Essential reading for today’s transport worker
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Page 30 CROSSWORD RMT News is compiled and originated by National Union of Rail, Maritime & Transport Workers, Unity House, 39 Chalton Street, London NW1 1JD. Tel: 020 7387 4771. Fax: 020 7529 8808. e-mail The information contained in this publication is believed to be correct but cannot be guaranteed. All rights reserved. RMT News is designed by Bighand Creative and printed by Leycol Printers. General editor: Mick Cash. Managing editor: Brian Denny. No part of this document may be reproduced without prior written approval of RMT. No liability is accepted for any errors or omissions. Copyright RMT 2016
ongratulations to Tube Lines staff on London Underground on their magnificent victory on pensions, pay and Night Tube. After years of determined fighting for a fair deal, including industrial action, these members will now have access to the TfL Pension Fund, a pensionable salary increase every year from April 2015 to April 2019 and a payment in recognition of the move to 24-hour operation. This victory proves once again that the RMT model of militant, industrial trade unionism, backed up by professional negotiations and campaigning, gets results. Tube station staff members also launched a campaign of not working overtime or rest days until further notice following a 94 per cent yes vote for action short of a strike in the ballot. The dispute is over staffing and safety following the axing of nearly 900 frontline workers and the closure of tube ticket offices. Members see day in and day out the toxic impact of the job cuts programme and they are reporting back that it is horrific. Therefore this action is about hauling back the cuts machine and putting safety back at the top of the agenda. That is also why we enjoy support from the travelling public in the latest phase of strike action in the Southern guards’ safety dispute. This strike is all about safety and despite the lies and dirty tricks from Southern that message is ringing through loud and clear. Passengers know that Southern/GTR is a basket case rail company that has chosen to declare war on its customers and staff alike. RMT has calculated that the cost of resolving the dispute would be less than £1 million, a tiny fraction of the £20 million bail-out thrown at the company by the Tories and compared to the £157 million in profits being stockpiled by the Southern parent company Go Ahead. Simply filling the extra 20 guards
posts effectively deleted by the company back in January would not only guarantee the second safety-critical person on the trains but also dramatically improve the reliability of the service to the travelling public. RMT research has also found that London Overground profits could be used to cut fares by five per cent but will instead be used to subsidise rail services in Germany. This is another example of the madness of privatisation backed by EU rail directives. And it will get worse if MEPs back the Fourth Railway Package in December which would make the competitive tendering of rail passenger services mandatory and enforce the break-up of national railways. This model has already led to increased fragmentation, inefficiency and extra costs in Britain for over 20 years. This year also marks the 30th anniversary of the privatisation of the bus industry which has had a similar disastrous impact on the industry. In this RMT News we highlight a new report which points out that bus policy should not be based on economic factors alone but it must deliver on reducing inequality and assist access to healthcare, education and other public services. Under privatisation it clearly does not. The union’s SOS 2020 campaign has been launched across the country with demands that the government rebuild UK seafarer numbers and preserve the trade for future generations. Shipping bosses cannot be allowed to employ the cheapest labour they can find in a race to the bottom to secure profits, while they destroy the domestic shipping industry, all the under the UK Flag. Finally I would like to wish you and your families a happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year. Best wishes
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SOUTHERN RAIL’S “CHAOTIC AND LETHAL” AXING OF GUARDS MT has called on the Office of Road and Rail (ORR) to halt the operational programme that fundamentally changes the role of the guard on Southern Rail. There is growing evidence that that this new model is unleashing chaos and confusion at the Platform/Train interface which could have lethal consequences. Parent company Govia Thameslink Railway (GTR) was originally proposing to remove any responsibility for door operation from the new OnBoard Supervisor (OBS) role and also any safety critical function, including involvement with train dispatch. But now the company has now issued new instructions
that OBS staff must check the platform to ensure that passengers with any accessibility needs are able to board the train and leave the train. The OBS must also take control of the train doors to assist in this process. It also states that there will be “exceptional circumstances” there will be no OBS staff will be on the train to carry out such duties. The union has asked what exactly is the role of OBS staff and who is meant to be doing what on the platform/train interface? Moreover as this new procedure is critical to ensure passengers requiring assistance can safely board the train why are they allowing trains to run
RMT helpline 0800 376 3706 :: november/december 2016 :: without OBS staff in ‘exceptional circumstances’? It is not even clear if this new procedure has been approved or audited by the safety regulator. The union said that the notice seems to have been cobbled together by a management desperate to drive through Driver-Only Operation at any costs and who are unaware about their responsibilities under the Equality Act. RMT is demanding an immediate halt to the operational introduction by Southern of its new operational model and an investigation into the serious safety and access issues that have arisen. RMT general secretary Mick Cash said that it was crystal clear that Southern had no workable plan for downgrading the role of the guards. “It is now allowing safety and access to be compromised in exactly the way that the union has warned. “Management has descended into total chaos with ad-hoc notices, which totally contradict statements and assurances given by the company, pinned up on notice boards in a classic case of making it up as you go along. “The bottom line is that the
company is effectively admitting that they have got it wrong and that, in order to maintain safety and access, they need a second, safetycritical member of staff on these trains. “That is the issue at the heart of the current dispute and if the company had simply accepted that fact in the talks with the union, as requested, we could have reached a settlement. “The plans should be halted and the company needs to guarantee a second, safetycritical member of staff on these trains,” he said. Southern Rail is also withholding agreed backdated holiday pay and is demanding that staff agree not to take part in any further strike action before it is paid out which is a serious breach of legislation. Mick Cash said that it was despicable that the company felt it necessary to try and hoodwink staff into signing an agreement that sole purpose was to stop lawful industrial action. “This is just another outrageous and bullying attack by this basket case company on front line staff who are doing nothing other than fighting for public safety,” he said.
EARLY DAY MOTION 514 TABLED BY CAROLINE LUCAS – ACCESSIBLE TRAINS “That this House notes that in order for all passengers to be able to turn up and go at railway stations and on train services, stations must be adequately staffed and there should always be a second safety critical member of staff on a train; further notes that train guards currently provide a safety critical role, which gives a guarantee of a second person on a train to provide assistance to passengers who require it; notes that failure to provide the requisite staff to enable turn up and go travel should be considered a breach of train and station operators' safety and accessibility duties; is concerned that the Railway Safety and Standards Board warned in its 2015 report that under Driver Only Operation (DOO) passengers would face greater requirements to book in advance, possibly facing additional travel restrictions, which would represent a move away from the current goal of making the railway more accessible for all; believes that the proposal to remove a second safety critical member of staff on Southern Rail services would be detrimental to access especially at unstaffed stations; calls on the Government and Southern Rail to ensure passengers retain this guarantee at all times; and further calls on the Government to undertake an equality impact assessment of DOO, if it has not yet done so, and to publish this and any other relevant work it has carried out.”
DRIVER-ONLY TRAINS DISADVANTAGE DISABLED PASSENGERS he employer-funded Rail Safety and Standards Board (RSSB) has admitted that disabled passengers who require assistance are disadvantaged by Driver Only (DOO) Trains and that extending DOO will further disadvantage passengers. The report admits: “assistance for disabled access to trains is typically provided by platform staff, or by the guard at unstaffed stations. “With DOO(P) in operation, assisted access requires a
member of platform staff to be available to help the passenger… if no staff are present the passenger may be forced to travel to an alternative station and arrange onward travel from there”. The report adds that extending DOO would mean disabled passengers would “face greater requirements to book in advance, possibly facing additional travel restrictions, which would represent a move away from the current goal of
making the railway more accessible for all”. Additionally, a Parliamentary motion 514 tabled by Caroline Lucas (below) has warned that “train guards currently provide a safety critical role, which gives a guarantee of a second person on a train to provide assistance to passengers who require it”. RMT general secretary Mick Cash pointed out that even the bosses own standards body admits that disabled passengers
are disadvantaged with Driver Only Operation. “This goes to the heart of the argument about the guarantee that Southern won’t give, that disabled passengers will face severe difficulties travelling, especially if they need to use unstaffed stations. “The fact that Southern want to plough ahead with their plans to remove Guards from trains shows that their actions are purely motivated by profit,” he said.
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SOUTHERN ‘STRIKE BACK’ CAMPAIGN A ‘MISTAKE’ top Southern Rail boss has admitted that its ‘Strike Back’ poster campaign of incitement to violence against staff after a huge public backlash was a ‘mistake’. The company has since removed and destroyed the incendiary posters, which cost the taxpayer up to half a million pounds. Appearing at the Lambeth Council Scrutiny Committee, Alex Foulds, deputy chief operating officer of Govia Thameslink Railway, which owns Southern, faced criticism over the tweet and newspaper adverts. Councillor Ed Davie said that he could not believe the company would spend tens of thousands of pounds on the ads calling on its customers to attack the union, describing it as "absolutely shocking". Mr Foulds also apologised for the level of service being provided and conceded that Southern was the worstperforming train operator in the country "by some distance". RMT general secretary Mick Cash said that it was shocking that hundreds of thousands of pounds of fare payers’ money had been wasted by Southern on attacking and bullying their own staff. "That money could have been invested in keeping guards on the trains and keeping the public safe, it is absolutely scandalous "Staff at the front line of Southern Rail's services have been set up for abuse and assaults by a campaign of intimidation and lies that the company now try to pass off as a "mistake". "It is yet more evidence that GTR are simply not fit to run a railway and reinforces RMT's call for them to be sacked," he said.
Despite the contrition of the ‘strike back’ campaign, Southern Rail immediately tried to blame staff for the total chaos at Falmer station in November after the Brighton v Aston Villa game. Mick Cash said that the dangerous chaos at Falmer after the game was entirely down to managerial incompetence of Southern Rail. "They were running short formations and cancelling services on the hoof due to their pathetic lack of advanced planning for this major fixture. “The attempt to lump the blame on front line staff who worked flat out to try and keep passengers safe is disgusting. "RMT will be writing to the safety regulator, the Office of Rail and Road, demanding a full investigation into this latest disgraceful and dangerous series of failures by the basket case Southern Rail outfit,” he said.
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RAIL COMPENSATION BILL SKY ROCKETS ew Department of Transport figures show that the private sector railway industry is shelling out record amounts of compensation for increasingly failing services. With companies now being forced to tell customers how to claim for the appalling service they endure, passenger compensation is sky rocketing. Virgin West Coast has doubled the compensation it has had to pay out in two years from £6.78 million in 2013/14 to a whopping £13.8 million in 2015/16. Over on East Coast Virgin has seen compensation rise
since it took over from the public sector from £450,000 to £10.8 million. With over £44.9 million paid out by all the companies in 2015/16 the true extent of a failing private sector railway is becoming apparent to everyone. With First Group paying out £7.3 million in compensation last year it is little wonder that it’s Chief Executive Tim O’Toole is pleading for train operators to put in more realistic bids for future franchises. RMT general secretary Mick Cash said that as more fed up passengers claim for the inconvenience and suffering
caused by constant poor service, the compensation figure will eat into dividend payments they have all feasted on for too long. “The rail franchise system is clearly broken and it is time the government recognised that
handing out contracts to the private sector is simply adding to the woes of Britain’s rail users,” he said. government/publications /train-operatingcompanies-passengers-chartercompensation
TUBE ACTION OVER STATION STAFFING T ube station staff members began a campaign of members not working overtime or rest days from November 23 2016 until further notice. 85 per cent voted for strike action and 94 per cent for action short of a strike in the ballot. The dispute is over tube station staffing and safety. Over 3,000 RMT station staff members were balloted for action over the impact on safety from the axing of nearly 900 front-line workers alongside the closure of tube ticket offices. The remaining staff have been left unable to cope with the demands of running busy stations. Many station control rooms, where communication and alarm systems should be monitored, have been closed. A recent report, compiled by London Underground itself, blames the job cuts and unstaffed control room for a serious incident at Canning Town station, when an evacuation spiralled out of control following an accident where a passenger fell between a train and platform.
TUBE OVERCROWDING: Figures show that incidents of passengers being stopped from entering London Underground stations due to overcrowding are rising.
Fit for the Future is the name given by London Underground to new tube staffing arrangements that include cuts but goes much further. As well as closing ticket offices management has given every grade roles that were previously done by the grade above, ie an unpaid promotion. Customer info points go unanswered as many station control rooms are now unstaffed and fire control panels, lift alarms and crucial communication lines are all based in the unstaffed control rooms. According to the company
report into the Canning Town incident it was unclear as to who was performing what role, there was a lack of familiarity with local incident management processes and no liaison between stakeholders as defined within the Control and Congestion Emergency Plan (CCEP). Canning Town operates with a zero numbers staffing level and communications from NSCC were impaired due to the noise and no instruction was given to stop the DLR dispatching passengers at Canning Town The massive job losses have left stations running on
overtime. In many areas the legal minimum staffing numbers cannot be maintained without rest-day working. Shortage of cover means stations are kept open at the cost of short notice changes to duty and constant changes of duty patterns when working cover weeks. A mixture of early, late and night turns in one five day week is not unusual. RMT general secretary Mick Cash said that RMT would not stand by while safety was compromised on London Underground due to cash-led cuts to staffing levels.
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TUBE LINES VICTORY OVER PAY AND PENSIONS fter over six years of united campaigning, RMT has secured a massive victory for Tube Lines maintenance staff on London Underground on pensions, pay and Night Tube. This breakthrough has come after years of determined campaigning and fighting for a fair deal which has included the use of industrial action. The deal includes the following: * Pensions: Access to the TfL Pension Fund for all current employees and new joiners from January 29 2017. Former Metronet staff on TFL and LU will also be able to enter the scheme.
Pay: A protected RPI pensionable salary increase in every year from April 2015 until April 2019. Plus a consolidated £500 payment in the first year in recognition of the move to a 24-hour passenger service operation.
Night Tube: A £500 nonconsolidated payment to all Operational Staff following the successful launch of the service on the Piccadilly Line on 16th December 2016.
This ground-breaking deal which turns the tide on attacks on final-salary pensions that are
prevalent across industries has only been achieved through strong, militant trade unionism and the solidarity and the resilience of the tube maintenance workforce. RMT general secretary Mick Cash said that in two specific disputes with Tube Lines the union has been able to secure a good pay deal as well as winning equality and justice in pension provision for all Tube Lines members. “The dispute over pensions goes back years and is a legacy of the disastrous PPP experiment. “The union cannot overstate the massive achievement which
has been secured through a long battle involving strike action, campaigning and years of resolve and determination from our Tube Lines members. “This victory proves once again that the RMT model of militant, industrial trade unionism, backed up by professional negotiations and campaigning, gets results where it matters. “We could not have secured this stunning breakthrough without the sheer guts and resilience of our members and they are a credit to the entire trade union movement,” he said.
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Parliamentary column
Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn was the surprise guest at the RMT Parliamentary rally in support of the battle against Driver-Only Operation on Southern Rail He said that he had opposed rail privatisation from the very beginning and explained how franchises still “rely on the safety nets of Direct Rail and public ownership to make sure the rail system runs and operates properly”. To huge cheers, he said that it was time rail “was operated for the good of all, by bringing all train operating companies back into public ownership”. He praised “staff on stations who are incredibly supportive and helpful to an awful lot of people” but he was clear “the idea of travelling on a train where there are no staff seems to me to be a bit daft, not safe, especially in a very crowded train where you need staff there to deal with any kind of emergency”. Recognising RMT concerns he said that it was his belief “that the government wants to introduce DOO across the network”. He finished by saying “Any other system where a company cancelled so many trains, had so many late running trains, had so many overcrowded trains
then surely somebody would have called that franchise in and said Sorry you are not up to the job of running this” to thunderous applause. The rally after a demonstration outside Parliament with over 200 Members was chaired by RMT Parliamentary Group member Ian Lavery MP, who said both he and Shadow Rail minister Pat Glass MP were honoured to be present before welcoming Dot Gibson from National Pensioners Convention who told the packed rally “you are acting in the best traditions of our movement and we support you to the hilt”. Solidarity from Disabled People Against Cuts was brought by Paula Peters who talked of the blatant discrimination the proposals to remove staff will result in against disabled people who need the Conductors help and assistance. Andy McDonald MP Labour’s Shadow Transport Secretary slammed the government for “deliberately provoking and prolonging this dispute”. He was adamant that “this is about safety” and “the Tories are prepared to compromise and sacrifice safety at the altar of their ideology driven by a desire to make more money” He went on “They want a cowed and broken workforce… but you have withstood provocation,
intimidation and now bribery and It takes some guts to stand up for what you believe in and you have my utmost admiration” He finished by pledging “Labour stands shoulder to shoulder with the RMT in not being prepared to compromise over safety”. Caroline Lucas MP, bringing solidarity from the Green party called GTR bullying and arrogant in the way they have behaved in this dispute. She said it was wrong to keep the contract details hidden and echoed the call for rail to be brought back into public ownership. TUC deputy general secretary Paul Novak said that GTR should hang their heads in shame the way they have conducted themselves in this dispute. “The TUC supports you and for the railways to be back in public ownership where they belong,” he said. RMT Parliamentary Group Chair Ian Mearns MP then invited RMT general secretary Mick Cash to speak and he said that he had never been so proud of RMT members and guards in this dispute. “We are going to fight them wherever they try and introduce this, and our members are up for the fight, as is this union,” he told a cheering audience. 9
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LONDON FARES, RMT reveals that profits that could cut fares in London used to subsidise rail fares and services in Germany 10
New research by RMT has found that profits made by London Overground services could be used to cut fares for passengers by five per cent a year but will instead be used to subsidise rail services in Germany. The research was released on the first day of German Stateowned Arriva taking over the operation of London Overground services on a seven year £1.5 billion Transport for London contract agreed with former London Mayor Boris Johnson. London Overground Ltd (LOROL)was launched nine years ago. With its London Transport branding, it is often portrayed as a public railway. However it is, in fact, a rail franchise which has been jointly operated by Arriva and MTR which is owned by Hong Kong
Railways. This contract came to an end in November and Arriva takes sole charge of new contract. Between them Arriva and MTR were paid 10 per cent of all London Overground’s Passenger Income. According to LOROL, “10 per cent of passenger income is paid to the company through the operation of a revenue share with Transport for London. “Passenger income represents agreed amounts attributed to the London Overground services by the income allocation systems of the Railway Settlement Plan Limited, principally in respect of passenger receipts, based on detailed surveys of passenger flows. “The income is recognised in the period in which the passenger travel occurs,” it said.
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GERMAN PROFITS This income has been used to support dividend payments which instead could have been used to fund an average 5.12 per cent year on year fare cut over the last five years according to the most recent Full Accounts submitted to Companies House by LOROL. Assuming the same rate of return for the new contract, fares could be cut by on average five per cent (See table). RMT said that the research demonstrates that if further rail services are devolved in the future then he should press for them to be run directly in the public sector which could result in London passengers benefiting from significant fare cuts. RMT general secretary Mick Cash said that the German takeover of the London Overground contract meant that
70 per cent of rail services were now being operated by overseas operators and used as a cashcow to subsidise fares overseas at the expense passengers in Britain. “This research clearly shows that if London Overground was publicly operated there would be scope to slash fares by five per cent a year, not just for this latest contract but across any other services that may come under the control of the Mayor in the future. “Instead of meekly accepting this situation Transport for London should be standing up for London passengers and exploring all options for running these services in public ownership including any legislative powers it needs,” he said.
RMT REPORT - LONDON OVERGROUND PROFITS All figure in £m 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14 2012-13 2011-12
Passenger Income (PI) (LOROL SHARE) [1] 16.772 16.235 13.826 12.881 8.590
Dividend (31 March)[2] £6.1 £3.1 £4.60 £8.80 £8.50
Dividend as % Dividend as of P.I. (LOROL % of PI.[4] share)[3] 36.37 3.64 19.09 1.91 33.27 3.33 68.32 6.83 98.95 9.9 5.12% average
Concession payments to the company have increased by 24.8 per cent increase over the last five years. All figure in £m 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14 2012-13 2011-12
Concession Payments[5] 107.950 103.643 101.460 98.507 86.473
Percentage increase 4.16 2.15 3 13.92 n/a Average 5.8%
[1] Companies House. [2] Companies House [3] RMT calculation based on Companies House figures [4] RMT calculation based on Companies House figures to determine extent to which fares could be reduced if dividends were not paid. [5] Companies House
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SECURITY: A police officer stands in the entrance hall to North Greenwich underground station as unions call for funding cuts on transport in London to be reversed in the wake of the latest security incident
Union asks rail employers what procedures are in place for carrying out security checks and warns against staffing cuts All station and on-board rail staff are being asked to be vigilant in the wake of recent security incidents. The union has always been concerned for the safety of staff and the travelling public. The heightened level of terrorist threat, both national and international, the continuous threat of violence especially at weekends, has again put ordinary transport workers at risk. The union has been seeking clarification from the train operating companies on what procedures are in place for carrying out security checks within stations, staffing levels for carrying out the checks, what training and refresher training is in place and contingency plans when
incidents happen. There are obvious concerns that front line staff are being expected to take the lead in security checks despite the cuts in staffing numbers. Inevitably when there are any incidents the staff tend to be the first to be blamed for any perceived ‘security search’ procedure failures in order to free the company of any responsibility. The union has grave concerns over London Underground cutting 900 jobs and train operating companies proposing station and on-train staffing cuts and ticket office closures leaving many locations completely unstaffed. These irresponsible cuts to staffing and the inadequate training in many companies
show a dangerous and contemptuous disregard for the safety of staff both on stations and on board trains and that of the travelling public. The recent incident in October at North Greenwich where a “viable” explosive device on an Underground train was found is evident of the importance of permanent increased station staff across the whole transport industry. The alert was sparked after a worker discovered an abandoned bag “full of wires” on an eastbound Jubilee Line train. More than 300 passengers were evacuated as officers from the Met’s Counter Terrorism Command surrounded the station before specialist teams carried out a controlled
explosion. The union has asked for the wider issue of security matters to be placed on second tier Health and Safety Committee agendas and all second tier collective bargaining machinery agendas. RMT has also written to sister unions asking them to support the union in this very important matter as well the Rail Safety and Standards Board (RSSB) and the union’s Parliamentary group. All members working on trains or stations are asked to be vigilant and to forward all specific concerns or incidents of compromised security, especially where there are inadequate staffing levels, on to their relevant second tier safety and industrial representatives.
The 150th RMT rep went through the introductory course run by London and Anglia region
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Over 150 members have now passed through the introductory reps course after the latest induction in the Virgin East Coast training room at Kings Cross last month. The 150th and 151st reps to go through training were Senu Balogun and Kelsie Murphy (above). These regionally organised workplace reps three-day introductory courses are part of the national RMT syllabus and the precursors to the full five day courses held at the national
education centre in Doncaster. Since April 2013 the London and Anglia region has now held 17 courses including the latest which commemorated with a presentation from the general secretary Mick Cash and national executive committee member Kathy Mazur in attendance. Course are organised by regional office manager Stewart Cameron and the tutor is Ray Knight. Ray stressed that the course provided new reps with a quick
introduction in to their role of being a rep as well as a grounding in the history, structure and culture of the union. Around the table from left to right: Kelsie Murphy, Munalisa Najnin, Craig Manley, Richard Phillips, David Maunder, general secretary Mick Cash, Simon Mitchell, Eugen Horia, Senu Balogun Olasumbo, Ernie Hands, Liam Nixon, with Stewart Cameron, Kathy Mazur and Ray Knight at the back.
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RMT calls for Abellio to be stripped of Scotrail franchise 14
RMT helpline 0800 376 3706 :: november/december 2016 :: n a Scotland-wide day of action RMT called on the Scottish government to set out an immediate timetable for the stripping of Abellio of its Scotrail franchise. The call was made as performance at Scotrail had slumped while profiteering had risen – draining away key funds that could be invested in staffing, services and safety. The Scottish government is examining options for returning Scotland’s railways to public ownership after more than 19,000 people have signed a petition calling on Transport Minister Humza Yousaf to “make ScotRail bosses improve Scotland’s trains or strip them of their contract”. It is now reported that, far from investing in improved services, the Dutch-state owned outfit is plundering £1 million a month in profits that railways across Scotland desperately need. Dutch firm Abellio was awarded the franchise in 2015 for 10 years – a move that RMT warned at the time was a massive betrayal of the Scottish
people that would have severe and damaging consequences. Those warnings have now come home to roost with a vengeance. RMT campaigners turned out in over a dozen key locations across Scotland, signing up supporters to the union’s campaign through postcards to politicians and taking the message that public ownership and control is the only way
forward. RMT general secretary Mick Cash said that the union was campaigning to make Scotland’s trains safer, more secure and accessible. “This can only be done with a publicly owned service where profit isn’t the main motive of the operator. “The million pounds a month that is being stripped out by Abellio, and shipped across the
North Sea to Holland, would go a long way to addressing the staffing, safety and performance issues that are dragging Scotrail down. “RMT calls on the Scottish government to set out a timetable for bringing Scotrail under public ownership and with the current level of anger that’s reinforced in the petition there can be no excuse for the dragging of heels,” he said.
WOMEN IN SCOTLAND MT delegates joined other female trade unionists in Perth last month for the Women’s Scottish Trade Union Congress. This year's theme was Women: Many Roles, Many Barriers. RMT presented two successful resolutions, one on women and economic poverty due to oil and gas companies and another on the staffing of trains and stations and the impact on women's safety. The delegation also supported a resolution asking the STUC women's committee to arrange a National Woman in Engineering Day, targeting women in Scotland. Mary Jane Herbison was successfully elected to represent the union in the STUC woman's committee.
Left to right, Mandie Walton is the RMT delegate on the STUC Women’s Committee and WTUC delegates Ann Mooney, Mary Jane Herbison, Ann Joss, Alison Fernandez Douglas.
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3.5 m in th to w
BETTER BUS SERVICES ‘CUT SOCIAL DEPRIVATION’ Improving local bus services reduces social deprivation, says new report 16
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3.5 m 3.5 million people in the UK travel to work by bus
£64 bn Bus users create more than £64 billion worth of goods and services
The government should consider the wider social benefits of the bus network when assessing future investment, according to sustainable travel campaign group Greener Journeys. Researchers from the University of Leeds and accountancy firm KPMG found that a 10 per cent improvement in local bus services in the 10 per cent most deprived neighbourhoods in England would result in 9,909 more jobs, 22,647 people with increased income, 2,596 fewer years of life lost and 0.7per cent increase in post-16 education Greener Journeys said that the report, The value of the bus to society, demonstrated the important role that buses have in helping to cut social deprivation in the UK, as around one in four people are at risk of social exclusion, with the same proportion not having access to a car. The report said that although policy was not about economic value alone it must deliver on a range of social factors as well. This includes questions such as does it reduce inequality and support deprived communities? Does it impact positively on healthcare, education and access to a range of public services? Does it improve people’s life chances? This means that a policy supporting bus investment is not just a transport policy. It is a health policy, an education policy, a skills policy, an economic policy, a wellbeing
29% Buses are the primary mode of access to city centres, responsible for facilitating 29% of all city centre expenditure
policy, and a social cohesion policy. The organisation's chief executive Claire Haigh said that this vital new research showed that bus travel doesn't just benefit the economy, it can also help alleviate deprivation and improve people's life chances. "Bus investment is not just a transport policy - it is a health policy, an education policy, a skills policy, a wellbeing policy and a social cohesion policy. "We urge government to consider these findings when contemplating future investment in bus services. “Bus investment can deliver truly inclusive and sustainable economic growth," she said. Katie Schmuecker, head of policy at social research charity the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, said that buses "play a central part in fighting poverty" by connecting people on lower incomes or the employed to economic opportunities. "A good bus service can make the difference to whether someone can sustain a job, access vital public services or shop around for low cost goods and services," she added. Annual bus statistics published by the Department for Transport also showed that the number of local bus passenger journeys in England fell by 2.6 per cent in the 12 months to March. This was a reduction of 119 million compared with the previous year, during the same
50,000 A 10% improvement in access to bus services would mean 50,000 more people in work
£1.7 bn Free bus passes deliver in excess of £1.7 billion in annual net benefits
period local bus fares increased by 1.8 per cent. Bus mileage in England outside London decreased by 2.8 per cent, this is the largest annual decrease since 2003/04. A study by the Campaign for Better Transport also found that since 2010 more than 2,400 local authority supported bus routes have been reduced, altered or withdrawn completely. RMT general secretary Mick Cash welcomed the study to help policy makers understand the social impact of the bus, or lack of them. “This report provides very clear evidence of a very strong social case for the bus. “Ultimately 30 years of bus privaisation has led to huge falls in both passenger levels and the quality of services. “The only people to gain from the deregulation and selloff of the nation's bus networks were the privateers which remove huge sums of public money from the industry as profits. “RMT has long warned that if the government wanted to see the bus industry play its full economic, social and environmental role it must take steps to bring the industry back under public control. If the private sector is allowed to continue operating buses, it must be under rigid regulation, but ultimately the only way to ensure that buses play their proper role in an integrated transport network is
£7 Every £1 spent on investment in local bus priority measures can deliver up to £7 of net economic benefit
to bring the industry back into public ownership," he said. The union has also pointed out that private operators aided by public subsidy had become very rich, without any thought of social responsibilities to the communities they are meant to serve. The is little sign of any real competition as the big five operators pocket hundreds of million in profits between them despite the continued fall in passenger numbers outside London. Bus users, often with no other means of transport, have also seen fares increase and lifeline routes cut by private operators whose only motive is profit. In contrast, bus workers have seen their incomes steadily eroded. As a result, privateers routinely use their monopoly position to blackmail local authorities into parting with more public money under the perpetual threat of the axe falling on more routes. "The lie that deregulation and privatisation would bring healthy competition and with it cheaper and better bus services has been well and truly nailed by this report. “The example of the regulated services in London shows that only public bodies, unencumbered by shareholders and dividend payments, are prepared to make the necessary investment to encourage bus usage over the car,” said Mr Cash.
RMT helpline 0800 376 3706 :: november/december ::
PRIVATISATION! RMT helpline 0800 376 3706 :: november/december 2016 ::
Trade unions call for negotiations for the US/EU Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA) to end Newly released Wikileaks documents make it clear that the secret Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA) proposals are no more than an irreversible corporate power grab. International trade union bodies have called for negotiations to be stopped. The agreement involving 23 other countries aims at the ‘liberalisation’ of the worldwide trade of services and the wholesale privatisation of all banking, health care and transport. The European Commission is also demanding a 'ratchet clause' whereby if a particular trade barrier has unilaterally been removed it can never be reintroduced. Trade unions called on workers to contact their government and demand both that the secretive deal does not trade away your country’s sovereign, democratic rights or rob the rights of other countries. This wide scope of the deregulatory agenda and attack on democratic governance has not been exposed. The European Union is attempting to wrestle control of every level of governance from the municipal to national levels of countries around the world including some of the poorest in the world. The leaked documents demonstrate that the EU is demanding TiSA parties to commit to the liberalisation of public services in the trade pact.
Education International (EI) general secretary Fred van Leeuwen said that these leaks gave a clear indication of the dangerous direction of the TiSA negotiations. “The fact that citizens and civil society are still obliged to rely on leaks for getting a sense of the direction of the negotiations is deeply unsatisfactory,” he said. Delayed since 2013, negotiations are going on to finalise the deal by the end of the year. TiSA commits participating countries to enact nonreversible privatisations and deregulate a wide range of services for the benefit of transnational corporations. There are also paragraphs on the removal of restrictions concerning the movement of ‘natural persons’, a reference to migrant workers who would have no legal protection or labour rights. The countries involved in the negotiations are the United States, the European Union, Australia, Canada, Chile, Taiwan, Colombia, Costa Rica, Hong Kong, Iceland, Israel, Japan, Liechtenstein, Mauritius, Mexico, New Zealand, Norway, Pakistan, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, South Korea, Switzerland, Turkey and Uruguay. The general trade union GMB warned that TiSA should properly be called the ‘Transfer of Sovereignty Agreement’. GMB spokesman Bert Schouwenburg said that it
effectively prevented the right of nation states to legislate, regulate and administer labour market laws as they see fit whether that be at national, provincial or local level. “If TISA becomes a reality, it will herald a wholesale transfer of power from elected parliaments to corporate boardrooms in an effective privatisation of the world’s governance. “The desire and need for infinite profit growth on the part of transnational companies will accelerate a race to the bottom for workers and their families,” he said. Public Services International (PSI) general secretary Rosa Pavanelli said that negotiations cannot be allowed to take place. “The EU position ignores the potential danger of exporting aggressive privatisation policies to the developing world, which have already been shown to be the cause of social and political instability in many EU countries,” she said. The European Federation of Public Service Unions (EPSU) general secretary Jan Willem Goudriaan strongly opposed the EU’s demand for market access in public services. “Competition in these services undermines the buildup of quality public services in developing countries. The EU should not kick away the ladder to development,” he said. UNI Europa regional secretary Oliver Roethig added that European politicians knew
too well that public services that all citizens’ have a universal right to is core to the development of sustainable economies. “We cannot deny others, what we have relied on, and enjoyed ourselves,” he said. “It’s time to halt the negotiations, publish the secret texts and ensure the widest possible public debate to expose the full extent of the threat these treaties pose to democracy and the labour movement,” said International Union of Food workers (IUF) general secretary Ron Oswald. “The EU proposals only multiply the concerns the ITF has already voiced on the undermining of global standards and of decreased safety oversight, as well as over the loss of national control” said the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF)'s General Secretary Stephen Cotton. UNI Global Union general secretary Philip Jennings said that that the EU’s privatisation demands undermine other countries’ right to build sound public services, a stable financial system and local democracy. “This is unacceptable and hypocritical,” he said. All the union bodies called on all countries participating in the negotiations to immediately publish information about their position and for other countries to withdraw.
RMT helpline 0800 376 3706 :: november/december ::
SOS 2020 CAMPAIGN RAMPS UP Union holds protests across the country against lack of shipping jobs, low pay and poor conditions RMT held a protest recent under the banner ‘Aberdeen – port of shame’ over poverty pay on the Northern Isles Seatruck Ferry Services and in the offshore sector. Non-EU nationals working on the Serco-run services are paid £3.66 an hour according to the latest figures obtained by the union. RMT members gathered at Aberdeen Harbour to hold a demonstration alongside a Seatruck vessel - which is working on the Northern Isles Ferry Service contract. Activists also protested alongside the detained MV Malaviya Seven offshore supply vessel in Aberdeen in what RMT described as a “blatant example of modern day slavery”. The International Transport Federation and the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) detained the vessel in the country’s oil capital to secure pay and benefits for fifteen foreign nationals. None of the crew members have been paid for almost two months while several have not received a penny from their employer for several months. The protest then moved onto Torry, Aberdeen where there was a noisy and colourful demonstration outside the offices of Callum McCaig SNP MP and Maureen Watt SNP MSP. RMT general secretary Mick Cash said that it was a scandal that ships of shame were sailing out of Aberdeen, with workers on poverty rates that make a mockery of the legal minimum wage, under a contract that is under the control of the SNP
administration. He said that the seizure of the vessel had exposed the scandal of modern day slavery on ships. “These ships of shame are a blatant abuse of migrant workers and are contrary to any number of stated industry and government objectives around human rights. “It is also a catalyst for the dumping of UK seafarers, many thousands of whom are now drawing benefit from the state. “We’ve lost over 1,000 seafarer jobs in the offshore supply vessel (OSV) sector, mainly through the flouting of employment, equality and visa law,” he said. In Liverpool RMT activists protested as Princess Anne christened the giant Atlantic Sea ship at the cruise liner terminal to demand that shipping bosses at the Atlantic Container Line (ACL) firm employ more British seafarers. At present the new vessel and the rest of the fleet of new ships do not have any British seafarers working on board. The Atlantic Sea is one of five new vessels ACL has commissioned to double its capacity on sea routes from Liverpool to North America. The union has said that the government’s policy was to double the amount of tonnage registered under the UK Flag by 2020. RMT national secretary Steve Todd said that it could be a golden opportunity to rebuild UK seafarer numbers and preserve the trade for future generations. “Shipping bosses cannot be
allowed to employ the cheapest labour they can find in a race to the bottom to secure profits, while they destroy the domestic shipping industry, all the under the UK Flag. “It is vital for the future of the seafaring industry in this country that there are UK seafarer jobs and training on UK Flagged ships, in addition to onshore jobs in maritime business and port services,” national secretary Steve Todd.
RMT Parliamentary group chair Ian Mearns MP has tabled Early Day Motion 231to highlight the government’s failure to prevent job losses amongst UK seafarers on OSVs or their replacement with low cost seafarers on scandalous rates of pay as low as £2 per hour. A vessel has also been detained by MCA surveyors in Cardiff, Wales after it was discovered the crew had not
RMT helpline 0800 376 3706 :: november/december 2016 :: been paid for many months. International Transport Workers Federation (ITF) inspector Tommy Molloy also said that the vessel was badly maintained. “It is self-evident that no money is being spent on the basics and, as is usual with such shipowners, the crew are also not being paid,” he said. The Malta-registered Svetlana has been in Cardiff since October when it was also discovered that the Russian, Ukrainian and Bulgarian crew had not been paid wages. Mr Molloy said that one man had not been paid since he transferred to the ship in June and had not been paid the three months wages he was owed from his employment on the ship he was transferred from. He said that wages were the lowest he had seen for a long time and were certainly below the International Labour Office (ILO) minimum referred to in the Maritime Labour Convention 2006 (MLC). The owners were invited to sign an ITF agreement which would provide acceptable minimum employment standards. However the company accusing the inspector of acting illegally and insisted it would only pay what was written on contracts, however low. Unfortunately the MCA have appeared reluctant to push for payment of ILO minimum wages and the flag state, Malta, has declined to respond. Worse still, the third officer has now been sacked as the company has determined that as he is the only claimant who speaks fluent English it must have been him who called the ITF to complain about not getting paid. Mr Molloy said that he had similar dealings with the operator before. “They have been described as being at the very low end of the industry, and the MLC was designed to give seafarers protection against exactly this kind of sub-standard outfit,” he said.
President’s column
D’OH I sometimes wonder what sort of a world we are living in when waking up to the news that Donald Trump had been elected as the 45th President of the United States. Sixteen years earlier an episode of the US television programme The Simpsons had depicted Trump as President, I’m sure the writers thought they were being funny; what a ridiculous idea that a racist, misogynistic, homophobe could ever really be the most powerful person on the planet…could he? It’s too easy to blame voters who ultimately put their cross next to the name Trump. The political ruling elite in the US as in our own country have taken the electorate for granted for many years. The opportunity to give the people a vote for change was missed when Bernie Sanders was cast aside for the supposedly safe bet that was Hillary Clinton. The repeated claim from Trump that the election was rigged against him and Clinton was corrupt was seen as the desperate act of someone that was about to lose the election. The reality was that the working class, the poor, the disenfranchised were crying out for change and I believe if Sanders had been on the ballet paper then we may well have seen a different outcome. As we have seen happening in many parts of the world, if people don’t have a chance to vote for progressive change, then they may well vote for regressive change as we have just witnessed with Trump's victory. In December MEPs will be voting on the EU’s Fourth Railway and if we are not careful the EU could leave us with an unwelcome parting gift. These regulations would make it near impossible to have a publicly-owned and run railway; competitive tendering of rail passenger services would be mandatory and our government must not be allowed to let this happen. On November 23 myself, the senior assistant general secretary and many of the national executive committee spent a very long day travelling around our Southern picket lines at Redhill, Horsham, Eastbourne, Brighton, Barnham and Shelhurst. We had our very own battle bus, with Wessex
NEC member Paul McDonnell at the wheel (big thanks for all that driving). What a great day it was meeting so many committed RMT members, all standing solidly in defence of the travelling public's safety. I have to say, I think this Linked-In profile I spotted on the journey from the head of Govia is unusually honest! I was a failure at Connex I was a failure at South Eastern And now I'm a failure at Govia I'm a specialist in failure My package, including pension Contributions is nearly £500,000 a Year. I'm motivated purely by money - my own obscene pay package and maximising, profits for Govia. I occasionally have to make half-hearted noises about putting customers first, but make no mistake, what really motivates me is money. The Southern brand is now toxic under my Leadership, but I don't really care because Customer satisfaction has never been a Priority and never will be. I was reading with interest the statement from Paul Plummer chief executive of the Rail Delivery Group, which represents train operating companies and Network Rail, regarding electronic tickets and his plan that by 2018 tickets on mobile phones would be able to be used right across the country. Considering that currently 80 per cent of journeys are made using traditional paper tickets, are we really expected to believe that in eighteen months the millions of passengers that use paper tickets will all migrate to smart phone tickets cost cutting as ever is at the heart of this and we must resist any attempt to phase out ticket offices. “If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough" Albert Einstein
In Solidarity Sean Hoyle
RMT helpline 0800 376 3706 :: november/december 2016 ::
RMT general secretary Mick Cash spoke at an event last month marking the 80th anniversary of the battle of Cable Street and the fight against fascism in Spain 22
RMT helpline 0800 376 3706 :: november/december 2016 ::
Fascism was on the rise across Europe in the 1930s and sadly we are still seeing too many examples of its sickening rise across Europe today. Events like this then are so important, not just because it is good to remember anniversary celebrations – they are important because they are vital reminders of our real history and why we need to be inspired to respond again, when called upon to do so. In 1936 my predecessor National Union of Railwaymen general Secretary John Marchbank was sued for slander by Sir Oswald Mosley the leader of the British Union of Fascists. Mosley objected to reports of a speech Marchbank had made in 1934 which had referred to the use of violence by fascists against audience members at a notorious meeting at Olympia, London, and supposedly suggested that Mosley was preparing to overthrow the government. John claimed that the reports were inaccurate, denied slander and, over the course of five days, used his defence to publicly give detailed examples of Blackshirt brutality. The evidence collected for the case, contained within the archives of the NUR, includes statements by former members of the British Union of Fascists on the organisation's provocation of violence, purchase and use of weapons and its anti-semitism. Mosley won the case but was awarded only one derisory farthing in damages - one quarter of one penny. There was
an appeal for funds to help pay John’s legal fees of £5,517 and The Testimonial Fund Committee as it was called reached its goal with support from leading figures of the labour movement such as Clement Attlee, Ernest Bevin, Walter Citrine, Hugh Dalton, George Lansbury and Herbert Morrison. As part of the NUR's Campaign Against Fascism, the union also sent anti-fascist literature to branches including The Fruits of Fascism and The Spotlight on the Blackshirts which are still available online today. So at Cable Street on the October 4 1936, when some 100,000 East Enders stopped Mosley’s Blackshirts from marching through their community, it was a source of great pride to witness the response of my class. Dock workers and railwaymen, tram drivers who abandoned their vehicles for use as barricades, each and every one of them and others knew the importance of making that stand and saying No Pasaran! They shall not pass. Earlier that year, with the Nazi regime holding a firm grip on power in Germany and Mussolini’s black shirts ruling Italy, Spanish fascists launched a military coup against the elected anti-fascist coalition Republican government. The ensuing three years witnessed a bitter civil war that pitted democratic forces against fascist reaction and many of the same men that had fought in Cable Street now volunteered for the International Brigades and
headed for Spain to join the Spanish Republic’s battle against Franco’s fascists. From the start Western European states including the British government turned their backs on the Spanish Republic or actively intervened to help establish the fascist dictatorship in Madrid. Despite British claims of neutrality, the British Secret Intelligence Service even secretly transported the future fascist leader Franco from the Canary Islands to Spanish Morocco to start the uprising. While also claiming to have policy of non-interference, Nazi Germany poured in troops and well-trained airmen, accompanied by abundant supplies of arms, ammunition and aircraft. The Italian fascist regime sent at troops as well. Nazi Germany's Condor Legion composed of fascist volunteers from the Luftwaffe carried out the bombing of Guernica, the first mass terror bombing of civilians in history which killed over a thousand people. In contrast, the fledgling Republic was ill-equipped and isolated, only receiving military and political assistance from the Soviet Union. It was clear to Labour movements around the world that the war in Spain was a precursor to the coming worldwide struggle against fascism. If Spain fell they would be next. This was clearly expressed in a Republican poster that famously showed a picture of a child with bombers above and
declared in English: "If you tolerate this your children will be next". Over 45,000 volunteers from more than 50 countries answered the call to defend the Republican government and about 16,000 of them never returned. In Britain it was against the law to go to fight in Spain. However, around 2,000 trade unionists, socialists and communists still made their way to France and across the Pyrenees mountains, any way that they could. In RMT head office we are reminded every day of that sacrifice through this memorial plaque unveiled by Jack Jones on June 8 2004 which lists 113 members of the NUS and the NUR who fought in Spain. That group of volunteers joined the Tom Mann brigade, named after the famous dockers' leader and who, as Spanish communist MP Dolores Ibárruri known as La Passionara said, were the heroic example of the solidarity and the universality of democracy. We must never forget all those in my union who gave everything in the struggles before us and who give everything in the struggles today. Standing here facing my own RMT regional banner I give you my commitment that my union’s determination to stand firm against fascism is as solid now as it was then. We will continue to oppose it in all its forms and strive with you to build a better world for all. No Pasaran!
RMT helpline 0800 376 3706 :: november/december ::
RMT helpline 0800 376 3706 :: november/december 2016 ::
THE STP IS NO GOOD FOR ME Retired RMT member Oliver New warns of new Tory attacks on the National Health Service The Tory trashing and smashing of our NHS is moving up a gear. Management Consultants are being paid tens of millions to devise mega cuts to services. Spin doctors are paid millions as real doctors are squeezed and even driven out of the profession or the country. The spin doctors are pretending that our hospitals are unaffordable; too many of us are using acute services, too many dying in hospital instead of at home. Instead of going to hospital, go to your GP. Instead of going to the GP use Google, or your pharmacist. They are promoting glossy ‘healthy living’ programmes as a cover for service closures The latest vehicles for making the cuts are called Sustainability and Transformation Plans, or STPs and the way they will work is absolutely shocking. England is divided into 44 huge areas with a top bureaucrat in charge of each. Funding for NHS and local authority social care for adults is being lumped together and
each of these areas instructed to make huge cuts and tender out services. All the local Councils, NHS trusts and Clinical Commissioning Groups are told they must comply. Democracy is out of the window. Local people have little effective input anyway as these huge areas are far bigger than local communities. Local authority democracy, elections and voting are bypassed, along with the arrangements for public scrutiny of local NHS services. Nor was any of this voted on in Parliament by the way – it’s a dictat from Health Minister Jeremy Hunt’s Department which plans to cut £22 billion pounds by 2020 - our money and our vital services. If these brutal plans don’t work, there is no fall back. If A&Es can’t cope or bed and staff shortages mean the elderly people access services, it seems that’s too bad. In North West London, where an early version of these plans has been partly implemented, two A&Es have been closed and the outcome has been a disaster.
As a result two Labour Councils have refused to endorse their local STPs, but in most cases, Councils have signed up without even getting the opportunity to see the Plans. As with other cuts, they seem to be keener on Government instructions than standing up for local people. Despite all this the STPs are in trouble and the groundswell of rage is getting bigger and bigger. Nervous Tory MPs have even started to question the cuts. Grass roots campaigns to defend services are springing up everywhere, as well as national organisations like Health Campaigns Together and Keep
Our NHS Public, which both have excellent websites. A massive demonstration is being planned for the spring. All these politicians would do well to remember that Thatcher was defeated not by a general strike but by a nationwide community uprising against the poll tax. Anger about NHS cuts may have that same potential. So far Labour has been very weak around this issue and it would be great to see more forceful campaigning from there. I believe that if communities and the Labour Movement unite, we can defeat the government on this issue.
NOTIFICATION OF CONTRIBUTION RATES FOR 2017 Like most things, the cost of providing you with the benefits of RMT membership increases every year and contribution rates increase to help us to maintain and improve those benefits and our services to members. From the 1st January 2017 individuals whose basic salary or equivalent earnings are above £21,100 per annum will pay £4.77 per week Individuals whose basic salary or equivalent earnings are below £21,100 per annum will pay £2.05 per week Direct debit payments will be amended accordingly as will contributions collected by employers under paybill deduction arrangements. Members who pay contributions to cash collectors will receive a new contribution card from the collector. Those sending cheques or postal orders direct will need to adjust the amounts sent in accordingly.
Well-known RMT member Alan Rogerson received his 40-year continuous membership award from Newcastle Rail & Catering branch secretary Alan Andros recently
4 Weekly
We maintain a tight control of our costs and continually re-examine them to ensure that we make best use of our resources to deliver improved services to you. I am sure you will agree that RMT membership continues to provide excellent value for money.
RMT helpline 0800 376 3706 :: november/december ::
EDUCATE AND AGITATE RMT education officer Andy Gilchrist explains how the Bob Crow education centre has been developing RMT reps for 10 years
Almost a year after recognising Bob Crow’s inspiration behind the establishment of our education centre by naming it after him, it was right to hold our third education festival to mark 10 years of the centre. The Bob Crow National Education centre opened its doors and gardens to over 250 members and friends of the union to celebrate 10 years of educating, supporting and preparing our workplace representatives, officials and officers for the task of fighting for member’s interests. Despite the weather members and friends of RMT socialised to a background of local musicians and headliner ‘Joe Solo’ all fuelled by a few local ales, it was clear many plans and strategies were in early development stage by the afternoon’s end. The crowd were welcomed by Liz Rees from the TUC and Stuart Howard from the ITF, before the president and general secretary addressed those gathered to mark the 10 years of education work after attending the funeral of the trade union legend Davey Hopper. The centre heads towards 2017 in good shape, with RMT lay tutors delivering a wide variety of courses to nearly 800 RMT members and with plans to further develop courses that help and support all of our
activists. All speakers paid tribute to the centre’s Staff who made the day work as they do the courses all year round. If you are interested in
improving your ability to represent your workmates, build our union or join the fightback for workers go to our website and check out the courses available.
RMT helpline 0800 376 3706 :: november/december 2016 ::
RMT helpline 0800 376 3706 :: november/december ::
WIMBLEDON WAVES OFF LONGEST SERVING FEMALE GUARD Members of Wimbledon branch waved a proud farewell to Susan Elliott currently the longest serving female guard on the rail network. Susan has been a long standing RMT member and a proud activist. She enjoyed attending train crew conferences and shared her feedback within the branch and its' members. The branch will miss Susan and would like to say farewell and wish her a long and happy retirement.
CAMBRIA AWARD Cumbria branch recently met at The White Lion Hotel in Machynlleth with general secretary Mick Cash and Steve Shaw from the NEC in attendance to present Colin Hughes, in the blue shirt and works for Network Rail S&T, with his 40 year award.
RMT helpline 0800 376 3706 :: november/december 2016 ::
SHIPPERS IN FOCUS RMT national secretary and RMT president recently visited Glasgow Shipping branch and made a number of long service presentations
Allan Campbell - 40 year badge
Andy Rennick - 40 year badge
Billy Campbell - 40 year badge
Brian Reynolds - 25 year badge (14 years late)
David Whiteside - 40 year badge
Derek McLeod - 10 year badge
Gerry Puczynski - 25 year badge
Duncan Hamilton - 40 year badge
Duncan Giles - 25 year badge
Hugh Murdock - 40 year badge
Jimmy MacAuley - 25 year badge
Jimmy McAnsh - 25 year badge
John Fitzgerald - 40 year badge
Allan Rankin - 25 year badge
Ian Murray - 10 year badge
RMT helpline 0800 376 3706 :: november/december ::
Last month’s solution... The winner of last month’s prize crossword Mark Harris, Henllan. Send entries to Prize Crossword, RMT, Unity House, 39 Chalton Street, London NWI IJD by January 1 with your name and address. Winner and solution in next issue.
ACROSS 1 Achievement (10) 8 Go back over (7) 9 Scorch (5) 10 Yellow pigment (5) 11 Helper (7) 12 Charge (6) 14 Slight wind (6) 16 Conscript (7) 17 Fly (5) 19 Plate (5) 20 Turkish term of respect (7) 21 Set (10)
DOWN 1 Allergy treatment (13) 2 Exchange (5) 3 Professional killer (6) 4 Kneader (7) 5 Absence (13) 6 Therefore (4) 7 Funeral vehicle (6) 12 Advance evidence for (6) 13 Locate (7) 15 Imperfection (6) 17 Islamic judge (5) 18 Correct (4)
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0800 376 3706 Problems at work? Call the helpline (Now with two operators)
Keep your RMT membership details up-to-date In the light of draconian anti-trade union laws that have been used against the union, members should keep their personal data up to date. It also important to note that in order to keep members informed your union requires your mobile telephone number and email address. Members can do this via the RMT website, telephone the RMT helpline above, or writing to the membership department at RMT head office, Chalton Street, London NW1 1JD.