Belfast Shipping - September 2022

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you enjoy reading this publication and respectfully request that you make us stronger by sharing this newsletter with a colleague who is not currently in the RMT and ask that they consider joining and initiating debate about how we as a union can become better organised within your workplace and take the time to contact us so that we are aware of your views.

Since the introduction of refresher training for the STCW certification in 2015, I found myself, in the role of Branch Secretary of the Belfast Shipping Branch, being contacted regularly from unemployed members enquiring about renewing their certification.

And so it began… We started searching for premises to work out of that would provide office space, classrooms, workshop etc and were fortunate enough to source a building that was central to Belfast city centre with easy access to the motorway and public transport routes. After refurbishing and fitting the centre out with tables, TV’s, laptops, printers, scanners and all the necessary equipment needed to run the courses, we needed to come up with a name.

is the link between you and the machinery of the union and in an effort to continue to progress and develop as a branch we need as many members as active as possible, whether permanently employed or agency, whether onboard ferries, in ports or within the emerging renewables



By Danny McQuaid, Branch Secretary Belfast Shipping Branch


Our branch officials began assisting members in applying for funding via the MEF to assist our unemployed seafarers in paying the course costs, but it soon became apparent that this was not the only obstacle. Whilst we were grateful of the financial help provided by the MEF to the members, the next challenge was travel to and from the training facility and the additional cost of accommodation when attending.

This was how the idea of Lagan Marine came about! Why were seafarers from Ireland having to travel to the mainland UK to complete MCA approved courses? The simple answer was that there was no training facility in the North of Ireland.

This was probably the easiest decision we had to make with Belfast’s proud maritime history it seemed an obvious choice to name ourselves after the river that runs through Northern Ireland and into Belfast Lough. Lagan Marine, we now had a name and registered our business with company


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step in the process was to commence building the courses and to then have them

As part of a branch initiative we are seeking to improve communication and supplement national and regional publications with our own branch publication to publicise local activity, upcoming events, educational courses and potential opportunities for members of Belfast Shipping


But here we are, almost three years in from when we started, we had survived Covid and all its challenges, with regards to not only running courses but getting them approved. We now have all the basic STCW courses and refreshers. We have built our own fire school and are working on the next phase which will be building a davit and sourcing a lifeboat and fast rescue craft so that we can add these courses to our ever-growing

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Assisting seafarers in all their training needs is our main priority but we pride ourselves on the fact that we offer much more than just the required courses. Anyone using our facility will be given the opportunity to sign up to our database for employment. We are constantly in contact with numerous companies who we update regularly on the availability of trained seafarers seeking employment. We also help with CV building and interview techniques in the form of a free of charge half day course, which we believe will give those seeking work, the best chance of securing gainful employment. We assist with organising seafarer’s medicals and providing transport if needed and we are constantly working with local communities and maritime organisations to try and secure funding for those that need it.

It’s been a pretty hectic few years getting Lagan Marine off the ground. We thought at one stage Covid and the lockdowns would shut us down. Thankfully we persevered and continued to throw everything at it and the hard work is starting to pay off. Over the past 12 months, we have trained almost 200 seafarers on various courses. We have been working with a local ferry company (Not P&O) and numerous windfarm firms and secured more than 100 jobs, both full time and seasonal. We are currently in the process of building GWO courses that are specific to the windfarm industry and hope to be able to deliver theses soon. We believe that this sector of the maritime industry has great potential for employment opportunities for UK seafarers so it will be our aim to train and promote UK seafarers through our rapidly growing database.

For any enquiries, questions or assistance, please email and we will do all we can to help.

approved by the MCA. This sounded like quite a straightforward process, but the reality was that an enormous amount of time and effort was needed to accomplish this. Each course had to be built as per the Merchant Navy Training Board criteria, this was then sent into the MCA for desktop approval. Once they were satisfied, the MCA would then have to come out to our training centre and witness a course being delivered live. This must be done for every individual course, so it has taken a considerable amount of time to complete. Every piece of equipment associated with each course also had to be purchased from EPIRB’s and SART’s to lifejackets, life rafts, immersion suits, fire suits, BA sets, fire hoses, nozzles… the list is endless and the costs keeping rising. I was beginning to realise there was perhaps a few reasons why we haven’t had a training centre in Northern Ireland as it is no easy task building from scratch.

we started the process of building a maritime training centre in Belfast, it was due to the absence of such a facility in our region and the fact that to achieve the required accreditation, seafarers had to travel the length and breadth of the UK. We knew that having a facility here would be a huge benefit to seafarers and especially those who may be unemployed.

shareholders. This exploitation does not stop at seafarers because these unscrupulous employers are using seafarers to also undertake the work of port workers.

I have been visiting Belfast regularly over the past couple of years, and irrespective of the reason for my visit I make every effort to visit members in the port, onboard the vessels and meet with your branch officials. I believe in being seen in the workplace, speaking with members, engaging with potential members and supporting your elected reps who have the most important role within the union. Feel free to speak with your workplace representative or contact your branch officials about how you can become more actively involved.

Attending your branch meetings enables members not only to keep themselves informed of what is happening in the union at local, regional and national level but also to keep the branch informed of what is happening in your respective workplace.


Firstly, I would like to congratulate your Branch for showing initiative and creating a newsletter for members within Belfast Shipping Branch. Whilst up until very recently the three main employers would have been P&O Ferries, Stena Line seafarers and Stena Line Port workers, that has now changed due to the despicable actions of P&O Ferries. Whilst we can acknowledge that P&O has had low cost, exploited labour onboard running out of Larne, we must recognise the threat this poses to our members working for other operators within the ferry sector and equally acknowledge that the Irish Sea in particular has become a hot bed bed of employers reliant upon exploited seafarers. As a union we need to be actively campaigning against these employers who do not believe in employing local seafarers, who have no interest in investing in future UK/Irish Seafarers and run services for the sole purposes of making as much money for the

The primary role and objective of your branch shall be the recruitment, retention and organisation of maritime workers within our delegated spheres of influence. To achieve this objective, Belfast shipping branch shall create and work to implement a branch plan which will be submitted to the Regional Council. The Regional Council co-ordinates a regional plan based on the input from branches within the region.

The branch is the cornerstone of RMT and the interface between the individual member and the rest of the union, helping members to find their way through the union's structures and bureaucracy; providing assistance and advice and the opportunity to participate in the union at all levels.

By Darren Procter, National Secretary

The organisation within Stena Line, thanks to the dedication of your locally elected representatives, has ensured we are well organised but we need to continue to look to strive and build campaigns locally within Northern Ireland to improve terms, safeguard jobs and develop solidarity with trade unions who will support us when required and who will require support other workers during this unprecedented time for workers during a cost of living crisis. We must also recognise that we need to encourage more members to become actively involved, supporting your elected representatives, becoming a workplace representative where required, identifying initiatives that you think as a union we should be developing and generally becoming more actively involved within your union.


Since the appalling decision of P&O Ferries to sack all of our members employed at P&O Ferries the branch has been active in organising and attending numerous events in Northern Ireland and beyond. We have organised a number of protests in Larne and been supported by the attendance of our National Secretary, Darren Procter and our National President Alex Gordon.

Our branch secretary Danny Mcquaid has also recently attended the BGM which is an industrial organising conference of maritime grades and moved 3 resolutions on behalf of our branch which were all supported by other maritime branches. Danny was also the regional representative at the union’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) in Birmingham.


Our branch also recently attended a cost of living crisis protest in Belfast proudly displaying our banner.

The Branch also attended demonstrations against P&O in Liverpool organised by Liverpool Shipping and protests at Larne port organised by regional organiser Gordon Martin. It was great to see branch members from Stena and Calmac joining our protests.

Following dialogue and support from our sister trade union NIPSA, and trade union colleagues at Belfast Trades Council, we also attended the May Day Rally in Belfast and were asked to lead the March. Once again we were joined by several activists, the National Secretary and the young family of activist Darren Doherty who proudly marched with our banners.

Former Regional Organiser and great friend of Belfast Shipping Branch, Ian McIntyre recently passed away. Ian was a true friend to many within our branch and helped many Belfast Shipping Branch members over the years. Our branch sends deepest condolences to his family from all at Belfast Shipping Branch. RIP comrade.

Each NEC position is elected from the membership within your respective region for a period of three years and then you return to your employer and the positions are staggered over three years but always start from 1st January.

By Andy Gordon, Oban Shipping and NEC Member


The role itself involves dealing with resolutions from branches/regions, reports from lead officers/ regional organisers and any matters placed before the NEC by the General secretary such as legal assistance requests, organisational matters and financial reports etc.

Within your region that National Executive Committee is elected from members of the following branches: Aberdeen Shipping Branch, Belfast Shipping Branch, Glasgow Shipping Branch and Oban Shipping Branch. Given that I was elected into this position and I am a member of Oban Shipping branch, no member of Oban Shipping branch can be elected into this position because no branch can be represented consecutively on the National Executive ThereCommittee.iscurrently



representing Maritime Region 3, Sean Miskimmon of Liverpool Shipping represents Maritime Region 2, Dale Kember of Dover Shipping branch represents Maritime Region 1. There is currently a vacancy within Maritime Region 4 (offshore) following the sad passing of Joe Kirby recently.


For those members currently employed at Stena Line ports, we recognise that you have very effective representatives in both terminals in Alex Thompson and Peter Bacon but please be reminded that your

The National Executive Committee is made up of 16 members who deal with the daily running of the union, this is made up of four committees, a Northern Sub-committee, a Midlands subcommittee, a Southern Sub Committee and a Maritime Sub-committee. Each sub-committee is made up of 4 NEC members and within the Maritime sub committee we have a representative from each of the 4 maritime regions. Within the maritime sub-committee we have myself, Andy Gordon

an election starting for this position and any member of Belfast Shipping branch, or any other shipping branch within the region that is interested in this role who requires further information or greater detail on the role please feel free to get in contact.

Your branch currently has a membership level of around 150 members and whilst our activity levels have increased in recent times we acknowledge that we have hundreds if not thousands of unorganised and frustrated workers employed in various roles around our coast and we would like to have more members actively involved in visiting workplaces, initiating dialogue with colleagues who are not in a trade union and increasing our presence as a union. Should you be interested in becoming involved in supporting organising visits then get in contact with your Branch Secretary Danny McQuaid.



You are not alone... there is help at hand.

Any member of this branch who is currently unemployed and seeking work please get in contact with your branch secretary as the union has started compiling a database as many companies are now looking to the union for seafarers of all grades in various sectors. This is something that Belfast Shipping Branch has called for for years and something which many of our branch activists are passionate about. For the avoidance of doubt this is aimed at those who are unemployed and not those who are seeking to “moonlight” in their time off.


Your branch is involved in the Lifeboat Working Party group that was formed after representations by your branch officials surrounding the lowering of lifeboats with crew onboard, poor maintenance and fear of crew members asked to embark lifeboats for training exercises given the amount if accidents/incidents. We would encourage all members, irrespective of employer to get in contact with your views and we will ensure that this is incorporated into our representations at national level.

branch is here should you wish to raise issues wider than your employer or wish to get involved in union activities, require details about education courses or benefits available to RMT members.

Belfast Shipping Branch recognises the importance of pensions and notes the work currently being undertaken by the union in the Maritime Pensions Campaign. There are maritime pension courses education programmes available and if any individual has an interest in pensions we would encourage you to get into contact with us so that we can develop our involvement in pensions with a view of having more engagement around this often complex subject matter.

RMT is working closely with employers and health charities to better understand, improve support and promote mental wellbeing in your workplace

Mental Health Matters


Mental Health Matters


Your union have initiated a maritime mental health campaign, details of which can be found on the website. Poor mental health has become a growing problem within society, compounded by the pandemic and the cost of living crisis and it is a workplace issue. There is an inconsistent approach by employers, with some employers doing very little. We would appreciate being contacted with your views about your employer, within the maritime sector or specific mental health support mechanisms within Northern Ireland. Any member who is interested in participating in a national working group on behalf of Belfast Shipping branch and assist in the progression of the Mental Health campaign aims should contact the branch or RMT health and safety officer Jonathan Havard ( ) for more details.

In each company where RMT has recognition, an elected regional official or national shipping official is allocated by the General Secretary as being responsible to lead negotiations for that particular company, working closely with the local branch and shipboard representatives to raise the issues on behalf of RMT members. RMT is a democratic trade union, every position from the shipboard representative to the General Secretary is elected by the members and accountable to the members. Within the structures of RMT we have industrial grades based conferences and advisory committees for young members, BAME,

REGIONAL OFFICE CONTACT DETAILS The contact details for our regional office in Scotland are: 180 Hope Street, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, G2 2UE Tel 01224 582688

on Facebook contact the branch for more details. BRANCH CONTACT DETAILS Your Branch Secretary Danny Mcquaid can be contacted on 07795 215400 or for any information, requirements or details on upcoming branch meetings UNDERSTANDINGetc.HOW


Our priority as a trade union is workplace organising, ensuring that we have elected shipboard representatives, both industrial and safety, covering all shifts on all vessels but it is equally important to identify how members can become actively involved within the union on matters that are important to you.


As an RMT member it is fundamental that all members view the union as something we are part of as opposed to something that we call upon when we need it. Whether it be organising in the workplace, opposing cuts, campaigning against an employer or the current cost of living crisis as a democratic organisation we are reliant upon the participation of RMT members as opposed to members paying for a service. Participation comes in many forms, from supporting reps in your workplace to being active within your branch/region.

The dates of the next branch of Belfast Shipping Branch will be ASAP you are not




and communicated on our Facebook page, if

Within RMT we have 16 branches specifically for Maritime and Offshore members. The role of the branch is to organise all workers within its geographical spheres of influence. As a member of RMT you will be in one of the following branches: Aberdeen Shipping, Belfast Shipping, Douglas Shipping, Dover Shipping, Eire Shipping, Glasgow Shipping, Harwich Shipping, Holyhead Shipping, Humber Shipping, Liverpool shipping, Manchester Shipping, OILC, Oban Shipping, North East Shipping, River Thames, Southampton Shipping, South West and South Wales Shipping.



Every member of RMT is allocated to a branch. Within the maritime section of the RMT we currently have 16 maritime branches allocated to organising workers within those geographical regions. As a member you can attend a branch meeting to raise your workplace issues, propose initiatives that you think the union should undertake, listen to the wider concerns from the Maritime sector and become actively involved in union activity. Most members employed within the spheres of the River Thames will be a member of and organised by River Thames branch. Any RMT member can attend any RMT branch meeting nationally and help is always at hand should you need it.

Personal Injury claims cover if you suffer an accident in work or outside of work. RMT underwrites settlements that would not be provided by no-win, no-fee companies. Call 08457 125495 for more information.

Should a member find themselves unfairly dismissed, discriminated against or have any claim which has reasonable prospects of success at an Employment Tribunal, RMT will provide legal representation and pay the fee. Even if the union is advised that the claim is unlikely to success, members who make a claim are eligible to receive free legal advice.

RMT has a considerable number of dedicated, elected officers and local reps to represent your interests, negotiating with employers on issues such as pay, pensions and working conditions. Your elected officers are supported by a team of researchers in various areas to support our claims for improvements within the workplace.


The union has a political fund to run campaigns and provide a political voice to benefit members’ interests in the workplace. RMT has a very active parliamentary group which raises issues of concern for members at Westminster, the Scottish Parliament and Welsh assembly. The recent change to NMW legislation is an example of a successful political campaign undertaken by the Parliamentary group.




LGBT+, women, health and safety, education and disabled members. Any member interested in becoming involved in any of these national committees can simply do so by contacting your branch secretary. As a union we are continually developing our strategies around key issues and 3 of the most important campaigns within the maritime sector at present are the 100% Ferry campaign, Maritime Pension campaign and the Maritime Mental Health campaign.


This benefit is payable to any member who retires over the age of 60 or 55 if retired through redundancy or resettlement. Ill health retirement is also payable; proof of this must be sent with application for retirement benefit.

As a member of RMT, whether you are covered by a collective bargaining agreement with RMT or not we will ensure that you are represented in the workplace should you require it. present are the 100% Ferry campaign, Maritime Pension campaign and the Maritime Mental Health campaign.

Members who have suffered an industrial disease will receive free legal support to make a claim. Such claims are underwritten by the union and members will not have any deduction from their claims unlike claims run by no win, no fee companies. Call 08457 125495 for more information.


Accident Benefit is payable if you have an accident at work or on the way to or from work, Accident benefit is only payable if you have been off work for 3 days or more. Accidents must be reported to your branch secretary within 26 weeks in order to qualify for accident benefit.

This benefit is payable to any member who is experiencing loss of wages through being permanently demoted or downgraded as a result of illness or injury. Payment of £300 will be provided that the member




you pay down your loan amount each month, you only pay interest on the outstanding balance. There are no hidden costs to saving and borrowing


penalty charges.


The beneficiaries of this fund would be any child of a member or spouse if the member dies in service or if a members spouse dies and the member has responsibility of the children. Benefit is paid whilst a child in full time education up until the age of 22. Payment is made quarterly and the rate is £12.00 per week for children up to the age of 16, then £12.75 per week from 16 to 22.

Administration charges and



A death grant of £600 is payable to the nearest relative or legal representative if a member dies through any cause prior to retirement.

you pay up early you simply pay the balance and any interest due


The RMT Credit Union organisation The key to RMT Credit ‘keeping time from As with RMT Credit If at NO Handling or NO

As a benefit of your RMT membership you can register for £5000 Free Accidental Death cover. Cover is for UK residents aged 18-69. The 12 months FREE annual cover must be renewed on an annual basis. HOW MUCH DOES IT COST TO JOIN RMT? The RMT has 2 rates, “Low rate” and “Full rate”. The low rate is applicable for all members employed on less than £23,600pa and the Full rate is applicable for those above that threshold. Full Rate Low Rate Weekly £5.40 £2.32 4 weekly £21.60 £9.28 Monthly £23.40 £10.06 * Correct as of June 2022 We hope that after reading the above, those seafarers who are not currently a member of RMT give consideration to join the majority of your colleagues within the Ferry sector and join the RMT today.

is a mutually beneficial savings and loan


which offers ethical savings and loans to its members.

As an RMT member you have access to education courses held at our Bob Crow National Education Centre in Doncaster or within the regions. The education courses are developed and designed to best equip our Unions activists, workplace representatives and officials to support, advise and represent our members across the union. The programme includes the core skills courses for all grades seeking education for Workplace Representatives and Branch Officials roles as well as a number of specialist courses to equip our Representatives and Officials with the skills and knowledge to deal with those issues in the workplaces. The learning style is one of collaboration and participation with reps from across our union learning as a multi grade Union from each other and strengthening our union for all.


Union is

reports this to the branch secretary within 12 weeks.

it simple’. You must save a minimum of £5 per month with us. You can then after a short


the time.


Ethnic Group. (Please specify. This information is used as part of our equal opportunities policy)

C.Asian/Asian British Indian Pakistani Bangladeshi Chinese Other Asian background

E.Other ethnic group Arab Other ethnic group, please specify

Sexual orientation (This information will be used for monitoring purposes as part of our equal opportunities policy)

Annual Basic Salary


D.Black/African/Caribbean/Black British African Caribbean Other Black/African/Caribbean background


If you wish to be contacted with information about union activities for lesbian/gay/transgender members please tick here

Any other White background



Sexuality Hetrosexual Homosexual Bisexual Prefer not to say Do you identify as transgender?

A. White English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish/British Irish Gypsy or Irish Traveller

B.Mixed/multiple ethnic groups and Black Caribbean and Black African White and Asian Other mixed/multiple ethnic background

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