May 2016 RM Review

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RM Review


Serving Asquith, Delisle, Donavon, Grandora, Harris, Kinley, Laura, Perdue, Pike Lake, Swanson, Tessier, Vanscoy, Zealandia

Volume 17 Number 5

May 2016


Antiques & Collectibles Business Opens in Vanscoy The iconic Vanscoy Feed & Farm Supply building is now the home of an antique and collectible business. They specialize in oil and gas collectibles, but deal in anytime old and interesting.

Vanscoy Delisle Pike Lake

k Boo rden r Ga ! u o Y AY TOD

They are open Wednesday through Saturday from noon till 6pm and also by appointment. You can reach Dennis at 306241-3945

KennY’s CulTivATinG

306 - 281 - 4111




Professional Garden Roto-Tilling Starting at $45 Small 4WD Kubota Rear Tiller Fits in Any Yard

Mother’s Day CONTEST Winner is... Monique Kielo e Caf est N . s in Ltd Rob cies se r gen A ou in n e h ant y D e en taur oon Day Gre R es r ’s - M un t r y e a i t h n n an Co Mot ngeme B r it RMT r 1 ittle ra ng The - L 2 f o er A r lker l Ki y a e W wo arro n T C Flow er Dais a i l r l y i o b f J b er Ger logy e Dinn sag lexo Mas R ef hips C e t & u age Min Fish ack 30 ge P a s s a t M Foo

GE A K PAC RM of Corman Park, Montrose, Vanscoy plus Asquith, Dalmeny, Donavon, Pike Lake & Vanscoy

No Burning of Any Material in Any Manner


Editorial............................ p. 2 Red Williams.................... p. 3 Council Reports................ p. 4

... S E UD L C IN

RCMP Report................... p. 5 Chief’s Report................... p. 5 School Reports.................. p. 6

Consumer Corner............. p. 7 Farm Reports.................... p. 8 MP Report......................... p. 9

The RM Review thanks all the Sponsors and everyone who entered ! Happy Mother’s Day

Community Reports.......... p. 10 Community Calendar....... p. 11 Business Directory............ p. 12

Read us on your computer, iPhone or iPad with our FREE On-Line Reader -


May 2016



RM Review

Letters to the Editor

What Keeps You Up At Night ?

recently watched on interview with United States Senator John Kerry. At one time in his political career, Kerry had run for president, sat on the Foreign Affairs committee and in 2013 he replaced Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State, a position that he still holds today. As Secretary of State, Kerry deals directly with world leaders like Putin in Russia and Assad in Syria as well as negotiate high level solutions such as the Iran nuclear deal. He is certainly a person who is well experienced with the current state of most places on this planet. The interview I watched covered many of his past roles in government, but the part that caught my attention was his response to the question “With everything you have seen and know about the state of the world, what one thing would you say keeps you up at night ?” Kerry responded “What keeps me up at night is the hundreds of millions of kids across the middle east, north africa and south east asia who, through technology and social media, see what we have and want it... but because of no education theses youth have no jobs, which means that this just ain’t gonna happen, so they are ripe for radicalization and exploitation.” Obviously some of those places have huge challenges in providing eduction, but the problem also exists in our modern western society as well. The level of violence with youth, especially minorities, in the United States, plays out on our televisions every day. These youth are the most poorly educated in their society. Why is that ? Like most things a lack of funding plays a big part, but it is the community response that seal the fate of these youth. Our communities are no different. As our schools continue to face rising costs and apparent budget cutbacks it is up to our communities to step up and assist in the process of providing our youth the opportunities they deserve. Over the next two weeks you have an opportunity to offer your assistance through your local School Community Council. These councils exist to bring the community together with the school and are made up of school staff, parents of students, as well as any members of the general community, like you. Each of you have something to offer... time, experience, ideas, you name it. I urge you to look at the information on the facing page and get involved. Congratulations to Monique Kielo, who won our annual Mother’s Day contest. Thank you to everyone that entered. For those of you that have yet to put something together for your mother this year (you know who you are) you could consider visiting one of the local businesses that have generously sponsored our contest or make a reservation at one of the delicious, local Mother’s Day buffets or dinners put on by the Britannia Restaurant in Asquith or Robin’s Nest Cafe in Vanscoy. In June we will be running our local Summer Activities and Destinations feature including the huge Summer STAY-cation contest. Be sure to enter.

Red Williams To the Editor, I would like to acknowledge and thank C. M. (Red) Williams for his ongoing submissions to the RM Review. His knowledgeable insights come from a background with the U of S, and multiple other organizations, as a highly recognized contributor to many agricultural advancements. He is also a Member of the Order of Canada (1989), Saskatchewan Order of Merit (2002) and has re-

Hello everyone,at the time of this writing I am no longer giving a report as a RM representative. First, I have to apologize to my fellow council members, reeve, administration staff and employees, you the ratepayers and the readers of the RM Review. The paragraph in my article (April 16) refers to the annual ratepayers supper. I DID NOT make this statement or print it in my report. My name has been attached to this editorial and therefore I own it. If in fact the statement referring to the supper being cancelled because of a high turnover of staff was made, this is very unfortunate and not an accurate assessment of the situation. Let me be very clear that the members of council, administrative staff and employees are very capable of putting on a supper and meeting. Council had come to the conclusion that with the various time constraints of ratepayers and council members that a meeting at this late date would not be well attended and to hold off until a later time. The real purpose of this editorial was to clarify that I did not agree to

have my write up pirated, cut and added to without my permission. Editing of this standard only diminishes the standard of the RM Review to that of a third world tabloid magazine. It's at that time that people with editorials and advertising fees, look seriously as to wether their money is being well spent. Going forward I will not be submitting a council report for the Pike Lake newsletter. I have never been, or am the spokesperson for council or the RM of Vanscoy. Every member on council has their own way of communicating with ratepayers, I prefer in person or by phone. I will however continue to provide a ratepayers perspective in the Pike Lake Newsletter so you can be kept informed on some of the bigger issues. Have a great spring and be aware a fire ban has been put in place. A lot of garbage has blown around with all the wind but burning at this time is not permitted. A ratepayers perspective, James Harvey


In our April 2016 issue we mistakenly attributed a comment regarding the cancellation of the R.M. of Vanscoy’s Annual Ratepayers Dinner to Councillor James Harvey. The comment was actually provided to us by another member of the R.M. of Vanscoy Council, not Councillor Harvey. We apologize for any confusion this may have caused.

Happy Mother’s Day Ken Sowter - Editor


SILENT AUCTION CLOSES FRIDAY MAY 6 AT 1PM SHARP Thank you to all who contributed to the Silent Auction held at the library Delisle Veterinary Service, Mobius Threads, Sew Bright Creations Solar Gardens, Michelle Klassen, Darla and Shelby Christopher, Brenda Johnson Deb Rolston, Charlene Pollries, Valerie Dyck, Julia Sherbot, Susan Bayne Cliff Merkosky, Delisle Agencies, Bark Place Spa, Margaret Kool, Salon 360 Margo Knittig, Back 40 Embroidery, Crystal's Salon, Little Country Greenhouse

BIGGAR May 6 & 7


Delisle Branch A big thank you as well to those who bid on the items. All money raised is used to help the library purchase magazine subscriptions and other items that are needed in our library. With your support the auction was a huge success!

May 14th

201 - 1st st W


306 - 493 - 8288

May 14th

The RM Review Phone: 306-668-1312 Fax: 306-978-4481 Box 333, Vanscoy, SK S0L 3J0

Sincerely, Phill Sawatzky RM of Vanscoy

A Ratepayers Perspective

Now get out there and plant your garden !!


ceived numerous other accolades. I look forward to reading your thoughts monthly in your ‘Food for Thought’ newspaper column. Thanks for sharing Red! Also, I would like to thank the RM Review newspaper for providing us with this quality contribution.

Monday Noon - 4pm

Watch for the Summer Reading Club this summer

Wednesday Noon - 4pm & 7pm - 9pm

Friday 10am - 5pm

Request/Renew Books at



Scan this QR Code to read us on your iPad or iPhone

DISTRIBUTION & SUBSCRIPTIONS 3,500 issues of the RM Review are published monthly and direct mailed for free to all homes in the communities shown in the map to the right. As well, it is available for free pick-up at various news stands throughout this distribution area. Out of area subscriptions are available for $30/yr.

Next Issue comes out on June 2, 2016

We reserve the right to edit copy for libel or other legal, spelling or grammatical errors. We accept no liability for any such errors.

Submission Deadline is Friday, May 27, 2016

RM Review

Community Shares Skill & Experience with School Community Councils


Elections held every May - See Schedule at right

he School Community Council (SCC) is a primary link between the home, community and school. Prairie Spirit believes that involvement with School Community Councils is a rewarding and meaningful activity for parent and community members. The purpose of School Community Councils is to: • Support student learning success and well-being; and, • Encourage parent and community involvement and engagement in the school. School Community Councils provide mechanisms for parents and community members to support and influence the work of the school and to channel advice to the Board of Education and others. The focus of the SCC is student learning and well-being. The challenge for the SCC is to engage the parents and community with the school in a meaningful partnership that supports their shared responsibility. School Community Council Responsibilities Councils are accountable to their community. Responsibilities of the Council include: • Understanding their community; • Supporting parent and community involvement in the school; • Advising the Board and school as outlined in the Board of Education School Community Council Policy; • Working with the School to develop, support and provide advice to the Learning Improvement Plan; • Helping parents find ways to support their children’s learning; • Reviewing extra-curricular school activities approved by the principal and Student Council members; • Advising and approving fundraising activities in the school; and • Reviewing student fees to ensure alignment with Board of Education directions.

Council Member Responsibilities Your role as a Council member is to build shared responsibility among parents, the community and school for student learning and well-being. In addition, your role is to lead parent and community involvement in school planning and improvement. The term of office for Representative Parent and Community Members is two (2) years with no limit on the number of consecutive terms that may be served. As a Council member you might expect to... • Attend meetings from September to June as determined by the Council calendar; • Engage in the work of the Council such as: o Supporting and advising the development of the Learning Improvement Plan with the staff of the school; o Developing, leading and taking action on Council initiatives to help families support their children’s learning; o Providing advice to the school, Board of Education and other community organizations and agencies, as outlined in Board of Education policy; o Providing advice for school fundraising activities, school fees and the student code of conduct; o Reporting to parents and community on Council progress; and, o Working with other Council members to learn more about the role of the Council and how to fulfill its responsibilities. In order to run for election to your local SCC, you must live in the school attendance area or be a parent of a student in the school. Contact your school’s principal or Prairie Spirit School Division for more details.

May 2016

SCC Election Dates Delisle Composite School Tuesday, May 10, 7:00pm Lord Asquith School Tuesday, May 10, 6:00pm Pike Lake School Tuesday, May 10, 7:00pm Delisle Elementary School Thursday, May 12, 4:00pm Vanscoy School Tuesday, May 24, 7:00pm (NOTE NEW DATE) Vanscoy &!District Early Learning Centre

Saturday May 14th 6:30pm Vanscoy Hotel Tickets $20/person available at Vanscoy &!District Early Learning Centre

1st Annual Celebration of Hockey a huge success !!!! The Delisle Minor Hockey Association and Delisle Senior Bruins want to thank all of the Sponsors, members and families of DMHA, the Senior Bruins players and families, fans of local hockey and all of the volunteers who helped make this event an overwhelming success.

On behalf of DMHA & Delisle Senior Bruins

Food for Thought


Pot Rules

C.M. (Red) Williams

n a perfect world there would be no use of recreational marijuana. But this is not a perfect world where Canadian youth lead in smoking, chewing or eating marijuana. It has its use, as I can attest, since my son would suffer even more pain without the regular use of the drug. The assumption that this drug is harmless is not valid, particularly in the developing brain. Government action is required. The reaction of authorities is to use punishment to halt its use has been a dismal failure, creating an underworld of criminals benefiting from the restrictive laws. This shadow business supports the habit among the teen-age population. A new approach is crying out for an answer. The current federal government has taken a drastic change in approach. To have a personal supply and legal use of recreation marijuana by adults will be permitted with restric-

Vanscoy Delisle Pike Lake

tions on its use by under-age people. Enforcing this later group presents a problem but perhaps, when the main market dries up the pressure to provide an underworld supply, the children’s use will gradually disappear. Now that pot will be readily available all users should be aware that the potency is many times that which was in the original supplies. In addition there are the older supplies that just made one loopy, however there are more developments that only act to dull the nerves and therefore there used as medical treatment. And finally, if the recent demonstrations of indiscriminate use of marijuana is any evidence of how the public will handle the new regulations then the whole effort will be wasted. Opinions expressed here are exclusively those of the author.

k Boo rden r Ga ! u o Y AY TOD

KennY’s CulTivATinG

306 - 281 - 4111




Professional Garden Roto-Tilling Starting at $45 Small 4WD Kubota Rear Tiller Fits in Any Yard



May 2016



Asquith Town Council held its regular council meeting on Wednesday, April 13, 2016. Present were Mayor Gail Erhart, Councillors Sue Sawicki, Garry Dumont, Ross Beal and Don Lysyshyn, as well as C.A.O. Holly Cross. A motion was made to accept the March 9, 2016 minutes as presented. The treasurer's statement of receipts and expenditures for March 2016, as well as the February 2016 bank reconciliations were accepted as presented. Resolution was made to accept accounts paid in the amount of $21,591.33 and accounts payable in the amount of $22,977.17. A letter was received from SARM Potash Tax Sharing indicating that the Town's 2016 potash tax sharing will be in the amount of $26,874.38. Building permit #1-2016 was issued for a new house to be moved onto 510 Lunn Street. Building permit #22016 was issued for a new detached garage to be built at 470 Cory Street. Remember that all decks, buildings, additions that are larger than 100 square feet require a building permit and subsequent building inspection. IF you have any questions about building permits, please do not hesitate to contact the Asquith Town office. Graham Contracting has been contracted to perform street sweeping in the Town for a cost of two thousand and five hundred dollars ($2,500.00). The Town has indicated to the R.M. of Corman Park No. 344 that they have no objection to the discretionary use of a paintball operation being in the R.M. May 1-7, 2016 has been declared Emergency Awareness Week by the Town of Asquith. How prepared are you for an emergency, such as a power outage that lasts a day...or that last three days? Watch your mail-

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NEW In-store Bakery Homemade Daily Specials Soup, Chili and more... “Now Serving Soft Ice Cream”


306 - 668 - 4362

boxes for pamphlets that will give you advice on how to be prepared to last 72 hours on your own in the case of an emergency, as well as how to prepare an emergency evacuation kit. April 25 - May 1, 2016 has been declared Rail Safety Week. It is important to practice safe driving procedures when approaching a railroad crossing, or when crossing a railroad. Practicing caution and observing guidelines, such as looking both ways at uncontrolled crossings, can save a life. The Town of Asquith welcomes David Logue as a parttime employee. David will primarily be looking after the maintenance of the cemetery and the sportsgrounds, but it is likely you will see him also doing other tasks about town. On April 30, 2016, the Town of Asquith will be allowing Town of Asquith residents ONLY to bring clean wood (not treated, nor painted), branches, leaves, grass and garden waste to the landfill from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. If you have brought your leaves in garbage bags be ready to dump the leaves and take the bags back with you, as Sask Environment is very strict in regards to what can be allowed. If this day goes well, Council may consider holding further such days thru the summer and fall. A reminder goes out to all residents of Asquith that they cannot take their refuse to the transfer site at the R.M. of Perdue. Also, there have been residents complaining that their garbage and recycle bins have not been picked up. The following are the guidelines that Loraas has for garbage and recycling carts: The cart lids must be COMPLETELY CLOSED for safety to surrounding property and prevention of windblown materials. Over-filled carts with open lids may not be emptied. Place your cart with wheels against the curb by 7 a.m. on collection day. Do not bag your recyclables except for plastic bags and shredded paper. Do not paint or mark your cart. Do not put your cart close to a parked car or other obstruction, as it will not be picked up. Several people have been caught driving ATV's and dirt bikes in the Asquith Sports Grounds. These are NOT allowed there. Individuals driving these vehicles must use alleys to access or exit Town to utilize the vehicles in the rural areas. Parents of rural teenagers, please be aware that your child should not be driving their ATV's or dirt bikes into Town ~ they can meet their friends outside of Town limits. If too many individuals disregard these instructions, council may decide to pass a bylaw that will have individuals having to trailer their vehicles in and out of Town. Please don't ruin it for everyone else. Happy Spring!

BBQ Rentals Hosting a Large Event this Summer ? Rent Locally and

Save Money Call Robin’s Nest Cafe

306 - 931 - 6996

TOWN OF DELISLE Council held a regular meeting April 12th and a budget meeting on April 27th. Council authorized the temporary closure of the 500 Block of Main Street on Saturday, October 15th, 2016 from 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. to accommodate the hosting of the Provincial School Cross Country Championship meet. The Town will sponsor the fireworks for the 2016 Delisle Days at an approximate cost of $700.00.

Treat Mom on

RM Review

Council authorized the use of an Excel based calendar program to be displayed on the Arena TV next season. One of the three wells the Town of Delisle uses will be retired in 2016 due to age, deterioration and a drastic reduction in water production. A new well will be dug to replace it at an estimated cost of $350,000.00. In order to finance this project as well as other issues that will need to be addressed in the coming years, council is proposing a significant increase in water and sewer rates. The proposed increases are as follows: Starting August 15/16 - Excess water consumption rates will increase from $6.00 to $8.00/1000 gallons. On November 15/16 - Basic residential rates for water & sewer will increase by $3/month. Commercial rate increase may be slightly higher depending on the type of business. On August 15/17 - Excess water consumption rates will increase to $10.00/1,000 gallons. Although the base rate increase will affect everyone, the excess rate increases reflect an user pay philosophy that users who consume more shall pay a proportionately larger share of the costs. A bylaw proposing these rate changes will be considered at the May 10th council meeting. The 2016 municipal tax rate was set at 3.8 mills, an increase of .3 mills from 2015. The school mill rate remains unchanged from 2015. The 2016 operating budget was approved with an anticipated surplus of $20,813.

Community Living will have a truck in Delisle to pickup garage sale leftovers Monday, May 16th. They accept clothing and small household items that will fit in a bag or a box. To schedule a pick-up, please phone 1877-477-2171 or email by May 11th.

VILLAGE OF VANSCOY Council of the Village of Vanscoy has approved a discretionary use application to permit the sale of motor vehicles on a Village Commercial lot. The application is presently awaiting approval from the Minister of Government Relations. Council has asked for quotes to have the streets repaired. Prior to this happening, the streets will need to be swept. Vehicles should be removed from the streets to allow for the repair. Census month is May 2016. This is mandatory for all citizens to participate. 25% of the households will receive the long form questionnaire. Information collected is used to determine eligibility for grants, as well as schools and housing. The assessment roll for 2016 has now closed. Council can now set the mill rate and finalize the budget. Tax notices will be mailed out in July. A discount of 5% will be given until September 30 on the municipal portion only. There is no discount allowed on school taxes. Back lane pick up has commenced. Noticed in the bags left in the alley was dog feces, wire and garage. If this continues, residents will be restricted to only using clear plastic bags so the contents are visible. Only leaves, branches and yard waste are to be left in the alley.

vanscoy FIREWORKS FOR all yOuR

S ummER


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RM Review


Alberta Couple with Stolen Property Charged On April 3 at 3:15 pm, a vehicle was stopped travelling on Highway 16 near Borden. The 36 year old female passenger was charged with Possession of Stolen Property, and the 35 year old driver was charged with five charges, one of them being possession of stolen property. Both subjects are from Alberta. They have been held for court.

Fire near Vanscoy Forces Home Evacuations April 13th at 4:45 pm, a grass fire out of control was reported near Vanscoy. Homes were evacuated. Fire was extinguished with no homes or property being destroyed.

Canada Post Mailboxes on Highway 60 Vandalized April 15th at 3:00 pm a report was received that the mailboxes at the intersection of Highway 60 and Christianson road had locks cut off. Unknown if any mail was missing. Canada Post was advised of the attempted theft.

Windows Smashed on Several Vehicles in Vanscoy April 21st a report was made of

someone going onto property in the Vanscoy area and breaking windows on several vehicles parked on the property. Investigation is ongoing.

Saskatoon. Grass and brush in the immediate area on fire as well. Saskatoon Fire attended. The truck had been reported stolen.

Langham Van Window Smashed

April 29th at 11:13 a.m. a report of theft was received from outside of Langham. Copper wire and electrical panels were reported stolen. Investigation is on-going.

Chevy Truck Stolen from Pike Lake Home April 22nd at 9:40 am a house was reported broken into in the Pike Lake area. A black Chev ½ ton was stolen. Investigation is on-going.

April 26th a report was received of windows broken at the portable building at Delisle Composite School. Building was entered and some damage was done inside. Investigation is on-going.

Vehicles Burn in Grass West of Saskatoon April 29th at 12:15 am a tractor trailer and truck were reported on fire on Grid Road 3072 west of

Male Arrested for Assault at Vanscoy Acreage On April 30th at 9:30 pm a call was received of a male that had entered a house in the Vanscoy area and had assaulted a female in the house. He then left and went to the acreage next door and damaged several vehicles located in that yard. Members attended and arrested the 40 year old male who was held for court. If you have information regarding this or any other crime, please contact Warman/Martensville RCMP at 306-9751670/306-975-1610 or if you have information and you wish to remain anonymous in your reporting, please contact Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222TIPS (8477), submit a tip via their website: or text in a tip: TIP206 + your tip to CRIMES (274637).


Has it been one year already? Yes, indeed it has been one year since I started with the Rural Municipality of Vanscoy, as your Chief of Police. I would like to thank everyone within the Municipal Office framework; the Administrative Staff, the Foreman and his crew and the Reeve and Council for all of their support and assistance during my first year. With all the personnel changes that occurred within the RM office in the past year, my appointment as Chief, became forgotten news rather quickly. After 28 years with the RCMP it is refreshing to take on a new challenge. Taking over from S/Sgt Glenn Thompson, your previous Chief for 14 years, it certainly was a challenge. In the past year I endeavored to meet as many of our rate payers and their families as I could. If I haven’t met you yet, I hope to do so in my second year. A special thanks to the local businesses I frequent for fuel, refreshments and meals; they have been very friendly and welcoming. In fact everyone I have met this past year has been supportive and appreciative of the work I have done and it has been my pleasure to do so. One of my main goals for year one was to write an informative column in the RM Review. I believed written communication is the best way to get news to you about recent crime trends plus provide forum to discuss policing issues. Ken Sowter, graciously allows me to reach all of you through his newspaper. Thanks Ken. So, what has been happening in the RM of Vanscoy? Property crime still seems to be the most prevalent. Here is a breakdown of some unsolved crimes which have occurred recently; A large theft of fuel from a farm yard just east of Asquith occurred in March. The culprit(s) cut an exterior fence, drove into the field adjacent to the farm yard and cut two more fences of a coral to reach the fuel tanks. In the process they allowed two horses to escape and run loose for almost 12 hours. Fortunately the horses were unharmed but this senseless criminal act could have ended more tragically. On the far east side of the RM, south of Twp Rd 364 on Rge Rd 3070, there are fenced compounds where businesses operate and storage facilities are maintained. This is frequently the victim of break-ins. Car

Vanscoy Delisle Pike Lake

k Boo rden r Ga ! u o Y AY TOD

Sgt. Murray McCracken RM of Vanscoy Police Chief

parts, tires, rims, and batteries are the main items being removed. Several businesses have been broken into with tools being the main item desired. There have been too many of these break-ins to list each individually, plus this has occurred at local area farms. A white cargo, or cube type van, has been repeatedly seen south of highway 14 in the vicinity of Range Rd 3081, in the past month. The vehicle, with two unknown occupants, has been parking at the end of resident’s approaches during the daytime. When approached by residents the vehicle has sped off. This vehicle could be casing residences for day time breakins and may be related to a theft last month of a large collection of long barrelled firearms in the RM of Corman Park, a half mile north of our RM. Recently an act of vandalism occurred to a collection of vehicles parked at a property on Bray Rd. The culprit entered by quad and smashed windows out of five vehicles including a vintage collectable car. The force that caused the damage to these vehicles was not done by a child, a teenager or adult is responsible.

Remember to lock your vehicles before leaving or going to sleep and tell the Police or your neighbours if you are going to be away for extended periods. We are located very close to Saskatoon, and allowing thieves easy access to your valuables is something they are hoping for and why they continually target rural areas. If you see an unknown vehicle lurking around on back roads, entering or stopping near approaches, day or night, it likely is suspicious. You know your neighbours and their vehicles. When you see someone who doesn’t fit, do not confront them or chase them. Get a vehicle description and ‘if possible’ a licence plate and call me, or if it is late at night or early morning, call the RCMP. They are a 24 hour department. The Warman Det. phone number is 306-975-1670. Write it down beside your phone, or program it into it, so you have it readily available to you when the need arises. Do not hesitate to call either, you are the best line of defence against these types of criminals. Lat month I discussed speed limits for unmarked or non-posted roads within our municipality. The rule of thumb for pavement or gravel roads in the RM that are not posted is usually 80 km/hr. O’Malley Road in the Pike Lake area is one exception. The speed limit for

KennY’s CulTivATinG

306 - 281 - 4111




Alfred Berg

Copper Theft near Langham

April 21st a 12:11 a report was made of windows smashed on a van parked on a driveway in Langham. No suspects at this time. Investigation is on-going.

Delisle School Vandalized

May 2016



December 22, 1920 – May 2, 2016 It is with sadness that the family of Alfred Berg announces his passing on May 2, 2016. Alfred was predeceased by his wife Audrey in 1998, his step son Rick Pearson in 2006 and his sister Gertie in 2008. He leaves as survivors his daughter Judy Walker (Jim) of Saskatoon, son Gord (Michelle) of Saskatoon, step daughter Donna Pearson (Rick) of Sherwood Park AB, step son Terry Pearson (Debbie) of Wetaskiwin, AB, step daughter Brenda Farrer (Carmen) of Ninette, MB and niece Lorraine Ratzer (Gerald) of Westmount QC. Seven grandchildren, their spouses and nine great grandchildren round out his family. Two grandchildren and four great grandchildren surround Donna: Kim Lundell (Tyler, Aimee) of Sherwood Park, AB; Alan and Lindsey Pearson (Brady, Aspyn) of Sherwood Park AB. Three grandchildren and five great grandchildren encircle Terry: Janelle and Carl Graw (Madelyn, Edward, Oliver) of Edmonton AB; Trevor and Kathy Pearson of Edmonton AB; Ashley and Tyler Hutchinson (Mya, William) of Edmonton AB. The two youngest grandchildren (Ty, Katie) are the pride and joy of Gord and Michelle. Alfred was born in Delisle to parents Juel and Annie Berg who predeceased him in 1955 and 1978 respectively. Alfred grew up on the family farm south of Delisle where he farmed until 1992. He continued to live on the farm until his 94th birthday when he moved to Saskatoon to live with Judy and Jim. Alfred attended Delisle High School where he excelled in both athletics and academics, receiving his Grade 12 diploma in 1938. Some of Alfred’s fondest memories were those of playing hockey, particularly on the frozen ponds around Delisle with the Bentley brothers. In 1940-41, Alfred played for Father Athol Murray and the Notre Dame Hounds in the Saskatchewan Junior Hockey League. He always had great stories to tell about his experience at Notre Dame. Alfred’s hockey pursuit was interrupted in order to serve his country in World War II. He joined the Royal Canadian Air Force in 1941 and was stationed on the island of Bella Bella, BC to patrol the Pacific coast. After being discharged from the service in 1945, Alfred was picked up to play on the Laura Beavers Intermediate A team along with Doug Bentley and several other NHL players. They won the Western Canada Intermediate Championship beating the Canmore Briqueteers 3 games to 2. Alfred’s final and most cherished hockey memory was playing on a backyard rink with Ty and Katie each Christmas until he was 93. At 94, he finally decided to retire from the game he loved. In February 2016, Alfred moved to the Veterans Village at Sherbrooke until his death. Alfred’s family wishes to thank the wonderful staff at Sherbrooke, and in particular, the caregivers in Korea House for their exceptional care. There will be a grave side service open to family and friends at 11:00am on Monday May 9 at Woodlawn Cemetery. Those attending are encouraged to wear their favourite hockey jersey. In lieu of flowers, a donation can be made to the Veterans Village. Arrangements entrusted to Acadia-McKague’s Funeral Centre (Saskatoon, SK, 306-955-1600).

this short section of paved roadway is 60 km/hr. This road has acreages with young children along it and a large volume of commercial truck traffic so the speed limit is set accordingly. I will be stepping up enforcement on this road as speeds and traffic have been increasing. Finally the Spring Road Bans have been lifted effective May 1st. I had little experience with this so I relied upon several individuals to help me out. The Department of Transport,Corman Park Police, our new Foreman, Scott, and Ardell Seeds. Thanks to all. Thank-you also to those who took the time to call me before they began their hauling. You’re honesty and assistance was much appreciated. If you have information regarding crimes mentioned contact me at 306-291-6050 or the RCMP Detachment, at 306-975-1670. If you do not want to reveal your name, and/or would like a cash reward for information that leads to an arrest, you can call Saskatchewan Crime Stoppers Tip Line at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477) or visit their web page at

Professional Garden Roto-Tilling Starting at $45 Small 4WD Kubota Rear Tiller Fits in Any Yard


May 2016




he countdown is on, only two months left of school. For our latest news we have senior and junior badminton, Prairie Spirit Band, SRC, and upcoming events here at Delisle Composite. Senior badminton had a great season! They played at Clavet's and Osler's tournaments along with DCS hosting playoffs on April 27th. We have our girls singles player, Natalie Barstch, moving to the next level in Rosthern on April 30th. Good Luck! Junior badminton has their playoffs on May 7th. We would like to give a big thanks to Mr. Vetter, Ms. Kooey and Mrs.Bartsch for helping/coaching/organizing both badminton teams, along with the parents and other supporters for helping us this year. Prairie Spirit Band created history, for the first time ever the East and West bands united to play at the Rocky Mountain Music festival in Banff. This was an exciting five day trip that included watching the performances from U of M and the New York voices. It was an amazing trip for our band students. SRC is busy planning the canteen for the track meet on May 6th and planning next years SRC group leaders. Up coming events: May 6th, DCS local track meet; May 20-23, no school; June 15th, DCS education celebration night. For more updates and events please check our school website at



e are having a very busy 2 months. We were very lucky to have a guest author, Carey Rigby-Wilcox here to talk about her life and her new book “Libraries, Books and Words, Oh My!”. This month we had an exciting hot meal Character Day, almost all the kids dressed up! The Grade 5, 5/6 & 6 classes will be performing their assembly on April 28 at 10:45 and April 29 at 1:00 pm. In May, there is a lot happening. On May 4, it will be ride your bike to school day. Our Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon will be on May 6, baking day on May 10 and SCC Elections on May 12. There is no school on Friday, May 20 (staff prep day) or Monday, May 23 (Victoria Day). By Mayah G and Tori T

Delisle Elementary School Thanks the Perpetual Supporters of our Breakfast Program ! Delisle Co-op Delisle Credit Union Delisle Senior Centre Phipps & Rempel Denture Clinic Thomas Fresh Colborn Farms Schumacher Farms Back 40 Embroidery Cobb’s Bakery Agrium Inc. Vetter Enterprises Ltd. RM Review

Vanscoy Multiple 4-H


n March 25th 26th we had our annual 4-H Petting Zoo at the Lawson Heights Mall. We had a variety of different animals for people to look at and pet. Some of the animals were a rabbit and 2 guinea pigs that came from the SPCA. We had a 1 month old calf, 2 piglets some chicks and chickens as well as a horse. We also had face painting and a fish pond. It was a very busy 2 days and we hope you were able to come out to see us and the animals. Hope to see you again next year.

RM Review




ere we are almost at the end of another month! Before we know it, it will be time to start practicing graduation songs. We finished off the month of March with an Easter party. This was attended by both groups of students. They decorated large paper eggs and made bunny cups for collecting candy. The Easter bunny snuck in and hid some candy and the children had a lot of fun searching for it. The 4-year olds also spent a day learning about spring, but following tradition, the day wasn't very nice. Fortunately, the previous weeks showed us appropriate spring weather so the kids could figure out what should happen in spring. We started off April talking a little more about spring. The students used broken Easter eggshells to "colour" some spring pictures. We also learned about the number 8, making spiders for our craft. We will explore the colour yellow this week with snacks and crafts, probably making ducks and giraffes. April also found the 4's learning about the 5 senses. So far we have explored the senses of sight (I Spy), hearing (we listened indoors and outdoors for various sounds and guessed which instrument made which sound), and touch (we felt various textured beanbags and tried to describe them, as well as finding which textures matched with our eyes closed). We still have to do my 2 favourite senses - smell and taste. To finish off the month, the students will be headed to the library to a "drive-in". They will be able to decorate boxes as cars and watch a couple of short films. This is a nice finish to our vehicle theme from last month. In May, we will be learning about purple and the number 9. We will also celebrate Mothers with some Mother's Day activities. The 4-year olds will also start a unit on animals (although this is subject to change lol). And of course, we will start practicing our grad songs. A big shout out goes to all those who supported our pizza fundraiser. We sold over 200 pizzas! The majority of the money raised will be going towards making sure I can continue to give the students the best preschool experiences through the hours I put in, field trips, special craft supplies, etc. I would also like to purchase a special carpet for carpet time instead of the mats we now use. This mat will not only allow the students their own spots, but can also be used for colour games and to improve listening and sorting skills. Again, thank you to all who supported us, and thank you to all the preschool parents for working so hard during this fundraiser! Registration for the fall will be on Thursday, May 19th from 6-7pm upstairs at the hall. Your child must be 3 or 4 by December 31st, 2016, and toilet-trained. If you have any questions or concerns, please call me (Wendy Schoonbaert)at 306-978-8164 or email me at That should cover everything for this month. Keep smiling and enjoy this weather! 3-year old days: May 6, 13, 27 4-year old days: May 3, 6, 10, 13, 17, 24, 27, 31 Colour: purple Number: 9 Submitted by Wendy Schoonbaert

2016 Bursary Application Education- The key that opens so many doors for for all generations.

The Vanscoy & District Agricultural Society is off offering a $500 bursary to a Grade Twelve Graduate who will be pursuing a post-secondary education program in Saskatchewan within one year of graduating. It is open to students who reside in the Asquith, Delisle, Pike Lake, Grandora, or Vanscoy Districts. All post-secondary educational programs will be considered in the selection process. The bursary will be di dispersed to the successf sfu ul applicant upon receipt of a copy of paid tuition. The selection committee will consist of Directors of the Vanscoy & District Agricultural Society . Some of the primary selection criteria will include the ffol ollowing: Letter of motivation ffor or the committee to select you, proof of acceptance to an education/training program within Saskatchewan, written ref refer erences and completion of an application ffor orm. The Vanscoy & District Agricultural Society reserves the right to with -hold this bursary. The Directors may also decide to split the bursary. Please call (306)493-2428; text (306) 371-0272 or email and an application form will be emailed to you for your completion. APPLICATI APPL CATIO ON DEADLINE: May 30, 2016 Th T he successf essfu ul applicant will be notified by the end of June.


ur school is certainly getting into the habit of being outside everyday now that we have the assurance summer is just around the corner! For the third year in a row, our school will be participating in the 5th annual David Suzuki 30 X 30 Challenge. During the month of May, our school is joining Canadians coast to coast in spending 30 minutes in nature every day for 30 days. So what counts as time in nature? The answer is pretty simple - you just need to get outside (without any electronic devices) and enjoy all that there is to see, feel, smell, hear and sometimes taste in the natural environment! Rain and shine! Since we first began this challenge, we have noticed a substantial increase in participation from the students over the years! There has been a wide variety of activities, marvellous discoveries and unique observations that students have entered in their tally logs as a result of taking on this challenge. It is so fun to have them share their exciting stories when they have experienced something amazing while being outdoors! This year, the SCC has come on board and has challenged parents, grandparents, caregivers and the community to take part in this contest. We hope you take them up on that challenge and sign up at There are some great ideas and information there to help you activate this fun experience! You will be amazed at how easy it is ! Studies have proven that the more we connect to nature around us, the happier, smarter and healthier we will be! We become more creative and generous in our relationships the more time we spend outdoors! We would be excited to have you join us in the 30 x 30 Challenge! Call us if you want a form and we can include you in our tallies! We certainly helped the natural environment in our school yard recently on Earth Day. We spent the afternoon outside cleaning and planting flower beds, picking up trash, planting wildflowers for the bees and butterflies, readying the birdhouses for new tenants, and making a crafty treat for our feathered friends! To culminate our efforts, the SCC provided us with treats to end the day! We would like to thank the SCC and our parent helpers who were able to assist us on this important natural cleaning day ! We have some great news regarding child care in our community. Lana Froese is a mom in the Pike Lake community who is opening up a before and after school care while school is in session throughout the year. She will be available in the morning until the school bus arrives at her home and again when the school bus arrives after school. (There will not be care provided during school holidays, summer holidays or for all day care as well.) As we are well aware, this is a wonderful service to have available for parents! If you are interested in having your child cared for in a family home, please contact Lana Froese @ 306-477-3337 to arrange an interview to meet your child and discuss the details of care. (Please leave a message if there is no answer) On Thursday, May 12th, we will be welcoming our next year Kindergarten students with a fun orientation. This orientation allows the new students to become familiar with the school day while enjoying the company of our school family. If you know of any young student who is of Kindergarten age and is eligible to attend our school, we certainly welcome you to come by from 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. to learn about our school. If you are unable to attend, don’t hesitate to give us a call and we can arrange an alternate date and registration for you. We are looking forward to keeping our eyes open, our hands dirty, our ears keen, and our noses sharpened to the new and old wonders outdoors this month! We hope you are too! Take up the challenge with us and do stop to smell the flowers! You will be better for it! Upcoming events in our May calendar: May 1 – 30 X 30 Challenge Begins May 2 – Bus Evacuation Drill May 10 – SCC AGM @ 7:00 p.m. May 12 – New Kindergarten Orientation May 18 – Volunteer Appreciation @ 2:05 p.m. May 20 – NO SCHOOL: Prep Day May 23 – NO SCHOOL: Victoria Day May 26 – Beach Day – Hot Meal May 30 – 30 X 30 Challenge Ends

RM Review

May 2016




2016 CROP HAIL INSURANCE NOW AVAILABLE AT MOONEY AGENCIES ! It's that time again to consider your hail insurance plans for the coming season. The economic impact of losing your crop in a severe hail storm could be devastating. Hail insurance is available for all types of crops ranging from $10 to $400 per acre (without exceeding actual value of your crop). Rates depend on your land location, township and type of crop. Coverage begins at noon on the day following the date of policy purchase and expires by October 15. Deferred payment options also available at minimal or no cost. If you have an insurable interest in a crop then you can purchase hail insurance, including the land owner if rental payment will not be received until after harvest! Do you understand the various Disappearing Deductible options available? Deductible options are highly

effective at increasing your per acre coverage. They are used to cover more of your profits than input costs with higher payment potential for the most severe storms. Deductible options often work best in conjunction with full coverage but can be purchased stand alone. For example, consider "20D" deductible option typically 65-70% of full cover rate and the deductible disappears at 60% crop loss. The deductible starts reducing at 40% loss until it reaches 60% when it completely disappears. Under the "20D" hail insurance deductible option you can purchase per acre limits on average 50% higher than full coverage for a similar price! Mooney Agencies is pleased to provide you crop hail insurance rates from multiple companies, various deductible options, explain claims procedures and no cost deferred payment options.

Mooney Agencies is an independent insurance broker, working for you rather than an insurance company or financial institution. We will properly assess your general insurance needs, shop for the best value in coverage and help you in the event of a claim. Mooney Agencies provides specialized advice for your farm or acreage, along with providing home, auto and commercial insurance solutions anywhere in Saskatchewan. We are available to meet at your home, acreage, farm or business by appointment. Please introduce yourself to your Mooney Agencies insurance team – Stephanie Green, Landry Klapwijk, Della O’Hara and Michelle Larson. Follow Mooney Agencies on Facebook for insurance advice and exciting contests @

2) Lights and Mirrors Warm lighting and well-placed mirrors can make your home feel bright, inviting and even bigger. Mirrors placed over fireplaces, and along hallway walls will make rooms appear larger than they are. Table lamps, and overhead lighting like chandeliers and sconces will brighten rooms and add some flair to your decor. 3) It’s Nothing Personal Any personal effects should be packed away; family photos and mementoes, framed degrees, anything that’s a link to the current owner. Buyers want to imagine themselves in the house, so the more the house is a blank slate, the easier that is. 4) But Don’t Touch the Nursery! Although the nursery and childrens’ rooms should be de-cluttered and tidied as well, personal effects can remain as they are. There’s something reassuring and

Your Y our Local Insur Insurance anc e Broker Br oker and Motor LLicence ic enc e Is Issuer suer in V Vanscoy. ansc o y.

nd 2 y a M g Startin Hours s s e in s u B d e d n Exte to FFrriidday 9 am - 5:30 pm M on d ay pm r d ay 9 am - 3 Sa tu rd

FFarm arm | Acreage Acr eag e | Auto | Home | C Condo ondo

HELPFUL SELLING HINTS FOR A QUICk SALE OF YOUR HOME 1) De-Clutter The first step in getting ready to sell is de-clutter, declutter, de-clutter so potential buyers aren’t overwhelmed by your stuff, but rather impressed by your home. Counters and other surfaces should be kept clear and any furniture that isn’t needed stored away. The good news about this tedious task is packing and purging will make moving day that much easier.

Visit our new website: www

Commercial C ommer cial | C Contractor ontr actor | Hail | TTravel r a vel | LLife ife

touching about seeing a baby’s room that can mean all the difference to a potential buyer (especially ones that are starting a family). 5) Neutrals Although you love that fuchsia accent wall, some buyers may not. A fresh coat of bright, neutral paint will not only enlarge the house and make it feel airy and more spacious, but it will also help buyers with their vision (there’s that blank slate again). 6) Accents and Colour To complement the neutral house, a few well-placed bright pops of colour will bring the decor together. Bright throw pillows, or a canary yellow kettle on the stove will be noticed as soon as you enter the room and will stick in buyers minds once they leave. Fresh flowers are another great idea, and single flower arrangements are most effective. 7) Inviting Scents Warm inviting scents will help your house be remembered. Taking the time to bake cookies or mull cider on the stove may not be in the cards (and the stove and elements should be off for open houses) but a safely placed candle or air freshener will do the trick.


Ph: 306.668.2181 | www Monday-Friday Monday-F riday 9 am - 5:30 pm | Satur Saturday day 9 am - 3 pm Vanscoy, V anscoy, Delisle Delisle,, Harris, Gr Grandora, andora, Asquith & Pik Pikee Lak Lakee

Thank you for your support! 8) Draw Attention to Selling Features As a general rule closet doors should be kept closed, but if there’s a walk-in that should be noticed, a small note to alert potential buyers is ok. 9) Freshen Your Linens Now’s the time to use your spare “good” set on beds, and ensure your towels and hand-towels are in tip top shape. And if it’s perhaps time to replace them, think neutral again. Following these tips will have your house in tip top selling shape and make it the most appealing to the most potential buyers faster than you can say “SOLD!” Submitted by Phil Petrshyn, REALTOR(registered trademark sign)With RE/MAX Shoreline Realty. Article written by

Friday BBQ’s are back

Yard Clean-up & Landscaping Dump Trailer for Rent

Starting on May 6th

We Deliver and Pick-up

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k Boo rden r Ga ! u o Y AY TOD

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Sat - Sun: 7am - 10pm

Professional Garden Roto-Tilling Starting at $45 Small 4WD Kubota Rear Tiller Fits in Any Yard


May 2016

RM Review


Dwayne Summach

Farm Business Management Specialist

Regional Livestock Specialist

The Importance of Compensation and Benefits Compensation refers to how much employees are rewarded in return for their contribution to the business. How much employees are compensated can affect the performance of the business. When deciding what to compensate employees, it’s important to develop a consistent and fair approach that helps attract and retain the right people for the business. It is important for employees to perceive that their compensation is fair in relation to their co-workers and to the industry. It isn’t always possible to provide employees completely equitable compensation, but it is important to consider when hiring new employees or increasing wages for existing employees. Compensation doesn’t just come in the form of wages. There are two forms of compensation monetary and non-monetary. Monetary compensation can take on different forms but refers to wages paid. Non-monetary compensation is other forms of compensation that have a positive effect on the health and general well-being of employees. The different forms of monetary compensation are hourly wages, salaries, piece-work pay or bonuses. Non-monetary compensation can come in many forms and could be tailored to the preferences of the employee. Some examples of non-monetary compensation are recognition, employee involvement in decision making, discounts, training in other business areas, work/life balance and benefits packages. There are two kinds of benefits that can be provided to employees: statutory benefits and optional benefits. Statutory benefits are mandatory benefits such as employment insurance and Canada Pension Plan. Optional benefits are benefits that the employer can choose to offer to employees. Optional benefits can help attract and retain employees. Optional benefits packages can be tailored to meet the needs of the employees and can vary from one employer to the next. The most common benefits offered are health and dental plans, life insurance, short and long term disability plans and employee assistance programs. In addition to wages and benefits employers can offer perks to their employees. Perks would be additional compensation either monetary or non-monetary that would generally be offered due to exceptional performance or as a long service reward. As an employer you do not need to include all these forms of compensation, but these are options that employers can use to create a competitive compensation package that will help with recruiting and retaining the right people for the business.

LITTLE COUNTRY GREENHOUSE NOW OPEN Mon - Sat 9am - 6pm Closed Sunday

2 Miles West and 1/2 Mile South from Donavon Corner

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Variable Rate Technology Seed Chemical

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Vanscoy Delisle Pike Lake

k Boo rden r Ga ! u o Y AY TOD

One possible strategy to overcome the reduction in efficacy is to use a combination of products. When one combines the macrocyclic lactones with a benzimidazoles product, efficacy of the combination exceeds 99.9 per cent. Another strategy to overcome parasite resistance to the pour on products is to use the benzimidazoles at different times to strategically reduce the internal parasite load. Consultation with your veterinarian will help you decide which parasite control strategy is optimal for your operation. The only way to know if your parasite control strategy is working or requires adjustment is to have your veterinarian conduct a fecal egg count reduction test. For advice regarding parasite control or to receive a link to the presentation titled “New Strategies for Internal Parasite Control in Cattle” made by Dr. Bliss to the 2016 Ranchers Forum, contact a Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture Regional Livestock Specialist, or call the Agriculture Knowledge Centre at 1-866-4572377.

Gardening Season is Here.

Vanscoy, Saskatchewan S0L 3J0 Phone: (306) 668-4343; Fax: (306) 683-1362

306 - 281 - 4111 Or

In 2007 and 2008, Donald Bliss and his associates quantified the reduction in efficacy by collecting 4,765 fecal samples from 58 vet clinics across 19 states. The results of the study are reported in the proceedings for the forty first meeting of the American Association of Bovine Practitioners. Injectable products had an average efficacy of 72.5 per cent with a range of 42.6 per cent to 98.1 per cent. Efficacy of pour on products averaged 66.1per cent with a range of 59.7 per cent to 78.9 per cent.

Vanscoy Potash Operations

KennY’s CulTivATinG CAll

Efficient livestock production requires taking steps to minimize the demands generated by parasitic entities – round worms, liver flukes, tape worms, sucking lice, biting lice and flies. The use of macrocyclic lactone pour on products has been very effective at controlling these various parasites since their introduction. However, the repeated use of the same or similar compounds has resulted in the effectiveness of the products being reduced.

Experts estimate that commercial fertilizer is responsible for the basic food needs of at least 40 percent of the world’s population. Fertilizer is instrumental in ensuring a safe, low-cost, nutritious and abundant food supply. Jason, Brent, Mike & Ashley... here for ALL of your Input Needs

Highway 7, 1.5 miles west of Delisle

Battle of the Bugs


Professional Garden Roto-Tilling Starting at $45 Small 4WD Kubota Rear Tiller Fits in Any Yard

RM Review



Debate continued on Monday until Question Period when the Liberal party stopped putting up speakers to defend their legislation. Consequently, Conservative Members led the debate for the remainder of the day.

On March 24th, the Minister of Transport introduced Bill C-10 An Act to Amend the Air Canada Public Participation Act and to provide for certain other measures.

On Tuesday, debate on C-10 was interrupted by an Opposition Day debate on political financing. Finally, on Wednesday after just two days of debate and before a single speaker stood, the government house leader imposed closure on C-10 which ended debate on the legislation.

Bill C-10 effectively removes the condition pertaining to aircraft maintenance with the following clause: “while not eliminating those activities in any of those provinces, change the type or volume of any or all of those activities in each of those provinces, as well as the level of employment in any or all of those activities.” I delivered our Conservative Caucus's response to this legislation during the first day of second reading debate on Friday April 15, highlighting the following: The Minister of Transport told reporters he would introduce this legislation on the same day that Air Canada announced it had signed a letter of intent to purchase 45 C-Series aircraft from Bombardier. There are a number of policy options that the government could have considered and implemented that would have supported Air Canada’s competitiveness internationally without leading to job losses in Canada, without placing an extra financial burden on taxpayers, and would make air travel more comfortable for travelers.


Kelly Block, MP April 22, 2016

his past week has been exceptionally busy for me as the Official Opposition Critic for Transportation as we debated Bill C-10 in the House of Commons.

For background, in 1988 when Air Canada was privatized, the government imposed the following four conditions on the carrier: · Air Canada’s head office would be located in Montreal. · Air Canada would be subject to the Official Languages Act. · 75% of Air Canada’s voting shares had to be held by Canadians. · Air Canada’s overhaul maintenance work had to be done in Montreal, Mississauga, and Winnipeg.

May 2016

Later that evening, the House voted on whether to send C-10 to committee, and with the Liberal majority, the result was not in doubt. I would note that one Liberal Member voted against his own party’s legislation. Consequently, C-10 will now be studied in the Transportation, Infrastructure, and Communities committee beginning on May 2nd. Thus far, the Government has given the opposition very few responses concerning the necessity, timing, and whether C-10 is the result of a backroom deal to facilitate Air Canada’s purchase of the Bombardier C-Series plane. Bombardier has also made a request for U.S.$1 billion in financial support from the Government of Canada and as of this morning, this request is under consideration. I hope that the government will be more forthcoming on these while C-10 is studied in committee. I always appreciate your thoughts on all legislation presently being considered by Parliament.

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May 2016

RM Review


By Home Building Centre, Saskatoon

COMMUNITY REPORTS Bowbusters Archery Club

2016 Provincial Shoot in Prince Albert

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his year 28 kids from Bowbusters attended Provincials with one advancing to the finals and winning silver. The club was established 5 years ago in Vanscoy with 15 members and currently has 75 members, ages 6-70. The past 4 years they have taught the Junior Olympic Program (JOP) to kids that range from ages 6-21 that are able to earn badges at distances of 10 meters, 15 meters and 18 meters. The JOP program starts in mid November and goes to the end of March, with Provincials in April. They hold one monthly indoor shoot at the range in Vanscoy from December

to March and an outdoor 3D shoot the first weekend of May at their outdoor range by Delisle plus they host the Gibson Henderson Memorial shoot on August 20th this year. They are also hosting the Outdoor 3D Provincials on July 8-10. They also do a mail match competition that runs from January -March where you shoot once a week against people all across Canada. Scores are posted on the Archery Canada website where the archers see where they placed in Canada. They teach kids and adults from beginner to intermediate and are on Facebook if you want more information.


M e n

B e h i n d

t h e

M u s i c

An Evening in Paris Claude Debussy Maurice Ravel Camille Saint-Saens Gabriel FaurE Charles-Marie Widor Erik Satie

Thursday, May 19

Haley Marie Artistic Director, Flute

7:30pm—Delisle-Vanscoy United Church 316 1 Street West, Delisle, SK

Produced by

Tickets: $10 in advance / $15 at the door / Students free via / / 306.493.2955


Vanscoy Delisle Pike Lake

k Boo rden r Ga ! u o Y AY TOD

Randy Haas Gold Medal

Maxine Ross Bill Steeves Silver Medal Gold Medal Picture on Left... Bowbusters Coaching Staff (l - r) Jim Street, Maxine Ross, Randy Rathy, missing is Bill Steeves

The incredib le story of Paris' un forgettab le reb irth told through film an d music.

T h e

Wyatt Nelson -Zook Silver JOB Program

Community Choir Concert May 13th

he Delisle Community Choir is hosting a Spring Concert on Friday May 13th at 7:00pm in the Delisle United Church. Admission is by silver collection and coffee and dainties will be served following the performance. The concert marks the end of the season for the choir. They will take up their twice a month practises again in September. They are please to have seen an increase in members this year and welcome any and all to come out to the concert or join the choir next season. You can get more information about the choir by calling Delisle Community Choir Members (left - right) Sharon Gessell at 306Back row: Edla Landry, Ian Coulthard, 493-2943. Second Row: David Pattison, Bernice Morris, Sylvia Chave, Marilyn Brunen, Front Row: Diane Warren, Kaelyn Coulthard, Aurora Coulthard, Claire Pattison, Tanya Coulthard (Director) Missing: RoseAnne Kielo, Judi Worth, Sharon Gessell, Valerie Dyck, Nettie Wiebe, Keira Wilkinson

KennY’s CulTivATinG

306 - 281 - 4111




Professional Garden Roto-Tilling Starting at $45 Small 4WD Kubota Rear Tiller Fits in Any Yard

RM Review

May 2016



Find More Event Details at or Scan the QR Code with your phone

May 8 Sunday MOTHER’S DAY

May 10 Tuesday 7:00pm School Community Council Elections - Delisle Composite

May 13 Friday 7:00pm Community Choir Spring Concert Delisle United Church

May 18 Wednesday 6:00pm Potluck Supper Delisle Senior Centre

May 8 Sunday 10am - 2pm Mother’s Day Brunch Britannia Restaurant

May 10 Tuesday 7:30pm Village of Kinley Council Meeting Kinley

May 14 Saturday Town Wide Garage Sale ASQUITH

May 18 Wednesday 7:00pm Delisle Recreation Board Meeting Delisle Rec Office

May 8 Sunday 4:00, 5:30, 7:00 Mother’s Day Dinner Robin’s Nest Cafe

May 11 Wednesday 7:00pm Town of Asquith Council Meeting Asquith

May 14 Saturday Town Wide Garage Sale DELISLE

May 18 Wednesday 7:30pm Village of Milden Council Meeting Milden

May 10 Tuesday 9:00am RM of Vanscoy Council Meeting Vanscoy

May 11 Wednesday 7:30pm Village of Vanscoy Council Meeting Vanscoy

May 14 Saturday 6:30pm Vanscoy ELC Rib & Wing Night Vanscoy Hotel

May 19 Thursday 7:30pm ‘An Evening in Paris’ Concert Delisle United Church

May 10 Tuesday 10:00am Nurses Visit Delisle Senior Centre

May 12 Thursday 9:00am RM of Montrose Council Meeting Donavon

May 15 Sunday 2:00pm - 4:00pm Garden Party Delisle Community Chapel

May 20 Monday NO SCHOOL

May 10 Tuesday 4:00pm School Community Council Elections - Pike Lake

May 12 Thursday 4:00pm School Community Council Elections - Delisle Elementary

May 17 Tuesday 7:00pm Vanscoy Perennial Exchange Vanscoy Circle Hall

May 23 Monday VICTORIA DAY

May 10 Tuesday 6:00pm School Community Council Elections - Asquith

May 12 Thursday 6:30pm Asquith Perennial Exchange 425 Charles Street, Asquith

May 17 Tuesday 7:00pm Country Quilters Vanscoy Senior Centre

May 24 Tuesday 7:00pm School Community Council Elections - Vanscoy

May 10 Tuesday 7:00pm Town of Delisle Council Meeting Delisle

May 12 Thursday 7:00pm Community Choir Delisle United Church

May 17 Tuesday 7:30pm Village of Perdue Council Meeting Perdue

May 27 Friday Deadline for Submissions to June RM Review

Promote Your Event Here for FREE

306-668-1312 or

Box 60 Saskatoon, SK S7K 3K1 Large & Small Animal Medicine

Ag Services Division


306 - 493 - 2408


Box 130, Delisle, SK S0L 0P0


24 hr Emergency Services


Stobbe’s Backhoe Service Grandora, SK

leo Stobbe 306-668-4289

Office 306-329-4768 Cell 306-222-6095 A Division of Rice Lake Sand & Gravel

Office: 306-493-2410 Fax: 306-493-3080

Installation of Rural Water & Sewer Systems

A Division of Link’s Backhoe & Skidsteer Services

Pumps - Tanks - Switches - other Trenching & Excavation

SK Sew Kleen Trenching & Waterworks sand - Gravel - Topsoil

306 - 230 - 4653

Septic Tank Pumping Septic Repairs Hydrovac Services 306 - 283 - 4406

Sid’s Auto Service Oil Change/Lube Job Clutch & Brake Work


Rear Ends Transmissions

CoMplete SeRviCe on FaRM MaChineRy

Sand & Gravel Spreading Hauling

engineS Gas & Diesel

v AnsCOY 306-668-2013 or 306-229-2016

Ken Klassen RR1 Box 15

Delisle, SK S0L 0P0

Bus. (306) 493-7579 Fax. (306) 493-8135


May 2016


RM Review

Find more Detailed Listings at or Scan the QR Code with your phone Accommodations



Pet Care


Delisle Hotel Delisle 306-493-2462

ATL Electrical, Heating & A/C Delisle 306-493-2410

Clubs Driving Range Valley Road 306-221-0842

Jeannie’s Place Delisle 306-717-0841

‘A’ Deb’s K-9 Kennelling Delisle 306-220-4727

RixEdge Sharpening Services Saskatoon 306-270-8048



Back 40 Embroidery Delisle 493-3033/493-2751

Moon River Golf Club Valley Road 306-931-8960

Animal InnSpaRations Delisle 306-493-3143

Sign Painting

Oasis Golf Resort Perdue 306-237-4653

Bark Place Dog Grooming Spa Delisle 306-491-9335

Valleyview Golf & Country Club Delisle 306-493-3288

Lynne Road Kennels Grandora 306-270-5831


Lynn Ross Dog Grooming Vanscoy 306-382-6224

Crop Production Services Delisle 306-493-8188


Delisle Agricultural Co-op Delisle 306-493-2212

Delisle Credit Union 1st St, Delisle 306-493-2414

Innovative Ag Performance Group Ltd Delisle 306-493-3167

Cooper Schneider Private Wealth at Scotia McLeod Colleen Schneider 306-664-1860

Schneider’s Gourmet World Neunlage 306-225-5764

Orchard Transport - Ag Div. Delisle 306-493-2408

Desjardins Financial Security Investments Inc. 330 - 20th St. E. Saskatoon Norma Sparrow 306-242-1188

Hairstylist / Beauty

Air Conditioning & Heating PLAINSMAN HVAC-R Ltd 24 Hour Emergency Service Vanscoy 306-242-3002

Fire & Flood First General Services Saskatoon 306-979-3205

Automotive Sid’s Auto Service Vanscoy 306-668-2013

Saskatoon Fire & Flood Saskatoon 306-934-7477

Trusty Appraisal Service & SGI Arbitration Delisle 306-222-0456

Garden / Yard

Beauty Arbonne Intl - Kerrie Sparrow Vanscoy 306-668-4218

Chiropractor Dr. Lisa Merkosky, BSc. Dr. Jolene Palmer, BSc. Community Health Chiropractic Clinic Delisle Primary Health Centre 306-493-2800

Computer Service Catprint Computing Delisle 306-230-8783 Whole Wheat Web Design Vanscoy 306-493-3023

Circle D Asphalt Repair Pike Lake 306-850-2464

New Age Foundations Plus Grandora 306-329-4610

Classified Ads

$20/Month Business Directory Listing (above)


Sandyridge Gas & Grocery Grandora 306-668-4362

The Pink Chair Delisle 306-493-2266


ATL Electrical, Heating & A/C Delisle 306-493-2410 Thermal Mechanical Vanscoy 381-7998/270-0160

Potash Mine Agrium Potash Mine Vanscoy 306-668-4343


Outlook Veterinary Clinic Outlook 306-867-8777

Graham Contracting Asquith 306-230-4653

List your Business here for only $5/month


C & S Promotions Delisle 306-493-3191

Real Estate One Percent Realty Sue Stene REALTOR Delisle 306-370-6306 RE/MAX Shoreline Realty Jocelyne Petryshyn - Owner Outlook 306-867-8380

Klassen Trenching Delisle 306-493-7579 Link’s Backhoe & Skidsteer Delisle 306-222-9737 Starlings Septic Services Delisle 306-493-2241 Sew Kleen Hydro-vacing & Septic Asquith 306-283-4406



Arc-Fab Industrial Pike Lake 306-221-6692


Britannia Restaurant Asquith 306-329-2496


Angus Insurance Harris 306-656-4555

Homestead Restaurant Delisle 306-493-3313

Delisle Agencies Delisle 306-493-2260

Robin’s Nest Cafe Vanscoy 306-931-6996

Mooney Agencies Ltd. Vanscoy 306-668-2181


KBM Earthmoving Vanscoy 306-867-3770


Home Building Centre Saskatoon 306-220-2191

Klassen Trenching Delisle 306-493-7579


Link’s Backhoe & Skidsteer Delisle 306-222-9737

Great North Storage Company Delisle 306-202-8140

Stobbe’s Backhoe Service Grandora 306-668-4289

Cindy the Tupperware Lady 306-683-0986/403-548-4668

Vanscoy Sausage & Meat Vanscoy 306-668-4742



Gardens of all sizes Asquith, Delisle, Pike Lake, Vanscoy Looks Like an Early Spring

Call or Text Today

306 - 281 - 4111

Big Pines Services Inc. Vanscoy 306-230-7399 Graham Contracting Asquith 306-230-4653


1st St. W, Delisle Mon - Fri 9:00 am - 4:30 pm

Delisle Veterinary Service Delisle 306-493-3143

Promotional Items

Meat Cutting

Come In,

Corman Park Vet Services Hwy #14 (SLS) 306-384-7676

FRP Manufacturing (2010) Inc. Asquith 306-329-4884

Rice Lake Sand & Gravel Asquith 306-329-4768

Gifts, Memorabilia & so much more

Cattle Care Hwy #14 343-5773/260-6729

Vanscoy Early Learning Center Vanscoy 306-668-6338

Jillian Walker Massage RMT Vanscoy 306-260-0671

Antiques & Collectibles


Reflexology - Carrol King Delisle 306-493-2452

Link’s Backhoe & Skidsteer Delisle 306-222-9737

Westland Enterprizes Ltd Delisle 306-493-2709

Plumbing, Heating, A/C

Water / Septic


Klassen Trenching Delisle 306-493-7579

Ryjo Tours Inc. Tessier 1-866-656-4786

Pike Lake Preschool Pike Lake 306-978-8164

Watkins - Anne Plummer 725 Valley Rd 306-382-1284

Graham Contracting Asquith 306-230-4653


Air & Alkaline Water Purifiers Perdue 1-877-652-6853

Home Care Products

See What’s New & Old

Call the RM Review at 306-668-1312 or visit our website

Salon 360 Delisle 306-493-2486

Vanscoy Tempo Vanscoy 306-683-5024

Gravel / Sand

Larmar Contracting Services Vanscoy 306-380-2327

Victoria’s Design 306-370-9399

Delisle Ag Co-op Delisle 306-493-2212

Randy Weekes, MLA 106 3rd Ave W Biggar 1-877-948-4880

G & L Drywall Delisle 493-8228 / 668-4583

Twin Painting Vanscoy 934-5803 / 261-0689

Gas / Confectionary

Government - Provincial

Flatlander Construction Garbage Disposal Delisle 306-493-7547

Julie’s House of Style Delisle 306-493-2950

Like A Rock Grandora 306-382-3978

Silpada - Marilyn Hungness Asquith 306-329-4768


Painting & Decorating Vanscoy 639-317-5926

Kenny’s Cultivating Asquith, Delisle, Vanscoy Areas Call or Text 306-281-4111

Delisle Hairstyling & Barber Delisle 306-493-2467

Kim’s Signs That Sell Vanscoy 306-493-3011

Cash Paid for Oil & Gas Collectibles and anything old and interesting

Dennis 306-241-3945 Located in Vanscoy at the former Feed & Farm Building Open Wed - Sat from Noon - 6pm and by appointment

Check out our Community Bulletin Board postings at





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