Dave Goard

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Dave Goard

Plymouth No. 1 Branch

Following overwhelming support, I am seeking your vote for the posi on of Relief Regional Organiser (South). I have been encouraged to con nue to FIGHT FOR YOU.

I have the experience, knowledge and organisa on skills to ensure that you are best served. This posi on requires a capable nego ator with effec ve communica ons skills – something that I have built my trade unionism on.

You deserve to have an officer who will enhance your T&Cs, secure substan al pay increases, represent members and ensure your Health and Safety is protected. I believe that I am the candidate that can deliver for you.

Why vote Dave Goard?

• Director level nego ator

• Proven record for represen ng all RMT members across the South of England

• At the forefront of our successful Save Our Ticket Office campaign

• Represented the views of Network Rail members during the Na onal Dispute

• Na onal Execu ve Commi ee spokesperson during the TOC Dispute

• Suppor ng the Defend Jobs, Pay and Agreements campaign on LUL

With over a decade of experience and currently si ng on the NEC, I can hit the ground running. I am already up to date on all issues that directly affect you.

My Experience:

Local Level Rep

Company Council Rep (Tier 2)

Branch Secretary

2 x AGM Delegate

Regional Council President

Na onal Execu ve Commi ee Member (current)

What can I do for YOU?

Con nue to organise and support to Fight Against A acks

Protect our Network Rail Maintenance and Opera ons Jobs, Terms and Condi ons

Fight to Protect our Sta on, On-Board and Cleaner jobs

Support our LUL members and Defend your Pensions and Agreements from being a acked

Commit to Ending Outsourcing, bringing you In-House

Promote and engage our Bus Workers across the South of England

Work to recruit, encourage and engage our Mari me Sector

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