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Advice to Pupils
This is an exciting opportunity to select a range of courses suited to your interests and career ambitions. We offer a wide variety of courses to allow you to play to your strengths.
The Core Offer
• All pupils take GCSEs in English Language, English Literature and Mathematics. • All pupils will take GCSEs in Science. For many pupils this will mean taking the combined
science course that involves the study of all three sciences and equates to two GCSEs. For our most able scientists it is possible to take triple science, which will result in pupils attaining three GCSEs, one each in Physics, Chemistry and Biology.
• To complement the examined curriculum pupils also study Life Skills and Physical
The Options
Pupils add four option subjects as suits their aspirations and strengths. A list of these subjects is on the next page. We strongly recommend the choice of a Modern Foreign Language as one of these options. Please note every endeavour is made to meet pupil choices. However, in some cases this may not be possible or if there are not sufficient numbers a course may not be run.
How to Make Option Choices
ü Dochoose courses that will create the opportunity to experience satisfaction and, most of all,
ü Doconsider the career implications of choices and check with Heads of Department and the
Head of Careers.
ü Dochoose subjects that you find enjoyable and interesting - success demands a great deal
of learning and hard work.
ü Doinvestigate ‘ new’ subjects, find out as much as you can from teachers and older pupils.
ü Dochoose a balanced and varied programme that will promise success and enjoyment.
× Donot be talked into choosing a subject because someone else thinks that it is a good idea.
Choose what is right for you!
ü Dolisten to the advice of your subject teachers who know your strengths and weaknesses.
ü Dodiscuss your proposed choices with your Form Tutor.