November 2013 rm review new

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RM Review


Serving the Communities of Asquith, Delisle, Grandora, Harris, Pike Lake, Vanscoy

Volume 14 Number 11


November 2013

Delisle Senior Centre Celebrates 20 Years

1993 - 1923


Members attend Anniversary Celebrations on October 30th

n 1991 the growing membership of the Delisle Senior Citizens Club decide it was time to move out of the basement of the Delisle Hospital and find a more comfortable home. One with wheel chair accessibility and better fire safety. Delisle Town Council, initially apprehensive, became a strong supporter of the project. Henry Janzen was chosen as the


Red Williams............. p. 3 Council Reports......... p. 4 RCMP Report............ p. 5

A kitchen that would make any other community facility envious contractor and fundraising began. A Federal ‘New Horizons’ grant provided $15,000, and another $130,000 was to come through fundraising. Flea markets, bake sales, raffles, dances, catering, bottle drives and $37,000 just from working many smokey bingos in Saskatoon, eventually raised all but $30,000. The Town of Delisle provided a loan to cover the shortfall, and the project was eventually com-

pleted in October 1993. Extra efforts from Bud Crilly, Ivan Smith and John Gross who worked with Emil Chizek in his garage to build the tables, and Gord Pattison who welded the trolleys, and too many others to name, made the project possible. The first event was the 50th wedding anniversary of Cliff & Grace Winder, and since, many fond memories have been born at the facility.

School Reports............ p. 6 MP Report................... p. 12 MLA Report.................... p. 13 Community Calendar..... p. 15 Remembrance Day Section - Pages 10-11 Business Directory.......... p. 16 Featuring Poetry by Delisle Grade 9 Students Read us on your computer, iPhone or iPad with our FREE On-Line Reader -


November 2013

Remembrance Day Service The Royal Canadian Legion Delisle Branch #184

Monday, November 11th, 2013 10:30a.m. at the Delisle Town Hall School Services on Friday, November 8th DELISLE VANSCOY PIKE LAKE ASQUITH 2:00pm 10:30am 10:30am 10:45am PART-TIME OFFICE ASSISTANT The R.M. of Montrose No. 315 is looking for a part-time office assistant. The job will consist of working at the municipal office in Donavon when needed. For more information contact the Municipal Office at 306 - 493 - 2694

VANSCOY COMMUNITY RECREATION BOARD is now accepting Concession Booth proposals for the Vanscoy Arena 2013 – 2014 season The Board will consider proposals that will see the proponent stock and organize concession booth operations. The Board will also consider proposals that would see the proponent rent the concession booth space from the Board with the proponent taking all profits from the booth operations. Proposals will be received no later than Tuesday, November 12th, 2013 Proposals can be faxed to 978-0237 Mailed to VCRB – PO Box 246 – Vanscoy, SK or dropped off at the Village Office at 109 Main Street, Vanscoy The Board reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals for any reason.

VANSCOY COMMUNITY RECREATION BOARD is now accepting proposals for the Vanscoy Arena 2013 – 2014 season for Arena Ice Maintenance & Caretaker The successful proponent will be responsible for maintaining the ice surface, general cleaning and upkeep of the arena facility and minor building and tractor maintenance. The successful proponent will also be responsible for collecting ice rental fees. Should the proponent be willing to manage ice bookings over and above current minor hockey and recreational bookings, the Board will consider a 20% share with the successful proponents for these rental times. Proposals will be received no later than Tuesday, November 12th, 2013 Proposals can be faxed to 978-0237 Mailed to VCRB – PO Box 246 – Vanscoy, SK or dropped off at the Village Office at 109 Main Street, Vanscoy The Board reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals for any reason. CONTACT US Phone: 306-668-1312 Fax: 306-978-4481 Box 333, Vanscoy, SK S0L 3J0


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RM Review Form 2 (Section 4)


Notice is hereby given under

The Tax Enforcement Act

that unless the arrears

and costs appearing opposite the land and title numbers described in the following list are fully paid before the day of Jan. 15, 2014, an interest based on a tax lien will be registered against the land. Note: A sum for costs in an amount required by subsection 4(3) of The Tax Enforcement Act

is included in the amount shown against each parcel

DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY Part of Lot Lot Blk. Part of Section Sec. Twp.

Plan Rge


Title Number

Total Arrears

Costs Advertising

Total Arrears and Costs










NE1/4 NE1/4 NE1/4

33 33 15

31 31 31

7 7 8

W3 W3 W3

112995771 139542969 136119966

38.43 92.88 173.02

$5.94 $5.94 $5.94

44.37 98.82 178.96

NW1/4 NW1/4

4 4

31 31

9 9

W3 W3

129034436 129034504

245.25 245.25

$5.94 $5.94

251.19 251.19

NW1/4 NW1/4 NW1/4

16 25 25

31 31 31

9 9 9

W3 W3 W3

125139461 112614533 112614544

1,471.50 197.28 197.28

$5.94 $5.94 $5.94

1,477.44 203.22 203.22

SE1/4 SE1/4

36 36

31 31

9 9

W3 W3

126690082 112614555

233.04 33.26

$5.94 $5.94

238.98 39.20

SE1/4 NE1/4 NE1/4

6 19 19

32 32 32

6 6 6

W3 W3 W3

130616344 141445560 141445571

812.08 1,812.90 1,812.89

$5.94 $5.94 $5.94

818.02 1,818.84 1,818.83

NE1/4 NE1/4

21 21

32 32

6 6

W3 W3

136347262 136347273

70.63 70.62

$5.94 $5.94

76.57 76.56

NW1/4 NW1/4 SE1/4

21 21 2

32 32 32

6 6 7

W3 W3 W3

108728972 127164382 144025466

230.84 230.83 1,129.89

$5.94 $5.94 $5.94

236.78 236.77 1,135.83

NE1/4 NW1/4

4 4

32 32

7 7

W3 W3

114291356 114291334

207.27 305.93

$5.94 $5.94

213.21 311.87

SE1/4 SE1/4

4 4

32 32

7 7

W3 W3

108844173 108844218

36.04 36.04

$5.94 $5.94

41.98 41.98










SE1/4 SE1/4 SW1/4

5 9 10

32 32 32

7 7 7

W3 W3 W3

114291244 114290737 114290759

264.61 204.94 200.80

$5.94 $5.94 $5.94

270.55 210.88 206.74










NW1/4 NW1/4 SE1/4 NW1/4

17 19 2 13

33 33 33 33

6 7 8 8

W3 W3 W3 W3

134278926 111112704 137721258 111112906

2,075.23 334.80 1,745.68 296.18

$5.94 $5.94 $5.94 $5.94

2,081.17 340.74 1,751.62 302.12










SW1/4 SE1/4 NE1/4 NE1/4 NW1/4

26 32 33 33 33

33 33 33 33 33

8 9 9 9 9

W3 W3 W3 W3 W3

142426795 137728929 139608085 139608209 139608041

104.57 1,954.29 40.02 40.02 98.51

$5.94 $5.94 $5.94 $5.94 $5.94

110.51 1,960.23 45.96 45.96 104.45

NW1/4 SE1/4 SE1/4 SW1/4 SW1/4

33 33 33 33 33

33 33 33 33 33

9 9 9 9 9

W3 W3 W3 W3 W3

139608131 139608052 139608119 139608108 139608175

98.50 15.84 15.84 50.87 50.87

$5.94 $5.94 $5.94 $5.94 $5.94

104.44 21.78 21.78 56.81 56.81


3 4 5 12 13 36

2 2 2 2 2 31

G290 G290 G290 G290 G290 9

Swanson Swanson Swanson Swanson Swanson W3

113672774 113672785 113672796 137163810 137163832 112540609

118.32 118.32 118.31 315.73 315.73 541.78

$5.94 $5.94 $5.94 $5.94 $5.94 $5.94

124.26 124.26 124.25 321.67 321.67 547.72

29 30

1 1

C2524 C2524

Laura Laura

113694071 113694082

63.37 63.37

$5.94 $5.94

69.31 69.31

31 32

1 1

C2524 C2524

Laura Laura

113694093 113694105

63.37 63.37

$5.94 $5.94

69.31 69.31

33 34 25 26 27

1 1 2 2 2

C2524 C2524 C2524 C2524 C2524

Laura Laura Laura Laura Laura

113694116 113694127 142992377 142992579 142992614

63.37 63.37 90.47 90.46 90.46

$5.94 $5.94 $5.94 $5.94 $5.94

69.31 69.31 96.41 96.40 96.40









29 30 31 32 33 34

2 2 2 2 2 2

C2524 C2524 C2524 C2524 C2524 C2524

Laura Laura Laura Laura Laura Laura

142992423 142992401 142992388 142992344 142992300 142992445

49.54 49.54 49.54 49.54 49.54 49.54

$5.94 $5.94 $5.94 $5.94 $5.94 $5.94

55.48 55.48 55.48 55.48 55.48 55.48

35 36

2 2

C2524 C2524

Laura Laura

142992311 142992355

49.53 49.53

$5.94 $5.94

55.47 55.47


G474 G474

Swanson Swanson

129720797 129720821

471.97 471.96

$5.94 $5.94

477.91 477.90

Dated this 1st day of November, 2013. Ray French, Administrator

DISTRIBUTION & SUBSCRIPTIONS 3,500 issues of the RM Review are published monthly and direct mailed for free to all homes in the communities shown in map, As well it is available for free at various news stands within this distribution area. Out of area subscriptions are available for $30/yr.

We reserve the right to edit copy for libel or other legal, spelling or grammatical errors. We accept no liability for any such errors.

Dead-Line for Submissions for the December 2013 Issue is Friday, November 22, 2013

RM Review

November 2013


Who Paid for your “ Day Off with Pay ? ”


’m ashamed to admit that for the past couple of years I have not attended a Remembrance Day service. It’s not like I don’t have the time. After all, it is a stat. holiday. A day off with pay. I live no more than a couple of minutes from at least 3 different services held at local schools.

a supper service in Delisle (I needed a break). Then he would eventually work his way back home to Vanscoy for a nightcap at the hotel with his friends and neighbors, where I would catch up with him again. I always admired his spirit and energy on that day.

My son and I had been attending a service every year for about 10 years with our local veteran and friend, Jimmy Chovin. Sadly we lost Jimmy a few years ago and I just stopped going. Jimmy had befriended us the first day I met him. Just as he had many other members of the community, of all ages. He was the only grandfather figure in my son’s life over those years. He taught him to ‘cheers’ with a drink, and his patience, warmth and sense humour made both my son and I better people. As well, he taught us about the sacrifices that all of our veterans had made and the burdens that he and others have carried since those days. Many of his friends in the community visit his grave every Remembrance Day, not only to show respect for what he had sacrificed all those many decades ago, but also for what he brought to their lives for the many years since then.

What I really noticed on these days though, was that everywhere we went, people wanted to pay for his drink. Not only his, but any veteran or current member of our armed services that happened to be around us. It is not hard to understand that anyone who had done what he had, and seen what he had seen, would maybe need a stiff drink or two on Remembrance Day, while once again facing past memories that never go away, and only those that had been there could ever can understand.

While Jimmy was still here, his family, many of whom followed in his footsteps to serve our country, would gather each year on Remembrance Day. I had the honor of being included like a member of their family. It still remains as the best feeling of acceptance I have enjoyed outside of my family. They would dress in their uniforms and we would go to Saskatoon to the service at, then, SaskPlace. The first time they took me, I was astounded by the thousands in attendance and at the intensity of the service. Powerful. We would then make our way to the Saskatoon Legion for a couple of hours of more festivities, food and drink. Afterwards Jimmy would go on his own to attend

So if you really ‘appreciate’ your ‘day off with pay’, every November 11th, and would like thank those that paid for it... go to your local service to show your thanks, and then maybe find your way down to a legion or local watering hole where you are sure to find someone that you must, at least, owe a drink to. Cheers Jimmy, we miss ya buddy !

Canada with the questionable opposition to the Electoral Boundary Commission. The United States is so deeply committed to the original articles of their Constitution that modification of the structures of government is almost unthinkable. Canada on the other hand has shown some ability to address the fundamentals of government including our Constitution, so there is some hope that we can move away from the directions we have taken. The first and most important is that the Prime Minister and his or her office must be responsive to parliament. Second, the elected members must be free to express their opinions. And third, the decisions of government must be readily transparent to the media, the opposition members and to individual tax payers.

Read a new ‘Food for Thought’ column Every Week at the RM Review On-Line

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Ken Sowter Editor RM Review

C.M. (Red) Williams



Buying a drink seemed to be a fitting way of expressing a thank you to these amazing individuals, who had gone to hell and back, (if they were lucky enough to have made it back) so that the rest of us now, and in the future, can enjoy a life better than any generations before have ever known.

Food for Thought ell, Obama stared the opposition down and the US has avoided a default for a few months. It would appear therefore that the Republicans have shouted “uncle” and the next steps will be easier to negotiate. Unfortunately the main body of the Republican Party is not entirely in control of its future because of the strength of the “Tea Partiers” who take the basic right wing philosophy and bend it into a movement akin to a religious catechism. I trust that Canadian politicians will heed the damage that can result from absolute adherence to the “small government” and “low tax” approach to governance. Another lesson to be taken away from the American fiasco is the unfairness that can result where gerrymandering allows a block of unassailable seats to influence policy beyond the will of the majority. We risked as much in


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November 2013

RM Review


Asquith Town Council held its October meeting on October 8, 2013. Present were Mayor Maddin, Councillors Sawicki, Gamble, Dumont, Beal, Lysyshyn and Erhart, as well as Foreman Kraft and C.A.O. Cross. Council moved to accept the September Treasurer’s Statement of receipts and expenditures for the month of September 2013, as well as the bank reconciliations for the month of August, 2013. A motion was made to accept accounts paid in the amount of $62,611.49 and accounts payable of $55,023.13. Foreman Kraft reported that the water lines in town have been flushed and that the lagoon’s tertiary cell will be pumped in the month of October. The Water Security Agency has completed their inspection of the water plant and the lagoon and the Town is compliant. Fire Prevention Week was recognized by the Asquith Volunteer Fire Department with an open house at the Fire Hall on October 8, 2013. The Asquith Landfill will no longer be accepting electronics for recycling as the cost has become too prohibitive. Clients are directed to take their electronics directly to Sarcan. An announcement will be made in Biggar on November 12, 2013 regarding the Infrastructure Grant that was accessed for the Asquith Seniors Center. The Grant provided for installation of central air and upgrades to the kitchen countertops and backsplash. There have been reports of individuals driving erratically and dangerously in town. Residents are strongly encouraged to write down license plates and report these incidents to the RCMP. A building permit was issued to Don Sawyer for building a four plex. Marvin Loewen, of Associated Engineering, attended the Council meeting to discuss the pre-design for a new sewage lift station. The Town’s current lift station was built in the late 1960’s and Council is hoping to access a new Infrastructure Grant in 2014 for the building of a new lift station. The list of lands in arrears was presented to

Council and subsequently advertised in the Biggar Independent. Sixty days after the advertising of the List of Lands in Arrears, if the said taxes have not been paid a tax lien will be put on that property. Council also approved moving forward on four other properties in Town by giving the Six Month Notice to these individuals that tax enforcement is continuing, and is now at the next step after having the lien put on the property. The contract position of Landfill Supervisor is once again up for tender. Quotes for this contract position must be turned into the Asquith Town Office by 4:00 p.m. on Friday, November 8, 2013. For more information regarding this position, please contact the Asquith Town office. A Community Planning Meeting was held at the Asquith Seniors Center on October 23, 2013 and approximately fifty people attended. It was a good meeting, with a lot of good ideas and thoughts being shared. Individuals who were unable to attend are still asked to please fill out their community survey and turn it into the Town office. If you have misplaced your survey, you can pick up another one at the Town office. This office wishes everyone a Happy and Safe Halloween!

RM OF VANSCOY Council approved 5 applications for building and development permits at their October 8th meeting. One application to subdivide was approved as well. Please remember that a Development permit and a Building permit are required for any building over 100 square feet. The cost is $5.75 per thousand of value for the first $100,000.00 then $4.50 per thousand of value over $100,000.00. Application forms are available on our website Completed applications must be in the R.M. office by Monday the week prior to the Council meeting. The November regular meeting of Council has been changed to November 19, 2013.

VILLAGE OF VANSCOY Actual water meter readings were performed at the end of September and the final actual reading will be done at the end of December. If you find that your estimated reading for the months between the actual billings are too high or too low; contact the Village Office to have your estimate adjusted. Actual readings are required from anyone who does not have the meter reading puck installed, or if an actual reading was not done recently. Residents are reminded that several licenses are due to be renewed in January 2014; including dog licenses and business licenses. Dog licenses renewed in January will be $15 per dog, the fee increases in February to $30. Business licenses renewed in January will be $50 – this includes any home based businesses operating in the Village; the fee increases to $75 in February. Penalties will be applied for any licenses not renewed. Back lane pickup is now done for the year and will commence in the spring of 2014. There is still a 2% discount available for property taxes paid in November, there is no discount allowed for December; however, taxes are due December 21. Any tax remaining unpaid at December 31 will be assessed a 10% penalty.

TOWN OF DELISLE Delisle Town Council held a regular meeting on October 8, 2013. Council will proceed with “Final Notice” under the Tax Enforcement Act against Lot 17, Block 19, Plan G464. The following hall renovation items will be added as eligible costs under the Community Infrastructure Improvement Fund Grant: 1) Replace damaged ceiling tiles as required and then paint entire ceiling. 2) Repaint interior walls. 3) Replace flooring in kitchen and hallways

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RM Review

November 2013


Read NEW RCMP Reports Every Week at the RM Review On-Line

Website Exclusives at

RCMP Report October 21 - 28, 2013 Single Vehicle Roll Over October 21, 2013 2:00 pm. Police were dispatched to a single vehicle roll over near Dalmeny. The 31 year old female driver of the vehicle received minor leg injuries and the passenger of the vehicle was uninjured. MD ambulance attended and transported the individuals to Hospital. Vehicle Collision at Vanscoy October 21, 2013 8:30 pm. RCMP responded to a 2 vehicle accident at Vanscoy. Police attended and found that a Dodge Caliber driven by a 31 year old male had slowed to turn into Vanscoy and was rear ended by a Dodge Durango driven by a 19 year old female that was following it. The driver of the Caliber received minor injures. The driver of the Durango was charged with driving with undue care and attention. Both vehicle were towed from the scene. Vehicle Collision at Martensville October 22, 2013 at 10:30 p.m. Police attended a 2 vehicle accident at the south access to Martensville. A van and a small car were involved. One vehicle was southbound & turning into the south access when it was hit from behind by the other vehicle. The driver of the second vehicle was charged with driving with undue care and attention. There were no injuries. Impaired Driver in Warman October 23, 2013 at 9:15 pm RCMP responded to a complaint of a possible Impaired driver in Warman. Police located the vehicle and found the 58 year old operator of the car to be Impaired. The female provided breath samples and was found to be over the legal limit and subsequently charged with Impaired Driving. She was released to appear in Court on December 11, 2013. Vehicle Stolen in Delisle October 24, 2013 08:30 a.m. Police received a report of a stolen vehicle out of Delisle. The vehicle was recovered a short time later involved in a single vehicle roll over. The vehicle

did not have any occupants in it at the time of the accident. The vehicle was not suitable for fingerprint purposes. There are no suspects in this matter. Impaired Driver Suspended October 25, 2013 at 12:00 pm RCMP received a report of a vehicle parked on the shoulder of Highway 16 with a male asleep at the wheel. Police attended and found the individual to be under the influence of drugs and alcohol. The male was given a 24 hour driving suspension and released without further charges. 2 Car Collision in Martensville October 25, 2013 at 5:15 pm RCMP attended a 2 vehicle accident at the Main Street entrance into Martensville which involved a 2004 Toyota Corolla and a 2002 Grand Am. There were no injuries. The 18 year old female driver of the Grand Am was charged with proceeding from stop sign before safe to do so. Dalmeny Police Service also attended and assisted Police. Impaired Driver on Highway 12 October 25, 2013 10:00 pm members received a complaint of a vehicle swerving on Highway 12 northbound from Saskatoon. Police were able to locate the Dodge truck and found the 32 year old male driver of the vehicle to be Impaired. He was lodged in cells and charged with Impaired Driving. Impaired Driver in Delisle October 25, 2013 11:00 pm. RCMP attended a report of a suspicious vehicle parked near a residence in Delisle. When police found the vehicle the driver of the vehicle was found to be under the influence of alcohol. The driver of the vehicle was charged with refusing to provide a breath sample. Vehicle Crashes Camp Fence October 22, 2013 at 11:00 Police were dispatched to the camp grounds at Radisson as it was reported that the chain link fence that is used to close the property was bro-

ken by a vehicle. Vehicle parts were recovered and investigation is continuing. Tool Theft Near Delisle October 23, 2013 at 11:00 Police responded to a complaint of a theft from a residence near Delisle. Numerous tools and equipment were stolen from the property. The investigation into the matter is ongoing. Alcohol Theft in Warman October 23, 2013 at 2:00 RCMP responded to a complaint of theft of alcohol from a convenience store in Warman. Police are looking for 2 males and 2 females that were captured on video surveillance at the store. Graffiti at Park in Warman October 24, 2013 at 11:00 am RCMP received a report of graffiti at the tennis courts and Lions park in Warman over the past couple of weeks. Investigation into this matter is continuing. Break & Enter Near Vanscoy October 28, 2013 at 6:00 am RCMP received a report of a break and enter to a residence in the Vanscoy area. A television was reported stolen from the residence. The investigation into the matter is ongoing. Disturbance in Langham: October 22, 2013 at 1:30 p.m. Police received a 911 call regarding a disturbance at a residence in Langham. Upon arrival police found the matter to be a disagreement between family members over living arrangements. Matter was resolved without charges. Resident Missing in Radisson October 25, 2013 at 1:30 am. Police attended a residence in Radisson to check conditions of an individual. The individual was not at the residence as part of his release conditions. The investigation is ongoing. Police often check on the conditions of individuals that are released into the community. OH & S Investigating Accident October 25, 2013 at 1:30 pm RCMP were called to an industrial accident at the Martensville High School construction site. The individual was attempting to pull back a large pipe when he fell on

to a piece of rebar. His injuries were minor and he was transported by hospital by EMS to be checked over. Occupational Health & Safety are investigating. Disturbance in Martensville October 25, 2013 at 1:00 am. RCMP responded to a complaint of a disturbance at a residence in Martensville. Officers attended and found a male who was being violent. He was transported to hospital to check for injuries and then lodged in cells overnight and released in the morning. No charges were laid on this matter. Driver Arrested Near Borden October 25, 2013 at 5:30 pm. RCMP stopped a vehicle near Borden. The driver of the vehicle was found to be breaching the conditions of his release and arrested and charged with Breaching Conditions of his Conditional Sentence Order. Uncooperative Passenger October 27, 2013 at 2:00 a.m. Police were out patrolling when they observed a suspicious vehicle in Martensville. They stopped the vehicle and checked on the registration of the vehicle and the sobriety of the occupants. Officers had to deal with an individual who was being uncooperative. He was released without charges to a family member. Customer Injured October 27, 2013 at 2:30 a.m. RCMP attended the Adobe Inn in Martensville of an injured female. The female fell after leaving the establishment and received minor injuries. She was checked over by EMS. There were no charges laid. Charges Pending Near Vanscoy October 27, 2013 at 4:00 am RCMP responded to a suspicious vehicle near Vanscoy. The vehicle was located a short time later and found to be driven by an intoxicated male. Charges on the male are pending.

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November 2013


RM Review



We hope you all had a great Halloween because we sure did! We had a Halloween parade in the afternoon that was filled with great costumes. It has been a great first two months at Vanscoy School. As volleyball season comes to a close basketball season begins. Great job to both the girls and boys teams for a great performance. Thanks to all who donated to the UNICEF foundation and contributed to the school fundraisers. This year’s book fair was very successful so thanks to those who supported it. Congratulations to all who have moved on in our pass, punt and kick competition. Students will be receiving their first report card of the year in November. We also will be doing many activities in class in honor of Remembrance Day. On November 8th at 10:30 Vanscoy School will be holding a Remembrance Day service in the gym. Please come out and attend. We wish you a wonderful November! By Sara Langston and Jonah Krahn

The students and staff at Pike Lake School are enthusiastically and eagerly taking part in new and exciting learning opportunities that have been offered in the 2013 -2014 School Year. Our school goal for the year is focused around reading fluency and comprehension. We look forward to making learning more engaging to students as we bring learning relevancy to life for our young learners. We hope that students see the value in what they learn and learn to answer the question, “what does this learning mean to me?”

DELISLE COMPOSITE SCHOOL Another month has flown by this school year, but the oncoming cold weather isn’t dampening the spirit of the students and staff of Delisle Composite! There are many exciting things that went on in our school! We have gotten our new fabulous teacher interns for this year and we would like to formally welcome you to our school! Best of luck! First off, we had our annual Terry Fox walk once again this year. We were excited about how many of the kids donated and participated in the walk. Our school was able to raise over three hundred dollars, and the SRC decided they would be adding on to that as well. Our school will be donated five hundred dollars to the Terry Fox foundation this year. The senior girls’ soccer team moved on to Provincials this month and showed our team spirit and dedication to sports by placing sixth out of the nineteen teams that had attended. Their first game ended with a score of six to zero, but the loss didn’t stop the girls from fighting during their second game! During their third game they fought tooth and nail but lost five to four. The football team was fighting to be Provincial Champions but fell short. Their fight against Melfort didn’t look in our favor and we lost 29 to 31. Better luck next year! For Cross Country Provincials our school came second in the 2A Classification group. Way to go guys! The senior girls Volleyball team will be competing in Outlook this weekend and we hope they make us all proud by doing their best. As for our junior boys and girls Volleyball teams they had a great season and always manage to make us proud with their dedication! We hope to see you all striving to join the senior teams once you’re able and continuing your volleyball career! November is the month of Remembrance, and this year we are having our Remembrance Day tea on the 7th and our Remembrance Day service, as well as formal day, on the 8th. We hope all students will dress appropriately on formal day to honor those who fought in the wars. Lastly, we would like to inform all of you about our upcoming Spirit Days, as we have one going at least once a week. On Halloween everyone can dress up in their costumes, but please be sure they are school appropriate! On the thirteenth of November we have Dress Up/Dress Down Day, twenty second is Denim/Plaid/Canadian Tuxedo day, and on the twenty ninth is Twin day! The SRC hopes to see you all dressing up to show your school spirit!

ice cream island

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HO B ur



ger s Frie & Hot d s& Ring ogs s

Cones, Sundaes, Shakes





11:00am - 8:30pm Wed - Mon (closed Tuesday)

We are once again collecting your old phonebooks and this year we can help you win a fantastic prize! SaskTel has introduced a GREAT new incentive to those who recycle their phonebooks and register with our school! SaskTel is giving away two 32 GB iPod Touches (valued at $299.00) as part of their incentive to encourage phonebook recycling. This contest runs for a short time from October 7th to November 15th 2013 so you have to act fast! For each phonebook you recycle, you will receive one entry for the iPod draw. There are 3 ways you can recycle your phonebooks to receive your contest entries and be included in our school count: 1. Drop off your phonebooks in a recycling bin and record the number you dropped off. Call the school and let us know that number. 2. Drop off your phonebooks here at the school and we will record your number of phonebooks recycled. 3. Drop off your phonebooks at Pipp’s Place and let us know how many you have recycled. Ask your neighbours, grandparents, family, friends and coworkers to start saving their books for you! If your place of business recycles their books, check and see if they will donate those numbers on behalf of our school! SaskTel will still refund our school 10 cents for each phonebook that is recycled on our school’s behalf, so every book helps us earn money! This year’s Education Week, “Supporting and Celebrating Success” will certainly be filled with different ways of learning that will guide us along to future successes! A highlight of Education week, will be an important parent information night on Thursday, October 24th @ 6:30 p.m. The Prairie Spirit School Division Assessment Team will be here to discuss the new progress report and answer some of your burning questions about this new document. All of the schools in Prairie Spirit School Division will be transitioning from current report cards to a Curriculum-Referenced Progress Report for all grade 1 to 5 elementary school students. We appreciate each the school division’s team member’s time and knowledge in providing us with some learning that will lead us towards our schools future successes in helping our students attain their life’s achievements. Dates to Remember Oct. 21 to Oct. 25 Education Week - “Supporting and Celebrating Success” Oct. 23 – Theatre Performance @ 10:00 a.m. Oct. 24 – Parent Information Night with PSSD Assessment Team @ 6:30 p.m. Oct.25– Mom’s Pantry Form Deadline Oct. 30 –PLCSA Kids Halloween Party Oct. 31 –Pumpkin Carving (a.m.) - Halloween Costume and Activities (p.m.) – John Kuzbik (Director of Education) Visits @ 1:00p.m. Nov. 8 – Remembrance Day Assembly 10:45 a.m. - ALL parents, guardians and community members are invited

PIKE LAKE PRESCHOOL We are almost at the end of October and things are running smoothly. The 4-year olds have settled in a bit more and they have had lots of fun making instruments and turkeys, and learning about the number 2 and their phone numbers. They have also made pumpkins, and will be making ghosts, for Halloween crafts. This week we have been invited to join the Kindergarten Class at Pike Lake School for some reading during Education Week and we are going to try making a food-related Halloween snack. This is a first for me at preschool so we will see what happens! Our Halloween party will be on the 29th and I can’t wait to see the costumes this year. The 3-year olds have enjoyed learning about the number 2. They also had fun mixing red and yellow paint together to make orange, then using that paint to make carrot and orange prints. They will also be making ghosts this week and having their Halloween party on the 31st. With only 3 of them, it should be a quiet, but fun, party. November will find both groups learning about the number 3 and the colour black. The 4-year olds will also start a unit on health and the 3-year olds will explore different ways to build. Until next month, have a safe and happy Halloween! November Dates 3-year old days: 7, 14, 21, 28 4-year old days: 1, 5, 8, 12, 15, 19, 22, 26, 29 Colour: black Number: 3

RM Review

November 2013

Hot Wheels Night Another Big Hit


Main Street, Asquith


BACK ! November 3rd & 17th


n October 11 approximately 100 people checked out the Dusty Wheels Car Club’s real-life classic cars outside of the Vanscoy hall as they made thier way in to the 9th annual Hot Wheels Night. Inside, the ‘New Car Lot’ (operated by the United Church Youth Group) sold out in record time as children selected cars to add to their collections. The

‘Used Car Lot’ also had many gently used cars to choose from, and amidst the frenzy of shopping, children sat down to take thier new cars for a 'test drive'. Guests played many games and won exciting prizes. They also has an opportunity to take a ‘driver's test’, which included questions about driving safely. Completion of the test entitled each child to obtain a Hot

Wheels driver's license and a registration for one of their cars. Members of the Dusty Wheels Car Club, long-time, enthusiastic supporters of the event were the license issuer. They also donated two prizes for the raffle. Winners of the tracks were Ethan Lauen & Ella Rose. This year there was also another raffle for a Oscar Meyer Weiner Car that was donated by Hot Wheels collector, Brent Adams and won by Alan Jackson. This family event, which attracts collectors of all ages, is hosted by the Delisle-Vanscoy United Church. Donations from the community, of Hot Wheels cars and prizes, as well as lunch, help in making this the event of the year for many families!

Ethan Receives Raffle Prize Donated by Dusty Wheels Car Club

Debby Hagel Awards Raffle Prize from Dusty Wheels Car Club to Ella

Open Daily 9am - 8pm (closed Tuesday) Sunday 5pm - 8pm (Brunch as Announced)

306-329-2496 Delisle Branch 201 - 1st St W 493 - 8288

Thank you to all who participated in our Used Book Sale Library will be closed Monday, November 11th Request/Renew Books at Monday Noon - 4pm

Wednesday Noon - 4pm & 7pm - 9pm

Friday 10am - 5pm


November 2013

RM Review

Kim McFarlane Art Show and Sale


ocal artist Kim McFarlane is once again hosting her art show & sale in Vanscoy at the former Feed & Farm Store. Well known as ‘The Sign Lady’ for crafting many of the signs in and around the community, Kim is an accom-

r to Ente


Delisle & District Arts Council


Dec 6 6-9pm Dec 7 1-9pm


Friday Night Concert Series

Fabulous Fabul ous m music usic in Delisle! Delisle! E Everyone very ryo one We W Welcome! elcome!

Nov No v 8th 8t h

Better Be tter Than Than Nothing N o t h in g

Jan 24

Sylvia Sy lvia & Friends Friends

May 23

From Fr om Harris! H a r r is !

Zachary Z achary Lucky Lucky

Jeffery Je ffery Straker Strake aker

Series Se ries Tickets Tickets $40 (($15 $ 15 @ T The he d door) oor)

7:30 7:30 @ De Delisle l is l e U United nited Church Church call c all Sylvia@ Sylvia@ 493-2955 493-2955 2955 potluck before potluck before concert concert Meet M ee t a and nd G Greet reet to to Follow Follow

Everyone that drops in will be entered in the free door prize draw for a Hand-painted Saskatchewan Roughriders bar stool. Drop in to find that perfect Christmas gift or addition to your home.

Amazing Space

ello everyone, nted i a P dwelcome to n s a r e H what I hope hrid g u o R be a will l o Sto monthly r a B blurb by different authors, celebrating our community and the talent we have around us in every corner. Each month we’ll be celebrating someone and telling you all about them and direct you to places to find their work, if it’s available to view. This month however I just want to draw your attention to the Modular & Manufactured homes from 864 sf to 2400 sf idea of culture and community and how the two are so tightly woven together. You may scoff New Show Homes Now in Stock at the thought but everyone around us, including you has a talent. You might not call it performance material, or writing or art, but it is. Every group has a

Mar Mar 28

plished artist, creating many masterpieces, from paintings to furniture. Included in her many offerings this year, Kim will be featuring hand-painted bar stools. These one of a kind creations can be seen at her show & sale on December 6th & 7th.

different take on what they like or how they go about each idea or task and that is what creates a community, that and getting together to participate and celebrate. Quilts made by loving hands that drape loved ones beds and walls may not have blue ribbons on them, but they are amazing works of art lovingly crafted. Cakes and pastries, family recipes handed down and used day to day highlight the mastery of ingredients that make our mouths water. Decorating has been taken to new heights not only of cakes, but our homes and bodies. Letters, diary & journal entries made throughout the years, detailing all the rituals of everyday life written with care, precision and thought help us to remember, learn or revel in another persons adventures. Music filling our homes, whether it’s lesson practises or singing family favorites, karaoke or old fashioned kitchen parties, it has a big part to play in everyones life. The list is endless the skills and talents that we all have and the creating we do everyday, in the kitchen, workshop on our com-

Submitted by Sylvia Chave puters. We often share with our families, neighbours, friends & the world and some we keep just to ourselves. It is all around us and I personally just love it all! This month the Delisle & District Arts Council’s Concert Series is starting up on November 8th. We have 4 acts that will be coming right to our community to share their music with us at the United Church. (See Ad in RM Review) November 16th we want to dance with everyone! A Pattern Dancing workshop will be held at the Seniors Centre @ 7:30. We did this in September and it was a hoot! Yes, I said hoot. What an honor to be part of a truly family oriented event. Everyone took turns dancing with everyone, and some just watched, but we all smiled, laughed, visited and left with a happy heart and a hope we’d get to do it again. Oh, and it’s Free! November 17th @ 3pm is our next Arts Council Meeting, open to everyone. Bring your ideas, they only make us that much richer. Until next month, take a moment to look at something that brings you joy.......chances are it’s art!

Vanscoy & District Early Learning Centre approved for two Programs Submitted by Tobi Torresan


he Vanscoy and District Early Learning Center has been approved for two exciting programs going on this winter. The Ministry of Education has chosen Vanscoy to receive the” Mentorship Initiative”. The first program, Early Years Mentorship Initiative, is one of the ministry’s initiatives to support the implementation of Play and Exploration: Early Learning Program Guide. The Ministry of Education has prioritized quality improvement within the early learning and child care

sector. A mentor will support and encourage staff to implement principles of early learning. The Early Learning Program brochure explains, “When children explore something that interests them, they learn more quickly and remember what they have learned more easily. When children are excited about a topic , they can focus and are ready to learn key ideas in literacy, science and math.” The second program is “Healthy Start”. This program is funded through Public Health and community initiatives in partnership with the University of

Saskatchewan. Healthy Start is a bilingual early years initiative designed to increase the physical activity and healthy eating opportunities of 3-5 year olds in early learning settings. Program representatives will visit the center to give personalized training and consultation. The center will also be hosting the ‘Parent and Tots’ playgroup 2-3 times per month for parents with young children that would like to meet others. Contact the center for more information on these programs.

RM Review

Community Players Dinner Theatre Kicks Off on Nov. 22nd


he Community Players are please to present the Pat Cook Comedy; You Can't Get There From Here. This hilarious yarn brings and interesting blend of off-beat characters. It's sure to entertain, and

November 2013

tickle the funny bone while also stretching the bounds of believability. All four performances will be held at the Delisle Town Hall this year and be preceded by cocktails and dinner. The dates are the last two week-ends of

November; the 22nd and 23rd, and then November 29th and 30th. to get your tickets call: Delisle Town Office 4932242, Vanscoy Hotel 6682124, Karen Isley 493-2751 or Linda Kielo 493-2963.


Unreserved Public Auction

Saskatoon, SK December 3 | 8 am

4– 2013 JOHN DEERE 9560R & 2– 2013 JOHN DEERE 9560RT

Delisle Novice Bruins Hockey Team Hosts Tournament


he Delisle Bruins novice hockey team is hosting a tournament on Saturday, Novem-

ber 16th. They will be having a Progressive 50/50 draw and a Looney Stick draw.

As well there will be a raffle table and puck toss. Come out and cheer on your novice Bruins team !

‘Excellence in Sports’ Hockey Calendar


he Delisle & District Excellence in Sports 2014 calendar is now available. This years calendar features all the Delisle teams that have won the Provincials,

plus players who have played in the NHL or semi-pro leagues. Future calendars will celebrate Delisle area athletes and teams from other sports. You can pur-

3– 2013 JOHN DEERE 7200R & 2013 JOHN DEERE 8285R

2 OF 4– 2011 JOHN DEERE 9870STS & 2010 CASE IH 8120

chase the hockey calendar at Delisle Agencies, Co-op, Esso, Nancy Durham’s and the arena. Proceeds will be used to help pay for the roof on the arena.

5– 2013 MACDON M155 40 FTW

2– 2013 SEED HAWK 8412 84 FT

2– 2013 JOHN DEERE 4940 120 FT & 2013 JOHN DEERE 4940 SPREADER

2– 2013 JOHN DEERE 2410 63 FT

2006 CASE IH STX530

2007 KOMATSU WB146P 4x4

Saskatoon, SK, Hwy 12 North & Cory Road Tuesday, Oct 8 | 8am A partial list of equipment includes

Ag Tractors Combines Headers Sprayers Air Drills Grain Trucks Truck Tractors AND MUCH MORE! | 800.491.4494

Swathers Grain Trailers


November 2013

RM Review

Remembrance Day Poetry by... “We Will Remember” by Mitchell

“You Went Off To War” by Ashlynn

We will remember all the people in WWI the trenches the gasses the guns the deaths We will Remember all the people in the 30's the mess the destruction the starving the food shortage the deaths We will remember all the people in WWII the bombing the tanks the guns the deaths We will remember all the people in the Holocaust the Jews the ghettos the concentration camps Adolf Hitler the deaths We will remember the millions of sacrifices

You went off to war You kept your head held high And knew one day you would be back No fear, no regret, just making peace 620,000 volunteered out of 8 million Canadians 60,000 died, but they died for us hopefully leaving the world with peace they were not scared, nor worried, our soldiers. You went off to war You kept your head held high And knew one day you would be back No fear, no regret, just making peace 2,472,000 volunteered out of 12 million Canadians 46,000 died, but they died for us hopefully leaving the world with peace they were not scared, nor worried, our soldiers. You went off to war You kept your head held high And knew one day you would be back No fear, no regret, just making peace 30,500 volunteered out of 30 million Canadians 158 died, but they died for us hopefully leaving the world with peace they were not scared, nor worried, our soldiers.

We will remember them

Trench Life by Morgan B. He huddles up in a hole in the wall It’s cold, and he swears he’s lost feeling in his toes Trying to stay war is a losing battle, Even amidst the war above But still, he fights Gun shots go off, and it rattles his bones Cries of his comrades freezes his blood His friends have died He’s the last one left of his squad But still, he fights He receives his orders from his Commander “To hold the line, with no retreat” He looks at his brothers-in-arms and shakes their hands They all know there will be no surviving But still, they fight They’re given the order, To go over the trenches Guns fire, bullets soar Men fall to the ground around him But still, he fights He fires his rifle back at the enemy And then, when his clip is empty The enemy fires Right before the bullet ends him, He thinks of his family But still, he fought He and many before him, fought for our freedom.

...and give thanks “Saying Goodbye” by Kori

Remembrance Day - November 11, 2013

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His walk was slow and steady as if he wasn’t headed anywhere Head was held high telling everyone he was proud about being a soldier But the tears running down his face said something else The letter sticking out of his pocket will be the last he gets from her in a long time He then stepped on the bus and waved He waved as if he would never see them again, like he wasn’t coming back And, in all honesty, he wasn’t coming back Then the bus started up and started to roll away And the last thing he did was blow a kiss to his daughter Saying goodbye.

RM Review

November 2013


... Delisle Grade Nine Students “Remember When” by Jordan C

“Remembrance Day Poem” by Josh When we hear the word Remembrance, We think of the guns used by countries around the world We think of the fatherless and motherless children. We also think of the poppies billowing in the wind in Flander’s fields. We think of all the fallen soldiers that perished in all wars. What we should really remember is, What our brave soldiers and other soldiers have fought for. They fought for freedom, peace and love. They fought for security, protection, and valor. No I’m sure you know this already but, I think we underestimate the true meaning of these words. The men and women who fought, truly know the meaning, Because this is what they fought for.

War and Peace (Diamante Poem) by Ally War Scared, terror Fighting, killing, shooting Damage, abuse, love, freedom Caring, loving, harmonizing Calm, quiet Peace

Remember when the soldiers Gave their Wife’s a kiss on the cheek. Soldiers fought protecting the ones they love when they Remember Gunshots ringing in tired minds Walked out the door Fighting for freedom every second of everyday When they fought for Families wait for the news they might receive Our country and when some The battle goes on many did not come back. Or People pray for peace and kindness Remember when the soldiers said 11/11/18 That they would Come back for their wife’s and family’s. Most did not come back And most did. Remember when We thanked them for all their hard work. “Remember” acrostic by Kayden But most of all we thank them for Bring peace back in our country. Recognize the soldiers who sacrificed their lives for us Remember when. Everyone hurt or injured Might come home eventually Explosive bombs going everywhere Moms, dads, uncles, family, don’t know if they will return Burned, hurt, injured, painful Everywhere you look someone is hurt Rejoice that war is almost over. “Remembrance Day” by Sydney

“Thank you” by Teig As I’m walking down the road soaking up raindrops away from home away from my family Keep your head held high be strong, be brave with your mind cleared No worries in the world No regrets We remember All the courageous soldiers who sacrificed their own lives not because they had to because they wanted to to change the world for us today We remember, Thank you.

“We Shall Remember” by Brook They jumped out of airplanes They sailed across the seas They ran across the land They flew across the sky They got shot A lot were killed But they still never gave up They marched for our freedom Peace and freedom they brought us We shall remember those have fallen But one thing we must not forget Is that they volunteered to march to their death We will remember.

R & R Service & Repair Ltd. Delisle


Tuesday - Friday 8am - 5pm Saturday 9am - 4pm

Wanted Your Favorite Christmas Recipes To be published in the

December RM Review

Special Holiday Section

Deadline: November 25 Submit recipes to: RM Review - Holiday Recipes Box 333, Vanscoy, SK S0L 3J0 or fax to: 978-4481 or email to


November 2013

RM Review


CANADA-EUROPEAN UNION Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement October 25, 2013 Kelly Block, M.P.

Community Health Chiropractic Clinic Dr. Dr. Lisa Lisa Merkosky, Merkosky, BSc BSc Chiropractor Chiropractor

Available for Chiropractic Appointments Available for Chiropractic Appointments starting Tuesday, April 2, 2013 Clinic Hours Mon & Thur: 1:00pm - 7:00pm Tue & Fri: 9:00am - 1:00pm & 3:00pm - 5:00pm

Prime Minister Stephen Harper announced that Canada and the European Union (EU) reached an agreement in principle on a comprehensive trade agreement. The Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) will bring benefits to every region of our country. It will unlock new opportunities by opening new markets for Canadian businesses and creating new jobs for Canadian workers. CETA is a 21st-century, gold-standard agreement and is Canada’s most ambitious trade initiative ever. It is broader in scope and deeper in ambition than the historic North American Free Trade Agreement. Saskatchewanians stand to benefit signifi-

Delisle Primary Health Centre 305 - 1st Street West, Delisle, SK

cess to new market opportunities in the EU. Exporters will also benefit from other CETA provisions that will improve conditions for exports — provisions, for example, that ease reg-

Principal merchandise exports from Saskatchewan to the EU by sector (annual average, 2010-2012) (value in millions of Canadian dollars)

most all of Saskatchewan’s key exports and provide ac-

Box 60 Saskatoon, SK S7K 3K1 Large & Small Animal Medicine


Call for an Appointment


cantly from this preferred access to the EU market. The EU is already Saskatchewan’s third-largest trading partner and export destination. CETA will eliminate tariffs on al-

24 hr Emergency Services Drs. Harvey Domoslai - Wally Kononoff Blair Simonson - Lisa Wayman Dave Nairn

ulatory barriers, reinforce intellectual property rights and ensure more transparent rules for market access. The benefits will be extensive, including for those who produce primary goods (like minerals and agricultural products) and those who turn them into value-added processed and manufactured products.

Out of more than 9,000 EU tariff lines, approximately 98 percent will be duty-free for Canadian goods when CETA comes into force. Some EU tariffs are so high they impose a real burden on Canadian exporters and prevent or limit considerably their ability to compete in the EU market. For example, the EU levies a tariff equivalent to $114 per tonne on Canadian oats which, over the last five years, has been estimated to add a substantial 51.7 percent to the price of this grain. When CETA comes into force, tariffs on oats and almost all other Canadian primary goods will be eliminated. Equally important to Saskatchewan’s economy is the fact that tariffs on manufactured products will also be eliminated. I trust this information has been useful. For further details on the Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement and its benefits to Saskatchewan, visit: ta-aecg/canada-eutrade-agreement.

Read NEW Weekly ‘MLA Reports’ and ‘MP Reports’ at the RM Review On-Line

Website Exclusives at Vanscoy Ph: 683-5024 Fax: 683-6307

F ull SeRviCe - GaS & DieSel

Remembering - November 11, 2013

Confectionary Post Office

Lottery ATM

DVD’s Coffee

C onvenienCe every day of the week!

- Interior Renovations - Vinyl Siding - Doors - Windows

Dexteriors John Hendrickson VAnSCoy 934 - 3048

Gas & Diesel $25 Gas Draw (with 30 litre fill)

RM Review

November 2013


October 17, 2013 Randy Weekes, MLA Giving Thanks for a Good Crop Many used the recent Thanksgiving holiday as a time to gather and reflect on the many things for which we are thankful. In this province, there is plenty and a bountiful harvest is one such example. Despite a late spring and lots of moisture, the majority of Saskatchewan farmers are now finished in the field and, in most cases, are reporting a great growing season. Statistics Canada has estimated this year’s crop is one of the biggest ever while producers suggest the 2013 crop exceeded expectations with average to above-average yields. Accounting for over one-third of the province’s total exports, agriculture continues to be an integral part of our economy that works not only to feed us, but others around the world. Full-Time Jobs Hit New Heights In September Saskatchewan’s economy is diversifying, and is a national leader in growth, attracting newcomers and investment. Statistics Canada recently released further data supporting that. Over the past year, more than 80 per cent of the new jobs created in Saskatchewan were full-time positions and, in total, there were a record 555,500 people working in September. At 4.3 per cent, Saskatchewan also managed to maintain the lowest unemployment rate in Canada for the ninth consecutive month. With more jobs, more people and more economic activity, working people in Saskatchewan now have more stability, security and a better quality of life than ever before.

Investing In Trades & Technology Growth - and the new revenue it generates - gives our government the ability to meet the challenges that come with it. One such area is trades and technology. As our economy grows, so too does the need for skilled workers. To that end, our government recently announced $10 million in support of the new Trades and Technology Centre in Yorkton. This institution will not only increase the number of graduates in many highly-skilled areas that are in demand but will also make it possible for Yorkton-area students to learn closer to home. Our government is also matching a $150,000 scholarship donation by the Yorkton Tribal Council to help provide local First Nations youth with scholarship dollars over the next five years. One of our priorities is to help find new opportunities and to remove barriers to our Aboriginal young people so they can receive post-secondary training and education. Fall Sitting Starting Soon After catching up with constituents and attending many exciting events around the province, your Saskatchewan Party MLAs are about to return to the provincial legislature for the Fall Sitting of the Saskatchewan Legislative Assembly. Overall, in terms of priorities, we’re hearing that you’re pleased with the direction the province is taking but also that there is more work to be done as it relates to highways and seniors care. Through consultation, we have also heard that we need to maintain economic strength and the growth of our province in order to invest in the services that you need and deserve. Keeping with Saskatchewan’s Plan for Growth, your input has helped us to chart our government’s course for the upcoming legislative session and beyond. Together, we can use the benefits of growth to improve the quality of life for everyone in our province.


Randyy Weekes, Weekes, MLA MLA Biggar iggar Constituency Constituency Office Office 106 - 3rd 3rd Ave. Ave. West, Av West, Biggar, Biggar iggar,, SK S0K 0M0 Toll Toll Free: Free: 1-877-948-4880 Phone: Phone: 1-306-948-4880 Fax: 1-306-948-4882 Find Randy on

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668 - 4218


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SAUS Call for info about Emergency Services on holidays & after hours

Spring puppies & kittens will soon be in heat. It’s time to

Spay & Neuter

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Rob Thompson & Jane West

668 - 4742


November 2013

RM Review !

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A holiday you will always remember !

FALL BLOW-OUT - 2013 prices while stock feeders last 2014 Prices will be in effect due to increases in steel prices

RM Review

November 2013


COMMUNITY CALENDAR Find More Event Details at or Scan the QR Code with your phone November 2 Saturday 10am-3pm Asquith Royal Purple Craft Sale Asquith Elks Hall

November 8 Friday 10:30am Remembrance Day Service Delisle School

November 13 Wednesday 7pm Coping with Grief Seminar Delisle Comp. School Library

November 23 Saturday Community Players Dinner Theatre Delisle Town Hall

November 2 Saturday 3:00pm Eskimos @ Roughriders Regina

November 8 Friday 10:30am Remembrance Day Service Vanscoy School

November 16 Saturday Delisle Novice Bruins Tournament - Delisle Arena

November 24 Sunday 5:30pm GREY CUP Regina

November 3 Sunday Daylight Savings Time Ends

November 8 Friday 10:45am Remembrance Day Service Pike Lake School

November 4 Monday 7:00pm Laura 4-H Meeting Laura Hall

November 8 Friday 2:00pm Remembrance Day Service Asquith School

November 16 Saturday 7:00pm Turkey Bingo Vanscoy Circle Hall

November 29 Friday Community Players Dinner Theatre Delisle Town Hall

November 5 Tuesday 10am-12pm Delisle Parent & Tot Group Delisle Town Hall

November 10 Saturday 3:30pm Lions @ Roughriders Regina

November 17 Sunday 3:30pm Roughriders @ Stampeders Calgary (Hopefully)

November 30 Saturday Community Players Dinner Theatre Delisle Town Hall

November 5 Tuesday 7:00pm Country Quilters Vanscoy Senior Centre

November 11 Monday Remembrance Day

November 19 Tuesday 10am-12pm Delisle Parent & Tot Group Delisle Town Hall

December 6 Friday 2:00pm Christmas Tea & Bake Sale Delisle Senior Centre

November 7 Thursday 7:00pm Delisle Legion Tea & Concert Delisle

November 11 Monday 10:30 Remembrance Day Service Delisle Town Hall

November 19 Tuesday 7:00pm Country Quilters Vanscoy Senior Centre

December 6 Friday 6pm-9pm Kim McFarlane Art Show & Sale Vanscoy Feed & Farm

November 8 Friday 9:30-11:30am Vanscoy Mom’s Group Vanscoy Early Learning Centre

November 11 Monday

November 22 Friday 9:30-11:30am Vanscoy Mom’s Group Vanscoy Early Learning Centre

December 6 Friday 7:30pm Delisle Bruins Silent Auction Game 8:00pm - Delisle Arena

November 8 Friday 7:30pm Friday Night Concert Series Delisle United Church


November 16 Saturday 3:30 / 6pm November 26 Tuesday 10am-12pm Delisle Parent & Tot Group Drive In Movie Delisle Town Hall Pike Lake Community Hall

November 22 Friday November 12 Tuesday 10am-12pm Community Players Dinner Theatre Delisle Parent & Tot Group Delisle Town Hall Delisle Town Hall

December 7 Saturday 1pm-9pm Kim McFarlane Art Show & Sale Vanscoy Feed & Farm

Promote Your Event Here FREE - 306-668-1312 or

Sid’s Auto Service Oil Change/Lube Job Clutch & Brake Work


Rear Ends Transmissions

coMpLEtE SERVicE on FARM MAchinERy


Organic Beef Halves, Quarters, Custom Packages Samples Available Your satisfaction is guaranteed.

EnginES Gas & Diesel

V AnSCoy 668-2013 or 229-2016

SK Sew Kleen

Carrol King


SepticTank Pumping Septic Repairs Hydrovac Services

Portable Toilet Rentals 283 - 4406

Sparlyn Organic Farm 668-4216

Trenching & Waterworks Sand - Gravel - Topsoil

230 - 4653

Relieves Tension Improves Circulation Helps Promote Overall Health



Stobbe’s Backhoe Service Grandora, SK Sand & Gravel Spreading Hauling Ken Klassen RR1 Box 15

Delisle, SK S0L 0P0

Bus. (306) 493-7579 Fax. (306) 493-8135

Ag Services Division

Leo Stobbe 668-4289

493 - 2408

Installation of Rural Water & Sewer Systems

Box 130, Delisle, SK S0L 0P0

Pumps - Tanks - Switches - other Trenching & Excavation


November 2013

RM Review


Find more Detailed Listings at or Scan the QR Code with your phone Accommodations


Government - Federal

Delisle Hotel Delisle 493-2462

B & B Homes Delisle 493-2750

Jeannie’s Place Delisle 493-2489 / 380-9664

Dexteriors Vanscoy 934-3048

Kelly Block, MP 904E 22nd St W, Saskatoon 1-888-590-6555

Government Provincial

Flatlander Construction Delisle 493-7547


Larmar Contracting Services Vanscoy 380-2327

Accountsability Vanscoy 292-4085/668-4216 Lyndsay Lee Pike Lake 244-2777 Papertrail Legacy Vanscoy 931-2153

Agricultural Larson Custom Fencing Delisle 934-3185 / 403-664-8252 Orchard Transport - Ag Div. Delisle 493-2408 Viterra - Delisle LSO Delisle 493-8188

G & L Drywall Delisle 493-8228 / 668-4583 New Age Foundations Plus Grandora 329-4610

Klassen Trenching Delisle 493-7579

Side by Side Contractors 270-6986

Link’s Backhoe & Skidsteer Delisle 222-9737

Twin Painting Vanscoy 934-5803 / 261-0689

Rice Lake Sand & Gravel Asquith 329-4768

Victoria’s Design 370-9399

Westland Enterprizes Ltd Delisle 493-2709

Automotive Integra Tire/Empire Auto Saskatoon 244-8070 Scouts Auto Parts Donavon 493-2637

Beauty Arbonne Intl - Kerrie Sparrow Vanscoy 668-4218 BeautiControl-Rose-Anne Kielo Delisle 493-2233 Sultry Skincare “Waxing Services” Vanscoy 230-1389


Moon River Golf Club Valley Road 931-8960

Back 40 Embroidery Delisle 493-3033/493-2751

Valleyview Golf & Country Club Delisle 493-3288

Computer -Service


Kim’s Signs That Sell Vanscoy 493-3011



Angus Insurance Harris 656-4555

Ryjo Tours Inc. Tessier 1-866-656-4786

Delisle Agencies Delisle 493-2260

Vehicle Repair

Mooney Agencies Ltd. Vanscoy 668-2181

Sid’s Auto Service Vanscoy 668-2013


Massage Jillian Walker Massage RMT Vanscoy 242-7780 Lindsey Kocay Therapeutic Massage Delisle 493-8247

Meat Cutting Vanscoy Sausage & Meat Vanscoy 668-4742

Cattle Care Hwy #14 343-5773/260-6729 Corman Park Vet Services Hwy #14 (SLS) 384-7676 Delisle Veterinary Service Delisle 493-3143 Fafard’s Mobile Vet Service Grandora 371-4534 Outlook Veterinary Clinic Outlook 867-8777

Pet Care

Water / Septic


Delisle Credit Union 1st St, Delisle 493-2414

Epicure Selections - Vanscoy Brandi Orth 382-2220

Graham Contracting Asquith 230-4653

Animal InnSpaRations Delisle 493-3143

Edward Jones -Colleen Schneider 234 First Ave S Saskatoon 244-0398

Prairie Sun Orchard Ice Cream Vanscoy 242-7573

Klassen Trenching Delisle 493-7579

Lynne Road Kennels Grandora 270-5831

Dejardins - Norma Sparrow 330 - 20th St. E Saskatoon 242-1188

Schneider’s Gourmet World Delisle 493-3199

Link’s Backhoe & Skidsteer Delisle 222-9737

Lynn Ross Dog Grooming Vanscoy 382-6224

Starlings Septic Services Delisle 493-2241

Plumbing & Heating

Sew Kleen Hydro-vacing & Septic Asquith 283-4406

Hairstylist / Beauty

Flood First General Services Saskatoon 979-3205

Delisle Hairstyling & Barber Delisle 493-2467

Garden / Yard

Hair by Dawn Vanscoy 384-6807

Amsoil - Roland Rusnell Delisle 220-3357 Delisle Agricultural Co-op Delisle 493-2212 Sandyridge Gas & Grocery Grandora 668-4362 Vanscoy Tempo Vanscoy 683-5024

Catprint Computing Delisle 230-8783

Sign Painting

‘A’ Deb’s K-9 Kennelling Delisle 220-4727

Gas / Confectionary

Dr. Lisa Merkosky Community Health Chiropractic Clinic Delisle Primary Health Centre 493-2800

Watkins - Darla Christopher Delisle 493-2933

Clubs Driving Range Valley Road 221-0842

Like A Rock Grandora 382-3978


Watkins - Anne Plummer 725 Valley Rd 382-1284

Golf J C Electric Vanscoy 290-2052

PLAINSMAN HVAC-R Ltd 24 Hour Emergency Service Vanscoy 306-242-3002

Sharpening RixEdge Sharpening Services Saskatoon 270-8048

Gravel / Sand Graham Contracting Asquith 230-4653


Air Conditioning & Heating

Randy Weekes, MLA 106 3rd Ave W Biggar 1-877-948-4880

Home Care Products

Iron Eagle Mechanical Saskatoon 717-0151 Thermal Mechanical Vanscoy 381-7998/270-0160

Julie’s House of Style Delisle 493-2950


Computer -Web Design

Partylite Gifts -Cindy Hanson Vanscoy 978-0219

B & B Homes Delisle 493-2750

Whole Wheat Web Design Vanscoy 493-3023

Silpada - Marilyn Hungness Asquith 329-4768

Vesta Homes Vanscoy 242-9099

Yardwork/Excavation Big Pines Services Inc. Vanscoy 230-7399




STP Mobile Welding Saskatoon 280-9368

Agrium Potash Mine Vanscoy 668-4343

The Pink Chair Delisle 493-2266

Reflexology - Carrol King Delisle 493-2452

Arc-Fab Industrial Pike Lake 380-7525

Potash Mine

Salon 360 Delisle 493-2486

Air & Alkaline Water Purifiers Perdue 1-877-652-6853


Pike Lake Preschool Pike Lake 978-8164

Graham Contracting Asquith 230-4653

Vanscoy Early Learning Center Vanscoy 668-6338

KBM Earthmoving Vanscoy 867-3770


Klassen Trenching Delisle 493-7579

Britannia Restaurant Asquith 329-2496

Link’s Backhoe & Skidsteer Delisle 222-9737

Robin’s Nest Cafe Railway Ave Vanscoy 931-6996

Stobbe’s Backhoe Service Grandora 668-4289

BUSINESS CLASSIFIEDS HORSES FOR SALE www. livingwaterpaintsandquarters .com

Langham, SK 306-283-4495

L’IL BIT OF COUNTRY Antiques & Collectibles

Gifts, Memorabilia & so much more

Farm / Acreage / Ranch / Recreation Buying? / Selling? Sask. Land Sales

Come In,

Coldwell Banker

See What’s New & Old

ResCom Realty

1st St. W, Delisle Mon - Fri 9:00 am - 4:30 pm

Real Estate Specialist TOM NEUFELD 306-260-7838

HAY FOR SALE Small Bales, Alfalfa/Brome/Crested Wheat Mixture In Hay Shed $3.50/bale


Check out... WWW.PIN.CA Several Local Properties Available “For Sale by Owner” Land in local R.M.’s of: Vanscoy, Montrose, Eagle Creek and Aberdeen Businesses in: Delisle, Saskatoon, Harris Asquith and Rosetown etc. To List Yours Call: Merv Easton - Vanscoy 306-270-2022

Advertise Your Goods or Services Here for Only

$20/Month Call the RM Review at 306-668-1312 or visit our website


Check out the On-Line Business Directory at

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