Foreland Shipping February 2025

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Foreland Shipping February 2025


Dear Colleagues,

I have recently taken responsibility for Foreland Shipping as you will have seen from the recent communication that was sent out.

Since taking over I have been contacted by members identifying concerns and frustrations which I will be looking to address.

I recognise that communication is crucial to all members, particularly those operating within the deep-sea sector, and with advancements in internet facilities onboard vessels within the fleet I would like to implement improved 2-way communication with you and your colleagues. Having effective communication will allow us to raise matters of concern to you with your employer.

Nothing will ever change if members only complain about your issues in the mess room or on social media and whilst I am committed to implementing a positive change to current and potential members, I need members to become more actively engaged.

This can be achieved quite simply by organising a meeting of members onboard and ensuring that we have a point of contact or rep on every shift on every ship sending me a report on a regular basis of your concerns, any requirements you have and advising me of upcoming visits to UK ports where I can then look to schedule a visit.

If we have an increasing number of members becoming active, we can be more effective in dealing with your issues, initiating greater awareness of your priorities, and being organised better than ever before at Foreland. If you want to implement a positive change within your workplace and within your union, then let’s start the year by addressing your workplace concerns and equally the concerns that some of you have about RMT.

I am aware that there is criticism, and I am more than happy to speak with any member and discuss how I plan to change this and re-establish confidence among the membership where this may be lacking. I know what must be done but I need your help and support to deliver this!



As the trade union that represents the interests of all Ratings at Foreland Shipping, we want to know what the concerns of you and your colleagues onboard Foreland vessels are and what you would like us to take a proactive approach on?

This may vary from vessel to vessel, it may be that you would like better mess facilities, increases in internet connectivity, greater awareness of your terms and conditions, more information on a specific issue, mental health support or welfare facilities Whatever it is that concerns you and your colleagues we must look to raise these issues and progress dialogue with a view to finding a resolution and not just looking to continually talk about the same matters over and over again without any progression.

Workplace Pensions

Pensions and life assurance within the maritime sector is a very important area for your

regularly produce a maritime pensions’ campaign update. All members can find information on the

that we are undertaking in this area on the RMT website. This information is also sent via text and email to every single maritime member. We have recently established the details of the variances in the contribution levels at your employer which are as follows:

Ratings employed at Foreland can join any of the above-mentioned pension schemes.

If members wish to change pension scheme and benefit from increased employer contributions, they should contact their employer and request the necessary documentation to change schemes.

Should any RMT members have a specific question in relation to pensions you can contact our Pensions Officer, Paul Norris, at or on 0207 529 8806.

Partnership Meetings

Within our current agreement it states that we should have at least one partnership meeting per year. Since Covid this has not occurred, and it appears that meetings have taken place virtually, and I acknowledge the frustration that it is causing with some of the membership and is something I will look to address.

Current rates of pay

Your current rates of pay, for all rating grades, prior to any uplift for 2025 are as follows:

Pay negotiations – A matter for RMT members only!

Members have been provided with negotiation updates and we have received feedback on the views from several members. We have also received comments from individuals who are clearly not members of the union at this time. Whilst this demonstrates the significance of the union within your workplace it also illustrates the importance of being in the union as unfortunately those individuals who are not members have no voice or say on your pay or terms and conditions. If your colleagues are interested in pay, negotiations or seeking improvements to terms and conditions of employment through RMT, then encourage them to join your union and get involved in the discussion and debates for improvements.

What is an organised workplace?

As a union we must look to ensure that we are organised in your workplace. Being organised has multilayers of requirements and is not only about having a high membership density, which of course is fundamental. We must also strive to seek points of contacts on every shift, on every vessel, engaging with the three representatives (as agreed within the partnership agreement) and myself as the lead officer of what the issues are on each vessel, progressing your concerns, answering any queries and responding to what the membership want to see from the union.

The role of your branch

RMT organises our members into geographic branches, which are the hub of the union and facilitate regular meetings which allows you to raise issues whether employer specific, maritime sector specific or about a specific issue. I would also like to see regular reports from members given at your branches, so that branches are fully updated on any concerns that you may have, and to ensure that there is linkage between the workplace and the branch. Members employed by Foreland are currently in various branches and this may be something that we consider in the future. If you have never attended a branch meeting, I would encourage you to get in contact with your branch secretary and look to attend a future meeting. Attending branch meetings will give you an opportunity to provide an update on your workplace and listen to what is occurring in other areas and provide you with a greater understanding of your union’s campaigning work.


As your National Secretary and lead officer it is fundamental to visit our members within the various maritime workplaces, to better understand your working environment and to be visible to members and allow face to face engagement with all members working within the maritime sector.

I understand how important it is for members to see the union visiting workplaces, and this is also equally important for me, as it helps me have a greater understanding of your operation, your working environment and allows discussion with members and potential members whilst supporting workplace representatives. I will look to progress shipboard visits when your vessels are scheduled to dock in the UK and communicate in advance of our intention to do so.


All RMT members need to ensure that if you change employer, change jobs, change mobile numbers, change your email address etc., you inform head office. If we don’t have your correct details on file then we will be ineffective in our communication with you.

If you do not receive texts from RMT – we do not have your correct mobile number. If you do not receive RMT News at home – we do not have your correct home address. If you do not receive emails from RMT – we do not have your correct emails address.

Contact RMT Head office on 0800 376 3706, use the app or log on to the website to update your personal details.

National Secretary Darren Procter onboard the Anvil Point in December visiting Foreland members in the Port of Marchwood discussing pay aspirations and improving engagement with deep sea members

Health and Safety

Your union has been vocal in stating that health and safety within the maritime sector is often nothing more than a tickbox exercise.

It is not unusual to see “safety reps” that have received no formal training, often the head of department, who are not involved in risk assessments, safety inspections or accident investigations but merely attend a safety committee meeting to appease MCA inspections.

I will be looking to assess over the next few months our approach to health and safety within the deep sea sector, and particularly representation. We would be keen to hear your views on safety representation, representative training, how safety could be improved and if you are interested in being safety representative.

Members are encouraged to contact our dedicated health and safety officer Jonathan Havard via email at


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