enter to Win 4 Admissions to the Friday Night Concert Series from the RM Review. Just visit our website at
www.rmreview.net to enter to win today. Draw Date is March 22. Tickets can be used for any or all of the upcoming concerts.
Friday Fr riday Nig Night ght Concert Conceert Series Serie ies Fabulous Fa abulous m music usic in Delisle! Delisle! E Everyone veryyone W ve We Welcome! elcome!
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Series Se ries Tickets T ckets $40 Ti (($15 $15 @ T The he d door) oo or)
7:30 7:30 @ De Delisle l is l e U United nited Church Church call Sylvia@ call S lvia@ 493-2955 Sy 493-2 2955 potluck p otluck before before concert con o cert Meet M eet a and nd G Greet reet to to Follow Follow
Ken Sowter Editor
The RM Review CONTACT US Phone: 306-668-1312 Fax: 306-978-4481 mail@rmreview.net www.rmreview.net Box 333, Vanscoy, SK S0L 3J0
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DISTRIBUTION & SUBSCRIPTIONS 3,500 issues of the RM Review are published monthly and direct mailed for free to all homes in the communities shown in the map to the right. As well it is available for free pick-up at various news stands within this distribution area. Out of area subscriptions are available for $30/yr.
We reserve the right to edit copy for libel or other legal, spelling or grammatical errors. We accept no liability for any such errors.
Dead-Line for Submissions for the April 2014 Issue is Friday, March 28th, 2014
RM Review
March 2014
Problems with SGI ? Total Loss Vehicle ? Not Getting a Fair Offer ?
Arbitration is the Mechanism for Dispute Resolution
n 2013 CBC News obtained statistical information from SGI, to see if the concerns raised ABOUT WITHHELD arbitration INFORMATION are borne out in the corporation's figures. (see online article link below) According to the information, which covers the last five years, the use of arbitration has fallen even as the number of claims rose. In 2013 Paul McIntyre, a vice-president with the provincial Crown corporation, says SGI has been trying to reduce the need for arbitration. Now a year later Dave Collins, a professional appraiser and arbitrator states nothing has changed. “I am hearing the same stories I heard last year. When I ask insured's if the arbitration process is offered most state is was not offered as an alternative for claim resolution. So yes, Mr. McIntyre, your strategy is working... don't give the insured information about his or her rights to arbitration and a host of other things related to making it easier for a insured to seek a better settlement.” Contact this year 2014 with the Saskatchewan Ombudsman Brian Calder suggests this is in fact what is happening. Calder stated in conversation with Collins that “in a perfect world people would be told about their right to arbitration” ! So it's time to get the message out!
sured has to do a research on line or in the news paper for comparables to prove your right to arbitration that is not your job. SGI uses this tactic to stall the process in turn making you life more desperate. In most cases your search results will be dismissed by the adjuster so don't be fooled by this tactic. Once you have your arbitration paper work what can you expect?
Arbitration Is Your Right, Not A Privilege !
ARBITRATION is a right under the Saskatchewan Insurance act. HOW TO GET STARTED ON YOUR ARBITRATION . After SGI has made its offer and you feel you are being short changed on your vehicles value you as an insured have the right to demand the arbitration process by contact with your adjuster. At this point the adjuster may suggest contact with her or his superior to see if more money could be forth coming. Seldom does this bare any real improvement in the settlement offer. But it effectively shuts you down for maybe another week or two, all the time you are without your vehicle. Don't be stalled by suggestion that you the in-
INTERIM SETTLEMENT SGI is obligated to give you an in-term settlement or the amount of their initial offer. So if they offer you $5000 for your car or truck once the automobile proof of loss is filed (this is a document that your adjuster gives you to fill in your value) you will receive a cheque less any deductibles that are required right from your adjuster at the time you submit your automobile proof of loss form. This was initially put in place many years ago to help you thru the transition of arbitration to final settlement. HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE? Generally after the proof of loss document is received by your adjuster a time frame of 15 days under the insurance act SGI has to have a hearing with you or your chosen representative if resolution to the issue is not reached at this point an umpire is used to mediate your settlement value. Normally about two weeks is the turn around if your adjuster processes the file in a timely manner. FINAL SETTLEMENT Now you have gone thru the arbitration process and you have gained a better settlement what's next?
Food for Thought
Facing Forward
he political pattern is dimly showing up through the fog of rhetoric which is the meat and potatoes of election politics. One that is still just so much mambypamby (with the exception of the Green Party) is some definite direction with respect to the environmental issue which is going to overwhelm us soon. Without some definite approaches beyond “words” we are heading into a serious problem. One doesn’t have to be a “tree hugger” to recognize that blindly depending on our nonrenewable resources and leaving behind the tailings and CO2 has a finite and unpleasant ending. The oil extraction industry is the main, but not the only culprit. From the CO2 and
TAXES This is another area most people may miss. When you bought your car you paid taxes either 5%gst on a used car or 10% in the case of a new car or out of province used purchase; You have a right to demand taxes from SGI . In many cases adjusters do not inform the insured of this point and the insured misses out on more money. SGI is obligated to pay you tax on the settlement value or if your $5000 offer turns out to be $6500 thru the arbitration process you can expect up to $650 in taxes at the 10% level or $325 for 5% gst. No taxes are paid on private sales. These are the facts as put forward by Dave Collins of Trusty Appraisal Service Saskatoon, after 30 years of experience dealing with automotive arbitration against SGI. You can read the CBC article from 2013 at http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/saskatoon/sgi -using-pressure-tactics-to-settle-cheap-critics-say-1.1400288
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C.M. (Red) Williams
methane release during extraction to the waste coke from bitumen, it is a polluter. Major improvements are being made but the task has just begun and progress requires far more positive attention from both government and the private sector. Other aspects such as automotive gasses, aluminum refining and manufacturing of most products add to the CO2 load. Chapter and verse of environmental policy must be one of the solid planks in the next government’s platform; with no exception. Vague references to “increased funding”, “increased regulations”, to limits on CO2 release are just window dressing without significant plans. Opinions are those of the author.
Website Exclusive Read a new ‘Food for Thought’ column every week at www.rmreview.net
I Helped Feed the World Today Experts estimate that commercial fertilizer is responsible for the basic food needs of at least 40 percent of the world’s population. Fertilizer is instrumental in ensuring a safe, low-cost, nutritious and abundant food supply.
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March 2014
RM Review
Asquith Town Council held their regular meeting on January 14, 2014. Attending were Deputy-Mayor Don Lysyshyn, Councillors Sue Sawicki, Karen Gamble, Garry Dumont, Gail Erhart and Ross Beal. Also attending were Foreman Darren Kraft and Chief Administrative Officer Holly Cross. The treasurer’s statement of receipts and expenditures for the month of December 2013 and the bank reconciliations for the month of November 2014 were accepted as presented. The Accounts Paid in the amount of $51,610.32 and Accounts Payable in the amount of $12,306.02 were accepted as presented. Appointments for the year of 2014 were made as follows: Wheatland Regional Library Board Member – Sue Sawicki, Eagle Creek Regional Park Board Member – Karen Gamble, Legal – MacDermid Lamarsh, Auditor – Gilchrist & Co., Fire Chief – Colin Graham, EMO Co-ordinator – Holly Cross, Building Inspector –Herman Michael, Bylaw Enforcement Officer – Ron Klassen, Board of Revision – Gord Krismer and Associates. The Town of Asquith received a five thousand dollar ($5,000.00) municipal reserve grant from the R.M. of Vanscoy No. 345. The Asquith Recreation Committee will put $4,000.00 of the grant towards improvements at the Asquith Centennial Sports Center and $1,000.00 towards improvements of the soccer fields at the Asquith Sportsgrounds. This office will remind all residents that
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dog and cat licenses are now due. Any pet owner who has not purchased their pet licenses by February 28, 2014 will be subject to a fine. Pet licenses are $10.00 for spayed and neutered cats and dogs and $20.00 for non-spayed and nonneutered cats and dogs. Fines for not licensing your pets start at $150.00 per animal. Business licenses are also due in the Town of Asquith. IF you conduct business in town, you require a license. Alternatively, if a company such as a plumber, electrician, duct cleaner, etc. comes into town, they are also required to purchase a business license. For more information, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Fully serviced lots on Lunn Street are for sale for $40,000.00 plus GST. These new lots overlook the scenic Asquith sportsgrounds. Tax incentives are also available, so for more information, please contact the Asquith Town Office at 306329-4341. A gentle reminder goes out to all residents of the Town of Asquith and the R.M. of Corman Park No. 344 that all users of the Asquith Landfill must now pay a $2 user fee to enter the landfill. Other costs may be applicable if you are bringing shingles or concrete for refuse.
TOWN OF DELISLE The administrator is to be contacted for the receipt of annual reports on what dangerous goods are transported by railway through the Town of Delisle. A letter was sent to the Delisle Minor Ball Association for their application for funding through the Crops for Community program to upgrade ball diamond. Council terminated the hall renovation with Canadian Trade International due to workmanship issues and failure to complete work the in a timely fashion. The Town will consult with Robertson Stromberg for legal advice as to how to proceed with said termination. New contractors will be brought in to finish. Council will proceed through Allied Contract Sales Ltd., with the replacement/restoration of flooring in the main hall, kitchen, lodge room foyer, hallways and handicapped washroom.
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Council held their regular meeting and dealt with complaints about dogs attacking other dogs. As a result of this meeting it was recommended that notice go out to all residents in regard to the dog bylaw that is currently in place in the Village. Residents should pay particular attention to the following: 1. Running at Large means off the premises and boundaries of the land occupied by the owner, or beyond the boundaries
of any land where the dog may be and is not under control by being tied or secured by a leash or chain 2. License means a license that has been purchased from the Village Office, to be valid for the period of one calendar year and is to be renewed in January of each year 3. Regulations a. No owner shall permit his dog to cause a disturbance b. No owner shall allow his dog to be running at large c. No owner shall fail to remove any defecation from private or public property It has also been recommended that anyone who owns or harbors a dog on their property shall post notice that in fact there is a dog on the property. The Village has no off-leash dog parks. Dogs should be leashed at all times and under control by the owner. To date there are 31 dogs registered with the Village. Anyone owning a dog that is not licensed will be penalized $75 for not licensing. Plenty of notice was given to register in January; those who have ignored the notice will receive penalties. The Village has released for sale the remaining lots in Phase 1 of the new subdivision. Purchasers of those lots are to be made aware of the regulations regarding the sale – discharge from sump pumps must be directed to the front yard of a property that has curbing on the street; discharge cannot be directed into the sanitary sewer system. Weeping tile discharge into the sanitary sewer system is also strictly prohibited.
r.M. of Vanscoy #345 invites you to the....
Spring ratepayerS Meeting Wednesday, april 9, 2014 Supper 6:30 p.m. - Public Meeting 7:00 p.m.
Vanscoy Circle Hall Meeting is Open to all rM residents Supper tickets are $10/person Advance tickets only
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Guest Speakers... Gordon Sparks - Asset Management Eng. Ray Orb - Vice President SARM PLUS... Presentation of ‘Citizen of the Year’ Award
Only 100 Supper Tickets Available. Contact your Division Councillor or the RM Office at 668-2060 for tickets, before April 1, 2014
RM Review
February 17, 2014 at 10:40 a.m. Police received a complaint of a 2 vehicle accident involving a car and a bobcat in Martensville. The bobcat was clearing snow at a residence in Martensville and was leaving the residence when it struck a car that was driving down the street. A 52 year old male from Martensville was charged for driving with undue care and attention. There were no injuries reported. The car had to be towed from the scene.
February 18, 2014 at 10:30 a.m. Police received a complaint of a 2 vehicle accident at the north entrance to Warman. A Honda CRV and a Chevrolet Silverado were damaged in the accident. There were no injuries reported. A 76 year old male from Hudson Bay was charged with failing to yield to the right of way when entering a highway and fined. February 19, 2014 at 7:00 a.m. Police attended a 2 vehicle accident on Highway 11 near the Waneskewin Road turn off. A Chevrolet Express van had stopped on the highway for a train and was struck from behind by a Ford F150 truck. A 22 year old male from Warman was charged with driving without due care and attention. There were no injuries reported. The truck was not driveable and was towed from the scene. February 19, 2014 at 9:00 p.m. Police received a complaint of a possible impaired driver on Highway 16 near Langham. Police located the vehicle in question and did not observe any signs that the driver may be impaired. The vehicle was stopped and the 39 year old male driving the vehicle was not impaired or suffering from any other ailments. He was sent on his way without any charges. February 22, 2014 at 12:30 a.m. Police were on patrols in Martensville when they located a vehicle speeding. They stopped the vehicle for a traffic stop and found the driver of the vehicle to be impaired. The 22 year old female driver of the car from Saskatoon was arrested for Impaired Driving and released for an upcoming court date in Saskatoon. February 17, 2014 at 7:45 p.m. Police received a complaint of an attempted break in to a residence that was under construction in Langham. The individuals did not gain entry to the residence. The recent snow covered any tracks at the residence. No damages were reported and there were no charges. February 18, 2014 at 3:30 p.m. Police received a complaint from a female that her residence was advertised for sale on Kijiji by someone. Investigation revealed that the real estate company that originally listed the residence had forgotten to remove the listing after the sale.Investigation revealed that the real estate company that originally listed the residence had forgotten to remove the listing after the sale. February 19, 2014 at 5:30 p.m. Police received a complaint of a vehicle on fire in Dalmeny. The owner of the vehicle advised that he had started the vehicle to warm it up and when he returned to the vehicle it was smoking. He was able to move the vehicle away from surrounding vehicles. The vehicle received extensive damage in the fire. The cause of the fire is not suspicious and no charges were laid.
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February 19, 2014 at 8:30 p.m. Police were called to assist in traffic control in front of the school in Martensville. There was a water main break and the street had a significant amount of water on it. Police attended and stopped traffic in the area until the problem was repaired. February 19, 2014 at 10:00 p.m. Police received a complaint of a possible person in the back yard at a residence in Neuhorst. Police attended and checked the yard and found that there had not been any people in the yard as suspected. February 19, 2014 at 10:00 p.m. Police received a complaint of a vehicle parked outside a residence in Warman that had been running for the whole day and no one was inside or near the vehicle. Police attended and found that the driver of the vehicle had locked the keys in the vehicle and was waiting for the owner of the vehicle to return with the spare set of keys and unlock the vehicle. No charges were laid and there were no injuries. February 20, 2014 Police received numerous complaints of vehicles broken into on the night of February 19th and the morning of February 20th in Warman. Vehicles had their windows broken and minor items such as loose change and sunglasses were taken from the vehicles. A 15 year old male was located in a stolen vehicle and charged with the thefts. He is appearing in court on an upcoming date. February 20, 2014 at 4:00 p.m. Police received a complaint regarding a vehicle that had been stolen the previous day and was possibly seen north of Martensville on Highway 12. Police attended and located the vehicle abandoned on the side of the highway. The vehicle was not damaged. It was towed to Saskatoon for fingerprint analysis. February 22, 2014 at 11:51 a.m. Police received a complaint of a stolen vehicle in Martensville. The owners of the vehicle had parked the vehicle at a residence while they were away for an extended vacation and when they returned home the vehicle was missing. Investigation revealed that the vehicle had been towed due to the lengthy amount of time it was parked at the location and signs had been put up for snow removal. No charges were laid on this matter. February 23, 2014 at 1:15 p.m Police received a complaint of a possible break and enter to a business in Borden. The owner of the business reports that the window had been broken and the door was open. Further investigation revealed that nothing was taken from the business. Investigation on this matter in ongoing. . February 23, 2014 at 6:50 p.m. Police received a complaint of a hit and run to 2 vehicles that were parked at a residence in Martensville. The vehicles were parked in the driveway of the residence when they were struck, causing damage to the rear of the vehicles. Investigation into this matter is ongoing. February 18, 2018 at 06:45 a.m. Police received a complaint from a 34 year old female regarding a complaint of harassing phone calls. She advised that the 45 year old male was texting and calling her non stop. Police advised the male to discontinue communication or he would face possible criminal charges. February 19, 2014 at 11:15 p.m. Police attended to a residence in Martensville regarding a complaint of a possible assault in progress. They spoke with a 56 year old female who advised that her and her 43 year old male boyfriend were having an argument but no assault had occurred. The male left the residence and went to spend the
March 2014
For the Week of Feb 17 - Feb 24, 2014 night with friends. There were no injuries reported and no charges were laid. February 20, 2014 at 3:30 a.m. Police received a complaint of an assault in Asquith. Police attended and found that the 35 year old male and 30 year old female residents of the home got into an argument and the female was assaulted. The male was charged with assault and will appear in court on an upcoming date. The female was not injured. February 19 to February 20, 2014 Police responded to 3 complaints of vehicles stolen from Warman. One of the vehicles was recovered in Saskatoon. Investigation into the thefts are ongoing. There have been several similar incidents which occurred in neighbouring communities. Anyone with information on these thefts if asked to call their local RCMP or Crimestoppers. February 21, 2014 at 2:00 a.m. Police received a complaint of a suspicious person at a residence in Warman. Police attended and located a 16 year old intoxicated male. He was issued a ticket for Minor Possess Alcohol and released to the care of his parents. February 21, 2014 at 7:45 p.m. Police received a complaint of a person walking on the highway near Asquith. The cars had to pull to the shoulder to avoid hitting the pedestrian. Patrols were made, but police were unable to locate the person. February 21, 2014 at 8:00 p.m. Police were called to a complaint of an intoxicated female at the rink in Langham. Police attended and located a 23 year old female near the hotel in Langham. She was arrested and lodged in cells until she was sober. February 21, 2014 at 11:10 p.m. Police received a complaint of an intoxicated male walking on Centennial Drive in Martensville. The complaintant felt he was not dressed for the cold weather. Patrols were made, but Police were not able to locate the male. February 22, 2014 at 8:15 p.m. Police were called to the Tim Horton’s in Warman to assist with an individual who had collapsed at that location. Police performed CPR on the individual until EMS and First Responders arrived on scene. The 54 year old male from Warman was transported to Royal University Hospital in Saskatoon via Ambulance.
Delisle CreDit Union limiteD
SuppER & AnnuAl MEETing Wednesday March 26, 2014 Delisle Senior Centre Supper 6:00 p.m., Meeting to Follow
Supper Tickets $5 per Person Available until March 19th
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Ph: 306 - 493 - 2414 Fax: 306 - 493 - 2335
March 2014
SCHOOL REPORTS www.rmreview.net
The staff and students at Pike Lake School are keeping busy with learning and also busy trying to keep warm. It is hard to believe that February has come to a close and that March has roared in! This means one thing; that the weather is bound to be improving soon. The Scholastic Book Fair at Pike Lake School was once again an amazing success. A huge thank you to Mrs. Knackstedt! Mrs. K’s Library was beautifully decorated and inviting to all! Also a special thanks to the Pike Lake School Families as well as the Pike Lake Community who came out to support the Scholastic Book Fair. The proceeds from the book fair will once again go towards the purchase of new high interest fiction and nonfiction books for the students of Pike Lake School. Our library will soon be gifted with a provincial publication, which has some of our own Pike Lake School students as the authors! Each year the Saskatchewan Reading Council, an organization dedicated to the development of literacy and the maintenance of quality literacy instruction, publishes a compilation of Saskatchewan students writing entitled, Young Saskatchewan Writers. This publication includes various writing genres from poetry to short stories and accepts submissions from students in Kindergarten to Grade Twelve. This year Pike Lake School is honored to have four students chosen to be included in this prestigious publication. A huge congratulation’s to Mercedes S., Blake E., Robert T.G., and Tyson B. for having their writing pieces selected out of the huge number of entries. A celebration of the young authors will be held in Saskatoon in June after the books have been bound. All we can say to our promising young Pike Lake School Writing Community is, Write On. The entire school staff was extremely overwhelmed with the abundance of food provided during Staff Appreciation Week! Our tummies were aptly filled with many scrumptious recipes to warm us from the inside out! We are extremely grateful to the wonderful parents and community members who so generously contributed to our lunch time hot meal potluck feast! Also much gratitude to the students who created such amazing and fitting tributes for the staff of Pike Lake School, we as a staff feel so blessed to be part of such an amazing school. Recently, our School Community Council had the opportunity to join Vanscoy School, Delisle Elementary, and Delisle Composite School to collaborate about school learning initiatives. The meeting promoted sharing of ideas and resources among the three communities in an effort to work together, as we share many students and school families. The meeting was a great success and reinforced the importance of parent and community engagement within a school. If you are interested in becoming a member of our School Community Council, please contact the school for more information. Our door is always open to new member from within our school family and members from our surrounding Pike Lake community. Days to Remember March 7 – Report Cards March 12 – Student Led Conferences March 13 – Student Led Conferences March 18 – Green Day – Hot Meal March 28 – NO SCHOOL – Teacher Preparation
RM Review
Well the weather has gotten colder this March, so much so that it feels like a deep freeze, make sure to bundle up. While we are all trying to stay warm, there are many school events that will be taking place this month. The Sr. Girls will be hosting basketball conferences on February 28 & March 1st and the Sr. Boys basketball team will be heading to Dalmeny for their conferences as well. We wish both of these teams good luck. Delisle Composite has also planned a school wide ski trip to Table Mountain Ski Resort, on March 10th. Remember to be at the school by 7:00 AM, for the bus is leaving at 7:15 AM. Have a safe and fun day everyone!! Spirit Days this month will include: Throw Back Thursday 6 10-14 DCS Got Talent Formal Day 14 17 Green Day Rainbow Day 27 No School 28 Stay warm and safe!! Delisle Composite SRC
VANSCOY SCHOOL Welcome to another month at Vanscoy School! The boys and girls basketball teams are continuing to do very well. The season is close to an end, but they have had a lot of playing opportunities. The annual Handbell Assembly will take place on February 11th at 2:00 and the students are working very hard to prepare! The food bank fundraiser held before Christmas was a success and we raised over $300.00 as well as received many different foods, clothing, books and toys for all ages. Thanks to those who donated and to those who organized the food bank; Sara, Savannah, Andrew, and Dallas. The February break is fast approaching and will be from the 17th to the 21st. The students in grade eight are eagerly preparing for auditions for the Fine Arts Performance. The play this year is Treasure Island. Once parts have been determined, practising will be underway for all the upper grades. While it is a short month because of the break we anticipate many exciting events and opportunities. By Sara Langston and Jonah Krahn
Website Exclusive All School Calendars and newsletter plus Bus Cancellations at www.rmreview.net
NO SCHOOL Friday March 28 Modular & Manufactured homes from 864 sf to 2400 sf New Show Homes Now in Stock
Delisle Elementary School Thanks our Supporters! Donations
Anne Gessell Family Perpetual Donations
Delisle Co-op - monthly quota of milk Delisle Credit Union - case of fruit monthly Agrium Community Investment Program Department of Community Resources RM Review - Shelley & Ken Sowter Delisle Senior Centre Phipps & Rempel Denture Clinic - cheese Colborn Farms- monthly quota of eggs Vetter Enterprises - cereal Schumacher Farms - Angus Beef RBC Foundation Agrium Inc.
Delisle Branch 201 - 1st st W 306 - 493 - 8288
Story Time Coming Soon Request/Renew Books at www.wheatland.sk.ca Monday Noon - 4pm
Wednesday Noon - 4pm & 7pm - 9pm
Friday 10am - 5pm
RM Review
March 2014
AGRICULTURE REPORTS Shankar Das Regional Farm Business Management Specialist
anaging risk has always been a part of agriculture. However, it is becoming more complex with production risk, marketing risk and financial risk all part of the mix. Farmers and ranchers are learning that agriculture is a game with new rules, new stakes, and, most of all, new risks. Take for example the current situation with respect to marketing grains from Saskatchewan. High grain production in Saskatchewan in 2013 coupled with a low grain price in 2014 and slow grain movement has resulted in a higher risk environment for farmers. This situation has posed another set of questions regarding what and how much should be grown in 2014? Do farmers have enough storage for the 2014 crop when a significant amount of 2013 crop is still on the farm? How would they cope
Dwayne Summach Regional Livestock Specialist
Production Risk Management
with the cash flow for payments for the cost of production, debt financing, wages, etc.? There are several tools available to farmers to address the production risk. One of the oldest is enterprise diversification as it combines different production processes. Diversifying income sources, such as expanding the crop mix can be a tool to address income variability. However, the challenges to diversification can be time, cost and the skill sets needed to manage the diversity in the farm. The Ministry of Agriculture also provides support to farmers in various ways to mitigate risks. With respect to production and business risk management, Crop Insurance and Agristability are two major tools which can help mitigate the production risks. Private agriculture risk solutions also provide an-
other set of tools. Global Ag Risk Solutions is one such company that offers production risk insurance as a tool available for farmers. The federal-provincial agreement called Growing Forward 2 also offers assistance to producers to gain knowledge and skills to manage risk on the farm. Application for funding under the program called Farm Business Development Initiative (FBDI) offers funding for eight different business management areas including production economics and marketing strategy. Additional information may be obtained from the Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture’s website (http://www.agriculture.gov.sk.ca) or from our regional office in Outlook (306-867-5575) or from the Agriculture Knowledge Center at 1866-457-2377.
Feeding in Cold Weather
t is no secret that winter in Saskatchewan is cold. The dietary requirements of animals living outside in that cold are substantially higher than during times of moderate temperatures or thermoneutral conditions. When formulating rations for livestock, I often use long term average weather conditions to assist in calculating energy requirements, but how often do we actual experience average weather? So while I can formulate a ration to be in the vicinity of what the animal requires, it is still up to the person feeding that animal to make necessary adjustments based on actual current weather conditions. Producers that anticipate and make adjustments to rations in a timely manner based on observations, experience and forecasts, often coincide with operations that have livestock in good to
excellent condition. These animals produce healthy offspring that are less susceptible to disease and grow better. The thumb rule for making ration adjustments for a mature beef cow is to increase the amount of energy concentrate provided from grain or pellets by one pound for each increment of 5 degrees Celsius below minus 20. If your ration for the average weather condition of minus 20 was 4 pounds of barley and free choice hay, and you anticipate the daily mean temperature for the upcoming week as going to be minus 30, you would increase the amount of barley provided to 6 pounds per day. A common assumption made when developing rations is that the animals are protected from wind, thereby making the effective temperature the ambient temperature. If you expect the cows to go out and harvest their
Delisle Co-op Board of Directors Invites All Members to the Annual General Meeting... Wednesday, March 19, 7:00p.m. Delisle Town Hall
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For additional information regarding cold weather feeding adjustments and ration development contact your Ministry of Agriculture Regional Livestock Specialist.
Shop Co-op & enjoy the benefits & rewards
own forage by swath grazing, corn grazing or bale grazing, it is unlikely that they will be in that protected setting during at least part of the day. The wind chill temperature is the more appropriate temperature to be using to determine the nutrient requirement. In the Kindersley region, the long term data indicates we should expect around 35 days a year where the wind chill is lower than minus 30 degrees Celsius. That means you should really be prepared to feed an extra 70 pounds of barley per cow over and above the calculated amount required based on the average climatic conditions for the winter.
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March 2014
February 28, 2014 Kelly Block, M.P.
Website Exclusives... Read new Mp Reports and MlA Reports every week at
RM Review
Fraudulent Correspondence
As Canadians turn their minds to the upcoming tax filing season (It may seem strange for a politician to remind you of this!) I want to alert you to an issue of grave concern which has been brought to my attention by a number of constituents. Please beware of telephone calls, mail, or email that claim to be from the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) but are not. These are phishing scams that could result in identity thefts. Email scams may also contain embedded malware, or malicious software, that can harm your computer and put your personal information at risk. The CRA does not email Canadians to request personal information! Canadians should especially beware of phishing scams asking for their personal information, such as social insurance, credit card, bank account, and passport numbers. Some of these scams ask for this personal information directly, and others refer the taxpayer to a Web site resembling the CRA's where the person is asked to verify their identity by entering personal information. Examples of recent email scams that have been circulating include notifications to taxpayers that they are entitled to a refund of a specific amount such as $521.51 or $671.08; or informing taxpayers that their tax assessment has been verified and they are eligible to receive a tax refund. These emails are not from the CRA. To better equip taxpayers to identify possible scams, the following guidelines should be used: The CRA does not do the following:
_The CRA never requests, by email, personal information of any kind from a taxpayer. _The CRA will never request information from a taxpayer pertaining to a passport, health card, or driver’s license. _The CRA will not divulge taxpayer information to another person unless formal authorization is provided by the taxpayer. _The CRA will not leave any personal information on an answering machine. When in doubt, ask yourself the following: _Am I expecting additional money from the CRA? _Does this sound too good to be true? _Is the requester asking for information I would not include with my tax return? _Is the requester asking for information I know the CRA already has on file for me? _How did the requester get my email address? _Am I confident I know who is asking for the information? The CRA has well-established practices to protect the confidentiality of taxpayer information. The confidence and trust that individuals and businesses have in the CRA is a cornerstone of Canada’s tax system. For more information about security of taxpayer information and other examples of fraudulent communications, go to www.cra.gc.ca/security. Anyone who receives a suspicious communication should immediately report it to info@antifraudcentre.ca or to the institution that the communication appears to be from.
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Monday 9:00am - 6:00pm Tuesday 8:00am - 8:00pm Wednesday 8:00am - 8:00pm Thursday 9:00am - 6:00pm Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm Saturday: 9:00am - 4:00pm
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ATM Videos Coffee
Ph: 683-5024 Fax: 683-6307
Gas & Diesel $25 Gas Draw (with 30 litre fill)
RM Review
Randyy Weekes, Weekes, MLA MLA Biggar iggar Constituency Constituency Office Office 106 - 3rd 3rd Ave. Ave. West, Av West, Biggar, Biggar iggar,, SK S0K 0M0 Toll Toll Free: Free: 1-877-948-4880 Phone: Phone: 1-306-948-4880 Fax: 1-306-948-4882
Transportation Backlog February 26, 2014 Randy Weekes, MLA
ver the last few months we have been raising concerns about a transportation backlog that is hurting prices for producers, causing storage issues and cash flow problems. The delay in moving our record crop is also hurting Saskatchewan’s reputation as a reliable supplier. While grain transportation is a federal responsibility, it is in the best interests of our producers and our economy to ensure that it remains a top priority for everyone involved. To that end, our government recently set up a delegation to meet with grain and rail companies in an effort to find short-term solutions to the current backlog and to address future concerns. As a result of these meetings, we are asking the federal government to immediately oversee negotiations between the grain companies and railways that will establish specific parameters around getting grain from the farm gate to ships at port. On our end, we will continue to monitor basis levels to ensure they are reduced as grain car movement gets better. Railway companies have indicated that they are adding thousands more grain cars per week, something that will keep up until at least next December. To ensure service levels, it is important that we have agreements, with penalties, for both grain companies and railways. Our government is deeply troubled and appalled by the violent and brutal acts the world has witnessed in Ukraine. Our condolences go out to families of those who have been killed and our thoughts and prayers are with those who have been injured. We stand in support of a free and democratic Ukraine, where freedom of expression and the rule of law are guaranteed.
Our government has also reached out to the federal government, the Ukrainian Canadian Congress and other groups to determine the most effective support we can provide in the coming days and weeks. We will act on that advice. In a show of support for all Ukrainians at home and around the world, we have raised the Ukrainian flag at the Saskatchewan Legislature.
March 2014
Find Randy on http://on.fb.me/SfKsYx
www.randyweekes.ca randyweekes.mla@accesscomm.ca
The Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games bring out the best in our country. We watch as athletes achieve their dreams of representing their country on the international stage. Our athletes, our flag and our anthem remind us of how proud we are to be Canadian. Congratulations to all athletes, including 19 from Saskatchewan, for inspiring performances and special thanks to their coaches, family members and friends for supporting them. While we are proud of each competitors’ accomplishments, we also recognize a select group from our province who appeared on the podium. Mark McMorris, Hayley Wickenheiser, Ryan Getzlaf, Chris Kunitz and Patrick Marleau each earned medals in their respective snowboarding and hockey events. You made your home province and the entire country incredibly proud. Many of Saskatchewan’s younger athletes also made their mark recently as Prince Albert played host to the Saskatchewan Winter Games. These games build pride, inspire dreams and develop future Olympic champions. They also serve as an excellent reminder of our growing province and the benefits gained through physical activity and friendly competition. To all of the athletes, coaches, parents, volunteers and fans, thank you for contributing to a wonderful event.
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March 2014
RM Review
COMMUNITY REPORTS “Music in Our Community”
Amazing Space - Delisle & District Arts Council - by Julia Sherbot Thank-you for the music, the songs I’m singing Thanks for all the joy they’re bringing. Who can live without it, I ask - in all honesty, what would life be? Without a song or a dance what are we? So I say thank-you for the music …. For giving it to me ABBA (1977): Thank-you for the Music - “The Album”
Saturday, S aturday, March M arch 15th 7 – 9 pm
Att Delisle A Delisle Seniors’ Seniors’ A Activity ctivity Centre Centre
n February’s edition of Amazing Space, Jordan Cantwell made known that there is a community choir in bud- the Delisle and District ComFun ffo or the whole ffa amily! munity Choir. Voices in song brought to mind those forces that made the music that tied our comEveryone E veryone is is welcome. welcome. This This is is an all all ages ages event. event. by the the Delisle Delisle & District District Arts Council Sponsored S ponsored by Arts Council munities together - during early settlement and completely and a nd iit’s t’s co mpletely F FREE! REE! subsequent years. Portable instruments became a complement to vocals, as solos and together. Heather (Flach) Jean recalls that her grandfather (The Flach Orchestra) played many instruments while archives relate that his abilities were known through the district and Saskatoon. Music was in the air. “Learning” the fiddle, guitar or piano was more likely “done” by ear. (William Bentley’s children were provided with music lessons, but Max, learning quickly by ear, would be the accompanist as the family sang.) During the 40’s and 50’s Delisle became known for Saturday night dances and music by the Art Miller’s orchestra, many of whom played by ear; their repertoire was varied - popular songs, folk songs, old- time songs with dance steps not unlike the pattern dancing reintroduced by Norma and Keith Colburn. Our community also became acquainted with the arrangements of larger orchestras through the radio and visits to Saskatoon. During the early 60’s the Harris Home and School Association worked with the School District and raised funds to create junior and senior bands that went on to show well at festivals. A decline in population would find the bands merging with Tessier’s school until its dissolution. The opportunity to join junior and senior band returned to our school divisions in the 90’s along with the opWorry-free event planning portunity to fundElegant or casual, large or small raise. Music has and will alCall to make your catering arrangements ways find another means to escape and so it did in the early 90’s through the diligence of Carol Merkosky, our Delisle librarian: an exuberant pair, Clare Creating Memories, with Pattison and Sylvia Chave formed Prairie Patch (song, dance, street theatre) and sang the “Rainbow” to a generation of children. Their legacy is our vitality and the ongoing professional career of Sylvia as a Vanscoy 931-6996 children’s entertainer Mon - Fri 7 - 8 Sat 8 - 8 Sun 9 - 7 (Singing with Sylvia.)
Learn Pattern Dancing -
867-8121 567-2194
Her networking, energy and good will would prepare the foundation for Friday evening concerts. Within a somewhat more formal context, children and parents have for some time been able to access the notable and nationally recognized Music for Young Children program as taught in Laurali Fehr’s studio. Laurali’s Facebook, a musical treat, is mesmerizing and difficult to set aside. Though parenting is one of her several careers we hope that she will be able to set aside some time to discuss her “life” in Music.” In addition to Laurali, an introduction to the music of Neil Roston and that of Graham Dyck will be left to another article. Neil is known through his participation in the 2013 Culture Days and quite possibly his very active career within the Saskatoon “blues” set. A member of the Saskatoon Blues Society, he has just concluded participating in the Blues Festival. A detailed biography is available on various websites, however, the CBC Night Stream / Web Radio site will offer not only the “bio” but several cuts of his work. Graham Dyck is very well known in the district and more currently involved in studies and employment in the Saskatoon area. That said, Graham is gaining popularity as a singer in the Sinatra/ Buble genre, plays piano and guitar and sings with a trio/ band from time to time. He has recently released a CD (Just for You). Check-out his Facebook and look to the CBC radio site for his biography. During a recent discussion, Graham mentioned his interest in the music of Swade Orchard, a multi – talented young man, very much of this time and place – expressing himself within our current technology and social media. A student at the Delisle Composite School, Swade is also a hockey player, vocalist, guitarist, song-writer, a videographer in the making and well able to hold your attention. I was taken with his Owl City “Christmas Song,” the supporting video as well as his current project, Birds of the Beach (a series of videos with song.) One file, “Grow-Up” relates the composer’s thoughts on a particular day and the comment… “I want to be many different things. It’s hard to choose.” At another time he would offer “I would like to learn about music and what I can do to make it different and unusual.” He would also suggest that thoughts that are emotionally heavy seem to take longer to put into words. And though he doesn’t like love songs, “they seem easiest right now.” An artist’s dilemma. Swade prefers instrumental music and the less mainstream; “it’s less about my imagination and more about the listener because they can hear whatever they want to instead of me telling them in words.” If you want to watch and listen to several of Swade’s preferences, visit ventureproductionz-youtube. Forthcoming event: March 28 at 7:30: Zachary Lucky (folk artist): Tickets at the door. Potluck supper at the Seniors Centre at 6:00 p.m. Still Showing: Town Office Gallery (Corridor): Photography by Lynn Bayne
DONNy PARENTEAU r Suppe Turkey pm a t 5 :3 0 m progra m p 0 at 7:0
“Nationally known for his anti-bullying song and outstanding musical talents” Entertainment Funded by Sask lotteries
Friday, March 7th - Harris Senior’s Centre
Adults $12 under 10 $5 (silver co for just llection p ro g ra m)
RM Review
March 2014
COMMUNITY CALENDAR Find More Event Details at www.rmreview.net or Scan the QR Code with your phone March 7 Friday 5:30pm Donny Parenteau Concert Harris Seniors Centre
March 15 Saturday 10am - 3pm Business Expo Delisle Composite School
March 22 Saturday 6:00pm Eagle Creek Wildlife Fed. Banquet Twilight Hall
March 28 Friday 9:30am Vanscoy Mom’s Group Vanscoy Early Learning Centre
March 8 Saturday 10:00am Snowmobile Poker Rally Pike Lake Community Hall
March 15 Saturday 7pm - 9pm Pattern Dancing Delisle Seniors Activity Centre
March 23 Sunday Figure Skating Carnival Delisle Arena
March 28 Friday 9:30am Concert Series - Zachary Lucky Delisle United Church
March 9 Sunday Daylight Savings Time Begins
March 16 Sunday 5:00pm St Patricks Day Supper & Auction Delisle Town Hall
March 23 Sunday 2:00pm Travel Series Fundraiser St Martins Church, Pike Lake
March 29 Saturday 11:00am Bentley Hockey Signs Unveiling Delisle Town Hall
March 10 Monday 7:00pm Delisle Public Library AGM Delisle Library
March 17 Monday St. Patrick’s Day
March 25 Tuesday 10:00am Delisle Parent & Tot Group Delisle Town Hall
April 2 Wednesday 6:30pm Delisle Parent & Tot Group Delisle Town Hall
March 11 Tuesday 10:00am Delisle Parent & Tot Group Delisle Town Hall
March 18 Tuesday 10:00am Delisle Parent & Tot Group Delisle Town Hall
March 25 Tuesday Twin Rivers Music Festival Dalmeny
March 4 Tuesday 6:30pm Country Quilters Vanscoy Senior Centre
March 12 Wednesday 6:30pm Asquith Parent & Tot Night Lord Asquith School
March 19 Wednesday 6:30pm Asquith Parent & Tot Night Lord Asquith School
March 26 Wednesday 6:00pm Delisle Credit Union AGM Delisle Seniors Activity Centre
April 2 Wednesday 6:30-7:00pm Story Time (April 2, 9, 16) Delisle Public Library
March 14 Friday 9:30am Vanscoy Mom’s Group Vanscoy Early Learning Centre
March 19 Wednesday 7:00pm Delisle Co-op AGM Delisle Town Hall
March 26 Wednesday 6:30pm Asquith Parent & Tot Night Lord Asquith School
April 4 Friday 6:30pm Bingo Fundraiser Vanscoy School
Promote Your Event FREE
Call 306-668-1312 or mail@rmreview.net Certified
Organic Beef
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Large & Small Animal Medicine
384-7676 24 hr Emergency Services
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Grocery ATM
Trenching & Waterworks sand - Gravel - topsoil
230 - 4653
Grant Larocque Sand & Gravel Spreading Hauling Ken Klassen RR1 Box 15
Delisle, SK S0L 0P0
Bus. (306) 493-7579 Fax. (306) 493-8135 ken@klassentrenching.com
At the recent annual conference of The Canadian Association of Agri Retailers, held in Montreal on February 12th & 13th, Grant Larocque of Orchard Transport Ag Sales was elected chairmen of the board of directors for the 2014 year.
Fuel & Diesel Confectionary
Video Rentals
Grandora 306 - 668 - 4362
Stobbe’s Backhoe Service Grandora, SK
Leo Stobbe 668-4289 Installation of Rural Water & Sewer Systems Pumps - Tanks - Switches - other Trenching & Excavation
March 2014
RM Review
Find more Detailed Listings at www.rmreview.net or Scan the QR Code with your phone Accommodations Delisle Hotel Delisle 306-493-2462
Government - Federal
Home Care Products
B & B Homes Delisle 306-493-2750
Kelly Block, MP 904E 22nd St W, Saskatoon 1-888-590-6555
Watkins - Anne Plummer 725 Valley Rd 306-382-1284
RixEdge Sharpening Services Saskatoon 306-270-8048
Watkins - Darla Christopher Delisle 306-493-2933
Sign Painting
Kim’s Signs That Sell Vanscoy 306-493-3011
Angus Insurance Harris 306-656-4555
Delisle Agencies Delisle 306-493-2260
Ryjo Tours Inc. Tessier 1-866-656-4786
Mooney Agencies Ltd. Vanscoy 306-668-2181
Vehicle Repair
Dexteriors Vanscoy 306-934-3048
Jeannie’s Place Delisle 306-493-3199
Flatlander Construction Delisle 306-493-7547
G & L Drywall Delisle 493-8228 / 668-4583
Accountsability Vanscoy 306-668-4216
Larmar Contracting Services Vanscoy 306-380-2327
Papertrail Legacy Vanscoy 306-931-2153
Leader Roofing Delisle 306-716-1900 New Age Foundations Plus Grandora 306-329-4610
Agricultural Orchard Transport - Ag Div. Delisle 306-493-2408 Viterra - Delisle LSO Delisle 306-493-8188
Side by Side Contractors 306-270-6986 Twin Painting Vanscoy 934-5803 / 261-0689 Victoria’s Design 306-370-9399
Air Conditioning & Heating PLAINSMAN HVAC-R Ltd 24 Hour Emergency Service Vanscoy 306-242-3002
Gravel / Sand Graham Contracting Asquith 306-230-4653 Klassen Trenching Delisle 306-493-7579
Jillian Walker Massage RMT Vanscoy 306-242-7780
Rice Lake Sand & Gravel Asquith 306-329-4768
Lindsey Kocay Therapeutic Massage Delisle 306-493-8247
Westland Enterprizes Ltd Delisle 306-493-2709
J C Electric Vanscoy 306-290-2052
Clubs Driving Range Valley Road 306-221-0842
Moon River Golf Club Valley Road 306-931-8960
Integra Tire/Empire Auto Saskatoon 306-244-8070
Delisle Credit Union 1st St, Delisle 306-493-2414
Cooper Schneider Private Wealth at Scotia McLeod Colleen Schneider 306-664-1860
Arbonne Intl - Kerrie Sparrow Vanscoy 306-668-4218
Desjardins - Norma Sparrow 330 - 20th St. E Saskatoon 242-1188
Sultry Skincare “Waxing Services” Vanscoy 306-230-1389
Flood First General Services Saskatoon 306-979-3205
Garden / Yard Like A Rock Grandora 306-382-3978
Vanscoy Sausage & Meat Vanscoy 306-668-4742
Cattle Care Hwy #14 343-5773/260-6729 Corman Park Vet Services Hwy #14 (SLS) 306-384-7676 Delisle Veterinary Service Delisle 306-493-3143 Fafard’s Mobile Vet Service Grandora 306-371-4534
Pet Care
Outlook Veterinary Clinic Outlook 306-867-8777
‘A’ Deb’s K-9 Kennelling Delisle 306-220-4727
Water / Septic
Animal InnSpaRations Delisle 306-493-3143
Graham Contracting Asquith 306-230-4653
Bark Place Delisle 306-491-9335
Prairie Sun Orchard Ice Cream Vanscoy 306-242-7573
Lynne Road Kennels Grandora 306-270-5831
Schneider’s Gourmet World Delisle 306-493-3199
Lynn Ross Dog Grooming Vanscoy 306-382-6224
Klassen Trenching Delisle 306-493-7579 Link’s Backhoe & Skidsteer Delisle 306-222-9737 Starlings Septic Services Delisle 306-493-2241
Hairstylist / Beauty Plumbing & Heating
Delisle Hairstyling & Barber Delisle 306-493-2467
Thermal Mechanical Vanscoy 381-7998/270-0160
Julie’s House of Style Delisle 306-493-2950
Amsoil - Roland Rusnell Delisle 306-220-3357
Delisle Agricultural Co-op Delisle 306-493-2212
Air & Alkaline Water Purifiers Perdue 1-877-652-6853
Sandyridge Gas & Grocery Grandora 306-668-4362
Reflexology - Carrol King Delisle 306-493-2452
Vanscoy Tempo Vanscoy 306-683-5024
Computer -Web Design
Whole Wheat Web Design Vanscoy 306-493-3023
Silpada - Marilyn Hungness Asquith 306-329-4768
Sew Kleen Hydro-vacing & Septic Asquith 306-283-4406
Welding Arc-Fab Industrial Pike Lake 306-380-7525
Potash Mine
Salon 360 Delisle 306-493-2486
Gas / Confectionary
Catprint Computing Delisle 306-230-8783
Meat Cutting
Valleyview Golf & Country Club Delisle 306-493-3288
The Pink Chair Delisle 306-493-2266
Computer -Service
Sid’s Auto Service Vanscoy 306-668-2013
Link’s Backhoe & Skidsteer Delisle 306-222-9737
Dr. Lisa Merkosky Community Health Chiropractic Clinic Delisle Primary Health Centre 306-493-2800
Randy Weekes, MLA 106 3rd Ave W Biggar 1-877-948-4880
Back 40 Embroidery Delisle 493-3033/493-2751
Government Provincial
Agrium Potash Mine Vanscoy 306-668-4343
Yardwork/Excavation Big Pines Services Inc. Vanscoy 306-230-7399
Pre-School Pike Lake Preschool Pike Lake 306-978-8164
Graham Contracting Asquith 306-230-4653
Vanscoy Early Learning Center Vanscoy 306-668-6338
KBM Earthmoving Vanscoy 306-867-3770
Klassen Trenching Delisle 306-493-7579
B & B Homes Delisle 306-493-2750
Britannia Restaurant Asquith 306-329-2496
Link’s Backhoe & Skidsteer Delisle 306-222-9737
Vesta Homes Vanscoy 306-242-9099
Robin’s Nest Cafe Vanscoy 306-931-6996
Stobbe’s Backhoe Service Grandora 306-668-4289
L’IL BIT OF COUNTRY Antiques & Collectibles
Farm / Acreage / Ranch / Recreation Buying? / Selling?
Gifts, Memorabilia & so much more
Sask. Land Sales
Come In,
Coldwell Banker
See What’s New & Old
ResCom Realty
Phone 306 - 493 - 2771 Cell 306 - 361 - 9767
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Real Estate Specialist
Filed Online Discount for Seniors
TOM NEUFELD 306-260-7838
HAY FOR SALE Small Bales, Alfalfa/Brome/Crested Wheat Mixture In Hay Shed $3.50/bale
Check out... WWW.PIN.CA Several Local Properties Available “For Sale by Owner” Land in local R.M.’s of: Vanscoy, Montrose, Eagle Creek and Aberdeen Businesses in: Delisle, Saskatoon, Harris Asquith and Rosetown etc. To List Yours Call: Merv Easton - Vanscoy 306-270-2022 merv@pin.ca
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