SENIOR SCHOOL NEWS UPDATE Friday 13th May 2016 This Term’s Events at a Glance Here are just a few important forthcoming events—for our full calendar, click here TOMORROW FORMS Bollywood Ball Sunday 15th May Chapel Celebration Service Slapton Trip returns Monday 16th May Life Skills Evening (Years 6-11) Tuesday 17th May Year 11 Final Assembly/Study Leave Year 11 Celebration Evening Wednesday 18th May Year 7 to Bhaktivendanta Temple FORMS Meeting Thursday 19th May Cake Sale for Atorkor Friday 20th May Rush Hour Concert Saturday 21st/Sunday 22nd May Rickmansworth Canal Festival Friday 27th May HALF TERM
Life Skills Evening—Monday 16th May We are pleased to present a panel discussion in which RMS staff with expertise in different aspects of the ‘whole girl’ -- spiritual, mental, emotional and physical – offer perspectives on how to promote balance and well-being in daughters. Session details:
Be Active – Mrs Spendiff, Director of Sport, looks at Sport as a means of de-stressing and developing teamwork as well as healthy eating habits for physical well -being.
Keep Learning – Mrs. Reeve, Head of Psychology, explains the importance of ‘getting stuck’ and using thinking skills to promote learning.
Connect - Heads of Year, Miss Simmonite and Miss Cook share ideas on building good relationships with oneself as well as others.
Give – Rev. Quill, School Chaplain, will discuss how to impress on girls that there is ‘more to life’ and putting the values that underpin the School as a community into action. Be Mindful - The session will end with a mindfulness exercise that you can use with your daughters/wards.
Tuesday 7th June FORMS Meeting
The presentation to parents will take place in the New Mark Hall. The doors will open at 6:45pm and light refreshments will be served from 7.00pm to 7.30pm.
Thursday 9th June Higher Education Forum
The session will end at 8.30pm followed by opportunities for questions and answers.
Monday 13th June Year 7 to Whipsnade Zoo
Your daughter/ward is welcome to attend the event with you.
Friday 17th June Celebration of Sport Tuesday 21st June Year 8 to Greenwich Saturday 25th June FORMS Summer Festival Saturday 2nd July Prize Day and Sports Day Friday 8th July END OF TERM
SCHOOL NEWS Emails Sent this week Year 7-11
Reminder about Life Skills Evening on Monday
Year 11
Reminder about Year 11 Celebration on Tuesday
If you have not received any of the emails listed below, please contact Pippa Hopkins Parent Portal queries & updating contact details To advise us of any changes to your contact details, change of boarding status etc., please contact . This is a group email address and your communication will be sent to all the relevant parties within the School. If you have any other questions relating to the Parent Portal, please contact our Data Systems Manager Mrs Bulow on
SPORTS NEWS This week’s Sports Results Rounders
RMS vs Northwood College
RMS vs Habs Girls
Year 10 A Team drew 15.5-15.5
Year 9 Team won 3-1
Year 10 B Team lost 12-11
Year 8 lost 19-18 RMS vs Kings Langley
Year 7 won 8-4
Year 7 SSP Multi-Sports
RMS vs Haileybury
Finished in 2nd Place overall
Year 10 won 10-2
At time of writing, RMS athletes are having a successful afternoon at the County Track and Field Cup at Woodside, having won both hurdles races—we will update you on full details next week, or see the PE Department Twitter feed for results:
FORMS NEWS The FORMS Committee is looking forward to seeing lots of you (and your outfits!) at the FORMS Bollywood Ball tomorrow night, and we look forward to sharing some photos of the event as soon as we can!
RMS SUMMER FESTIVAL Save the date for the brand new RMS Summer Festival on 25th June. Come and enjoy your School with a festival atmosphere, bands and picnics galore! More details to follow! Watch this space. SECOND HAND UNIFORM SALES Second hand uniform sales are run by the volunteers and are held in The Uniform Room (double doors to the left of Ruspini House) on a Friday morning between 8.00am and 9.00am (except for Fridays of exeat weekends, when the room is open between 3.00pm and 4.00pm). Date 13/05/2016 20/05/2016 27/05/2016 10/06/16
Day Friday Friday Friday Friday
Time 8.00-9.00am 8.00-9.00am 8.00-9.00am 8.00-9.00am
We have a lot of lost property, so please pop by to see if we can reunite you with your daughters lost items! For any queries about Second Hand Uniform, please contact Abbey on : NEXT FORMS MEETING IS WEDNESDAY 18TH MAY AT 7.30PM IN THE GOVERNORS’ DINING HALL—ALL WELCOME!
COMMUNITY NEWS St Luke’s Hospice Summer Fair St Luke’s annual Summer Fete returns on Saturday 4th June in the hospice grounds. It’s an amazing day out for all the family. There will be arts and crafts stalls, food, entertainment and hopefully some sunshine too! If you are interested in having a stall on the day, we still have a few spaces left. Contact for further information.
Tea and Cake with D.J. Kelly Buckinghamshire has a 600 year history of subversion, sedition and espionage. The county has been home to radical plotters, heretics and heretic hunters, agents provocateurs and informers. Two world wars brought spies, secret agents and saboteurs to the county and many of our stately homes housed wartime code-breakers, eavesdroppers, boffins, intelligence chiefs and even Nazi officers. A surprising number of women spies were incarcerated here and the first use of covert surveillance photography was against local women. From religious martyrs and gunpowder plotters to atomic secrets' traitors and the domestic terrorists of modern times – this county has seen it all. Tickets available £5 to include tea & homemade cake. The book will be available to buy on the day RRP £12.99. Click here to book!