RM Review August 2016

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Saskatchewan Day August 1st

RM Review


Serving Asquith, Delisle, Donavon, Grandora, Harris, Kinley, Laura, Perdue, Pike Lake, Swanson, Tessier, Vanscoy, Zealandia

Volume 17 Number 8

August 2016


Summer Destinations Guide Your Guide to Local Activities and Events on Pages 6 - 7

The Perdue Arena was destroyed by fire in May 2015

Perdue Arena Rebuild Project


n May 23, 2015, the Perdue Arena was completely destroyed by fire. Since that time, the Perdue Arena Rebuild Project has been formed. The building committee is doing a great job and groundwork is already completed for the new arena, located North of the Rec Complex. The exterior shell should be up by October of this year. Our community is very excited that the rebuilding process has begun. Our fundraising committee has also been hard at work planning fundraising events such as a Ladies Night Out

on August 6 and a donation drive. They are also working with the Perdue Community Agricultural Project (PCAP). It is an agricultural based fundraiser through which businesses and individuals help by donating products and/or services to help grow a crop. Funds from the sale of this crop go to a local charity or project like the Perdue Arena Rebuild. To date the rebuild project has raised $1,035,970, which includes the insurance proceeds from fire that destroyed the old arena.

With support from the people and volunteers of Perdue and surrounding area, our dream is becoming a reality... “ONE RAFTER AT A TIME” Visit the Village of Perdue website and Perdue Arena Rebuild Facebook Page for more info and pictures. Submitted by Vivian Eaton Perdue Arena Rebuild Committee

Artist rendering of the new Perdue Arena


Editorial........................... p. 2 Red Williams.................... p. 3 Council Reports................ p. 4

RCMP Report................... p. 5 Chief’s Report................... p. 5 Farm Reports................... p. 8

SUMMER DESTINATIONS GUIDE...................... p. 6 - 7

Consumer Corner............... p. 9 Community Calendar........ p. 10 Business Directory............ p. 11

Read us on your computer, iPhone or iPad with our FREE On-Line Reader - www.rmreview.net


August 2016


Gray Lives Matter....


RM Review


he ‘Black Lives Matter’ movement in the United States seeks to highlight the systemic racism in their police forces, which, too often, results in excessive traffic stops, physical abuse and even death for its black citizens. Opponents of the movement like to state that ‘all lives matter’, competely dismissing the efforts of the movement to shine a light on the racism issues that oppress them every day. The recent aquital of all the Baltimore police officers involved in the death of Freddie Gray during a simple transfer in the back of a van to the police station, only further exemplifies the existence of the problem. It seems that not only don’t black lives matter in the U.S., but apparently Gray lives don’t matter either. At least not Freddie Gray’s ! There was a time when the “Jewish Lives Matter” movement didn’t stand a chance. Call it religious profiling, they were forced to wear an armband with a blue star so they could be identified by their religion. We know what happened to them next ! Recently American Presidential hopeful Donald Trump proposed a religious test for immigrants to identify those of the Muslim faith. But then what ? Mandatory arm bands ? Deportations ? Death Camps ? Seems to me we’ve been down that dark road before. Maybe it’s Muslim lives that don’t matter this time ? Further to that, he proposes to address the issue of Mexican immigration into the U.S. by not only building a wall to prevent illegal immigration, but proposes to destroy countless families by rounding up millions of people to ‘clean up’ the problem. Deportation has a familiar ring to it too. Maybe Mexican lives don’t matter too ? He mocks disabled people on live television. Maybe disabled lives don’t matter ? He publicly disrespects women. Maybe womens lives don’t matter either ? The U.S. Constitution, that Americans will lay down their lives for, states that ‘all men are created equal’, yet many of the public officials elected to defend that constitution perpetuate a society of inequality, and Donald Trump embodies the worst of all of them.

The only way Donald Trump can feel powerful, is if others around him are powerless. (You’re Fired) The only way that Donald Trump can feel rich, is if others around him are poor. (I’m really rich) The only he can “Make America Great Again’, is if other nations are failing. (Look out China)

Delisle & District Fire Commission is now accepting applications for

FIRE CHIEF Position start date: January 1, 2017

All men are created equal ? Not so much in the Donald’s twisted world.

Please send resume to:

Any realistic person can realize that all people in the world will never be completely equal, but it is an ideal that should drive us when making decisions.

Delisle & District Fire Commission Box 188, Vanscoy, SK S0L 3J0

What the American voters decide in November will have a tremendous impact on the rest of the world. Donald Trump is not a solution... he is but a mere symptom of the challenges we all face, all the time.

For more information contact Ron Stevens: 306-249-3168

Fortunately Americans have an alternative, opposite choice for President. Hillary Clinton, like the rest of us, is far from perfect, but she has spent her life working to bring people together, eliminate barriers for the less fortunate and has worked to improve the lives of people she has represented.

Application Deadline November 1, 2016

After a hot, hard day of storm chasing, why not stop in for a meal or drink in Air Conditioned Comfort ....we can give you a table away from the windows !!

Who will they chose ? The direction they likely need to go in today can be found in that 1965 song by Burt Bacharach.... What the world.... Needs now... Is love... Sweet love...

Vanscoy 306 - 931-6996

Enjoy some more summer !

Mon-Fri 7 - 9

Sat 8 - 8

Sun 9 - 7

Ken Sowter Editor

New Minister Joins the Delisle - Vanscoy United Church


am delighted to be joining the community of Delisle and Vanscoy as the new minister at the United Church. As a recent graduate of St. Andrew’s College in Saskatoon I have just concluded a two year ministry residency in the rural community of Mortlach, Saskatchewan. I look forward to participating in the various ministries that this wonderful congregation in Delisle and Vanscoy has offered for many years, and to joining in the community activities that happen throughout the year. My husband, Kent, and I live on the west side of Saskatoon and have had numerous opportunities to visit Delisle – including a much appreciated interaction with the Volunteer Fire Department several years ago! The congregation meets on Sunday mornings at 11:00 at the Delisle United Church for our regular worship services from September - June. Watch for special services, events, and programs throughout the year, and check us out online for additional information about the church. I’m very much looking forward to meeting you all !

867-8121 567-2194

It’s Time for You to Enjoy the Summer Make It Happen with the Delisle Credit Union Summertime Loan Promotion


Drop in or call today !

Rev. Lindsay Mohn Delisle Vanscoy United Church mohn.lindsay@gmail.com 306-493-2227 www.delislevanscoyucc.wordpress.com

The RM Review CONTACT US Phone: 306-668-1312 Fax: 306-978-4481 mail@rmreview.net www.rmreview.net Box 333, Vanscoy, SK S0L 3J0

Preferred Rates for up to 5 Years o.a.c.

Delisle Credit Union 210 1st Street W 306 - 493 - 2414



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DISTRIBUTION & SUBSCRIPTIONS 3,500 issues of the RM Review are published monthly and direct mailed for free to all homes in the communities shown in the map to the right. As well, it is available for free pick-up at various news stands throughout this distribution area. Out of area subscriptions are available for $30/yr.

Next Issue comes out on August 30, 2016

We reserve the right to edit copy for libel or other legal, spelling or grammatical errors. We accept no liability for any such errors.

Submission Deadline is Friday, August 26, 2016

RM Review

August 2016


Delisle Days 2016 is a Big Success


elisle Days was a huge success. We had a lot of the community come out and enjoy the festivities. Downtown Delisle was full of excitement with the parade, bounce houses as well as the new edition of pony carousel and petting zoo. Over at the rink, Back 40 had an amazing turnout at the show and shine, along with the bbq, beer gardens and live music. We also had a free Bingo, with over $1000 worth of sponsored prizes.

Another new addition this year was Trinity Safety & Ace of Carts at the school grounds. Trinity safety hosted a free fire extinguisher training where people young and old could use a fire extinguisher to put out a real fire. Ace of Carts was hosting a distracted drivers training with a golf cart, where you would go through a course distracted by your cell phone. All funds raised by this were donated to the Delisle Fire Department.

Saturday ended off with glow sticks and fireworks. On Sunday, we had a five dollar breakfast at the town hall and an hour of gospel music, with money raised to support future community events. As always, Delisle Days wouldn't be possible without our generous sponsors, our volunteers, and the community coming out to support it all.

Delisle Days Parade

Photo by Cary Brunett

Submitted by Amanda Czank

Delisle Composite School to Host Provincial Cross Country Meet


elisle Composite School will be hosting the Saskatchewan High Schools' Athletic Association Provincial Cross Country Meet in Delisle on Saturday, October 15. Approximately 600 runners from across the province will race in the day. There are six different races starting and finishing at the high school with the majority of the race ran on the Delisle Valley View Golf Course. All athletes who qualify to race in this meet must be in at least Grade 9 and place in the top ten of their own district.


DCS has a long history of hosting our athletic district cross country meets, including the last three, at the old golf course/ball diamond site. We have always received tremendous community support from the town for main-

...600 runners from across the province... Saturday, October 15 taining the course and from many community members who come out and support local runners and the meet. To host this meet, DCS entered a bid to the SHSAA and was chosen from the applicants. We are very ho-

Delisle Days Fun for All Ages

Photo by Cary Brunett

Submitted by Kirk Schlosser Principal, DCS

Bowbusters Host Outdoor 3D Archery Provincials in Delisle

n July 8 & 9 Bowbusters hosted the Sask Outdoor 3D Archery Provincials at the outdoor range by Delisle. We had 71 shooters registered that shot over the 2 days on two courses of 20 targets. We received many compliments from everyone on how well set up the courses were and how great the shots were. To start off the opening ceremonies Keith Partridge, long time friend and shooting partner of Dave McGill, shot the first arrow into a buffalo target in honor of Dave who passed away a year ago. We would like to thank Rob McGill and his family for their donation to the club as well as our other sponsors: Safari Club International, Tri Star Trucking , the Robbins family, Canadian Tarpaulin, APA Archery, Cabelas, Battleford Bait and Tackle, Delisle Co-op,

Ray Nemethi, OK Tire, ILTA Grain from North Battleford and Thomas Fresh Saskatoon Inc. Also a huge thank you to all our volunteers who helped us to set up. Six Bowbusters received medals: Ella Rose - Gold Sophie Rose - Gold Carson Wiederhold - Bronze Kim Rose -Silver Murray Wiederhold - Bronze Ann Ward -Gold On July 17 the Outdoor Target & Field Provincials were held in Regina. Congratulations to Randi Haas for winning Gold and Silver and to Mitchell Haas who also won Gold and Silver. Submitted by Maxine Ross

Food for Thought


noured to be the host and are looking forward to hosting and showing our true community spirit. We hope that you are able to come and watch some of the running and enjoy the day with us! There will be further information coming out as we look for volunteers who are willing to support us with the many jobs involved in running the meet and if you know that you would like to volunteer, please contact the school. Thanks.


s I predicted a year ago, the world has lost control and there is chaos erupting around the globe. The targets are wide spread. The thought that the Western nations would avoid the onslaught is history. Even the US, with its dominant military capacity, is shattered by internal riots and an election process that is breeding further dissention. Millions of Middle Eastern peoples have been slaughtered or enslaved and even more are dislocated and are tramping across the borders with Europe or living in tent camps. The extent of the tragedy is almost beyond comprehension.

C.M. (Red) Williams

With massive killings every day or two one is stunned in seeking a solution. One thing is certain: the West should have kept out of the Middle East. Jean Chretien was right in refusing entry into Iraq. We can’t turn back the clock. The report that identifies Tony Blair as the partner of President Bush reveals where the major error lies. Without troops and armaments the Middle East squabbles would have extinguished themselves. The UN policy of aiding all people in conflict has been over-reached and led the nations ever deeper in the morass. Opinions expressed here are exclusively those of the author.

BARNEY’S BOBCAT Yard Clean-up & Landscaping Dump Trailer for Rent We Deliver and Pick-up Vanscoy and Surrounding Area

Call Barney at 306 - 270 - 4353



August 2016



TOWN OF ASqUITH Asquith Town Council held its regular council meeting on July 6, 2016. Attending the meeting were Deputy-Mayor Don Lysyshyn, Councillors Sue Sawicki, Ross Beal, Garry Dumont, and Leen Van Marion, as well as Foreman Darren Kraft and C.A.O. Holly Cross. The June 8, 2016 regular meeting minutes were accepted as presented, as were the June 27, 2016 special meeting minutes. A resolution was made to accept the treasurer's statement of receipts and expenditures for June, 2016 and to accept the May, 2016 bank reconciliations as presented. A motion was made to accept the accounts paid totalling $42,530.28 and accounts payable of $19,957.34 as presented. A motion was also made to pay CamDon Motors $213.14 for mower parts. Building permit #4-2016 was approved for a new dwelling house to be built at 280 Charles Street. A motion was made to price the town lots on Lunn Street at $30,000 plus GST. All tax incentives will still be applicable. After perusing quotes for landfill decommissioning, and upon recommendation of Associated Engineering, Council moved to contract Graham Contracting to perform the landfill decommissioning for $107,692.00. H.J. Miller Paving has been contracted to perform Main Street drainage correction and paving for a cost of fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000.00) plus taxes. Council instructed C.A.O. Cross to write a letter to Canada Post indicating the Town's support for

expansion of postal services to include services such as rural postal banking, processing passport applications, certifying documents and issuing permits in Canada Post outlets. With the beautiful summer weather upon us, many have decided to cool off by installing above ground pools. Please be aware that there is a Swimming Pool Bylaw in the Town of Asquith. Any pools that are 200 square feet in circumference and/or have a water depth of 18 inches or more are required to be enclosed by a fence. This is to limit the chances that other children could get access to the pools and possibly drown. If you would like more information regarding this issue, please go to www.townofasquith.com to read the Bylaw, or call the Asquith Town office. A thank you goes out to the Town's public works employees for keeping the town, sportsgrounds and cemetery in good shape! This office has received compliments from visitors. Have a happy and safe summer!



ouncil held a regular council meeting on July 6, 2016.

The Town of Delisle expressed its willingness to establish the position of a regional EMO co-ordinator in partnership with the RM of Vanscoy and the Village of Vanscoy and under the umbrella of the Delisle & District Fire Commission. The August regular meeting of Town Council will be held Monday, August 8th at the Delisle Town Office starting at 7:00 p.m.


Burgers Salads


r 5 Sta y lit Qua


Fresh PIZZA Poutine or Fries

Breakfast to 11am

Fresh Sandwich Hot Soup

5 Sta Serv r ice

Gas & Diesel, Groceries, Liquor, ‘NEW’ Coffee Shop




ouncil held a regular council meeting on July 13, 2016.

Residents should take notice of the newly placed signs around the Village regarding Pet Waste. It is an offense not to clean up after your pet, whether it be on private of public property. There are also new signs placed around the ball diamond – there are no pets allowed in the ball diamond. There are a number of residents who still have unregistered vehicles parked on the streets. These owners will be given a notice to remove them or they will be towed. (Section 5 (g)) of the Bylaw. Section 5(k) of the Bylaw states that “No person shall park a boat, motor home, RV or utility trailer on any street for longer than a period of seven days without prior written permission”. Section 5(l) states that “No person shall park a passenger vehicle (truck or car) on any street for longer than a period of seven days without prior written permission”. Tax notices were mailed July 5 and the appropriate notices were forwarded to mortgage companies for payment. If you did not receive your notice yet, please contact the Village Office.


Newly Renovated and New Ownership Chicken

RM Review

Your Journey Starts Here

306 - 493 - 2251 Full Service from 5:00am - 10:00pm Everyday


RM Review


August 2016


WARMAN/MARTENSVILLE RCMP REPORT Impaired Charges near Delisle July 1st at 11:50 pm a truck was stopped on Highway #766 near Delisle. Driver was found to be impaired. Charges have been laid. Theft from Asquith Vehicles June 21st several vehicles were reported entered during the night in Asquith. None of the vehicles had been locked. Small items taken from each vehicle. Diesel Stolen near Borden June 25th at 8:40 am a theft of diesel was reported from a farm near Borden. Someone took diesel from tanks on the farm. No suspects located. Stolen Vehicle on Highway 14 June 27th at 2:30 am Warman detachment assisted Saskatoon Police Service to locate a vehicle stolen out of Saskatoon. The vehicle was located on Highway #14 just west of Saskatoon, and the suspects were located a short time later. Camp Gear Stolen at Pike Lake June 28th at 4:45 pm a report was made of camping equipment stolen from a campsite at Pike Lake Provincial Park. Equipment was not located, no suspects identified.

Man Looking for Dog June 26th at 10:15 pm a male was reported walking around in Langham with no shoes on, possibly carrying a knife. Patrol was made by members and a 36 year old male was located. He was out looking for his dog. Woman Burned in Langham June 30th at 9:55 pm, a call was received in Langham of a 37 year old female who had a gas can explode in her face, causing burns to her face and arms. Vehicle in Slough July 5th at 6:30 pm a vehicle lost control on a grid road west of Saskatoon and ended up in a slough. The 36 year old male driver got out of the vehicle safely and wasn’t injured. Gas & Dash at Vanscoy Tempo July 9th at 8:45 am a gas and dash occurred at the Vanscoy Tempo Gas Station. The investigation is on-going. Hit & Run at Delisle Hotel On July 9th at 4:46 a hit and run was reported occurring outside the Delisle Bar. There are currently no suspects in this matter.

CHIEF’S CORNER Well, it's that time of the year when everything is abuzz in the Rural Municipality of Vanscoy and I just don't mean the constant drone of deer flies and mosquitoes you are hearing. I am referring to the various shapes, sizes and models of three and four wheel all terrain vehicles that are driving through the ditches, up and down your fields, and sometimes travelling on the roadway usually within close proximity to your acreages and farms. When you enter one of our local retailers to purchase one of these 'toys', possibly, for yourself, or one of your children, I often wonder how much information related to riding safely, and within the rules and regulations when operating these machines is actually being dispensed to the purchaser? Of, course all new quads, side by sides, UTV's and any of the other common nicknames and acronyms which are used to identify these machines all come with several warning labels emblazoned on their bodies, but how often do we actually pay attention to a label on a product? The more important question is how much pertinent information is actually given to the purchaser at the time of sale regarding the rules and regulations that govern riding one of these off road vehicles legally and safely within our Province? Secondly, how often does a person who purchases a quad, or side by side, Argo, UTV, etc once they have it safely at home and are just dying to take it out for a rip, actually attempt to find this information out for themselves before riding? This is where the Chief's Corner comes into play and perhaps by reading this article, or some of the other articles I have written, the information I am providing will help you out in some small way. First of all, did you know there are actual rules and regulations for operating all terrain vehicles in Saskatchewan? Well, like everything else in the world today, of course there are rules and regulations. We all love rules and regulations don't we? In the case of all terrain vehicles, the Act which governs the operation of any of these creations whose main purpose is to operate them while off road in a motorized vehicle that travels on 3 or 4 wheels, and which is not

classified as a motor vehicle under the Highway Traffic Act, is appropriately called; The All Terrain Vehicles Act of Saskatchewan. You can simply search for this specific Act on the Internet and you will find the updated rules and regulations for safe ATV operation there. Please take some time and read the Regulation for yourselves, and perhaps really try to educate yourself, or your children, about the rules for ATV operation before you begin to ride your ATV. In the meantime, and if you haven't quite had time for the computer yet, I will lay out a couple of the more important ATV ACT sections for you here. Just so you don't get yourself into trouble the moment you throw that quad into gear. The big one that jumps out right off the top if you are planning on riding your all terrain vehicle while off of your own property, for example in a ditch that is parallel with a roadway, you have to be a licensed driver. In other words, you have to be 16 years of age, and possess a valid Saskatchewan driver's licence to operate a quad in a ditch in Saskatchewan. Failure to do so will result in a fine of $150.00. You also have to have necessary insurance on the ATV to do so.

Mustang Stolen from Langham July 10th at 1:20 pm a black Ford Mustang was reported stolen from Langham. Impaired Charge near Langham On July 6th at 9:50 pm a 36 year old male was stopped on Highway 16 near Langham after receiving an RID (Report Impaired Drivers) complaint and charged with impaired driving. Collision at Hwy 7 & Hwy 60 On July 18th at 10:17 am a two vehicle collision occurred at the intersection of Hwy 7 and Hwy 60. Minor injuries resulted. A 44 year old male driver was charged with Failing to Stop at Stop Sign. Threats Reported in Langham July 19th at 6:09 pm a report of threats was received from a resident in Langham. The matter is currently under investigation. Langham School Vandalized July 22nd at 8:45 pm vandalism was noticed at the Langham Elementary School. Several trees have been cut down, as well as graffiti on the playground equipment.

Sgt. Murray McCracken RM of Vanscoy Police Chief

age you can cause to their approaches by the repeated travel over their driveways in that location. Remember, to slow down when crossing someone's approach as this action puts the least amount of wear and tear on their driveway. Also, remember to respect an owner's property while operating on their land. For example do not go ripping through a field that may be seeded with a crop, even if it isn't yet visible, or you may be looking at a more serious charge under the Criminal Code, for Mischief to Property. In another common situation, one where you may happen to meet me on the roadway while you are driving your side by side, or quad, and are using the pavement, blacktop, or in the case of a gravel road where you're not sure possibly, what I am referring to is the area commonly known as the travelled portion of the roadway. If you are on the roadway then you may be subject to a $150.00 fine. At the same time are you wearing a helmet and safety goggles when I find you operating your ATV? If you aren't that will be another $100 donation to the Provincial coffers.

The next big one, at least for those of you who want to operate legally while riding an ATV off of your own property, you need to have the direct permission from the landowner where you are travelling in order to drive your quad across his, or her field, or property. Without obtaining the proper permission beforehand you could be subject to an $80 fine. That leads to another important rule while riding a quad through a ditch, you have to be travelling at least two meters from the edge of the roadway (6 feet, or so, in my day) and going in the same direction that normal vehicle travel is occurring on the roadway. How many of you knew the answer to the last one? I don't know how often this occurs in other jurisdictions, but I know from experience, quads driven in the ditches, for example along O'Malley Road, constantly use the same ditch on only one side of the roadway to travel up and down that stretch of trail. The acreage owners aren't too pleased with the dam-

Photo from SATVA website Did you know that all terrain vehicle owners in Saskatchewan also have their own Association? It is called the Saskatchewan All Terrain Vehicle Association, or better known simply by its acronym which is SATVA. The Association was formed in 2006 in an attempt to unite all ATV owners in Saskatchewan. Their emphasis is on training, and to promote safe and responsible riding of ATV's in the Province. The club also have their own

The Warman/Martensville Detachment is hosting a Golf Tournament at the Warman Legends Golf Course on Wednesday, September 14th at 1:00 pm. Proceeds are going towards the SaskCentral Victim Services Unit. We are currently looking for teams. Contact our Detachment office if you are interested. If you have information regarding this or any other crime, please contact Warman /Martensville RCMP at 306-975-1670/306-975-1610 or if you have information and you wish to remain anonymous in your reporting, please contact Crime Stoppers at 1-800222-TIPS (8477), submit a tip via their website: http://saskcrimestoppers.com/ or text in a tip: TIP206 + your tip to CRIMES (274637).

Pike Lake and Delisle Fire Departments Respond to Single Vehicle Rollover


n July 25th both Delisle and Pike Lake Fire Departments were called out to a single vehicle rollover off of O’Mally Road. Minor injuries were attended to by First Responders.

web page which you can check out and where it provides contact information if you are interested and/or considering joining their worthwhile organization. SATVA also offers the CASI Training Program, which I would recommend for any all terrain vehicle operator, regardless of age. The SATVA web page says this about the CASI training program; "CASI ATV Safety Training is important for the safe operation of an ATV and is offered throughout Saskatchewan". I would like to end this installment of the Chief's Corner with a message about safety, as you all know I am about staying safe and being respectful, and the following statement was written specifically in relation to safety, as it relates to the operation of all terrain vehicles. I have taken an excerpt from The Canadian Pediatric Society web page, where they make this statement; "All-terrain vehicles (ATVs) are widely used in Canada for recreation, transportation and occupations such as farming. As motorized vehicles, they can be especially dangerous when used by children and young adolescents who lack the knowledge, physical size, strength, and cognitive and motor skills to operate them safely. The magnitude of injury risk to young riders is reflected in explicit vehicle manual warnings and the warning labels on current models, and evidenced by the significant number of paediatric hospitalizations and deaths due to ATV-related trauma. However, helmet use is far from universal among youth operators, and unsafe riding behaviors, such as driving unsupervised and/or driving with passengers, remain common. Despite industry warnings and public education that emphasize the importance of safety behavior and the risks of significant injury to children and youth, ATV-related injuries and fatalities continue to occur. Until measures are taken that clearly effect substantial reductions in these injuries, restricting ridership by young operators, especially those younger than 16 years of age, is critical to reducing the burden of ATV-related trauma in children and youth. " Remember to stay safe and be mindful and respectful of your rural neighbours. The Chief


August 2016

RM Review


Activity and Destination Guide to your

Summer ‘STAY-cation’ Summer is here and it is time to get outdoors. You can find a whole summer vacation right here at home.

Feature Destination 33rd Annual Vanscoy Summer Fair August 20-21

Come on out and enjoy the food, activities and exhibits !

Oasis Perdue P erdue Oa sis

Sandyridge Sandyridge Ga s & Gro ceries Gas Groceries

Highway H ighway 14 14



7 ay hw ig


Crickle C rickle Creek C reek

Railway Museum Mu seum





Highway H ighway 6 60 0

Sunday starts off with a Pancake Breakfast from 8am - 10am, and you can watch the Lil’ Britches Rodeo while you enjoy breakfast. There is a Polka Mass at 11am and a Gymkhana that starts at noon. There are also two new additions this year.

A Distracted Driving Competition will test your ability, or lack of it, to drive a golf cart through an obstacle course while texting. There will also be a Fire Extinguisher Training session where you will be able to try your hand at using a fire extinguisher to put out a fire. Both new events take place Sunday afternoon.


Dunk Tank, Pony Rides, Kidsland, Food Booths and much more. The annual Farmer’s Amazing Race will take place at 7pm.

Eagle C Eagle Creek reek Regional R egional Park Park 376

he Vanscoy & District Agricultural Society is hosting their 33rd annual Summer Fair. Entry registrations will take place on Friday, August 19 from 5pm - 8pm at the Vanscoy Circle Hall. Baking and horticulture entries will be received Saturday morning from 7am 8am. The fair kicks off on Saturday morning with a Light Horse Show in the riding arena and many activities on the fairgrounds like Bouncy Castles,

Check out all the local fun activities and unique destinations that will make this the easiest summer vacation ever !

Moon River Mo on R iver Golf Go lf Par-3 Par-3



Camping, swimming, golfing, jamborees, fairs... all an hour from home !

Valley V alley R oad Road

Moonlake Moonlake Sa skatoon Saskatoon B erry F arm Berry Farm

Pike Lake Pike Lake Provincial P rovincial Park Park

Explore E xpl ore a and nd your Wi Win n over oLocal ver $ $650 65 0 iin nP Prizes rizeSTAY-cation s-E Enter nter a att w www.rmreview.net w w.rmreview.net Summer Destinations Explore

Highway 60 (Pike Lake Highway) - Just South off Highway 7 10:00am - 5:00pm Friday, Saturday, Sunday & Holiday Mondays

GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB Is proud to be hosting a Fundraiser for the

Delisle Volunteer Fire Dept. and First Responders Saturday, August 13, 2016 This tournament is in support of our volunteer men & women Firefighters & First Responders for the selfless jobs that they do for our community! Please join us in our efforts to raise funds to help provide much needed equipment for OUR FIRE DEPARTMENT !

$50/Person (Does not include PC) 1:00 PM SHOTGUN 18 Holes, Prizes, Steak Supper To Register Call 306 - 493 - 3288

Your August Summer ‘STAY-cation’ Activities Calendar Delisle Golf Course 9:00am - Sr Mens 6:00pm - Ladies

Saskatchewan Day

Delisle Golf Specials Monday & Friday

Delisle Golf Course 10:00am - Sr Ladies

Delisle Golf Specials Monday & Friday

Farmers Market 12 - 6 Delisle Delisle Golf Course 9:00am - Sr Mens 6:00pm - Ladies

Lunch BBQ Delisle Co-op

Delisle Golf Course 5:30pm - Mens Night

Delisle Golf Course 10:00am - Sr Ladies

Delisle Golf Course 5:30pm - Mens Night John Arcand Fiddle Fest

Lunch BBQ Delisle Co-op Delisle Golf Specials Monday & Friday John Arcand Fiddle Fest

Perdue Ladies Night Out

Delisle Firefighters Golf Tournament John Arcand Fiddle Fest

Saskatoon Exhibition August 9th - 14th

John Arcand Fiddle Fest

Delisle Golf Specials Monday & Friday

Saskatoon Exhibition

Delisle Golf Specials Monday & Friday

Delisle Golf Course 9:00am - Sr Mens 6:00pm - Ladies Farmers Market 12 - 6 Delisle Delisle Golf Course 9:00am - Sr Mens 6:00pm - Ladies

Delisle Golf Course 10:00am - Sr Ladies

Delisle Golf Course 5:30pm - Mens Night

Delisle Golf Specials Monday & Friday

Potluck Supper

Delisle Senior Centre 6:00pm - 7:00pm

Delisle Golf Course 10:00am - Sr Ladies

Delisle Golf Course 5:30pm - Mens Night

Lunch BBQ Delisle Co-op

Vanscoy Summer Fair Asquith Town Market 10am - 4pm

Delisle Golf Specials Monday & Friday Beer Festival - Rotary Park, Saskatoon

Vanscoy Summer Fair

Delisle Golf Specials Monday & Friday

Lunch BBQ Delisle Co-op

Delisle Golf Course 9:00am - Sr Mens 6:00pm - Ladies Farmers Market 12 - 6 Delisle

Delisle Golf Course 10:00am - Sr Ladies


First Day of School



Delisle Golf Specials Monday & Friday Fireworks Festival - River Landing, Saskatoon

RM Review

August 2016



BBQ Rentals “Golf fore Life”

Summer Reading Program

Ladies’ Cancer FUNdraiser Golf Tournament

July 4 - August 26

GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB Is proud to be hosting its 10th


Entry Fee: $170/Team of 2 (PC not included) Includes 18 holes golf, supper, prizes Shotgun 1:00 PM

Monday Noon - 4pm

Call Robin’s Nest Cafe

Delisle Branch

306 - 931 - 6996


Friday 10am - 5pm

Pike Lake Provincial Park Fast Food - Convenience Store


Breakfast, Burgers, Ice Cream, Grocery & Camping Supplies

Pike Lake Provincial Park

Or call 306 - 493 - 3288 (payment by CC if by phone)

Canoes, Kayaks, Aqua Bikes, Standing Paddle Boards

Glow Golf Every Saturday Night at Dusk

Owned & Operated by: Gerry & Irene Purcell

Vanscoy FIREWORKS FOR all yOuR

S ummER


Confectionary Post Office

Save Money

Wednesday Noon - 4pm & 7pm - 9pm

Payment is required upon registration Pick up forms at the Clubhouse


Rent Locally and

Weekly Prizes 201 - 1st St W 306 - 493 - 8288 Come Join the Fun Request/Renew Books at www.wheatland.sk.ca

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Pike Lake Mini-Golf

Hosting a Large Event this Summer ?

Weekly $25 Gas Draw (with 30 litre fill)

Lottery ATM

Convenience every day of the week!

DVD’s Coffee 306-683-5024


Owned & Operated by: Sheila Purcell & Irene Purcell


Weather Permitting

Your Riders Gear Headquarters Join us for a BBQ lunch every Friday and support a local charity. We have all your

Summer Activity Supplies Meat, Produce, Buns & Condiments BBq Tools & Accessories, Lawn Chairs & Coolers Insect Repellant & Sunscreen Groceries & Confectionary - Truck & Car Wash Gas Pumps & Card Lock - Propane & Bulk Fuel

Mon - Fri: 6am - 10pm

306 - 493 - 2212

Sat - Sun: 7am - 10pm


Pike Lake Provincial Park August Activities Calendar Special Events August 9th Zoo Society @ 2PM on the beach *come meet some slithery, slimy reptile species! August 12th Perseids Meteor Shower Astronomy Presentation @ 8- 11PM in the rec hall *Pike Lake welcomes astronomer Ron Waldron to share his knowledge during the meteor shower August 20th Triwizard Tournament @ 1PM at Nature Center. Enter the wizarding world of Harry Potter and see if you can become the Triwizard Champion. August 21st Brenda Lee Concert @ 7PM by the pool

Weekly Programs If meeting location is not stated meet at the Nature Center

Water Wednesdays: Lake Discovery at beach. Water Wars at Nature center; feel free to bring water gear *no balloons Fitness Fanatics: At Nature Center. Get active with fitness activities led by certified instructor and park employee! Crafty Campers: Come out for some fun, nature-based crafts! Crafts will be held at the Nature Center. Bingo: In the bowl (or rec hall based on the weather) Minute To Win It: At bowl. Participate in 60 second competitions! Nature Games: Meet your interpreters at the Nature Center to let some energy out during a fun, interactive game.

Visitors Centre 306 - 933 - 6966


August 2016



Trevor Lennox

Regional Forage Specialist Ministry of Agriculture


ost producers never would have imagined that rain would be so plentiful in June and July that they would have to delay their hay cutting because of it. So what does this late hay cutting mean from a forage quality standpoint, and ultimately what does it mean to the animal consuming the forage? The most important single factor affecting hay quality is the stage of maturity at cutting. Young, vegetative forage is higher in protein and energy than older, flowering material. As forages mature, fiber increases while protein and digestibility decreases. Late harvesting causes the crude protein value of the feed to drop, so instead of having a 14-16 % protein feed you are now faced with maybe a protein value of perhaps 7-10 %. As feed matures, there are secondary compounds, such as lignin, that continue to increase within plant cell walls, which makes the feed less digestible. So what is the big issue with lower protein values and poorer digestibility? One of the challenges with poorer feed is that it slows the passage rate through the digestive tract of a ruminant. When the passage rate slows, you are limiting


Harvesting Overly Mature Hay the potential for the ruminant animal to thrive as they physically cannot pass through enough food and their performance can suffer. A feed test can determine the protein and energy of a particular forage, thus allowing a producer to know what type of supplement may be required in order to provide a balanced ration. Forage producers within Saskatchewan are encouraged to take part in the 2016 ‘Saskatchewan Forage Harvest Challenge’, where they are ‘challenged’ to test their feed to gain a better understanding of the quality of the feed produced on their operation in order to ensure a ration is developed that meets the needs of their livestock. Feed testing forages can help manage the winter feeding period. It can also prevent overfeeding, and more importantly, under feeding of nutrients. As part of the Hay Harvest Challenge, a free forage handbook can be picked up at any Ministry of Agriculture office or Saskatchewan Peavey Mart location. Producers can then use the handbook to record information in regards to their haying operations. Contest rules are within the handbook for submitting an entry form, with winners being determined through a random draw. Prizes consist of one $1000 prize of in-store merchandise from a Saskatchewan Peavey Mart location, as well as eight $250 forage analysis vouchers from Central Testing Laboratory.

)5(( (67,0$7(6 QUICK & RELIABLE SER ERV VICE 306-371-2409 markusspowerwash@gmail.com

Variable Rate Technology Seed Chemical

For further information on harvesting hay, or the Saskatchewan Hay harvest challenge contact Trevor Lennox at 306-7788294, or trevor.lennox@gov.sk.ca

Fertilizer: Dry, Liquid, NH3 Fuel & Lubricants Bins & Augers

306 - 493 - 8188 www.cpsagu.ca

Jason, Brent, Mike, Kenny & Sara... here for ALL of your Input Needs

Highway 7, 1.5 miles west of Delisle

Jessica Smith, PAg

Regional Livestock Specialist Ministry of Agriculture


n wet and humid conditions such as the ones much of Saskatchewan has been experiencing during the late spring and early summer of 2016, diseases such as foot rot could be more prevalent in cattle. Foot rot is a bacterial condition that affects the skin of the hoof between the toes. One way to identify it is by dead or decaying tissue between. In worse cases it may extend deeper in to the foot and leg area. It causes swelling of the affected foot, which results in lameness. Foot rot is caused by specific bacteria entering the skin through a break due to injury or through soft, thin skin due to wet conditions. The bacteria that cause foot root can commonly be found in the environment, but requires an opening in the skin to cause infection. Injury to the foot can be caused by things such as rough or sharp ground or by sharp objects & debris. The animal’s foot can become more easily injured if they are standing in wet, muddy conditions. It is always best to consult with your veterinarian regarding a diagnosis, but some signs that an animal may have foot rot include: pain, swelling of both toes often causing the toes to separate, lesions or cracks in between the toes that have a foul odour, fever, animal’s

RM Review

Watch for Foot Rot in Wet Conditions going off of feed and water and the most obvious symptom is lameness. Treatment usually includes the use of antibiotics and could include some pain medication. It is important to check with your veterinarian on what the appropriate treatment is. It is also important to keep an infected animal in a clean and dry area during treatment. Prevention is the best way to keep foot rot out of the herd. Keeping the environment that the cattle are in as clean and dry as possible is a good step towards prevention. Removing sharp, hard objects from areas where cattle are can help prevent injury to the foot. Providing adequate nutrition will help promote good hoof health. There is also a vaccination available to help prevent foot rot and you can discuss with your veterinarian if this is the right option for your herd. Foot rot can cause economic and production losses in your herd. It could cause animals to lose weight or gain weight at a lower than desired rate due to going off of feed and water. If a breeding animal has foot rot, it is less likely to breed or become bred. In the end you may need to cull good animals before you would like to. These losses make prevention of foot rot an important consideration on your operation.

Viterra Partners in Mosaic Stadium Viterra Inc. announced it has become a Founding Partner of the new Mosaic Stadium in Regina, at an event organized by the Saskatchewan Roughrider Football Club. “We’re pleased to be strengthening our longstanding partnership with the Riders, and play an important role in the continued economic development of the city and the province,” said Kyle Jeworski, Viterra’s President and CEO for North America. “As a company with 100 years of history in the province and our head office in Regina,

supporting our community’s new landmark venue will provide opportunities for many other shows, events and special occasions that will create an outstanding legacy for the community.” As part of its partner-

ship, Viterra will receive recognition through various channels and promotional activities. The company also plans to host employee and customer appreciation events in connection with its partnership. Super B outfits hauling grain and fertilizer in Alberta and Saskatchewan

Troy May owner/operator tmay@hotmail.ca

306 - 237 - 7671

Feeding the World The world’s food security cannot be met without fertilizer additions, good land stewardship and sound agronomic practices. Without fertilizer, the world could only produce about half as much food as it currently does today. In other words, we have a direct impact on feeding the world.

Vanscoy Potash Operations Vanscoy, Saskatchewan S0L 3J0 Phone: (306) 668-4343; Fax: (306) 683-1362


RM Review

August 2016







any SGI Auto Fund "ISSUER" transactions can now be performed with Mooney Agencies over the phone during business hours or through our website at your convenience. You can still support Mooney Agencies in Vanscoy, without having to visit our office! Simply phone our office during business hours and we will be pleased to assist you. For example, checking a plate expiry date or performing your annual declaration. Remember, for plates on monthly payments you still need to answer the declaration questions every year. Mooney Agencies will mail, email or text you a picture of your SGI documents as may be required. Note certain SGI transactions cannot be performed over the phone such as cancelling a plate or changing bank accounts for your monthly payments. MySGI.ca recently launched a new website that functions as a bridge between SGI and SGI CANADA. The MySGI.ca online solution now provides the convenience of viewing vehicle and licensing information together with your SGI CANADA policies. You can now conduct most

Auto Fund "ISSUER" transactions online, as well as make payments for either SGI or SGI CANADA policies, submit and track vehicle or home insurance claims, update your mailing address or phone number and view personal policy information. If you prefer to receive your policy documents via email (save a few trees!), you can now request email distribution for your SGI CANADA policies too. The updated MySGI is now available through our website www.mooneyagencies.ca. In order to complete online transactions you will need a MySGI login (if you are an existing MySGI customer then nothing further is required). If you are new to MySGI, please visit or phone Mooney Agencies for help with setting up your online account. We will need to add your email address to your SGI customer profile to get you started. When you first login, MySGI requires you to select a motor licence issuer (such as Mooney Agencies!) to complete your online transactions. Once you have chosen your issuer, this will be your selected issuer for any future MySGI transactions, unless you change it.

Remember you still directly support Mooney Agencies by performing your online transactions through our website! We are always pleased to have you visit our office but when that isn't possible, please don't hesitate to phone or visit our website. Mooney Agencies is an independent insurance broker, working for you rather than an insurance company or financial institution. We will properly assess your general insurance needs, shop for the best value in coverage and help you in the event of a claim. Mooney Agencies provides specialized advice for your farm or acreage, along with providing home, auto and commercial insurance solutions anywhere in Saskatchewan. Please introduce yourself to your Mooney Agencies team – Della O’Hara, Michelle Larson, Stephanie Green and Landry Klapwijk.

Follow Mooney Agencies on Facebook for insurance advice and exciting contests at... facebook.com/mooneyagencies

Visit our new website:

www.mooneyagencies.ca www .mooneyagencies.ca Your Y our Local Insur Insurance anc e Broker Br oker and Motor LLicence ic enc e Is Issuer suer in V Vanscoy. ansc o y.

ours H s s e in s u B d e d Exten m - 5 :3 0 p m day 9 a M o n d a y to F ri m day 9 am - 3 p S a tu rrd

FFarm arm | Acreage Acr eag e | Auto | Home | C Condo ondo Commercial Commer cial | C Contractor ontr actor | Hail | TTravel r a vel | LLife ife Ph: 306.668.2181 | www www.mooneyagencies.ca .mooneyagencies.ca Monday-Friday Monday-F riday 9 am - 5:30 pm | Satur Saturday day 9 am - 3 pm Vanscoy, V anscoy, Delisle Delisle,, Harris, Gr Grandora, andora, Asquith & Pik Pikee Lak Lakee

Thank you for your support!



hether you’re rehabbing an investment property, getting your house ready to sell, or just want to improve your home, renovating a house is expensive. You have to learn to prioritize rehabs and balance those big price tags. Consider the options You probably don’t have the budget to splurge on everything you really want in your home improvement project. And even if you do, it’s nice to come in under budget, especially if you plan on selling the property. Look at the house as a whole then decide which rooms are most important, and where I’ll spend the most money. For most properties, the kitchen and bathrooms are going to be your best investments, but they’re not always the rooms that need the most work. Look at the materials you have in your kitchen and bathrooms to see what you can salvage and what you need to update. Not sure what will give the most impact, start communicating with your REALTOR first before reno’s begin for their professional opinion. The places I almost always spend a little extra on include the front porch and outdoor entrance, as well as the front foyer. First impressions are crucial. Balance splurges and savings As you look at each room in the house, consider which elements and features will get the most attention, where you want to splurge, and where you can save. For example, let’s say you’re renovating the kitchen. I recommend splurging on marble or quartz countertops, but you don’t have to do it for all of your counters, you could have a cheaper option for the island. In the bathroom, to spruce it up and elevate the look of the room, you can add an accent strip of nicer tile that wraps around the shower stall and/or borders the floor. You’ll spend a fraction of the money, and you’ll get really beautiful results. Give thought to your flooring Now, everyone loves hardwood flooring, but beautiful wood floors come with some pretty big price tags. You can get around this issue by considering the options and looking at the best, most cost-effective way to go. For example, a lot of laminate wood flooring has got-

Article submitted by Jocelyne Petryshyn, REALTOR with RE/MAX Shoreline Realty.

ten so good that it’s almost impossible to tell it’s not true hardwood. Laminate is less expensive than hardwood, and it won’t have the same issues with moisture that real wood flooring can have. As a result, you might be able to go with a single type of flooring throughout the house, even in the kitchen. This is an especially attractive option if you have an open floor plan to maximize the look of space.

Painting & Decorating Local Business - 35 Year Experience Brush, Roll, Spray Finishes and Drywall Repair

FREE Estimates

You already know that you’re likely going to have tile in the bathrooms and kitchen to avoid water damage and give those rooms a more defined look. Have you considered whether you can get away with carpet in the bedrooms instead of hardwood floors? When the budget permits, you may extend the hardwood or laminate flooring into the master bedroom to give it that extra luxurious look and feel — but it’s not always necessary.

No Deposit Required

Paint and Materials Provided

639 - 317 - 5926

Keep it simple in the yard Finally, don’t go crazy with landscaping, especially if you’re selling the house. Instead of planting a bunch of expensive shrubs, flowers, and bushes that need to be cared for and watered on a regular basis, go with some low-maintenance options.


By Home Building Centre, Saskatoon Any Slope, IKO Shingles For FREE Estimate call Ernie anytime 24/7


You can also go with an attractive gravel front walk and then line the house with gravel, as well. This will create a cohesive look, and it’s less expensive than paving. Basically, when it comes to landscaping and outdoor features, keep it simple. Simple is attractive and neutral, and it lets buyers see them2016 - 2017 TOURS selves in the house, even before they actually enter the * Moose Jaw Spa & Casino: Oct 30 (3 Days) - Jan 23 & Mar 1 2017 home. Make sure that every* Eastern Canada & Maritimes: Sept 11 - Oct 6 (26 Days) Full thing is well kept, but don’t * Hostfest in Minot: Sept 28 - Oct 2 (5 Days) Full spend a lot on your yard. * Branson Christmas Show Tour: Nov 10 - 21 (12 Days) Save that money for what * Black Friday Bismarck Shopping: Nov 24 - 27 (4 Days) your buyers will see when * Edmonton River Cree Casino & Shopping: Dec 2 - 4 (3 Days) Full they walk inside.


Continental Cup Curling Las Vegas: Jan 9 - 18 (10 Days) Full California the Ultimate: Feb 1 - 24 (24 Days)

Remember choose the things you care most about and splurge on them. Then save wherever you can on the things that don’t matter as much and won’t improve the home’s value or your enjoyment of living in it.

* Calgary Grey Eagle Resort & Shopping: Mar 31 - Apr 2 (3 Days) * Victoria in Bloom: May 1 - 13 (13 Days)

WEB SITE: www.ryjotours.ca TOLL FREE: 1-866-656-4786 or (306) 656-4786 Terry & Joyce Coben

Email: ryjo@sasktel.net

A holiday you will always remember !


August 2016



RM Review

Find More Event Details at www.rmreview.net or Scan the QR Code with your phone

August 4 Thursday 8:00pm Saskatchewan vs Calgary Calgary

August 10 Wednesday 7:30pm Village of Vanscoy Council Meeting Vanscoy

August 17 Wednesday 6:00pm Potluck Supper Delisle Senior Centre


August 6 Saturday 6:00pm Ladies Night Out Perdue Rec Complex

August 11 Thursday 8:00am RM of Montrose Council Meeting Donavon

August 17 Wednesday 7:00pm Delisle Recreation Board Meeting Delisle Rec Office

August 26 Friday 8:00pm Saskatchewan vs Edmonton Edmonton

August 9 Tuesday 7:00pm Town of Delisle Council Meeting Delisle (rescheduled from 9th)

August 13 Saturday Delisle Firefighters Golf Tournament Valleyview Delisle Golf Course

August 17 Wednesday 7:30pm Village of Milden Council Meeting Milden

August 27 Saturday 10am-4pm Asquith Town Market Asquith

August 9 Tuesday 9:00am RM of Vanscoy Council Meeting Vanscoy

August 13 Saturday 5:00pm Calgary vs Saskatchewan Regina

August 20/21 - Sat/Sun Vanscoy Summer Fair Vanscoy

August 28 Sunday 10:00am Outdoor Service and BBQ Asquith Baptist Church

August 9 Tuesday 7:30pm Village of Kinley Council Meeting Kinley August 10 Wednesday 7:00pm Town of Asquith Council Meeting Asquith

August 20 Saturday August 30 Tuesday 12pm - 6pm August 16 Tuesday 12pm - 6pm Distracted Driving/Fire Extinguisher WIB Farmers Market WIB Farmers Market Vanscoy Summer Fair 200 1st Street, Delisle 200 1st Street, Delisle August 16 Tuesday 7:30pm Village of Perdue Council Meeting Perdue

August 20 Saturday 5:00pm Saskatchewan vs Hamilton Hamilton

September 1 Thursday FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL

Promote Your Event in the Community Calendar for FREE - Call 306-668-1312 or mail@rmreview.net



Organic Beef

Promoting A Balanced Life

Halves, Quarters, Custom Packages Samples Available Your satisfaction is guaranteed.

Karen MacEwan 306.230.8720 karenmacewan@yahoo.ca

S andyridge B akery & C afe Gas, Premium & Diesel / Confectionary Grocery / ATM / Post Office

NEW In-store Bakery Homemade Daily Specials Soup, Chili and more... “Now Serving Soft Ice Cream”

Please visit my Facebook Page

Sparlyn Organic Farm 306 - 668 - 4216



306 - 668 - 4362

Box 60 Saskatoon, SK S7K 3K1 Large & Small Animal Medicine


Ag Services Division

24 hr Emergency Services

306 - 493 - 2408 Box 130, Delisle, SK S0L 0P0

W W Rock & Gravel


Office: 306-493-2410 Fax: 306-493-3080



Stobbe’s Backhoe Service Grandora, SK

leo Stobbe 306-668-4289

Office 306-329-4768 Cell 306-222-6095 A Division of Rice Lake Sand & Gravel

A Division of Link’s Backhoe & Skidsteer Services

Installation of Rural Water & Sewer Systems Pumps - Tanks - Switches - other Trenching & Excavation

SK Sew Kleen ŷ¯ʩOsʲ ˢ˟˥˚ˣ˨ˢ˚ˡˣˠ˟ ® ɮʲ ˢ˟˥˚ˣ˨ˢ˚ˢ˟˧˟ Cell: 306-222-9737 larrylink@yourlink.ca www.linksbackhoe.com

Repair Ins t all & Repair ater & Septic Install Water W Treatment Equipment ater Treatment W Water A ggregates cavating & Aggregates Ex Excavating

Trenching & Waterworks Sand - Gravel - Topsoil

306 - 230 - 4653

Septic Tank Pumping Septic Repairs Hydrovac Services 306 - 283 - 4406

Sid’s Auto Service Oil Change/Lube Job Clutch & Brake Work


Rear Ends Transmissions

CoMplete SeRviCe on FARM MAChineRy

Sand & Gravel Spreading Hauling

engineS Gas & Diesel

VanScoy 306-668-2013 or 306-229-2016

Ken Klassen RR1 Box 15

Delisle, SK S0L 0P0

Bus. (306) 493-7579 Fax. (306) 493-8135 ken@klassentrenching.com

RM Review

August 2016



DIRECTORY TO BUSINESS Find more Detailed Listings at www.rmreview.net or Scan the QR Code with your phone Accommodations



Delisle Hotel Delisle 306-493-2462

ATL Electrical, Heating & A/C Delisle 306-493-2410

Clubs Driving Range Valley Road 306-221-0842

Jeannie’s Place Delisle 306-717-0841


Moon River Golf Club Valley Road 306-931-8960

Back 40 Embroidery Delisle 493-3033/493-2751

Oasis Golf Resort Perdue 306-237-4653


Valleyview Golf & Country Club Delisle 306-493-3288

Agricultural Crop Production Services Delisle 306-493-8188 Delisle Agricultural Co-op Delisle 306-493-2212 Innovative Ag Performance Group Ltd Delisle 306-493-3167 Orchard Transport - Ag Div. Delisle 306-493-2408 Air Conditioning & Heating PLAINSMAN HVAC-R Ltd 24 Hour Emergency Service Vanscoy 306-242-3002

Delisle Credit Union 1st St, Delisle 306-493-2414 Cooper Schneider Private Wealth at Scotia McLeod Colleen Schneider 306-664-1860 Desjardins Financial Security Investments Inc. 330 - 20th St. E. Saskatoon Norma Sparrow 306-242-1188


Fire & Flood

Sid’s Auto Service Vanscoy 306-668-2013

First General Services Saskatoon 306-979-3205

Trusty Appraisal Service & SGI Arbitration Delisle 306-222-0456

Saskatoon Fire & Flood Saskatoon 306-934-7477


Garden / Yard

Arbonne Intl - Kerrie Sparrow Vanscoy 306-668-4218 www.kerriesparrow.arbonne.ca

Kenny’s Cultivating Asquith, Delisle, Vanscoy Areas Call or Text 306-281-4111


Like A Rock Grandora 306-382-3978

Dr. Jolene Palmer, BSc. Community Health Chiropractic Clinic Delisle Primary Health Centre 306-493-2800

Computer Service

Gas / Confectionary Delisle Ag Co-op Delisle 306-493-2212

Grocery Schneider’s Gourmet World Neunlage 306-225-5764

Hairstylist / Beauty Delisle Hairstyling & Barber Delisle 306-493-2467 Julie’s House of Style Delisle 306-493-2950 Salon 360 Delisle 306-493-2486 The Pink Chair Delisle 306-493-2266

Health Air & Alkaline Water Purifiers Perdue 1-877-652-6853 Reflexology - Carrol King Delisle 306-493-2452

List your Business here for only $5/month

Pet Care


‘A’ Deb’s K-9 Kennelling Delisle 306-220-4727

RixEdge Sharpening Services Saskatoon 306-270-8048

Animal InnSpaRations Delisle 306-493-3143

Sign Painting

Bark Place Dog Grooming Spa Delisle 306-491-9335

Kim’s Signs That Sell Vanscoy 306-493-3011

Lynne Road Kennels Grandora 306-270-5831


Lynn Ross Dog Grooming Vanscoy 306-382-6224

Ryjo Tours Inc. Tessier 1-866-656-4786

Plumbing, Heating, A/C


ATL Electrical, Heating & A/C Delisle 306-493-2410 Thermal Mechanical Vanscoy 381-7998/270-0160

Potash Mine Agrium Potash Mine Vanscoy 306-668-4343


FRP Manufacturing (2010) Inc. Asquith 306-329-4884

Pressure Washing

Graham Contracting Asquith 306-230-4653

Markuss Power Wash 306-371-2409 markusspowerwash@gmail.com

Promotional Items C & S Promotions Delisle 306-493-3191 candspromotions@sasktel.net

Watkins - Anne Plummer 725 Valley Rd 306-382-1284

One Percent Realty Sue Stene REALTOR Delisle 306-370-6306


Vanscoy Tempo Vanscoy 306-683-5024


Circle D Asphalt Repair Pike Lake 306-850-2464

Government - Provincial

RE/MAX Shoreline Realty Jocelyne Petryshyn - Owner Outlook 306-867-8380

Flatlander Construction Garbage Disposal Delisle 306-493-7547

Jim Reiter, MLA 215 Main Street, Rosetown 1-855-762-2233

G & L Drywall Delisle 493-8228 / 668-4583

Gravel / Sand

Larmar Contracting Services Vanscoy 306-380-2327

Graham Contracting Asquith 306-230-4653

New Age Foundations Plus Grandora 306-329-4610

Klassen Trenching Delisle 306-493-7579

Painting & Decorating Vanscoy 639-317-5926

Link’s Backhoe & Skidsteer Delisle 306-222-9737

Jillian Walker Massage RMT Vanscoy 306-260-0671

Twin Painting Vanscoy 934-5803 / 261-0689

W.W. Rock & Gravel Asquith 306-329-4768

Meat Cutting

Victoria’s Design 306-370-9399

Westland Enterprizes Ltd Delisle 306-493-2709

Angus Insurance Harris 306-656-4555 Delisle Agencies Delisle 306-493-2260 Mooney Agencies Ltd. Vanscoy 306-668-2181


Vanscoy Sausage & Meat Vanscoy 306-668-4742

Outlook Veterinary Clinic Outlook 306-867-8777

Vanscoy Early Learning Center Vanscoy 306-668-6338

Sandyridge Gas & Grocery Grandora 306-668-4362


Delisle Veterinary Service Delisle 306-493-3143

Water / Septic

Home Care Products

Cindy the Tupperware Lady 306-716-2515

Corman Park Vet Services Hwy #14 (SLS) 306-384-7676

Pike Lake Preschool Pike Lake 306-978-8164

Delisle Esso Delisle 306-493-2251

Catprint Computing Delisle 306-230-8783 Whole Wheat Web Design Vanscoy 306-493-3023

Cattle Care Hwy #14 343-5773/260-6729

Real Estate

Restaurants Britannia Restaurant Asquith 306-329-2496 Homestead Restaurant Delisle 306-493-3313 Robin’s Nest Cafe Vanscoy 306-931-6996

Roofing Home Building Centre Saskatoon 306-220-2191

Self-Storage Great North Storage Company Delisle 306-202-8140 www.greatnorthstoragecompany.ca

Klassen Trenching Delisle 306-493-7579 Link’s Backhoe & Skidsteer Delisle 306-222-9737 Starlings Septic Services Delisle 306-493-2241 Sew Kleen Hydro-vacing & Septic Asquith 306-283-4406

Welding Arc-Fab Industrial Pike Lake 306-221-6692

Yardwork/Excavation Big Pines Services Inc. Vanscoy 306-230-7399 Graham Contracting Asquith 306-230-4653 KBM Earthmoving Vanscoy 306-867-3770 Klassen Trenching Delisle 306-493-7579 Link’s Backhoe & Skidsteer Delisle 306-222-9737 Markuss Landscaping Services 306-371-2409 markusslandscaping@gmail.com

Stobbe’s Backhoe Service Grandora 306-668-4289


Classified Ads

$20/Month Business Directory Listing (above)


Call the RM Review at 306-668-1312 or visit our website www.rmreview.net

Antiques & Collectibles

Gifts, Memorabilia & so much more Come In, See What’s New & Old

1st St. W, Delisle Mon - Fri 9:00 am - 4:30 pm

Wanted to Buy Cash Paid for Oil & Gas Collectibles Blacksmith Tools and anything old and interesting

Dennis 306-241-3945 Located in Vanscoy at the former Feed & Farm Building Open Wed - Sat from Noon - 6pm and by appointment

Check out our Community Bulletin Board postings at www.rmreview.net




306-260-7838 katneufeld@sasktel.net BUYING or SELLING FULL SERVICE AGENT


August 2016


RM Review

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