RM Review June 2018

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RM Review


Asquith, Conquest, Delisle, Donavon, Grandora, Harris, Kinley, Laura, Milden, Perdue, Pike Lake, Swanson, Tessier, Vanscoy, Zealandia

Volume 19 Number 6


June 2018


n the 20 years that Canada has been involved in Wheelchair Fencing, Ryan Rousell, at only 20 years of age, is the 1st Canadian to ever win a World Cup Gold Medal. He beat French fencers Serge Robin 15-11 in the top 16s, Robert Citerne 15-6 in quarter final and El Assine15-13 in semi final, to go on destroying the Japanese Shintaro Kano 15-4 in the Gold Medal Match at the Montreal World Cup on April 29th 2018.

Asquith 20-year-old Makes Canadian Sports History

Ryan has been training since he was 7 years old at the Asquith Garde Fencing Club, with saber coach Douglas Brecht. Ryan first started fencing because beating on others with a sword sounded pretty awesome to him. Since then he has been following his dream and continues to train at the Asquith Club which is now in it’s 26th year of existence. Even though he has Cerebral Palsy, Ryan was determined that could fence standing against able bodied fencers, and medal, on provincial circuit, and he has done just that. Coach Brecht founded of the Saskatchewan Wheelchair Fencing association 4 years ago. For years he has tried to convince Rousell to sit and fence in wheelchair… not cool to then teenaged boy. With help of John Brunning from Saskatoon, Doug Brecht introduced wheelchair fencing to the provincial circuit of tournaments. Ryan finally started wheelchair fencing in November of 2016, participating in the provincial tournament in Saskatoon. Since he was the only fencer who actually qualified as a wheelchair athlete, top provincial able-bodied fencers sat in chairs to help him train. Meeting Canadian Team Paralympian wheelchair fencer Sylvie Morel, at 2017 Saskatchewan Provincial Fencing Championships, in March of 2017, inspired Ryan to finally give it his best. Working on the family farm near Asquith, Ryan has had to take a break from Computer Systems Technology Program to be able to train and travel to national and international fencing tournaments.

From left: Shintaro Kano (Japan), Ryan Rousell (Canada), Presenter Monique Lefebvre, Moez Elassine (France), Naoki Yasu (Japan). (Photo by Doug Brecht)

New Scoreboard In Delisle

Coach Jordan Smith, former member of Canadian National Fencing team, started working with Ryan training him in Épée. This combined with Coach Brecht’s Saber training transformed Ryan into a double-threat. In 2017, Ryan travelled to his first World Cup in Standnskaal, Netherlands and then to the Warsaw Senior World Cup and Junior World Championships. Success ! He earned Canada's First Ever Medal at a Wheelchair World Championships when he won the Bronze Medal at the U23 Junior World Championships. Preparing for 2020 Paralympics in Tokyo, Japan, athlete Ryan Rousell and coach Doug Brecht were awarded the Petro-Canada FACE program sponsorship. Only 55 Canadian coach-athlete pairs received this Olympic-preparatory sponsorship throughout Canada. Ryan has since travelled to the World Championships in Rome, Italy, and to the World Cup in Eger, Hungary. His has won gold and silver medals at the Canada Cup in Quebec City in January in saber and épée. Next stop: Warsaw in July 2018, again for the Senior World Cup and U23 World Championships. This time, thanks to Petro-Canada, coach Douglas Brecht will accompany him as coach, and as a fellow wheelchair athlete in Wheelchair Foil. The Montreal Gold Medal was the crowning achievement after a year of hard work, sacrifice, compromises, and expense. Ryan is looking for sponsors to support his bid go on to the 2020 Paralympics in Tokyo. Funds are needed for fencing training, strength training, physiotherapy, equipment, travel and tournaments. Ryan trains 4 days a week rising at 5:00am to work on the farm before heading off to Strength Training at 7am, then back to the farm work before fencing class in the evening until 10pm. It sounds gruelling but is all in a day’s work for our Paralympic hopeful Ryan Rousell, as he strives to become one of the top 16 Wheelchair Fencers in the world. As his coaches have told him "You can do this!" Submitted by Genevieve Rosseel


new scoreboard has gone up at the Harold Worth ball park on the west side of Delisle. There are also now brand new washrooms and a concession on site as well. Delisle Minor Ball is hosting a BBQ fundraiser at the Delisle

Co-op on June 1 from 10:30am 2:00pm. Money raised will be used to purchase equipment for the new concession. You can also make a donation to Delisle Minor Ball at the BBQ. Just make the cheque payable to Delisle Minor Ball.

Other events include Delisle Midget Pride vs New Zealand on June 15 at 6pm, Squirt vs Pee Wee Tournament on June 17 at 9am and Eagle Creek League playoffs on June 23. Come on out and enjoy some local ball action this summer.

Summer Destinations Guide

Classes of 2018

Graduation Photos Page 8


Editorial........................... p. 2 Council Reports............... p. 4 RCMP Reports................. p. 5

and STAY-Cation Contest - Win $600 in Prizes Contest on Page 2 - Destination Guide on Pages 6 - 7 MP Report...................... p. 5 Summer STAY-Cation Feature Section Page 6-7

Graduation Pictures... p. 7 Consumer’s Corner.......... p. 9 School Reports................. p. 9

Agriculture Reports........... p. 10 Community Calendar........ p. 11 Business Directory............. p. 12

Read us on your computer, iPhone or iPad with our FREE On-Line Reader at www.rmreview.net


June 2018


RM Review



Summer has Arrived and so has our Summer STAY-Cation Guide and Contest

ummer has finally arrived. Gardens have been tilled and are mostly planted, lawns have been mowed, farmers are well underway with seeding and school will be out at the end of the month. (Check out our Graduation Announcements on page 8) So what do you have planned for your family in the coming weeks ? Have you considered enjoying the summer right here at home. Yes... a Summer STAY-Cation ! With the high price of fuel, it might just make sense to take a look at the vast array of things that are offered in our local communities.

The RM Review is highlighting the local destinations, activities and events through our annual Summer STAY-Cation Contest. Local businesses have generously provided the prize package and it is free to enter. Just visit our website at www.rmreview.net and click on the contest. Be sure to return every day to increase your chance of winning.

One of the highlights of June is Father’s Day. This will be my 18th one. I look forward to spending the day with my son... maybe golfing... maybe a bbq... maybe I’ll even get a present ? Hmmmm... Now have to go through my closet and purge out some of the ties I never wear, to make room for a possible Father’s Day surprise !

Also, look through our STAY-Cation Destinations feature section on pages 6 and 7 to see what is going on during the month of June. We will be updating you next month with the July activities and again in our August issue as well. Enjoy !

Happy Father’s Day, enjoy the summer. Ken Sowter Editor

Enter to Win the FREE Summer... 6 Admission Passes Saskat chewan Railw ay


m 2 Weekend Festival Pas ses John Ar ca

nd Fiddle Fe st $10 Gift Ce rtificate & 6 ” S ub Sandyridge Bakery & Caf


$20 Firewor ks Package Vanscoy Tem po

$20 Gift Ca rd

Subway Rest

CONTEST Win a ‘STAY-cation’ Package

Worth over $600 ! by visiting our website at www.rmreview.net

Enter every day to increase your chances !

PRIZE DRAW JUNE 24th Complete Contest Rules on Web Site

aurant - Deli sle

15” Pizza, C hips and Pop As quith Hotel

Soft Sided Cooler & BB Q Apron Back 40 Embroide ry

5 Mini Golf Passes

Pike Lake Min

i Golf - Pike

Lake Park

$20 Food V oucher

The Huddle - Pik

e Lake Park One Hour W ater Craft Rental Irene’s Rent als - Pike Lak e


ark 4 Rounds of Golf with Ca Valleyview G r ts olf & Country Clu


Delisle 2 Shoe Stor age Travel Bags Mooney Age ncies - Vansc oy


Hat & Shirt

Delisle Ag Co -op

BBQ Tool S et

Robin’s Nest

Cafe - Vansc oy

Enter at... www.rmreview.net

The RM Review





Phone: 306-668-1312 mail@rmreview.net www.rmreview.net Box 333, Vanscoy, SK S0L 3J0

Every issue is available for free, in full color with our online reader. Click on the link on our website at... www.rmreview.net

3,500 issues of the RM Review are published monthly and direct mailed for free to all homes in the communities shown in the map to the right. Out of area subscriptions are available for $30/yr. As well, it is available for free pick-up at various news stands throughout this distribution area.

www.rmreview.net We reserve the right to edit copy for libel or other legal, spelling or grammatical errors. We accept no liability for any such errors.

July Issue comes out June 28th - Submission Deadline is June 22nd

RM Review

June 2018


Home on the Range Road

How to Interpret those Green and White Road Number Signs Lately there seem to be more and more of those green and white township and road signs along the highway and rural roads, as RM’s continue to work on the establishment of a road direction system. My problem with those signs was that I didn’t understand what all the numbers meant. I understood townships and ranges but couldn’t quite make sense of the signs and it bothered me. So, as the old adage goes, If You Don’t Like Something, Do Something About It, I did, looking into the science of road signage, and coming up with the following interpretation that I would like to share with anyone who was as confused as I was. Example: Twp Rd 334 (read township 33, 4 miles north of the southern boundary of the township). Townships are, as you may know, 6 mile by 6 mile square blocks of land that run in bands across the province, and begin numbering with “1” at the U.S. border (49th parallel), the number increasing as you progress northward. Townships themselves are further broken down into one mile by one mile blocks, or sections. Section numbering starts at the south east corner, increasing as you go west for six sections, then the next tier continues the numbering but goes east to west. This pattern continues for the remaining sections. But back to the signs. Township roads are east-west roads at twomile intervals, the numbering increasing as you move north (Twp

Rd 330, 332, 334, 340). A township road, by itself, won’t tell you exactly where you are. Twp Rd 334 could be west of Kindersley, east of Vanscoy, wherever. What you need along with the township road location is the intersect of the range road, which runs north and south. As the line in the old song Love and Marriage goes, ‘you can’t have one without the other’. Example: Rge Rd 3095 (read west of the third meridian, range nine, 5 miles west of the eastern boundary of the township.) There are three meridians (northsouth directions) that dictate location in Saskatchewan. The First Meridian is roughly just west of Winnipeg, the Second forms the upper part of the Saskatchewan Manitoba border, and the Third Meridian runs in a line approximately through Prince Albert and Moose Jaw. The Fourth Meridian is the Alberta Saskatchewan border. Range roads run north south, and are surveyed to be one mile apart, so there will be six of them surrounding a township (Range Road 3090, 3091, 3092, 3093, 3094, 3095, 3100). You might wonder at the need for this type of road sign, given the GPS most of us have on our phones and all those other devices on the dashboards of newer vehicles that cause us to throw our hands in the air in frustration. However, first responders for one find the township and range signs useful, and it always helps, as they say in law enforcement, to have a “visual”. And it is a long way from searching

for those iron post monuments that were erected by Dominion Land Surveys at the intersections of townships, sections and quarter sections, that the settlers had to contend with.

A Celebration of Life for Tom Walker, Vanscoy will be held: Thursday, June 7th, 11:00 am Windsor Chapel, 704 Windsor St., Saskatoon

Imagine you are out in one of the many sparsely populated rural areas, looking for the SE ¼ of Section 33, Township, Range 13, W3M . Suppose you don’t have GPS on your phone, and today you took the old farm truck, the dashboard of which is blissfully free of all but the basics. If you come across township range signs at an intersection reading Twp 330, Rge Rd 3122, you at least have starting points. Knowing township roads are east west, two miles apart, the numbers increasing as you move north, and that range roads are north south and are one mile apart, the numbers increasing as you move west, then you can use your vehicle’s odometer to find that land location with some certainty. This is just my sketchy interpretation of Township and Range signs. A more formal, expanded explanation can be found on several of the RM websites. Submitted by Norma Hill References: Moir, D.R., Haug, D, Cadastral Surveys, University of Saskatchewan, March 2012. ISC, Types of Monuments, www.isc.ca

Fire Season is Here and so are the $150 Fines


ection 249(2) of the Traffic Safety Act deals with throwing a burning substance from a vehicle.

This section deals mostly with people throwing cigarettes out the window. This is how wild fires get started.

Occupants of a vehicle are reminded to not throw their cigarettes out of their vehicle. The fine is $150.00.

Delisle Safety Day is on Saturday June 12


RCMP, Fire Department, Car Seat Clinic, BBQ

ravis Holeha is a Child Traffic Safety Coordinator for the Saskatchewan Prevention Institute. He will be inspecting car seat installations in vehicles on June 12th from 10am till noon. The car seat clinic will be

held on 1st Street in Delisle, at the playground beside the post office, where the kids can play while parents and caregivers learn about the laws regarding car seats. The Delisle and District Fire Department

will also be joining the clinic, showing the kids their fire trucks and equipment, while reminding them the importance of using seatbelts.

Not Applicable for Tournaments

There will also be a bbq fundraiser put on by the Delisle Playgroup.

Happy Father’s Day

Friday BBQ’s are back Join us Fridays at Noon and help us support Local Community Groups with Fundraising Efforts

Vanscoy 306-931-6996 Mon-Fri 7 - 8 Sat 8 - 8 Sun 9 - 7

Ask Manager Darin Sekulich about the benefits of the Card Lock Fuel System !

Win a BBQ Tool Set

by entering the RM Review “Summer STAY-cation” contest at


306 - 493 - 2212 Groceries & Confectionary - Truck & Car Wash Gas Pumps & Card Lock - Propane & Bulk Fuel

Mon - Fri: 6am - 10pm


Sat - Sun: 7am - 10pm



June 2018





anscoy Village Council held a regular meeting on May 9th, 2018. Council approved the following work to be done in the Village:

- Acquire tender for the application of gravel in the alleys in the Village. - Accept the quote for having the streets swept; to be coordinated with the alleys being done. - Application of gravel on Campbell Drive and Chovin Street. - Invite tenders for the paving/patching of the streets. - Acquire tender for the flushing of sewer lines. Council held a budget meeting and made a resolution to set the mill rate at 5.85 mills. There was no change in the rates from 2017. Mill rate factors will be applied on Commercial/Industrial properties. June 11 is the day the Aerial Photography will be done. The Village has chosen four focal points in the Village for the photos to be taken from. The new “3 Way Stop” signs have now been installed at the intersection of 2nd Avenue East and 2nd Street East. Council has accepted the tender from Bill Goodwin for the public works contract for the season. There have been comments/concerns with the traffic on Olauson Crescent and Willard Drive in regard to children on the streets. There are many children on these streets and motorists need to be aware. Children also need to be aware that the street is not a playground and should not be treated as such.

RM Review Mother’s Day



squith Town Council held its May regular meeting on May 9, 2018.

Attending the meeting were Deputy-Mayor Sue Sawicki, Councillors Dylan Claypool, Audra Jewitt, Harold Edwards, and Ted Goodnough, and Jordan Claypool. Also attending was Foreman Darren Kraft, Assistant Administrator Kathy Picketts, and C.A.O. Holly Cross. A resolution was made to accept the April 11, 2018 regular meeting minutes as presented. A resolution was made to accept the April 2018 financial statements and the April 2018 bank reconciliations as presented. Council made a motion to accept the accounts paid in the amount of $29,540.78 and the accounts payable in the amount of $22,936.90 as presented. Councillor Audra Jewitt resigned from Asquith Town Council, as she is moving. Council would like to thank Ms. Jewitt for her work on Council. As there has been a resignation on council a by-election will have to be held. Nomination day will be June 20, 2018 and the by-election day will be Wednesday, July 25, 2018. Nomination papers can be picked up, filled out and returned up to 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, June 20, 2018. Graham Contracting has been awarded the contract of installing an approach at the Asquith Cemetery. The 2018 Operating Budget has been completed with revenues of $1,132,338, expenditures of $1,129,055 and a surplus of $3,283. The 2018 municipal mill rate remains unchanged at 9.15 mills. Letters will be sent to those individuals whose properties that have been deemed nuisance properties and require to be cleaned up. It is hoped that these individuals will take advantage of the upcoming Spring Cleanup weekend to be held in Asquith on May 26th and May 27th, 2018.

RM Review

Councillor Sue Sawicki was appointed to be the representative for the VMAD Board. (Vanscoy, Montrose, Asquith, Delisle) Emergency Measures Board. Spring brings a joy for everyone to be out and about, enjoying the weather. This includes dog owners who are out walking their dogs. The Town of Asquith would like to again remind all dog owners that dog feces MUST be picked up when out walking your dogs. This posed a real problem this spring in the sportsgrounds when young children were starting to play baseball and soccer and there was a great deal of excrement that had to be picked up. Please be considerate of others when walking your dog and pick up dog feces. The Asquith Fire Department and Asquith First Responders will be holding their annual Pig Roast/Show and Shine on Saturday, June 9th, 2018. There will be a show and shine from 2:00 to 6:00 p.m. on Main Street, a kids play area and beer garden. The pig roast supper is from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. at the Asquith Elks Hall with a street dance and a live auction to follow. Tickets are $25 for adults, $12 for ages 11-15 and free for ages 10 and under. Come out to support your emergency services !



elisle Town Council held a special meeting on April 30th, 2018 and regular meeting May 8th.

The municipal tax mill rate and base taxes remain unchanged for 2018. The municipal rate is 3.6 mills. The school tax mill rates remain the same for 2018 as well. The 2018 municipal budget was approved with an anticipated budgeted surplus of $467.00. Council approved the proposed subdivision of Parcel K in NE 13-34-9-W3. This is the site where the new Town well is being developed.

CONTEST Annual Highway 60 Market Winner is Crystal Haugrud is on Saturday June 16 on... er w l a t s y r C Day Dinn

other’s 2 for 1 M s Nest Cafe Robin nt rrangeme d. A r e w lo F t gencies L Mooney A aisey Gerber D reenhouse n tr y G Little Cou ssage r Leg Ma gy e w o L & lo Foot g Reflexo Carrol Kin Planter Succulent ucculents S Creekside veryone who u to e Thank yo d the Sponsors n ible. en t er ed a it all poss e d a m o wh


ome made. Home grown. Home produced. Shop from some of the finest artisans in our province at the Fourth Annual Highway 60 Market - Saturday, June16th under the roof at Windy Acres (the home of the John Arcand Fiddle Fest). Admission is FREE! Tons of prize giveaways! Concession on site and plenty of free parking!! It’s easy to find! From Saskatoon - head out of the city going west and follow the signs to Highway 7 – when you see the turn off to Highway 60 (Pike Lake) – turn left and follow that road for 5 kilometers. There will be signs posted along the way. The ROOF is an 80 by 200 foot pole structure with drop down sides built to house the main stage at the John Arcand Fiddle Fest held each August. The Highway 60 Market acts as a fundraiser for the organization, and also as a community building event offering the op-

Creekside Succulents Tropical and Cold-weather

Wed - Sat 10am - 5pm 306-493-3299

217 1st Street W. DELISLE

portunity to raise the awareness of the facility, it’s amenities and it’s availability, as it’s rented out when not in use by the Festival. The Highway 60 Market is a craft fair –a farmer’s market –a tradeshow – ALL IN ONE LOCATION! Many one of a kind items and bargains to be had with over 100 tables of great shopping. Crafts, homemade goods, home based businesses, antiques and collectibles and so much more....if it’s homegrown, homemade or home produced –it’s likely to be there!! What a great way to spend a Saturday – come out and join us for The Fourth Annual Highway 60 Market, June 16th from 10 to 4. Also watch for the upcoming Gigantic Garage Sale and Flea Market under the Roof - happening July 28th! Vendors are now being accepted. Contact us at 306.382.0111 or email: windy.acres@sasktel.net

Vendors at Highway 60 Market

The ROOF at Windy Acres

RM Review


Warman, Martensville, Delisle and Radisson Detachments Break and Enter Near Langham May 4, 2018 at 6:45 a.m. Police received a complaint of a break into to a compound near Langham. The caller reported that someone entered the locked compound and stole items inside. Investigation into this matter is ongoing.

Well Being Check in Radisson May 4, 2018 at 9:25 a.m. Police received a request for a well being check on an individual in Radisson. The caller requested police check on his elderly friend as he had not heard from him or seen him in a number of days and was concerned. Police located the 75 year old male safe and sound.

Cars Going Wrong Way on Highway 16 May 4, 2018 at 1:15 p.m. Police received a number of complaints of a vehicle travelling east bound in the west bound lanes of Highway 16 near Langham. Police made immediate patrols, but did not locate and vehicle’s matching the description provided. There were no charges or injuries.

Vehicle Fire on Hwy 16 near Langham May 4, 2018 at 7:50 p.m. Police received a complaint of a vehicle fire on Highway 16 near Langham. Police attended the scene and were advised by the 66 year old female driver of the vehicle, that the vehicle began to smoke and when they

June 2018


top of the truck. Sask Power was called and they safely removed the power line. Driver was charged with Driving without Due Care and Attention.

Rural Building Fire near Saskatoon

Dodge Avenger Stolen from Delisle

May 2, 2018 at 9:45 p.m. Police received a complaint of a fire at a rural property near Saskatoon. Police attended with Saskatoon Fire. A small shed/barn was destroyed in the fire. The fire was not suspicious in nature. There were no charges or injuries.

On May 11th at 12:27 pm a Dodge Avenger was reported stolen from a residence in Delisle. It was taken sometime overnight. The vehicle has still not been recovered.

May 22, 2018 at 7:25 p.m. Police received a complaint of a hit & run to a vehicle in Delisle. The caller reported that they were parked in the back of a business and when they returned to their vehicle, it was damaged. Investigation into this matter is ongoing.

Dispute on Highway 7 near Vanscoy

Break and Enter at Shed in Delisle

Fuel Stolen Twice from Fuel Truck On May 9th at 7:24 am fuel was reported stolen from a fuel truck located at a construction site north of Langham. A second theft occurred the next night.

Drunk Car Thieves at Vanscoy Tempo May 9th at 10:20 am a report of an intoxicated couple at the Tempo Gas Station in Vanscoy was received. The vehicle had just left heading westbound. Member located the vehicle and it was stopped. The vehicle was stolen out of Rosetown. Rosetown members charged both people.

Semi Hits Power Pole near Delisle On May 11th at 3:06 am, a semi truck went into the ditch on Highway 7 just outside of Delisle and hit a power pole. The power line ended up on

May 21, 2018 at 2:50 p.m. Police received a complaint of a dispute on Highway 7 near Vanscoy. The caller reported that his passenger in the vehicle removed the keys and exited the vehicle. They are refusing to return the keys to the driver. Police attended the scene and arrested a 44 year old female from Saskatoon. Police retrieved the keys and gave the female a ride back to Saskatoon. There were no charges or injuries.

2 Vehicle Accident on Highway 60 May 22, 2018 at 11:10 a.m. Police received a complaint of a 2 vehicle accident on Highway 60 near Pike Lake. Police attended the scene along with Delisle Fire and Saskatoon EMS. Police issued a ticket to a 91 year old male from Saskatoon for driving without due care and attention. Both drivers

MP REPORT Liberals Changing Election Rules


ate last month the Liberals introduced a Bill that makes numerous changes to our electoral rules, including loosening the requirement for voter ID, and have limited debate on the Bill to only two hours. We also found out that Trudeau has ordered Elections Canada to begin implementing the changes introduced in the Bill before it is passed by Parliament. By doing so, he is ignoring the rule of law and the role of Parliament in creating laws. This comes after Trudeau’s plans to weaken the powers of the Opposition Party in the House and to dramatically change our electoral system without a referendum were abandoned due to opposition from Canadians. Unfortunately, it appears that he has not learned his lesson – Canadians do not want an electoral system that unfairly benefits one Party over another. The new rules would weaken our voter ID requirements , allow foreign money to continue to influence Canadian elections, and do nothing to address the security of our election results. It also places a limit on how political parties can spend their fundraised money during the pre-writ, or just before an election is called. However, the same limit is not placed on the Federal government’s funding announcements. This means that the Party in government would have an unfair advantage over other Parties, as they could essentially use Federal funding announcements to campaign while limiting the ability of the Opposition Parties to spend their funds.

Sign up for our Weekly Email Updates sent right to your inbox for FREE and read a new RCMP Report every week !


April 30 - May 28, 2018

pulled off the road they noticed flames under the hood. The fire was extinguished by Martensville Fire Department. The vehicle was towed from the scene.

If you have information regarding these or any other crimes, please contact Warman/Martensville RCMP 306-975-1670/306-975-1610 If you have information and you wish to remain anonymous in your reporting, please contact Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477) You can also submit a tip at the website: saskcrimestoppers.com or text in a tip: TIP206 plus your tip to CRIMES (274637).

were transported to hospital for treatment of their injuries. Both vehicles required towing from the scene.

Hit & Run in Delisle

May 26, 2018 at 4:15 p.m. Police received a complaint of break and enter to a shed in Delisle. A number of items were taken. Suspects also made a large mess during the break in. Investigation into this matter is ongoing.

Asleep at the Wheel near Langham May 27, 2018 at 6:10 a.m. Police received a complaint of a single vehicle accident on Highway 16 near Langham. Police attended the scene and spoke with the 31 year old female driver from North Battleford. The driver advised they had fallen asleep and driven into the ditch. The vehicle was still driveable. There were no charges or injuries.


Construction Resumes on Highway 7 Between Vanscoy and Delisle


Speeding Fines are Tripled

onstruction has resumed on the final phase of the twinning of Highway 7 between Vanscoy and Delisle. This final phase of construction should see the new lanes paved and

opened later this summer. There are now 60Km speed reduction zones and flag people on the highway. Pay attention as the fines for speeding are tripled

Controlled Burn Line 1 - 866 - 404 - 4911


f you are planning on having a controlled burn on your property, report it to the Controlled Burn line. Reporting the controlled burn will help to prevent the unnecessary use of

valuable resources and manpower. Failure to report the burn could result in unexpected company in the form of the fire department and an avoidable expense.

Contest Details on Page 2

May 25, 2018

Kelly Block, MP

My colleague Blake Richards, Shadow Minister for Democratic Institutions, issued a statement following the tabling of Bill C- 76: “Conservatives believe your vote matters. When individuals vote in the wrong riding, or vote twice, that undermines our democratic institutions. We would be naïve to assume that people would not take advantage of our electoral system, and undermine the value of someone else’s vote. “Previously, Justin Trudeau tried to change Canada’s elections laws to benefit the Liberal Party of Canada, but Canadians stopped him. The Prime Minister has failed time and time again to be honest with Canadians and he cannot be trusted to amend voter identification rules in a way that does not benefit the Liberal Party. Canadians are required to identify themselves before buying alcohol and marijuana. The same should be true before they vote. “It’s already proven that nearly 400,000 voter cards sent during the 2015 election were subject to error. Moreover, there are numerous allegations that millions of dollars in foreign funding was funneled into third party advocacy groups during the 2015 election. According to reports, the Tides Foundation donated $1.5 million to Canadian third parties in the election year alone.

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“Conservatives want to know the status of any ongoing investigations and what has been done to solve the issue of foreign interference in the 2015 election. If the Trudeau government were truly committed to preventing foreign interference in Canadian elections, they should have dealt with this issue months ago."

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June 2018

RM Review


‘STAY-cation’ Destinations

Summer in Saskatchewan is fantastic, and there are tons of exciting things for you and your family to do locally this year. Here is a guide of some of the local June activities and destinations. July events will be in our next issue. Enter to WIN our ‘STAY-Cation’ Package at

www.rmreview.net Contest Details on Page 2


Eagle Creek Eagle Creek Regional Park R egional P ark

Perdue P erdue Oa Oasis sis

Sandyridge Sandyridge Gas Groceries Ga s & Gro ceries


Highway H ighway 1 14 4





7 ay hw ig

Crickle Crickle Creek Creek

Railway Museum Museum


Moon River Moon R iver Golf Golf Par-3 Par-3



762 Highway H ighway 60 60


Valley V alley Road R oad

Moonlake Moonlake Saskatoon Sa skatoon Berry Farm B erry F arm

Lake Pike L Pike ake Provincial Park P rovincial P ark

Explore E xpl ore a and nd your Wi Win n over oLocal ver $ $650 65 0 iin nP Prizes rizeSTAY-cation s-E Enter nter a att w www.rmreview.net w w.rmreview.net Explore Summer Destinations

‘STAY-cation’ Activities SASKATCHEWAN RAILWAY MUSEUM The Saskatchewan Railway Museum on the Pike Lake Highway offers train rides on their 7 acre museum site. Children and adults are welcome to climb on the trains and enjoy Saskatchewan's railway heritage. Open weekends and holiday Mondays. Check their website for more details www.saskrailmuseum.org or visit them on their Facebook page.

CRICKLE CREEK A unique experience located south of Saskatoon on Valley Road. Mini Golf, Par 3 Golf Course and "Fun Zone" offer entertainment for all ages. Enjoy a cold treat from "What"s the Scoop! Ice Cream Works. Bring the whole family and spend the day!

PIKE LAKE MINI GOLF You will find an afternoon of family fun at the MiniGolf course at Pike Lake Provincial park. On Saturday evenings you can experience the added thrill of Glow Golf, starting at dusk.

VALLEYVIEW DELISLE GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB A well maintained, quality 9-hole course offering irrigated greens and fairways. Situated along a creek bed, the natural terrain makes the course scenic and interesting to play. Amenities include green fees and memberships that are easy on the pocketbook, 25 powercart rentals and a liquor endorsement. Valleyview is an ideal place to host company functions and family reunions, with banquet facilitated through local caterers. Experience first-hand a course that is recognized as a great place to enjoy the game of golf.

HIGHWAY 60 MARKET June 16th the Highway 60 Market is open at Windy Acres on Highway 60, just south of Highway 7. Shop for craft, homemade goods and second hand items.

ASqUITH PIG ROAST, SHOW & SHINE AND DANCE Stop in Asquith on June 9th and support the Asquith Fire Department & First Responders fundraiser.

Your June Summer Activities Calendar Delisle Golf Course 5:30pm - Mens Night

Details on all these Events can be found at


July Calendar coming in next RM Review Eagle Creek Kids Fishing Derby Coachman Car Show Pike Lake Park

Delisle Golf Course 9:00am - Sr Mens

Lunch BBQ Delisle Co-op Biggar Town and Country Fair Fri - Sat - Sun

June Issue on News Stand Delisle Golf Course 10:00am - Sr Ladies

Lunch BBQ Delisle Co-op

Delisle Golf Course 5:30pm - Mens Night

Delisle Golf Course 9:00am - Sr Mens

Delisle Golf Course 10:00am - Sr Ladies

Delisle Golf Course 5:30pm - Mens Night

Delisle Safety Day 10:00am - 12:00pm 1st Street, Delisle

‘STAY-cation’ Contest Grand Prize Draw Triathlon June 23-24 Pike Lake Provincial Park

Bike & Car Show Biggar, SK World Gin Day Black Fox Distillery Valley Road Pig Roast, Street Dance and Car Show in Asquith

Brian Tumour Walk Saskatoon

Father’s Day Squirts & Pee Wee Tournament Starts 9am @ Delisle Eagle Creek Jamboree June 15-17

Jam Session Delisle Hotel

Delisle Golf Course 9:00am - Sr Mens

Lunch BBQ Delisle Co-op

Highway 60 Market at Windy Acres

Delisle Midget Pride vs New Zealand Eagle Creek Jamboree - June 15-17 6pm @ Delisle Argos @ Riders

Delisle Golf Course 10:00am - Sr Ladies

Lunch BBQ Delisle Co-op

Delisle Golf Course 5:30pm - Mens Night

Eagle Creek League Playoffs @ Delisle

SaskTel Jazz Festival - June 23rd - July 2nd

First Day of Summer Delisle Golf Course 9:00am - Sr Mens

Delisle Golf Course 10:00am - Sr Ladies

Riders @ RedBlacks

Deadline for July Issue

Delisle Golf Course 5:30pm - Mens Night

Triathlon June 23-24 Pike Lake Provincial Park

Lunch BBQ Delisle Co-op

SaskTel Jazz Festival - Saskatoon - June 23rd - July 2nd

Last Day of School

July Issue on News Stand

Alouettes @ Riders

RM Review

June 2018


‘STAY-cation’ Dining DELISLE


If you happen to be in Delisle on a Friday you can catch the weekly charity lunch BBQ sponsored by the Co-op Ag Centre. Local charities serve up burgers for lunch every Friday during the summer months. The Delisle Hotel Cafe has a full menu, specializing in pizza, lasagna and back ribs that you can take out, eat in or enjoy with an ice cold alcoholic beverage on their deck. There is a newly opened Subway in Delisle, serving you all your favorite sandwiches, soups and snacks. Dragon’s Diner is open Tuesday to Sunday, serving Chinese and Canadian food and breakfast all day. The Delisle ESSO has a variety of hot take out foods from wraps and subs to fried chicken and pizza plus they are a full liquor vendor with wine, liquor and cold beer and coolers.

Mamba Ferns English Family Restaurant is now open in the old Perdue Hotel. They have a full menu of home cooking with a flair for English dishes.

ASqUITH The Asquith Hotel has a new kitchen and new menu. They offer home made burgers, deep fried snacks, sandwiches, pasta, pizza plus heathy choices and gluten free options. They also have a licensed beverage room, so you can wash down a delicious meal with an ice cold drink. They also offer a complete liquor vendor so you can pick up food and beverages for all your summer activities.

VANSCOY Robins Nest Cafe has been a fixture in the community for 20 years and are celebrating that milestone in June. Owners Quinten and Robin Odnokon have built a reputation for quality meals and friendly service and are well known for exceptional catering. Attention to detail has made them the best caterer for miles around. Sit down or take-out meals, 7 days a week or catering for 300 people, the Nest is worth the stop.

GRANDORA Sandyridge Bakery & Cafe is serving up fresh baking and homemade soup, chili, sandwiches and desserts or you can cool off with a soft ice cream cone while you fuel up your vehicle or maybe grab some picnic groceries.

Contest Details on Page 2

THE HUDDLE Pike Lake Provincial Park Fast Food - Convenience Store

Breakfast, Burgers, Ice Cream, Grocery & Camping Supplies

Win a Summer ‘STAY-cation’ Package

Over $600 in Prizes Contest Details on Page 2


IRENE’S BOAT RENTALS Pike Lake Provincial Park



Pike Lake Provincial Park is 20 minutes from Saskatoon and a million miles from the city. Pike Lake is a recreation park characterized by aspen, poplar and Manitoba maple groves; manicured lawns with two picnic areas close to the main beach; desert-like sand dunes a short hike away and a popular outdoor pool with a waterslide. Add to this a diverse array of plants and wildlife owing to its location on a flood plain of the South Saskatchewan River and you can see why Pike Lake Provincial Park offers a delightful change of pace for people wishing to recharge their batteries without having to travel for hours. Pike Lake is a shallow body of water that's called an "oxbow" - it's a loop of the South Saskatchewan River that became cut off from the main channel. A barrier-free trail that starts at the main beach and runs southward to the creek that feeds the lake includes observation decks that provide a good view of the aquatic life and waterfowl in the vicinity. A 1.5km nature trail that begins at the interpretive centre, meanwhile, provides a fine opportunity to experience the surprisingly diverse ecosystems contained within this small park.

Eagle Creek Regional Park is located on the picturesque Eagle Creek, nestled down in a verdant valley of trees and foliage. The park is a jewel in the crown of the surrounding area, and offers year round fun for the whole family. The park has electrified and nonelectrified sites, a church and a hall for weddings and anniversaries, a nine-hole golf course, a water spray park, playground equipment, a new washroom/shower house and a new floating dock for swimmers. Beach volleyball can also be enjoyed at the park. A riding arena is available where bull riding and trail rides have been held in the past. Plan to take in the Fish Derby or Jamboree in June.

Canoes, Kayaks, Aqua Bikes, Standing Paddle Boards OPEN 10AM - 8PM Weather Permitting

Pike Lake Mini-Golf

Highway 60 (Pike Lake Highway) - Just South off Highway 7 10:00am - 5:00pm Friday, Saturday, Sunday & Holiday Mondays

Asquith Hotel




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June 2018

RM Review


GRADUATION ANNOUNCEMENTS Lord Asquith School Class of 2018

Ablass, Benjamin Joel

Blumrich, Thomas Franz Jacob

Desjarlais, Clint Michael Wilfred

Ephrem, Azaria Gibsu Clara

Fleischfresser, Matthew Jordan

Hultman, Cauy John

Kielstra, Mirjam Trijntje

Rousell, Errin Nicholas

Shule, Alivia Victoria Gail

Walter, Jeremy Carlyle

Yang, Shen Yi

Zarubiak, Samara Beverly

Congratulations to the Class of 2018

Council & Residents of the Town of Asquith

Congratulations to the Class of 2018

Congratulations to the Classes of 2018 Best of Luck in the Future

From the Board of Directors and Staff of the Delisle Credit Union Ltd.

Delisle Composite School Class of 2018

Berger, Dallas

Carnell, Brenden

Chapple, Josh

Chouinard, Savannah

Colborn, Brooklyn

Crowe, Jenna

Durham, Oakley

Easton, Daniel

Gamble, Blaine

Gardner, Tanner

Hill, Dawson

Junop, Graeme

Justus, Connor

Kielo, Meagan

Langston, Sara

Lee-Wirz, Kira

McGonigal, Dayton

Meighan, Conor

Merrick, Sierra

Milton, Logan

Nickel, Matthew

Noel, Colton

Norris, Josh

Orange, Easton

Ryan, Damon

Smith, Nigel

Sowter, Remington

Stewart, Chloe

Unger, Chayla

Wiebe, Brant

Good Luck to all of the 2018 Graduates

Strasser, Mackenna

“Wishing you all the Greatest Success”

“Wishing the Class of 2018 all the best in the future”

Council & Staff - Town of Delisle Vanscoy & Area

Faye McClean ph: 931-2153 fax: 931-7507 email: papertraillegacy@sasktel.net

Bookkeeping, Accounting, Income Tax

Council & Staff of the Village of Vanscoy

RM Review



June 2018




t's that time again to consider your hail insurance plans for the coming season. The economic impact of losing your crop in a severe hail storm could be devastating. Mooney Agencies offers various hail coverage and deductible options from both Co-op Hail and Palliser Insurance. We are pleased to provide you crop hail insurance rates from multiple companies, various deductible options, explain the claims procedures and deferred payment options! In order to provide rates we require your land locations and type of crop for each along with the number of acres seeded. Hail insurance is available for all types of crops ranging from $10 to $400 per acre (without exceeding actual value of your crop). Rates will depend on your exact land location, township and type of crop as each crop reacts differently to hail. Coverage begins at noon on the day following the date of policy purchase and expires by October 15 (or when harvested). Deferred payment available option until October 1 available for 5% finance fee or consider using your credit card. If you notice that your crop has been damaged by hail you have only 72 hours to complete a "Notice of Loss" declaration which is provided with your policy and then submit your written claim. If the hail damage occurs during harvest then certain conditions must be followed as detailed in your policy to ensure that sufficient undisturbed evidence of your crop remains available for the adjuster to inspect. If you will be away or traveling during hail season then you must arrange in advance to have somebody inspect your crops and report the loss if necessary in your absence given the 72 hour reporting period.

Do you understand the various Disappearing Deductible options available and how these help you reduce hail insurance costs? Deductible options are highly effective at increasing your per acre coverage. They are used to cover more of your profits than input costs with higher payment potential for the most severe storms. Deductible options often work best in conjunction with full coverage but can be purchased stand alone. For example, consider "20D" deductible option typically 65-70% of full cover rate and the deductible disappears at 60% crop loss. The deductible starts reducing at 40% loss until it reaches 60% when it completely disappears. Under the "20D" hail insurance deductible option you can purchase per acre limits on average 50% higher than full coverage for a similar price! For example, purchase a base crop hail policy with "full coverage" at $100/acre then purchase a second policy on the same crop with 20D deductible to reduce your total cost but still provide the coverage you need in a total loss or large percentage loss. This is the most cost effective way to protect both your input costs and profits! Mooney Agencies is an independent insurance broker, working for you rather than an insurance company or financial institution. We will properly assess your general insurance needs, shop for the best value in coverage and help you in the event of a claim. Mooney Agencies provides specialized advice for your farm or acreage, along with providing home, auto and commercial insurance solutions anywhere in Saskatchewan from our 3 locations in Vanscoy, Colonsay and Young. We are available to meet at your home, acreage, farm or business by appointment. Please introduce yourself to your Mooney Agencies insurance team – Stephanie & Landry Klapwijk, Della O’Hara, Danielle Thiessen and Courtney Klapwijk.


PIKE LAKE PRESCHOOL We're almost there! We're just entering into the last month of preschool. I know I say this every year, but it is incredible how fast the year passes. Our graduation dates are Friday, June 15th at 1pm for the 4-year olds, and Friday, June 22nd at 10am for the 3-year olds.

C o n g rra a tu l a ti o n s 2 0 1 8 Gra Gr a d u a te s!

We ce l e b rra a te yo u r a ch i e ve me n t a n d l o o k fo r w a r d to yo u r fu tu re su cce ss

The 4-year olds have been exploring their senses this past month. We played I Spy, guessed what was making the sound, felt different textures and tried to come up with describing words, and tried to guess the smell while blindfolded. This week, we will finish off trying to guess the food by tasting items blindfolded. The students made a 5 Senses book with pictures on each page to represent each sense. Both classes made handprint flowers for their moms for Mother's Day. And we were fortunate to be invited to Pike Lake School to play with some baby chicks. Thanks Pike Lake School! We also had a great day at the Forestry Farm. We were a big group (16 adults and 24 kids), it was a bit chaotic at times, but I think fun was had by all!

D e l i sl e

Summer Reading Club Starts July 4th

Delisle Branch

Closed Monday June 11 and Wednesday Evening June 13

201 - 1st St W 306 - 493 - 8288

Come in and Sign Up

Request/Renew Books at www.wheatland.sk.ca Monday Noon - 4pm

Wednesday Noon - 4pm & 7pm - 9pm

We've started practicing our grad songs, and if everyone sings together, it will be awesome! I'm not sure what else we'll do in June, possibly shapes with the 3year olds, maybe animals with the 4-year olds, and both groups will learn about the number 10. The 4year olds are also going on a field trip to the firehall since we had to cancel last time due to the weather. Registration for next year was held on Thursday, May 24th. So far, there are seven 4-year olds and one 3year old registered. If you have, or know of, a child who will be 3 or 4 by December 31st, 2018, and toilet trained, please contact Wendy Schoonbaert at 306978-8164, 306-222-2748, or wschoonbaert@yourlink.ca. Thank you to all those who have made this an incredible preschool year, from parents to grandparents to Pike Lake School to the PLCSA. Your help and encouragement is greatly appreciated!

Friday 10am - 5pm

Win a Summer ‘STAY-cation’ Package

Over $600 in Prizes Contest Details on Page 2

3-year old days June 1, 8, 15 & 22 (graduation 22nd at 10am) 4-year old days June 1, 5, 8, 12, 15 (graduation 15th at 1pm)


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June 2018

RM Review



Win a Summer ‘STAY-cation’ Package Details Page 2

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June 16, 2018 - 9:00am Select online bidding at 1:00pm

RR3080, 3.4Km West of Langham, SK Global Auction Marketplace

June 6, 2018 - 9:00am

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OTTAWA (May 24, 2018) Grain Growers of Canada (GGC) was pleased to join Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Minister Lawrence MacAulay in Winnipeg today as he formally announced that Bill C-49, the Transportation Modernization Act had received Royal Assent. This landmark Bill paves the way for a balanced transportation system that will carry Canadian shippers far into the future. The Bill is already demonstrating its value for the grain industry as Canadian National Railway (CN) announced today that it would be purchasing 1000 new generation hopper cars to significantly bolster shipping capacity. This investment is a clear indication of the importance of Minister Garneau’s Bill and a commitment by CN towards a strong infrastructure that will prevent future grain rail backlogs.

Sarah Sommerfeld, PAg

Agra-Environmental Specialist Saskatchewan Agriculture Outlook Regional Office


anaging pastures for maximum productivity is a long term goal, but weather fluctuations, fire, insect or wildlife damage, and any other unforeseen circumstances can quickly create a complex balancing act. During times of dry conditions, the urge to use as much as possible of what little forage growth there is, may be overwhelming. Before doing so, producers must consider the future consequences of pushing pastures to obtain more grazing days. No Roots – No Grass Roughly two-thirds of total plant growth occurs below ground, while the above ground portion only makes up about one-third. The extensive root system forms the lifeline for forage plants and helps ensure long-term survival as well as productivity.

The Cost of Overgrazing Why it Doesn’t Pay to Push your Pasture

Moisture stress can reduce or impair root growth even without added grazing pressure. When plants are repeatedly grazed, without a recovery period, the root system becomes increasingly shallow. This results in plants that are less vigorous, robust and productive. Resist the Urge The amount and distribution of dead plant material, also known as litter, on a pasture is an indicator of previous grazing management. Litter is an essential component of a healthy pasture and ecosystem. The litter left behind helps to shade and cools the soil, which reduces evaporation and conserves moisture. Litter also helps to protect the soil from erosion and maintains soil stability. Removing every last blade of grass leads to de-

creasing litter carryover and increases recovery time. Effective rest is the time required for plants to recover during the growing season. The amount of rest needed depends on the amount of leaf area remaining after grazing and the time of grazing during the growing season. Under ideal conditions, effective rest for tame pastures is four to six weeks. If limited moisture is available, the plant will not regrow as quickly and a longer rest period is needed. Overgrazed plants will use root reserves for leaf area regrowth and stop allocating resources to root growth in an attempt to survive short-term. When dry conditions persist into subsequent years, desirable plants will first reduce production and eventually disappear from a pasture.

It takes Moisture to grow Grass There are no quick-fix solutions to forage growth during times of dry conditions. The absence of moisture will inevitably result in absence of forage growth. Adjusting stocking rates and using alternative feeding systems helps protect pastures and ensures animal requirements are being met. As much as it is tempting, overgrazing pastures in dry conditions is not worth the loss of production in subsequent grazing seasons. Leaving sufficient carry-over and allowing sufficient time for plants to recover may be the hardest but most critical grazing management decisions made during dry conditions. For more information on pasture management, contact the Agriculture Knowledge Centre at 1866-457-2377 or call the Outlook Regional Office at 306-867-5500.

Grain farmers welcome passage of Bill C-49 into law Bill C-49 already benefitting grain shipping as railway invests in Canadian-made hopper cars “We knew that Bill C-49 was a strong piece of legislation and now we have the proof that it truly will help modernize the shipping industry,” said Grain Growers of Canada (GGC) Vice President Art Enns from Winnipeg. “Grain farmers can take comfort today in knowing that our hard work in pressing for the Bill will pay off through a balanced and robust rail system.” This announcement was made possible by new provisions in the Act that ensures investments made by one railway are of direct benefit to that railway, rather than being shared across railways out as they were under previous legislation. Grain farmers have been concerned about Canada’s aging hopper car fleet for some time and the purchase of new, higher capacity cars is good news. “I would like to thank CN for acting so quickly on their commitment to purchasing new rail cars,” added GGC

President, Jeff Nielsen. “Making this announcement the day after Royal Assent shows that they are serious about harnessing the benefits of C-49 and meeting the needs of their customers.” Today’s announcement will have a positive benefit for the Canadian economy as a whole as the cars will be manufactured by National Steel Car Ltd. at their Hamilton, ON plant, creating jobs and spurring the local economy, just as grain agriculture does for rural communities across the country. “An investment in agriculture is an investment in Canada,” concluded Mr. Nielsen. “Ministers Garneau and MacAulay knew this when they ensured that C-49 would strengthen grain transportation and I am joined by my grain farmer members in thanking them for their hard work.”

Denise Ward Regular Horse & Tack Auction Sunday, June 10, 1:00 p.m.

RM of Milden No. 286 Agent for

OK CORRAL - Martensville (Sale Order: Tack/Equipment, Ridden or Led Horses, Loose Horses)

All Horses and Tack must be Delivered prior to 11:30 a.m. All Classes of Horses will be Accepted - Pre-Book well in Advance CASH - DEBIT - CREDIT CARDS - NO CHEQUES Same Day Payment to All Consigners


306 - 299 - 7253


Large Animal Pharmaceuticals and Appointment Bookings Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm Office Phone Number: (306) 343-5773 Text: (306) 260-6729 Email: dorrie.cpvs@gmail.com

Small Animal Services Including 24 Hour Emergency Services Clinic Hours: Monday - Tuesday 8am - 5pm Wednesday 8am - 7:30pm Thursday - Friday 8am - 5pm Saturdays - 9am - 4pm Clinic Phone Number: (306) 384-7676 Email: cormanparkvet@gmail.com After hours emergency line: (306) 227-8062


Please contact me to discuss your Hail Insurance needs

(306) 935-2181

RM Review

June 2018


COMMUNITY CALENDAR June 9 Saturday Gin Festival Black Fox Distillery

June 1-3 Friday-Sunday Dalmeny Days Dalmeny June 1-3 Friday-Sunday Biggar Town & Country Fair Biggar

June 15 Friday 6:00pm Delisle Midget Pride vs New Zealand Delisle Ball Diamonds


Scan Code with your phone to go to our Online Calendar for more details ! June 23 Saturday Eagle Creek League Playoffs Delisle Ball Diamonds

June 12 Tuesday 10:00am - 12:00pm June 16 Saturday 10:00am - 4:00pm Delisle Safety Day Highway 60 Market Delisle Playground, 1st Street Windy Acres

June 23-24 Saturday-Sunday Living Sky Triathlon Pike Lake Provincial Park

June 2 Saturday 4:00pm Saturday Jam Session Delisle Hotel

June 12 Tuesday 7:00pm Town of Delisle Council Meeting Delisle

June 17 Sunday FATHER’S DAY

June 24 Sunday STAY-Cation Contest Draw

June 3 Sunday Kids Fishing Derby Eagle Creek Regional Park

June 12 Tuesday 7:30pm Village of Kinley Council Meeting Kinley

June 17 Sunday 9:00am Squirts & Pee Wee Playoffs Delisle Ball Diamonds

June 26 Tuesday 9:00am - 3:00pm Asquith Clean Waste Day Asquith Landfill

June 3 Sunday Coachman Car Show Pike Lake Provincial Park

June 13 Wednesday 7:00pm Town of Asquith Council Meeting Asquith

June 19 Tuesday 7:30pm Village of Perdue Council Meeting Perdue

June 27 Wednesday Last Day of School

June 3 Sunday 2:00pm - 3:30pm Rooted in Faith Women’s Garden Party Delisle Community Chapel

June 13 Wednesday 7:30pm Village of Vanscoy Council Meeting Vanscoy

June 20 Wednesday 7:30pm Village of Milden Council Meeting Milden

June 28 Thursday Grade 12 Graduations Delisle & Asquith

June 5 Tuesday 12:00pm Delisle Interagency Meeting Delisle Senior Centre

June 14 Thursday 8:00am RM of Montrose Council Meeting Donavon

June 21 Thursday 7:00pm Women in Business Meeting Delisle Composite School


June 6 Wednesday 7:00pm Village of Harris Council Meeting Harris

June 14 Thursday 9:00am RM of Vanscoy Council Meeting Vanscoy


July 1 Sunday CANADA DAY

June 9 Saturday 2:00pm Pig Roast, Car Show, Street Dance Asquith

June 15-17 Friday-Sunday Eagle Creek Jamboree Eagle Creek Regional Park

June 22 - July 1 Sasktel Jazz Festival Saskatoon

Have your events listed here FREE mail@rmreview.net

Find More Event Details at www.rmreview.net or Scan the QR Code above with your phone

W W Rock & Gravel


Organic Beef Halves, Quarters, Custom Packages Samples Available Your satisfaction is guaranteed.

Sparlyn Organic Farm 306 - 668 - 4216


Office: 306-493-2410 Fax: 306-493-3080 A Division of Link’s Backhoe & Skidsteer Services


Office 306-329-4768 Cell 306-222-6095

Ag Services Division

306 - 493 - 2408

A Division of Rice Lake Sand & Gravel

Box 130, Delisle, SK S0L 0P0

S andyridge B akery & C afe

Stobbe’s Backhoe Service

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Delisle, SK S0L 0P0

Professional Garden Roto-Tilling Starting at $45 Small Rear Tiller Fits in Any Yard

Bus. (306) 493-7579 Fax. (306) 493-8135 ken@klassentrenching.com


June 2018

RM Review


DIRECTORY TO BUSINESS Find more Detailed Listings at www.rmreview.net or Scan the QR Code with your phone Accommodations Delisle Hotel Delisle 306-493-2462 Jeannie’s Place Delisle Text/Call 306-717-0841 Mamba Ferns English Family Restaurant Perdue 306-237-9118 Milden Hotel Milden 306-935-2051

Agricultural Canpulse Foods Ltd Saskatoon 306-931-7775


Gravel / Sand

Plumbing, Heating, A/C

Flatlander Disposal 14 yard Roll-off Bins Delisle 306-493-7547

Graham Contracting Asquith 306-230-4653

ATL Electrical, Heating & A/C Delisle 306-493-2410


Klassen Trenching Delisle 306-493-7579

Thermal Mechanical Vanscoy 381-7998/270-0160

Allan Electric Asquith 306-371-0889

Link’s Backhoe & Skidsteer Delisle 306-222-9737

Potash Mine

ATL Electrical, Heating & A/C Delisle 306-493-2410

W.W. Rock & Gravel Asquith 306-329-4768


Westland Enterprizes Ltd Delisle 306-493-2709

Back 40 Embroidery Delisle 493-3033/493-2751

Delisle Credit Union 1st St, Delisle 306-493-2414

Delisle Agricultural Co-op Delisle 306-493-2212

Cooper Schneider Private Wealth at Scotia McLeod Colleen Schneider 306-664-1860

Orchard Transport - Ag Div. Delisle 306-493-2408 Air Conditioning & Heating Extreme Hi-Tech Furnace & Duct Cleaning Experts Vanscoy 306-220-8349 PLAINSMAN HVAC-R Ltd 24 Hour Emergency Service Vanscoy 306-242-3002

Automotive Sid’s Auto Service Vanscoy 306-668-2013 Trusty Appraisal Service & SGI Arbitration Delisle 306-222-0456

Schneider’s Gourmet World Neunlage 306-225-5764


Crop Production Services Delisle 306-493-8188

Innovative Ag Performance Group Ltd Delisle 306-493-3167


Hairstylist / Beauty Delisle Hairstyling & Barber Delisle 306-493-2467 Julie’s House of Style Delisle 306-493-2950

Desjardins Financial Security Investments Inc. 330 - 20th St. E. Saskatoon Norma Sparrow 306-242-1188

Salon 360 Delisle 306-493-2486

Pre-School Pike Lake Preschool Pike Lake 306-978-8164 Vanscoy Early Learning Center Vanscoy 306-668-6338

Pressure Washing

Fire & Flood

Air & Alkaline Water Purifiers Perdue 1-877-652-6853 Reflexology - Carrol King Delisle 306-493-2452

ServiceMaster Restore of Saskatoon 306-374-0941 1-877-448-6673

Home Care Products Watkins - Anne Plummer 725 Valley Rd 306-382-1284

Garden / Yard Like A Rock Grandora 306-382-3978

A1 Bookkeeping Services Vanscoy 306-850-5204

Travel Ryjo Tours Inc. Tessier 1-866-656-4786

U - Pick Prairie Cherry Pit Vanscoy 306 - 934 - 6727 1 - 866 - 816 - 7968

Promotional Items


C & S Promotions Delisle 306-493-3191 candspromotions@sasktel.net

Corman Park Vet Services Hwy #14 (SLS) 306-384-7676

Real Estate One Percent Realty Sue Stene REALTOR® Delisle 306-370-6306


Saskatoon Fire & Flood Saskatoon 306-934-7477

Tax Tax Tax

Markuss Power Wash 306-371-2409 markusspowerwash@gmail.com

The Pink Chair Delisle 306-493-2266

First General Services Saskatoon 306-979-3205

Gas / Confectionary

Agrium Potash Mine Vanscoy 306-668-4343

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RE/MAX Shoreline Realty Jocelyne Petryshyn - Owner Outlook 306-867-8380 Royal Lepage Saskatoon Real Estate - Lisa Aron Saskatoon 306-850-0320



Delisle Veterinary Service Delisle 306-493-3143 Outlook Veterinary Clinic Outlook 306-867-8777

Water / Septic FRP Manufacturing (2010) Inc. Asquith 306-329-4884 Graham Contracting Asquith 306-230-4653 Klassen Trenching Delisle 306-493-7579

D and E Cafe Asquith 306-221-6936

Link’s Backhoe & Skidsteer Delisle 306-222-9737


Delisle Hotel Cafe Delisle 306-493-2462

Starlings Septic Services Delisle 306-493-2241

Cindy the Tupperware Lady 306-716-2515

Bookkeeping Services

Delisle Ag Co-op Delisle 306-493-2212

A1 Bookkeeping Services Vanscoy 306-850-5204

Delisle Esso Delisle 306-493-2251

PCCU Insurance Ltd. Harris 306-656-4555

Dragon’s Diner Delisle 306-493-2022

Sew Kleen Hydro-vacing & Septic Asquith 306-283-4406


Sandyridge Gas & Grocery Grandora 306-668-4362

HUB International Delisle 306-493-2260


Vanscoy Tempo Vanscoy 306-683-5024

Mooney Agencies Ltd. Vanscoy 306-668-2181

Mamba Ferns English Family Restaurant Perdue 306-237-9118



Cleaning Service

Clubs Driving Range Valley Road 306-221-0842

Esthetics & Massage by Sarah Delisle 306-493-7840

Just Clean Vanscoy 306-491-5769 teresalindalziel@gmail.com

Moon River Golf Club Valley Road 306-931-8960

Jillian Walker R.M.T. 306-260-0671

Oasis Golf Resort Perdue 306-237-4653

Pet Care

Dr. Jolene Palmer, BSc. Community Health Chiropractic Clinic Delisle Primary Health Centre 306-493-2800

Construction Flatlander Construction Garbage Disposal Delisle 306-493-7547 Larmar Contracting Services Vanscoy 306-380-2327 New Age Foundations Plus Grandora 306-329-4610 Victoria’s Design 306-370-9399


Big Pines Services Inc. Vanscoy 306-230-7399


Graham Contracting Asquith 306-230-4653 Klassen Trenching Delisle 306-493-7579

Little Rainbow Roofing & Exteriors Inc. Saskatoon 306-382-4884

Link’s Backhoe & Skidsteer Delisle 306-222-9737


Markuss Landscaping Services 306-371-2409

Animal InnSpaRations Delisle 306-493-3143


Bark Place Dog Grooming Spa Delisle 306-491-9335

Great North Storage Company Delisle 306-202-8140

Lynne Road Kennels Grandora 306-270-5831


Lynn Ross Dog Grooming Vanscoy 306-382-6224

RixEdge Sharpening Services Saskatoon 306-270-8048

Kelly Block, MP 4 - 309 Main Street, Rosetown 1-306-882-6447


Subway Delisle 306-715-1111 Home Building Centre Saskatoon 306-220-2191

‘A’ Deb’s K-9 Kennelling Delisle 306-220-4727

Valleyview Golf & Country Club Delisle 306-493-3288

Jim Reiter, MLA 215 Main Street, Rosetown 1-855-762-2233

Robin’s Nest Cafe Vanscoy 306-931-6996

Hoots Welding & Ironworks Delisle 306-380-8730



MyAcres LawnCutting 306-493-7775 myacres@sasktel.net

Stobbe’s Backhoe Service Grandora 306-668-4289

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