RM Review March 2024

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My name is Shane Arthurs, my wife, Kristin and I own and operate Shane's Surplus World in Saskatoon and in Biggar, SK. We also own and operate Jerry's J&L Frame and Alignment in Saskatoon, an also have KA Performance Horses out in Grandora, SK.

Three years ago we were given a chance to open up a surplus store in Saskatoon, and we took full advantage of that opportunity. Since then, we've opened up a second location in Biggar to bring the joy of surplus goods to the surrounding communities.

We've surpassed a milestone of over 10,000 Facebook followers in the short time that we've been open since April 2021!

We want to thank all of our customers and clients who continue to shop at Shane's Surplus World and support our local business, it means more than you know!

We sell brand new overstock, returned goods, damaged goods and slightly used goods from a

big, BIG, major box store out of Alberta. Come shop at one of our stores, you just might find everything you could want, including a great deal!

Contact Us .................... p. 2 Nick Kossovan ................. p. 3 Farming Reports ............. p. 6 April Issue Deadline Down the Road ................ p. 2 Council Reports ............... p. 4 Local Businesses ............. p. 7 for Submissions is Letters to the Editor ........ p. 3 Community Reports ........ p. 5 Business Directory .......... p. 8 Friday March 29, 2024 RM Review Your COMMUNITY... Your NEWSPAPER Volume 25 Number 3 FREE INDEX Read the RM Review on your computer, tablet or phone with our FREE On-Line Reader at www.rmreview.net March 2024 Arelee, Asquith, Borden, Broderick, Conquest, Delisle, Donavon, Dundurn, Grandora, Hanley, Harris, Kenaston, Kinley, Langham, Laura, Milden, Outlook, Perdue, Pike Lake, Sonningdale, Sovereign, Swanson, Tessier, Vanscoy, Zealandia Direct Mailed for FREE to over 6,500 Homes in these Communities
Vanscoy 306 - 931 - 6996 Mon-Fri 7am - 8pm Sat-Sun 9am - 7pm You don’t need to be a Spring Chicken to enjoy our delicious Chicken Wings Tryour DillDeepNEWFried TODAYPickles Delisle Sports Celebrity Dinner Grant Program For Sports, Culture & Recreation in Delisle and surrounding area.
year's recipients:
Minor Baseball Association
Minor Softball Association
Coming in the April Issue Deadline to Participate is March 29 - Details on Page 2 Your Business or Organization can participate in this promotion by Contributing a product or service to the Prize package One of our Biggest Promotions of the Year !
Local Couple Operate Three Business in Biggar, Grandora and Saskatoon
-Delisle Composite School
-Thunderhead Archery Application deadline is March 31, 2024. Email delislesportsdinner@gmail.com for the application and guidelines.

April Issue - Participation Deadline March 29th

Kick off Spring by

June Issue - Participation Deadline May 28th

When Jack was a young boy growing up on a farm in Donovan, just outside of Delisle, SK, he always used to put some extra hustle into doing his Saturday afternoon chores - he wanted to make absolutely sure he didn't miss the puck drop on Hockey Night in Canada.

At that time, there was no TV in the rural areas of Saskatchewan, only radio.

Jack would sit on the floor right next to the radio, leaning toward it, not wanting to miss a word, listening with an avid attentiveness that would have made any of his grade school teachers giddy with delight (and surprise).

There were radio broadcasters at the time, like Foster Hewitt, who could make the game come to life with their colourful commentaries and play-byplay descriptions. But they were still no match for the play-by-play action in Jack's head which was infinitely more vivid and real than could be portrayed by just a voice over the radio. Even colour TV, still yet to be invented, would pale in comparison.

Jack’s greatest dream, greatest fantasy, like that of thousands of other young Canadians, was to skate onto the ice at the Maple Leaf Gardens in Toronto as a player for what he thought was the greatest team in the world, maybe even the greatest team in the history of the world, the Toronto Maple Leafs. (Not that Toronto had, has or ever will have, the greatest hockey team - it was just that Jack, in his youth and innocence, was very easily and seriously mis-led.

One of my neighbours is of the opinion, somewhat stridently voiced, that the Maple Leafs should be true to their name and consigned to the yard waste barrel)

Like the dreams of those thousands of other youngsters, that dream of Jack’s was never realized - and that was because Jack got to surpass even that fantastic dream.

Jack skated onto the ice at Maple Leaf Gardens for the first time when he was playing for the Boston Bruins.

Jack was the starting goalie for the Bruins and in that first game against the Toronto Maple Leafs he earned himself a shut-out - a shut-out against the greatest team in the world - even Jack's boyhood imagination couldn't dream a dream that amazing.

When Jack started his professional hockey career as a goalie in 1960, the custom then was to play without helmets. The goalies were additionally put at risk by not wearing face masks. The hockey puck is 6 ounces (180 grams) of hard, black, frozen-solid lethality travelling at speeds that can

reach in excess of 100 miles (160 kilometres) an hour.

To put it in maybe better understood terms: 100 miles an hour is equal to slightly more than 145 feet per second so a shot from 25 feet out (the length of the garage on your house) reaches the goalie in about 1/6 of a secondnot much time there to ponder your options.

When Jack was playing for the Bruins he used to face up against the likes of Bobby Hull who was playing for the Blackhawks.

On one memorable occasion, early in Jack's career, he stopped one of Bobby's slapshots with his head. Some time later, when Jack woke up in the dressing room, he opened his eyes, still flat out on his back, to the sight of Bobby peering at him with concern on his face and then heard Bobby say, "Jeez, kid, I thought I'd killed you."

Jack got cleaned up and got stitched up and the very next day, got suited up - he had a game to play. Tough guy? Still concussed? Or maybe it's that you can put a Saskatchewan farm boy down but you can't put him down for long.

Jack says that he always loved penalty shots, he was never fearful about them, he just really loved the challenge, loved living up to the challenge - even without a mask.

Jack played professional hockey for 17 seasons, including minor league intermissions, from 1960 through 1976. As well as the Boston Bruins, he also played for, among others, the Chicago Blackhawks, the LA Kings, and even the best of the best, the Edmonton Oilers.

Jack's last game in professional hockey was a WHA game in 1976. He was playing for the Phoenix Roadrunners alongside the great Gordie Howe and in that game Jack was awarded the game star. Jack figured what better way to end his career than with a game like thatplaying alongside one of hockey's icons and getting a game star in the process. Dreams don't get any better than that.

One of the great things about Jack is that he has always been in awe of how lucky he has been to play professional hockey - "I always wondered how come I could make it in pro-hockey" he says.

Anybody who knows Jack or has followed his career wonders if, perhaps, it may have been talent and skill - and a stubborn reluctance to duck.

Jack Norris is being inducted into the Saskatchewan Hockey Hall of Fame this year (2024) at an award ceremony taking place

DISTRIBUTION & SUBSCRIPTIONS 6,700 copies of the RM Review are published monthly and direct mailed for free to homes in the communities shown in the map to the right. Out of area subscriptions are available for $36/yr. As well, it is available for free pick-up at local news stands throughout this distribution area. CONTACTS Phone: 306-668-1312 mail@rmreview.net www.rmreview.net Box 333, Vanscoy, SK S0L 3J0 We reserve the right to edit copy for libel or other legal, spelling or grammatical errors. We accept no liability for any such errors. ON-LINE VERSION Every issue is available for free, in full color, with our online reader. Click on the link on our website at... www.rmreview.net April Issue comes out April 3rd - Submission Deadline is March 29th CONTACT THE RM REVIEW
Current. The Goalie Down the Road by Brian Brannagan RM Review 2 March 2024 www.rmreview.net Get your business direct mailed into 6,700 local homes for a full year for only $50 Contact Us Today to Save $15 306-668-1312 mail@rmreview.net Business Directory Special RM Review Distribution Area Contact us Today mail@rmreview.net 306 - 668- 1312 www.rmreview.net
July 12 in Swift
your “Just for Mom” Products, Services and Events with us. Contest runs March 31st - April 27th
sure you have a successful summer by promoting your Products, Services and Events Contest runs May 26th - June 22nd RM Review Promotion Opportunities Contests are marketed with full page ads in the RM Review newspaper, as well as weekly direct emails plus website and social media posts Your Business or Organization will receive thousands of exposures each month by Contributing a product or service to Prize package

Dear Editor,

Letters to the Editor

Where Your Power Comes From

In your February issue under letters to the editor, a reader wrote about misinformation on their Saskpower bill regarding carbon taxes. Another thing Saskpower customers should be aware of is that there are certain problems with sources of generation of power. If you go on the Saskpower website and look under " Where Your Power Comes From" you can find out detailed information on all sources of power generation.

During the fall and winter months and especially the January minus 43 weather, the output of solar and wind generation has been low and actually zero for long periods. And during this time our hydro, natural gas, and clean coal power generation has provided 99% of our provinces needs. These 3 types of generation can deliver this baseload power 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year!

The output of solar and wind deliver

Tless than 25 % of their stated wattage rating over the course of a calendar year. You can build 100's more of these systems at huge costs and they still have zero output at times when you need power the most. If you are wondering why your power bill keeps going up, this is probably a good explanation. You can also read about the contracts signed by saskpower with these green? generation companies. If solar and wind generation worked as advertised, your power bills would be going down, not up.

To be fair, I have 5 cattle pastures where I use low power load solar charged battery storage water pumping systems. They work great in June, July and August, but I do notice an output decline as sunlight hours are reduced. If it's cloudy for more than a few days I have had to swap out the deep cycle batteries for some freshly charged batteries and as the weather gets colder I have had to add more solar panels, bigger charge controllers, and more batteries

to keep the system operating. When it gets really cold there is no way to run any form of a heating device to keep the trough from freezing. Motion detectors and nose pumps are available for other options but may risk water well contamination.

I would say that production of wind farms, solar farms, and electric vehicles require enormous amounts of material to be mined out of the earth. I don't see how there is any overall benefit for society with this type of mining and the harm caused by it. The so called green energy is supplemental at best and we should just concentrate on building reliable baseload power to cover our needs night and day, no matter the weather conditions. If you want to personally invest in a supplemental power system, it should be your choice and not forced upon us.

High Expectations Negatively Impact Your Emotional Landscape

he relationship between your expectations and your emotions is direct; for this reason, it's wise to cultivate the skill of managing your expectations.

The difference between your expectations and reality, sometimes chasmic, determines how often you experience hurt, disappointment, anger, stress, happiness, or satisfaction. Imagine the rollercoaster of emotions generated by waking up on a sunny morning, expecting to start your day with a cup of coffee, and then finding out your coffee machine isn't working.

We're creative at creating narratives to soothe ourselves, especially regarding how our choices today will influence our tomorrows. When we set out to do something, we always expect everything to turn out exactly how we want. Does this sound familiar?

•"After I graduate, companies will line up to hire me, offering me a great salary so I can live comfortably."

•"Tessa is the love of my life. We'll date for a few months, move in together, get married, buy a house in the suburbs with a big backyard and a two-car garage, and have kids. BOOM! Happy life."

•"My business idea is fail-proof. Venture capitalists will be clamouring to invest in my startup. I'll hire some awesome talent to build my product and business. In five years, I'll sell the company for $300 million."

•"I'll make videos of me doing something daring and upload them on Instagram. My videos will go viral, and voila, I'll be a social media celebrity, inundated with endorsement offers."

Do these scenarios have a chance of becoming reality?

I can't say exactly, but I'd wager it's close to zero.

Reality check:

•A degree doesn't guarantee a successful career. Most people underestimate the effort and sacrifices required to achieve the career success they claim to want.

•The odds of finding your soulmate, let alone having a long-term relationship with them, is slim, especially as we live increasingly online, choosing to build relationships through the Internet rather than investing in personal interactions, which require venturing out. Finding your soulmate is less likely if you're not physically "out there."

•According to the website Failory, up to 90% of startups fail.

•Becoming a social media celebrity… really?

I'm not trying to discourage dreams; however, pragmatism never hurts. It's impractical to have high expectations (aka. unrealistic expectations) because they're more likely not to come true and do more emotional harm than good. This is certainly true when it comes to what we expect from our purchases.

Until recently, my consumerism was driven by the narratives I kept telling myself about expected outcomes. A few years ago, I said to myself that when I buy a new laptop and subscribe to a writing app, I'll write more. So, after I Googled "What's the best laptop for writers," I bought XYZ laptop and subscribed to a recommended writing app. The result: my writing output remained the same.

Here's what I noticed about my consumerism, which likely applies to you. When buying with an "expected outcome" narrative running in my head, I'm happy. When the expected outcome doesn't materialize, I become unhappy, frustrated, and angry. To get the happy endorphin rush again, I create a new expected outcome narrative. For example, I’ll say to myself if I wear an Omega watch, I’ll be viewed as a James Bondtype guy. Expected outcomes are how I ended up with an '82 Corvette, several leather jackets, countless selfhelp books and As Seen On TV products (If it's too good to be true...) and taking expensive vitamin supplements.

Marketers leverage our never-ending quest to find and/or create happiness by weaving into their product promises, either explicitly or implied, that their product is what you need to be happy, desirable, respected, and, most importantly, accepted. Buying stuff with the expectation that it’ll make us happy or that people will perceive us differently and, therefore, treat us differently defines Western consumerism. A good deal of our unhappiness is the result of our stuff not meeting our expectations. Divorcing myself from high expectations has taken me a long time. Actually, my divorce has yet to be finalized. Having high standards, being driven, and aiming high is a good thing; just don't let your imagination, or worse, your sense of entitlement, create expected outcome narratives that determine your purchases, reasons to pursue, timelines and expected outcomes.

I'm not sharing some earth-shattering lifehack. We all know through repeated experience that our expectations influence our emotions. Aside from “our product will change your life!” marketing propaganda and seeking shortcuts to happiness, recognition, and respect, what else influences our expectations?

•People posting their filtered lives on social media.

•Seeing those around you driving a new automobile, living in a beautiful home, vacationing twice a year, and raving about the restaurants they frequent. (Never said: Their debt burden to support their projected lifestyle.)

Thanks to easy access to credit and social media, fake success is everywhere, which subconsciously makes us want more than we already have, which is probably enough. The key to lowering your expectations is to reduce your desire for attention and recognition, to be seen as successful, and to have your beliefs, values, and culture universally accepted. Set your expectations based on what’s most important—what you’ve probably been neglecting—your best interests.

The most manageable lever you can pull that’ll help you achieve happiness and ratch down your stress isn't your reality; it's your expectations.

In a world that seems spiralling downward, lowering your expectations is a form of self-kindness you probably need right now.

Nick Kossovan, a self-described connoisseur of human psychology, writes about what's on his mind from Toronto. You can follow Nick on Twitter and Instagram @NKossovan

RM Review 3 March 2024 www.rmreview.net
PERSONAL INCOME TAX RETURNS Filed Online Discount for Seniors GOODNOUGH BOOKKEEPING Phone 306 - 493 - 2771 Cell 306 - 361 - 9767 bobgoodnough@gmail.com


Submitted by Council Administrators. Ask your local Council to send us a monthly report.


Asquith Town Council held its regular council meeting on February 14, 2024. Attending was Deputy-Mayor Jackie Stobbe, and Councillors Darcy Stack, Pete Heck, Cecilia Mryglod, Jodi Nehring, and Wade Monks-Janzen. Also attending was C.A.O. Kathy Picketts and Office Assistant Kaila Montgomerie.

The meeting was called to order by DeputyMayor Stobbe at 6:59 p.m.

A resolution was made to accept the council minutes from the January 10, 2024, regular council meeting.

Council made a motion to accept the January 2024 financials and January 2024 bank reconciliation as presented to them at the meeting.

Accounts Paid in the amount of $30,213.17 and Accounts Payable of $27,115.09 was accepted as presented.

Do you know about the Asquith Nature Destination? Please contact the Town Office for further information or alternatively access information on our website or Facebook page.


Town Council held a regular meeting on February 13th. The Town will hire CP Distributors to install self-closers and automated locks on the bathroom doors at the

ball diamond concession so that the bathroom doors will automatically lock at the end of the day and unlock at the beginning of the day.

The Town will renew its natural gas supply contract with Connect Energy for another one year term at a rate of $3.15/gigajoule.

The Town officially hired AECOM to provide engineering services for the design and construction to replace the sewage lift station on the east side of Town. An additional $135,000 from 2023 operations will be placed in a reserve fund for this project.


Council of the Village of Vanscoy would like to clarify a statement that was made in a previous report. The statement should have said that the RM decision not to fund Recreation Boards in 2024 was due to the lack of Municipal Reserve Collections.

The 2024 Assessment Roll will be completed later this month, and the Notices will be mailed with the March utility billing.

Reminder to residents that when the snow removal contractor is clearing the streets, please remove all vehicles from the streets.



RM OF CORMAN PARK - March 18, 9:00am

RM OF DUNDURN - March 19, 8:00am

RM OF EAGLE CREEK - March 12, 9:00am

RM OF HARRIS - March 13, 8:00am

RM OF MCCRANEY - March 14, 8:00am

RM OF MILDEN - March 13, 9:00am

RM OF MONTROSE - March 14, 8:00am

RM OF PERDUE - March 12, 9:00am

RM OF ROSEDALE - March 12, 8:00am

RM OF RUDY - March 13, 6:00pm

RM OF VANSCOY - March 14, 9:00am

TOWN OF ASQUITH - March 13, 7:00pm

TOWN OF BIGGAR - March 5 & 19, 7:15pm

TOWN OF DELISLE - March 12, 7:00pm

TOWN OF DUNDURN - March 12, 6:00pm

TOWN OF HANLEY - March 11, 7:00pm

TOWN OF LANGHAM - March 11 & 25 6:30pm

TOWN OF OUTLOOK - March 13 & 27, 7:00pm

TOWN OF RADISSON - March 20, 7:00pm

TOWN OF ZEALANDIA - March 10, 4:00pm

VILLAGE OF BORDEN - March 12, 7:00pm

VILLAGE OF BRODERICK - March 13, 7:00pm

VILLAGE OF CONQUEST - March 12, 7:00pm

VILLAGE OF GLENSIDE - March 13, 7:30pm

VILLAGE OF HARRIS - March 13, 7:00pm

VILLAGE OF KENASTON - March 12, 7:00pm

VILLAGE OF KINLEY - March 12, 6:30pm

VILLAGE OF MILDEN - March 20, 7:30pm

VILLAGE OF PERDUE - March 19, 7:30pm

VILLAGE OF VANSCOY - March 12, 7:30pm

Regular Council meetings are open to any and all members of the public. COVID restrictions may apply.

Dates may change. Check with local Councils.


The R. M. of Harris No. 316 is accepting applications for the position of an Seasonal Equipment Operator to handle various outside operations for the municipality including mowing, mulching and sign installation. The successful candidate will also be required to carry out other duties as directed by Council or the Municipal Foreman. This is a seasonal position and usually runs from April to November each year. Previous equipment experience will be an asset. The municipality offers a competitive benefits package including Pension Plan. Applicants should provide previous work experience, including types of equipment operated, 2 references and salary expected. A valid drivers license is required.

Applications will be received until 4:00 pm on Thursday March 7th at the following address:

R. M. of Harris No. 316

Box 146 Harris, Sask

S0L 1K0

Ph: 306-656-2072

Fax 306-656-2151

Email: rmharris316@gmail.com


Village of Kinley

Notice is hereby given that the Assessment Roll for the Village of Kinley for the Year 2024 has been prepared and is open to inspection in the office of the assessor, from:

8:30am to 4:00pm on the following days:

Tuesdays: March 1, 2024 to April 2, 2024.

A Bylaw pursuant to Section 214 of The Municipalities Act has been passed and the assessment notices have been sent as required.

Any person wishing to discuss the notice of assessment or potential appeal may contact the assessor at the Village of Kinley, Box 51, Kinley, SK S0K 2E0 A notice of appeal, accompanied by a $250 appeal fee, which will be returned in the appeal is successful, must be filed with the Secretary to the Board of Revision - Kristen Tokaryk Western Municipal Consulting Ltd., Box 149, Meota, SK., S0M 1X0 by the 2nd of April, 2024.

Dated this 1st day of March, 2024.

Gaylene Quiring


RM Review 4 March 2024 www.rmreview.net

Vanscoy Senior Citizen Club

Annual Meeting & Membership Drive

The Vanscoy Senior Citizen Club invites you to our annual meeting and membership drive Tuesday March 26, 2024 at 7 pm. The agenda of the meeting is to have the election of officers, provide an update on the renovations, and plan upcoming events with ideas from those attending.

Membership fees of $10.00 will be collected from all new and existing members. The meeting will be followed by card games, shuffleboard and lunch. All new and existing members are welcome.

For further information please contact Raelene Boyle 306 230 5042

Vanscoy & District Agricultural Society

Spring is in the air and the Vanscoy and District Agricultural Society is busy working behind the scenes to bring you an eventful 2024 year full of events! The Society hosted Denim Day on Sat. March 2 at the Vanscoy Circle Hall. On Saturday, March 23, 2024 we will be hosting Spring Bunny Bingo at the Delisle Town Hall. Doors open at 5:45pm and bingo begins at 6:30pm. There will be a 50/50, two children’s games, snacks, hot dogs and dabbers to purchase. Hope to see you there! Lastly, save the date for our perennial exchange on May 15th at the Vanscoy Circle Hall, and for all of our 2024 high school graduates, please apply for our bursary that is due on May 1st, details can be found on our website at www.vanscoyag.ca

Sonningdale Seniors Lounge

Wednesdays 2pm - 4pm Pie and Coffee

Fridays 2pm - 4pm Cookies and Coffee


is accepting applications for:


This position involves maintenance and general public works around Town, including maintenance and operation of the water/wastewater works.

Applicants must have experience with equipment such as graders, front-end loaders, and mowers. This individual is required to either have a Class I certificate in water and wastewater works or possess an Operator in Training certificate or be willing to work toward obtaining a Class I certificate. Grade 12 matriculation is required.

Applicants should submit a detailed resume, including salary expected, by April 5, 2024 by 4:00 p.m. to: Town of Asquith, Box 160, Asquith, SK S0K 0J0 or email: town.asquith@sasktel.net

While all applicants are encouraged to apply for this position, only those selected for interviews will be contacted.

SSkate Delisle Carnival March 17

kate Delisle is proud to present Fairytales on Ice for our Skating Carnival on Sunday, March 17 at the Delisle AGT Centennial Arena. Doors open at 1pm and our production is at 1:30pm. Our skaters have worked incredibly hard this year and we

Vanscoy Sr. Citizen Club Celebrates National PI Day

Thursday March 14

Come and join us for coffee and pie from 1:30 pm to 4 pm at the Vanscoy Senior Centre on Thursday March 14 or National PI Day $5.00 per person

would love for you to see their talent! There will be a raffle table along with a silver collection. Thank you!

Local Easter Church Services

Delisle/Vanscoy United Church

Palm Sunday, March 24, 11:00am

Good Friday, March 29, 10:00am

Easter Sunday, March 31, 11:00am

St Francis Xavier - Vanscoy

Holy Thursday, March 28, 7:30pm

Mass of the Lord’s Supper

Good Friday, March 29, 3:00pm

Celebration of Passion of Lord

Holy Saturday, March 30, 9:00pm

Celebration of the Easter Vigil

Easter Sunday, March 31, 10:00am

Solemn Mass

St John’s Anglican - Borden

Good Friday, March 29, 11:00am

March Happenings in Borden

01 - World Day of Prayer - Radisson Lutheran - 2 pm - Everyone welcome

02 - Borden Winter Fest - Shinny at 2 pm- rink, Dance in BCC-7 pm

04 - St. John's Church Luncheon - 11:30am -1pm donation to Telemiracle

04 - Radisson Senior's Club Cash Bingo - Goodrich Centre - 7:00 pm

07 - Borden Lion’s Meeting - N Smith Room - 7:30 pm

09 - Borden Friendship Club Dinner at Langham Seniors - 5:00 pm

13 - Borden Friendship Club Meeting - N Smith Room - 2 pm

15 - St Patricks Day Luncheon - Stew, Soup - BBC - 11:30 am - 1:00 pm

18 - Radisson Senior's Club Cash Bingo - Goodrich Centre - 7:00 pm

21 - Borden Music Night - Friendship Club Room - 7:00 pm

28 - Borden Friendship Club Potluck & Program - BBC - 5:45 pm

29 - Good Friday Church Service - St Johns Anglican - 11am

30 - Radisson Senior's Pancake Breakfast - Goodrich Centre - 9 am-11am

31 - Regular Easter Church Services

31 - Borden Co-op Grocery Closed

The Delisle & District Fire Commission is looking to fill the position of Secretary-Treasurer

Part-Time position includes but is not limited to: accounts payable, accounts receivable, meeting documentation, monthly reports, annual budget, and long-term asset planning.

Successful candidate will work with the Fire Chief and under the guidance of the Commission Board Members.

Resumes can be mailed to Box 188, Vanscoy, SK. S0L 3J0 or emailed to ddfirecommission@outlook.com

Deadline to apply: Friday March 22, 2024

I would like to give a big thank you to Brent Lensen and his wife, who, on March 3rd during the snow storm, stopped to dig my car out of the snow near Vanscoy and get me to a safe place until the storm passed.

You are my Snow Angels !

Judy Brand Saskatoon

RM Review 5 March 2024 www.rmreview.net COMMUNITY

Town Hall

Call for Nominations

Three Director Positions

Please submit your signed nomination papers to the Delisle Co-op by March 22, 2024

For further information please call

Darin Sekulich General Manager or Michelle Rathgeber Office Manager at 306-493-2212

2024 Saskatchewan Crop Planning Guide and Crop Planner tools are

now available for download

The Crop Planning Guide and Crop Planner Calculator provide information that can help estimate the income and cost of production for different crops in the various soil zones in the province.

The detailed calculations in this guide are based on the inputs and returns associated with attaining a target yield in the 80th percentile for each soil zone. Actual costs and yields on each farm will differ due to the condition and type of equipment, the selection of crop protection products and other inputs, agronomic practices, soil class and weather conditions. Producers are also expected to set their own target yields and costs.

Changes to the 2024 Guide

The updates to this guide include changes to land investment. We are now assuming 85 per cent is owned and 15 per cent is financed. This has changed from producers financing 100 per cent of the crop in past years.

Based on the guide’s calculations (where the 80-percentile yield is achieved), 16 major crops included in the guide provide positive returns over variable expenses. In addition, nine crops in the black soil zone, seven crops in dark brown and five crops in the brown soil zones achieve positive returns over total expenses.

Ministry regional specialists are also available to provide advice about appropriate agronomic practices and cost assumptions.

Old Bone Trail Multiple 4-H

The Old Bone Trail Multiple 4H club had a great time at 4-H speeches on February 10th in the Delisle Town Hall. Congratulations to everyone that placed and participated. All speeches were awesome and creative. The props were cool too.

If anyone you know placed 1st or 2nd feel free to come hear them on Sunday March 3rd at the Hall in Vanscoy.

Have a good rest of your day!

Submitted by

FARMING REPORTS RM Review 6 March 2024 www.rmreview.net 2 Bay Car & Truck Wash Groceries & Confectionary Gas Pumps & Card Lock Propane & Bulk Fuel 306 - 493 - 2212 Delisle Full Service Pumps Pay at the Pump Option Available Monday - Friday: 6am - 10pm Saturday - Sunday: 7am - 10pm NEW Vanscoy Location Full Service Mon - Fri 6am - 8pm Sat - Sun 8am - 8pm BUYING ALL CLASSES OF FEEDER & CULL CATTLE Pat “Duke” Bueckert 306-291-9675 Alvin Busby 306-227-0575
Jackson 306-961-5682 Aiden Zwack 306-961-5198 Spencer Fox 306-361-9701 Lyal Fox 780-808-9731 (cull cows & bulls) Deryl Miller (Owner) 306-221-2106 KENNY’S CULTIVATING 306 - 281 - 4111 CALL OR TEXT TODAY Professional Garden Roto-Tilling Starting at $50 Small Rear Tiller Fits in Any Yard Asquith, Delisle Vanscoy and Pike Lake area Book Your Garden TODAY ! Snow Clearing & Removal Acreages Driveways ParkingLots Binyards NOWBookCallto Vanscoy and Surrounding Area Call Barney at 306 - 270 - 4353 ANNUAL MEETING DELISLE CO-OP
April 24, 2024
at Delisle
Downloads available at www.saskatchewan.ca Search Crop Planning Guide
Sand & Gravel Spreading Hauling Ken Klassen RR1 Box 15 Delisle, SK S0L 0P0 Bus. (306) 493-7579 Fax. (306) 493-8135 ken@klassentrenching.com W W Rock & Gravel Office 306-329-4768 Cell 306-222-6095 A Division of Rice Lake Sand & Gravel FOR ALL YOUR SAND & GRAVEL NEEDS S ANDYRIDGE B AKERY & C AFE Grandora 306 - 668 - 4362 Gas, Premium & Diesel / Confectionary Grocery / ATM / Post Office Thank you for 17 years of support ! New Owners, Matt & Joyce, starting December 1st Monday - Friday 6:30am - 8:00pm Sat, Sun, Holidays 8:00am - 8:00pm unless posted otherwise 306 - 237 - 7671 Troy May owner/operator tmay@hotmail.ca Super B outfits hauling grain and fertilizer in Alberta and Saskatchewan “Serving the Community Since 1983” TANK PUMPING & TOILET RENTAL Darrell, Penny & Chad Starling Office Cell 306 - 493 - 2241 306 - 370 - 2009 “Your Window to the Entertainment World” Commercial Darcy Stack Journeyman Electrician 306 - 229 - 3813 CORMAN PARK VETERINARY SERVICE DR.H. DOMOSLAI AND ASSOCIATES All clinics after hours emergency: (306) 227-8062 Large Animal Pharmaceuticals and Appointments Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm Office: (306) 343-5773 Text: (306) 260-6729 dorrie.cpvs@gmail.com Corman Park Phone: (306) 384-7676 Small Animal Services Including 24 Hour Emergency Services Clinic Hours: Monday - 8am - 5pm Tuesday - 8am - 7pm Wednesday - 8am - 5pm Thursday - 8am - 7pm Friday - 8am - 7pm Saturdays - 9am - 4pm NOW OPEN - Biggar Vet Clinic 501 - 1st Ave East, Biggar, SK Biggar Phone: (306) 948-3642 cormanparkvet@gmail.com STARLING’S SEPTIC darrelpenny@sasktel.net Like us on Facebook for Information and Updates Visit our NEW Webstore https://delislevet.clientvantage.ca Companion Animal Veterinary Clinic Located on Highway 7 service road in Delisle, SK #300 2nd Street East PO Box 246 Delisle, SK S0L 0P0 Wheel Chair Accessible Medicine General Surgery Orthopedic Surgery Dentistry In-clinic Laboratory Digital X-ray Digital Dental X-ray Ultrasound Therapeutic Laser Therapy Nutritional Consultation Canine Reproduction “The Knee Clinic” Call for after hours Emergency Service NEW HOURS 9am - 5pm Mon - Sat LOCAL BUSINESSES RM Review 7 March 2024 www.rmreview.net Trenching & Waterworks Sand - Gravel - Topsoil 306 - 230 - 4653 Snow Clearing & Removal Call Barney at 306 - 270 - 4353 Acreages Driveways ParkingLots Binyards PIKE LAKE LAWN & GARDEN FOR ALL YOUR SMALL ENGINE SALES, SERVICE, PARTS & REPAIRS 306 - 221 - 8558 wattdave530@gmail.com Dave Watt New EGO Battery Operated Snowblowers and Blowers are in... Give us a call Battery Powered - 56 Volt 5 Year Warranty www.egopowerplus.com NEW 2StageBlower Sparlyn Organic Farm 306 - 668 - 4216 Certified Organic Beef Halves, Quarters, Custom Packages Samples Available Your satisfaction is guaranteed. Advertise Your Business in this Space starting at only $49 Call 306 - 668 - 1312 mail@rmreview.net BBQ Rentals Hosting a Large Event this Summer ? Rent Locally and Save Money Call Robin’s Nest Cafe 306 - 931 - 6996


Delisle Housing Authority

Providing Safe and Adequate Housing to Individuals and Families in need. For more

Information regarding availability and qualifications:

Call/Text Sue Stene 306-370-6306


Jeanie’s Place in Delisle

Short/Long term accommodations

$300/week or $1100/month

All taxes & fees included.

Darrell call/text 306-717-0841

Brent call/text 306-380-9664

Advertising Specialties

ARQ Custom Concepts

Screen Printing, Embroidery, Promotional Products 306 - 381 - 3731



Orchard Transport - Ag Div.

Richardson Pioneer



Agricultural Mechanic

Northern Plains Equipment Repair

Ag & Heavy Duty

Asquith 306-496-7100



Diamond Counselling Services Accepting Adult/Family Clients Langham 306-283-4670

Duct Cleaning

Ace Air Vac Harris 306-850-1045 robindashney@gmail.com

Electrical & Satellite

ATL Electric & Heating

Complete Electrical and Heating Service Vanscoy 306-493-2410 24Hrs

BTE Trenching & Electrical 306-220-4377 or 306-220-5500

Asquith bte20@outlook.com

R + L Electric

Industrial, Commercial and Residential 24 HR Emergency Service

Saskatoon and Area 306-260-7063



Electrical Troubleshooting and Service - Licensed & Bonded

Asquith 306-229-3813


Back 40 Embroidery Delisle 493-3033/493-2751



Valleyview Golf & Country Club

Delisle 306-493-3288


Gravel / Sand

Graham Contracting

Topsoil also available Asquith 306-230-4653

Klassen Trenching

Delisle 306-493-7579

W.W. Rock & Gravel

Asquith 306-329-4768


Schneider’s Gourmet World Neuanlage 306-225-5764

Lisa Reimer 306-227-6535 lisareimer.myrandf.com/ca Salon 360

Massage Therapy

Chanda Massage & Reflexology

Registered Massage Therapist, Certified Reflexology and Reiki Healer

Borden 306-717-8704


Jolene Thompson, RMT

Delisle(Acreage) 306-260-5409


Kristi Done Massage Therapy Call or Text to Book

Vanscoy 306-292-9473


Shania Meyer

Registered Massage Therapy

Find me on Facebook or website shaniameyermassagetherapy.ca

Direct billing & online booking Borden 306-768-4252 shaniameyermassagetherapy@gmail.com


Avery's Guitar Shop Certified Luthier, Instrument Repair, Recording Studio, Music Lessons Sovereign (306) 250-2297

Online Shopping

Dee Anna’s Boutique Delisle 306-493-2401

Designs by Nancy Durham Vanscoy 306 - 370 - 4949


Jerry's J&L Frame and Alignment

The Shop for a Second Opinion!

SGI certified, we offer wheel alignments, frame straightening, and more! 626 Weldon Avenue

Saskatoon 306-934-3634 www.jandlframe.com

Trusty Appraisal Service & SGI Arbitration



Prairie Sun Bookkeeping

Vanscoy 306-230-1522


Care Home

Borden Care Home

Borden 306-997-2266 bordencarehome@gmail.com

Cleaning Service

Just Clean

Vanscoy 306-491-5769






20th St. E. Saskatoon

Norma Sparrow 306-242-1188

Firearms Safety Courses

Canadian Firearms Safety Courses/PAL

Pete Heck -20 Years Experience as Firearms Officer

Asquith 306-914-6677


Garden / Yard

Like A Rock

Grandora 306-382-3978



Robin’s Nest Cafe

Vanscoy 306-931-6996

Sandyridge Bakery & Cafe

Grandora 306-668-4362


RixEdge Sharpening Services

Saskatoon 306-270-8048


Biggar Vet Clinic 501 - 1st Avenue East

Biggar 306 - 948 - 3642

Corman Park Vet Services Hwy #14 (SLS) 306-384-7676

Delisle Veterinary Service

Delisle 306-493-3143

Eagle Creek Veterinary Services

Rosetown 306-831-8387

After Hours 306-831-9222

eaglecreekvet@gmail.com www.eaglecreekvet.ca

Release Equine Horse tack, pet apparel and accessories. Shop online: releaseequine.com

Email for more information: ReleaseEquine@hotmail.com

Painting / Decorating

Digger’ Painting

Outlook Veterinary Clinic Outlook 306-867-8777 ovc@sasktel.net

Water / Septic

Burwell Trenching & Electrical Asquith 306-220-4377 bte20@outlook.com

Econo Septic & Sewer Services

Pump septic tanks, mud sumps, car wash, commercial/industrial tanks. Unplug sewer lines, replace and repair pumps, switches, alarms. 24-hour emergency service

Saskatoon 306-384-6662


Links Water & Septic Services

Certified septic design/consulting. Acreage water/septic install and repair, water testing/treatment and septic system maintenance. Vanscoy 306-493-2410 24Hrs



Delisle 306-493-3143

Bark Place Dog Grooming Spa Delisle 306-491-9335

Plumbing & Heating

ATL Electric & Heating Complete plumbing & gasfitting

Vanscoy 306-493-2410 24Hrs

Taylor Mechanical Vanscoy 306-381-7998


Dignity Home Care Solutions

Brandi Orth 306-230-0026 athomecaregiving@outlook.com


Cindy Monea 306-716-2515


Excellence in service since 1989


Pike Lake Preschool Pike Lake 306-978-8164

Early Learning Centers

Vanscoy 306-668-6338

Delisle 306-493-6338

Asquith 306-329-6338

Graham Contracting Asquith 306-230-4653

Klassen Trenching Delisle 306-493-7579

Starlings Septic Services Delisle 306-493-2241


Sew Kleen Hydro-vacing & Septic Asquith 306-283-4406

Website Design

Whole Wheat Web DESIGN

Affordable and practical website design and maintenance services for small business, community groups and families since 2005. Delisle 306-493-3023 mail@wholewheatwebdesign.ca

Yardwork / Excavation

Barney’s Bobcat

Apex Home Inspections

Vanscoy 306-270-4353

Big Country

Landscaping & Maintenance

Delisle 306 - 203 - 6618

big country.ltd@gmail.com

Klassen Trenching

Delisle 306-493-7579

Links Backhoe & Skid Steer Service

Vanscoy 306-493-2410

RM Review 8 March 2024 www.rmreview.net BUSINESS DIRECTORY Find more Detailed Listings at www.rmreview.net or Scan the QR Code with your phone
Agricultural Co-op
Agricultural Delisle
Delisle 306-493-2212
Ag Performance Group Ltd. (IAP)
Ag Retail & Custom
Treating Services Delisle 306-493-3167 www.innovative-ag.ca
Delisle 306-493-2406
Delisle 306-493-1500
simple solution
managing the movement of grain or fertilizer Delisle
306-493-7409 www.flo-gate.ca
Demand Ranch Hand Farm, Acreage, Homestead Services Ranch hand for contract hire
438 - 389 - 6986 taylorjwood213@yahoo.com
Gas / Confectionary Insurance Delisle Ag Co-op Delisle and Vanscoy Locations 306-493-2212
Bakery & Cafe Grandora 306-668-4362 PCCU Insurance Ltd. Harris 306-656-4555 HUB International Delisle 306-493-2260 Westland Insurance Vanscoy 306-668-2181 Financial
Real Estate
Prairie Centre Credit Union A full service financial institution that was born on the prairies. We are Saskatchewan’s largest rural based credit union and profits earned here, stay here. Members are owners which makes it highly motivating for us to help them achieve financial success at home.
Branch: 1-306-493-2414
Branch: 1-306-656-4466
Financial Security Investments Inc. 330 -
Specializing in Rural Property 306 - 371
dbohle50@gmail.com Boyes Group
306-221-9350 / 306-227-5110 www.realestatesk.ca Dwein Trask Realty
Dwein Trask
RE/MAX Shoreline
306-867-8380 / 1-844-838-SOLD www.remax-shorelinerealty.com
- 6939
GED Painting & Decorating European Designs Delisle/Vanscoy 306-229-8743 eugenegrenier8@gmail.com
Painting Biggar, Rosetown, Outlook, Delisle 306-381-3202 4bparker@gmail.com Home Care
Christopher Independent Epicure Consultant Delisle 306-493-2933 dsdt@ sasktel.net text 306-291-0298
Done Independent Epicure Consultant Vanscoy 306-292-9473 kristidone.epicure.com
MIKE’S Raw Prairie Honey FRESH HONEY... READY ! Wildflower/Dandelion & Canola 2023 Food Safe Certification Pike Lake 306-384-3092 mikesbees@sasktel.net Lawn & Garden Pike Lake Lawn & Garden Sales, Service, Parts, Rentals Pike Lake 306-221-8558 Home Care Products and Housewares
all communities in the RM Review distribution area Delisle 306-231-4258
Hairstylist /
Reiter, MLA 215 Main Street, Rosetown
Government Jim
Block, MP 4 - 309 Main Street, Rosetown 1-306-882-6447
Animal InnSpaRations
306-222-0456 Air Conditioning & Heating ATL Electric & Heating Boiler & In Floor Heat Specialists Service all Furnaces/Air Conditioners Vanscoy 306-493-2410 24Hrs PLAINSMAN HVAC-R Ltd 24 Hour Emergency Service Vanscoy 306-242-3002 Taylor Mechanical Vanscoy 306-381-7998 taylormechanical@sasktel.net DLN Construction Outlook 306-867-8334 Redberry Renovations Ltd. Grandora 306-260-3778 redberryrenovations@sasktel.net Clothing Shane's Surplus World Serving Saskatoon & Biggar #120-1500 Quebec Avenue Saskatoon - 306-665-1313 521 Main Street Biggar - 306-948-1313 www.shanessurplusworld.com Buy one get one FREE clothing EVERYDAY ! NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW SPRING SPECIAL Directory Listing $50 for a full year !!! Call 306 - 668 - 1312 mail@rmreview.net First Time Listing Only (Regular $65) Your Business Here ONLY $50 for a YEAR ! Call 306-668-1312 TODAY Your Heading Here Your Business Here ONLY $50 for a YEAR ! Call 306-668-1312 TODAY Your Heading Here

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