www.royalmasonic.herts.sch.uk www.facebook.com/RMSforGirls
SCHOOL NEWS RMS Makes History! Of course, the big news of the term was our contact with Tim Peake on board the International Space Station! In the run up to the event, students from throughout the School were very busy investigating both space in general and life on the ISS in particular. The girls were also lucky enough to hear from a wide range of industry experts, including Susan Buckle, a former RMS pupil, who now works at the UK Space Agency. Year 10 also took part in a radio build-a-thon with the Radio Society of Great Britain, and a number of Year 9 girls were chosen to take their Foundation Licence and have a chance to speak directly to Tim Peake on the contact evening. We would like to thank ARISS for making the contact possible, the RSGB for the time they gave up to training and working with the girls, our speakers from the UK Space Agency, Airbus, QinetiQ and the University of Surrey. We would also like to thank the BBC for their coverage of the event on the Three Counties Radio Show. Huge thanks also go to the Estates Team who worked tirelessly to construct the platform on the roof of the Great Hall for the radio mast. Finally, special thanks must go the Science Department, and in particular Mrs Timoney and Miss Black, without whom the event would never have happened! Please see the next page for an account by Alannah, one of our Sixth Form Science Ambassadors...
SCHOOL NEWS In December, the first British ESA astronaut began his 400km journey out of Earth’s atmosphere to reach the International Space Station (ISS). The astronaut, Major Tim Peake, has dedicated six years worth of training for this important mission, where he will carry out hundreds of experiments. However, amongst his busy schedule on the ISS, Tim has offered a select number of schools the opportunity to make contact with him whilst in outer space, and thanks to the hard work and determination of the Science Department, RMS had the once in a lifetime opportunity to be one of these selected schools. Since finding out this exciting news, RMS has embraced all things related to space and astronomy to get the entire School community involved in the lead-up to the big event. Susan Buckle, a former student of RMS, came in to talk to our girls about her exciting career in the space industry and showed us footage of her zero-gravity experience with Tim Peake. Susan studied Experimental Psychology at Bristol University, but had always had an interest in aircraft and flying, which allowed her to pursue a space-related career. Now, at the European Astronaut Centre, Susan trains astronauts and ground control personnel in spaceflight operations on human factors such as communication, teamwork and situation awareness. Susan has demonstrated the power of having enthusiasm and passion in your areas of interests and how this attitude, which lies at the core of the RMS ethos, can enable you to work in any field you desire, which was truly inspirational to all the girls. As well as Susan, speakers and engineers from companies such as QinetiQ and Airbus have visited us, sharing their exciting experiences and allowing girls to have the chance to hold components that have been in space and travelled on rockets whilst on previous missions.
SCHOOL NEWS The whole community at RMS has been so supportive and excited about the Tim Peake event and many different departments have made their own tributes. For example, girls have made ‘space food’ in Food and Nutrition and so far, P.E have collectively run 600km - the equivalent distance of a journey to the ISS and half way back. Not to forget the replica space suit which has circulated around the Science Department, Cadogan House, the boarding houses— and even Mrs Rose’s office! In preparation for the link up via radio communication, six Year 9 girls had the unique opportunity to qualify for their Foundation Amateur Radio Licence, thanks to the Radio Society of Harrow who came into School to teach the girls and prepare them for the link up. This enabled Jennifer, one of the Year 9 girls, to be given the responsibility of contacting Tim Peake on the night.
On the day of 11th February, the morning of the day of contact, a few lucky girls got the chance to be interviewed by BBC Three Counties Radio and Heart Radio. The Maths corridor was even out of use for the afternoon whilst BBC hosted their live radio broadcast from there! In the evening, as girls, parents, visitors and special guests began to fill their seats ready for the link up, the atmosphere in the Great Hall was full of excitement and suspense, as nobody quite knew if this contact was going to be a success. The handful of girls, whose questions to Tim had been selected, were sitting excitedly at the front of the stage. The crew from ARISS were sat nervously at their computers whilst we approached 18:09 – the scheduled time of contact. Due to the fact the ISS orbits the Earth approximately once every 90 minutes, we only had a very short window of ten minutes in which contact with the ISS from the UK would actually be possible. However, as Jennifer introduced RMS with the name of ‘GB1RMS’ and a fuzzy background noise filled the silence of suspense, there was then a huge cheer from the audience as we heard Tim’s response – we had made contact! www.royalmasonic.herts.sch.uk
SCHOOL NEWS There was even greater excitement when a video of Tim appeared on the screen, enabling us to see Tim float around on the ISS whilst speaking to our RMS girls. Some really interesting questions were asked by girls of from throughout the School from Cadogan House through to Sixth Form, such as who was Tim’s biggest inspiration to travel into space, how is being an astronaut different to being an aquanaut, how do you produce oxygen on the ISS, what was the hardest thing to adjust to and what’s the best advice you’ve been given and wish to pass on to future astronauts? We even learnt what happens when you get hiccups in space! The clarity of Tim’s voice and the quality of the video call was so impressive, and after the ten minutes in which RMS spoke to Tim, the ARISS team told us we had just made global history, as that was the first time on the amateur radio TV system that an astronaut had spoken to a school. It felt like such a privilege and an honour for RMS to have been involved in such a prestigious occasion, and as a student of the school, I felt so proud to be a part of the wonderful RMS community. The contact with Tim Peake was an experiment, as nobody quite knew what the outcome would be, but much to our excitement, it was a huge success and will be a memory that I’m sure every girl will treasure. You can re-live every moment of the contact by watching the video at http://amsat-uk.org/2016/02/12/ariss-uk-release-full-video-of-tim-peake-and-rms-contact/
SCIENCE NEWS Physics trip to the Royal Astronomical Society Earlier this month, three Year 12 physicists went to the Royal Astronomical Society at Burlington House in London to watch a showing of the film ‘Star Men’. The film celebrates the lives of four leading astronomers as they come together to remember their expedition across the South West of America 50 years ago. We heard about the astronomers’ discoveries, as well as learning how they became so interested in astronomy and stargazing, which became especially emotional when they visited telescopes, observatories and their old camping site under the ‘Rainbow Bridge’ in Utah. We then had the privilege to ask one of the four astronomers some questions, which was a phenomenal experience. It was an inspirational film and lecture which demonstrated the passion and ambition of the astronomers, but also the wider, deeper message about the unknown and how there is so much yet to discover. On behalf of all the physicists that went, I would like to thank Ms Black for organising the event. Serena C, Year 12
RMS Chicks Our first chick, Lightening, hatched at 2.40pm on Wednesday 16th March, and the others didn’t wait too long to follow him!
RMS “STEAM” Events To support Mrs Rose's initiative to encourage more girls to take an interest in STEAM-based career opportunities, several teachers started to hold a series of events that cover Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics themes. In conjunction with Family Day at BETT - the world’s largest free educational show - RMS were one of only ten schools from the UK to be invited to attend a specially organised event for students . This was an excellent way for 15 Year 8 students to share their Computing skills with a wide audience of conference delegates whilst at the same time enabling them to visit over 500 exhibitors including: MineCraft, 3D printers, LEGO robotics, Virtual Reality headsets, BBC MicroBits and Raspberry Pi. Amy Naden gave a particularly impressive demonstration of her non-linear adventure game and the girls were able to benefit from a LEGO robotics workshop and a codebreaking challenge set by a member of the Bletchley Park education department. Eighteen students benefitted immensely from the first of our weekend STEAM workshops which focussed on Problem Solving. We were joined by former policemen and author Stevyn Colgan who was able to inspire the students with many examples where he had had to solve problems creatively during his time with the London Metropolitan Police. Students then went on to collaborate in the solving of a series of problems including our own version of the wonderful mass -participation game 'A Fake Artist Goes to New York'. Students of all ages attended the workshop and as organisers we were thrilled to have the chance to let them explore their ideas outside the normal classroom environment. More workshops are planned.
“WITTY” DINNERS As a current A Level student studying science, I was incredibly excited when I heard about the opportunity to attend RMS’s first WITTY (Women in Technology Talking to Young girls) dinner, with guests Sydney Pauda and Shona Ghosh. This new initiative is an incredibly exciting one, in which a variety of girls from all different years have the chance to meet and talk to inspirational women involved in STEM subjects. Our first dinner was a great success, with stimulating questions asked by all the girls to fuel the intriguing conversation, from discussing Sydney’s career in film animation and the mathematics behind coding, to VR headsets and how our future society may end up living totally in the virtual world. The fluency of the conversation evidently showed how interested and engaged all the girls were in the discussion with these two women, and it was incredibly encouraging to see so many of the younger girls speak with such confidence and enthusiasm. I believe one of the most exciting aspects about these WITTY dinners is the fact that they add another dimension to our awareness of applications of STEM subjects, giving us greater insights into life and careers in the working world, expanding our knowledge in different areas whilst simultaneously learning about specific careers in greater depth. I hope this dinner was the first of what will be many more successful events, and I thoroughly look forward to meeting and chatting to new guests, and learning more about the individual pathways they have taken to get to where they are today. Alannah, Year 12
CHARITY NEWS The £1 Challenge for LEAD This term, budding future leaders, in Year 12, have been taking part in the leadership course, called LEAD. Each week, we meet after school to listen to successful and inspiring talks, which aim to show us what it truly means to be a ‘leader’. One of these talks was presented by Ms Robb, from Deloitte, who set us the ‘£1 challenge’, whereby teams of ten are given the task of raising as much money as possible, having started with just £1. Since then, my team have been working hard to think of new and exciting ways to raise this money – as well as beat the other teams! Our first venture was a Pizza Raffle, whereby we have been selling raffle tickets for a chance to win a pizza lunch for the lucky winner to share amongst her form. Our prime position at Centre Doors has certainly helped to generate a lot of interest, particularly as as food is on the minds of all of those on their way to lunch! In addition to this, we have been selling raffle tickets to win an ‘Epic Easter Egg’, and this, too, has certainly been a main attraction to our stand, as well as our eye-catching posters, advertising our offers. Our final group venture will be a cake sale, during the last week of term. Delicious cakes and cookies will be on offer, at bargain prices. This should prove popular at break time, when hungry girls will want to refuel for the morning ahead. Finally, we have been individually raising money outside of school, through various different methods, such as tutoring, babysitting and dog walking. We have appreciated all that this task has taught us, particularly in terms of how a little can really go a long way. It has shown us that it only requires a pinch of imagination and initiative to get the ball rolling, but this has the potential to make a lot of money! We look forward to donating our profits to the School Charity, The Sohana Research Fund, which is a very worthy cause. You can find out more about the charity by visiting their website www.sohanaresearchfund.org Katie 6R1
CHARITY NEWS The £1 Challenge for LEAD This term, budding future leaders, in Year 12, have been taking part in the leadership course, called LEAD. Each week, we meet after school to listen to successful and inspiring talks, which aim to show us what it truly means to be a ‘leader’. One of these talks was presented by Ms Robb, from Deloitte, who set us the ‘£1 challenge’, whereby teams of ten are given the task of raising as much money as possible, having started with just £1. Since then, my team have been working hard to think of new and exciting ways to raise this money – as well as beat the other teams! Our first venture was a Pizza Raffle, whereby we have been selling raffle tickets for a chance to win a pizza lunch for the lucky winner to share amongst her form. Our prime position at Centre Doors has certainly helped to generate a lot of interest, particularly as as food is on the minds of all of those on their way to lunch! In addition to this, we have been selling raffle tickets to win an ‘Epic Easter Egg’, and this, too, has certainly been a main attraction to our stand, as well as our eye-catching posters, advertising our offers. Our final group venture will be a cake sale, during the last week of term. Delicious cakes and cookies will be on offer, at bargain prices. This should prove popular at break time, when hungry girls will want to refuel for the morning ahead. Finally, we have been individually raising money outside of school, through various different methods, such as tutoring, babysitting and dog walking. We have appreciated all that this task has taught us, particularly in terms of how a little can really go a long way. It has shown us that it only requires a pinch of imagination and initiative to get the ball rolling, but this has the potential to make a lot of money! We look forward to donating our profits to the School Charity, The Sohana Research Fund, which is a very worthy cause. You can find out more about the charity by visiting their website www.sohanaresearchfund.org Katie 6R1
CHARITY NEWS I recently decided to donate my hair to charity. I wanted to have my hair shorter and at the same time I heard about The Little Princess Trust which is an organisation who make wigs for children undergoing treatment for cancer and those who have lost their hair for other reasons. I found that the requirement for a donation was 7 inches or more and as my hair was much longer, I thought this was the perfect opportunity. I also wanted to support the School Charity, The Sohana Research Fund, and thought I would ask for a donation or sponsorship to have my hair cut to more than half its original length. I collected some money from friends and family and was ready for the big day!
The pictures here show you my hair being cut. I was a little nervous, but thought of the children I could potentially make a difference to. It was a small price to pay. I am happy with my new cut and raised ÂŁ100 as well as having over 10 inches of hair to send away. Jemima 8G
CHARITY NEWS 2S in Cadogan House raised a fabulous £151, making and selling loom bands. Well done to Annabel for organising and Lilly, Mayurakshi and Imogen for all their hard work.
We raised over £200 at the Tim Peake event selling cakes. Thank you to RMS Catering Department for donating the goodies!
Well done to Ibby and Rachel in 9S for managing to keep quiet for a day and raise over £400 with a sponsored silence. Pretty impressive, although it may be a hint girls that you are chatterboxes if people are willing to pay that much to keep you quiet!
CHARITY NEWS Cadogan House Charity News Cadogan House went all out for our non-uniform day that coincided with World Book Day. Looking good students and staff!
MACHIO COMPETITION Congratulations to all the girls who entered the Machio Competition this term—the entries were all of an exceptionally high standard which made choosing a winner a very difficult task!. The girls who entered were: Natacha H, Amber H, Amira D, Amy P, Isabella F, Polly B, Ria A, Roxy T, Shaan B, Sonya S, Virali S, Ice L, Lauren C and Katie A Runners Up were:
And special congratulations to our winner Lauren C on her fantastic entry
PLANNER COMPETITION Senior School students were invited to enter a competition to design the front cover of next year’s School Planner, using the nine School Values (commitment, tolerance, perseverance, participation, compassion, responsibility, respect, honesty and courage to challenge oneself) as inspiration. Congratulations to Julia R and Amelia M who came up with the original idea, which was then worked on by Sophie S and Ice L, with Miss Mordue, to come up with the final design as seen below. All the girls will see this in the flesh on the new School Planners for 2016/17
PERFORMING ARTS The Wizard of Oz The Wizard of Oz was the first experience of a Performing Arts show at RMS I have had, so I didn't really know what to expect... To be honest I was actually quite nervous because of on top of moving to an all girls secondary school, I wasn't sure I would be confident enough to do the show. I would always say in my head: What if something goes wrong? What if I mix up words? What if I'm not even successful at the audition?! Of course part of my worries was over when I had made the audition and I had been chosen to be Oz! This was great because I did want a challenge and at first it was quite a different role to the ones I would usually play which is all good experience. Almost immediately I was bombarded with practice timetables that happened every Thursday evening and later it became most of my Sundays too! The rehearsals went really well and we had Munchkin Land down to a tee, but I was a little bit concerned because I still hadn't been given my Act Two script with my wizard lines on and it was coming up to Christmas... I had been given my wizard words to luckily learn over the Christmas holidays but I still didn't have time to learn my words... When I say I didn't have time, I meant I forgot... Every Thursday leading up to the event I would keep saying "learn the script!!" Finally I did and we were a good couple of weeks away. I have to say one of my favourite moments of any production is the costumes. Now, if you are reading this and you had seen what I looked like you know what I am going to talk about... I wasn't only The Wizard of Oz, but I was also part of the Lullaby League. These were the people that did a ballet section in Munchkin land. We were given these really puffy cute tutus and cupcake headbands. So basically I transformed from a little eight year old girl, to and ninety nine year old man during the course of the play! And from now on whenever I pass some of my production friends in the corridor, I will forever be known as 'Oldy Mouldy.' www.royalmasonic.herts.sch.uk
PERFORMING ARTS It was finally the afternoon of our show that we were performing to Rickmansworth Park primary school and Cadogan House. I remember feeling really, really, really nervous and I felt a little dizzy. Stage fright I guess. Suddenly the music blazed and the lights turned on and we had begun. After the munchkin scene had finished we had literally one scene and then we were on again. So that means I had to take off my ballet shoes, tie my jazz shoes, get changed into a top and trousers and be in place in two minutes! After the bridge scene we had yet again two minutes to get changed back into our munchkin land costumes and be on the opposite end of the stage! Luckily after that I could have a rest but it is a little bit sad because already it is almost the interval. In the interval I had my amazing make up done by a Sixth Former who is really good at effects! I can wait for a while after this because I still have a little while until my first scene as Oz. Do you ever get that feeling that you want to laugh but you can't? That is how I felt when I was performing. It felt amazing though when you hear people laugh at your funny script. You feel great. I would like to finish with the friends I have met along the way on this amazing experience. They are really supportive and have made me confident enough to play my role and that I have had so much fun with them. You will definitely be seeing me again in another production soon! Tegan H, Year 7 Performing Arts Colours: The Performing Arts Faculty welcomes applications from girls for Bronze, Silver and Gold awards. These recognise years of regular attendance to our extra-curricular ensembles and also from students who take backstage/production roles. The application form and eligibility criteria are in the students' shared area: Pupil Shared/ Performing Arts. Girls should apply by Friday 22nd April.
YOUNG ENTERPRISE Team Chameleon The journey of Young Enterprise has been an incredibly exciting one, in which I have learnt many transferrable skills that I believe have played an important and valuable role in my development as a team player. Having been made the Managing Director of my team, we began to brainstorm ideas, aiming to take Dragons Den by storm! After the initial idea of creating a portable product to store plastic shopping bags to be in keeping with the new ‘5p bag scheme’, we then agreed to create a product which would solve the common problem of misplacing items around the house. From here, ‘Grippy’ was born. Grippy is an adhesive device, which can stick onto any flat surface so that you can attach all sorts of things to it, aiding you with your everyday life. For example, you can stick the Grippy on the wall and attach your phone to it to face time family and friends, take group selfies, use it on the car dashboard for spare coins or notes, in the bathroom to hold your toothbrush and many more. We decided on Chameleon as our team name to reflect the concept behind the product we were selling: our Grippy is versatile and can be used in all situations, adapting to any environment – just like a chameleon. Within the first month of establishing Chameleon, our Operations team used an online programme to design two different shapes of Grippy, and we got these manufactured in China so that we could label our product as unique and original. One design was a simple rectangular shape, which we name the ‘Classic Grippy’, and the other is in the shape of a hand, known as the ‘Helping Hand’.
YOUNG ENTERPRISE Despite having a large team of thirteen members, we collaborated well as a group, having designated specific roles for each member so that everybody knew exactly what their task was. For example, our Brand Manager ensured our logo, font, colour scheme and brand identity was consistent throughout which enabled us give a more professional impression on our customers. At the events we sold at, including selling at Intu in Watford, we kept a customer comments book so that we could gain valuable feedback and take on any advice to try to improve our company for the future. Generally, a common theme in our feedback was how people thought the idea of Grippy was both innovative and practical, and they would like to see more variety of Grippy. After taking on their feedback, we have created a prototype of a new style of Grippy that we have named the ‘Friendly Foot’. We thoroughly enjoyed selling to the public and trying to persuade passing customers why they should buy our Grippy as opposed to the product from the stall next to ours! Seven months after Chameleon was established, we took part in the Rickmansworth and Dacorum area final, competing against several other local Young Enterprise groups, including two others from RMS. After writing our interim report and updating our finance details, we re-designed the backboard for our stand and wrote a script for the four -minute presentation we were to deliver. The event was a really insightful experience and we thoroughly enjoyed being judged at our stand, answering questions and giving the final presentation in front of the judges, other teams and guests. Above all, I believe the most valuable thing I have taken away from this experience is the knowledge and insight I have gained regarding the different aspects of creating a business, as well as the sense of pride in having established a company with twelve other friends. Alannah C, Year 12
YOUNG ENTERPRISE Team Combine On 16th March, Combine attended the Rickmansworth and Dacorum Area Finals for Young Enterprise. There, we set up our stalls and stands, displaying our product clearly to the judges and fellow competitors. Our hand printed aprons and chef’s hats drew quite a lot of attention from the judges due to the effort required in printing our baking-based designs, and their eye catching quality The team was interviewed by five judges, questioning our production process, financial position, and inspiration for the product. We were quizzed on the possible future developments of the product, which we said would include children’s aprons, oven gloves and a company website. After these interviews, we then performed our presentation, which included a company powerpoint and a group speech. Working together throughout the weeks and our numerous practices helped us achieve three awards—Best Presentation, Best Teamwork and Co-operation, as well as the ultimate accolade of Best Overall Company for the Rickmansworth and Dacorum Area Finals. We thoroughly enjoyed the experience of presenting to the judges and interacting with the other groups, showcasing how far we, as a company have progressed. We look forward to the next stage—the regional finals next month—and congratulate all our fellow RMS teams who took part. Gillah A, 6M1
MODEL UNITED NATIONS This year 24 Year 12 girls attended Haileybury Model United Nations, debating global issues with over 660 students from the UK, Europe, USA and Middle East. A number of the girls were very successful in getting their resolutions debated in the committees and getting them passed to the General Assembly. It is a wonderful opportunity for our girls to develop their debating skills and deepen further their knowledge and understanding of global issues. A full report will follow next term, but here are some photographs from the weekend to whet your appetite!
AUSTRALIA SPORTS TOUR Year 7 and 8 Fundraising Sleepover On Friday 26th February we held our first fundraising event for the sports tour. Over 50 excited Year 7&8 girls arrived at the doors to the sports hall laden down with sleeping bags, pillows and for some, suitcases so big we wondered if they were planning to stay for a week! The plan, from the teacher’s point of view, was to exhaust the girls with various activities and games so that they slept at least for some of the night but would the girls have other ideas, only time would tell! After completing some introductory games as a whole group, the girls were split into groups, completed the first rounds of the quiz and were sent to various parts of the Sports Centre. We were extremely fortunate that some of the Year 9 girls going to Australia had offered to run a session of games as part of their input to the evening and led their younger peers with confidence and enthusiasm. In fact they ran the
session so well we wondered if we would have competition for our jobs in a few years!
Other groups had the opportunity to try out Boxercise, spinning in the studio, squash and trampolining. Not all groups were able to try all the different activities but by the smiles and laughter, the girls were enjoying the evening. www.royalmasonic.herts.sch.uk
AUSTRALIA SPORTS TOUR All too soon the pizzas had arrived and some very hungry girls appeared at the servery hatch and sat down together to enjoy a few minutes of relative quiet while enjoying the delicious pizza of their choice. Arianna, (who was enjoying the biggest birthday sleepover ever!) shared out her birthday cake and then the Year 9 girls, assisted by the staff, opened the tuck shop after tea, offering various sugar laden treats. The noise and energy levels began to rise again! A group task of sport memory pairs gave the girls the opportunity to run off any excess steam in the sports hall and the final rounds of the quiz were completed before the girls were sent to get themselves ready for bed amazed that it was already 9.45pm. By popular vote ‘Annie’ was chosen as the film to watch and the girls settled down in their sleeping bags to watch it in the gym while eating popcorn. By the time the film had eventually finished at about 11.30pm only a handful of girls were asleep and the PE staff tried to coax the remaining to lie quietly and fall asleep. The last girls eventually fell silent at 2am only to have the first awake again at 6.30am! There were some very tired looking girls (and staff!) in the morning as they cleared up their belongings and ate a breakfast snack of croissants and juice before parents started to arrive to collect them. The event was deemed a huge success with the girls thoroughly enjoying themselves and an amazing £1000 raised toward the Sports tour. Thanks to all the Year 9 girls who came to help on the night and to Miss Lusted, Miss Boddey, Mrs Marsh, Mrs Spendiff and Mrs Booth for organising and surviving the night!
SPORTS NEWS Sports Partnership Round Up The girls have again benefitted from our involvement with the Watford and Three Rivers School Sports Partnership this year having the opportunity to take part in numerous different sports. Our sports leaders have gained confidence in leading activities and officiating at the various competitions held at RMS and some were selected to attend the partnership run Sports Leaders Academy training day to further their leadership skills. In addition to providing the opportunity for the girls to compete, the Partnership run courses for girls to become officials in various sports including hockey and rounders, qualifications which they can use throughout their school and higher education. Not all girls are at a level of sport that they are chosen for school teams and the Year 7 and 8 Multi Sports festivals provide an opportunity for those girls to represent RMS and compete against other schools in table tennis, football, cricket, trampolining, dance and tag rugby. All the girls involved played well and their confidence grew as the competition went on. One of our traditionally strong events is the Indoor athletics of which this year has been no exception. Last year both our Year 6 and 7 teams qualified for the Herts School County finals with both teams finishing 4th in the county. This year we have again had success with the Year 4s winning the partnership finals, Year 6 coming a very close second and the Year 7&8 team both qualifying for the Country finals. The trampolining squad have also qualified for the county finals after winning the partnership competitions which are due to take place in March with the opportunity to progress to National levels if successful. Cadogan girls from Years 2 to 6 all have the opportunity to benefit from the Partnership with the younger girls taking part in Intra-Sports events, and the older girls taking part in various tournaments against other local schools. The Year 4s have competed in dance, tennis and Indoor Athletics. Y5 girls have taken part in X-Country, Tri Golf and hockey festivals and Y6’s in Indoor Athletics, Athletics, Hockey and Netball. All the girls have played well and their skills have developed as a result of their involvement.
SPORTS NEWS District Cross Country This year’s event took place at Aldenham Country Park with girls completing a muddy lap of the lake! Team RMS enjoyed great success with the Year 7 and 10 team finishing in 2 nd place and the Year 8 and Senior team winning the overall team trophies. Gracie I and Rachel P won their races and along with our other top runners (Ella P, Jane W Caitlin J, Neneh G, and Jessica B) qualified for the Hertfordshire Championships. This took place at Westminster Lodge in St Albans in early February with all athletes performing well and finishing strongly. Gracie I and Ella P (Year 8) ran superb races finishing 2 nd and 6th respectively (competing in a Year 9 race), earning themselves a place in the Hertfordshire team for the ESAA National finals, in Nottingham. Rachel P was crowned county senior champion and also qualified for the national finals. Due to a clash with the gymnastics finals, Ella was unable to take part in Nottingham leaving Gracie and Rachel to compete. Both ran very well, learning a lot from competing on the national stage and enjoying the experience. Special mention goes to Gracie who finished 55 th out of 340 athletes – not bad for someone running against athletes a year older than her! Well done to all runners; the best season for Team RMS and it’s looking very promising for next season.
SPORTS NEWS Badminton This year, the Badminton Team has been victorious on many occasions, over a range of year groups. On the 25th November 2015 the Senior team won against St Margaret’s 9-0. Following this, Year 8 and 9 won 12-1 to St Albans High. On the 2nd February 2016 Year 9 and 10 won 7-2, with one pair from each year winning all of their matches. A week later, Year 11 won their match against Northwood 6-0. In the latest Year 7 tournament, Freya and Stephanie got through to the final, winning silver medals, well done girls! Team members in Years 9 to 13 train on a Wednesday lunch time, whilst I coach the Year 8 team on a Friday after school. This has been incredibly rewarding, especially seeing the girls develop their skills over the year. There have been many wins over the year and I am incredibly proud of the team as a whole. Freya E, Year 13 School Badminton Captain
Trampolining The trampoline squad recently competed in the Next Steps County Championships. Two teams of mixed ages competed one routine and set of skills each. Both teams had a successful competition and finished in second place. Congratulations to all those who competed; Beatrice V, Charlotte C, Lauren C, Freya W, Miranda C, Natasha J, Emma F, Amelia D, Elena I-H, Caitlin J, Ana S, and Ella B
SPORTS NEWS Gymnastics So far this season, the gymnastics team have performed incredibly well and reaching their high potential. We have competed in many competitions and have always brought our personal best, and have received many medals along the way! We started the year with the Gym Show, which was a brilliant showcase of all the talent that the gymnasts have to offer. We had gymnasts from all throughout the school, from Year 3 to Year 13, all performing routines and vaulting choreographed by staff and students. Thank you to all the gymnasts and staff that helped in any way to ensure the success of the show. It was an early start for the gymnasts competing in the Milano Team Competition, however this did not stop our gymnasts from doing very well. The team consisting Isabel P, Miranda C, Molly C and Amelia D came 2nd, which qualified them for the National Competition in March.
At Nationals the team did extremely well and came 1st in their group and 6th place over all.
Congratulations to the other team of Ellie R, Ashley C, Caitlin J and Arwen R who also did fantastically well and performed brilliantly. At the Floor and Vault c ompetition, the U14 team came 2nd and the O14 team came 5th. Both the teams achieved the highest scores on Vault.
SPORTS NEWS For me, the Sports Acro competition is a highlight of the gymnastics season because everyone can get involved. We have girls ranging from Cadogan House to Sixth Form performing, and so it is always very enjoyable to watch the talent of girls in all different age groups. The groups performed very well, with the U14 group coming 2nd, the O14 Group coming 3rd and the U11 group coming 1st and qualifying for Nationals. Serena and Miranda won their pairs, and so have also qualified for the National Competition. Overall, it was an extremely successful competition and so a huge congratulations to all the girls who competed. In March, we had the ISGA Nationals. This competition involved girls from Year 5 to year 13, and all the teams supported each other. In the U15 competition, the team of Molly C, Ellie R, Ashley C, Caitlin J and Arwen R came 3rd overall, 2nd in their group and Arwen came 5th individually. The U13 team of Amelia D, Miranda C, Ella P, Mia T and Talia A performed incredibly, winning their group and overall. Specific congratulations to Miranda C, who came 2nd overall, and Amelia D who won individually. The O13 team consisting of Serena C, Isabel P, Manaalee T, Rachel R-L and Sarah R-L came 6th overall and 2nd in the group. The ISGA competition is always extremely tough and so all the girls did fantastic. It was a very triumphant weekend for RMS. The season has been very successful. We now look forward to Nationals in April where some of our gymnasts will be representing RMS at National Level. On behalf of all the gymnasts, I would like to thank Mrs Charafeddine, Miss Lusted and the PE staff for all their continuous hard work and support. Once again, congratulations to all the gymnasts who put in so much effort and determination to achieve such brilliant results.
SPORTS NEWS Netball Year 7 This year has been a very successful year for the Year 7 netball squad. The A team has been on a winning streak and they have been unbeaten in all School matches. There have only been a couple of matches that have tested the team’s ability but all of us have powered through to win. The B team has also played extremely well and only lost one match. Both teams have won their district league. Recently the A team travelled to Aldenham school to play in a Year 8 tournament. They were placed second after making the final. On 14th March both teams took part in the Year district tournaments. After an afternoon of excellent netball playing both teams came home with silver medals as they won six matches and both only narrowly lost in the final. The B team was extremely unlucky as they lost by one goal, after extra time! So much teamwork has been put in and I hope that we maintain this teamwork throughout our school years. Freya W Year 7 A Team Captain
SPORTS NEWS Year 8 The year 8 netball A team started off the season very well, beating Rickmansworth very comfortably, 37-5. Then a second win against Parmiters was slightly harder, and we won by a close margin, 20-13. Our winning streak continued when we played St Joan of Arc. We won 19-7 with some good play by everyone in our team. Once again we won against Francis Combe, 27-3. But after that we started to lose, starting with St Albans High. We lost 32-7 which shook our confidence a bit. Nevertheless, we kept training hard so that when there are league matches we are ready for them—but luckily this one was just a friendly. But then we found ourselves playing outside when we've been used to playing indoors. St Clement Danes are a very good team and we were cold. We lost 6-16 which was unlucky. Then we played Watford Girls Grammar School. which was a very close match but we just missed out, losing 6-7. Our losing streak then ended when we played Dr Challoners. We drew 11-11 which was a hard match. Well done Florie, Mia, Amy, Ella, Miranda, Kate and Mirabelle for being a well glued team and a big thank you to Mrs Marsh for being a great coach for us this year.
Year 9 A Team Through the season this year, the Year 9 netball team have played to an exceptional standard. We have managed to win the large majority of our matches, moving on to winning first place at the district tournament. There was also an outstanding performance from our newest member of the team, Neneh G who has only recently joined the school. With her exceptional experience of netball she thankfully brought many new tactics into the team, helping us to advance our standard of play. Although this season has been fun, we have had a few downs; during one of our first matches Zuriel O unfortunately injured her foot, taking her away from training and matches for eight weeks—we really missed her contribution to the team!. We also unfortunately lost a match to one of our rival schools, Haberdashers Askes, but we finally regained our confidence and upped our game to beat them at the district tournament. This season has been full of surprises, yet some misfortunes, all in all we have thoroughly enjoy this year’s netball.
SPORTS NEWS Year 9 B Team This season has been a great season!, and we have done really well throughout the term. We recently came 2nd in the district tournament, after a very close final that ended 4-2. Our biggest competitor was Haberdashers Askes, and we needed to stick with our players more! I would like to mention Elena, as she has really had a big part in the team. She is always is in the right positions around the D, and ready for the shooters if they need an option to pass to. She also finds great spacing around the whole court and is ready for anyone at any time for them to pass to. She always makes the right decisions on the centre pass and doges everyone to be ready for the next ball. We have won most our matches and only need to improve on our marking. Otherwise this season has been the best season so far.
Year 10 A Team This season the Year 10 A team have performed very well. Our most significant achievement was finishing 2nd in the District Tournament. We drew with Haberdashers in a very good game, after beating Watford Girls Grammar School. Unfortunately we then lost to Queens in a very close game meaning we could not finish in first place. Overall this season the A Team has performed consistently and won a good percentage of our matches.
Year 10 B Team Over this season, the Year 10 Netball B Team has been very successful. The team consists of Summer R, Melanie M, Emily H, Bronte T, Pepper M, Megan D, Hannah H and myself. We started the season very well with a strong win against Dr Challoner’s. As the season progressed, our team spirit and ability improved thanks to great coaching from Mrs Joyce, and we had several good wins and 3rd place in the district tournament. It has been a privilege being this year’s captain and I can't wait for next year.
SPORTS NEWS Year 11 This season the Year 11 Netball Team have gone from strength to strength, we have improved our man to man defending and our range of attacking skills to get free from defenders. We have united as a team during challenging matches to come out victorious. Becoming District League Winners was definitely one of the main highlights and proudest moments of the season, beating St Margaret’s 22-3, Watford 27-13 and Queens 11-4. Every single player on the team put 110% in to the all the matches and trainings. However, Lizzie J deserves a special mention for her excellent and consistent defending throughout the season being chosen Players’ Player a number of times by her team mates. I would just like to say a massive thank you to Mrs Pooley for all the time and dedication she has given our team. I have loved every minute of captaining the team and look forward to many more seasons together. Megan E
Senior Netball Both of the RMS Senior Netball Teams have had very successful seasons. The A Team are currently in the running to win the District League following many wins such as beating Queens 29-20, in which both shooters, Rachel O’N and Izzy S, were voted Player of the Match. The B Team has also had an excellent year, doing extremely well in the District League against the A Teams of many local schools. They recently beat St Clement Danes 24 -9, in which Phoebe I and Elizabeth C were voted Players’ Player and Coaches’ Player respectively. The A Team also had many victories in the County League, which consists of the 10 best teams in the County. These provided much tougher matches, which challenged us and offered excellent experience for all players. Everyone rose to the challenge extremely well, leading to many wins such as beating Sandringham 24-14 and Dame Alice Owns 34-8. Olivia Clancy was voted Coaches’ and Players’ Player in both of these matches. I would like to thank all the players for making this season so successful and also thank Mrs Pooley for her time and dedication in helping us achieve what we have done this season.
SPORTS NEWS Swimming Senior Team This year the girls have worked really hard in their training sessions. They have been victorious in many matches, but the highlight within the league has been the Junior Swimming Team winning for the second year in a row. The girls swam in five league matches and needed to qualify after this in the top eight teams to move forwards into the ‘A’ Final. The girls topped the table, with thirty four points more than the second qualifying team. The final was slightly more challenging, but the girls rose to the occasion and won the finals gala by eleven points, a huge success! Well done to all the girls this season, and a huge well done to the girls who swam at the Nationals earlier on in the year at the London Aquatics Centre.
Year 7 Swimming This year has been a very successful year for the Year 7 swimming team. There were two matches specifically for Year 7 in the League and we swam well in the first match, leaving us one point behind Watford in first place. There were some close races in the second match, but we were victorious and won for the second year in a row, gaining eight points more than the second placed team. Well done girls! By Freya W
SPORTS NEWS Hockey Year 7 So far the year seven hockey teams have done really well in both the hockey matches and in training. Training takes place every Wednesday lunchtime and we get to learn new skills and play a variety of fun and challenging games. This season has been very successful, starting off our first match against St Michael’s in which our A team won 11-0, and our B team won 5-0. Another match we played was against Rickmansworth School where we won 5-0. We have played many other matches including St Clement Danes and Watford Girls Grammar School and won all of them so far by quite a lot. This has been a great team effort! We have an excellent team of hockey players and due to this combination of competitive and talented players and a great leader, I think we have a great chance of doing well in the upcoming events. I wish much success for our team and can’t wait to play more matches! Alexandra W
Year 8 This year we have had our ups and down throughout the season, from large wins to big losses, but as a team we held our heads high and carried on. We started off with a positive win against JFK 5-0 with Lucy T winning Player of the Match. However, after that we did not focus as much as we could have meaning in the next match against Presdales, who were by far our strongest competitors throughout the year with many experienced players, we unfortunately lost, but with Kate getting Player of the Match. We then realised that wins are not going to come easily and no matter the standard of the team, we must play to the best of our ability. We trained hard and worked on playing as a team and not as individual players. The next match was against Queenswood who we thought would be hard, but we went on playing our best and came out with a 3-0 win with a joint player of the match for Kate and Emmy C. We then beat St Michael’s 3-0 with Kate and Elizabeth winning joint Player of the Match. The next match was against Watford Girls Grammar School which we won with one of our best scores, beating them 8-0 with Kate getting Player of the Match. We were very unlucky to lose against Beaumont 2-1, which was unfortunate as we had 60% possession, but we just couldn’t get the ball in the back of the net. Our last match was against SCD which was a great match winning 7-1, and Kate getting player of the match. So many people have made great improvements throughout the year and overall a great team effort, and consistently great play throughout the season. I hope everyone will try out next year as everyone has been a big part of the Year 8 Hockey team. Caitlin H and Grace I www.royalmasonic.herts.sch.uk
SPORTS NEWS Year 9 Our Year 9 hockey team has excelled this year, we have worked together as a team and have won all our matches except one which is brilliant! The best part of our hockey season is the new Astro; we have been loving using it and having somewhere to practise at lunch times and after school. The resource is a great new addition to our School and we are very happy to have it! Our team has performed so well this season and only just missed winning the district tournament losing to Parmiters 2-1 in the final game! However we went out there and played our best and that's what matters! It is becoming clear that our whole team is becoming better and stronger and we are working together. I hope our hockey team continues to grow as a team and stays together throughout our time at RMS. Rosa M
Year 10 The Year 10 hockey team has had a great season; we have only lost one game that was at the beginning of the season. The team has worked hard in every match and continues to do so. As well as winning the majority of our games, we are pleased to have come out with gold medals from the district tournament where we won all our games against St Michaels, Watford Girls and St Clement Danes. As the season nears to the end we work towards the County Cup tournament and hopefully fulfill our goal and return with a 1 st place medal. Overall, we have all played exceptionally well and work well as a team. I would also like to thank Mrs Spendiff for being an amazing and hardworking coach and the addition of the new astro which has been a huge benefit to us all.
SPORTS NEWS Senior Hockey Now we have the new pitch there was no excuse for the Senior team to train harder than before. Once the team was selected it wasn't long before we headed off to the county tournament at Haileybury School, and had a friendly against Aldenham which we won 3-1. However after losing against Parmiters and a draw against Hitchin we knew we had to step up. We started to work together as a unit and won from WGGS, St Michaels, St Clement Danes and Sir John Laws. Our last match was against the ever so feared of Queenswood, but with determination and self-belief we managed to keep the score down to a 3-0 loss. During the season we grew, developed our hockey skills and really became a team. Isabeau W
Well done to all our Sports Teams this season—looking forward to a summer of sport with you all!
SPORTS NEXT TERM Summer Sports trials, training and recreational clubs—Trinity Term 2016 Sport
Year Group
Gymnastics Cricket Boxercise
Wed 20 April
Miss Stanley
4.15 – 5.30pm Thurs 21st April
4.10 – 5.15pm Thursday
Mrs Marsh
4.15 – 5.15pm Thurs 21st April
12.55 – 1.40pm Friday
Mrs Rafter
12.55 – 1.40pm Fri 29th April
12.55 – 1.40pm Friday
Mrs Pooley
Rounders Club!
12.00 – 1.30pm N/A
12.55 – 1.40pm TBC
Miss Lusted Mrs Brockie
All welcome Thurs 21st April
Miss Rai Miss Boddey
4.10 – 5.15pm Wed 20th April
12.55 – 1.40pm Wednesday
Mrs Booth
4.10 – 5.15pm Wed 20th April
12.55 – 1.40pm Wednesday
Mrs Rafter
12.55 – 1.40pm Thurs 21st April
12.55 – 1.40pm Thursday
Mrs Booth
Tennis Club!
4.10 – 5.15pm N/A
12.55 – 1.40pm Friday
Mrs McMonagle
All welcome Tues 19th April
12.55 – 1.40pm Monday
Mrs Spendiff
3.00 – 4.30pm*
Mrs Pooley
Trial Date
Thursday N/A
12.55 – 1.40pm Wednesday
Miss Boddey
Senior Squad
All welcome All squad
1.00 – 1.30pm Monday
Miss Lusted
Fri 22nd April
4.30 – 5.30pm Friday
Mrs Charafaddine Mrs Marsh
4.10 – 5.15pm N/A
12.55 – 1.40pm Monday
Nuffield Health
All welcome N/A
4.00 – 4.30pm Wednesday
Nuffield Health
All welcome
4.00 – 4.30pm
Recreational Club
Please note that athletics trials will only be able to take place on Tuesday 19th April if the weather is dry. If it is raining/ground is wet, we will only require those wishing to trial for the high jump. If you are unable to attend these trials, please see Mrs Spendiff to arrange an alternative time. Year 7’s are welcome to trial, however some previous athletics experience is preferable as we will be unable to teach basics during this trial. www.royalmasonic.herts.sch.uk
FORMS NEWS HOT OFF THE PRESS!!! SAVE THE DATE!!! RMS SUMMER FESTIVAL Save the date for the brand new RMS Summer Festival on 25th June. Come and enjoy your school with a festival atmosphere, bands and picnics galore! More details to follow! Watch this space. DATES FOR YOUR DIARY NEXT TERM. FORMS MEETING The next FORMS meeting is Wednesday, 27 April at 7.30pm in the Governors’ Dining Room. We look forward to welcoming you all there and talk through our future ideas for raising funds for the girls. SUMMER BALL Don’t forget that this years FORMS summer Ball is taking on a Bollywood theme. The Black Tie Ball will take place on Saturday 14th May from 7.30pm. Tables of 8 or individual tickets will be sold. Thank you for everyone who has offered to help so far – any more volunteers will be warmly welcomed. For ticket reservations or further info please contact Abbey onabr@tntg.com. SECOND HAND UNIFORM SALES Second hand uniform sales are run by the volunteers and are held in The Uniform Room (double doors to the left of Ruspini House) on a Friday morning between 8.00am and 9.00am (except for Fridays of exeat weekends, when the room is open between 3.00pm and 4.00pm).
FORMS wishes everyone a very Happy Easter!
OTHER NEWS Learn Spanish or French with EJO This summer, EJO will be offering Spanish and French classes (as well as our normal English classes) on our International Summer Programme at RMS Aimed mainly at British based children aged 12-17 studying or wishing to study French or Spanish, students will follow exactly the same programme as our English language students and can choose between course only without accommodation or course with accommodation options. The British Council's "Languages for the Future" report identified French and Spanish as two of the top languages deemed vital to the UK based on a combination of economic and cultural factors including the needs of UK businesses. Obtaining competence in a second language is a vital skill for the future of our children. This is a great opportunity for students to extend their language skills in an International environment. Our courses focus on communication skills and our aim is to make learning fun because this is the most effective method of making progress. For further details of what is included including sample programmes and videos about the course centre, please visit www.ejo.co.uk/rickmansworth Activities in and around Rickmansworth this Easter
Click here to find out more.