May 2015 rm review

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RM Review


Serving Asquith, Delisle, Donavon, Grandora, Harris, Kinley, Laura, Perdue, Pike Lake, Swanson, Tessier, Vanscoy, Zealandia

Volume 16 Number 5

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MAY 2015

Hwy 7 Through Vanscoy is an Option


n April 29, 2015 the Ministry of Highways and Infrastructure hosted a second open house for residents in the Vanscoy area which was attended by about 125 people. At the previous open house held back in December and attended by less under 100 people, three options were presented by the Ministry, all taking new highway around to the north of the Village of Vanscoy. There have been ongoing concerns from businesses, individuals and local governments about the affect that bypassing Vanscoy would have on the community. The Ministry has decide to get opinions directly from the residents and this second open house, include an additional option to keep the highway running through the Village of Vanscoy. Known as ‘Option C’ a bypass north of Vanscoy will be built at a future date when safety and traffic conditions require the bypass. But until then, the soon to be constructed twinned highway will be reduced down to single lanes, following the existing highway through the Village and converting back to twinned highway on the other side. This is similar to the

highway running through Chamberlain today. The Ministry offered the following details for this option: • The existing highway (2-lane) through the Village of Vanscoy would remain. • Estimated cost is $0.2M to $7.0M. • Existing federal funding may not be available if bypass is constructed at a later date. • The existing, slower speed limit of 80 km/hr will remain or be reduced. • Highway 7 will be twinned from west of Saskatoon to east of Vanscoy and from west of Vanscoy to east of Delisle. • Property for a future bypass will protected, i.e. development will be controlled. • The location of the transition from 4 to 2 lanes on each side of Vanscoy will be determined through the design process. This may cost up to $7.0M. • Minor improvements will be explored to improve the safe operation of the highway. These improvements could include: • Improved signage; • Additional lighting; • Closing of intersections; • The cost estimate may be as low as $0.2M. Once the Ministry has approval of Option A, B, or C, there will be surveying

Option ‘C’ allows for twinning of Highway 7 to each side of Vanscoy leaving single lanes through the Village until future bypass (A or B) is built and soil testing, land purchase (as required), a detailed design and tender package preparation, with construction to start in two to three years, budget permitting. The Ministry collected almost 100 surveys which asked residents if they would like to see Option A, B or C. They expect more surveys to come by mail email shortly. The results will be combined with a recent survey of Vanscoy Village residents to determine which way to proceed.

Vanscoy of Village Surveys Opinions of Residents on Highway 7 Twinning


he Village of Vanscoy held a meeting on April 22nd with the residents to hear their opinions on the upcoming twinning of Highway 7. The results were shared with the Ministry of Highways, prior to a broader public meeting held on April 29. The Village meeting was attended by 74 residents of the Village who discussed the possible loca-

tions for the new Highway 7. They were asked to fill out comment forms stating their preferences for the new highway location. 9 additional comment forms were turned in by residents who were unable to attend. The results of the comments are as follows: - 51 residents preferred that Highway 7 go north around the Village as a 4

lane divided highway. - 25 residents would prefer that Highway 7 remain as is – a 2 lane through the Village at current location. - 4 residents would like to see 2 lanes through the Village and 2 lanes built to the North - 3 residents preferred that Highway 7 remain through the Village with 4 lanes

Eastside Travel Comes to Delisle with European River Cruising Show


astside Travel was established in 2005. It is owned and operated by Roxanne Anderson.

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We are a full service travel agency, inclusive for leisure, corporate, wedding, family or incentive groups, as well as car and hotel rentals for our clients. What sets us apart from any other agency is that we are open 7 days a week and offer extended hours as part of our commitment to outstanding service. You can call at your convenience or set up an appointment to come into at our office or we can come to you.

Delisle, SK May 7th at the seniors hall 7pm Itinerary: AVALON EUROPEAN RIVER CRUISING Davidson, SK May 8th at the Parish Hall 7pm Itinerary: JOURNEY THROUGH THE HOLY Roxanne Anderson LAND

We are very knowledgeable and experienced in the travel industry. Our personal travel experiences will help us to suggest locations, hotels and activities for you to create your perfect holiday. Please come out to one of our product information nights to meet Roxanne Anderson and Connie Szczerba from The Globus Family in Winnipeg. Join us for the information and slide show presentation on these amazing tours.


Editorial............................ p.2 Council Reports................ p. 4 School Reports.................. p. 6

RCMP Report................... p. 8 Agriculture Reports........ p. 10 Yard & Garden Contest... p. 9 MP Report....................... p. 12 Red Williams.................... p. 10 MLA Report..................... p. 13

n e th n-Li r te O en En iew ard v G T Re d & ES 9 T RM Yar ON ge a C p on


Community Reports......... p. 14 Community Calendar....... p. 15 Business Directory........... p. 16

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May 2015

RM Review

ASSESSMENT NOTICE FOR THE RURAL MUNICIPALITY OF MONTROSE NO. 315 Notice is hereby given that the assessment roll for the Rural Municipality of Montrose No. 315 for the year 2015 has been prepared and is open to inspection in the office of the Administrator of the municipality until the time for lodging appeals has expired, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday to Friday on the following days: April 24th to May 25th, 2015 A Bylaw pursuant to Section 214 of The Municipalities Act has been passed and the assessment notices have been sent as required. Any person who wishes to appeal against his / her assessment to the District Board of Revision is required to file his / her complaint(s) in the prescribed form with a $100.00 fee to:

Editorial A Tale of Two Cities ...or should I say two Mayors ?? You probably didn’t notice but last month I accidently identified Delisle Mayor Dave Anderchek as the Mayor of Vanscoy. Fortunately it was only on the front page !! Obviously Robin Odnokon is Vanscoy’s Mayor and Dave is not. I apologized to Mayor Anderchek for the error and he was more than gracious in accepting my apology. I actually think the residents of Vanscoy were more offended but I didn’t want to tell him that !!

Dated at Donavan, Saskatchewan, April 10, 2015

I have always been amused by the underlying Dog River v.s. Wollerton rivalry that exists between Delisle and Vanscoy.

Donna Goertzen Assessor

Dated at Donavan, the 23rd day of April 2015 Donna Goertzen (Returning Officer)

COUNCILLOR – 1 - Town of Asquith and that voting will take place on Wednesday the 27th day of May, 2015 from 9:00 am to 8:00 pm at the polling place listed below, and that I will, at the Asquith Town Office on the 27th day of May, 2015, at the hour of 9:00 pm, declare the result of the election. Polling Place Asquith Town Office

Holly Cross Returning Officer

Form J (Clause 94(b) of the Act)

{Subsection 160.53 of the Act} The Rural Municipality of Montrose No. 315 Municipal By-Election 2015 PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that provision has been made for (an) advance poll for electors who: 1.are physically disabled; 2.have been appointed as election officials; or 3.anticipate being unable to vote on the day of the election. Voting will take place on Friday, May 22, 2015, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. at the RM of Montrose No. 315 in Council Chambers located in the Hamlet of Donavan, Saskatchewan.

Notice of Advance Poll Town of Asquith Public Notice is hereby given that provision has been made for an advance poll for electors who: 1. are physically disabled; 2. have been appointed as election officials; or 3. anticipate being unable to vote on the day of election; Voting will take place on Thursday, May 21st, 2015 between the hours of 4:00 pm and 7:00 pm at the Asquith Town Office, 535 Main Street, Asquith, SK. Holly Cross Returning Officer


Scan this QR Code to read us on your iPad or iPhone

Address 535 Main Street, Asquith, SK

Dated at Asquith, SK, this 21st day of April, 2015.


Phone: 306-668-1312 Fax: 306-978-4481 Box 333, Vanscoy, SK S0L 3J0

Delisle Mayor Dave Anderchek

Public notice is hereby given that a poll has been granted for the by-election of:

PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that: (1)A vote will be held for the election of a Councilor from the Rural Municipality of Montrose No. 315 for Division No. 5 (2)The vote will take place on Wednesday, the 27th day of May 2015, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at THE RM OF MONTROSE MEETING ROOM LOCATED IN THE RM MUNICIPAL OFFICE IN THE HALMET OF DONAVAN, SASKATCHEWAN. (3)I will declare the result of the voting at the RM of Montrose No. 315 Office on Thursday the 28th of May, 2015 at the hour of 9:00 a.m.


Ken Sowter - Editor


The RM of Montrose No. 315 Municipal By-Elections 2015


Happy Mother’s Day.

Form I (Section 55 of the Act)

NOTICE OF VOTE {Section 160.27 of the Act} Form G

The RM Review

Even though I do not live in either Vanscoy or Delisle, I seem to have managed to get classified as a Vanscoy-ite, which is fine, but I would like it to be known that I have no allegiance to either, and I am open to equally offending either community, or even Asquith.

If only this would have happened a few years ago when Brent Butt was still producing Corner Gas, because I think I have the material for a classic episode.

The Assessor R. M. of Montrose No. 315 Box 129 Delisle, Saskatchewan S0L 0P0

Dated at Donavan, the 23rd day of April, 2015. Donna Goertzen, Returning Officer

This is where I turn my head and spit on the ground. (If I knew how to spell the spit sound I would have just written that there)

DISTRIBUTION & SUBSCRIPTIONS 3,500 issues of the RM Review are published monthly and direct mailed for free to all homes in the communities shown in the map to the right. As well, it is available for free pick-up at various news stands through out this distribution area. Out of area subscriptions are available for $30/yr.

We reserve the right to edit copy for libel or other legal, spelling or grammatical errors. We accept no liability for any such errors.

Dead-Line for Submissions to the June 2015 Issue is Friday, May 22nd, 2015

RM Review


May 2015


Homestead Restaurant Celebrates One Year Anniversary in Delisle

erit Bartles has been cooking up delicious meals at the Homestead Restaurant in Delisle for a year now. “we have been very happy with the support we have received from the community” she say “ and we look forward to celebrating our first anniversary with our customers on May 8th.

Berit has been a cook for over 35 years. She recently worked at “Calories” in Saskatoon after she and her husband immigrated from Germany back in 2009, but Berit always wanted to have her own restaurant again and run it the way she did in Germany with home style cooking of typical German (and European) meals. The menu includes some of the "common North American dishes" but The Homestead is not a fast food restaurant. All the dishes are made from scratch, with fresh ingredients sourced from local suppliers, and ‘a lot of love’.

She has specials posted in the restaurant each day, and will also create a custom ordered meal for anyone that requests it, as long as she has the ingredients on hand. The restaurant has a ‘homey’ atmosphere and Berit says that she receives many compliments on the decor, as well as the meals. You can join her on May 8th for her anniversary celebration and you will be entered to win a gift basket full of her delicious homemade creations.



11 a

pm -3




You can also treat mom to a brunch buffet on Mother’s Day. Reservations are required. Regular hours are 7am - 8pm Monday to Friday, 9am - 8pm Saturday, closed Sundays. Check out her website for the menu at

The Homestead Restaurant Anniversary Celebration is on May 8th Come in and Enter to Win Prizes The Homestead Restaurant in Delisle has a warm, homey atmosphere

Keith Lensen Receives R.M. of Vanscoy Citizen of the Year Award


t the RM of Vanscoy Ratepayers dinner meeting held on April 16, 2015 the RM Council presented the citizen of the year award to Keith Lensen.

Keith Lensen (left) Receives RM of Vanscoy Citizen of the Year Award

Vanscoy Delisle Pike Lake

ook B o n lt Cal Garde r You DAY ! TO

Lensen’s history in the community includes volunteering as a 4-H leader, serving on the Rural Telephone Company and the Vanscoy Hall Board. He worked as foreman for the RM of Vanscoy from 1980 - 1986. With the help of his family, he built a machine shop, helping many locals by making that special part that just couldn’t be found, as well as building the family cleaning plant. He also assisted in the

building of the rink ice machine. He served as Mayor for the Town of Vanscoy for six year and also sat on the Delisle & District Fire Commission. In 2005 Lensen received the Saskatchewan Centennial Award for volunteer work. He was a registered Angus cattle breeder, farmer and family man, helping with the Catholic church and serving on the cemetery committee. Recently Keith has taken some time off in the winters to travel to Yuma Arizona to spend time with friends and neighbors.

KennY’s CulTivATinG 306 - 281 - 4111

867-8121 567-2194

Community Health Chiropractic Clinic Dr. Jolene Palmer, BSc. is available for Chiropractic Appointments

Clinic Hours Wednesday 8:30am - 12:00pm Friday 1:00pm - 6:00pm Call for an Appointment


Delisle Primary Health Centre 305 - 1st Street West, Delisle, SK

Professional Garden Roto-Tilling Starting at $35 4WD Kubota Rear Tiller


May 2015




Asquith Town Council held its regular council meeting on April 8, 2015. The new Mayor, Gail Erhart, was sworn in. A By-Election will be held to fill the Councillor position vacancy that was left by Ms. Erhart. Nomination Day is April 29, 2015; all nomination forms must be handed into the Town Office by 4:00 p.m. and must be accompanied by a criminal records check. Advance election will be held on Thursday, May 21, 2015 from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. and the By-Election will be held on Wednesday, May 27, 2015 from 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. A resolution was made to accept the March 11, 2015 minutes as presented. The treasurer’s statement of receipts and expenditures for the month of March, 2015 and the February 2015 bank reconciliations were accepted as presented. A resolution was made to accept as presented the accounts paid of $24,840.91 and the accounts payable of $36,431.02. Revenue Sharing for the Town of Asquith for the 2015 fiscal year will be $137,159.00. Potash Tax Sharing for 2015 will be $24,453.37. The Minister of Government Relations has indicated that the potential 2015 school mill rate will be the same as last year: Agricultural property 2.67 mills, Residential property 5.03 mills, Commercial property 8.28 mills and Resource property 11.04 mills. Sewer main flushing was done in March due to some manholes being blocked. Grease, rags and even plastic bags were found in the lines. A reminder goes out to all residents that all cooking grease should be poured into an empty tin can and then thrown in the garbage once it hardens – do NOT flush cooking grease down your sink as it will clog your home’s lines as well as the Town’s sewer mains. Also, please do not flush personal wipes or cleaning wipes of any kind as these will also clog the sewer pumps. Two sewage pumps have had to be replaced this spring. The cemetery contract has again been awarded to Jim and Kelly Stack for cemetery maintenance for the months of May through to September. Charles Chappell will be performing the sportsgrounds maintenance for the months of May through to September. The Asquith Community Garage Sale will take place on Saturday, May 23, 2015 from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Indicate that you are participating by displaying balloons at your driveway. Now that Spring is here, everyone will be starting to clean their yards to make them neat and tidy. Council will be touring Town to identify properties that require cleaning up, and those properties that have unlicensed and junked vehicles on them. Please take this opportunity to clean and tidy your yard and to get rid of junked vehicles. If we all take pride in our property we will be able to keep our community neat and tidy.

Council held a regular meeting April 14th. The sign fixture located in the rink parking lot will be converted to an LED light post. AECOM Engineering will be asked to provide some design/development options for the old hospital lot. Council will instruct AECOM Engineering to further advance our conceptual plan and design for the east annexation area with particular emphasis being placed on the highway commercial sector. AECOM Engineering will be hired to perform the Waterworks System Assessment. Council approved construction of 2 irrigated, shale infield, fenced ball diamonds on the north end of Parcel “H”, Plan No. 89S19521 as per a plan prepared by AECOM Engineering. Returning for the 2015/16 arena winter season will be Lori Coleman as Rink Scheduler and Phil Henderson as Rink Caretaker. Penny Starling will be offered the 2015/16 rink concession contract. The Town of Delisle will sponsor fireworks for the 2015 Delisle Days at an approximate cost of $700.00.

RM OF VANSCOY The April Regular Meeting of Council was held at the municipal office on Thursday April 9, 2015. ▪ 6 - Development & Building permit applications were submitted for approval. ▪ 1 – Discretionary Use Application was approved ▪ Bylaw No. 3-2015, a Bylaw to Extend the Time Required for the Completion of the Assessment Roll was adopted by Council. Municipal Road Bans have been lifted as of Monday April 27, 2015. Primary Summer Weights are now allowed on Range Road 3081. All other roads within the municipality are limited to Secondary Summer Weights. Best wishes and heartfelt appreciation is extended to RM of Vanscoy retiring Chief of Police Glenn Thomson. With a career as a police officer spanning nearly 50 years (13 of which were with The RM of Vanscoy), Glenn has decided to retire from his position as municipal police chief. Glenn has contributed a primary role in providing leadership, helping ratepayers within the RM, and ensuring that the RM of Vanscoy is a safe and welcome environment to call home. Glenn was an integral asset in the area of community relations and did a great job in assisting and informing the public on the daily happenings within the municipality. Glenn’s knowledge and contributions will be missed throughout the RM. On behalf of the RM of Vanscoy Council and staff we wish Glenn a happy and enjoyable retirement and thank him for his years of service as the RM of Vanscoy Municipal Officer. Filling Glenn’s role as Chief of Police for the RM is Murray McCracken. Murray comes to the RM from the Warman RCMP Detachment. Murray has been a member of the RCMP for the past 28 years, and is very ex-

RM Review

cited to begin working within the RM of Vanscoy as an officer from a municipal perspective. We would like to welcome Murray to the RM and look forward to introducing him to the community in the months to come.



PUBLIC NOTICE Public notice is hereby given that the Council of the Rural Municipality of Vanscoy No. 345 intends to adopt a bylaw under The Planning and Development Act, 2007 to amend Bylaw No. 3-2009, known as the Zoning Bylaw of the Rural Municipality of Vanscoy No. 345 INTENT The proposed Bylaw will: 1. Amend Section 4.14.10(5)(a) Area of Accessory Buildings, to change the existing maximum limit for the combined building floor area of all accessory buildings on sites in a Country Residential or Hamlet District 2. Amend Section 6.3.2 Agricultural District Discretionary Residential Uses, to allow for one Additional Single detached dwelling to be considered on a site within the Agriculture District as Discretionary when demonstrated that the dwelling is an ancillary use to the Agricultural Operations of the site. 3. Amend the Maximum Site Area (ha) for the following principal uses: Single Detached Dwellings, Vacation Farms, Bed & Breakfast Homes, Personal Care Homes, Custodial Care Facilities, and Residential Care Facilities from 4.04 hectares to 4.05 hectares as shown in Table 6-1, A-Agriculture District Development Standards. 4. Amend the Maximum Site Area (ha) for the following principal uses: Single Detached Dwellings, Bed & Breakfast Homes, and Personal Care Homes from 4.04 hectares to 4.05 hectares as shown in Table 9-1, CR2 – Medium Density Country Residential District Development Standards. REASON The amendment will provide for enhanced planning, engineering, and development requirements for Agricultural, Hamlet, and Multi-lot Country Residential Development to assure a high quality of future development for the municipality. PUBLIC INSPECTION Any person may inspect the bylaw at the RM of Vanscoy No. 345 office in Vanscoy, Saskatchewan between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m (closed between 12:00pm and 1:00pm) Monday through Friday excluding statutory holidays. Copies of the proposed bylaw are available at a cost of $5.00. PUBLIC HEARING Council will hold a public hearing on Thursday May 7, 2015 at 10:30 am in the Council Chambers at the RM of Vanscoy No. 345 office to hear any person or group that wants to comment on the proposed bylaw. Council will also consider written comments received at the hearing, or delivered to the undersigned at the municipal office before the hearing. Issued at the Rural Municipality of Vanscoy No. 345 this 23rd day of April, 2015. Jill Omiecinski, Rural Municipal Administrator

Municipality of Town of Delisle Consolidated Statement of Financial Position As of December 31, 2014

RM Review

May 2015

RM of Vanscoy Ratepayers Meeting


he R.M. of Vanscoy held their Ratepayer Dinner Meeting on April 16, 2015. It was well attended by about 150 residents of the RM who, once again, enjoyed a delicious roast beef meal from Robin’s Nest Cafe in Vanscoy. After the meal, member of the RM Council gave brief reports on the activi-

ties af various committees. Some highlights are:

- Retirement of Foreman Jerome Robert as of June 30, 2015.

- Presentation of Service Award to retired councillor Harvey Pippen.

- Tax revenue down $1 million due to provincial government formula change for potash tax revenue.

- Lobbying of Ministry of Highway to include an option for Highway 7 to remain running through Vanscoy after twinning.

There were brief presentations from Ray Orb, the president of SARM and STARS air ambulance as well.

- Retirement of Chief of Police Glenn Thompson as of April 30, 2015.

- Presentation of Citizen of the Year Award to Keith Lensen.

The meeting ended with door prizes draws.

Harvey Pippen Recognized for Service


arvey Pippen was recognized for his contributions and commitment to the RM of Vanscoy during the April 16, 2015 Spring Rate Payers Supper. Reeve Floyd Chapple presented Harvey with a Public Service Award, and framed custom sketch of Harvey’s own 1965 Chevrolet Nova that he is currently restoring, and the 1968 Chevrolet Impala that he used to own. Harvey served as Division One

Councillor for the RM of Vanscoy from 2007 to 2014. During his tenure on council Harvey served on several municipal committees within the RM, as well as representing the RM of Vanscoy on several broader regional growth and development committees. Harvey resigned from council in September 2014. James Harvey replaced Harvey as the newly acclaimed Division One Councillor in November of 2014.

RM of Montrose Holding By-election for Councillor Seat


ue to the resignation of Councillor Maylene Starling back in February the RM of Montrose is holding a by-election for Councillor. Two candidates have been nominated for the one position;

Henry Boire - Loadout Operator Joel Abraham - Farmer The vote will take place on Wednesday, the 27th day of May, 2015. An Advance Poll will be held on Friday, May 22, 2015


ail Erhart was recently elected Mayor of the Town of Asquith, and sworn in on April 8, 2015. Since Erhart had to give up her seat as a councillor to accept the position, a by-election is being held to fill the vacant councillor position.

Mother’s Day CONTEST Winner is Diane Greenhorn UDES... L C N I E PACKAG

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Glenn Thompson Retires from Police Force


lenn Thomson is retiring after 13 years of serving the RM of Vanscoy community as the Municipal Police Officer. Glenn started working for the RM of Vanscoy in 2003 after spending 35 years with the Saskatoon Police Service. As the municipality’s Chief of Police Glenn has been instrumental in informing residents about municipal bylaws and polices, working out disputes between landowners, and relaying

information regarding road conditions, restrictions, and special events taking place within the municipality to ratepayers and surrounding community members. Glenn officially retired April 30, 2015. Stepping into his position as Chief of Police for the RM is Murray McCracken. Murray comes to the RM from the Warman RCMP detachment. He brings along 28 years of experience as member of the RCMP.

Harvey Pippen Receives Award

Gail Erhart Elected Mayor of Asquith Triggering By-election for Councillor Nominations closed on April 29th with two candidates being nominated; Ted Goodnough - Retired Consultant and Leen Van Marion - Salesman. Election Day is Wednesday May 27 with an Advance Poll being held on Thursday May 21.

Sunday, May 10th om y M Ever re d to nte is E a $100 r Win lo w e m F e nt o t s Cu em an g Ar r

10:00am - 2:00pm Adults $14.95 12 and under $8.95

Reservations Accepted

Main Street, Asquith 306 - 329 - 2496 Open 9am - 8pm Sunday: 5pm - 8pm Closed Tuesday

Treat Mom on

The RM Review thanks all the sponsors and everyone who entered ! Happy Mother’s Day

Breakfast: 9am - 2pm Dinner: 4:00pm, 5:30pm, 7:00pm Sunday May 10 Only Reservations Recommended

Mon-Fri 7 - 8 Sat 8 - 8 Sun 9 - 7

Vanscoy Delisle Pike Lake

ook B o n lt Cal Garde r You DAY ! TO

KennY’s CulTivATinG 306 - 281 - 4111




Professional Garden Roto-Tilling Starting at $35 4WD Kubota Rear Tiller


May 2015




s some of you may have noticed, there was no report from the preschool last month. I had a family emergency in Ontario and was unable to submit a report. So this month's report will fill you in on March and April at the preschool and what we expect to accomplish in May. In March, the 4-year olds spent a lot of time singing about, drawing, cutting out, and making pictures with various shapes. They seem to all know the 8 basic shapes now. They also learned about the number 7, an easier number to draw, and they had a lot of fun on St. Patrick's Day making shamrock crowns, wearing green, dancing like leprechauns, and hunting for "gold." The 3-year olds spent a day learning about building with blocks and gears. For their craft, they built with marshmallows and toothpicks. There were some interesting-looking creations! For the number 7, the students made a 7petal flower which we hung on the walls to start decorating our classroom for spring. They also enjoyed a St. Patrick's Day Party doing many of the same activities as the 4-year olds. We celebrated Easter at the end of March with an Easter Party for both classes. The students had fun in the kitchen making rice krispie treat bird nests. They played some Easter games and found some candy that the Easter Bunny had hidden. It was a fun morning and I think the students enjoyed

having the 2 classes combined. As I write this, there has only been one week of preschool in April. Both classes explored the number 8, with the 3-year olds making an octopus pencil holder and the 4-year olds making a spider using many 8s. The 4-year olds have also started a unit on Safety. This is always an interesting unit, listening to what the children have already learned from home and combining that with what I feel is important for them to know. We will end the month exploring the colour purple. What will May bring? Mother's Day, the number 9, the colour blue, and a few extra classes. I would like to take the kids outdoors to do some learning about the outside world, perhaps bugs or kites or plants. Stay tuned for our adventures! OUR REGISTRATION NIGHT WILL BE ON THURSDAY, MAY 21ST FROM 6:30-7:30 UPSTAIRS AT PIKE LAKE HALL. Your child must be at least 3 by December 31st, 2015 and toilet-trained. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Wendy Schoonbaert at 306-978-8164 or Breanne Wangler at 306-649-3354. 3-year old days: May 7, 14, 21, 28 4-year old days: May 5, 7, 12, 14, 19, 21, 26, 28 Colour: blue Number: 9

School Community Council AGM Meetings

Delisle Elementary School Delisle Composite School Monday, May 4, 6:30pm

Vanscoy School

Tuesday, May 5, 7:30pm

Lord Asquith School Tuesday, May 19, 6:30pm

Pike Lake School

Wednesday, May 20, 3:30pm



ooray for spring!!! We are celebrating, the warmer days of sunshine and the putting away of snowsuits. Indeed nicer temperatures have arrived and Pike Lake School has been taking every chance we can, to go outside and enjoy nature. Tuesday, April 14th was an exciting day for our school! Brian Lee and Scott Allan from Golf Saskatchewan visited our school in a funky car and brought us a gift! On behalf of Golf Saskatchewan, we were provided with a complimentary Golf-in-Schools Kit. Within this kit is a variety of child friendly golf equipment that we can use to introduce the sport and familiarize the students with golf terminology, safety and etiquette. This kit was developed by the Physical and Health Education Canada (PHE Canada) in partnership with Golf Canada and the PGA of Canada to help teach the learning outcomes in the Phys. Ed. Curriculum using golf as a conduit. We would like to respectfully thank Golf Saskatchewan for the Golf-in-Schools Kit and the t-shirts they provided to our school and students. We are looking forward to trying this kit out and are anticipating some fun new learning experiences! The School Community Council elections are once again upon us and will culminate on Friday, May 15th @ 3:30 p.m. Please contact the school, if you would like to learn more about the SCC or to obtain a nomination form. The SCC is a great way for parents/guardians and community members to become involved in our school happenings! It is a wonderful opportunity to play a role in positive changes to improve student learning within our school. We encourage you to give this School Community Council a try! All nomination forms should be re-

Tuesday, April 28, 5:00pm


RM Review

turned to the school on or before Friday, May 15th, 2015. As always we are looking towards the future, Pike Lake School must present future (looking ahead five years) enrollment numbers to the Ministry of Education to help plan the necessary funding for our school. We are sending out a request to contact the school for those families (or families you may know) in our community that would have school age children within the next five (5) years. This would include anyone who currently have preschoolers in their family. If you have a child who will be attending Kindergarten in the 2015-2016 school year, or if you are unsure if you are registered with us for future enrollment, please call the school at 306- 668-4808 to confirm your registration. This information is valuable to ensure our school is sufficiently funded for the anticipated number of students. Dates to Remember April 23– Litterless Lunch Day, Earth Day Activities , Kindergarten Orientation May 15–Volunteer Appreciation @ 2:00 pm May 18 – NO SCHOOL Victoria Day May 20 – SCC Spring Assembly May 22 – Rider Spirit Day June 4 – Grade 4 Orientation in Delisle @ 1:00 p.m June 15 – Try-A-Thon June 16 – Dr. J. G. Egnatoff School Band Performance June 19 – Play Day - Hot Meal June 22 – Gr. 1-4 Swimming @ Pike Lake Pool June 25 – Grade Four Farewell, Last Day of Kindergarten June 26 – Last Day of Classes, Report Cards


he SRC would like to thank all who donated Gift certificates for our Raffle Fundraiser, they were highly appreciated. Health Promoting Schools would like the give out a huge thank you to the parents that came in April to help bake healthy snacks for our students. Your help makes the program possible. HPS would also like to thank the students who have taken on roles to execute the program. HPS will be hosting barbeques at the Co-op in May and June. Thanks to the Delisle Co-op for supporting HPS. The DCS local track meet is Tuesday

May 12th. Students who finish in the top 3 move onto the Conference meet at Griffiths Stadium on May 20th. The DCS track team would like to acknowledge the contributions provided by the Sask Lotteries and Delisle Recreation in helping update our high jump equipment. Colour Night will be on Wednesday June 10th, mark your calendars! Come see the displays and the successful year our students have had. Finals are the week of June 22nd - 26th. Grad 2015 is on June 26th at 3pm in the afternoon at the Delisle Centennial Arena.

Thank you to all who contributed to the Silent Auction held at the library Margo Kirzinger, Bark Place Spa, Solar Gardens, Carey Rigby-Wilcox, Designs By Nancy, Little Country Greenhouse, Delisle Agencies, Delisle Animal Clinic, Salon 360, Valleyview Golf Course, Cathy’s Cakes, Art By The Yard, Back 40 Embroidery, Darla & Shelby Christopher, Crystal’s Salon, Brenda Johnson, Julia Sherbot, Valerie Dyck, Melanie Gamble, Michelle Klassen, Susan Bayne, Deb Rolston, Carolyn Husband and Mary Thunstrom.

Delisle Branch 201 - 1st st W 306 - 493 - 8288 Monday Noon - 4pm

A big thank you as well to those who bid on the items. All money raised is used to help the library purchase magazine subscriptions and other items that are needed in our library. With your support the auction was a huge success!

Watch for the Summer Reading Club this summer

Wednesday Noon - 4pm & 7pm - 9pm

Friday 10am - 5pm

Request/Renew Books at

Delisle Elementary School Thanks our Breakfast Program Supporters

PErPETual DOnaTiOnS Delisle Co-op Delisle Credit Union RM Review K & K Enterprises Delisle Senior Centre Cencan Processors Ltd Phipps & Rempel Denture Clinic Colborn Farms Vetter Enterprises Schumacher Farms Back 40 Embroidery RBC Royal Bank Agrium Inc.

FEBruary BakErS Carrol King Dorothy Carnell Janet Norrie Linda Kielo PluS Thank you to all of the Volunteers for Prepping and Serving

RM Review



International Internet Safety Expert Opens the Eyes ‘Big Time’ of Local Students, Teachers and Parents

he communities in and around Asquith, Delisle, Vanscoy and Pike Lake had a rare opportunity to learn about how the use of social media can seriously affect their lives, and how to protect themselves. The Delisle Composite School Community Council members recognized that serious lack of knowledge that existed in the community regarding safe use of the internet. “I had attended an internet safety presentation by the school division a year ago”, said Ken Sowter of the Delisle School Community Council,“and the parents lack of awareness of the issues and teachers lack of knowledge of the technology, was stunning. It was obvious this needed to be addressed from a much higher, level, and right away.” So with funding provided by the Prairie Spirit School Division they hired Darren Laur of Personal Protection Systems. Darren is a Staff Sergeant with the Victoria City Po-

lice, with 28 years of service and is also a Certified Social Media Investigator. He is an international court recognized expert, author and speaker. Together with his wife Beth, they have presented their Social Media Safety program to over 260 schools, 216,000 students in western Canada and the U.S. and are a respected resource to business, government and police forces across North America. On April 28 they made three presentations in Delisle. One session was to 180 grade 6-8 students and another to 270 grade 9-12. Each session was 2 hours long, and so gripping that there was not a single moment that every student wasn’t completely focused on him. The no holds barred presentation addressed, head on, issues our own local students face in the online world. Attending teachers were shocked as the vast majority of students, as young as 10 years old, were raising thier hands in response to their per-

Millions in Unclaimed Child Care Benefits


amilies with children in Saskatchewan are eligible to receive money under the Government of Canada’s proposed enhanced Universal Child Care Benefit (UCCB), but are at risk of not receiving the benefit unless they apply. Kelly Block, Member of Parliament for Saskatoon-Rosetown-Biggar today asked for help from the media and the public to encourage families to apply for the benefit. The majority of families with children, approximately 3.8 million, are known and will automatically receive the enhanced UCCB or be contacted by the Government to confirm their information. However, many eligible families are not currently captured by the Government’s UCCB system and may miss out on receiving money that is owed to them unless they apply. In 2015 alone, this repre-

sents potentially millions of dollars in unclaimed benefits. Under the proposed enhancements to the UCCB, families would receive almost $2,000 per year for each child under 6 and $720 per year for each child aged 6 through 17. The new benefit amounts would be retroactive to January 1, 2015 and be reflected in monthly payments to families in July 2015. The proposed enhancements to the UCCB are expected to more than double the number of families that benefit from 1.6 million to more than 4 million. If your family is not currently receiving the UCCB, has never received the UCCB, or has never applied for the Canada Child Tax Benefit and you still have children under 18 in your care, please go to in order to find out how you can apply.

Child Care Month Parade


May 2015

he provincial government has named May to be Child Care month in Saskatchewan with Early Childhood Educator appreciation day as May 14. The Vanscoy Early Learning centre will celebrate

May 14 at 5:00pm with an annual parade and bbq for the community. We will also celebrate 5 years of being open to the community in Vanscoy. We would like to thank the community for the overwhelming support!

sonal experience with topics such as sexting, pornography, exploitation, sexual predators, self-harm and suicide as well as their level of involvement with numerous social media networks, chat rooms and messaging services. Many of which the teachers had never even heard of. Darren had a detailed message regarding how to safely use or avoid these online services to prevent being exploited now, in the future, and the danger in exploiting others who may chose to selfharm or commit suicide and the legal consequences. He even had them take out their phones and change the privacy setting, almost all of which were not set properly !! He took students on a rollercoaster from laughter to tears with real life examples of what students across North America are dealing with, and they sucked it up like dry sponges. Even after each session ended, students stayed to talk directly to Darren about their own personal experience.

Darren “Crime Fighter Guy” Laur captivates local students A third session was held in the evening, open to all adults in the community, to make them aware of what the students had just been taught and to show them how they can help their families navigate the dangers they face. Like the teachers, parents were shaking thier heads in disbelief when learning what their children are involved in, and quickly realized how far from understanding how to protect them they were. Darren then took them through the steps of using tools such privacy setting and software products,

again most of which were not using at all, and offer advice on recognizing signs of children that are abusing or being abused on the internet.

The biggest challenge youth face with the internet, is parenting, or the lack of it “We see the same reaction at every student presentation we do” says Darren, “and we always recommend that it is followed by our presentation to the parents, because once I leave the students are back to nowhere to turn

Reactions to Internet Safety Presentations Teacher:  The teachers loved your message. The internet IS amazing, and kids can be part of a learning community and involve themselves in areas they are passionate about. It's great that you open with that. Then, the awareness of what they are possibly entering is the cautionary side. We don't send kids out to walk to school without first teaching them traffic safety rules... I think parents are far less savvy since they are not digitally aware, and need help teaching their kids to navigate safely. You take the message straight to the kids. It was a terrific presentation, with the correct level of "be careful - be safe" without demonizing the Internet. The cyber-bullying message is always, unfortunately, necessary. Thanks again! Students: We thought the presentation was amazing, some of the things you talked about really hit home Hey I saw you present in Delisle today. Having suffered a few of the topics you covered it really touched me, so I am reaching out to say thank you and to ask if you could check my privacy settings Hi I saw your presentation today in Delisle at my school and I was wondering if you could see if my Facebook is private? Thank you! Your presentation was amazing today and I'm very glad I got to see it My friends really enjoyed your presentation you’re very confident and talented at what you do. Thanks for helping me figure out how to lock my Facebook down! Hey Darren I am from Delisle school and I listened and watched your presentation I'm very touched you are a great

speaker, I would have never known that the Internet was so harmful and scary may you please make sure that my Facebook walls are up and private. It would be great full thanks again Thank you very much and that presentation was the most eye opening one I've ever seen. Like we've all been through presentations like these but none got through like yours did. Keep it going Cuz it’s saving lives “

for support”. “The biggest challenge youth face with the internet is parenting. or the lack of it” says Darren. “Parents need to learn the new language of the internet and communicate with their kids”. Darren’s company offers free follow-up and ongoing support to both students, who may need help or are having a personal issue on social media, as well as support for parents, on his website at In two days since the presentation Darren has had a dozen parents and over 100 students contact him for help on setting their Facebook privacy settings. Many who saw the presentations have contacted them directly. Check out the comments in the column to the left.

Everybody that I talked to about it was very impressed and liked it a lot, I'm so happy that you are doing this. No presentation I have heard about Internet safety was as good as that. What I was most impressed with was how you continually told people you were there to talk to, I can see how that could change things for kids. Thanks for checking it, I'll be sure to make some changes Parents: Awesome, Awesome presentation. I think that it should be mandatory for all parents to attend. My kids are all 10 and under and I will push for you to come back for sure! Lots to learn! I have to say darren i truly enjoyed your presentation..I was the lady that came to you during door prizes for the picture location thing. Thank you for enlightening our children and us parents. I consider myself an internet dummie and that worries me for my kids sake. It is a scary world with the internet. Thank you again for doing what you do. !!! My kids saw you today in Delisle school. They said you were great. Thanks! Sounds like great lessons for them. They said you were offering to see if my Facebook profile is safe. Not sure if that's true. Thanks either way.

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May 2015

RM Review


Read New RCMP Reports Every Week at 2 Vehicle Accident Near Grandora March 23, 2015 at 2:30 p.m. Police received a complaint of a two vehicle accident on Range Road 3074 near Grandora. A 61 year old male from Saskatoon driving one of the vehicles, pulled out from the stop sign before it was safe to do so and struck a vehicle driven by a 32 year old female from Martensville. The male was issued a ticket. There were no injuries. Stolen Vehicle Fire Near Asquith March 24, 2015 at 2:45 p.m. Police received a complaint of a vehicle fire on Highway 14 near Asquith. Asquith Fire Department attended and extinguished the fire. Police attended and found the vehicle was reported stolen from Saskatoon. The vehicle was towed back to Saskatoon for further investigation. Break & Enter at Delisle Shop March 24, 2015 at 4:00 p.m. Police received a complaint of a break and enter to a shop in Delisle. The caller reported someone entered his shop overnight and stole an iPad and a small amount of money. Police attended and took a statement from the owner of the shop. Investigation into this matter is ongoing. Vehicle Stolen from Vanscoy Residence March 26, 2015 at 7:10 a.m. Police received a complaint of a stolen vehicle from Vanscoy. The caller reported their vehicle was parked in an unlocked garage when it was stolen. Police made patrols of the area, but were unable to locate the stolen vehicle.

Fire Bans Lifted


he recent snowfall has allowed for the lifting of the fire bans that had been issued for the RM’s of Vanscoy, Montrose and Corman Park. If you are planning a controlled burn you are asked to call the Controlled Burn Line at 1 866 - 404 - 4911 to advise them of your burn.

ATV Stolen from Home Near Donavan March 27, 2015 at 12:10 a.m. Police received a complaint of a theft from a residence near Donovan. The caller report two males entered their yard and stole an all-terrain vehicle from the quonset. Police made extensive patrols of the area, but were unable to locate and suspects. Investigation into this matter is ongoing. Man Threatened in Delisle March 29, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. Police received a complaint of threat in Delisle. The caller reported their family member was threatened by another male. Police attended and spoke with the 37 year old male from Delisle who made the threats. He was given a warning about his actions. There were no injuries. Suspicious Person Reported in Vanscoy March 30, 2015 at 12:05 a.m. Police received a complaint of a possible suspicious person at a residence in Vanscoy. The caller reported they thought they heard footsteps outside of their residence. Police attended the residence, but did not find any evidence of anyone being outside the residence. There were no charges or injuries. Disturbance Complaint at Vanscoy Residence April 5, 2015 at 3:44 p.m. Police received a complaint of a disturbance at a residence in Vanscoy. The caller reported that a family member was causing problems and refused to leave. Police attended and found that the disagreement was verbal. There were no injuries and no one was charged.

Delisle Man Charged with Impaired Driving April 11, 2015 at 11:30 p.m. Police were on patrols when they came across a vehicle in the ditch on Highway 7 near Delisle. They located a 42 year old male from Delisle operating the vehicle. He had consumed alcohol. He was taken back to the Detachment to provide a breath sample. He was released on documents for an upcoming court date in Saskatoon on a charge of impaired driving. There were no injuries. Stolen Vehicle Found in Vanscoy, Two More Stolen from Vanscoy April 12, 2014 at 7:30 a.m. Police received a complaint of a theft of a vehicle in Vanscoy. The caller reports that he woke up and found an abandoned vehicle in his yard, and that 2 of his vehicles were missing. The abandoned vehicle was reported stolen out of Saskatoon earlier in the day. The 2 vehicles of the callers were located in the area a short time later. Investigation into this matter is ongoing. Break & Enter into Vehicle in Delisle April 14, 2015 at 8:30 a.m. Police received a complaint of a break in to a vehicle in Delisle. The caller reported that her ignition and door handles were damaged in the break in. Nothing was reported missing from the vehicle. Investigation into this matter is ongoing.

female from Asquith. The 41 year old male victim received minor injuries. The female was released on document for an upcoming court date for assault charges. She was removed from the residence and provided a ride to a family member’s residence in Saskatoon. Alcohol was a factor. Dangerous Driver Reported on Hwy 7 April 22, 2015 at 11:40 a.m. Police received a complaint of a dangerous driver on Highway 7 near Delisle. The caller reported an SUV was passing when unsafe. Police spoke with the caller who said the SUV pulled out to pass while they were already passing some farm equipment and almost caused an accident. Police made patrols but were unable to locate any vehicles matching the description provided. There were no charges. Driver Reported at 200Km/Hr on Hwy 7 April 24, 2015 at 7:45 p.m. Police received a complaint of a vehicle driving erratically on Highway 7 near Delisle. The caller reported the vehicle was speeding in excess of 200 km/hr. Police advised Rosetown Detachment of the vehicle. It was stopped a short time later and found to have expired license plates, but was not speeding.

Single Vehicle Accident on Valley Road April 25, 2015 at 8:30 p.m. Police received a complaint of a single vehicle accident on Valley Road near Saskatoon. The caller reported they lost control on bad roads, entered the ditch and hit a tree. The vehicle required towing from the scene by Astro Towing. The 25 year old male driver of the vehicle from Saskatoon was not injured. There were no charges. Vehicle Stolen from Driveway in Vanscoy April 21, 2015 at 6:20 a.m. Police received a complaint of a stolen vehicle in Vanscoy. The caller reported their vehicle was parked in the driveway when it was stolen. The vehicle was recovered a short time later in

Martensville and was towed to Astro Towing for further investigation by the Forensic Identification Section. Tires Slashed by Family Member in Asquith April 23, 2015 at 11:00 p.m. Police received a complaint of mischief at a residence in Asquith. The caller reported a vehicle pulled up in front of their residence and two males got out and damaged a family members tires. The males then stole a hitch receiver from the vehicle and fled the scene. Police made patrols of the area, but were unable to locate a vehicle matching the description provided. Investigation into this matter is ongoing.

Warman RCMP request your assistance: Police are currently investigating a break and enter into a compound located on South Railroad Street in Warman. A Case SR250 tractor door was taken, likely by someone who also owns or works with the same vehicle as the door will only fit on the same model. Surveillance footage identified a vehicle involved with the theft.

49 Year Old Asquith Female Charged with Assault April 19, 2015 at 10:20 p.m. Police received a complaint of a domestic assault at a residence in Asquith. Police attended and arrested a 49 year old

Thank you to the Delisle & District Fire Department and the R.M. of Montrose Fire Department for coming to help fight the fire at our farm on April 10th. Thank you as well to all the neighbors and friends that assisted that day. A special thanks to Ron Isley for bringing his tractor and moving bales away from the site.

Please contact Warman/Martensville RCMP with any information regarding the theft or the vehicle.

The Rolstons Thank you to the Delisle & District Fire Department, the R.M. of Montrose Fire Department and the Pike Lake Fire Department for their response and efforts at a fire in our yard on April 16th. Amarah Paquin & Travis Lee

Modular & Manufactured homes from 864 sf to 2400 sf New Show Homes Now in Stock

RM Review

May 2015


YARD & GARDEN SECTION Enter to Win arden Yard & G KAGE C A P E Z PRI Lilly

Start your Spring Right...

ater ite W h W c a li a u r q tics Ma randora A G

The RM Review wants to give you a Yard & Garden Prize Package ! Visit our website to enter today

dit tillingatCinrge o t o R 0 2 $ ultiv Kenny’s C Plant ManduentvrilylaGreenhouse

Little Co

ts fire Spor e r u S 0 4 $ ificate Gift CeyrAtgencies

Moone , 2015 e May 25 Draw Dat

Little Country Greenhouse


Grandora Aquatics

Ear ly


Ma ird Dra y 18 w 4T t CA ickets t h o Con SHB ce r AC t in Ma K y D 22r

d a elisle t 7: 30p on m

Grandora Aquatics

Kenny’s Cultivating


“Producing Aquatic Plants Since 2009”

May 22nd - 7:30pm $15/person Delisle United Church

also We Fish k stoc Pond and plies Sup

- Water Lilies - Oxygenating Plants - Shallow Water Plants - Floating Plants - Lotus Just South of Sandyridge FasGas, Hwy 14


Agrium, Delisle Credit Union, Mooney Agencies & Tuff Turf

Sponsored by

7:00 p.m. Vanscoy Circle Hall Silver Collection Gue ue essstt Spea eak ak ke er - To er Tom om War ar rd d ´7LSV 2Q +RUWLFXOWXUH ([KLELWLQJµ

Delisle, Vanscoy, Pike Lake, Swanson

Call Today to Book your Mowing for this Summer

306 - 361 - 6343 Vanscoy Delisle Pike Lake

ook B o n lt Cal Garde r You DAY ! TO

Insurance Broker & Motor Licence Issuer

Annual Perennial Exchange Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Ditches, Acreages, Pastures

Landry Klapwijk

Sun - Fri 9am - 5pm 306.933.4225

Bring your perennials to exFKDQJH« EXW LI \RX KDYH none, you can still participate and take home new plants to start your Perennial Garden!

Doo oo or r Priz ize zes es Dra ra aw ws Sil ille en e ntt Auc n uc ctti tio io on n Boo oo otth th hss ($15/t /ta tab ab bllle e) e )

If you have lots of perennials bring as many as you can to share! Please put in pots and label if possible.

Home Farm Travel

Commercial Acreage Contractor /mooneyagencies ‘Serving YOU is our TOP PRIORITY’

306 - 668 - 2181 101 2nd St E. Box 158 Vanscoy, SK S0L 3J0

Bring along a tasty dessert to share while you enjoy our guest gardening speaker! Call 493-2428 for information or to rent a table

KennY’s CulTivATinG 306 - 281 - 4111

Auto Condo Hail

fax: 306-931-7795

NEW HOURS - Open Over Lunch Professional Garden Roto-Tilling Starting at $35 4WD Kubota Rear Tiller


May 2015

RM Review



Amanda Richmond Farm Business Management Specialist

hen it comes to marketing your grain, contracts are an important tool. Most farmers will enter into several grain contracts in a year, but do they fully understand the obligations of such contracts. With the large variety of contract types and the differences from one company to the next, it can be hard to keep it all straight. Here is some information that can help you to better understand

Understanding Grain Contracts

grain contracts. Contract terms and conditions can vary significantly from one grain company to the next and will also differ between contact types (i.e. deferred delivery or basis contract). To avoid any misunderstanding the entire contract should be read and understood prior to signing. Once signed the contract is legally enforceable.

If there are any special terms and conditions discussed with the grain company staff, ensure that the agreements made with the staff are in writing. Having a verbal agreement can be difficult to enforce. Most contracts will have a remarks and special terms section where any agreements made with the local grain company can be inserted. Every contract has quantity and quality terms and

the grain company is only required to accept the terms agreed upon in the contract. If the quality and quantity differs at the time of delivery penalties and discounts could be applied. Prior to signing the contract, ask about the schedule of discounts that may apply.

Contract termination is most often only available through payment of liquidated damages. Before signing the contract, be sure to know what the cost of the liquidated damages would be if the contract were to be terminated. Liquidated dam-

ages may also apply if there is a production shortfall. Knowing your options can save a lot of headaches in the event of a contract termination.

Grain contracts can vary significantly from one grain company to the next and each contract can have different terms and conditions using different terminology. To help with the interpretation of grain contracts the Canadian Canola Growers Association has put together a practical guide to grain contracts. To view the practical guide to navigate grain contracts visit

Food for Thought

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RRSP, retirement planning TFSA, RESP Life Insurance, Blue Cross Health Insurance (Critical Illness, Disability Insurance) Estate Planning AgriBusiness Consultant

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In Defence


have spoken about the Senate before, but felt inclined to give it another go in light of the negative publicity brought on by the Duffy affair. There are undoubtedly bad apples in every barrel but that does not mean the whole lot is rotten. The law will provide for the miscreants, but there are many (most) that are good, serious hard working members. But for the life of me I wonder how they continue to perform under the current pressures. I have considerable experience working for and with members of the Canadian Senate as a witness, information provider and personal acquaintance. It has been

the following link

For more information stop by the Kindersley Regional Office or contact Amanda Richmond at (306) 463-5446 or by email at or contact the Agriculture Knowledge Centre at 1866-457-2377.


Certified #1 Seed PEAS CDC Amarillo CDC Limerick


C.M. (Red) Williams

in situations where the Senators or their panels were seeking information to enlighten the public but more often to provide the parliamentarians with specifics they did not have the time or opportunity to ferret out. These studies usually resulted in well thought out recommendations for the betterment of a sector of the public under some difficulties. From personal experience I site the study of the beef industry that uncovered the influence of the Mafia in Montreal on western beef pricing. Another would be the initial studies of railway’s inability to move western grain and which eventually led to legislation setting volume standards. Some would abolish the

Senate which would be a tragedy. Without a Senate there are no limits on the way that a majority government can distort our parliamentary democracy. Still others would have an elected Senate which unfortunately would give powers to the Senate they do not need or want. An elected Senate would diminish the powers of the provincial legislatures to speak on local issues. The public should think long and hard before jumping on the bandwagon over a break in the system. The Senate is a vital part of our parliamentary system and worth our support. Opinions expressed here are those of the author.

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BARLEY CDC Austenson CDC Cowboy CDC Maverick AC Ranger

OATS Leggett Souris CDC Haymaker

CANOLA Pioneer Hi Bred Invigor


ARDELL SEEDS LTD. Vanscoy, SK Call Terry or Mike

306 - 668 - 4415

Friday BBQ’s are back Starting on May 1st Join us every Friday and help us support Local Community Groups Fundraising Efforts Groceries & Confectionary - Truck & Car Wash Gas Pumps & Card Lock - Propane & Bulk Fuel

306 - 493 - 2212


Open 7 Days a Week   6:00am - 10:00pm

Vanscoy Delisle Pike Lake

ook B o n lt Cal Garde r You DAY ! TO

Call for info about Emergency Services on holidays & after hours


Dr. Schutz is Accepting New Clients

Dr. Lorrie Fraser and Associates

Examinations Vaccinations

300 - 2nd St East, Delisle with Animal Inn*spa*rations on-line pet supply catalogue

306 - 281 - 4111

Dental Cleaning Dental Extractions Dental X-Ray Canine Reproduction

Monday 9:00am - 6:00pm Tuesday 8:00am - 8:00pm Wednesday 8:00am - 8:00pm Thursday 9:00am - 6:00pm Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm Saturday: 9:00am - 4:00pm

(Hwy 7 Service Road)

KennY’s CulTivATinG

X-Ray Surgery Ultrasound In-clinic Lab

Professional Garden Roto-Tilling Starting at $35 4WD Kubota Rear Tiller

RM Review

May 2015


Oasis Golf Resort Now Open


he Oasis Golf Resort in Perdue is now open under new management and with a new course superintendent. Instead of memberships, they offer multi-game passes, that can be used by anyone, anytime. Plus they offer a weekend special of 18


holes with a cart for $58. The Oasis Golf Eatery is also open everyday during golfing hours, located on the top floor of the clubhouse, with the iconic glassed in patio in full operation. The restaurant is now operated by Reg & Eley Schlosser, who have been

in the food & beverage industry since 1983. The menu includes the standard golf fare you would expect, from salads to steak sandwiches and everything in between, including breakfast. They are fully licensed, make it a perfect spot to relax on the patio after a round.

Delisle Bruins Awards Dinner

n Saturday, April 25th the Delisle Bruins held their annual awards night at the Delisle Town Hall. Despite the heavy snowfall, a crowd of over 100 people managed to attended the dinner, awards and dance. The Delisle Service Club from the Delisle Composite School served up a delicious meal. Master of Ceremonies Darrell Souster thanked all of the team members, volunteers , fans, coaches & managers for a great year. Darrell Starling and Barry Oviatt along with representatives from the families and businesses who sponsor the trophies and awards presented to this years winners. Rookie of the Year ‘Orchard Trophy’ went to Logan Frohaug

Pride Hustle & Desire ‘Scott Kielo Award’ went to Kevin Mryglod Top Defenseman ‘Dixon Shannon Trophy’ Chad Starling and Travis Sparrow Defensive Forward ‘Climenhaga Trophy’ went to Chad Laing Leadership & Dedication ‘Co-op Award’ went to Jeff Durham Most Improved ‘Delisle Agencies Trophy’ went to Brendan Boyle Most Gentlemanly ‘Goodwin Trophy’ went to Anthony Climenhaga Fans Choice ‘Gerald Douglas Trophy’ was received by Taylor Barber, Chad Laing and Chad Starling Community Involvement ‘Gib Henderson Award’ went to Jeff Durham Scoring Leader ‘Bentley Award’ went to Chad Laing for 42 points

Goal Scoring Leader ‘Dan Hill Trophy’ to Chad Laing with 27 goals Plus Minus ‘Howard Ryan Trophy’ to Chad Starling at plus 42 Most Valuable Player ‘Norris Trophy’ also went to Chad Laing All awards are voted on by the players, except for the fans choice. On behalf of the team Brendon Boyle thanked Jimmy Climenhaga, Darrell Souster, Darrell Starling & Barry Oviatt for the great job they do coaching & managing the hockey team & presented them with gift cards from the players. A dance followed the awards with music by Better Than Nothing from Tessier.

RATES Mon ? Thurs $48/18 holes with cart

Fri, Sat, Sun $58/18 holes with cart Under New Management

306 - 237 - 4653

Independent Insurance Provider Auto - Home - Commercial Farm - Hail - Health - Travel plus... Life Insurance, Notary Public Commissioner of Oaths, Photocopy & Fax Service Monday - Friday 8:30am - 5:00pm Saturday 9:00am - 12:00pm Closed Sunday & Holidays Phone 306 - 493 - 2260

Fax 306 - 493 - 2344

Now O During pen  Lunch P.O. Box 28 209 - 1st Street W. Delisle, SK S0L 0P0

FALL BLOW-OUT - 2013 prices while stock feeders last 2014 Prices will be in effect due to increases in steel prices

Gardening Season is Here. Experts estimate that commercial fertilizer is responsible for the basic food needs of at least 40 percent of the world’s population. Fertilizer is instrumental in ensuring a safe, low-cost, nutritious and abundant food supply.

Vanscoy Potash Operations Vanscoy, Saskatchewan S0L 3J0 Phone: (306) 668-4343; Fax: (306) 668-2003


May 2015


April 24, 2015 Kelly Block, M.P. This past Tuesday, Minister of Finance Joe Oliver tabled Economic Action Plan 2015, our Conservative Government’s balanced-budget, low-tax plan for jobs, growth and security.

Economic Action Plan 2015 will:

Licensed, Bonded, Insured Auction Company The Bidders’ Choice Sold on Service Mobile Auction Equipment Computerized Auction Software

On-site Credit Card & Debit Professional Service & Staff

“LIVE INTERNET BIDDING” Mother’s Day Antique & Collectibles Saturday, May 9th, 9:00am Delisle Town Hall ........................................................................

· Fulfil the Harper Government’s promise to balance the budget in 2015. The Government will return to balanced budgets while maintaining the lowest federal tax burden on Canadians in over half a century. · Support jobs and growth by making Canada more competitive and allowing job-creating businesses to thrive; making new and innovative investments that build on the Government’s historic support for infrastructure; and training a highly skilled workforce that responds to the evolving needs of employers. · Help families and communities prosper by continuing to provide tax relief and other support for hardworking families and individuals while enhancing opportunity for all. Ensure the security of Canadians by supporting the Canadian Armed Forces and protecting Canadians from the threat of terrorism at home and abroad.

Balancing the Budget:

Saskatoon All Breed Horse & Tack Auction Sale

Tuesday, May 19th, 11:00am Tack @ 11:00am, Horse to follow OK Corral, Martinsville .........................................................................

Ernie & Doris Zmud Farm Auction Saturday, June 13th, 9:00am SW1/4 - 28 - 36 - 8 W3rd Grandora

Thinking about having an Auction Sale? Call Frederick and take advantage of our extensive advertising campaign by booking early!

(306) 227-9505 Member of Sask, Man, Alta Auctioneer Assoc. & Better Business Bureau PL #318200 SK PL #324317 AB

· The deficit has been reduced from $55.6 billion at the height of the Great Recession to a projected surplus of $1.4 billion for 2015–16. · The Harper Government paid down $37 billion in debt before the Great Recession, an important reason why Canada’s total government net debt burden is the lowest of any Group of Seven (G-7) country and among the lowest of the G-20 countries. · Balanced budget legislation will be tabled to enshrine in law the Harper Government’s responsible fiscal management policy that is creating jobs and putting more

money back into the pockets of Canadians. · A balanced budget allows the Harper Government to cut taxes further for Canadian families and individuals.

Supporting Jobs and Growth: · Reducing the small business tax rate to 9 per cent by 2019—putting an estimated $2.7 billion back into the pockets of job-creating small businesses and their owners between now and 2019–20. · Providing manufacturers with a 10-year accelerated capital cost allowance to encourage productivityenhancing investment in machinery and equipment. · Increasing the Lifetime Capital Gains Exemption to $1 million for owners of farm and fishing businesses. · Improving access to financing for Canadian small businesses through the Canada Small Business Financing Program. · Expanding the services offered through the Business Development Bank of Canada and Export Development Canada to help small and medium-sized businesses. · Providing $14 million over two years to Futurpreneur Canada in support of young entrepreneurs. · Supporting the Action Plan for Women Entrepreneurs to help women business owners succeed. · Helping innovative companies grow and create jobs through the Venture Capital Action Plan. · Supporting provinces and territories to facilitate the harmonization of apprenticeship training and certification requirements in targeted Red Seal trades. · Investing in world-class research and development by providing over $1.5 billion in funding over five years to advance the Government’s renewed science, technology and innovation strategy. · Continuing to provide $5.35 billion per year on average for provincial, territorial and municipal infrastructure under the New Building Canada Plan. Investing $750 million over two years starting in 2017–18, and $1 billion per year thereafter, for a new Public Transit Fund aimed at building new public transit infrastructure to reduce congestion and fight gridlock in large cities.

Helping Families and Communities Prosper:

Kerrie Sparrow Exe. Regional Vice President Independent Consultant

Vanscoy Delisle Pike Lake

306 - 668 - 4218

ook B o n lt Cal Garde r You DAY ! TO

· Increasing the Tax-Free Savings Account annual contribution limit to $10,000, effective for 2015 and subsequent years. · Reducing the minimum withdrawal factors for Registered Retirement Income Funds to permit seniors to preserve more of their retirement savings to better support their retirement income needs. · Supporting seniors and persons with disabilities by introducing the Home Accessibility Tax Credit to help with renovation costs to make their homes safer and more accessi-

KennY’s CulTivATinG 306 - 281 - 4111

RM Review

ble, so that they can live independently and remain in their homes. · Enhancing access to post-secondary education by expanding the eligibility for Low- and Middle-Income Canada Student Grants to students in short-duration programs. · Making the Canada Student Loans Program work for families by reducing the expected parental contribution under the needs assessment process. · Supporting the most vulnerable in our communities by providing $150 million over four years, starting in 2016–17, to support social housing in Canada by allowing social housing providers to prepay their longterm, non-renewable mortgages without penalty. · Improving access to print materials for the visually impaired. · Providing $5.7 million over five years to help secure new market access for Canadian seal products. · Ensuring veterans and their families receive the support they need by: providing a new Retirement Income Security Benefit to moderately to severely disabled veterans; expanding access to the Permanent Impairment Allowance for disabled veterans; enhancing the Earnings Loss Benefit for disabled part-time Reserve Force veterans; creating a new tax-free Family Caregiver Relief Benefit to recognize caregivers; and increasing the level of individualized support to veterans. · Extending Employment Insurance Compassionate Care Benefits from six weeks to six months to better support Canadians caring for gravely ill and dying family members.

Ensuring the Security of Canadians: · Increasing National Defence funding by providing the Canadian Armed Forces with close to $12 billion over 10 years, thus ensuring that Canada can continue to field a combat-capable military ready to serve at home and abroad. · Supporting the deployment of the Canadian Armed Forces by providing National Defence with up to $360 million in 2015–16 in order to counter ISIS. · Countering terrorism by providing additional resources to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, the Canadian Security Intelligence Service and the Canada Border Services Agency. · Enhancing Canada’s capacity to gather foreign intelligence. Protecting the integrity of our borders and facilitating legitimate travel to Canada for low-risk travelers from select visa-required countries.

Quick Fact · A typical two-earner Canadian family of four will receive tax relief and increased benefits of up to $6,600 in 2015 because of the Harper Government’s tax cuts and increased benefits.

Professional Garden Roto-Tilling Starting at $35 4WD Kubota Rear Tiller

RM Review

May 2015


April 22, 2015 Randy Weekes, MLA Economic Diversity Driving Saskatchewan’s Strength Saskatchewan’s job growth, low unemployment rate and new all-time records for wholesale trade and manufacturing shipments are just a few examples of how our strong and diversified economy is well-positioned to absorb short-term challenges in the energy sector. According to the latest labour force figures from Statistics Canada, there are thousands of new full-time jobs across Saskatchewan and our unemployment rate remains the lowest in Canada. Our province has also set all-time records for wholesale trade – increasing nearly 26% to $2.5 billion – and manufacturing shipments totaling $1.5 billion, the highest ever for the province. The numbers confirm what we already know – Saskatchewan’s strong and diversified economy has a broad base. These numbers also build on a flurry of great economic news that includes the announcement of a $200 million expansion at Evraz, a $25 million upgrade to the Carrot River sawmill and the new Canada-India trade deal for Saskatchewan uranium. Saskatchewan Tax Credits Help Keep Taxes Low The personal tax filing deadline for the 2014 tax year is quickly approaching and Saskatchewan people are encouraged to take advantage of the various provincial tax credits, including: First-Time Homebuyers Tax Credit A non-refundable income tax credit of up to $1,100, based on the first $10,000 of an eligible home purchase (a similar federal credit of up to $750 is also available). Graduate Retention Program Income tax credits that refund up to $20,000 of tuition fees paid by eligible post-secondary graduates who live in Saskatchewan and file a Saskatchewan tax return. Low-Income Tax Credit A refundable income tax credit paid quarterly to assist lower-income Saskatchewan people. The credit is paid in conjunction with the federal Goods and Services Tax Credit. Active Families Benefit A refundable income tax credit of up to $150 per child 18 years of age or younger that helps families with the cost of children’s participation in cultural, recreational and sports activities. Employees’ Tool Tax Credit

A non-refundable income tax credit that helps with the cost of purchasing, replacing or upgrading eligible tools by qualifying employees as a condition of their employment. Our government has delivered the largest income tax and education property tax cuts in Saskatchewan history. For the 2015 tax year, the personal income tax reductions we’ve introduced are expected to save people more than $485 million. Since 2007, as a result of these income tax measures, Saskatchewan people have saved more than $3.3 billion. SaskAlert Launches Province-Wide The province’s new emergency public alerting program has successfully completed its testing phase and is being implemented across Saskatchewan. SaskAlert can provide critical information about emergency situations as they are developing so residents of the affected area will be able to take action to protect themselves, their families and their property. Alerts may be created for severe weather-related events such as tornadoes, plow winds, flooding and blizzards. Other events that may trigger alerts include wildfires, hazardous material spills, train derailments, boil water and shelter-in-place advisories, significant highway closures and community evacuations. For more information visit


Ph: 683-5024 Fax: 683-6307

FrEsh C o FF EE!

Main Street Saskatchewan Invests in Historic Downtowns Vibrant downtowns strengthen our communities, and strong communities support a growing Saskatchewan. That’s why we’re pleased to continue supporting communities through Main Street Saskatchewan, a program that supports Saskatchewan’s Plan for Growth by investing in and promoting the revitalization of historic downtowns and commercial areas. The Main Street Saskatchewan Grant Program provides participants with up to 50 per cent of eligible project expenses through three funding streams: Capacity Building, Heritage Conservation and Community Enhancement. Since its launch in 2011, it has seen 66 new jobs created, 22 new businesses opened, $4.9 million committed to historic building and streetscape improvement and $6.5 million in property acquisitions in its participating communities. Main Street Saskatchewan is now accepting applications for the 2015-16 intake. To learn more visit






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May 2015

RM Review


Amazing Space


Delisle & District Arts Council Report

t’s great to be a part of a TEAM because Together Everyone Achieves More! Whether you play sports, or an instrument in a band, or work as a volunteer on a project – our community benefits through our combined efforts. The Delisle & District Arts Council is working on a second edition of the Delisle & District Community Guide. Be sure to submit information about community groups and events as well as business advertisements prior to June, 20th. We are also asking people to submit photos for the cover! The guide will be distributed at the beginning of September. For more information, check out the online version of the guide linked from the town of Delisle website: or email: Mark your calendar: Friday Night Concert Series on May 22nd at 7:30pm at the Delisle United Church featuring “Cash Back” – a Johnny Cash tribute band from Rosetown. Tickets are $15 at the door. The Prairie Spirit West Band will be hosting its spring concert on Wednesday, May 27th at 7pm at Delisle Composite School. The beginner, junior, senior and jazz band musicians are Grade 5 to Grade 12 students from 7 communities: Vanscoy, Delisle, Asquith, Perdue, Dalmeny, Langham, and Borden. Plan to attend and show your support for our school band program! Submitted by Shannon Wright

Pancake Breakfast Raises $1,700


he Vanscoy Hall’s Open house and Pancake Breakfast was served on April 12th to raise funds for new bathrooms. Despite the wind blowing out our grills and us opening the doors with no pancakes, we served 250 breakfasts; that included, pancakes, sausage, scrambled eggs, and fresh fruit. The community was very supportive in our efforts to “fix the ugly”, and continue it into the bathrooms at the hall. We cannot thank Glen, Shelley and Zach enough for their dedication and tireless hours spent on getting the hall looking better and cook-


ing us all breakfast. They along with our amazing volunteers, took their time to help at the breakfast and get us started on our bathroom project. Our efforts were awarded with a profit of $1150 for the breakfast and $550 in direct donations. If you wish to make a donation, you can visit the Village Office and they will issue you a tax receipt. Thank you for supporting this great cause. We are still looking for help to get the bathrooms fixed, perhaps a plumber and/or carpenter is able to assist us or offer input. Please text, call or email me at 306.221.8192 or Our next pancake breakfast will be held on October 10th to start off our Quad Rally. Please follow us on the Vanscoy Community Recreation Boards Facebook page to stay up to date with all the happening in and around Vanscoy.

Vanscoy Community Recreation Board Meeting Report April 15, 2015


eports were heard from each of the groups in attendance. The Seniors Club is looking for new members, anyone 55 years or older and interested should contact Irene Abel at 306-668-4997. The Ag Society had a successful Rib & Steak Night in March and their perennial exchange is May 12th. Bowbusters Archery has finished their indoor season and the club had a successful time at the JOP Provincials, coming home with 2 podium wins. The Shiverdome committee is working on a proposal for renting an artificial ice plant and possibly holding another 50/50 raffle. The hall committee hosted their pancake breakfast and are well on their way to funding new bathrooms at the hall. We are looking for people that may be able to help with this process, like plumbers or carpenters. Please text, call or email me at 306.221.8192 or if you are able to help out. The Rec Board hosted another

Mother & Daughter Tea Party and everyone in attendance had a wonderful afternoon. Our Community Wide Garage sale is set for May 23rd form 9am – 3pm. A BBQ lunch will be available at the Vanscoy Hall with proceeds going towards the Summer Street Dance on August 15th. Tables are available at the hall for $10. Please text, call or email at 306.221.8192 or to book your table. Upcoming Dates: Community Wide Garage Sale – May 23rd; August Summer Fair with Family Street Dance – August 15th & 16th; Quad Rally – October 10th; Fall Supper – October 18th. Watch for more information on our facebook page. Our next meeting is 7:30 pm May 20th, 2015 at the Vanscoy Seniors Centre. Everyone is invited and welcome to attend meetings, we are always looking for new ideas and suggestions. Please follow us on Facebook at Vanscoy Community Recreation Board.

3rd Annual Mother & Daughter Tea Party... Simply Beautiful!


ooking around the beautifully decorated hall this year and all the pink tables set for tea always puts a smile on my face. We opened the doors at 2:00 and all the girls came into the hall with their pretty dresses on and got right to work; making pretty tea hats, playing games, taking fun photos, colouring, painting nails, and visiting. Tea and snacks were served to 105 ladies this year, ranging in age from babies to grandmothers. I truly think this is a wonderful way to

spend times with the ladies we love most in our lives. For the second year in a row, Kimberley Mechor was able to attend with her Steeped Tea display and served all the ladies wonderful Irish Breakfast Tea. Thomas Fresh supplied us with all the fruit and vegetables, and all the delicious desserts were donated by Wendy, Ty, Kimberly and myself. The Vanscoy Community Recreation Board, Makeup Mischief and Alan Jackson supplied us with all raffle baskets.

And with the support of many businesses, lots of ladies took home some great door prizes. I enjoy planning the tea party for everyone. The time and effort it takes our volunteers is well worth the smiles, giggles and memories everyone shares. I look forward to next year’s tea party. Thanks to everyone that came, helped and supported this event. If you are interested in helping out next spring, please text, call or email me at 306.221.8192 or

Laura Multiple 4-H Report

ey you all again, I got an update on Laura Multiple 4-h club. We are busy getting ready for our achievement day on June 14. We are also getting ready for a club road trip to Shekinah in May. We are busy selling 4H lottery tickets, available till June. Some of the prizes are John Deere Gator, BBQ and a lot of gift cards too, they are 2 for $5. We want to send out a

BIG thanks to everyone for coming out for our potluck supper and silent auction Also we had some fun with our murder mystery too. We would also like to thank all our donors for the donations which made our night a huge success. Submitted by Cody Kearnan


DELISLE Saturday, May 9th

Vanscoy Delisle Pike Lake

ook B o n lt Cal Garde r You DAY ! TO

ASQUITH Saturday, May 23rd 10am - 4pm

KennY’s CulTivATinG 306 - 281 - 4111

VANSCOY Saturday, May 23rd

Professional Garden Roto-Tilling Starting at $35 4WD Kubota Rear Tiller

RM Review

May 2015



Find More Event Details at or Scan the QR Code with your phone

May 2/3 Saturday/Sunday Bowbusters Archery 3D Fun Shoot Range Road 3080

May 6 Wednesday 5:30pm Prairie Spirit West School Band Mtg. Lord Asquith School

May 18 Monday Victoria Day

May 22 Friday 9am - 5pm Advance Poll RM of Montrose, Donavan

May 2 Saturday 1pm - 3pm Dress for Success Sale 215 - 103rd Street, Saskatoon

May 8 Friday 1:00pm Silent Auction Ends Delisle Library

May 19 Tuesday 6:00pm School Community Council AGM Lord Asquith School

May 22 Friday 7:30pm ‘Cash Back’ Concert Delisle United Church

May 2 Saturday 5:30pm Ladies Diamond Dinner Pike Lake Community Hall

May 9 Saturday Community Garage Sale Town of Delisle

May 19 Tuesday 7:00pm Country Quilters Vanscoy Senior Centre

May 23 Saturday Community Garage Sale Village of Vanscoy

May 3 Sunday 2:00pm Travel Series - Vietnam Today St Martins Church, Pike Lake

May 9 Saturday 10am - 2pm BBQ and Pie Sale Delisle United Church

May 20 Wednesday 3:30pm School Community Council AGM Pike Lake School

May 23 Saturday 10am - 4pm Community Garage Sale Town of Asquith

May 4 Monday 6:30pm School Community Council AGM Delisle Composite School

May 10 Sunday Mother’s Day

May 20 Wednesday 6:00pm Potluck Supper Delisle Senior Centre

May 27 Wednesday 9am - 8pm Councillor Election Asquith Town Office

May 5 Tuesday 12:00pm Delisle Interagency Meeting Delisle Senior Centre

May 10 Sunday Mother’s Day Dinner Robin’s Nest Cafe

May 20 Wednesday 7:00pm Delisle Recreation Board Meeting Delisle Recreation Office

May 27 Wednesday 9am - 5pm Councillor Election RM of Montrose, Donavan

May 5 Tuesday 7:00pm Country Quilters Vanscoy Senior Centre

May 12 Tuesday 7:00pm Perennial Exchange Vanscoy Circle Hall

May 20 Wednesday 7:30pm Vanscoy Recreation Board Meeting Vanscoy Circle Hall

May 28 Thursday 7:00pm Community Choir Delisle United Church

May 5 Tuesday 7:30pm School Community Council AGM Vanscoy School

May 14 Thursday 7:00pm Community Choir Delisle United Church

May 21 Thursday 4pm - 7pm Advance Poll Asquith Town Office

May 28 Thursday 7:00pm Women in Business Meeting Donna’s Cozy Care Home, Delisle

Promote Your Event Here for FREE

Call 306-668-1312 or

S andyridge g aS & g rocerieS Grocery ATM

Fuel & Diesel Confectionary

Box 60 Saskatoon, SK S7K 3K1

Video Rentals

Large & Small Animal Medicine

306-384-7676 24 hr Emergency Services

Grandora 306 - 668 - 4362

Drs. Harvey Domoslai - Wally Kononoff Blair Simonson - Lisa Wayman Dave Nairn


Organic Beef Halves, Quarters, Custom Packages Samples Available Your satisfaction is guaranteed.

Ag Services Division

306 - 493 - 2408 Sparlyn Organic Farm 668-4216

Box 130, Delisle, SK S0L 0P0

Stobbe’s Backhoe Service Grandora, SK

Leo Stobbe 306-668-4289 Installation of Rural Water & Sewer Systems Pumps - Tanks - Switches - other Trenching & Excavation

Sid’s Auto Service Oil Change/Lube Job Clutch & Brake Work


306-668-2013 or 306-229-2016

RR1 Box 15

Delisle, SK S0L 0P0

Bus. (306) 493-7579 Fax. (306) 493-8135

SepticTank Pumping Septic Repairs Hydrovac Services


v AnsCOY

Ken Klassen

SK Sew Kleen

Rear Ends Transmissions

EnginES Gas & Diesel

Sand & Gravel Spreading Hauling

Trenching & Waterworks sand - Gravel - Topsoil

306 - 230 - 4653

Portable Toilet Rentals 306 - 283 - 4406


May 2015


RM Review

Find more Detailed Listings at or Scan the QR Code with your phone Accommodations Delisle Hotel Delisle 306-493-2462 Jeannie’s Place Delisle 306-717-0841

Accounting Accountsability Vanscoy 306-668-4216





Dexteriors Vanscoy 306-371-8260

Silpada - Marilyn Hungness Asquith 306-329-4768

Cindy the Tupperware Lady 306-683-0986/403-548-4668

RixEdge Sharpening Services Saskatoon 306-270-8048

Flatlander Construction Delisle 306-493-7547

Government - Federal


Sign Painting

Angus Insurance Harris 306-656-4555

Kim’s Signs That Sell Vanscoy 306-493-3011


G & L Drywall Delisle 493-8228 / 668-4583

Kelly Block, MP 904E 22nd St W, Saskatoon 1-888-590-6555

Larmar Contracting Services Vanscoy 306-380-2327

Government - Provincial

Delisle Agencies Delisle 306-493-2260

Randy Weekes, MLA 106 3rd Ave W Biggar 1-877-948-4880

Mooney Agencies Ltd. Vanscoy 306-668-2181

New Age Foundations Plus Grandora 306-329-4610

Papertrail Legacy Vanscoy 306-931-2153

Side by Side Contractors 306-270-6986


Twin Painting Vanscoy 934-5803 / 261-0689

Crop Production Services Delisle 306-493-8188

Victoria’s Design 306-370-9399

Delisle Agricultural Co-op Delisle 306-493-2212 Innovative Ag Performance Group Ltd Delisle 306-493-3167 Orchard Transport - Ag Div. Delisle 306-493-2408 Air Conditioning & Heating

ATL Electrical, Heating & A/C Delisle 306-493-2410


Westland Enterprizes Ltd Delisle 306-493-2709

Back 40 Embroidery Delisle 493-3033/493-2751

Desjardins Financial Security Investments Inc. 330 - 20th St. E. Saskatoon Norma Sparrow 306-242-1188

Sid’s Auto Service Vanscoy 306-668-2013 Trusty Appraisal Service & SGI Arbitration Delisle 306-222-0456

Flood First General Services Saskatoon 306-979-3205

Beauty Arbonne Intl - Kerrie Sparrow Vanscoy 306-668-4218

Chiropractor Dr. Lisa Merkosky, BSc. Dr. Jolene Palmer, BSc. Community Health Chiropractic Clinic Delisle Primary Health Centre 306-493-2800

Meat Cutting

Rice Lake Sand & Gravel Asquith 306-329-4768

Cooper Schneider Private Wealth at Scotia McLeod Colleen Schneider 306-664-1860

Integra Tire/Empire Auto Saskatoon 306-244-8070

Klassen Trenching Delisle 306-493-7579 Link’s Backhoe & Skidsteer Delisle 306-222-9737

Delisle Credit Union 1st St, Delisle 306-493-2414


Graham Contracting Asquith 306-230-4653

Jillian Walker Massage RMT Vanscoy 306-260-0671



PLAINSMAN HVAC-R Ltd 24 Hour Emergency Service Vanscoy 306-242-3002

Gravel / Sand


Floral Wedding Florals (silk only) Custom design by Colleen Hancharuk

Garden / Yard Like A Rock Grandora 306-382-3978

Vanscoy Sausage & Meat Vanscoy 306-668-4742

Ryjo Tours Inc. Tessier 1-866-656-4786

Veterinary Cattle Care Hwy #14 343-5773/260-6729 Corman Park Vet Services Hwy #14 (SLS) 306-384-7676 Delisle Veterinary Service Delisle 306-493-3143 Outlook Veterinary Clinic Outlook 306-867-8777

Pet Care ‘A’ Deb’s K-9 Kennelling Delisle 306-220-4727

Water / Septic FRP Manufacturing (2010) Inc. Asquith 306-329-4884


Animal InnSpaRations Delisle 306-493-3143

Clubs Driving Range Valley Road 306-221-0842

Bark Place Dog Grooming Spa Delisle 306-491-9335

Moon River Golf Club Valley Road 306-931-8960

Lynne Road Kennels Grandora 306-270-5831

Oasis Golf Resort Perdue 306-237-4653

Lynn Ross Dog Grooming Vanscoy 306-382-6224

Valleyview Golf & Country Club Delisle 306-493-3288

Plumbing, Heating, A/C

Starlings Septic Services Delisle 306-493-2241


ATL Electrical, Heating & A/C Delisle 306-493-2410

Sew Kleen Hydro-vacing & Septic Asquith 306-283-4406

Schneider’s Gourmet World Neunlage 306-225-5764

Thermal Mechanical Vanscoy 381-7998/270-0160


Hairstylist / Beauty

Potash Mine

Delisle Hairstyling & Barber Delisle 306-493-2467

Agrium Potash Mine Vanscoy 306-668-4343

Julie’s House of Style Delisle 306-493-2950

Graham Contracting Asquith 306-230-4653 Klassen Trenching Delisle 306-493-7579 Link’s Backhoe & Skidsteer Delisle 306-222-9737

Wedding Florals (silk only) Custom design by Colleen Hancharuk

Welding Arc-Fab Industrial Pike Lake 306-221-6692


Salon 360 Delisle 306-493-2486

Pike Lake Preschool Pike Lake 306-978-8164


The Pink Chair Delisle 306-493-2266

Vanscoy Early Learning Center Vanscoy 306-668-6338

Big Pines Services Inc. Vanscoy 306-230-7399



Air & Alkaline Water Purifiers Perdue 1-877-652-6853

Britannia Restaurant Asquith 306-329-2496

Graham Contracting Asquith 306-230-4653

Reflexology - Carrol King Delisle 306-493-2452

Homestead Restaurant Delisle 306-493-3313


Robin’s Nest Cafe Vanscoy 306-931-6996

Computer -Service

Gas / Confectionary

Catprint Computing Delisle 306-230-8783

Delisle Ag Co-op Delisle 306-493-2212

Computer -Web Design

Sandyridge Gas & Grocery Grandora 306-668-4362

Home Care Products

Whole Wheat Web Design Vanscoy 306-493-3023

Vanscoy Tempo Vanscoy 306-683-5024

Watkins - Anne Plummer 725 Valley Rd 306-382-1284

Vesta Homes Vanscoy 306-242-9099

KBM Earthmoving Vanscoy 306-867-3770 Klassen Trenching Delisle 306-493-7579 Link’s Backhoe & Skidsteer Delisle 306-222-9737

Self-Storage Great North Storage Company Delisle 306-202-8140

Snow Removal & Mowing Delisle 306-361-6343 Stobbe’s Backhoe Service Grandora 306-668-4289


$60/Year Classifieds

$20/Month Call the RM Review at 306-668-1312 or visit our website


Check out... WWW.PIN.CA

Antiques & Collectibles

Several Local Properties Available “For Sale by Owner”

Gifts, Memorabilia & so much more Come In, See What’s New & Old

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Land in local R.M.’s of: Vanscoy, Montrose, Eagle Creek and Aberdeen Businesses in: Delisle, Saskatoon, Harris Asquith and Rosetown etc. To List Yours Call: Merv Easton - Vanscoy 306-270-2022


Farm / Acreage / Ranch / Recreation Buying? / Selling?

Filed Online

Sask. Land Sales


Discount for Seniors

Coldwell Banker



ResCom Realty Real Estate Specialist

Phone 306 - 493 - 2771 Cell 306 - 361 - 9767

TOM NEUFELD 306-260-7838

Check out the Expanded Interactive On-Line Business Directory at

Business Directory

$20/Month Call the RM Review at 306-668-1312 or visit our website

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