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The Burden of Cardiovascular Disease: Challenges and Opportunities In the Middle East and Beyond Using Registries To Improve Care: Experience From The National Cardiovascular Data Registry (NCDR速) John Gordon Harold, MD President Elect, American College of Cardiology

SHA-ACC Joint Symposium February 2013

Presenter Disclosure Information for John Gordon Harold, MD MACC, MACP, FESC, FAHA Clinical Professor of Medicine David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA and Cedars-Sinai Heart Institute Los Angeles, California No relationships to disclose

American College of Cardiology 64 Years of Quality and Education 1949-2012

Heart House, Washington D.C.

Unintended Variation and Waste in Healthcare Dr. Donald Berwick: “We basically have two economic health care optionsWe can cut care… Or we can improve care.” “The Triple Aim”

An International Strategy for Quality Improvement in Health Care’s


1 Better care 2 Population health 3 Affordable care

How Do We Improve Quality Of Care?

The Highest Quality Healthcare Is‌


Effective Safe

Equitable Timely


U.S. Institute of Medicine. Crossing the Quality Chasm: A New Healthcare System for the 21st Century National Academy Press 2001

Clinical Registries and The Cycle of Quality

Clinical Registries

Califf RM et al. Health Affairs, 26, no. 1 (2007): 62-74

At the Core of the ACC’s Strategy

Registry Registry Data Data

Why ACC invests in Registries: Registries Unique clinical information Enable performance measurement by physicians for physicians Support for novel scientific research production Scaled delivery of registrydriven quality improvement programs

What is the Role of Clinical Registries?

Bufalino VJ, Masoudi FA, et al. Circulation. 2011 Apr 11. [Epub ahead of print]

ACC’s Answer to the Triple Aim: Shift Focus from Volume to Quality of Care Leveraging increasing importance of measurement/tracking tools and initiatives like: National Cardiovascular Data Registry (NCDR Ž) FOCUS H2H Clinical Toolkits Clinical Documents SmartCare

NCDR速 Mission To improve the quality of cardiovascular patient care by providing information, knowledge and tools; implementing quality initiatives; and supporting research that improves patient care and outcomes.

National Cardiovascular Data Registry ACTION Registry® - GWTG™ CARE Registry® CathPCI Registry® ICD Registry™ IMPACT Registry™ PINNACLE Registry™ STS/ACC TVT Registry™ CathPCI Registry

ICD Registry

CARE Registry

Imaging Registry

ICD Long


AF Abl Registry PAD Registry Valve Registry

1998….. 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2012 and beyond "If you don't measure it, you can't manage it.” Peter Drucker

NCDR速 Clinical Registry Programs Data Elements and Definitions Clinical Data

Observational Database

Quality Assessment

Quality Improvement

Clinical Research

NCDR速 CathPCI Registry Adult Diagnostic Cath and PCI

The TheCathPCI CathPCIRegistry速 Registry速isisaapowerful powerful tool toolthat thatassesses assessesthe the characteristics, characteristics,treatments treatmentsand and outcomes outcomesof ofcardiac cardiacdisease diseasepatients patients who whoreceive receivediagnostic diagnostic catheterization catheterizationand/or and/orpercutaneous percutaneous coronary coronaryintervention intervention(PCI) (PCI) procedures. procedures. The TheCathPCI CathPCIRegistry Registrygives givesquality quality benchmarking benchmarkingdata datathat thatcompares compares lab labperformance performancewith withlike-sized like-sizedCath Cath labs labsand andthe thenational nationalaggregate. aggregate. Helps Helpsto toset setachievable achievableperformance performance goals goalsand andto todevelop developquality quality

NCDR® ICD Registry

Pediatric and Adult Lead and ICD Implants

80% submit all patients

•• The TheICD ICDRegistry™ Registry™is isaa nationwide nationwidequality qualityprogram programthat that helps helpsparticipating participatinghospitals hospitals measure measureand andimprove improvecare carefor for patients patientsreceiving receivingimplantable implantable cardioverter cardioverterdefibrillators defibrillators(ICDs). (ICDs). •• Government Governmentmandated mandateddata data repository repositoryfor forimplantable implantable cardioverter cardioverterdefibrillator defibrillator(ICD) (ICD) procedures. procedures. •• The The80 80percent percentof ofparticipating participating hospitals hospitalsthat thatreport reportdata dataon onall all implantations implantations— —regardless regardlessof of payer payeror orindication indication— —have havemade made the theregistry registryaapowerful powerfulquality quality benchmarking benchmarkingtool toolfor forany anyfacility facility involved involvedin inICD ICDimplantation, implantation, upgrade upgradeor orreplacement. replacement.

NCDR® CARE Registry CAS and CEA

•• NCDR® NCDR®CARE CARERegistry® Registry®--Data Data collection collectionfor forcarotid carotidartery artery stenting stenting(CAS) (CAS)and and endarterectomy endarterectomy(CEA) (CEA) procedures. procedures. •• AA"best "bestpractices practicesshowcase" showcase"for for all alldisciplines disciplinesinvolved involvedin intreating treating carotid carotidartery arterydisease disease-cardiology, cardiology,neurology, neurology,radiology, radiology, vascular vascularsurgery, surgery,neurosurgery, neurosurgery, and andinterventional interventional neuroradiology. neuroradiology.


STEMI and NSTEMI Upon Admission •• ACTION ACTIONRegistry®-GWTG™ Registry®-GWTG™isisaariskriskadjusted, adjusted,outcomes-based, outcomes-based,quality quality improvement improvementprogram programthat thatfocuses focuses exclusively exclusivelyon onhigh-risk high-riskSTEMI/NSTEMI STEMI/NSTEMI patients. patients. •• ItIthelps helpshospitals hospitalsapply applyACC/AHA ACC/AHAClinical Clinical Guidelines Guidelinesrecommendations recommendations inintheir their facilities, facilities,and andprovides providesinvaluable invaluabletools tools to toassist assistthem themininachieving achievingtheir theirgoal goalof of quality qualityimprovement. improvement. •• The Theregistry’s registry’sreal-time real-timequarterly quarterlyreports reports will willsupport supportefforts effortsto toreduce reduceprocedural procedural complications, complications,identify identifyareas areasof of excellence excellenceand andopportunities opportunitiesfor for improvement, improvement,and anddocument documentthe theresults results of ofQuality QualityImprovement Improvementefforts. efforts.

NCDR® PINNACLE Registry CAD, HF, HTN, AF More Morelarge large practices practices enrolling enrolling

•• PINNACLE PINNACLERegistry: Registry:For For coronary coronaryartery arterydisease, disease, hypertension, hypertension,heart heartfailure failure and andatrial atrialfibrillation fibrillationin inthe the outpatient outpatientsetting. setting. •• Nation's Nation'sLargest LargestAmbulatory Ambulatory Cardiovascular CardiovascularQuality Quality Improvement ImprovementRegistry. Registry. •• With Withmillions millionsof ofpatient patient records, records,the thePINNACLE PINNACLE Registry® Registry®isiscardiology's cardiology's largest largestoutpatient outpatientquality quality improvement improvementregistry. registry.


Pediatric and Adult Congenital Invasive Treatments •• The TheIMPACT IMPACTRegistry® Registry®assesses assessesthe the prevalence, prevalence,demographics, demographics, management managementand andoutcomes outcomesof of pediatric pediatricand andadult adultpatients patientswith with congenital congenitalheart heartdisease disease(CHD) (CHD)who who are areundergoing undergoingdiagnostic diagnostic catheterizations catheterizationsand andcathetercatheterbased basedinterventions. interventions. •• International InternationalInterest: Interest:Hospital Hospitalfor for Sick SickKids, Kids,Toronto Torontoand andRiyadh RiyadhSaudi Saudi Arabia ArabiaUS USNews Newsand andWorld WorldReport Report ––Best BestPediatric PediatricHospitals Hospitalsincludes includesaa measure measurefor forIMPACT IMPACTparticipation. participation.

NCDR® STS/ACC TVT Registry Transcatheter Valve Therapy

CMS Mandate

The TheTVT TVTRegistry™ Registry™isisaa benchmarking benchmarkingtool tooldeveloped developedto to track trackpatient patientsafety safetyand andreal-world real-world outcomes outcomesrelated relatedto tothe the transcatheter transcatheteraortic aorticvalve valve replacement replacement(TAVR) (TAVR)procedure. procedure. Created Createdby byThe TheSociety Societyof ofThoracic Thoracic Surgeons Surgeons(STS) (STS)and andthe theAmerican American College Collegeof ofCardiology Cardiology(ACC), (ACC),the the TVT TVTRegistry Registryisisdesigned designedto to monitor monitorthe thesafety safetyand andefficacy efficacyof of this thisnew newprocedure procedurefor forthe the treatment treatmentof ofaortic aorticstenosis. stenosis.

NCDR速 Participants - Patient Records Manuscripts And Abstracts Registry Name

# of Participants

# of Patient Records

# of Manuscripts & Abstracts



15 million



















180 2,000

3,800 7 million



NCDR速 Collaborations

Expanding Role of Registries in 2013 • • • • • • •

Improve patient care Identify gaps in care Use in research Hospital report cards by health plans Platform for clinical trials Post-approval study performance Post-marketing surveillance

What Questions Should We Ask? Epidemiology Quality of care Patterns of care

Quality improvement Patient safety Personalized medicine Clinical trials

Door to Balloon Times Were Slow And Unchanging

20 10 0




D2B: Evidence Of Wide Variation In Performance


100 150 Door-to-balloon time (minutes)


Six Strategies Were Identified Among The Best Performing Hospitals

Bradley EH et al. N Engl J Med. 2006 Nov 30;355(22):2308-20

The American College of Cardiology Launched A National Campaign: D2B

More Than 1000 Hospitals Joined The Effort

There Was A Significant Increase In The D2B Strategies Used By Hospitals

Bradley EH et al. J Am Coll Cariol 2009; 54 (25): 2423–9

There Was A Significant Improvement In D2B Times Nationally

The D2B Alliance reached its goal of 75% of patients with STEMI having D2B times within 90 min by 2008.

Bradley EH et al. J Am Coll Cariol 2009; 54 (25): 2423–9

NCDR速 Quality Measurement Door to Balloon Time (DBT)

Appropriateness Definitions Used in NCDR® • Appropriate: generally acceptable and are a reasonable approach for the indication. • May be Appropriate Care (Uncertain): may be a reasonable approach for the indication. Does not mean Inappropriate and should be reimbursable. • Rarely Appropriate Care (Inappropriate): is not generally a reasonable approach for the indication. Does not mean fraud.

Executive Summary Test Metrics CathPCI Registry PCI Appropriate Use Criteria- NCDR Appropriate

Distribution of Hospital Performance

Proportion of PCI procedures that were appropriate.

10th percentile

My Hospital

All Hosp 50th Pctl

All Hosp 90th Pctl




90 th percentile


Proportion of PCI procedures that were uncertain for appropriateness. My Hospital

All Hosp 50th Pctl

All Hosp 90th Pctl




10th percentile

90 th percentile

Executive Summary Test Metrics CathPCI Registry PCI Appropriate Use Criteria- NCDR Distribution of Hospital Performance


Proportion of PCI procedures classified as inappropriate . My Hospital All Hosp All Hosp 90th 2.7%

50th Pctl




Data Quality / Completeness

Proportion of PCI Procedures not classifiable My Hospital

All Hosp 50th Pctl

All Hosp 90th Pctl




10th percentile

90 th percentile

10th percentile

90 th percentile

NCDR速 National Quality Measurement: In-Hospital Complications Of ICDs p<0.001


Peterson PN et al. Circulation 2009;119:1078-1084

NCDR速 National Quality Measurement: Processes Of Care Cardiac Performance Measures in Outpatients Beta blocker after MI


Antiplatelet therapy


Warfarin for Atrial Fibrillation (CHADS2 >2)


Screening for Diabetes


Peterson ED et al. Heart 2010;96:1798-1802 Chan PS et al. J. Am. Coll. Cardiol. 2010;56;8-14

2007-2009 383 sites

NCDR® Sample Benchmark Reports A hospital can see where it stands…

Sample excerpt from NCDR ICD quarterly outcomes report

… with respect to a national average…

… and against top performers

To Wrap Up…Participation in the NCDR® Registries Can Facilitate: • Better adherence to outpatient guidelines improves patient outcomes and reduces hospital readmissions • Measureable adherence to established clinical guidelines and performance measures • Comparison of practice and physician-level data to national benchmarks • Contribution to a growing collection of clinical research

NCDR速 Goes Global

NCDR速 International Registry Deployment Country/Site Enrolled



Sheikh Khalifa Medical City



TotalCor, San Paulo Albert Einstein, San Paulo






Abu Dhabi Brazil X

Canada Toronto Sick Kids Saudi Arabia King Abdulaziz Medical City, Riyadh India KEM Hospital, Mumbai


Science tells us what we can do; Guidelines what we should do; Registries what we are actually doing.

Invitation to San Francisco ACC.13

The Mission of the ACC

To Transform Cardiovascular Care and Improve Heart Health

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