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The Egyptian Echocardiography Working Group A registered branch of the Egyptian society of Cardiology

In order to achieve excellence in clinical diagnosis, research work, technical development, and education in cardiovascular imaging in Egypt, The Egyptian Echocardiography Working Group (EEWG) is developing a skilled, certified workforce. This EEWG certification process is in adult transthoracic Echo (TTE), in correspondence with recommendation of the European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging (EACVI). The certification is aimed to protect patients from undergoing transthoracic echocardiographic examinations performed by unqualified persons and to set an Egyptian standard for competency and excellence in this field. Also it offers credibility and professional legitimacy to an individual by demonstrating his/her competency on gaining this certification. This certification is designed to test the competency of an individual to be able to perform, interpret, and report routine transthoracic echocardiographic studies unsupervised.

‫ أعمال‬،‫من أجل تحقيق التميز في التشخيص السريري‬ ‫ والتعليم في تصوير القلب‬،‫البحث والتطوير التقني‬ ‫ فإن مجموعة العمل المصرية‬،‫واألوعية الدموية في مصر‬ ‫) تعمل على‬EEWG( ‫لفحص القلب بالموجات فوق صوتية‬ ‫ و‬،‫تطويرمهارات و اعتماد القوى العاملة فى هذا المجال‬ ‫ في‬EEWG ‫ذلك عن طريق اصدار شهادة معتمدة من‬ ‫لفحص القلب بالموجات فوق صوتية عبر الصدر للبالغين‬ ‫ و ذلك في سياق التوافق مع الجمعية األوروبية‬،)TTE( .)EACVI( ‫لتصوير أمراض القلب‬ ‫وتهدف هذه الشهادة إلى حماية المرضى من خضوعهم‬ ‫لفحوصات بالموجات فوق الصوتية على القلب عبر الصدر‬ ‫من قبل أشخاص غير مؤهلين ووضع معيارً ا مصر ًيا‬ ‫ كما أنها توفر المصداقية‬.‫للكفاءة والتميز في هذا المجال‬ ‫والشرعية المهنية للفرد من خالل إظهار الكفاءة على كسب‬ .‫هذه الشهادة‬

‫و قد تم تصميم هذه الشهادة الختبار كفاءة الفرد ليكون قادرا‬ ‫و إصدار تقاريرلفحوصات الموجات فوق‬،‫على أداء وتفسير‬ .‫الصوتية على القلب بدون رقابة‬

The Egyptian Echocardiography Working Group A registered branch of the Egyptian society of Cardiology

Criteria for participation: A. Candidates who are eligible for the participation of this certificate should have: .1 1. Registered for a master degree, Medical doctorate, Diploma or Egyptian board fellowship in cardiovascular medicine. 2. Carried a master degree, doctorate, .2 diploma or Egyptian board fellowship in cardiovascular medicine. B. Candidates should have been trained or undergoing training in one of the recognized centers by the EEWG: (listed below) Centers recognized by EEWG in Egypt for echocardiographic training (Alphabetically arranged): Ain Shams University AlAzhar University Alexandria University Alexandria Medical research center Asuit University Benha University Benisuif University Cairo University Menoufeya University National Heart Institute Suez Canal University Mansoura University Zakazik University Tanta University C. An Application form (Attachment 1) should be accurately filled and signed by the accepted supervisor.

:‫معايير المشاركة‬ ‫ المرشحين الذين تتوفر فيهم شروط المشاركة‬.‫أ‬ :‫للحصول على هذه الشهادة‬ ً ،‫مسجال للحصول على درجة الماجستير‬ ‫ أن يكون‬.1 ‫ دبلوم أو الزمالة المصرية في‬،‫الدكتوراه الطبية‬ .‫مجال القلب واألوعية الدموية‬ ً ،‫ الدكتوراه‬،‫حاصال على درجة الماجستير‬ ‫ أن يكون‬.2 ‫دبلوم أو الزمالة المصرية في الطب مجلس القلب‬ ‫واألوعية الدموية‬ ‫ ينبغي للمرشحين أن يكونوا قد تدربوا أو الزالوا‬.‫ب‬ ‫خاضعين للتدريب في أحد المراكز المعترف بها‬ )‫ (المذكورة أدناه‬:EEWG ‫من قبل‬ ‫ في مصر للتدريب‬EEWG ‫المراكز المعترف بها من قبل‬ :)‫على فحص القلب بالموجات فوق الصوتية (مرتبة أبجديا‬ ‫جامعة أسيوط‬ ‫جامعة األزهر‬ ‫جامعة اإلسكندرية‬ ‫جامعة القاهرة‬ ‫جامعة المنوفية‬ ‫جامعة بنها‬ ‫جامعة بنى سويف‬ ‫جامعة طنطا‬ ‫جامعة عين شمس‬ ‫جامعة قناة السويس‬ ‫جامعة المنصورة‬ ‫جامعة الزقازيق‬ ‫مركز األبحاث الطبية باألسكندرية‬ ‫معهد القلب القومي‬ ‫) بدقة و موقعه‬1 ‫ملئ استمارة الطلب (مرفق‬.‫ج‬ .‫المشرف المسئول‬

The Egyptian Echocardiography Working Group A registered branch of the Egyptian society of Cardiology

D. Paid registration fees.

Certification Process: Certificate is obtained in 2 steps:

.‫ دفع رسوم التسجيل‬.‫د‬

:‫إجراءات الحصول على الشهادة‬ ‫ خطوتين‬2 ‫يتم الحصول على شهادة في‬

First Step: Theoretical part - written examination

‫ االمتحان التحريري‬- ‫ جزء نظري‬:‫الخطوة األولى‬

Candidates who are successful in the examination will be entitled to proceed with the practical skills assessment.

‫سوف يكون من حق المرشحين الذين ينجحون في االمتحان‬ .‫على المضي في تقييم المهارات العملية‬

Second Step: Practical part - Logbook Candidates must submit a Logbook of 250 transthoracic clinical cases they have performed. To obtain Certification, candidates must succeed in both of the above steps.

Detailed Certification process:

‫ الجزء العملي – س ِجل الحاالت‬:‫الخطوة الثانية‬ ‫ويجب على المرشحين تقديم سجل الحاالت محتويا على‬ ‫ حالة سريرية تم فحصها بالموجات فوق الصوتية‬250 .‫على القلب عبر الصدر‬ ‫ ويجب على المرشحين النجاح في‬،‫للحصول على شهادة‬ ‫كل من الخطوات المذكورة أعاله‬

:‫تفاصيل إجراءات الحصول على الشهادة‬

First Step; Theoretical: Written examination

‫ االمتحان التحريري‬:‫ النظري‬.‫الخطوة األولى‬

The written examination is held twice a year; dates will be announced through the official EgSC website:

‫ويعقد االمتحان التحريري مرتين في السنة؛ وسيتم اإلعالن‬ ‫عن مواعيد من خالل الموقع الرسمي لجمعية القلب‬ :(EgSC) ‫المصرية‬

The examination is a knowledge-based assessment, using Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ, single best answer out of 5 possible choices) divided into two sections: • • Reporting: 50 questions on TTE cases of echoes projected onto a large screen/s -

‫ وذلك باستخدام أسئلة‬،‫االمتحان هو تقييم قائم على المعرفة‬ ‫ أفضل إجابة واحدة من‬،MCQ( ‫االختيار من متعدد‬ :‫) مقسمة إلى قسمين‬5 ‫الخيارات الممكنة من أصل‬ ‫ سؤاال فى حاالت فحص القلب‬50 :‫تقارير‬ / ‫بالموجات فوق الصوتية معروضة على شاشة‬

The Egyptian Echocardiography Working Group A registered branch of the Egyptian society of Cardiology

approx. 2 hours.

.‫شاشات كبيرة – الوقت المسموح ساعتين تقريبا‬ •

‫ ساعات بما في ذلك استراحة‬5 ‫مدة االمتحان التحريري هو‬ .‫ دقيقة‬20

To be successful, a candidate must pass both sections of the written exam (reporting and theory). The passing scores for each section are established after each exam within the TTE Sub-Committee.

‫ يجب على المرشح اجتياز كال القسمين من امتحان‬،‫للنجاح‬ ‫ تحدد درجات اجتياز‬.)‫التحريرى (التقارير والنظري‬ ‫االمتحان لكل قسم بعد كل امتحان داخل للجنة الفرعية‬ ‫لمجموعة العمل المصرية لفحص القلب بالموجات فوق‬ .‫صوتية عبر الصدر‬

Before the examination: • •

‫ سؤال –الوقت المسموح ساعتين و‬100 :‫نظرى‬ .‫ يعقد االمتحان باللغة االنجليزية‬.‫ دقيقة تقريبا‬25

Theory: 100 questions - approx. 2 hours 25 minutes. The examination is in English language. The duration of the written examination is 5 hours including a 20 minutes break. •

Candidates need to have submitted their application form. Candidates are required to come to the• Certification registration desk at least 30 minutes before the start of the exam. Candidates are requested to bring and • present a photo ID document to confirm his/her identity. Candidates are kindly asked to bring• their calculator (the use of calculator applications on mobile phone is forbidden).

A final information letter will be sent approximately 1 week before the exam. Please contact the certification office if you have not received the information before this point.

‫قبل االمتحان‬ .‫على المرشحين أنيكونوا قد قدموا استمارة الطلب‬

‫ويلزم المرشحين الحضور إلى مكتب تسجيل‬ .‫ دقيقة قبل بدء االمتحان‬30 ‫الشهادات على األقل‬

‫على المرشحين تقديم وثيقة هوية تحمل صورة لتأكيد‬ .‫ هويتها‬/ ‫هويته‬

‫يطلب من المرشحين أن يحضروا اآللة الحاسبة‬ ‫خاصتهم (حيث أن استخدام تطبيقات آلة حاسبة على‬ .)‫الهاتف المحمول محظور‬

‫سيتم إرسال رسالة المعلومات النهائية اسبوعًا تقري ًبا قبل‬ ‫ يرجى االتصال بمكتب الشهادات إذا لم تكن قد‬.‫االمتحان‬ .‫تلقت المعلومات الخاصة بك قبل هذا الميعاد‬

The Egyptian Echocardiography Working Group A registered branch of the Egyptian society of Cardiology

During the examination

‫أثناء االمتحان‬

• There will be a 20 minute break between each section. • If candidates leave the room before the end of the exam, they will have to sign out and will not be permitted to reenter the room, nor access their computer. • Once the examination is completed, candidates are allowed to leave the examination room. • Once finished, candidates are required to sign out. Post examination

.‫ دقيقة بين كل قسم‬20 ‫ستكون هناك استراحة لمدة‬ ،‫إذاغادر المرشحون قاعة االمتحان قبل نهايته‬ ‫فسوف يضطرون إلى تسجيل الخروج ولن يسمح لهم‬ ‫ وال الوصول إلى أجهزة‬،‫بإعادة الدخول للقاعة‬ .‫الكمبيوتر الخاصة بهم‬ ‫بمجرد االنتهاء من االمتحان سيسمح للمرشحين‬ ‫بمغادرة قاعة االمتحان‬ .‫وسيطلب من المرشحين لتسجيل الخروج‬،

Results of the written examinations are sent via email two months after the exam. Please note that there is no appeal process. The exam sheets are analyzed by computers and the results verified and checked by the committee. The results are final.

‫سترسل نتائج االمتحان التحريرى عبر البريد اإللكتروني‬ .‫بعد شهرين من االمتحان‬

• •

‫بعد االمتحان‬

‫ ويتم تحليل‬.‫يرجى مالحظة أنه ال يوجد أي عملية استئناف‬ ‫ورقة االمتحان من قبل أجهزة الكمبيوتر والتحقق من النتائج‬ .‫ وتكون النتائج نهائية‬.‫والتحقق من قبل اللجنة‬

The Egyptian Echocardiography Working Group A registered branch of the Egyptian society of Cardiology

Second Step; Practical: Logbook

‫جل الحاالت‬ ِ ‫ س‬:‫الخطوة الثانية; العملي‬

After the successful completion of the written exam, the candidate can proceed with the logbook. The Logbook must be submitted up to 12 months after the candidates receive their results.

‫ يمكن للمرشح‬،‫بعد االنتهاء بنجاح من االمتحان التحريرى‬ ‫ يجب تقديم س ِجل الحاالت‬.‫المضي قدما في س ِجل الحاالت‬ .‫ شهرا بعد تلقي المرشحين نتائجهم‬12 ‫فى غضون‬

Successful exam candidates will be informed on how to submit their logbook along with their results. Candidates have to submit their logbook. The main elements of the logbook are: • 250 summary sheet case sheet • • 6 anonymous TTE studies (including • the reports) All these cases must be performed by the candidate.

‫وسيتم إبالغ المرشحين الناجحين فى االمتحان بكيفية تقديم‬ ‫ يجب على المرشحين تقديم‬.‫س ِجل الحاالت مع نتائجهم‬ :‫ العناصر الرئيسية للدفتر هي‬.‫س ِجل الحاالت الخاص بهم‬ ‫ حالة‬250 ‫ورقة ملخص‬ ‫ فحوصات قلب بالموجات فوق الصوتية عبر‬6 )‫الصدرالمجهولة (بما في ذلك التقارير‬

• •

.‫كل هذه الحاالت يجب أن يكون قد فحصها المرشح بنفسه‬

For the 6 cases accompanied by the original reports; Please refer to the EEWG TTE Media Requirements as defined by the Certification Committee. For the lists of media (movies and still images) that must be included (Attachments 2).

‫ يرجى‬.‫ حاالت‬6‫يجب رفق التقارير األصلية بالنسبة ل‬ ‫الرجوع إلى متطلبات مجموعة العمل المصرية لفحص‬ ‫القلب بالموجات فوق صوتية عبر الصدر لوسائط على‬ ‫ لقوائم‬.‫النحو المحدد من قبل اللجنة المعتمدة للشهادة‬ ‫الوسائط (األفالم والصور الثابتة) التي يجب تضمينها‬ .)2 ‫(المرفقات‬

Please note: Cases can be collected from 1 year before to 1 year after the written exam but must cover only 12 consecutive months.

‫ الحاالت التي يمكن جمعها من سنة واحدة‬:‫يرجى مالحظة‬ ‫قبل إلى سنة واحدة بعد االمتحان التحريري ولكن يجب أن‬ .‫ شهرً ا متتالية‬12 ‫تغطي فقط‬

The logbook can be submitted in English language.

.‫يمكن تقديم سجل الحاالت باللغة اإلنجليزية‬

The Egyptian Echocardiography Working Group A registered branch of the Egyptian society of Cardiology

Report Requirements These should be the original reports that the candidate has written in their place of practice. Please ensure that you follow these guidelines: • No patient name should be visible • • ‫آ‬No candidate name should be visible • Several measurements should be included to indicate the workings and outcome of each case. • a comprehensive conclusion should be included

‫متطلبات التقارير‬ ‫ينبغي أن تكون هذه التقارير األصلية التى كتبها المرشح فى‬ :‫ يرجى التأكد من اتباع هذه اإلرشادات‬.‫مكان الممارسة‬ .‫يجب اال يكون اسم المريض مرئي‬ .‫يجب اال يكون اسم المرشح مرئى‬ ‫ينبغي إدراج عدة قياسات لإلشارة إلى عمل ونتائج‬ .‫كل حالة‬ ‫ينبغي أن تدرج استنتاج شامل‬

• • •

Candidates will need to submit their full, original reports for the 6 particular media cases included in section 3 of the logbook platform.

‫سوف يحتاج المرشحون إلى تقديم والتقارير األصلية‬ ‫ من هيكل‬3 ‫ حاالت المعينة المدرجة في القسم‬6‫الكاملة ل‬ .‫سجل الحاالت‬

Reports are judged on completeness and accuracy (i.e. if the report matches the uploaded images, and if there are any errors of interpretation or omission). Findings in the report must by supported by relevant measurements and Doppler derived data.

‫ويتم الحكم على اكتمال ودقة التقارير (أي إذا كان التقرير‬ ‫ وإذا كان هناك أي‬،‫يتطابق مع الصور التي تم تحميلها‬ ‫ يجب أن تكون النتائج في‬.)‫أخطاء في التفسير أو إغفال‬ ‫التقرير مدعومة بالقياسات ذات الصلة والبيانات المستمدة‬ .‫من الدوبلر‬

Documents to submit with the Logbook:

‫جل الحاالت‬ ِ ‫الوثائق التى يجب تقديمها مع س‬

Please make sure that ONLY the candidate's number appears on the documents. Any document with the candidate's name will be rejected

‫الرجاء التأكد من أن رقم المرشح فقط هو الظاهر على‬ .‫ سيتم رفض أي وثيقة بها اسم المرشح‬.‫الوثائق‬

The Egyptian Echocardiography Working Group A registered branch of the Egyptian society of Cardiology

Letter from the supervisor • documenting the training and review of studies undertaken by the candidate (A template is enclosed in the attachments: Attachment 4). • 250 summary sheet cases assessed by • candidate's supervisor “attachment 3” please complete, print, scan and save this to your computer. Candidates are not asked to submit the full reports for these particular cases - although may be requested by the EEWG Graders and/or EEWG Certification Committee. Thus candidates are asked to keep this information available. Results of the practical assessment are sent by e-mail within 3 months of submitting the Logbook. •

Appeal Process Failing the certification program will require the candidate to start the whole process from the beginning. Candidates who fail may raise an appeal to the EEWG Certification Committee. The appeal procedure for re-evaluation of a logbook is charged at 100 Egyptian Pounds.

‫خطاب من المشرف لتوثيق التدريب واستعراض‬ ‫الفحوصات التي أجريت من قبل المرشح (مرفق‬ .)4 ‫ مرفق‬:‫طيه نموذج بالمرفقات‬

‫ المقررة الم َقي َمة‬250 ‫ورقة ملخص الحاالت ال‬ - "3 ‫من قبل المشرف على المرشح "مرفق‬ ‫يرجى ملء وطباعة والمسح الضوئي وحفظ ها‬ .‫إلى الكمبيوتر الخاص بك‬

‫ال يطلب من المرشحين تقديم التقارير الكاملة عن هذه‬ ‫ على الرغم من احتمال أن يطلب من‬- ‫الحاالت المعينة‬ ‫واضعى الدرجات بمجموعة العمل المصرية لفحص القلب‬, ‫أو اللجنة المنوطة بإصدار شهادة‬/‫بالموجات فوق صوتية و‬ ‫ وبالتالي يطلب من المرشحين الحفاظ على هذه المعلومات‬. ُ ‫كى تكون متاحة إذا‬ .‫طلبت‬ ‫يتم إرسال التقييم العملي عن طريق البريد اإللكتروني في‬ .‫ أشهر من تقديم س ِجل الحاالت‬3 ‫غضون‬ ‫عملية االستئنا‬ ‫الفشل فى برنامج الشهادات تتطلب المرشح لبدء العملية‬ .‫برمتها من البداية‬ ‫المرشحين الذين يفشلون قد يرفعون استئنافا إلى لجنة‬ ‫إصدار الشهادة بمجموعة العمل المصرية لفحص القلب‬ ‫ جني ُها مصر ُيا‬100 ‫ يتم دفع‬.‫بالموجات فوق صوتية‬ .‫إلجراء إعادة تقييم س ِجل الحاالت‬

The Egyptian Echocardiography Working Group A registered branch of the Egyptian society of Cardiology

Re-certification process: As echocardiography skills can only be maintained by continued education and practical involvement, certification is granted for a period of five years. Afterwards, to remain certified, candidates will have to start the recertification process demonstrating their continued practice and learning in this field, before the 5-year validity expires.

:‫عملية إعادة إصدار الشهادات‬ ‫بما أن مهارات فحص القلب بالموجات فوق الصوتية يمكن‬ ،‫االحتفاظ بها عن طريق التعليم المستمر والمشاركة العملية‬ ‫ و‬.‫لذلك فإن هذه الشهادة تمنح لمدة خمس سنوات‬ ‫الستمرار االعتماد فيجب على المرشح بدء عملية إعادة‬ ‫االعتماد الظهار والتعلم الممارسة المستمرة في هذا‬ .‫المجال قبل انتهاء صالحية الخمس سنوات‬

The Egyptian Echocardiography Working Group A registered branch of the Egyptian society of Cardiology

Registration process: Application Form and Letter from the Echo Lab director should be sent to the EEWG email: or Presented to the EEWG Secretary at Egyptian Heart House 9 Adel Hussein Rostom Street, Dokki, Giza, P.C. 12311, Egypt

Registration Fees: Standard: 1000 EGP EgSC Members*: 600 EGP *The member fee is only valid if you are already a member. You must apply for and have your membership validated before registering if you wish to benefit from any of the member fees.

Registration Conditions: Please note that in order to respect the capacity of the examination room; registrations are taken under the basis of first-come, firstserved. We encourage online registration as early as possible to guarantee a seat.

:‫عملية التسجيل‬ ‫يجب أن ترسل استمارة الطلب ورسالة من مدير معمل‬ ‫الموجات فوق الصوتية على القلب إلى البريد اإللكتروني‬ ‫لمجموعة العمل المصرية لفحص القلب بالموجات فوق‬ ‫ أو تقدم إلى‬ :EEWG ‫صوتية‬ ‫سكرتير مجموعة العمل المصرية لفحص القلب بالموجات‬ ‫ شارع‬9 ‫فوق صوتية في بيت القلب المصري الكائن ب‬ ،12311 ‫ب‬.‫ ص‬،‫ الجيزة‬،‫ الدقي‬، ‫عادل حسين رستم‬ ‫مصر‬ :‫رسوم التسجيل‬ ‫ جنيه‬1000 :‫عادى‬ ‫ جنيه‬600 :* ‫أعضاء جمعية القلب المصرية‬ ‫* رسوم أعضاء جمعية القلب المصرية ال تكون سارية إال إذا كنت بالفعل‬ ‫ يجب التقدم للعضوية و التأكد من صالحيتها قبل التسجيل إذا‬.‫عضوا بالجمعية‬ .‫كنت ترغب في االستفادة من أي من الرسوم الخاصة بأعضاء الجمعية‬

:‫شروط التسجيل‬ ‫ يتم‬.‫يرجى مالحظة أنه من أجل سعة قاعة االمتحان‬ ‫ نحن نشجع التسجيل‬.‫التسجيل على أساس أولوية الوصول‬ .‫عبر اإلنترنت في أقرب وقت ممكن لضمان مقعد‬

The Egyptian Echocardiography Working Group A registered branch of the Egyptian society of Cardiology

Cancellation Policy Conditions

‫شروط سياسة اإللغاء‬

If a participant wishes to cancel his/her registration to the Certification exam he/she should: • Write a request to EgSC up to 2 weeks prior the exam. A refund of fees will be made. • After this deadline, the candidate will be charged 50% of the fee and refunded the rest. • In case of unforeseen circumstances (such as death in the family, on-call at the hospital, accident of the candidate...), proof will be required in document form and the candidate will be refunded the entire registration fee.

‫إذا رغب أحد المشاركين فى إلغاء التسجيل المتحان الشهادة‬ :‫عليها‬/‫فإنه يجب عليه‬ ‫• كتابة طلب لجمعية القلب المصرية قبل أسبوعين من‬ .‫ سيتم رد الرسوم‬.‫ميعاد االمتحان‬ ‫ من الرسوم و سيتم‬٪50 ‫ سيتم فرض‬،‫• بعد هذه المهلة‬ .‫رد الباقى للمرشح‬ ‫• في حالة وجود ظروف غير متوقعة (مثل وفاة في‬ ‫ حادث‬،‫ عند الطلب في المستشفى‬،‫األسرة‬ ‫ سوف تكون هناك حاجة لإلثبات في‬،)...‫للمرشح‬ ‫شكل وثيقة وسوف يتم رد رسوم التسجيل بأكملها‬ .‫للمرشح‬

Please note that a "no show" is NOT considered as a cancellation. Therefore if you do not attend the exam without giving forewarning of your absence and without one of the above reasons you will receive no refund.

.‫يرجى مالحظة أن "عدم الظهور" ال يعتبر بمثابة اإللغاء‬ ‫لذا إذا لم يتم حضور االمتحان دون إعطاء إنذار مسبق من‬ ‫غيابك وبدون أحد األسباب المذكورة أعاله فلن تتلقى أي رد‬ .‫للرسوم‬

Payment and General Conditions All registration fees are quoted in Egyptian Pounds (EGP). Payment in any other currency

‫الدفع والشروط العامة‬ ‫تحصل رسوم التسجيل بالجنيه المصري و لن يتم قبول‬ .‫الدفع بأي عملة أخرى‬

The Egyptian Echocardiography Working Group A registered branch of the Egyptian society of Cardiology

will not be accepted. Registrations will be acknowledged by e-mail upon receipt of payment and a valid email address (make sure your EgSC profile is updated).

‫سيتم إقرار التسجيالت عن طريق البريد اإللكتروني على‬ ‫إيصال الدفع وعنوان بريد إلكتروني صالح ( لذلك يرجى‬ ‫التأكد من تحديث الملف الشخصي الخاص بك بالجمعية‬ .)‫المصرية للقلب‬

The Egyptian Echocardiography Working Group A registered branch of the Egyptian society of Cardiology


The Egyptian Echocardiography Working Group A registered branch of the Egyptian society of Cardiology


The application form includes data about the local supervisor as he has a critical role in the certification process. Supervisors are ideally expected to have held certification in echocardiography (EEWG) for at least 12 months. Since few individuals hold certification, candidates may also nominate supervisors who fulfil the following criteria: - Supervisors should be recognized locally or nationally as practicing echocardiographers. - If they do not hold EEWG certification then they should ideally hold local or national certification in the relevant field of echocardiography. - However, other respected sonographers and echocardiographers (e.g. laboratory leads) may be suitable. If you are not sure as to the suitability of the person you wish to appoint, please contact us at EEWG in The Egyptian society of cardiology at The EEWG Certification and Accreditation Assessment Committee may consult with the National Society and/or Working Group in echocardiography to validate the choice of a supervisor. In very rare circumstances, the Certification and Accreditation Assessment Committee may suggest another supervisor to the candidate.

The Egyptian Echocardiography Working Group A registered branch of the Egyptian society of Cardiology APPLICATION FORM

Attachment 1


The candidate: Name of candidate: ....................................................................................................................................................... Exam session registered to (town + month + year): .................................................................................................... Candidate signature:.....................................................................................................................Date........................

The supervisor: Name of supervisor:…............................................................................................................................................. Position held:…........................................................................................................................................................ Qualifications: ........................................................................................................................................................ Hospital: ................................................................................................................................................................. EEWG Certified: Yes No If ‘Yes’: First year of certification:............................. Year of re-certification (if necessary):....................................... If ‘No’: Please give a brief summary of your experience in echocardiography (years of practice, echo lab director, teaching and training responsibilities, membership of Working Groups or Societies relating to echo) .......................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................................... Contact details: - Email:........................................................................................................................................................................ - Phone number:......................................................................................................................................................... I undertake to supervise and train the above candidate in echocardiography. I understand that to complete the certification process, the candidate is asked to perform 250 clinical cases within a 12 month period taken from 12 months before up to 12 months after the exam (1st step of the certification process). The reports may be externally reviewed. I confirm that the information given in this form is correct and complete. I accept to act as a supervisor for EACVI certification in TTE. Does the candidate have sufficient knowledge and skill to begin the individual certification process? YES NO Is the candidate actively involved in scanning and reporting? YES NO Comments (especially if answer is ‘NO’): ...................................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................................

Supervisor Signature.......................................................................................................................Date........................................

The Egyptian Echocardiography Working Group A registered branch of the Egyptian society of Cardiology

Attachment 2

TTE logbook Media Requirements x = view required to be submitted (all necessary views should be obtained when undertaking the study)






PLAx Colour on AV and MV


Case 1 Normal x

PLAx M-Mode or 2D LV with measurements Still

Case 2 Isc LV x x

PLAx M-Mode or 2D Ao/LA with measurements


PLAx Aortic root and ascending aorta with measurements RV inflow

Still Clip








PSAx LV Pap Muscles




PSAx Colour on AV


PSAx Colour on MV




A4C Colour on MV




A5C Colour on AV



Case 3 AS

Case 4 MR


Case 5 AR

Case 6 Additional case










x x


x x

x x x x x


x x

x x

x x







Simpson’s A4C diastole



Simpson’s A4C systole


PW MV inflow with measurements


CW MV with measurements


PW LVOT with measurement



CW AV with measurement



Stand-alone (steerable/pencil probe) CW AV Apex * Stand-alone (steerable/pencil probe) CW Right sternal edge *





TDI medial mitral annulus


PISA radius


CW TR with measurement


Subcostal 4C



Subcostal 4C with Colour on atrial septum






M-Mode IVC with respiration






Suprasternal PW descending Ao



Suprasternal Colour descending Ao



x x


x x






x x x








Total stills












Up to the candidate

*Optional views. In case there is no stand-alone probe this should be clearly stated by the candidate’s supervisor in the accompanied letter

Additional useful information Abbreviations: Isc LV: case of coronary artery disease patient, with regional wall motion Abnormalities, AS: case of aortic stenosis, MR: case of mitral regurgitation, AR: case of aortic regurgitation

Authorised media formats (.DICOM and .rar are NOT valid)

.avi .mpg .mepg .wmv .jpeg .bmp .tiff

The Egyptian Echocardiography Working Group A registered branch of the Egyptian society of Cardiology

Attachment 3 EEWG TTE CERTIFICATION: LIST OF 250 PROCEDURES FORM Cases taken from a consecutive 12 month period to be submitted no later than 12 months after sitting the exam

Candidate number: (this is stated on the exam result letter – to maintain confidentiality, do not indicated your name) Candidate is requested to submit a list of 250 echocardiography studies performed by her/him. This list must be signed by candidate’s supervisor. Supervisor’s name and surname: Signature: Center, city, country: Please note that the Certification Assessment Committee may request copies of some of these reports. Thus candidates for EACVI certification have to keep this information available until certification is granted. In the logbook case list, please summarize the primary/main diagnosis assigned to each case. Only one primary/main diagnosis can be assigned to each study. Please note: The case mix guidelines are a recommendation on what candidates should include in their submission and are therefore flexible. However, it is recommended that candidates stay close to the approximate numbers.

The Egyptian Echocardiography Working Group A registered branch of the Egyptian society of Cardiology

Attachment 3

Study Category/Main Diagnosis LV function assessment (including all cardiomyopathies and ischaemic heart disease) Myocardial Infarction (including complications) Mitral and aortic valve disease (including prosthetic valves and endocarditis) Congenital Heart Disease Disease of the Aorta Right Heart Disease Pericardial Disease (including Constriction/Tamponade) Mass/Thrombus No significant cardiac abnormality <1/3

Total 250 Cases

Approx. Number

at least 15

at least 15 at least 15 at least at least at least at least at least <84

5 3 3 3 3

Number of cases

The Egyptian Echocardiography Working Group A registered branch of the Egyptian society of Cardiology

Attachment 3 Study date dd/mm/yy Chronological order first to last e.g. 21/09/2009 to

1 # 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

Comments Patient’s hospital record

Study Category e.g. LV function assessment

Main Diagnosis or Conclusion

NOT always mandatory e.g. severe LVOT obstruction and moderate MR due to SAM of the mitral valve, intubated patient in ICU

The Egyptian Echocardiography Working Group A registered branch of the Egyptian society of Cardiology

Attachment 3 Study date dd/mm/yy Chronological order first to last e.g. 21/09/2009 to # 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46

Comments Patient’s hospital record

Study Category e.g. LV function assessment

Main Diagnosis or Conclusion

NOT always mandatory e.g. severe LVOT obstruction and moderate MR due to SAM of the mitral valve, intubated patient in ICU

The Egyptian Echocardiography Working Group A registered branch of the Egyptian society of Cardiology

Attachment 3 Study date dd/mm/yy Chronological order first to last e.g. 21/09/2009 to

47 # 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69

Comments Patient’s hospital record

Study Category e.g. LV function assessment

Main Diagnosis or Conclusion

NOT always mandatory e.g. severe LVOT obstruction and moderate MR due to SAM of the mitral valve, intubated patient in ICU

The Egyptian Echocardiography Working Group A registered branch of the Egyptian society of Cardiology

Attachment 3 Study date dd/mm/yy Chronological order first to last e.g. 21/09/2009 to

70 # 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92

Comments Patient’s hospital record

Study Category e.g. LV function assessment

Main Diagnosis or Conclusion

NOT always mandatory e.g. severe LVOT obstruction and moderate MR due to SAM of the mitral valve, intubated patient in ICU

The Egyptian Echocardiography Working Group A registered branch of the Egyptian society of Cardiology

Attachment 3 Study date dd/mm/yy Chronological order first to last e.g. 21/09/2009 to

93 # 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115

Comments Patient’s hospital record

Study Category e.g. LV function assessment

Main Diagnosis or Conclusion

NOT always mandatory e.g. severe LVOT obstruction and moderate MR due to SAM of the mitral valve, intubated patient in ICU

The Egyptian Echocardiography Working Group A registered branch of the Egyptian society of Cardiology

Attachment 3 Study date dd/mm/yy Chronological order first to last e.g. 21/09/2009 to

116 #117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138

Comments Patient’s hospital record

Study Category e.g. LV function assessment

Main Diagnosis or Conclusion

NOT always mandatory e.g. severe LVOT obstruction and moderate MR due to SAM of the mitral valve, intubated patient in ICU

The Egyptian Echocardiography Working Group A registered branch of the Egyptian society of Cardiology

Attachment 3 Study date dd/mm/yy Chronological order first to last e.g. 21/09/2009 to

139 #140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161

Comments Patient’s hospital record

Study Category e.g. LV function assessment

Main Diagnosis or Conclusion

NOT always mandatory e.g. severe LVOT obstruction and moderate MR due to SAM of the mitral valve, intubated patient in ICU

The Egyptian Echocardiography Working Group A registered branch of the Egyptian society of Cardiology

Attachment 3 Study date dd/mm/yy Chronological order first to last e.g. 21/09/2009 to

162 #163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184

Comments Patient’s hospital record

Study Category e.g. LV function assessment

Main Diagnosis or Conclusion

NOT always mandatory e.g. severe LVOT obstruction and moderate MR due to SAM of the mitral valve, intubated patient in ICU

The Egyptian Echocardiography Working Group A registered branch of the Egyptian society of Cardiology

Attachment 3 Study date dd/mm/yy Chronological order first to last e.g. 21/09/2009 to

185 #186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207

Comments Patient’s hospital record

Study Category e.g. LV function assessment

Main Diagnosis or Conclusion

NOT always mandatory e.g. severe LVOT obstruction and moderate MR due to SAM of the mitral valve, intubated patient in ICU

The Egyptian Echocardiography Working Group A registered branch of the Egyptian society of Cardiology

Attachment 3 Study date dd/mm/yy Chronological order first to last e.g. 21/09/2009 to

208 #209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230

Comments Patient’s hospital record

Study Category e.g. LV function assessment

Main Diagnosis or Conclusion

NOT always mandatory e.g. severe LVOT obstruction and moderate MR due to SAM of the mitral valve, intubated patient in ICU

The Egyptian Echocardiography Working Group A registered branch of the Egyptian society of Cardiology

Attachment 3 Study date dd/mm/yy Chronological order first to last e.g. 21/09/2009 to #231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253

Comments Patient’s hospital record

Study Category e.g. LV function assessment

Main Diagnosis or Conclusion

NOT always mandatory e.g. severe LVOT obstruction and moderate MR due to SAM of the mitral valve, intubated patient in ICU

The Egyptian Echocardiography Working Group A registered branch of the Egyptian society of Cardiology

Attachment 4

(date) LETTER OF ENDORSEMENT – (CANDIDATE NUMBER OF THE APPLICANT) Note: This letter is a template. The aim is to give examples of what this letter may contain. As a reminder, the following categories can apply for TTE certification: technicians, sonographers, doctors of all disciplines, physicians, cardiologists (trained or in training). Please make sure the candidate’s name does not appear on this letter!

To whom it may concern: It is my pleasure to write this letter of support for (candidate number) and to certify that this candidate graduated at (name of the uni + place) in (year). He/she passed the board examination in (fields of practice, i.e. Surgery, internal Medicine and Cardiology). Additional information may include 1. Postgraduate training 2. Experience abroad 3. Scientific / Clinical work 4. Lectures and publications 5. Teaching activities 6. Research This candidate is a fully authorized Cardiologist/Sonographer/... in (country) and a respected member of the (nationality) Society of Cardiology (if applicable). Through his/her membership in the (nationality) Society, he is also a member of the European Society of Cardiology (if applicable). Based on the above, I support his/her application and consider that his / her clinical skills make him/her well suited for certification in TTE. Should there be any question, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us at any time. Yours sincerely,

The Egyptian Echocardiography Working Group A registered branch of the Egyptian society of Cardiology

Attachment 5

List of suggested preferred readings and tools for exam preparation: You can visit: TTE/Pages/examination-keys.aspx


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