RM Review December 2020

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RM Review


Asquith, Borden, Conquest, Delisle, Donavon, Dundurn, Grandora, Harris, Hanley, Kenaston, Kinley, Langham, Laura, Milden, Outlook, Perdue, Pike Lake, Sonningdale, Swanson, Tessier, Vanscoy, Zealandia

Volume 21 Number 12


December 2020

Special Christmas Feature Section on Pages 4 - 10 Delisle Credit Union will Amalgamate with Prairie Centre Credit Union


e are pleased to announce the results of the Amalgamation Vote to join Prairie Centre Credit Union. Members voted 95% in favour of the amalgamation with Prairie Centre Credit Union effective January 1st, 2021. We want to thank our members for your support and participation in this important decision for Delisle Credit Union. With the change effective January 1st, Prairie Centre Credit Union will then start the implementation of their products and services in the Delisle location. In these uncertain times, they will be moving carefully while transitioning members to Prairie Centre Credit Union services. Once again thank you to our members for your support in the past for Delisle Credit Union and anticipated support to Prairie Centre Credit Union.

New Vehicle for Pike Lake Fire Hall


he Delisle and District Fire Department has recently added another vehicle to its fleet. A Quick Response Wildland Fire and Rescue truck is now stationed at the Pike Lake fire hall. The Ford F-350, with some factory upgrades specifically for fire fighting first arrived in August.

The new truck was then sent out to various shops for the installation of fire fighting equipment such as service boxes and the 200 gallon tank and pump. The finished vehicle finally arrived back in Delisle at the end of October and it was then stationed at the Pike Lake Fire Hall.

The Delisle Fire Department and the Pike Lake Fire Hall are grateful for the tremendous support they receive from the Delisle & District Fire Commission in their efforts to protect and keep all of our local communities safe and would like to wish everyone a safe and happy holiday season !

The Board of Directors Delisle Credit Union


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New EGO Battery Operated Snowblowers and Blowers are in... Give us a call


New Quick Response Wildland Fire and Rescue Truck is Stationed at Pike Lake Fire Hall (left to right) Fire Commission Members Leonard Junop, James Harvey, Darcy Peakman, Don Rayburn, Robin Odnokon, Nelson Chovin show off new Quick Response Vehicle, along with Firefighter Marv Ceslak, Fire Chief Mike Given and Captain Wayne Pearson.

MP Report ....................... p. 2 Council Reports ............... p. 3

Christmas Feature Pages 4-10

Local Businesses .............. p. 11 Business Directory ........... p. 12

Read the RM Review on your computer, tablet or phone with our FREE On-Line Reader at www.rmreview.net


December 2020

RM Review


MP REPORT Conservative Motion Banning Huawei Passes his week, Parliament passed a Conservative motion forcing the Liberal government to respond to the Chinese Communist Party’s aggression. The motion requires this Liberal government to make a decision on Huawei’s presence in Canada’s 5G network, as well as requiring them to table a robust plan to combat China’s growing foreign operations here in Canada. Both of these are required within 30 days. Most Liberals, of course, voted against this motion, as it actually forces them to make a choice: Protect the interests and values of Canadians, or allow China to intimidate Canadian citizens both at home and abroad. It should be noted, however, that there were five Liberal MPs who voted in favour of the motion. It is heartening to see that there are still those within this Liberal caucus who are willing to stand up to their leader for Canadians. While this is encouraging, it is also concerning. This government is either blind to the dangers the Chinese regime poses, or too afraid to do anything about it. Thankfully, this motion will force them into action. This government must get serious about the Chinese regime. As our Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs, MP Michael Chong said: “It is time the Trudeau government acknowledged their approach to the Chinese regime has not worked. The Trudeau government must acknowledge that their passive approach has failed to defend Canadians and our national interest. It’s time for action. “Canadians are watching to see if Prime Minister Trudeau upholds the democratic will of Parliament and puts an end to the incoherence and inconsistency that have marked the Liberal government’s relation-

Kelly Block, MP November 20, 2020


COVID SUPPORT FUND Dear Ratepayers And Community Groups:

Is Your Organization Struggling Due To Covid-19? The RM of Vanscoy No. 345 has received a grant from the Federal Government, the Safe Restart Program (SRP). The funding is intended to support the efforts of Saskatchewan Municipalities to respond to covid19, as they work to enhance infection protection and control measures within their operations. Examples of these efforts include purchasing cleaning supplies, procuring personal protective equipment and maintaining services. Funding is flexible to allow municipalities to decide where the money is needed most, including proactive projects or future expenses. The RM of Vanscoy would like to allocate a portion of this grant program funding to assist charitable organizations, non-profits, community operating programs, or recreation facilities within the community that are faced with additional costs or lost revenues related to covid-19. If your organization would like to apply for funding that would meet any of the criteria above please submit a request in writing to the RM of Vanscoy by December 15, 2020 for consideration. Emailed applications to rm345@sasktel.net are preferred, however applications can be mailed or dropped off at the Municipal Office. Funding requests must specify how your organization has been adversely affected by covid-19 and how the requested funds will be allocated. Receipts will be required for reimbursed costs, and quotes are highly recommended for future proposed expenditures. If you have any questions or require any additional information contact the RM Office at 306-668-2060 RM of Vanscoy Council

ship with the Chinese communist regime.” It is time we join our allies, and stop being the ones on the outside looking in when it comes to common sense policies that protect Canadians and their interests. The passing of this motion is a start, but more must be done. Rest assured that I, along with my Conservative colleagues, will continue to push Trudeau and the Liberals to protect Canadians from the intimidation and manipulation of the Chinese regime. It is time to stand up for Canada.

Schedule EL 01-04 NOTICE OF VOTE

Schedule EL 01-01 Appendix C Form H

The Town of Asquith Municipal By-Election

[Notice 66 of the Act] Notice of Call for Nominations Town of Asquith PUBLIC NOTICE: is hereby given that nomination of candidates for the office of;

Public Notice is hereby given that a Vote will be held for The Town of Asquith for the Municipal By-Election for the following position:



Will be received by the undersigned at the Town Office, located at 535 Main Street, Asquith, SK during normal office hours until Wednesday, October 7, 2020 at 4:00 p.m. local time. Complete Packages are available at the Town Office or online at www.townofasquith.com Bylaw 2-2012 requires Criminal Record Checks to be accompanied with the nomination papers.

On Wednesday the 6th day of January, 2021 between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. at:

And that I will declare the results for the voting on Thursday, the 7th day of January, 2021 at 9:00 a.m. at the Town of Asquith Office in Asquith, Saskatchewan.

Dated this 23rd day of November, 2020 Kathy Picketts Returning Officer

Dated this 23rd day of November 2020 Kathy Picketts Returning Officer

Schedule EL 01-03 NOTICE OF ADVANCED VOTING Town of Asquith Municipal By-Election Public Notice is hereby given that the council has made provision for advance voting for the benefit of qualified voters for the following position:

Elk’s Hall, 450 Main Street, Asquith, Saskatchewan

Mail-In Ballots Town of Asquith Civic By-Election 2020 For the Municipal Election being held January 6, 2021, the Town of Asquith is introducing the ability for ratepayers and residents to request a mail-in ballot. Particularly during the pandemic of COVID-19, many individuals may wish to take advantage of this option.


Request and Declaration Forms for mail-in ballots are available at the town office or can be printed from the Town Website, www.townofasquith.com

Advanced voting will take place on Tuesday, the 15th day of December, 2020 between the hours of 4:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. at the Asquith Elks Hall located at 450 Main Street, Asquith, Saskatchewan.

All forms must be completed in entirety and signed in front of town office personnel prior to or on December 14th, 2020.

Dated this 23rd day of November 2020 Kathy Picketts Returning Officer

Kathy Picketts, C.A.O Town of Asquith





Phone: 306-668-1312 mail@rmreview.net www.rmreview.net Box 333, Vanscoy, SK S0L 3J0

Every issue is available for free, in full color, with our online reader. Click on the link on our website at... www.rmreview.net

5,000 copies of the RM Review are published monthly and direct mailed for free to homes in the communities shown in the map to the right. Out of area subscriptions are available for $36/yr. As well, it is available for free pick-up at local news stands throughout this distribution area.

We reserve the right to edit copy for libel or other legal, spelling or grammatical errors. We accept no liability for any such errors.

January Issue comes out January 7th -Submission Deadline is December 31st

RM Review



(Next Meeting December 9, 7:00pm)

squith Council held a regular council meeting on Wednesday, November 18th, 2020. All Council Members present took their Oath of Office. Asquith Town Council accepted the formal resignation of newly elected Lauren Jones, and as such a by-election will be held to fill the seat. Attending were Mayor Gail Erhart, Councillors, Jackie Stobbe, Jodi Nehring, Jeff Eide, Wade Monks-Janzen, and Darcy Stack. Also attending was CAO Kathy Picketts and Foreman Darren Kraft. The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. A motion was made to accept the October 14th, 2020 regular council meeting minutes as presented. Council made a motion to accept the October 2020 financial statements and October 2020 bank reconciliations as presented to them at the meeting. Accounts Paid in the amount of $30,913.26 and Accounts Payable of $107,345.13 were accepted as presented. The Town of Asquith Nomination Day is set for November 24, 2020. Nomination packages are available at the office and the last day to hand in completed nomination papers is November 24, 2020, by 4:00 p.m. The Town of Asquith Advance By-Election Poll will be held at the Elk’s Hall on December 15, 2020, and will be from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. The Town of Asquith By-Election will be held on January 6, 2021, from 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Elk’s Hall in Asquith. Make sure you come out to vote!! Public Health Guidelines must be followed, as well as masks will be required. A mask will be supplied to you if you do not have your own. The Asquith Town Office will be closed for Christmas holidays from December 21st, 2020 to December 25, 2020 and opening again on December 28, 2020. Please check the Town of Asquith website for new information on Town Council and Committees. A reminder goes out to all taxpayers that taxes must be paid by December 31, 2020. Any taxes not received by that date will be subject to a penalty of 15%.



December 2020


(Next Meeting December 9, 7:30pm)

ouncil of the Village of Vanscoy held a regular meeting on November 18, 2020

Council had made application in 2018 to increase the water & sewer rates with a multi-year schedule for increases. The end of the first increase would be December 2020 and new rates would be in effect for January

Reports are submitted by Council Administrators. Ask your local council to submit a monthly report for FREE.


1, 2021. An amending bylaw will be submitted to extend the first increase to the end of December 2021 and new rates to come into effect January 1, 2022; however any outstanding utilities as of December 2020 will be added to the tax roll January 1, 2021 and will be subject to the tax penalties added and also will be subject to Tax Enforcement rules. The new Bylaw will take effect when it is approved by the Municipal Board. The Village Office will be closed December 23 to January 4 inclusive. Tax and Utility payments can be made through online banking or cheques can be put through the drop in the door and will be processed when the office has re-opened. Council and Staff would like to wish everyone a Safe and Happy Holiday Season.

RM OF CORMAN PARK - December 7, 8:00am RM OF DUNDURN - December 8, 8:00am RM OF EAgLE CREEK - December 8, 9:00am RM OF HARRIS - January 13, 1:00pm RM OF MCCRANEY - December 17, 8:00am RM OF MILDEN - December 9, 9:00am RM OF MONTROSE - December 10, 8:00am RM OF PERDUE - December 8, 9:00am RM OF ROSEDALE - December 8, 8:00am RM OF RUDY - December 9, 6:00pm RM OF VANSCOY - December 10, 9:00am TOWN OF DUNDURN - December 14, 6:00pm



TOWN OF HANLEY - December 14, 7:00pm

(Next Meeting December 8, 7:00pm)

TOWN OF LANgHAM - December 14 & 28, 6:30pm

ouncil held a regular meeting November 17th at the Town Hall. Each member of the new council had executed an Oath of Office before the start of the meeting. An amendment to the Zoning Bylaw/Map will be prepared to accommodate the subdivision of 15 lots along the east end of Railway Avenue as C2 Highway Commercial property. The Municipal Reserve requirements will be deferred to future subdivisions of NE 19-34-8-W3. Regular council meetings will be held on the second Tuesday of each month at the Town Hall commencing at 7:00 p.m. The following appointments as outlined on the attached sheet are in effect until the January, 2022 regular meeting. A number of accounts (water & sewer and waste collection) will be added to taxes if they remain unpaid as of December 31, 2020. A $100 donation will be made to the Delisle Volunteer Firefighters’ Fund in memory of past council member Art Kelly. The Town will purchase a community sign from All Brite Signs. The sign will be placed on the green space beside the 3rd Street East/Railway Avenue intersection in the spring of 2021. As per the provincial government announcement on Nov. 25th, the Delisle arena is closed to all events except for limited practice/training for minor hockey. This shutdown is in effect until Dec. 17th at the soonest. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the Council and staff of the Town of Delisle!

VILLAgE OF BORDEN - December 8 & 22, 7:00pm VILLAgE OF BRODERICK - December 9, 7:00pm VILLAgE OF CONqUEST - December 8, 7:00pm VILLAgE OF gLENSIDE - December 10, 7:30pm VILLAgE OF HARRIS - January 6, 7:00pm VILLAgE OF KENASTON - December 8, 7:00pm VILLAgE OF KINLEY - December 8, 7:30pm VILLAgE OF MILDEN - December 16, 7:30pm VILLAgE OF PERDUE - December 15, 7:30pm

All regular Council meetings are open to any members of the public. Restrictions may be in place. Contact your local Council.


The RM of Dundurn No. 314 invites Tenders for the contract position of

Transfer Station Attendant The hours required are as follows: May 1- October 31 Saturday & Sunday 9:00 a.m. -5:00 p.m. November 1- April 30 Saturday 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Sunday 10:00 am – 2:00 pm


Notice is hereby given under The Tax Enforcement Act that unless the arrears and costs appearing opposite the land described in the following list are fully paid before the 22nd day of January, 2021, a tax lien will be registered against the land. Accumulated penalty will be calculated upon payment of arrears. Note: A sum for costs in the amount required by subsection 4(3) of The Tax Enforcement Act is included in the amount shown against each parcel.

Duties to include manning the transfer station, maintaining records, collection of fees, interacting with ratepayers and providing direction on collection areas and property management. It is approximately 695 hours for a calendar year. The contract will start January 1, 2021. Please submit your tender to the RM of Dundurn No. 314 by December 11, 2020 by 2:00 pm to the attention of: RM of Dundurn No. 314, Box 159, Dundurn Sask. S0K 1K0, email rm314@sasktel.net or phone 306-492-2132.

Part of Section NE

Sec. Twp Range Mer. 18




Title No.

Total Arrears

150033372 $268.69

Costs Total Arrears Adv. & Costs $110.25


Dated this 23rd day of November, 2020. Adrienne Urban, Administrator

Full Serve Pumps Available Pay at the Pump Option Available Please ask if you need assistance

Keep your Vehicle Clean with our 2 Bay Car & Truck Wash

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Groceries & Confectionary - Truck & Car Wash Gas Pumps & Card Lock - Propane & Bulk Fuel

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306 - 493 - 2212




December 2020

RM Review


Enjoy this Christmas Holiday Feature Section with your Family & Friends Thank you to all of our valued Contributors, Advertisers and Readers for your tremendous support in the past year ! The RM Review wishes you all a Merry Christmas and a Healthy and Happy New Year ! Ken, Shelley & Remington Sowter Please support the Local Sponsors who make this feature section possible each year ! Snow Clearing & Removal Christmas

Church Services

s age ys e r Ac ewa ots v Dri ing L s k rd r Pa inya B

Asquith - Catholic Church Dec 24 - Christmas Eve - 5:00pm Dec 31 - New Years Eve - 5:00pm

Asquith - Baptist Church

Call Bar ney at 306 - 270 - 4353

Dec 20 - Christmas Program 7:00pm Dec 24 - Christmas Eve - 3:30pm & 7:00pm

Borden - Anglican & United Church Both churches are closed until January

Delisle - Community Chapel Dec 17 - Blue Christmas - 7:00pm In person if allowed - 30 people max.

Delisle - United Church Dec 13 - Virtual Christmas Concert - 7:00pm www.livingskiesrc.ca Dec 17 - Blue Christmas - 7:00pm Online Only - Facebook Dec 24 - Christmas Eve - 7:00pm Online Only - Facebook

Vanscoy - Catholic Church Dec 24 - Christmas Eve - 7:00pm

Pike Lake Provincial Park Festival of Lights


ike Lake Provincial Park is pleased to announce the second annual Festival of Lights scheduled to take place over seven evenings in the beautiful Pike Lake Provincial Park campground! On December 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 27, and 28, Pike Lake Provincial Park will host this winter festival that includes sponsored drive-through light displays, food service from JT’s Tasty Treats, skating on the canal, Crokicurl and more! Signage is in place throughout the parks to remind visitors of the safety protocols and restrictions in place. In addition to signage, Sask Parks staff will be implementing enhanced cleaning, sanitization procedures and minimizing inpark contact where possible. Visitors are asked to maintain physical distance from others, adhere to the mandatory mask-use policy while indoors, respect restrictions and rules that are in place and to stay home if not feeling well. Beginning January 2, 2021, safe winter activities will be available each weekend until March 7, 2021. For more information, contact Pike Lake Provincial Park at pikelake@gov.sk.ca or 306 933 6966, or visit the SaskParks website. Keep an eye on the Sask Parks Facebook page for more details on this event and other safe Saskatchewan Parks events this winter.

Beyond Beauty by Jaclyn MacIver 400 Chovin Street, Vanscoy

306 - 221 - 7616

Christmas Gift Certificates available for:

Cuts and Colours Specialty Facials Waxing Hair, Skin Care and Makeup Products Beyond Beauty by Jaclyn MacIver on Facebook

Prairie Sun

Bookkeeping Services “Currently Taking on New Clients” 40 years experience with Accounts Receivable/Payable, Bank/Credit Card and GL Reconciliations, General Journal Entries, Payroll, PST, GST & WCB

Work Remotely using Quickbooks Serving Delisle, Vanscoy, Pike Lake “A local business helping local business”

prairiesunorchard@sasktel.net Call or Text Clare at 306-230-1522

Happy Holidays! All the best to you and yours! HOLIDAY HOURS Monday - Friday 7:00am - 8:00pm Saturday & Sunday 9:00am - 7:00pm

Dec 24: 7am - 4pm (kitchen closed at 3pm)

Dec 25 & 26 CLOSED Dec 31: 7am - 4pm (kitchen closed at 3pm)


‘Now is the time to arrange your 2021 catering’ Vanscoy 306 - 931 - 6996

HUGE WINTER SALE NOW ON AT Nancy Durham’s in Vanscoy 400 Chovin Street Call or Text 306-370-4949 for shopping by Appointment Only Tuesday - Saturday Fall & Winter Ladies Fashions drastically reduced all over the store. Sizes 4 to 24. Past season Sale Racks $10 and up !!

Gift Certificates Also Available

Family Favorites from your Community OVEN APPLE PANCAKE 1/4 cup butter 1/3 cup brown sugar, packed cinnamon, light sprinkle 2 apples, peeled, cored and sliced in wedges 1/4” thick 3 large eggs 3/4 cup milk 1/2 teaspoon salt 3/4 cup all-purpose flour Melt butter in 9” pie plate in 425 degree F. oven Stir brown sugar into melted butter Sprinkle with cinnamon Overlap apples in single layer Cook in oven for 10 minutes Beat eggs with spoon in bowl Add milk, salt and flour Stir to moisten (don’t smooth out small lumps) Pour over apples Return to oven Bake for 20 - 25 minutes Use a cookie sheet under the pie plate as the mixture sometimes spills over Lorie Kunstmann, Vanscoy

FOUR BEAN SALAD 1 can cut green beans 1 can cut yellow beans 1 can garbanzo beans, can substitute canned mushrooms 1 can kidney beans 1 medium onion, chopped 1 medium green pepper, chopped 1/2 cup celery, diced Drain beans and place in a large bowl; add onions, celery and green pepper Mix well

LESS SUGAR VANILLA COFFEE CREAMER 2 cups half and half 2 to 3 tablespoon honey 1 teaspoon vanilla In a 1qt jar combine all ingredients and seal Store in fridge up to 2 weeks 18 cal per tablespoon Karen Duguid,, Delisle

CHEESY FRUIT SALAD 2 small boxes lemon jello 1-28oz can fruit cocktail 3/4 cup grated Velveeta cheese 1/2 c walnuts, chopped 1 cup Miracle Whip Dissolve jello in 1 cup hot water Add 1 1/2 cup fruit juice, may need to add water. When cool, add fruit When thickening add cheese, nuts and Miracle Whip Put in bowl or mold and set until solid Laurel Braid, Tessier CRUNCHY FUDGE SANDWICHES 1 cup (6 ounces) butterscotch chips 1/2 cup peanut butter 4 cups Rice Krispies 1 tablespoon water 1 cup (6 ounces) semi-sweet chocolate chips 1/2 cup icing sugar 2 tablespoons butter

Put in a jar and shake well to blend Pour over bean mixture Stir Marinate in fridge overnight

Melt butterscotch chips and peanut butter over low heat stirring until blended Remove from heat Add Rice Krispies Coat well Press 1/2 of mixture in an 8” x 8” pan Place pan in refrigerator Combine chocolate chips. sugar, butter and water in double boiler Melt and blend well Spread over chilled cereal Spread remaining cereal mixture on top Press Chill before cutting

Lorie Kunstmann, Vanscoy

Lorie Kunstmann, Vanscoy

Dressing 1/2 cup sugar 1/2 cup cooking oil 1/2 cup red wine vinegar (I have also used apple cider vinegar or rice vinegar instead of the red wine vinegar) 1/2 teaspoon dry mustard salt and pepper to taste

TUTTI FRUTTI BALLS 2/3 c. sweetened condensed milk 1/4 lb. quartered marshmallows 1/3 c raisins, finely chopped 1/3 coconut 1/3 c nuts, finely chopped 1/3 c glazed cherries, finely chopped 1 1/2 c. graham wafers crumbs 1 t. lemon juice Blend milk, lemon juice, marshmallows, fruit and nuts with 1 c wafer crumbs Chill about one hour Shape into balls Roll in remaining crumbs Store in fridge A nice treat for Christmas ! Laurel Braid, Tessier

TURTLE OAT SQUARES 1cup margarine 1/2 tsp. vanilla 2 cups rolled oats 2 cups flour 1/2 cup packed brown sugar 1 tsp. soda 1 cup chocolate chips 1 1/2 cups butterscotch caramel topping 1/4 cup flour Melt margarine and vanilla in saucepan. Add next 5 ingredients. Stir well. Press 2/3 of mixture into ungreased 9 x 13 pan. Sprinkle with chips. Stir butterscotch topping and flour together. Drizzle over chips. Sprinkle with the remaining 1/3 crumb mixture Bake at 350 F for 25 minutes until golden. Cool, then cut into bars. Theresa Happ, Delisle

MARS BARS SQUARES 4 Mars bars 1/2 cup margarine 4 cups Rice Krispies Chop up Mars bars and melt with margarine. Stir in Rice Krispies. Press into a pan, cool and cut into squares. Theresa Happ, Delisle

Merry Christmas to all... Papertrail Legacy

...from your community... Merry Christmas

May your Christmas bring many Happy Memories

from the Town of Delisle

Town of Asquith May the Spirit of Christmas bring Happiness

Wishing all my clients a Safe and Happy Holiday Delisle Hotel & Cafe

RM of Montrose

Best Wishes Back 40 Embroidery

Happy Holidays

Wishing Everyone a Safe & Happy Holiday

Robin’s Nest Cafe

from Plainsman HVAC-R Ltd.

Thank You for supporting my small business dream ! DeeAnna’s Boutique

Have a Safe Holiday Asquith Fire Department

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

Bernie’s Mobile Power Wash and the Zerbin Family

Thank you for supporting the Vanscoy and Delisle Early Learning Centres

Merry Christmas

...from your community...

from the

Village of Vanscoy Staff & Council

Merry Christmas and Best Wishes for a Happy New Year

Thank you to our patrons...

Warm Tidings to All

Northern Factory Workwear Saskatoon

Merry Christmas and all the best in the New Year

RM Review On-Line

PCCU Insurance Harris

Connie S & Connie M

Happy Healthy Holiday Season to All

RM of Harris

Delisle Credit Union

Best Wishes for a Prosperous New Year

Wishing you a Joyous Christmas R.M. of Perdue

Norma Sparrow

“Glory to God in the Highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men” Luke 2:14

Desjardins Financial Security Investments Inc.

Wishing Everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Merry Christmas RED WING SHOES Saskatoon

Jim Reiter, MLA Rosetown - Elrose Constituency 215 Main Street, Rosetown Tel: 306 882 4105 FAX 306 882 4108 E-mail: jimreitermla@sasktel.net Box 278, Rosetown, SK S0L2V0

May the Message of Christmas bring you Hope, Joy and Peace throughout the New Year !

Delisle Veterinary Service

The Writer’s Corner

306 - 493 - 2408 These are just some of the many creative writings from Grade 10 students at Delisle Composite School - Thank you all ! I’ll Get The Chair By: Sierra Brown Eira balks. “Come on,” I coax. “It’ll be fun!” She won’t move. Her second-hand skates stay rooted to the spot, and a century-old stick is held stiffly in mittened hands. “Eira,” I start. She shoots me a withering glare. “Eira, your name literally means snow.” “It means snow, Allaya, not death by hypothermia.” She’s dead set in her tropical mindset, as I like to call it; first winters are never kind to newcomers. Of course, I think she’s realized that by now. What she hasn’t figured out is that it’s actually possible to have fun in the great outdoors. “Just for, like, fifteen minutes. Then we can come back in. Please?” She finally gives in: “If I die, you’re dead.” It starts snowing about two minutes after we step outside. I break the trail through the knee-deep drifts, Eira grumbling all the way--something about snow and leg cramps and where is this stupid place anyway. One of the lots behind mine is occupied by a neglected little rink, complete with rotting boards and broken-down hockey nets. I tug off my skate guards and step out onto the uneven ice, gliding to catch the snowflakes before they hit the ground. Eira lingers by the boards, hesitant. “You know you can’t skate with the guards on?” That gets me another death glare. “I don’t know how to get them off!” Seriously? I go over to guide her through it. I end up wrenching them off myself, retying her skates for her and showing her how to properly hold a hockey stick. This takes a total of about ten minutes. Her reply? “Can we go in now?” “Why?” “I’m cold.” “We’ve been out here for ten minutes.” “I know.” “It’s only -25.” “Only!?” I shrug. “What, it doesn’t get this cold in Miami?” Eira’s eyes are blazing. “Duh!” “Can you chill out? It’s called sarcasm, and it’s a form of humour. Now, if you’ll let me teach you how to skate, maybe we can actually have fun with this.” She harrumphs, and I take it as compliance. “First you have to stand up.” She does. Sort of. Her knees bend inwards, and she maintains her feeble balance by leaning heavily on her hockey stick. “Now walk.” She gives me an incredulous look. “Just push off with your foot sideways. And don’t fall.” Turns out ‘don’t fall’ isn’t as simple as I thought it was. After the fiftieth wipeout, I realize we’re going to need a new tactic. “Maybe we should’ve brought you a chair,” I muse. Eira ignores me and clings to the boards, inching along at her agonizingly slow pace. I watch her for a moment more. “I’ll go get it.” When I get back she’s sitting on the boards, kicking at a crack in the ice. The snow is piled along the edges of the rink and still falling. I thump down the chair. “Thanks.” She flops onto the seat. “That’s for skating with, not sitting in,” I clarify. Eira glares. “Oh, really. So Saskatchewan chairs aren’t for sitting, then?” “First of all, Eira, it’s Saskatchewan, not Sask-a-chu-won, or whatever you just said there.” If looks could kill, I would most definitely be dead. “Second, how are Saskatchewan chairs any different from Florida chairs?” “For starters, we sat in ours.” Her voice drips with sarcasm. I’ll have to settle for just a demonstration. “Here’s how to skate,” I announce. My blades carve trails in the ice as I circle around her. She doesn’t watch, listen, so much as even glance my way. Eventually I come to a stop directly in front of her and sigh. “You want to go in?” “What do you think?” “Yes.” “How did you ever figure that out?” She picks up the chair and skids/slides/falls to the edge of the rink. I put on both our skate guards and offer to carry her stick. She declines. By the time we get to the snowbanks, I’m carrying both sticks and the chair. And I’m breaking a trail. “You really don’t want to learn how to skate?” I ask her. “Nope.” “Why? Everybody here does!” “What’s the point?” “It’s fun!” And who wouldn’t?! “I don’t like winter.” “So you moved to Saskatchewan. Makes sense.” Eira snorts. “I like sitting inside where it’s warm.” A pause. “So not skating.” “Yeah, well.” I roll my eyes. “We’ve established that.” We trek in silence for a minute, the only sound is the crunching of our steps in the snow. “Try again tomorrow?” Eira groans. Then she laughs. “Fine.”

A Frost Covered Bow

By: Ashlyn Gessell

The woods are out to get me. I’m sure of it. It's almost like they knew I would get up, dress, and go out hunting at the crack of stupid. Like I’ve been doing for the last six years. Because usually, I stroll through that brush like I own the place, strategically collecting animals from snares, checking trails, and silently communicating to any predator that if they fancied me for a snack, they can expect to receive an arrow through their skull instead. Usually, in that brush, I don’t allow myself the pleasure of showing no fear, injury or any signs of weakness. Only precision and focus that lets me stalk even the flightiest of deer. Usually, that’s the only way to survive. But not today. Today the woods are determined to reinforce it’s measly dominance over me. (With help from the weather). For winter had finally broken through, metamorphosing the landscape into a frozen wonderland. Overnight, the landscape had been transformed with heaps of snow, ice and soft curtains of frost that would evaporate by noon. Icicles became the tree’s new fruit, dangling precariously. Once-gushing rivers had become quiet planes of ice, broken only by the soft creaks of the banks. As if they too hated the inevitable frosty transition. This newfound attitude seemed to have gotten the forest determined to send me home hungry. And my pride hurts to say that it nearly did. Because after hours on end of snagging crystalized roots, receiving constant dumping of snow and tumbling across sheets of ice like a newborn calf, I’m ready to snap my bow and half and call it a day. Instead I opt for yelling. “Guess what forest! Go rain on someone else's parade! I don’t like your attitude so this isn’t going to work!” (I reinforce this idea by kicking a snowbank.) “OWWWW!” (Which was actually a rock.) Unfortunately, the forest didn’t fear my wrath as much as they should, for there I was: after hours of effort exhausted, dripping/shaking and frozen to my core. Cupping my hands to my mouth, I muster warmth into them without much luck. Huddled behind a felled poplar, I considered my options. What are my options? As per usual, I was desperate. Very desperate. When was the last time I brought food home? Four days ago? Five? But how am I supposed to catch something if I can’t even find something? Winter had shut the lights on any hopes for squirrels and fish. Tracking became near impossible in the snow. And it was hard to walk when every part of my body was being stabbed with painful prickles. Loading and shooting a bow? Forget about it! What was I supposed to do?! Painful prickles. Suddenly an idea takes form, filled to the brim with desperation, and odds and stakes. But like I said before: desperation was my usual. I set out once more, hunger sharpening my focus. I ignore the frostbite I can feel building on my toes. My fingers clench my bow--my lifeline--and I can feel fatigue taking its toll. In a single instant, it fades. I see it--a deer! A small, undersized deer but food nonetheless! A week's worth of food! My mouth waters as I watch it. Somehow, it’s been ruthlessly entwined by brambles. Success depends on my silence. Avoiding the hidden traps of leaves and twigs in the snow, I raise my loaded bow, directly in line with it’s eye. For a quick death. Nervously, I swallow. I hate this part. I always have. Taking a life. Seeing it collapse before my very eyes. Knowing that I did this. It kills me each time I do it. Even for survival. I recheck my aim. Regretfully on point. I have no more excuses. Kill or die. I’m sorry. I let my arrow fly. The deer doesn’t even stand a chance.

Surprise for Grandma By: Trista Zerbin As the cool air blew against the young children’s faces, their cheeks had turned bright red like Rudolph's nose. They then had heard Grandma yell, “Come inside, you guys are going to get frostbite!” As we walked into the warm house we could smell her special hot chocolate! After a couple of hours it was time for bed. We all went running up the steep stairs. As we climbed into bed we yelled, “Goodnight Grandma, we love you.” That night we thought of a humongous, special surprise for her. The next morning had come faster than we had imagined. We all jumped out of bed and ran downstairs, skipping breakfast. As soon as all of our snow gear was on, we ran and jumped in the snow. With the three of us there we had to go our separate ways to get this done fast. DONE!!! The kids had shouted, as they hurried before Grandma woke up. It looks perfect, just like Grandma. One pulling the wagon, two behind pushing. We decided to put her snowwoman in the kitchen with us. Without being able to find Mom’s famous pancake recipe, but as we look over the snowwoman is gone!? As we all individually ran around the house with fear in our eyes, we heard the creaking of the wagon in the living room. And there she is, sitting by the fireplace half melted, but how did she get there? GRANDMA!!, yelled Sam. She came downstairs as fast as she could, terrified something bad had happened. After telling her our plan, she explained to us why we can’t put snow in the house. Afterwards we had convinced her to come outside. As we walked to the back of the house, she had a huge smile on her face. We rebuilt it! said Andrew. AAAAHHHHHH!!! Screamed Hayden, did anyone else see that?? The snow woman turned and threw a snowball at us. Although we were all terrified, Sam had walked up to her and gave her a hug. And that was all she needed, as she had been lonely. There were not any others like her. The sorrow in her eyes was horrendous. The view she had from outside to inside the house was shocking. All the happy families with each other, but she was left in the dark cold by herself. That day we had spent all day outside making more, for her. By the end we were frozen, and as the cold air blew, our cheeks were as red as Santa’s suit. Happiness had washed over everyone like the blowing clouds of snow outside.

Songs of the Season

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All I Want For Christmas Rudolph the Is My Two Front Teeth Red-nosed Reindeer Every body stops and stares at me These two teeth are gone as you can see I don’t know just who to blame for this catastrophe! But my one wish on Christmas Eve is as plain as it can be! All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth, my two front teeth, see my two front teeth! Gee, if I could only have my two front teeth, then I could with you “Merry Christmas.” It seems so long since I could say, “Sister Susie sitting on a thistle!” Gosh oh gee, how happy I’d be, if I could only whistle (thhhh) All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth, my two front teeth, see my two front teeth. Gee, if I could only have my two front teeth, then I could wish you “Merry Christmas!”

Angels We Have Heard on High Angels we have heard on high, Sweetly singing o’er the plains: And the mountains in reply echoing their joyous strains. Refrain Glo-ria in excelsis D-eo, Glo-ria, in excelsis D-eo. Shepherds, why this jubilee? Why you joyous songs prolong? What the gladsome tidings be Which inspire your heav’nly song? Refrain Come to Bethlehem, and see Him whose birth the angels sing; Come, adore on bended knee, Christ, the Lord, our new-born King. Refrain

You know Dasher and Dancer and Prancer and Vixen Comet and Cupid and Donner and Blitzen But do you recall The most famous reindeer of all? Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer Had a very shiny nose And if you ever saw it You would even say it glows All of the other reindeer Used to laugh and call him names They never let poor Rudolph Join in any reindeer games Then one foggy Christmas Eve Santa came to say, “Rudolph with your nose so bright Won’t you guide my sleigh tonight?” Then how the reindeer loved him As they shouted out with glee Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer You’ll go down in history!

Frosty the Snowman Frosty the snowman Was a jolly happy soul, With a corn cob pipe and a button nose And two eyes made out of coal; Frosty the snowman, is a fairy tale they say, He was made of snow but the children know How he came to life one day. There must have been some magic In that old silk hat they found ‘Cause when they put it on his head He began to dance around Oh, Frosty the snowman Knew the sun was hot that day, So he said, ‘Let’s run and we’ll have some fun Now before I melt away!’ Down to the village, with a broomstick in his hand, Running here and there all around the square, Saying, ‘Catch me if you can!’ He led them down the streets of town Right to the traffic cop, And he only paused a moment When he heard him holler ‘Stop!’ For Frosty the snowman had to hurry on his way. But he waved goodbye, saying, ‘Don’t you cry I’ll be back again same day!’ Thumpety thump thump, (2) Look at Frosty go, thumpety thump thump, (2) Over the hills of snow

I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus I saw Mommy kissing Santa Claus Underneath the mistletoe last night. She didn’t see me creep down the stairs to have a peep; She thought that I was tucked up in my bedroom fast asleep. Then, I saw Mommy tickle Santa Claus Underneath his beard so snowy white; Oh, what a laugh it would have been If Daddy had only seen Mommy kissing Santa Claus last night.

O Holy Night O holy night! The stars are brightly shining, It is the night of the dear Saviour’s birth. Long lay the world In sin and error pining ‘Till He appeared and the soul felt its worth A thrill of hope the weary world rejoices, For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn, Fall on your knees! O hear the angels voices! O night, divine! O night, when Christ was born, O night, divine! O night, O night divine!

Santa Claus is Coming To Town You better watch out You better not cry Better not pout I’m telling you why Santa Claus is coming to town He’s making a list, And checking it twice; Gonna find out who’s naughty and nice. Santa Claus is coming to town He sees you when you’re sleeping He knows when you’re awake He knows if you’ve been bad or good So be good for goodness sake! O! You better watch out! You better not cry. Better not pout, I’m telling you why. Santa Claus is coming to town. Santa Claus is coming to town.

Silent Night Silent night, Holy night All is calm, all is bright, ‘Round you virgin mother and child Holy infant so tender and mild. Sleep in heavenly peace, Sleep in heavenly peace. Silent night, Holy night Shepherds quake, at the sight Glories stream from heaven afar, Heavenly hosts sing,”Alleluia!” Christ the Savior is born Christ the savior is born. Silent night, Holy night Son of God, love’s pure light Radiant beams from Thy holy face With the dawn of redeeming grace, Jesus Lord at Thy birth Jesus Lord at Thy birth.

Jingle Bells Dashing through the snow In a one horse open sleigh O'er the fields we go Laughing all the way Bells on bob tails ring Making spirits bright What fun it is to laugh and sing A sleighing song tonight Oh, jingle bells, jingle bells Jingle all the way Oh, what fun it is to ride In a one horse open sleigh Jingle bells, jingle bells Jingle all the way Oh, what fun it is to ride In a one horse open sleigh A day or two ago I thought I'd take a ride And soon Miss Fanny Bright Was seated by my side The horse was lean and lank Misfortune seemed his lot We got into a drifted bank And then we got upsot Oh, jingle bells, jingle bells Jingle all the way Oh, what fun it is to ride In a one horse open sleigh Jingle bells, jingle bells Jingle all the way Oh, what fun it is to ride In a one horse open sleigh yeah Jingle bells, jingle bells Jingle all the way Oh, what fun it is to ride In a one horse open sleigh Jingle bells, jingle bells Jingle all the way Oh, what fun it is to ride In a one horse open sleigh

Holiday Fun

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Monday - Friday 6:30am - 9:00pm Sat, Sun, Holidays 7:30am - 9:00pm unless posted otherwise

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Ken Klassen RR1 Box 15

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Bus. (306) 493-7579 Fax. (306) 493-8135 ken@klassentrenching.com


December 2020

RM Review



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Legal Services


Jeannie’s Place Delisle Text/Call 306-717-0841

Back 40 Embroidery Delisle 493-3033/493-2751

Schneider’s gourmet World Neuanlage 306-225-5764

D and E Cafe Asquith 306-221-6936

Milden Hotel Milden 306-935-2051

Dellene Church Law Office Davidson 306-567-5554 dsclaw@sasktel.net



Hairstylist / Beauty

Dee Anna’s Boutique Delisle 306-493-2401

Canpulse Foods Ltd Saskatoon 306-931-7775

Designs by Nancy Durham Vanscoy 306 - 370 - 4949

Crop Production Services Delisle 306-493-8188


Delisle Agricultural Co-op Delisle 306-493-2212

Delisle Credit Union 1st St, Delisle 306-493-2414

Innovative Ag Performance group Ltd Delisle 306-493-3167

Desjardins Financial Security Investments Inc. 330 - 20th St. E. Saskatoon Norma Sparrow 306-242-1188

Orchard Transport - Ag Div. Delisle 306-493-2408

Fire & Flood

Trigger Ag Services Conquest 306-860-7425 TriggerAg@outlook.com

Saskatoon Fire & Flood Saskatoon 306-934-7477

Air Conditioning & Heating

ServiceMaster Restore of Saskatoon 306-374-0941 1-877-448-6673

PLAINSMAN HVAC-R Ltd 24 Hour Emergency Service Vanscoy 306-242-3002

garden / Yard

Taylor Mechanical Vanscoy 306-381-7998 taylormechanical@sasktel.net

Like A Rock Grandora 306-382-3978


gas / Confectionary

Bridge City Driveline Saskatoon 306-933-4440

Delisle Ag Co-op Delisle 306-493-2212

Trusty Appraisal Service & SgI Arbitration Delisle 306-222-0456

Delisle Esso Delisle 306-493-2251



Sandyridge Bakery & Cafe Grandora 306-668-4362

Prairie Sun Bookkeeping Vanscoy 306-230-1522 prairiesunorchard@sasktel.net

Vanscoy Tempo Vanscoy 306-683-5024


Winco generators - Since 1927 Milden 306-229-7500 GoGen.ca

Dr. Jolene Palmer, BSc. Community Health Chiropractic Clinic Delisle Primary Health Centre 306-493-2800

Cleaning Service

Jim Reiter, MLA 215 Main Street, Rosetown 1-855-762-2233

Flatlander Construction Garbage Disposal Delisle 306-493-7547

Kelly Block, MP 4 - 309 Main Street, Rosetown 1-306-882-6447

Disposal Flatlander Disposal 14 yard Roll-off Bins Delisle 306-493-7547


NE Ace Air Vac Harris 306-850-1045 robindashney@gmail.com SATELLITE + Asquith 306-229-3813

Danny’s golf Sales & Service Delisle 306-230-8024



Electrical & Satellite


Valleyview golf & Country Club Delisle 306-493-3288

Just Clean Vanscoy 306-491-5769 teresalindalziel@gmail.com

Duct Cleaning


Delisle Hairstyling & Barber Delisle 306-493-2467 RODAN + FIELDS Lisa Reimer 306-227-6535 lisareimer.myrandf.com/ca

Salon 360 Delisle 306-493-2486

Animal InnSpaRations Delisle 306-493-3143

SEACRET(deadsea) Skin, Hair, Body Care Cindy Monea 306-716-2515 www.seacretdirect.com/cindymonea

Bark Place Dog grooming Spa Delisle 306-491-9335


Lynn Ross Dog grooming Vanscoy 306-382-6224

Voxxlife Wellness Products Grandora 306-221-2420 ejholst.voxxlife.com

IAiLness 0 C E s 5 SPt TimelBisuting $ yea

Watkins 1868 Michelle Klassen Delisle 306-281-6650


/ $65 s Fir ctoryr price 312 t e a 8-1 w.ne Dir egul R

Health Foods

Pampered Chef

-66 evie .net 306il@rmrreview

PCCU Insurance Ltd. Harris 306-656-4555

graham Contracting Asquith 306-230-4653

HUB International Delisle 306-493-2260

Klassen Trenching Delisle 306-493-7579

Moon Insurance Vanscoy 306-668-2181

W.W. Rock & gravel Asquith 306-329-4768

Veterinary Corman Park Vet Services Hwy #14 (SLS) 306-384-7676 Delisle Veterinary Service Delisle 306-493-3143 Eagle Creek Veterinary Services Rosetown 306-831-8387 eaglecreekvet@gmail.com Outlook Veterinary Clinic Outlook 306-867-8777 ovc@sasktel.net

graham Contracting Asquith 306-230-4653

Nutrien Potash Mine Vanscoy 306-668-4343

Klassen Trenching Delisle 306-493-7579


Early Learning Centers Vanscoy 306-668-6338 Delisle 306-493-6338


Prince Edward Island Vacation Homes “Warm Water Landing” www.vrbo.com/795739 “Cavendish Dunes Chalet” www.vrbo.com/1223913 Cindy and Frank Monea 306-716-2515

Potash Mine

pamperedchef.ca/pws/sandybraun facebook.com/kitchensolutionswithsandy

Watkins - Anne Plummer 725 Valley Rd 306-382-1284


Water / Septic

Sandy Braun Independent Consultant

Tupperware Cindy Monea 306-716-2515 www.cindythetupperwarelady.ca Excellence in service since 1989

RixEdge Sharpening Services Saskatoon 306-270-8048

ma w.rm ww

Pike Lake Preschool Pike Lake 306-978-8164

sandy.braun@yourlink.ca 306-221-9000 call or text


Plumbing & Heating Taylor Mechanical Vanscoy 306-381-7998 taylormechanical@sasktel.net

Home Care Products and Housewares

Robin’s Nest Cafe Vanscoy 306-931-6996

Lynne Road Kennels Grandora 306-270-5831

Kirzinger Wellness Therapies Holistic Practitioner, Herbal Health Specialist. Call Margo 306-341-0338 margok@live.ca

OLD MIKE’S Raw Prairie Honey FRESH HONEY... READY ! Wildflower/Dandelion & Canola Pike Lake 306-384-3092 mikesbees@sasktel.net

Dragon’s Diner Delisle 306-493-2022

Pet Care ‘A’ Deb’s K-9 Kennelling Delisle 306-220-4727

gravel / Sand

Westland Enterprizes Ltd Delisle 306-493-2709

Eugene’s Decorating EW N European Designs Delisle/Vanscoy 306-229-1687 eugenegrenier5@gmail.com

Prairie Roots Salon Harris 306-321-4419 Facebook: Prairie Roots Salon

Air & Alkaline Water Purifiers Perdue 1-877-652-6853

Delisle Hotel Cafe Delisle 306-493-2929

Painting / Decorating

Starlings Septic Services Delisle 306-493-2241 darrelpenny@sasktel.net Sew Kleen Hydro-vacing & Septic Asquith 306-283-4406

Pressure Washing

Wig’s Pumps and Waterworks Saskatoon 306-652-4276 wigspumps.com

Markuss Power Wash 306-371-2409 markusspowerwash@gmail.com

Promotional Items


C & S Promotions Delisle 306-493-3191 candspromotions@sasktel.net

graham Contracting Asquith 306-230-4653 Klassen Trenching Delisle 306-493-7579

Real Estate Boyes group Realty 306-221-9350 / 306-227-5110 www.realestatesk.ca

Markuss Landscaping Services 306-371-2409

Lawn & garden

RE/MAX Shoreline Realty Jocelyne Petryshyn - Owner Outlook 306-867-8380

MyAcres Lawn Cutting 306-493-7775

Pike Lake Lawn & garden Sales, Service, Parts, Rentals Pike Lake 306-221-8558

Royal Lepage Saskatoon Real Estate - Lisa Aron Saskatoon 306-850-0320



Stobbe’s Backhoe Service Grandora 306-668-4289


HERE Call us Today 306-668-1312 mail@rmreview.net or visit our website www.rmreview.net

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