Transport for Wales

RMT is fully aware of the aspiration of members to make progress towards bridging the gap between that of Gov and Rail staff and to that end further negotiations will shortly commence with the company with a view to achieving progress in this regard.
These negotiations are likely to be complex covering several proposed areas but please be assured that your RMT representatives are determined to secure the best possible proposal from the company for consideration.
It is important to note that no agreement has been reached at this stage and that any eventual agreement would require a successful referendum of RMT members.

Steven Skelly RMT Regional Organiser (South Wales & West) Mobile: 07766 020531 Email: s.skelly@rmt.org.uk
Gary Brown (North Representative) Tel: 07833 141721 Email: bgary9346@gmail.com
Paul Longland (South Representative)
Tel: 07954 816365
Gabriel Barton RMT South Wales & West Office Tel: 0117 925 5018 Email: g.barton@rmt.org.uk