North East Region
Your North East Regional Council can be contacted at: NorthEastRegionalCouncil@rmt.org.uk And on our X (Twitter): @RMTNorthEast
Members working for 12 train operating companies have voted overwhelmingly to accept the pay proposal that your union negotiators agreed with the Department for Transport.
The offer was: for the year 2023/24 – 4 75% and for the year 2024/25 – 4 5% Crucially this was unconditional
Out of 15462, an incredible 15283 voted in favour of the offer.
This offer has only come about due to the resilience of the members who, in particular in this region, stood steadfast in the face of ideologically driven attacks on our pay and terms and conditions It is important to remember that the previous government wanted to close all ticket offices and slash jobs under the auspice of ‘workplace reform.’ This pay award is not connected to the appalling strategies that were being pursued by the unscrupulous Rail Delivery Group over the course of the dispute, where charlatans such as Mark Harper and Grant Shapps refused to meet and meaningfully negotiate
We stood firm. All North East members should be proud.
The union already accepted an offer for the year 2022/23 across the TOCs of 5% with a minimum underpin of £1750 Acceptance of this deal means that, despite the sustained threat to members’ livelihoods over three years of this dispute, members will receive in total a compounded 14.94% pay rise.
It is heartening to learn that RMT won’t stop there, and we are pressing for better staff travel arrangements in the coming months, to align with the incoming renationalised railway
Keep fighting and reminding fellow workers why being in RMT and having collective strength and solidarity can achieve so much
Network Rail members also voted to accept the pay proposal received in September
The proposals were for pay on all general grades and Bands 5 to 8 (and equivalents). The offer was for a base increase of 4.5%, effective from 1st Jan 2024 until 31st Dec 2024
89% of the Network Rail members who voted, voted in favour of the offer.
The offer also included improvements to family friendly policies, and an extension of the non-safeguarded leisure travel facilities for all eligible grade employees until March 2025.
The democratic will of members was to accept and we expect pay talks for 2025 to commence soon.
Scan QR code for a video message from Mick Lynch
Members in the North East region working for the Royal Fleet Auxiliary continued their long battle for a pay award with 3 further days of strike action.
Members from different grades abstained from duties on 23rd, 24th & 25th September.
Members, who often work in hazardous conditions all over the world, had already taken 5 previous stoppages during this dispute which started under the previous Tory regime. All they want is a reasonable pay rise for the gruelling work they undertake.
Despite meetings with the Ministry of Defence, no improved offer has been forthcoming
RFA seafarers provide vital defence support and their pay has lost pace with inflation by almost 40%: all the while these members are being asked to do more of the Royal Navy’s work for less.
We continue to keep up pressure on government and took our campaign to the Labour Party conference: delegate Freddie Seale (RMT member) spoke on the issue with passion. Additionally. your National Executive Committee has considered the matter and have announced more strike dates on Friday 4th and Tuesday 8th October
The region calls upon all members to write to your MP, asking them to support fair pay for RFA seafarers.
Please scan the QR code here to add your support or search for “Megaphone RFA” in your browser.
Persistent rain did not stop RMT members from all over the country flooding Durham with banners this July, for the 138th Durham Miners’ Gala This important celebration of working class solidarity was a roaring success as usual, with Mick Lynch and Alex Gordon marching at the head of the RMT delegation alongside the RMT Fishburn band
The atmosphere this year was particularly electric, coming only a matter of day after the Tory government were sent packing
RMT always supports the Durham Miners’ Association to enable the celebration to go ahead every year, and encourages every North East member to sign up as a ‘Marra’
Next year ’ s Gala will be held on 12th July 2025 - we recommend booking your accommodation early!

The region’s activists have been working tirelessly this summer explaining the benefits of union membership to staff working on Lumo Trains.
The Customer Experience Ambassadors who work on the open access operator between Edinburgh and London were initially very reluctant to even engage with RMT on issues, and were entirely resistant to joining
However, months of work by our fantastic activists have seen the tide start to turn, as staff there begin to realise that a collectively organised workforce can be a stronger voice in the workplace No doubt some will have noted the 6% pay rise that ASLEF (who are recognised in the company) negotiated for their driver grade
What was also heartening was that Lumo conducted an in-house referendum in August on whether staff wanted union recognition: out of those who voted, the majority voted in favour of recognition Again, testament to the continual work carried out in the region.
Due to the increase in joiners, Gary Jackson (Lead Officer) was able to request for voluntary recognition of RMT within Lumo Trains, advising the company that we intend to apply to the central arbitration committee for statutory recognition for the CEA grade at Lumo.

Hopefully we can negotiate an appropriate voluntary agreement, and we can begin serving the membership fully under the auspices of the collective bargaining machinery
The region would like to pay particular thanks to the activists that helped us get this far, Martin Bullock, Andrew Scott and David Ogg (Newcastle Rail & Catering Branch) who continued to speak to staff and even hand out chocolates to prove that RMT is not the heartless, joyless organisation portrayed by the media and by management.

Your union needs to keep its Political Fund so that it can keep campaigning on the issues that affect you at the workplace, such as defending jobs, pay, conditions and pensions.
The law states that unions must have a separate Political Fund to pay for this and unions are required to hold a postal ballot of all members every ten years to keep the right to have a Political Fund.
If the union doesn’t have a Political Fund, we won’t be able to effectively campaign on any of these issues. The employers are not required to have a political fund and spend millions lobbying against your interests Without the political fund we will not be able to speak on your behalf
We would be fighting with one hand behind our back.
The RMT Political Fund is formed by deducting money from members’ union subscriptions This is known as the “political levy” and amounts to just £3 12 a year, the equivalent of 26p a month
The ballot is not about political affiliation, or if members pay into the fund – members are voting on the basic right to keep the Political Fund so your union can keep campaigning on your behalf
Members should have receieved ballot papers in the post: please return them (freepost) by 21st October.

“A woman ’ s place is in her union”.
Nominations are open for the RMT women ’ s conference, to be held from the 7th-8th March 2025 in Birmingham Nominations are open to all women members, and branches are happy to assist with travel and accommodation expenditure
The RMT women ’ s conference is a perfect starting point for any woman wishing to dip her toe into activism It’s a friendly conference with lots of networking and discussion of important women ’ s issues; always holding RMT to account when it comes to women ’ s issues and constantly fighting against RMT’s public image of ‘pale, male and stale’ Plus, there’s always a cracking social!
As the transport industry progresses towards equality, with more and more women taking on jobs previously entirely occupied by men, it is vital that we have engaged, passionate women ready to stand up for their rights and those of their fellow female workers Coming to RMT conferences is a great way into activism, and the ideal way to learn not only how the union works but also how it works for its women members

Please see your branch secretary to ensure your nomination for this conference.
Photo from the women ’ s conference 2024 in Poole, featuring members from the North East including Laura Hester from York & District, and conference chair Jessica Robinson from Darlington No 1
“My name is Connor Slomski and I’d like to introduce myself as the newly elected Youth Officer for our region. I’m 27, and work as a CSA on the Tyne and Wear Metro, where I am also a Health and Safety Rep If you ’ re under 31 then you ’ re eligible to partake in our youth structures!
The Youth Officer acts as a representative for young members in our region, helps with recruitment of young members and also reports on our region to the Young Members Advisory Committee (YMAC) The YMAC meets 4 times a year and is the national committee through which we as young members can help shape union policy. Each branch can send up to 4 delegates, and these can be nominated at any branch meeting Our next YMAC is held on the 21st November in London
Young members are the future of our union, and it is important to engage in our youth structures to ensure our concerns are heard We are often in some of the lowest paying, least secure jobs in our industry and are more likely to be outsourced or undertaking apprenticeships.
I am more than happy to help in any way to get more young members involved in our union, so if you have any issues or simply want more information about our union's structures feel free to get in contact with me on the details on the back page. ”

David King - Executive Member North East d.king@rmt.org.uk
Martin McCleary - Lead Recruiter North Tel: 07711 570848 berwickrail@rmt.org.uk
Tim Butler - Lead Recruiter South Tel: 07757 425859 yorkdistrict@rmt.org.uk
Jessica Robinson - Regional Council Secretary & Women’s Officer Tel: 07784 224412 jpleather89@gmail.com
Connor Slomski - Regional Youth Officer Tel: 07468529849 slomskiconnor@gmail.com

We welcome contributions to this newsletter - if you would like to write an article, please contact any one of the officers above
Bedlington: bedlington@rmt.org.uk
Berwick Rail: berwickrail@rmt.org.uk
Darlington: darlington1@rmt.org.uk
Hexham: hexhamrail@rmt.org.uk
Newcastle & Gateshead: newcastlegateshead@rmt.org.uk
Newcastle Rail & Catering: newcastlerailcatering@rmt.org.uk
North East Shipping: northeastshipping@rmt.org.uk
North York Moors: north.moorsRail@rmt.org.uk
Teesside: teesside@rmt.org.uk
York & District: yorkdistrict@rmt.org.uk
Branch meeting dates will be communicated in local depots - if you have any concerns, please contact your branch representative.