Up to 55% did not achieve target BP goal
C o n tr o l o f H y p e r te n s io n r e m a in s in a d e q u a te 5 0 – 7 0 % o f th e o n e b illio n p e o p le w ith h ig h b lo o d p r e s s u r e w o r ld w id e r e m a in a b o v e th e b lo o d p r e s s u r e g o a l o f 1 4 0 /9 0 m m H g G e rm a n y 3 3 .6
Canada 4 1 .0
Japan* 5 5 .7
E n g la n d 2 9 .2 USA 5 3 .1
G re e c e 4 9 .5
C h in a 2 8 .8 Tu rk e y 1 9 .8
M e x ic o 2 1 .8
T a iw a n 1 8 .0
Egypt 3 3 .5 S o u t h A fr ic a * 4 7 .6 * D a ta fo r m e n o n ly U p d a te d fr o m : K e a r n e y P M e t a l. J H y p e rte n s 2 0 0 4 ;2 2 :1 1 – 1 9
Oct 2010
Oct 2012
Exclusion Inclusion criteria: criteria: Estimated eGFR less than 45 ml/min Age 18-85 years So far 26 patients had An unfavourable renal artery anatomy Systolic BP 160 mmHg or more therapy (<4mm diameter, (150 mmHg or more <20mm in type 2length) diabetes) Pregnant planned pregnancy during Taking 3 orormore anti-hypertensive agents at target or maximal tolerated doses the study Part of the Global Symplicity Registry (Seven patients so far)
Primary efficacy endpoint Secondary end-points
Change in office BP readings from baseline to 1 and 6 months postprocedure Acute procedural safety 6 months safety (reduction in eGFR >25%) Composite cardiovascular end-point
The protocol Education of physicians Patient consent The process Outside referrals Follow-ups
Baseline characteristics N=15 SBP (mmHg)
169 (SD 17.9)
DBP (mmHg)
81.3 (13.6)
Age (years)
56.60 (SD12.3)
Gender (male)
BMI (kg/m2)
32.5 (SD 7.1)
T2 Diabetes
eGFR (ml/min)
73.1 (SD 27.0)
Drugs at baseline
3.47 (SD 0.6)
Procedure characteristics Average number of ablations per artery
5.1 ablations
Mean duration of procedure
37 minutes
One had femoral site hematoma
Primary efficacy end-point