RM Review January 2024

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RM Review


Direct Mailed for FREE to over 6,500 Homes in these Communities

Arelee, Asquith, Borden, Broderick, Conquest, Delisle, Donavon, Dundurn, Grandora, Hanley, Harris, Kenaston, Kinley, Langham, Laura, Milden, Outlook, Perdue, Pike Lake, Sonningdale, Sovereign, Swanson, Tessier, Vanscoy, Zealandia

Volume 25 Number 1



January 2024

Contact Us .................... p. 2

Council Reports ............... p. 4

Agriculture Report ........... p. 6

February Issue Deadline

Down the Road ................ p. 2

RCMP Annual Report p. 4

Local Businesses ............. p. 7

for Submissions is

Community Reports ........ p. 3

Nick Kossovan ................. p. 5

Business Directory .......... p. 8

Friday February 2nd

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January 2024

RM Review


Down the Road by Brian Brannagan


Eulogies and Killer Whales

always get a little confused at funerals.

My confusion is not with the funeral itself but just with the eulogy and, in particular, the timing of the eulogy. I was at a relative's funeral a few years ago, and the person giving the eulogy commented to the assembled gathering "Wouldn't (the deceased) be so very pleased to see us all here?" And I think that is something that could be said about any deceased person - that they would be glad to see (if only they could) all their family, friends and neighbours assembled in their honour and saying nice things about them. Who wouldn't like that? And all the snacks afterwards? There was a news story a few years ago about a gentleman in the Philippines who faked his own death, and let his family proceed with all the funeral arrangements, so that he could, surreptitiously, see who attended his funeral. Unfortunately, or maybe sadly, instead of being pleased with the event and those who attended, he got mad that the funeral wasn't lavish enough, nor was the eulogy sufficiently laudatory and he got angry at all those who didn't attend. Oh, well.

Business Directory Special Get your business direct mailed into of 6,000 local mailboxes for

When one of my relatives was at an advanced age and with her health declining, her children decided to throw her a big birthday party at the age of 89, choosing not to wait for the banner age of 90. At her birthday party, the relative was feted and lauded and generally had a fuss made over her. Her health declined fairly rapidly after that and indeed, that was the last birthday party that would be held for her, the last party for her that she was able to appreciate.

a full year for only $50 Contact Us Today 306-668-1312 mail@rmreview.net

And I am pretty sure she enjoyed that birthday celebration a lot more than her much larger funeral celebration. As in all things, timing is key.

RM Review Distribution Area

mail@rmreview.net 306 - 668- 1312 www.rmreview.net

Funerals and eulogies, in their celebration of a person's life, are good and worthwhile - they help us remember all the admirable traits and commendable characteristics about a person, how that particular person added value to the world and enhanced our own life and our enjoyment of it. But I wonder if maybe we couldn't start the celebration of life a little earlier, if maybe we could treat people when they are alive more like the way we treat them at their death.

I wonder if maybe eulogizing people when they are alive is perhaps more important than eulogizing them when they are dead. The word "eulogy" is derived from the Greek and means, literally, 'good words'. To understand the benefits of eulogizing, saying nice things, about people when they are alive, it is only necessary to think about the question I heard a number of years ago at a work seminar. The question was the subject of the presentation and has been a mind-niggle ever since. The question was “How do you train a killer whale?" Bear with me while I explain: A killer whale is an apex predator - it is the size of a small motor home, more or less the same length, maybe a little heavier and definitely more lethal, more dangerous. The name 'killer whale' describes this marine mammal as being a whale that is a carnivore. It kills and eats all manner of other animals: seals, sea lions, walruses, even sharks and other whales which are also the size of motor homes. You’ve maybe seen killer whales at the zoo or on YouTube videos performing all sorts of amazing tricks coming when called, bursting at speed out of the water, jumping high in the air and performing belly-flops to deliberately splash their audience. How do you train a killer whale to perform tricks like that? You can yell at killer whales and call them nasty names when they don't do what you tell them. But that, I understand, is ineffective. You can poke them with a sharp stick to make them do what you want but that is also, as I understand, ineffective and possibly hazardous (not to the whale). So it turns out that killer whales are trained by niceness, by speaking to them using "good words" - eulogizing them. And by giving them food and treats and lots of "attaboys" - celebrating them. Killer whales respond to this type of treatment, this 'niceness' by, literally, jumping through hoops for you. Human beings respond similarly, I‘m thinking. (Except for grumpy old men - grumpy old men don't do jumping and don't do hoops. You can trust me on that.)




Phone: 306-668-1312 mail@rmreview.net www.rmreview.net Box 333, Vanscoy, SK S0L 3J0

Every issue is available for free, in full color, with our online reader. Click on the link on our website at... www.rmreview.net

6,700 copies of the RM Review are published monthly and direct mailed for free to homes in the communities shown in the map to the right. Out of area subscriptions are available for $36/yr. As well, it is available for free pick-up at local news stands throughout this distribution area.

We reserve the right to edit copy for libel or other legal, spelling or grammatical errors. We accept no liability for any such errors.

February Issue comes out February 7th - Submission Deadline is February 2nd

RM Review

January 2024




Asquith’s Operation Santa Says ‘Thank You’ 2023 was another year that Asquith and community came together to show their generosity!! Asquith is a caring town, full of good neighbors. The community of Asquith has proved it by their tremendous response to Operation Santa! Groceries, toys, and cash donations were received, allowing Operation Santa to make Christmas and grocery hampers. Amanda Hildebrand at MasterMind Toys donated many toys. Also, Maple Leaf, thanks to Doug and Crystal Haugrud, made up meat hampers. Sask Energy sponsored us this year and individuals making cash donations were wonderful. This year we provided hampers and groceries to EIGHTEEN family units, in which there were 21 children. People who received the hampers have expressed thanks again and again. You met a physical need and touched many hearts! Money received went directly to the hampers and was spent at local merchants, where possible. Organizations that we would like to thank specifically are: The Asquith

Baptist Church, The Asquith Legion, St. Theresa’s Parish, Asquith Elks, the BLRA, and Lord Asquith School. A special thank you goes out to the Asquith Co-operative Association, who special ordered in some staples, and donated some food. You guys are great!! A large thank you to Sask Energy for sponsoring our Hamper program this year!! The help was invaluable! Individuals who made cash donations were Mike Stephenson, Quinten Attwater, Bruce & Margaret Griffiths, Denny & Sharon Rice, Kelvin Moore, Cynthia and Clint Hiebert, Chris & Marian Edstrom, Mary Gregory & Dean Gregory, Lori Brecht, Gord and Nettie Johnston, Jodie Smith, Warren & Sue Cowan, Verity Corrigan, Herb & Lorna Gutsch, Sheri McCutcheon, Bill Brand, and several anonymous donors.

Charlie Harder, Kaila Montgomerie, Kathy Picketts, and Darren Kraft for sorting and delivering the Christmas hampers. Their hard work ensured that those in our community who needed the hampers received them. We hope that the spirit of “Operation Santa” will be a continuing success in 2024. Asquith and the surrounding area is a wonderful community and we thank you for your help and support in helping Christmas be a little bit brighter for many in our community! Operation Santa Committee Gail Erhart and Holly Cross Sponsored by...

January Happenings in Borden

A special thank you goes to the elves Garth and Cara Plamping, Hezekiah 04 - Lion's Club Meeting - N. Smith Room - 7:30 pm and Amos Plamping, Pete Heck, Bill 08 - Anglican Church soup, buns, cookies luncheon 11:30 am - 1:30 pm McTavish, Denny Summach, Lynn & 08 - Radisson Senior's Bingo - Goodrich Centre - 7:30 pm 10 - Friendship Club business meeting - Club Room - 2:00 pm 17 - Health Talk - Depression - Borden Health Centre 1:30 pm 17 - Friendship Club cash bingo - Club Room - 7 pm - everyone welcome! 18 - Borden Music Night - Senior's Room in BCC - 7 pm 19 - St. John's Anglican Church service for week of prayer - 2:00 pm and hilarious antics. It is usually a two22 - Radisson Senior's Bingo - Goodrich Centre - 7:30 pm day event but has been three in the 25 - Friendship Club potluck supper - BCC - 5:45 pm past. March 8th through 10th are the dates for this event. 26 - Borden care Home Service - Anglican/Lutheran - 2 pm The mixed bonspiel is our final event 27 - Radisson Senior's Pancake Breakfast - Goodrich Centre - 9 am-11am and has also been around for ages. This 27 - Museum Come & Go Coffee & Cookies - 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm event includes a delightful steak dinner,

Curling Starts in Delisle


elisle Curling Club has a very dedicated group of volunteers that keep things running smoothly. This group of volunteers cover such tasks as installing the ice surface, day to day maintenance of the ice, working shifts in the lounge, stocking the lounge, organizing the weekly leagues, hosting our bonspiels and many other duties that arise. Delisle Curling Club has been around for years! Hosting far too many events/bonspiels throughout the years to name them all. To name a few, however, we have the Doubles, Ladies, and Mixed bonspiels taking place this year. Each event different and terrific in its own right. The doubles bonspiel is a first for the club this year, and our shortest event at only one day. For those of you with busy schedules this is the event for you. February 3rd is the date for this event. The ladies bonspiel consists of wacky costumes, great food, excellent prizes,

creative team outfits, and superb prizes. This is also a two-day event but can be three. March 22nd through March 24th are the dates for this event. Delisle Curling Club is wanting to extend an invitation to anyone who has curled before, or is looking to learn a new sport. We try our very best to welcome newcomers. There are many of our regular league curlers that are willing to take time to teach new curlers or help sharpen skills if you haven't curled in many years. Everyone Welcome! Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday evening are the ideal times to drop in and check out what Delisle Curling Club has to offer. Our leagues start Tuesday January 2, look for poster!

Submitted by Rachel Ramsay

Now is the Time to Book your 2024 Catering ! weddings, anniversaries, reunions, birthdays, staff & customer functions...

Make your function an event to remember !


306 - 931 - 6996


January 2024



RM Review

Submitted by Council Administrators. Ask your local Council to send us a monthly report.



appy New Year! The 1st Avenue and Main Street Water Main Upgrade project is complete, as well as the Distribution and Reservoir Upgrade project. The project included a new distribution center, pumps, control systems and reservoir, significantly increasing the pumping capacity. The new pumps provide fire flow capacity for growth in the Village for many years. The Water Main upgrade involved the installation of a 200mm water main connecting the pumphouse to the existing water main on Olauson Crescent and the installation of four fire hydrants. Dog Licenses and Home-Based Business licenses are due in January. The Dog License renewal is $15 if paid in January. The Business License renewal is $50 when paid in January. The rates increase after January 31. Penalties have now been added to any outstanding Tax amounts. The taxes were due December 31 and have been assessed with a 10% penalty. The amounts are subject to Tax Enforcement, beginning with a Tax Lien being added to the Title of the property.

Sonningdale Seniors Lounge Wednesdays 2pm - 4pm Pie and Coffee Fridays 2pm - 4pm Cookies and Coffee



squith Town Council held its regular meeting on December 13, 2023. Attending was Mayor Gail Erhart, Deputy-Mayor Jackie Stobbe, and Councillors Darcy Stack, Pete Heck, Cecilia Mryglod, Jodi Nehring, and Wade Monks-Janzen. Also attending was C.A.O. Kathy Picketts and Office Assistant Kaila Montgomerie. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Erhart at 7:00 p.m. A resolution was made to accept the council minutes from the November 2023, regular council meeting. Council made a motion to accept the November 2023 financials and November 2023 bank reconciliation as presented to them at the meeting. Accounts Paid in the amount of $34,873.27 and Accounts Payable of $62,058.88 was accepted as presented. Christmas lighting contest winners are as follows, Traditional Display – Kelly Wolfe, Creative Display – Rob Kereluk, and Griswold Display – Darren Kraft. The Asquith Town Office will be closed for Christmas holidays from December 26, 2023 to December 28, 2023, open on December 29, and closed on January 1, 2024 A reminder letter has been sent out to all taxpayers that taxes must be paid by December 31, 2023. Any taxes not received by that date will be subject to a penalty of 15%. Merry Christmas Everyone!!!



ouncil held a regular meeting on December 12th. The Mayor and Administrator were authorized to pay year end accounts. The Town of Delisle confirmed by resolution our eligibility to receive the Municipal Revenue Sharing Grant. Effective January 1, 2024, the cost to purchase a columbarium niche will be increased to $1,625.00 plus GST.

REGULAR LOCAL COUNCIL MEETINGS RM OF CORMAN PARK - January 22, 9:00am RM OF DUNDURN - January 16 8:00am RM OF EAGLE CREEK - January 9, 9:00am RM OF HARRIS - January 10, 8:00am RM OF MCCRANEY - January 11, 8:00am RM OF MILDEN - January 10, 9:00am RM OF MONTROSE - January 11, 8:00am RM OF PERDUE - January 9, 9:00am RM OF ROSEDALE - January 9, 8:00am RM OF RUDY - January 10, 6:00pm RM OF VANSCOY - January 11, 9:00am TOWN OF ASQUITH - January 10, 7:00pm TOWN OF BIGGAR - January 2 & 16, 7:15pm TOWN OF DELISLE - January 9, 7:00pm TOWN OF DUNDURN - January 9, 6:00pm TOWN OF HANLEY - January 8, 7:00pm TOWN OF LANGHAM - January 8 & 22 6:30pm TOWN OF OUTLOOK - January 10 & 24, 7:00pm TOWN OF RADISSON - January 17, 7:00pm TOWN OF ZEALANDIA - January 14, 4:00pm VILLAGE OF BORDEN - January 9 & 23, 7:00pm VILLAGE OF BRODERICK - January 10, 7:00pm VILLAGE OF CONQUEST - January 9, 7:00pm VILLAGE OF GLENSIDE - January 10, 7:30pm VILLAGE OF HARRIS - January 10, 7:00pm VILLAGE OF KENASTON - January 9, 7:00pm VILLAGE OF KINLEY - January 9, 6:30pm VILLAGE OF MILDEN - January 17, 7:30pm VILLAGE OF PERDUE - January 25, 7:30pm VILLAGE OF VANSCOY - January 10, 7:30pm Regular Council meetings are open to any and all members of the public. COVID restrictions may apply. Dates may change. Check with local Councils.

Saskatchewan RCMP Major Crimes has seen a 50% increase in the number of homicides in the last 5 years January 3, 2024 - From 2019 to 2023, Saskatchewan RCMP Major Crimes has seen a 50% increase in the number of homicide victims. Investigators have noted that, of the individuals charged with homicide*, 44% were on conditions, bail, parole, or probation at the time the homicide was committed. *Homicide includes first degree murder, second degree murder, and manslaughter.

15,800 court ordered conditions violated From January to December 2023, RCMP officers identified more than 15,800 violated court ordered conditions in Saskatchewan RCMP jurisdiction. These violations were found through proactive conditions checks, in addition to other encounters with officers (traffic stops, responding to calls for service, etc.) – many violations result in charges for failure to comply with release order conditions under section 145(5)(a) of the Criminal Code. Saskatchewan Serious Violent Offender Response (SVOR) The RCMP Saskatchewan Enforcement Response Team also collaborates with front-line RCMP officers, both provincial and federal Crown prosecutors and correctional services, municipal police services, and the Canadian Mental Health Association Saskatchewan Division to help reduce potential threats posed by high-risk violent offenders in Saskatchewan through the SVOR program. The SVOR is an evidence-based approach that monitors violent offenders for the purpose of ensuring they are complying with court ordered conditions while providing coordinated services to reduce the likelihood of future reoffending – with the ultimate goal of keeping communities safe.

“It goes without saying that a homicide is worst case scenario – but when an individual commits a homicide while on bail or release conditions, it is extremely discouraging and frustrating for our investigators,” says Officer in Charge of Major Crimes, Superintendent Joshua Graham. “In 2023, our Major Crimes unit had five instances where two to three separate homicides occurred in less than 48 hours – these clusters of homicides are alarming but no longer an anomaly. Our Major Crimes investigators continue to do an outstanding job, despite not receiving any additional investigative resources since 2008 – their dedication, resiliency, and undeniable expertise is what contributes to solving 84% of the homicides since 2015 with the ultimate goal of giving all victims’ families closure and answers.” 17,000 proactive conditions checks by Saskatchewan RCMP officers As the provincial police service, the Saskatchewan RCMP continues to implement strategies and targeted enforcement initiatives to monitor prolific offenders released back into the communities we serve. From January to December 2023, officers conducted approximately 17,000 proactive conditions checks to ensure prolific offenders were complying by their court ordered conditions. Some court ordered conditions include, but are not limited to: abiding by curfews, not in possession of any weapons, having no contact with identified individuals, not entering certain communities, and more. On December 2, 2023, Pierceland RCMP officers located a seriously injured female during a proactive conditions check, exemplifying the importance of ongoing monitoring of violent prolific offenders.

A hopeful way forward On January 4, 2024, amendments are being made to the Criminal Code and current bail provisions – targeting prolific violent offenders (Bill C-48). “I am hopeful the amended bail provisions are a step in the right direction – because at the end of the day, those individuals who are not interested in rehabilitation or changing their lifestyle, will continue to do harm to others and should not be released back into our communities,” says Saskatchewan RCMP Commanding Officer Rhonda Blackmore. “I am incredibly proud of our front-line officers and specialized units who continue to monitor, supress, and investigate these violent offenders – from ensuring individuals are complying with their release conditions, implementing initiatives to target prolific offenders, arresting those with outstanding warrants, to investigating homicides.” The Saskatchewan RCMP is only one component of the Criminal Justice System and will continue to support all partner agencies by sharing relevant information that can be used to inform decision makers when making bail, release conditions or detention decisions. Please note: the statistics provided in this release are representative of reports received within the Saskatchewan RCMP jurisdiction. They are from the RCMP records management system and are accurate as the day they are collected. Crime statistics are regularly updated due to changes in reporting procedures, changes in ongoing investigations, etc. As a result, the statistics above may differ from previous or future published reports.

RM Review

January 2024



Making 2024 Your Best Year Is Your Responsibility. Start by Making Better Choices. By Nick Kossovan


here is no way to predict what 2024 will bring except that your life will continue.

It is entirely up to you how your life continues. The Question: Do you want to be like most people and be the same person next year as you are today, or come next December, feel you have stretched yourself and are closer to living your full potential? It is common for people to make New Year's resolutions, committing themselves to achieving one or more personal goals. We see a new year ahead, and we imagine what could be. New Year! New Me! By mid-February, most New Year's resolutions have been abandoned. There are many reasons (READ: excuses) why New Year's resolutions usually fail; number one is making a resolution, such as I will lose 40 Kgs by December 31st, I will read a book a month, I will walk no less than 10,000 steps per day, requires a change of behaviours, and for most people, this is a considerable challenge. Continuing with your current behaviours, habits, and beliefs (When was the last time you questioned your beliefs?) and staying in your comfort zone is much easier than adopting new behaviours, even when you know you will benefit from doing so. The key to reaching your goals is to consider them holistically. Do not envision your goals as end destinations. Instead, envision achieving your goals as a series of choices you need to make to reach them. "Life is the sum of all your choices" — Albert Camus, French philosopher. Say you have the financial goal of wanting to save $7,500 next year. Think of all the behaviours you must change in order to achieve this goal, the biggest being your current spending habits. Changing your spending habits means adopting new behaviours, such as saying "No" to friends wanting you to join them on a night out on the town, not entertaining marketing propaganda, not spending to appear rich, having your bank make automatic monthly savings withdrawals, to even the following the try and true of bringing your lunch to work and making your coffee at home.


RURAL MUNICIPALITY OF HARRIS NO. 316 PROVINCE OF SASKATCHEWAN Notice is hereby given under The Tax Enforcement Act that unless the arrears and costs appearing opposite the land described in the following list are fully paid before the 4th day of February, 2024, a tax lien will be registered against the land. Accumulated penalty will be calculated upon payment of arrears.


Sec. Twp. Range Mer


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31 31 31 32 32 32 32 31

10 12 12 11 12 12 12 10

W3 W3 W3 W3 W3 W3 W3 W3

Dated this 4th day of December, 2023. Adrienne Urban, CAO

Total Arrears $ 48.10 $ 2,691.21 $ 2,690.92 $ 360.00 $ 132.96 $ 225.97 $ 1,822.75 $ 1,337.18

Costs Advertising

Total Arrears & Costs

$ 24.81 $ 24.81 $ 24.81 $ 24.81 $ 24.81 $ 24.81 $ 24.81 $ 24.81

$ 72.91 $ 2,716.02 $ 2,715.73 $ 384.81 $ 157.77 $ 250.78 $ 1,847.56 $ 1,361.99

I am sure you have family and friends whom you notice say they want to achieve XYZ but act in a way that goes against what they say they want. I see this all the time, especially regarding money and health. Who does not know someone who says they are always broke, yet their consumerism is a marketer's wet dream? Or who says they want to be in better shape and still treat their body as a garbage disposal? To achieve a goal, you need to choose the actions necessary to achieve your goal. If you want a promotion in 2024 then you need to strengthen your relationship with your boss and their boss, read industry magazines, take relevant courses, network with industry influencers, and establish a personal brand that you are someone who gets things done. All these activities require a change in your behaviour of choosing actions that support these activities and not choosing to binge-watch Netflix series, sitting around with your "buddies" drinking beers and complaining about how unfair life is or spending hours mindlessly scrolling your social media feeds. Undeniably, the choices you make determine the course of your life. What you eat, who you associate with, what you read, and what you mentally consume have consequences. Most people do not give their choices and decisions the seriousness they deserve. Start thinking about the implications of your choices, and your life will take a radically different turn. Whenever I meet someone who complains they are not living the life they say they want, I know they have made, and probably continue to make, bad choices. Making better choices is much easier when you are focused, razor-like, on a goal or objective. The following steps will help you make better choices: • Make a list of your top three 2024 goals. Even better, stick images of your goals where you will see them daily. (e.g., your fridge, the back of your front door, your bathroom mirror) • Every morning, ask yourself what you will do today to get closer to your top three goals. (Your answer will guide you in making choices that support achieving your goals, to saying "Yes" to the right things and "No" to the wrong things.) • Every evening, ask yourself if you have kept your promises to yourself. (Did you walk 10,000 steps? Did you bring your lunch to work? Did you read 15 - 20 pages of the book you are reading this month?) By doing the above, you will make better choices, and your life will inevitably change. I guarantee that you will take your life in a new direction if next year you do nothing but question your choices. Instead of making 2024 New Year's resolutions, commit to making better choices that support your goals. New Year's resolutions will not change you; only better choices, new actions, and new habits will.

Nick Kossovan, a self-described connoisseur of human psychology, writes about what's on his mind from Toronto. You can follow Nick on Twitter and Instagram @NKossovan

Snow Clearing & Removal Vanscoy and Surrounding Area ges a e s r Ac eway ts v o Dri ing L ds rk Pa inyar B

Ca ll Bo to o NO k W

Call Barney at 306 - 270 - 4353


January 2024



RM Review

Leveraging your Professional Partners By Megan Roger, AAg, Livestock and Feed Extension Specialist, Moose Jaw


iscal year end is a great time to evaluate what went well, what can be improved and what the goals are for your operation. While it is essential to have these discussions with your shareholders and/or family members, it can also be valuable to in-

clude your professional partners. Consulting with partners such as your financial adviser, accountant and lawyer throughout the year aids in making business decisions quickly when an opportunity presents itself. Traditionally, financial advisers may only be contacted for lending needs, but there are many other areas where a financial advisor can help. These professionals provide an outside perspective and offer advice to help you reach your goals. One way a financial adviser can assist is by going over your financial ratios and identifying any trends. They can then make suggestions to ensure you are prepared for the next fiscal year. Touching base with your adviser before opportunities arise may also speed up any adjudication processes. Other helpful conversations to have with your adviser include:

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Spencer Fox 306-361-9701

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What is your cost of production? Are there any efficiencies that could be gained? What trends are present? Do you have access to enough cash flow for day-today expenses? Do you need to use a cash advance this year or increase any lines of credit? Are your loan payments set up adequately with your cash flow? Making sure you understand your financial ratios. Can you pay off some higher interest loans early? How much equity have you invested in your operation? Is it financially feasible to make any capital purchases this year? Do you have established succession or transition plans for your operation? Is your advisor aware of the plans? For your financial adviser to aid in your lending needs, it is crucial to have good records and financial statements. Your accountant can ensure you are including vital information for your financial statements or income tax returns. Your accountant may offer a different perspective on some of the topics listed above, but

Snow Clearing & Removal Vanscoy and Surrounding Area

should also be consulted on: What does your operation’s succession or transition plan look like? Have you discussed tax planning? Tax implications from land holdings or capital gain exemptions? Is your operation structure setup effectively? Should you incorporate? Do you understand your financial statements? What is the value in cash (records transactions when cash is exchanged) versus accrual (recognizes revenue when it is earned and expenses when they are incurred, regardless of when money changes hands) statements? A lawyer is another important partner to work with. When looking at the longevity of your operation and succession and transition planning, a lawyer can help get these documents and contracts in place. It is important to work with your lawyer on what your longterm operational goals are. Things can happen that we never planned for and are out of our hands. Having a succession plan, transition plan, power of attorney and a will can help reduce risks to the operation. Regardless of your age or your business’s age, it is never too soon to have these types of documents in place. For more information, please contact your local specialist, call the Saskatchewan Agriculture Knowledge Centre at 1 - 866 - 457 - 2377

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306 - 931 - 6996

Ca ll Bo to ok NO W

ges a e s r Ac eway ts v o Dri ing L ds rk Pa inyar B

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RM Review




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Sand - Gravel - Topsoil

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January 2024

RM Review



Find more Detailed Listings at www.rmreview.net or Scan the QR Code with your phone Accommodations


Your Heading Here

Lawn & Garden


Delisle Housing Authority

Diamond Counselling Services Accepting Adult/Family Clients Langham 306-283-4670

Your Business Here

Pike Lake Lawn & Garden Sales, Service, Parts, Rentals Pike Lake 306-221-8558

Robin’s Nest Cafe Vanscoy 306-931-6996



Flatlander Disposal 14 yard Roll-off Bins Delisle 306-493-7547

Jim Reiter, MLA 215 Main Street, Rosetown 1-855-762-2233

Duct Cleaning

Kelly Block, MP 4 - 309 Main Street, Rosetown 1-306-882-6447

Providing Safe and Adequate Housing to Individuals and Families in need. For more Information regarding availability and qualifications:

Call/Text Sue Stene 306-370-6306 sstene.delisle@housingauthoritysk.com

Jeanie’s Place in Delisle NEW Short/Long term accommodations $300/week or $1100/month All taxes & fees included. Darrell call/text 306-717-0841 Brent call/text 306-380-9664

Advertising Specialties ARQ Custom Concepts Screen Printing, Embroidery, Promotional Products 306 - 381 - 3731 NEW

Agricultural Delisle Agricultural Co-op Delisle 306-493-2212 Innovative Ag Performance Group Ltd. (IAP) EW Ag Retail & Custom N Seed Treating Services Delisle 306-493-3167 www.innovative-ag.ca Orchard Transport - Ag Div. Delisle 306-493-2406 Richardson Pioneer Delisle 306-493-1500 www.richardsonpioneer.ca Flo-Gate simple solution for managing the movement of grain or fertilizer Delisle 306-493-7409 www.flo-gate.ca On Demand Ranch Hand Farm, Acreage, Homestead Services Ranch hand for contract hire 438 - 389 - 6986 taylorjwood213@yahoo.com

Agricultural Mechanic Northern Plains Equipment Repair Ag & Heavy Duty Asquith 306-496-7100 Air Conditioning & Heating ATL Electric & Heating Boiler & In Floor Heat Specialists Service all Furnaces/Air Conditioners Vanscoy 306-493-2410 24Hrs PLAINSMAN HVAC-R Ltd 24 Hour Emergency Service Vanscoy 306-242-3002 Taylor Mechanical Vanscoy 306-381-7998 taylormechanical@sasktel.net

Automotive Trusty Appraisal Service & SGI Arbitration Delisle 306-222-0456

Bookkeeping Prairie Sun Bookkeeping Vanscoy 306-230-1522 prairiesunorchard@sasktel.net

Care Home Borden Care Home Borden 306-997-2266 bordencarehome@gmail.com

Cleaning Service Just Clean Vanscoy 306-491-5769 teresalindalziel@gmail.com

Construction Flatlander Construction Garbage Disposal Delisle 306-493-7547 DLN Construction Outlook 306-867-8334 Redberry Renovations Ltd. Grandora 306-260-3778 redberryrenovations@sasktel.net

Ace Air Vac Harris 306-850-1045 robindashney@gmail.com

Electrical & Satellite ATL Electric & Heating Complete Electrical and Heating Service Vanscoy 306-493-2410 24Hrs BTE Trenching & Electrical 306-220-4377 or 306-220-5500 Asquith bte20@outlook.com R + L Electric Industrial, Commercial and Residential 24 HR Emergency Service Saskatoon and Area 306-260-7063 www.rl-electric.ca SATELLITE + Electrical Troubleshooting and Service - Licensed & Bonded Asquith 306-229-3813

ONLY $50 for a YEAR ! Call 306-668-1312 TODAY

Gravel / Sand Graham Contracting Topsoil also available Asquith 306-230-4653 Klassen Trenching Delisle 306-493-7579 W.W. Rock & Gravel Asquith 306-329-4768

Grocery Schneider’s Gourmet World Neuanlage 306-225-5764

Hairstylist / Beauty RODAN + FIELDS Lisa Reimer 306-227-6535 lisareimer.myrandf.com/ca Salon 360 Delisle 306-493-2486


Dee Anna’s Boutique Delisle 306-493-2401 Designs by Nancy Durham Vanscoy 306 - 370 - 4949

IAL $50 SPEC Listing

ory 312 Direct -668-1 6 0 3 l l et Ca view.n e r m r ly mail@ ting On ime Lis First T

Financial Prairie Centre Credit Union A full service financial institution that was born on the prairies. We are Saskatchewan’s largest rural based credit union and profits earned here, stay here. Members are owners which makes it highly motivating for us to help them achieve financial success at home. Delisle Branch: 1-306-493-2414 Harris Branch: 1-306-656-4466 Website: www.pccu.ca Desjardins Financial Security Investments Inc. 330 - 20th St. E. Saskatoon Norma Sparrow 306-242-1188

Firearms Safety Courses Canadian Firearms Safety Courses/PAL Pete Heck -20 Years Experience as Firearms Officer Asquith 306-914-6677

pheck57@gmail.com Garden / Yard

Like A Rock Grandora 306-382-3978

Gas / Confectionary Delisle Ag Co-op Delisle and Vanscoy Locations 306-493-2212

Jolene Thompson, RMT Delisle(Acreage) 306-260-5409 jolenethompsonrmt.janeapp.com Kristi Done Massage Therapy Call or Text to Book Vanscoy 306-292-9473 kristidonemassagetherapy.com Shania Meyer NEW Registered Massage Therapy Find me on Facebook or website shaniameyermassagetherapy.ca Direct billing & online booking Borden 306-768-4252

Health Foods Darla Christopher Independent Epicure Consultant Delisle 306-493-2933 dsdt@ sasktel.net text 306-291-0298 Kristi Done Independent Epicure Consultant Vanscoy 306-292-9473 kristidone.epicure.com OLD MIKE’S Raw Prairie Honey FRESH HONEY... READY ! Wildflower/Dandelion & Canola 2023 Food Safe Certification Pike Lake 306-384-3092 mikesbees@sasktel.net

Home Care Dignity Home Care Solutions Brandi Orth 306-230-0026 athomecaregiving@outlook.com

Home Care Products and Housewares Tupperware Cindy Monea 306-716-2515 www.cindythetupperwarelady.ca Excellence in service since 1989


Sandyridge Bakery & Cafe Grandora 306-668-4362

PCCU Insurance Ltd. Harris 306-656-4555


HUB International Delisle 306-493-2260

Valleyview Golf & Country Club Delisle 306-493-3288

Westland Insurance Vanscoy 306-668-2181

Sharpening RixEdge Sharpening Services Saskatoon 306-270-8048

Veterinary Biggar Vet Clinic 501 - 1st Avenue East Biggar 306 - 948 - 3642 Corman Park Vet Services Hwy #14 (SLS) 306-384-7676


Delisle Veterinary Service Delisle 306-493-3143


Eagle Creek Veterinary Services Rosetown 306-831-8387 After Hours 306-831-9222 eaglecreekvet@gmail.com www.eaglecreekvet.ca


Avery's Guitar Shop Certified Luthier, Instrument Repair, Recording Studio, Music Lessons Sovereign (306) 250-2297

Online Shopping Release Equine Horse tack, pet apparel and accessories. Shop online: releaseequine.com Email for more information: ReleaseEquine@hotmail.com

Painting / Decorating

Back 40 Embroidery Delisle 493-3033/493-2751


Massage Therapy

Sandyridge Bakery & Cafe Grandora 306-668-4362

Digger’ Painting Serving all communities in the RM Review distribution area Delisle 306-231-4258 Eugene’s Decorating European Designs Delisle/Vanscoy 306-218-8636 eugenegrenier8@gmail.com Hillbillie Painting Biggar, Rosetown, Outlook, Delisle 306-381-3202 4bparker@gmail.com

Pet Care Animal InnSpaRations Delisle 306-493-3143 Bark Place Dog Grooming Spa Delisle 306-491-9335

Plumbing & Heating ATL Electric & Heating Complete plumbing & gasfitting Vanscoy 306-493-2410 24Hrs Taylor Mechanical Vanscoy 306-381-7998 taylormechanical@sasktel.net

PreSchool Pike Lake Preschool Pike Lake 306-978-8164 Early Learning Centers Vanscoy 306-668-6338 Delisle 306-493-6338 Asquith 306-329-6338


Real Estate Apex Home Inspections Specializing in Rural Property 306 - 371 - 6939 dbohle50@gmail.com

Outlook Veterinary Clinic Outlook 306-867-8777 ovc@sasktel.net

Water / Septic Burwell Trenching & Electrical Asquith 306-220-4377 bte20@outlook.com Econo Septic & Sewer Services Pump septic tanks, mud sumps, car wash, commercial/industrial tanks. Unplug sewer lines, replace and repair pumps, switches, alarms. 24-hour emergency service Saskatoon 306-384-6662 Econoseptic.ca Links Water & Septic Services Certified septic design/consulting. Acreage water/septic install and repair, water testing/treatment and septic system maintenance. Vanscoy 306-493-2410 24Hrs Linksbackhoe.com Graham Contracting Asquith 306-230-4653 Klassen Trenching Delisle 306-493-7579 Starlings Septic Services Delisle 306-493-2241 darrelpenny@sasktel.net Sew Kleen Hydro-vacing & Septic Asquith 306-283-4406

Website Design Whole Wheat Web DESIGN Affordable and practical website design and maintenance services for small business, community groups and families since 2005. Delisle 306-493-3023 mail@wholewheatwebdesign.ca

Yardwork / Excavation Barney’s Bobcat Vanscoy 306-270-4353 Big Country Landscaping & Maintenance Delisle 306 - 203 - 6618 big country.ltd@gmail.com Klassen Trenching Delisle 306-493-7579

Boyes Group Realty 306-221-9350 / 306-227-5110 www.realestatesk.ca

Links Backhoe & Skid Steer Service Vanscoy 306-493-2410

Dwein Trask Realty Inc. Dwein Trask 306-221-1035 Office 306-653-4100

Your Heading Here

RE/MAX Shoreline Realty 306-867-8380 / 1-844-838-SOLD www.remax-shorelinerealty.com

Your Business Here ONLY $50 for a YEAR ! Call 306-668-1312 TODAY

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