Appendix A Proposed Rostering Arrangements
Proposed Rostering Arrangements Modernising Maintenance
A standard individual rostering procedure for Infrastructure Maintainer grades will be introduced in line with the agreements from the phase 2BC reorganisation and Modernising Maintenance Programme.
All new entrants will be required to adopt the level of rostering commitment of up to 39 weeks of nights, 39 weekends, 65 weekend shifts and all employees that were promoted after 31 March 2014 will also be required to adopt the level of rostering commitment of up to 39 weeks of nights, 39 weekends and 65 weekend shifts.
There will be a standard minimum level of rostering commitment over a calendar year comprising of up to 39 weeks of nights, 65 weekend shifts over 39 weekends, above which additional turns will be voluntary. However, existing roster commitments in respect of nights, weekends, and weekend shifts, will be retained where these are already greater than the standard minimum level.
In making this change, proper consideration will be given to individuals whose personal circumstances mean that it would be unreasonable for them to take on a change in roster commitment. Typically, this would include circumstances such as difficult personal domestic reasons or religious convictions and such cases will be dealt with on an individual basis. In such circumstances and where appropriate, individuals will be given reasonable time to adjust to the revised rostering commitment and this aspect will be kept under regular review
(Numbering has started at 4 as we have used the current agreement as a template)
4.1 Rostering Principles
The hours of cover to meet workload will be determined by local management. From this each employee will be provided with an individual roster. Suitable rosters will be the subject of negotiation with local representatives to check compliance of the rosters (as detailed below) and in the event of a disagreement, will be dealt with in accordance with the process laid down below.
A quarterly meeting will be held between the IME/WDPM or equivalent and the local representatives to discuss the “terms of the roster” this will include where appropriate the response requirements, large/special engineering cover, special external events, cyclical access that employees are to be rostered to, where key relief cover is essential and proposed high level use of contractors. Individual Roster details will be issued to each employee and local representatives at least 6 weeks prior to the commencement of the roster period and at least 5 working days prior to the Stage 1 meeting.
Rostering commitment will be applied over a calendar year.
4.1.4 Staff may be rostered in teams, but each person will receive an individual roster which may not always be the same as others in their team.
4.2 The process for agreeing a roster.
4.2.1 Stage 1 (Local level).
In accordance with the provisions of the General Collective Bargaining Procedures, all new rosters must be issued to the recognised local representatives by the line manager/supervisor responsible for preparing it at least six weeks before the commencement of the roster and a meeting should take place with the relevant representatives at the earliest opportunity.
AppendixA ProposedRosteringArrangementsFinalV228/09/2022 Page1 OFFICIAL If at the meeting between the local employee representatives and the line manager/supervisor, the two sides encounter difficulties in agreeing a roster and in particular if the recognised local representatives do not agree with the proposal, the representatives must identify a cost-effective alternative, that meets the Terms of Roster set by the Depot/Work Delivery Unit. Where required an alternative roster must be submitted by the representatives for consideration by the line manager/supervisor within 3 working days of the ‘Stage 1’ meeting. If the roster submitted by the recognised local representatives is accepted by the line manager/supervisor this will be implemented. If no appropriate roster (Cost effective and meets the Terms of the Roster) is supplied or not submitted within the required 3 working days, then the process will be deemed to have been completed.
If the roster submitted by the recognised local representatives is not accepted by the line manager/supervisor, the differences need to be identified at a meeting and a ‘Failure to Agree’ will be recorded. This matter will immediately progress to the next stage.
4.2.2 Stage 2 (Delivery Unit Engineer level, or equivalent) At this stage, a meeting will take place involving the local manager, (Delivery Unit Engineer level, or equivalent), relevant employee representatives and an HR representative. The purpose of the meeting is to consider the minutes of the ‘Stage 1’ meeting and the objections raised, Terms of the Roster, the proposed roster from the line manager/supervisor and the proposed alternative roster submitted by the employee representatives. This meeting will normally take place at least five weeks before the proposed commencement date of the roster. If agreement is reached at this stage, the roster will be implemented. If agreement on a roster cannot be reached a failure to agree will be recorded and differences identified, this matter will progress to the next stage at the earliest opportunity.
4.2.3 Stage 3 (Delivery Unit level) At this stage, a meeting will take place involving the Infrastructure Maintenance Delivery Manager, (or nominated deputy), relevant employee representatives and the appropriate HR Manager. The purpose of this meeting is to consider the minutes of the previous meetings and objections raised, Terms of the Roster, the proposed roster from the line manager/supervisor and the proposed alternative roster submitted by the relevant employee representatives in order to agree a roster. This meeting will take place no later than four weeks before the proposed commencement date of the roster. If having exhausted this procedure and agreement cannot be reached, management reserve the right to implement a roster as long as this complies with the agreed rostering arrangements. The ‘status quo’ will remain until the three stage process, as outlined above, has been concluded. This does not, however, preclude further discussions in accordance with the General Collective Bargaining Procedure, Annex 2, Clause 27. (Avoidance of Disputes procedure). For the avoidance of doubt the roster may still be implemented. Whether or not an agreement is reached, provided that they are compliant, rosters will be posted no later than 4 weeks before the commencement of the roster cycle.
4.3 Working Hours
4.3.1 The basic working week will be 35 hours averaged over the length of the agreed roster cycle. (See points of interpretation)
AppendixA ProposedRosteringArrangementsFinalV228/09/2022 Page2 OFFICIAL
4.3.2 Hours rostered for work may include any period during the 7 day week.
4.3.3 For payroll and rostering purposes, a standard working week means a calendar week from 00.01 hours on a Friday morning until 24.00 hours on Thursday. Shifts commencing prior to 00.01 on a Friday morning will count as a Thursday shift.
4.3.4 The length of the roster period will typically be up to a maximum of 13 weeks, or a minimum of 8 weeks, provided that the roster equates to an average of 35 hours per week.
4.3.5 Variable hours may be rostered in the cycle ranging from a total week free from duty to a maximum in any week of 48 hours, excluding voluntary overtime.
4.3.6 The maximum rostered shift length, including travelling time, will be 12 hours.
4.3.7 The minimum rostered shift length, including travelling time, will be 6 hours.
4.3.8 No more than five shifts will be rostered in any week.
4.3.9 A minimum of two days free from duty will be identified on the roster within each week, (00.01 hours on a Friday morning until 24.00 hours on Thursday).
4.3.10 Free days can only be altered by agreement with the individual concerned.
Excluding voluntary overtime, the maximum number of consecutive shifts which may be rostered is ten.
The minimum rest interval between any rostered turn of duty will be 12 hours.
Where employees have a free day there should be a minimum interval of 32 hours between the rostered booking off and booking on times, or less if this is agreed locally. At the end of a period of consecutively rostered shifts, (maximum ten), there will be at least one period of 32 hours where individuals will be rostered free from duty.
4.3.14 Where two days or more are rostered off in the same week, these will normally be rostered consecutively and there should be a minimum interval of 56 hours between the rostered booking off and booking on times, or less if this is agreed locally.
Weekend working
4.4.1 A weekend shift is defined as any shift commencing on or after 18.00 hours on a Friday evening and before 05.59 hours on a Monday and where the greater part of the shift is between these times.
The standard rostering commitment for all employees is aligned to their terms of employment.
Those Infrastructure Maintainer grades whose current terms and conditions require them to work greater than 32 weekends and 52 weekend shifts may be rostered up to the higher level of commitment.
Those Infrastructure Maintainers who are employed after the date of implementation of Phase 2BC may be rostered for up to 39 weekends comprising of 1 or more shifts throughout the calendar year up to a maximum of 65 shifts).
Those Infrastructure Maintainers who were promoted after 31 March 2014 may be rostered for up to 39 weekends comprising of 1 or more shifts throughout the calendar year up to a maximum of 65 shifts).
AppendixA ProposedRosteringArrangementsFinalV228/09/2022 Page3 OFFICIAL
4.5 Midweek night working
4.5.1 With the exception of those aged under 18, who are not permitted to work night shifts., the standard rostering commitment for all employees is up to 39 weeks of nights in a calendar year. Subject to business need and workload, employees may volunteer to be rostered for additional night work. For Rostering purposes a week of nights is defined as 3 or more-night shifts rostered from Monday to Thursday.
4.5.2 The standard rostering commitment for all employees is aligned to their terms of employment.
Those Infrastructure Maintainers who are employed after the date of implementation of Phase 2BC may be rostered for up to 39 weeks of nights in a calendar year.
4.5.4 Those Infrastructure Maintainers who were promoted after 31 March 2014 may be rostered for up to 39 weeks of nights in a calendar year.
4.5.5 For the purposes of this agreement, a midweek night shift is defined as any shift commencing on or after 18.00 hours and where the greater part of the shift is between 22.00 hours and 05.59 hours (inclusive), Monday to Thursday.
4.6 Overtime
4.6.1 Voluntary overtime shifts may be worked to meet business requirements, provided that no more than 13 shifts are worked in a 14-day period.
4.6.2 Overtime will be added to all rosters and issued 14 days prior to the start of the week and once allocated can only be changed by agreement of the line manager and the individual concerned. Any additional overtime issued after the final detailed roster will managed by the line manager.
4.7 Alteration of shifts
4.7.1 The number of changes which can be made by management to a roster without agreement on an individual basis will be limited according to the length of the roster. This is to be a maximum of 10% of the total number of shifts rostered in the agreed cycle. (e.g. if an individual is rostered 50 shifts in a 13 week roster pattern then a maximum of 5 shifts could be altered). Additional alterations can be made by joint agreement with the line manager/supervisor responsible for preparing the roster and the individual. A change of shift start or finish time within +/- 2 hours will not be counted as a shift change but must be confirmed a minimum of 48 hours prior to the shift
A minimum of 48 hours’ notice, (or previous shift of duty where this is not consecutive), will be given by management of the intention to alter a single rostered shift of duty.
4.7.3 Employees wishing to change a single rostered shift of duty, including the taking of leave, will be expected to give a minimum of 48 hours’ notice to do so, (except under personal exceptional circumstances). Such changes must be pre-authorised in advance by the relevant line manager/supervisor and subject to business requirements.
4.7.4 Mutual exchanges of shifts will be permissible but the responsibility for arranging such cover will remain that of the employee and must be at no additional cost to the business. All such changes must be agreed in advance by the local manager and the individuals concerned must hold the necessary competencies needed to cover the role that they are covering as a result of the exchange.
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4.8 Bank & Public Holidays
4.8.1 Employees can be rostered to work on any day throughout the year, including Bank and Public Holidays.
4.8.2 Those Infrastructure Maintainers who are employed on the date of implementation), the requirement to work on Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Years Day and 2nd January (Scotland only) will be voluntary, except where these shifts can already be rostered.
For those Infrastructure Maintainer grades who are employed after the date of implementation of Phase 2BC management will initially seek volunteers in preference to rostering employees on Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Year's Day and 2nd January (Scotland only), but where there are insufficient volunteers to cover the work load employees will be rostered to work on these days, if required.
4.9 Meal Breaks
4.9.1 Meal breaks will be agreed locally in line with legislation. Meal breaks will not be less than 30 minutes duration and will be unpaid, but where there is a potential for teams to be called to incidents, a 20-minute paid break will be taken typically between the 3rd and the 5th hour of a standard shift. In the case of 12 hour working, a second 20 minute paid break can be taken between the 7th and 9th hour of the shift.
4.9.2 Workers under the age of 18 are entitled to an unpaid minimum rest break of 30 minutes during any day or shift that lasts more than four-and-a-half hours.
4.10 Requirement to work at times of disruption
4.10.1 In addition to the average contracted 35 rostered hours there will be a requirement when operations are disrupted or in an emergency situation, to work up to an additional 2 hours at the end of a shift or turn, up to a maximum of 8 additional hours per week when one of the following exceptional circumstances arises:
(a) Overrun of work planned for completion in rostered shift including;
(i) commissioning’s, and
(ii) work associated with possessions;
(b) Continued attendance at a fault that is causing disruption to train services, (e.g. where trains are at a stand) whilst waiting for relief to arrive on site;
(c) Where a train delaying failure takes place within 30 minutes before the end of a rostered shift and there is no relief cover within the base roster, employees are required to attend the failure. For example, if the failure occurs at 21:25 hours and the shift is rostered to finish at 22:00 hours, the employee must attend the failure
(d) Failure of relief to attend for rostered duty;
(e) Attendance at a major incident.
AppendixA ProposedRosteringArrangementsFinalV228/09/2022 Page5 OFFICIAL
Cover basic maintenance of conductor rail geometry
(example activities, pot changing,
Covers isolation competencies for conductor rail
maintenance of the DC conductor rail
and hook switches All Except: Signalling OHLE
corrective maintenance of the DC conductor rail’s
All Disciplines Level A procedure –isolation requirements.
OFFICIAL ProposedOverlapping Skills Review –Subject to Consultation Note: these proposals are still to be discussed via a National Maintenance Council sub group P roposed Overlapping skills (O) –Indicates current Overlapping skill which will be Mandatory for the Discipline stated. No. Code Discipline that currently holds Proposed Discipline Description 1 DCCR 01 HV Cable Rail Test (O) Track (O) Off Track (O) W&G (O) D&P (O) Signalling (O) Track, Signalling Undertake corrective All Disciplines Level B procedure isolation requirements.
All Disciplines Level B Switching
All Except: Signalling OHLE
regauging/profiling) 2 DCCR 02 HV Cable Rail Test (O) Track (O) Off Track (O) W&G (O) D&P (O) Signalling (O) Track, Signalling Undertake All Disciplines Level B procedure but on Merseyrail.
associated components 3 LA 3rd-R PA-i All Except: Signalling OHLE LB 3rd-R Sw-i
3rd-R PBiM
4 LA 3rd-R All Except: Signalling OHLE
Proposed Overlapping Skills –Subject to consultation –updated 27/09/2022
5 LA
for the Discipline stated.
All Disciplines Bolt on for NSCDs trainingOperation of Short Circuit Devices instead of strap ping which is LA and LB (3 7 above). It is a bolt on competence to upskill the Level A's and Level B's strapping comp etence
Undertake installation, maintenance, modification, and repair of battery syste ms as part of generators
All Disciplines Level B temporary isolation
Assistant Welder
Joining conductor rail
currently holds
OHLE, Track & Offtrack
Proposed Plant 08
All Except: Signalling OHLE
LB 3rd-R T-i
OFFICIAL P roposed Overlapping skills (O) –Indicates current Overlapping skill which will be Mandatory D&P Signalling Track (O) Off Track (O) CRE (O)
that 10
(Not in current matrix) new competence since last update
NSCD Ops training B4
No. Code CRE, Track Inspection of electric points heating installations
D&P Signalling CRE (O)
W&G Track CRE Off Track RT&L (O) OHLE (O)
W&G CRE Track (O) Off Track (O) OHLE (O)
Plant 07
7 CRE, Track Undertake installation, maintenance, modification, and repair of electric points h eating installations 11
8 D&P Signalling (O)
Plant 13
Asst weld
FCAW4 and MMA7
& 14
Proposed Overlapping Skills –Subject to consultation –updated 27/09/2022
for the Discipline stated.
Authorised personManually Switch Electrical Supply to OLE to Meet Defined Requirements –Item Removed after discussions with Technical Authority.
Retain as existing Overlapping skill in all disciplines. Currently MOMs hold also for removal of obj ects from OHLE
S&T, Track & Offtrack
Use of chainsaw from MEWP and assisted MEWP
New proposal
Person OLE
All Disciplines
Authorised Fell and Process medium sized trees
Track, OHLE
OHLE Track (O) Off Track (O) Grinding (O) RT&L (O) Signalling (O) CRE (O) D&P (O)
Proposed LM32
OHLE, Track
New proposal
17 Off Track Track (O) CRE (O) OHLE (O) D&P (O)
OFFICIAL P roposed Overlapping skills (O) –Indicates current Overlapping skill which will be Mandatory Track, Offtrack
No. Code Discipline that currently Signal sighting after vegetation removal this is mainly the Off Track or Track team sighting signal after a fault and clearance to a predetermined sighting plate.
15 Track, OHLE
Off Track Track (O) CRE (O) OHLE (O) D&P (O)
13 LM50
16 AP Techniques for dealing with damaged trees 20 & 21
C07 Signal Sighting
LM 47 & 52
17 Off Track Track (O) CRE (O) OHLE (O) D&P (O)
Proposed Overlapping Skills –Subject to consultation –updated 27/09/2022
–Indicates current Overlapping skill which will be Mandatory for the Discipline stated.
OFFICIAL All Disciplines Rail Defect Nominee
Proposed Discipline
FPL go / no go test this is a new test that is about corresponding the points with a “Go”, “No Go” process this is not a full FPL test.
S&C gauge management.
Heights and Staggers survey using modern equipment to measure the position mainly after tamp ing
Track Technical Teams, TQS
Discipline that currently holds
Track Off Track W&G RT&L S&T CRE OHLE D&P
New proposal
Overlapping skills (O)
roposed 23
S&C 02_302 FPL
S&C 04_302 S&C gauge management New proposal
Description 22
New proposal
Heights and staggers
All newly proposed Overlapping Skills (identified in red in table above) a re subject to Technical Authority approval and any appropriate standard changes, these items will not be utilised until they have that approval. The company will co ntinue to listen to trade union feedback, and we are currently discussing Go and No Go testing of switches via a sub group of the National Maintenance Council.
Note –the proposed Authorised Person Overlapping Skill is being removed after further discussions with Technical Authority.
Proposed Overlapping Skills –Subject to consultation –updated 27/09/2022
B e t t e r . S a f e r . B e t t e r V a l u e . Modernising Maintenance Proposed Voluntary Redundancy People Process Flow 28 September 2022
Voluntary Redundancy People Process Flow
These slides should be read in conjunction with the Modernising Maintenance updated proposal document dated 28 September 2022, People Process (section 7). They have been produced to help colleagues understand the proposed voluntary redundancy scheme and how it impacts the four distinct groups below:
Part 1: Working Supervisors (OHL and D&P)
Part 2: Team Leaders, Technicians, Operatives in Maintenance
Part 3: Works Delivery
Part 4: Management, Supervisory and Technical Roles in Maintenance and Works Delivery
The Placement Process Guidance will be developed in line with the Modernising Maintenance programme and should also be referred to with regards to Team Leaders, Technicians, Operatives in Maintenance.
Proposed Voluntary Redundancy People Process Flow -27/09/22
B e t t e r . S a f e r . B e t t e r V a l u e .
dancy People Process Flow
NB: Expressions of interest from Working Supervisors (OHL and D&P) should be accepted as it has been proposed that the Working Supervisor (OHL and D&P) post is removed
Outcome of voluntary redundancy panels confirmed to employees Redeployment opportunities to be explored for any Working Supervisors (OHL and D&P) who do no express an interest in voluntary redundancy
Voluntary redundancy panels
Voluntary redundancy expressions of interest open for 6 weeks
Voluntary redundancy phase 1
Redundancy People Process Flow -27 /09/22
Part 1: Working Supervisors (OHL and D&P) Voluntary Redun
Proposed Voluntary
Each DU to consider the following where appropriate: 1.Re-deployment into Works Delivery 2. Remain in Maintenance (above headcount and UBA) 3.Bumping
Leaders, Technicians, Operatives in Maintena nce Voluntary Redundancy People Process Flow
Employee remains displaced as no redeployment opportunities identified
Employee re-deployed and placed in a role in the new organisation structure
Employee re-deployed and placed in a role in the new organisation structure
Redeployment opportunities explored in Maintenance, Works Delivery and other functions
Revisit expressions of interest (from Maintenance & WD) to identify anyone who could leave and provide a redeployment opportunity for a displaced Maintenance employee
Re-deployment and voluntary redundancy phase 2
Employee placed in a role in the new organisation structure
Expression of interest accepted
Placement process (slotting)
Employee displaced (No suitable alternative identified in the promotional diagram or redundancy pocket)
Voluntary redundancy panels
Expression of interest rejected
Employee remains displaced as no redeployment opportunities identified
Placement process
Voluntary redundancy phase 1
Part 2: Team Proposed Voluntary Redundancy People Process Flow -27/09/22
Voluntary redundancy expressions of interest open for 6 weeks
Delivery Voluntary Redundancy People Proc ess Flow
Expression of interest accepted
Each Region/Route to consider the following where appropriate: 1.Re-deployment of remaining displaced Maintenance staff to be re-deployed to Works Delivery 2. Bumping
Revisit expressions of interest from employees in WD to identify anyone who could leave and provide a redeployment opportunity for a displaced Maintenance employee
Re-deployment and voluntary redundancy phase 2
Voluntary redundancy panels
Expression of interest rejected
Voluntary redundancy expressions of interest open for 6 weeks
Voluntary redundancy phase 1
Proposed Voluntary Redundancy People Process Flow -27/09/22
Part 3: Works
Management, Supervisory and Technical Roles in Ma intenance and Works Delivery Voluntary Redundancy
People Process Flow
Suitable successors for management, supervisory and technical grades identified
Expression of interest accepted
Voluntary redundancy panels
Expression of interest rejected
Voluntary redundancy phase 1
Assessment centres for management, supervisory and technical grades
Match potential successors to voluntary redundancy expressions of interest
Voluntary redundancy expressions of interest open for 6 weeks
Voluntary Redundancy People Process Flow27/09/22
Part 4:
28 September 2022
1. Background
Since January 2022 many days of discussions have taken place to try to reach a negotiated agreement on how to effectively deploy our Maintenance and Works Delivery organisation in response to the financial deficit caused by Covid-19, and in doing so achieve reductions in operational spend from the start of the next financial year, April 2023.
In January 2022, the company shared its ideas to introduce a new role, Assistant Technician, change several working practices, including cooperative working and introducing individual rostering, and to reduce the size of the Maintenance and Works Delivery organisations by c2,500 colleagues.
All parties recognise the severity of the financial crisis and the need for change. In this context and in response to feedback received through discussion with the trade unions, the company then developed alternative ideas to deliver the necessary operational cost reduction. Despite further discussions material progress was not made towards reaching a negotiated settlement. Consequently, on 28 July 2022, the company started formal collective consultation with the National Maintenance Council on its alternative proposals to change deployment related working practices (as well as the separately anticipated reduction in Maintenance Scheduled Tasks) and by doing so, potentially reduce the size of the Maintenance organisation by 1,900 colleagues because of redundancy.
In headline terms our revised proposal would mean: the Operative role is retained our engineering disciplines for Team Leaders, Technicians and Operatives are retained the number of colleagues at risk of redundancy in Maintenance would reduce to c1900 and include removing the role of Working Supervisor in Overhead Line and Distribution & Plant implementing modern deployment related working practices including:
o individual rostering
o cooperative working across all activities
o joint incident response teams
o cross boundary working for Maintenance employees
o mandatory overlapping skills
o formally combining track inspection with track maintenance
o rostering up to 39/39/65 for those that are contracted to do so introducing Roster Clerks in Maintenance offering a voluntary redundancy scheme across roles within Maintenance and Works Delivery to mitigate compulsory redundancies in Maintenance.
The company is committed to providing rewarding jobs for those colleagues who want to continue to work for Network Rail and who are willing to be flexible including the willingness to undertake re-training or be re-deployed. The company proposes to offer a voluntary redundancy programme that will enable us to deliver on our commitment and will mitigate compulsory redundancies.
Modernising Maintenance - Update on Collective Consultation with the National Maintenance Council Regarding the Company’s Proposals to Change Working Practices and Reduce the Size of the Workforce
Working Practice and People Process Proposals Modernising Maintenance Final 28/09/22 Page 1 OFFICIAL-SENSITIVE-PERSONAL OFFICIAL-SENSITIVE-PERSONAL
The company’s proposals, detailed below, apply to those employed in the Maintenance and Works Delivery organisations, and subject to concluding consultation, the relevant updates to Phase 2BC will be made.
The next consultation meeting with the National Maintenance Council is scheduled for 6 October 2022 and we look forward to receiving feedback on these updated proposals from the trade unions.
2. Working Arrangements – Deployment
The company proposes to keep the roles of Team Leader, Technician and Operative, and retain engineering disciplines, but needs to deploy colleagues more efficiently so that the right number of people, with the right skills are rostered to the right work over a predetermined roster period.
To enable this the company needs to have the ability to match employees to the size and nature of the task to be undertaken. This is detailed below and is based on individually rostering and involves colleagues completing work within their own engineering discipline as well as assisting others from different engineering disciplines by working cooperatively.
Further details on the proposed Rostering Arrangements for Modernising Maintenance are in Appendix A.
2.1 Rostering Arrangements
The company proposes to introduce individual rostering and roster joint teams where the business requires so that the right number of people, with the right skills are rostered to work over a predetermined roster period.
These changes to working practices will enable colleagues to be rostered to their contracted hours. The company does not propose to change colleagues’ individual contractual commitments to work midweek nights, weekends, and numbers of weekend shifts, which remain as set out below.
All new entrants after the date of implementation at Phase 2BC are required to adopt the level of rostering commitment of up to 39 weeks of nights, 39 weekends and 65 weekend shifts.
Since April 2014, Operatives, Technicians and Team Leaders appointed to their roles have been employed on the basis that the company may roster them to work up to 39 weeks of nights, 39 weekends and 65 weekend shifts (“39/39/65”) per annum.
In addition to the proposal to introduce individual rostering, the company proposes to change rostering working practices as below:
The current practice of having a base roster linked to standard nominal team sizes to cease as all rosters to be individual
The current practice of team size by task as set out in the Phase 2BC agreement will be used where applicable for deployment within rostering
Rostering can be across all disciplines for the purposes of all activities e.g., maintenance, incident response and work arising
Rostering can be across Route and Regional boundaries within disciplines
Rosters to be typically 8-13 weeks in duration
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2.2 Apprentices
The company proposes the following changes to the deployment of Apprentices from Year 2 the Apprenticeship programme onwards:
To be rostered for on the job duties for which they have been trained and are competent, under appropriate supervision up to 50% of their time; and rostered within the team size required for the task
As now, Apprentices will not form part of the established headcount.
2.3 Cross Boundary Working
Works Delivery teams are not currently restricted to work within Route boundaries, this would continue. The company proposes that Maintenance and incident response teams may be deployed across Route boundaries when required. Joint incident response teams may be required to assist failures on other Routes. Whereas Maintenance teams will only be required to work across Routes within their engineering discipline.
Any request to work will be reasonable and take account of the fatigue impact of shift, travelling time and any rest periods required before returning to duty.
The current arrangements and practices to create a safe system of work will be followed, covering all the features of the work, both the task and working environment.
2.4 Planning Tasks within Maintenance and Works Delivery
Each engineering discipline requires specific skill sets and competencies to maintain their equipment or to undertake work. However, just as the railway can only operate effectively as a joined-up infrastructure system, there are times when the maintenance work undertaken by one engineering discipline requires the help and support of another to complete a task. This is not a new way of working, however, the way it’s currently planned and undertaken tends to be ad hoc and is often ineffective.
The company proposes to move from an ad hoc approach to a formal planned approach to working this way. This will create an efficient and more purposeful way of working for routine maintenance, incident response and Works Delivery.
Where activities require more than one discipline to work together to enable efficient delivery, the principle of team size by task will be used to ensure the most effective and safe use of the staff. The appropriate number of employees will be allocated through the individual rostering process to create one team for the activity to be undertaken.
This will mean that when deciding the right number of staff to be rostered, the whole activity should be considered including the competency and capability of staff assigned to the task. For the avoidance of doubt the combined skills of the team will be used to deliver the work in the most efficient way possible.
Some examples of planned activities where more than one discipline is required to work together:
Working within Switch and Crossings whereby any rail or component changes require signalling adjustments/disconnections or distribution disconnections
Rail changing that necessitates disconnections by Signalling, Distribution or Overhead Line
Vegetation clearance where the Overhead Line would need isolating (use of earthing assistant)
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All the above will facilitate sending the right people with the right skills to the right job at the right time.
Cooperative Working
Cooperative working is where employees will assist other disciplines in any activity that constitutes a reasonable request, including assisting and working under the instruction of other disciplines from time-to-time to ensure the planned work is completed safely and efficiently.
Examples of the activities that are a reasonable request are stated below but not limited to:
Assistance with the helping, lifting, carrying, digging, manual handling, securing, and locating of equipment under supervision; this would include tasks like earthing assistant, lifting rail into place and other tasks that are manual in nature
Utilising an employee’s competence and capabilities as required to provide assistance to any other discipline
Assisting employees from other disciplines providing the available resource to contact emergency services in the event of an incident whilst working at height Messing together, driving different disciplines and/or travelling to site together as required
Sharing of protection and track safety arrangements where necessary Activities where additional resource is needed to help with tasks
Employees that cannot undertake their normal activities (for example welding or grinding) due to access arrangements or shift allocation may be utilised within their competence and capabilities as required
All employees will be expected to work cooperatively.
Joint Working within Incident Response
The discipline-based approach to incident response has not changed much in decades. It remains a discipline orientated task with some teams dedicated to response, and others acting as joint maintenance and faulting teams. Some disciplines, especially the track teams, are heavily reliant on an on-call approach for out of normal working hours incidents. This approach has many drawbacks.
The issues that this approach may cause are, the speed of response, (where the first responders are delayed while they wait for help from other engineering disciplines) disruption to planned work, large amounts of standby time for employees and the management of fatigue all of which can have a negative impact on our service, safety and general efficiency.
To overcome these issues, the company proposes to establish joint teams formed of individuals from different engineering disciplines. The make-up and shift coverage of the team will be determined locally and guided by appropriate analysis of the type, frequency and potential impact of consequence of previous and potential incidents.
In some locations the proposed cross-disciplined approach to incident response may not be practical, efficient or appropriate. The Routes will decide the level of cover required.
By way of an example, the joint response proposals may typically involve: Signalling, Overhead Line and Track disciplines. However, the principle proposed is that any combination may be used, including but not limited to the following examples:
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Example Team 1
1. Signalling - Team Leader (Signal Maintenance Testing Handbook - SMTH)
2. Signalling -Technician (SMTH)
3. Track Team leader or Technician (Track response competencies required)
4. OHL Team Leader or Technician (Nominated Person competent)
Example Team 2
1. Signalling - Team Leader (SMTH)
2. Signalling -Technician (SMTH)
3. Track Team Leader or Technician (Track response competencies required)
4. CRE - Team Leader or Technician
Example Team 3
1. Signalling - Team Leader (SMTH)
2. Signalling -Technician (SMTH)
3. Track Team Leader or Technician (Track response competencies required)
Example Team 4
1. Signalling - Team Leader (SMTH)
2. Signalling -Technician (SMTH)
3. OHL Team Leader or Technician (Nominated Person competent)
All employees will be expected to work cooperatively as previously explained and support each other. This will include assisting and working under the instruction of other disciplines to ensure speedy and safe rectification of incidents.
2.5 Competence Management
The company’s competence framework for Maintenance sets out core, specialist and overlapping skills for Team Leaders, Technicians and Operatives based on engineering discipline.
Currently overlapping skills are those which team members may choose to acquire from an engineering discipline that is different to their own. Current practice allows the acquisition and use of overlapping skills to be voluntary.
This practice creates inefficient working, and therefore the company proposes that the deployment of overlapping skills will be mandatory. A reduced and revised list of overlapping skills is proposed, which can be seen in Appendix B. The company believes that the proposed change will improve incident response by allowing different disciplines to assist and deliver improved response techniques.
In addition to the above the company proposes to create a subgroup of the NMC to review and discuss changes to the current process. This will assist the company in determining the best approach to manage competency.
The suggested elements the subgroup would review and provide feedback on are:
The proposed changes to the Overlapping Skills (see Appendix B)
Look at a transition to “Role Based Competence” (RBC) where everyone will have a personal development plan with a minimum number of competencies
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Review and create a rationalised list of competencies; this should look at the parent and child process in order to reduce overall competence numbers and create a simpler system that is easier to understand
Discuss the process for bringing new competencies and overlapping skills into use
Understand how our experienced Team Leaders can support mentoring as part of competence process
The subgroup would also:
Review outcomes from the initial pilot to check and feedback on progress monitoring workload and sustainability
Review competency reassessment and how competency levels are maintained
Understand and provide feedback on how the Wales and Western model (System approach) could be used to improve the way we manage competence and capabilities
Look at and evaluate the pros and cons of a more aligned competence approach so that competences include non-technical and behavioural skills (e.g., teamwork and leadership) along with technical skills and safety
3. Changes to the Templated Organisation Structure
3.1 Proposal to Merge Track Inspection with Track Maintenance Roles
It is proposed that the Track Maintenance and Track Inspection roles are formally merged.
Planned inspections within Track Maintenance have reduced in previous years and the inspection activities have been replaced and changed due to technology and material advancements, in particular with the introduction of the plain line pattern recognition train.
Given that dependency on (basic visual) track inspection has reduced, it is proposed that we merge the Track Inspector role (Team Leader, Technician and Operative) with the existing Track Maintenance role. It is also proposed that this role will be responsible for both inspection and maintenance activities and the job description job titles will be amended to reflect this. During the transition period the company will ensure all impacted staff will receive the appropriate training.
Job descriptions are attached in Appendix C.
3.2 Introduction of Roster Clerk Role
The company proposes to introduce a dedicated new role of Roster Clerk (role clarity band 5) to support in the effective deployment of rostered staff in Maintenance and Works Delivery.
The role of Roster Clerk is new to the Maintenance and Works Delivery organisation template structure and, it will report into a Resourcing Manager (role clarity band 4B). This element of the proposal is subject to consultation with the National Management Council.
New proposed organisational charts are in Appendix D.
4. Organisational Design Principles
4.1 Proposed Organisational Design Principle - Maintenance
Our Maintenance organisation will be sized locally to deliver its projected core work within Maintenance. Due to the variability of our work in its type, location and frequency and the need to
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deliver the work within the access periods available, there will inevitably be peaks in workload; that will invariably arise on nights and weekends.
The organisation will attempt to smooth the workload where possible so that it is able to deliver within the proposed establishment. However, delivery of the peak demands will still need additional resource and the business will need to supplement its own workforce to manage these peak demands, as necessary, using contract labour.
The base organisation will be in line with the current templated structure and continue with the current engineering disciplines and include Team Leaders, Technicians and Operatives.
The principle of the templated organisation structure will remain the same for example a yellow box on organisation charts indicates a minimum of 1 role and a green box no minimum i.e., optional roles (for the template charts refer to Appendix D).
4.2 Proposed Organisational Design Principle - Works Delivery
The Works Delivery organisation will continue to be sized based on current and future workload with the use of contract labour to assist were required. The principle of the templated organisation structure will remain the same for example a green box indicates naught or more optional posts.
The current templated organisation charts guidance for Works Delivery states: “Where team in place must consist of minimum of 1 x Team Leader and 1 x either Technician or Operative”. The company proposes to remove this sizing guidance as the proposal is to roster all colleagues in Works Delivery individually (see section 2 above) which negates the need for pre-determined team structures (for the template charts refer to Appendix D).
5. Organisational Sizing Guidance
The company proposes to remove all current sizing guidance and criteria that refers to teams and ratios within Maintenance and Works Delivery for Section Managers and Section Supervisors, Team Leaders, Technicians and Operatives. Sizing will be determined locally based upon work volumes from the revised Maintenance Scheduled Tasks (MSTs), work arising, incident response workload and cover arrangements.
New guidance on the proposed approach to sizing is provided below with the use of examples but it will be for the Routes to determine their sizing requirements.
5.1 Section Manager and Section Supervisor Sizing
There are no proposals to change the number of Section Managers or Section Supervisors as part of national consultation, this is to be determined at local level.
Local factors that need to be considered when sizing Section Managers and Section Supervisors include but are not limited to the following considerations:
Inspection of assets needed to ensure safe running
Numbers of staff they are accountable for Geography and ability to cover the area
Volume of work bank
Age and condition of assets and associated work Operational criticality
Access regimes
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Section Supervisors continue to be sized based on the current templated structure in line with the considerations above.
Any proposals that may emerge at local level to change the number of Section Managers or Section Supervisors will be subject to local consultation.
5.2 Maintenance and Incident Response Sizing
Local factors that need to be considered when sizing each of the engineering disciplines, include but are not limited to the following considerations:
Response requirements whether jointly undertaken between engineering disciplines or not
Volume of the scheduled maintenance tasks
Volume of the work arising (it should be noted that due to the variability of work arising and access availability that contract labour will be used where peaks in workload arise)
Any capital works expected to be delivered through the standard maintenance organisation
Ability to cover joint working
Efficiently allocate the right resource to the work (team size by task)
Future work that may be required, for example, new electrification programmes or drainage activities
Other relevant business requirements
Examples of potential sizing that are linked to incident response arrangements (these are examples only and are not an exhaustive list as sizing is dependent on many factors):
Signalling 24/7 Response and Maintenance = 14 employees
14 is calculated as the optimum number to provide 24-hour cover and essential relief with 2 employees on per shift and individual rosters in place. Numbers to complete maintenance would also need to be considered as some signalling sections will be able to complete their maintenance with just the incident response teams.
Overhead Line = 18 employees
18 is calculated as the optimum number to provide 24-hour response with minimal cover during the day and always 4 employees on nights including essential relief.
Note, if joint response is used then that will need to be considered as there may not be a need to have a 24/7 OHL response and the section would be sized accordingly as per the above criteria.
5.3 Roster Clerk Sizing
Linked to the proposal to introduce the Roster Clerk role, each Route will determine how many Roster Clerks are required to support their Maintenance and Works Delivery organisations.
Local factors that need to be considered when sizing the number of Roster Clerks include but are not limited to the following considerations:
The number of staff to roster
The complexity of the work i.e., the number of sections, depots, hosting arrangements, joint incident response and engineering disciplines
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Sufficient resource to cover planned and unplanned absences
Be able to share resource between Works Delivery and Maintenance
For clarity, the Roster Clerks’ reporting line is proposed to be via the Resourcing Manager, and this will be consulted at National Management Council. The proposal is that the Resourcing Manager will report into either the Infrastructure Maintenance Services Manager (IMSM) within Delivery Units, the Area Services Manager or the Planning and Reporting Manager in Works Delivery; refer to the template charts in Appendix D.
6. Standardised Contract of Employment
The company intends to standardise all new offers of employment, including internal promotions, so that the Carillion/GTRM contract applicable to Team Leaders, Technicians and Operatives, which is already agreed with the trade unions, will be the only contract issued.
In our original proposal of 28 July 2022, the company proposed to offer current Team Leaders, Technicians and Operatives, the opportunity to opt-in to the Carillon/GTRM contract applicable to their grade on a voluntary basis. During the consultation process the company shared its proposal on how it would support colleagues in making that decision and provided information showing that the potential additional cost to the company is £10m per annum.
During the consultation process the company’s cost challenge worsened due to the general economic conditions and the impact on rail revenue caused by strike action. As a result, the company does not now propose to offer voluntary opt-in.
7. People Process
The company remains committed to providing rewarding jobs for those colleagues who want to continue to work for Network Rail if they are willing to be flexible including willingness to undertake re-training or be re-deployed. To meet our commitment, the company proposes to offer a voluntary redundancy programme to mitigate compulsory redundancies.
7.1 Voluntary Redundancy Scheme
The company proposes to invite applications for voluntary redundancy from those colleagues in Maintenance that are directly impacted, this is Team Leaders, Technicians and Operatives. In addition, Team Leaders, Technicians and Operatives in Works Delivery will be invited to apply.
The company also proposes to invite applications for those roles within the promotional line and this includes, Management, Supervisory and Technical roles in both Maintenance and Works Delivery.
In response to the request from the trade unions, the company will also invite applications for voluntary redundancy from Route Services on the understanding that any applications from Route Services are separate to and have no relevance to the operational cost reductions required for Maintenance.
The full updated list of eligible roles is detailed in Appendix E.
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7.2 Voluntary Redundancy Scheme - Calculation of Voluntary Redundancy Payment
As requested by the trade unions, the company proposes to use the calculator/tables detailed in the various ‘conditions of service books’ as the basis for calculating voluntary redundancy severance for all applicants. As such, the voluntary redundancy terms would be:
A payment equal to 2.5 weeks’ basic pay for each completed year of service up to a maximum of 25 years’ service
An additional payment equal to 1 weeks’ basic pay for each completed year of service after the age of 40 years old
Payment is subject to a cap of 82.5 week’s pay
Payment is inclusive of entitlement to statutory redundancy pay
A weeks’ basic pay means actual basic pay and not full time equivalent for part-time workers
Redundancy pay (including voluntary redundancy) is subject to the prevailing HRMC rules. Currently HMRC rules allow for the first £30,000 of redundancy to be paid tax free but the company does not guarantee that the HMRC rules will not change
Payment will also be made for annual leave accrued but not taken in applicable employees’ final pay, which is subject to normal deductions for National Insurance and tax.
The company will decide the date that employment ends, and successful applicants will be required to work their full notice period.
7.3 Organisation Design and Route Consultation
Subject to the conclusion of National Principles Consultation, each Route will design their new Maintenance organisation considering the impact of the anticipated reduction in MSTs and proposed changes to working practices. The proposed organisation changes will be consulted at Route Maintenance Council.
Once the new organisation has been determined, each Route will compare the number of roles they have in each grade, engineering discipline and location against their employees impacted by the proposals. This will enable each Route to determine which applicants for voluntary redundancy could be accepted.
7.4 Voluntary Redundancy Scheme Expressions of Interest and Selection Panels
The company proposes to invite eligible colleagues to express their interest in voluntary redundancy over a period of 6 weeks, dates for application will be confirmed in due course. It is recommended that any colleague who would like to leave via voluntary redundancy should express their interest at this stage as there is no guarantee there will be further opportunities. The original pool of employees who express an interest may be revisited throughout the people process.
Expressions of interest for voluntary redundancy would be reviewed by a panel of senior leaders from Maintenance and Works Delivery and include HR. The panel would seek to approve as many applications as possible whilst considering the current headcount against the proposed reduced headcount. The company must be satisfied (in its absolute discretion) that the right skills, competence and knowledge is retained.
Using a guidance date of 1 April 2023, in reviewing applications, the panel should consider whether a successor could be identified and/or any training gaps could be filled to enable applications to be
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accepted. If it was not possible to separate two or more applicants on skills, competence and knowledge, as a final factor, at the request of the trade unions, length of service would be used so that the voluntary redundancy application of the longest serving colleague would be accepted first.
After full consideration of all expressions of interest for voluntary redundancy at Route level, the company will write to all colleagues to advise them of the outcome of their application, which will either be:
application accepted - the colleague would then be asked to confirm in writing their acceptance of the company’s offer within seven days from the date of the letter offering voluntary redundancy. Once the company’s offer of voluntary redundancy is accepted in writing by a colleague, that decision is final and binding on both parties.
application declined the colleague would be advised that their expression of interest will not be progressed further at this stage but will be held on file for future consideration should the situation change
As explained above, the company will consider applications for voluntary redundancy in phases. The first phase will be completed prior to the placement process.
The second phase of voluntary redundancy will begin once the placement process has concluded, this will involve revisiting expressions of interest that were previously rejected to enable colleagues to leave via voluntary redundancy where this would leave a suitable alternative role for a potentially displaced Maintenance colleague.
On conclusion of phase two, the company may at its discretion, open a further application window for voluntary redundancy.
7.5 Voluntary Redundancy Scheme Selection Panel Considerations
In phase one of the voluntary redundancy scheme, it is proposed that each Route will consider expressions of interest from four distinct groups as set out below.
Working Supervisors in Overhead Line and Distribution & Plant
The company employs 67 Working Supervisors (OHL and D&P). This role was initially consulted out but maintained on a personal basis as part of the Phase 2BC consultation process. The specific duties of this role are no longer required and therefore the company has proposed to remove this role from the organisation.
Expressions of interest for voluntary redundancy from colleagues in these roles should be accepted given it is proposed the role will cease to exist post implementation.
Each Route will explore re-deployment options for those Working Supervisors (OHL and D&P) that wish to stay at Network Rail (see Displaced Working Supervisor section below).
Maintenance Team Leaders, Technicians and Operatives
The company has proposed to reduce the overall number of Team Leaders, Technicians and Operatives in Maintenance. Expressions of interest for voluntary redundancy from colleagues in these roles should be carefully considered with the aim of accepting as many as practicably possible to limit the number of colleagues who would be subject to the placement process. This must be balanced with the operational needs of the business. As above, the company must be satisfied (in its absolute discretion) that the right skills, competence and knowledge is retained.
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7.5.3 Works Delivery: Works Delivery Managers, Supervisors, Team Leaders, Technicians and Operatives
Whilst it is not proposed to reduce the number of roles in Works Delivery, expressions of interest for voluntary redundancy from colleagues in these roles should be carefully considered where:
a colleague could leave via voluntary redundancy following a workload review a colleague could leave via voluntary redundancy and this would leave a suitable alternative role for a displaced Maintenance colleague there is a strong pipeline of succession which would create movement within the grades; e.g. expressions of interest from Technicians should be considered against the number of Apprentices coming to the end of the scheme
7.5.4 Management, Supervisory and Technical Roles in Maintenance and Works Delivery
It is not proposed to reduce the number of management, supervisory and technical roles in Maintenance and Works Delivery.
The company agrees to the trade union’s request to invite applications for voluntary redundancy from management, supervisory and technical roles to try and mitigate compulsory redundancy within Maintenance. The company will invite applicants to attend a development centre whereby colleagues in Maintenance or Works Delivery who want to be considered for promotion to management, supervisory and technical roles have the opportunity to demonstrate their readiness and suitability. The company will seek to match candidates who are assessed as ready for promotion from the development centres to applicants for voluntary redundancy from management, supervisory and technical roles.
7.6 Placement Process
It is proposed that once the first phase of the voluntary redundancy scheme has concluded, the placement process (also known as slotting and the T183 process) will apply to the remaining Team Leaders, Technicians and Operatives in Maintenance.
Works Delivery does not form part of the redundancy consultation process and therefore will not be included in the placement process.
The company has modified the placement process guidance used in Phase 2BC to make it fit for purpose and applicable to the Modernising Maintenance re-organisation.
It is proposed that the promotional diagram for the track discipline includes each track-specific engineering discipline as a separate promotional diagram.
During the placement process Track employees will be placed within their own track-specific discipline promotional diagram. Following this, any displaced Track employees can be considered for a different track-specific discipline.
For clarity these are the proposed track specific engineering discipline promotional diagrams for the placement process:
Track Maintenance (note that inspection and maintenance roles are merged)
Off Track
Welding (note Operatives are shared with Grinding)
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Grinding (note Operatives are shared with Welding)
Rail Testing (note Operatives are shared with Lubrication) Lubrication (note Operatives are shared with Rail Testing) Conductor Rail
7.7 Displaced Team Leaders, Technicians and Operatives in Maintenance
Following the conclusion of the placement process, there may be a number of displaced Team Leaders, Technicians and Operatives in Maintenance.
The company will endeavour to minimise the number of displaced employees by adopting the following principles:
exploring re-deployment opportunities from the remaining vacancies in Maintenance, Works Delivery and any other suitable vacancies in the organisation re-visiting all expressions of interest (from Maintenance and Works Delivery colleagues) which were previously rejected in phase one; applications could be accepted where a colleague could leave via voluntary redundancy and this would leave a suitable alternative role for a displaced Maintenance colleague (i.e. same role / grade) after completing the above, if there is still a large number of displaced employees and also colleagues whose original expression of interest were rejected, the Route can advertise promotional roles to enable potential upwards bumping (e.g. if a Team Leader had their application rejected initially, their role could be advertised; if someone was appointed this would enable the Team Leader’s voluntary redundancy application to be accepted)
Where employees are displaced and re-deployed to a different location which involves additional travel, they will be entitled to claim Personal Daily Travel Allowance (PDTA), in line with established principles. Colleagues will also be able to submit a 28-day option form to request a transfer back to their substantive location once a suitable vacancy arises.
Where displaced Maintenance colleagues are re-deployed to a suitable alternative role, their base salary would be protected.
7.8 Displaced Working Supervisors (OHL and D&P)
For any Working Supervisors (OHL and D&P) who would like to stay with Network Rail, each Route will explore suitable alternative roles in line with the following options:
where a Working Supervisor expresses an interest in a promotional role of Section Manager and / or Section Supervisor: Working Supervisors will be required to take part in the assessment centres and meet the criteria in order to be offered a promotional role. where a Working Supervisor expresses an interest in a Team Leader role in Maintenance or Works Delivery: whilst displaced Team Leaders will be prioritised for Team Leader vacancies, once all Team Leaders have been accommodated, Working Supervisors can apply for any remaining Team Leader vacancies through the established “closed list” people process.
Where displaced Working Supervisors are re-deployed to a suitable alternative role, their base salary would be protected.
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7.9 Works Delivery Impact and Considerations
As stated above, Works Delivery does not form part of the redundancy consultation process and therefore colleagues in Works Delivery would not be in scope for the placement (slotting) process.
Each Route should review any vacancies in Works Delivery that could provide re-deployment opportunities for displaced Maintenance staff.
It is proposed that once re-deployment options in Works Delivery have been exhausted, each Route will right-size their Works Delivery organisation and remove any long-standing vacancies that are no longer required, such proposals should be consulted at Route Maintenance Council.
7.10 Apprentice Impact and Considerations
Ex-Apprentices who have passed their end point assessment, are receiving the Technician rate of pay but who have not yet been formally appointed to a Technician role will not be included in the placement (slotting) process. Ex-Apprentices in this scenario will be eligible to apply for any remaining Technician vacancies once the placement process has concluded.
In the voluntary redundancy panel meetings, full consideration should be given to the Technician succession pipeline of Apprentices and Operatives, it will be feasible to enable Technicians to leave under voluntary redundancy where there is strong succession.
When recruiting Technicians, a fair and transparent selection process must be followed in order to give fair opportunity to both Apprentices and Operatives.
To support understanding of each stage of the people process, refer to the slides in Appendix F.
Appendix A
Proposed Rostering Arrangements Modernising Maintenance
Appendix B Proposed List of New and Existing Overlapping Skills
Appendix C Job Descriptions (Track Maintenance and Roster Clerk)
Appendix D Current and Proposed Organisation Charts
Appendix E Roles in Scope for the Voluntary Redundancy Scheme
Appendix F
Proposed Voluntary Redundancy Process Flow
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Job Details
Job Title: Operative [Track Maintenance]
Function: Regions
Job Reports To: Section Manager [Track]
Location: Various
Job Number:
Job Purpose
Undertake work as allocated safely and efficiently.
Safety Details
1. This job MANAGES EMPLOYEES (review and undertake the management accountabilities identified in the Managers’ Handbook)
2 This is a KEY SAFETY POST (Section 4.1.2 of the Health and Safety Management System) YES NO
3. This job requires SECURITY CLEARANCE (e.g. Running of Special Trains)
4. This is a SAFETY CRITICAL WORK POST (Section 4.1.3 of the Health and Safety Management System)
5. The job holder is required to hold relevant TRACK SAFETY competencies
Duties and Responsibilities
1. Carry out work safely and in accordance with the safe systems of work procedures, method statements or other instructions.
2. Undertake work and associated duties for which you are trained and competent.
3. Undertake work activities as directed, in a safe and efficient manner and in accordance with all relevant standards.
4. Check that vehicles, plant, tools, equipment and materials under your control are fit for use and are used/stored and disposed of correctly.
5. Contribute to your own development.
6. Adhere to company policies and procedures.
Experience, skills, knowledge, competencies and qualifications
1. Able to work as part of team.
2. Able to communicate effectively verbally and in writing.
3. Hold and retain competencies relevant to this post, required by the business need.
4. Ideally hold (or be working towards) an NVQ 1 (or equivalent) in a relevant subject.
5. Able and willing to drive vehicles as required by business need.
Job Description Briefing
Date Job Description issued to, discussed with and understood by Post Holder ------------------------------------------------------------
Name of Post Holder: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Signature:
(I confirm I have been briefed on the requirements of this Job Description and other related documents)
Name of immediate superior: ------------------------------------------------------------------ Signature: -----------------------
(I confirm I have briefed the Post Holder on the requirements of this Job Description and other related documents)
Amended by: John Young Dated: June 2019 Version: 1
Track Maintenance
Page 1 of 1 Operative
Job Details
Job Title: Roster Clerk
Function: Regions
Job Reports To: Various
Location: Various
Job Number:
Family: Support Level: 4 Band: 5 (Full details on Family, Level and Band can be obtained from Human Resources)
Job Purpose
To produce cost effective and efficient rosters for nominated employees compliant with the relevant company standards in line with current rostering principles and competency requirements. Monitor the competency database to manage future safety critical competency expiries.
Safety Details
1. This job MANAGES EMPLOYEES (review and undertake the management accountabilities identified in the Managers’ Handbook)
2 This is a KEY SAFETY POST (Section 4.1.2 of the Health & Safety Management System) YES NO
3. This job requires SECURITY CLEARANCE (e.g. Running of Special Trains)
4. This is a SAFETY CRITICAL WORK POST (Section 4.1.3 of the Health & Safety Management System)
5. The job holder is required to hold a relevant TRACK SAFETY competence
YES NO (refer to the Job Description guidelines for detailed information on TRACK SAFETY competences)
Key Accountabilities
1. Compile and publish rosters using the corporate rostering tool in accordance with National Rostering Principles / Maintenance Rostering Principles, company policies and standards.
2. Prepare rosters for employees undertaking weekly / daily rostered duties. Covering sickness, annual leave, training, briefing and special arrangements. Liaise with local managers to crosscheck roster data.
3. Manage short notice roster alterations liaising with all affected employees and line managers, including gaining verbal confirmation where necessary. Respond to and resolve any queries relating to roster issues.
4. Compile and control leave records, including input to the production of annual leave rosters.
5. Make roster arrangements for medical examinations and interviews.
6. Make roster arrangements for safety critical competence expiries, training plans, training courses and briefings.
7. Monitor and maintain competency data so that no base roster shifts are left uncovered due to expired competencies.
8. Carry out pre and post payroll interface checks to validate roster data. Submit late notice roster changes to payroll.
9. Gather and analyse fatigue data and highlight issues to the relevant line manager.
10. Provide information and data to support the routes reporting requirements.
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Job Skills, Experience and Qualifications
Excellent knowledge of national rostering principles
Previous successful experience in prioritising workloads and delivering to deadlines
Ability to demonstrate excellent interpersonal and communication skills
Previous successful experience of analysing data and producing reports
Understanding of conditions of service applicable to rostering
Understanding of roster systems
Demonstrable ability to accurately manage data and attention to detail
Previous successful experience of working in a team and engaging with virtual team members
Able to demonstrate good general IT skills
Understanding of pay arrangements for rostered staff
Geographical knowledge of the route
Knowledge of the UK rail industry
Job Description Briefing
Date Job Description issued to, discussed with and understood by Post Holder ------------------------------------------------------------
Name of Post Holder: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Signature: ------------- ----------(I confirm I have been briefed on the requirements of this Job Description and other related documents)
Name of immediate superior: ------------------------------------------------------------------ Signature: ----------------------- ----------(I confirm I have briefed the Post Holder on the requirements of this Job Description and other related documents)
Nominated Deputies
If this is a KEY SAFETY POST (2 in Safety Details above is YES) at least one nominated deputy must be identified. The Job Holder is responsible for copying and briefing the Nominated Deputy(ies) on this Job Description.
Name of Nominated Deputy: -------------------------------------------------- Signature: ---------------------------------- Date: ---------------(As the Nominated Deputy for this post, I confirm I have been briefed on the requirements of this Job) If there are more nominated deputies, they should sign further copies of this Job Description.
Amended by: Jane Staples Dated: August 2022 Version: 1.2
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Modernising Maintenance Voluntary Redundancy Scope
Area Department Grade In Scope
Maintenance Track Principal Technical Officer [Track] Yes
Maintenance Track Senior Technical Officer [Track] Yes
Maintenance Track Technical Officer [Track] Yes
Maintenance Track Section Manager [Track] Yes
Maintenance Track Section Supervisor [Track] Yes
Maintenance Track Team Leader [Track Inspection] Yes
Maintenance Track Technician [Track Inspection] Yes
Maintenance Track Operative [Track Inspection] Yes
Maintenance Track Team Leader [Track Maintenance] Yes
Maintenance Track Technician [Track Maintenance] Yes
Maintenance Track Operative [Track Maintenance] Yes
Maintenance Track Team Leader [Longitudinal Timbers] Yes
Maintenance Off Track Section Manager [Off Track] Yes
Maintenance Off Track Section Supervisor [Off Track] Yes
Maintenance Off Track Team Leader [Off Track Inspection] Yes
Maintenance Off Track Team Leader [Off Track Maintenance] Yes
Maintenance Off Track Technician [Off Track] Yes
Maintenance Off Track Operative [Off Track] Yes
Maintenance Welding & Grinding Section Manager [Welding & Grinding] Yes
Maintenance Welding & Grinding Section Supervisor [Welding & Grinding] Yes
Maintenance Welding & Grinding Team Leader [Welding] Yes
Maintenance Welding & Grinding Team Leader [Grinding] Yes
Maintenance Welding & Grinding Technician [Welding & Grinding] Yes
Maintenance Welding & Grinding Operative [Welding & Grinding] Yes
National Maintenance Council Voluntary Redundancy within Scope 28/09/2022 Final OFFICIAL
Area Department Grade
Maintenance Rail Testing & Lubrication
In Scope
Section Manager [Rail Testing & Lubrication] Yes
Maintenance Rail Testing & Lubrication Section Supervisor [Rail Testing & Lubrication] Yes
Maintenance Rail Testing & Lubrication Team Leader [Rail Testing] Yes
Maintenance Rail Testing & Lubrication Team Leader [Lubrication] Yes
Maintenance Rail Testing & Lubrication Technician [Rail Testing & Lubrication] Yes
Maintenance Rail Testing & Lubrication Operative [Rail Testing & Lubrication] Yes
Maintenance S&T Principal Signalling Support Technician - Yes
Maintenance S&T Senior Signalling Support Technician Yes
Maintenance S&T Signalling Support Technician- Yes
Maintenance S&T S&TINCS Technician Yes
Maintenance S&T Section Manager [Signalling] Yes
Maintenance S&T Section Supervisor [Signalling] Yes
Maintenance S&T Control Centre Technician (S&T) Yes
Maintenance S&T Intelligent Infrastructure Technician Yes
Maintenance S&T Team Leader [Signalling Maintenance] Yes
Maintenance S&T Technician [Signalling Maintenance] Yes
Maintenance S&T Operative [Signalling Maintenance] Yes
Maintenance E&P Principal Technical Officer [Electrification & Plant] Yes
Maintenance E&P Senior Technical Officer [Electrification & Plant] Yes
Maintenance E&P Technical Officer [Electrification and Plant] Yes
Maintenance E&P - OHL Section Manager [Overhead Line Equipment] Yes
Maintenance E&P - OHL Section Supervisor [Overhead Line Equipment] Yes
Maintenance E&P - OHL Working Supervisor [Overhead Line Equipment] Yes
Maintenance E&P - OHL Team Leader [Overhead Line Equipment] Yes
Maintenance E&P - OHL Technician [Overhead Line Equipment] Yes
Maintenance E&P - OHL Operative [Overhead Line Equipment] Yes
National Maintenance Council Voluntary Redundancy within Scope 28/09/2022 Final
Area Department Grade
In Scope
Maintenance E&P D&P Section Manager [Distribution & Plant] Yes
Maintenance E&P D&P Section Supervisor [Distribution & Plant] Yes
Maintenance E&P D&P Working Supervisor [Distribution & Plant] Yes
Maintenance E&P D&P Team Leader [M&E Inspections] Yes
Maintenance E&P D&P Team Leader [Distribution & Plant] Yes
Maintenance E&P D&P Technician [Distribution & Plant] Yes
Maintenance E&P - CRE Section Manager [Conductor Rail Equipment] Yes
Maintenance E&P - CRE Section Supervisor [Conductor Rail Equipment] Yes
Maintenance E&P - CRE Team Leader [Conductor Rail] Yes
Maintenance E&P - CRE Technician [Conductor Rail] Yes
Maintenance E&P - CRE Operative [Conductor Rail] Yes
Maintenance E&P High Voltage Cables Team Leader [High Voltage Cables] Yes
Maintenance E&P High Voltage Cables Technician [High Voltage Cables] Yes
Maintenance E&P High Voltage Cables Operative [High Voltage Cables] Yes
Maintenance E&P D&P Team Leader [M&E Inspections] Yes
Maintenance E&P D&P Team Leader [Distribution & Plant] Yes
Maintenance E&P D&P Technician [Distribution & Plant] Yes
Maintenance E&P D&P Section Supervisor [Distribution & Plant] Yes
Maintenance Works Delivery Track Works Delivery Manager [Track] To be taken to Management Council
Maintenance Works Delivery Track Works Delivery Supervisor [Track] Yes
Maintenance Works Delivery Track Team Leader [Works Delivery Track] Yes
Maintenance Works Delivery Track Technician [Works Delivery Track] Yes
Maintenance Works Delivery Track Operative [Works Delivery Track] Yes
National Maintenance Council Voluntary Redundancy within Scope 28/09/2022 Final
Area Department Grade In Scope
Maintenance Works Delivery Signalling Works Delivery Manager [Signalling]
To be taken to Management Council
Maintenance Works Delivery Signalling Works Delivery Supervisor [Signalling] Yes
Maintenance Works Delivery Signalling Team Leader [Works Delivery Signalling] Yes
Maintenance Works Delivery Signalling Technician [Works Delivery Signalling] Yes
Maintenance Works Delivery Signalling Operative [Works Delivery Signalling] Yes
Maintenance Works Delivery E&P Works Delivery Manager [Electrification & Plant]
To be taken to Management Council
Maintenance Works Delivery E&P Works Delivery Supervisor [Electrification & Plant] Yes
Maintenance Works Delivery E&P - OHL Team Leader [Works Delivery Overhead Line Equipment] Yes
Maintenance Works Delivery E&P - OHL Technician [Works Delivery Overhead Line Equipment] Yes
Maintenance Works Delivery E&P - OHL Operative [Works Delivery Overhead Line Equipment] Yes
Maintenance Works Delivery E&P D&P Team Leader [Works Delivery Distribution & Plant] Yes
Maintenance Works Delivery E&P D&P Technician [Works Delivery Distribution & Plant] Yes
Maintenance Works Delivery E&P CRE Team Leader [Works Delivery Conductor Rail] Yes
Maintenance Works Delivery E&P CRE Technician [Works Delivery Conductor Rail] Yes
Maintenance Works Delivery E&P CRE Operative [Works Delivery Conductor Rail] Yes
Maintenance Works Delivery E&P High Voltage
Technician [Works Delivery High Voltage Cables] Yes
Operative [Works Delivery High Voltage Cables] Yes
Maintenance Logistics Driver Yes
Maintenance Works Delivery E&P High Voltage
Maintenance Logistics Stores Coordinator (Band 5) Yes
Maintenance Logistics Stores Controller Yes
National Maintenance Council Voluntary Redundancy within Scope Amended
Final on the 24.08.2022
version following National Maintenance Council
Route Services Voluntary Redundancy Scope
This is an additional list of roles from Route Services as requested at National Maintenance Council Area Department Grade In Scope
Route Services OCR OCR Supervisors Yes
Route Services OCR OCR Linesman Yes
Route Services OCR OCR Stores Controllers Yes
Route Services OCR OCR Material Assistant Fabricators- Yes
Route Services OCR OCR Tech Clerks Yes
Route Services OCR OCR Drivers Yes
Route Services OCR OCR Fleet Admin Yes
Route Services OCR OCR Safe Work Planner Yes
Route Services OCR OCR Isolation Planners Yes
Route Services OCR OCR Assistant Mobile Plant Engineer Yes
Route Services OCR OCR Section Planner (ALO) Yes
Route Services OCR Supervisor (On Track Plant) Yes
Route Services High Output FM, Supervisor Yes
Route Services High Output FM, Technician Yes
Route Services High Output Driving Team Leader Yes
Route Services High Output Maintenance Supervisor Yes
Route Services High Output Maintenance Technician Yes
Route Services High Output Operative (HO) [Construction] Yes
Route Services High Output Operator Yes
Route Services High Output Operator (OTM) Yes
Route Services High Output S&T Operative (HO) [Construction] Yes
Route Services High Output S&T Supervisor Yes
Route Services High Output S&T Supervisor (HO) [Construction] Yes
Route Services High Output S&T Team Leader (HO) [Construction] Yes
Route Services High Output S&T Technician (HO) [Construction] Yes
Route Services High Output Supervisor (HO) [Construction] Yes
Route Services High Output Systems Supervisor Yes
Route Services High Output Team Leader (HO) [Construction] Yes
Route Services High Output Technician (HO) [Construction] Yes
National Maintenance Council Voluntary Redundancy within Scope 28/09/2022 Final
Area Department Grade In Scope
Route Services Other Logistics Operative Yes
Route Services Other Maintenance Electrician Yes
Route Services Other Maintenance Fitter Yes
Route Services Other Maintenance Operative (Eastleigh LWRD) Yes
Route Services Other MHD Operative Yes
Route Services Other MHD Team Leader Yes
Route Services Other Operative [Burner] Yes
Route Services Other Production Assistant Yes
Route Services Other Production Supervisor Yes
Route Services Other Rail Loading Operator Yes
Route Services Other Rail Plant Controller Yes
Route Services Other SCO 24/7 Operative Yes
Route Services Other SCO 24/7 Shift Lead (non-core) Yes
Route Services Other Site Operative Yes
Route Services Other Welding Operator Yes
National Maintenance Council Voluntary Redundancy within Scope 28/09/2022 Final OFFICIAL
Job Details
Job Title: Team Leader [Track Maintenance]
Function: Regions
Job Reports To: Section Manager [Track]
Location: Various
Job Number:
Job Purpose
Direct, organise and motivate the team so that work is undertaken safely, efficiently and to the relevant standards. Undertake and direct inspection, faulting, maintenance and renewal work as allocated.
Safety Details
1. This job MANAGES EMPLOYEES (review and undertake the management accountabilities identified in the Managers’ Handbook)
2 This is a KEY SAFETY POST (Section 4.1.2 of the Health and Safety Management System) YES NO
3. This job requires SECURITY CLEARANCE (e.g. Running of Special Trains)
4. This is a SAFETY CRITICAL WORK POST (Section 4.1.3 of the Health and Safety Management System)
5. The job holder is required to hold relevant TRACK SAFETY competencies
Duties and Responsibilities
1. Establish and maintain appropriate safety arrangements for staff under your control including Contractors.
2. Carry out work safely and in accordance with the safe systems of work procedures, method statements or other relevant instructions.
3. Undertake work and associated duties for which you are trained and competent.
4. Undertake and direct work activities in a safe and efficient manner and in accordance with all relevant standards.
5. Control and check the quality of work undertaken and confirm assets are compliant to standards.
6. Check that the staff under your control have the appropriate and valid competencies.
7. Check that vehicles, plant, tools, equipment and materials under your control are fit for use and are used/stored and disposed of correctly.
8. Accurately report all work completed/not completed and produce/maintain records as required.
9. Contribute to your own development and that of others.
10. Adhere to company policies and procedures.
Page 1 of 2 Team Leader Track Maintenance.doc
Experience, skills, knowledge, competencies and qualifications
1. Experience of arranging and implementing safe systems of work.
2. Experience of organising and controlling the safe and efficient delivery of work.
3. Able to demonstrate, promote and embed safe working behaviours within the team.
4. Able to lead, motivate and direct a team.
5. Able to communicate effectively verbally and in writing.
6. Knowledge and experience of permanent way inspection, faulting, maintenance and renewal techniques.
7. Knowledge of relevant standards, procedures and instructions.
8. Hold and retain competencies relevant to this post, required by business need.
9. Ideally hold (or be working towards) an NVQ level 2 or 3 (or equivalent) in a relevant subject or have attained the appropriate level of knowledge gained through equivalent relevant experience.
10. Able and willing to drive vehicles as required by business need.
Job Description Briefing
Date Job Description issued to, discussed with and understood by Post Holder ------------------------------------------------------------
Name of Post Holder: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Signature: ------------- -----------
(I confirm I have been briefed on the requirements of this Job Description and other related documents)
Name of immediate superior: ------------------------------------------------------------------ Signature: ----------------------- -----------
(I confirm I have briefed the Post Holder on the requirements of this Job Description and other related documents)
Amended by: John Young Dated: July 2019 Version: 1
Page 2 of 2 Team Leader Track Maintenance.doc OFFICIAL
Job Details
Job Title: Technician [Track Maintenance]
Function: Regions
Job Reports To: Section Manager [Track]
Location: Various
Job Number:
Job Purpose
Provide support to the Team Leader to organise and motivate the team so that work is undertaken safely, efficiently and to the relevant standards. Undertake inspection, faulting, maintenance and renewal work as allocated. Where directed, act as Team Leader.
Safety Details
1. This job MANAGES EMPLOYEES (review and undertake the management accountabilities identified in the Managers’ Handbook)
2 This is a KEY SAFETY POST (Section 4.1.2 of the Health and Safety Management System)
3. This job requires SECURITY CLEARANCE (e.g. Running of Special Trains)
4. This is a SAFETY CRITICAL WORK POST (Section 4.1.3 of the Health and Safety Management System)
5. The job holder is required to hold relevant TRACK SAFETY competencies
Duties and Responsibilities
1. Carry out work safely and in accordance with the safe systems of work procedures, method statements or other relevant instructions.
2. Undertake work and associated duties for which you are trained and competent.
3. Undertake and direct work activities in a safe and efficient manner and in accordance with all relevant standards.
4. Control and check the quality of work undertaken and confirm assets are compliant to standards.
5. Establish and maintain appropriate safety arrangements for staff under your control including Contractors.
6. Check that the staff under your control have the appropriate and valid competencies.
7. Check that vehicles, plant, tools, equipment and materials under your control are fit for use and are used/stored and disposed of correctly.
8. Accurately report all work completed/not completed and produce/maintain records as required.
9. Contribute to your own development and that of others.
10. Adhere to company policies and procedures.
Track Maintenance
Page 1 of 2 Technician
Experience, skills, knowledge, competencies and qualifications
1. Experience of arranging and implementing safe systems of work.
2. Knowledge of how to organise and control the safe and efficient delivery of work.
3. Able to demonstrate, promote and embed safe working behaviours within the team.
4. Able to lead, motivate and direct a team.
5. Able to communicate effectively verbally and in writing.
6. Knowledge of permanent way inspection, faulting, maintenance and renewal techniques.
7. Conversant with standards, procedures and instructions.
8. Hold and retain competencies relevant to this post, required by business need.
9. Ideally hold (or be working towards) an NVQ level 1 or 2 (or equivalent) in a relevant subject or have attained an appropriate level of knowledge through equivalent relevant experience.
10. Able and willing to drive vehicles as required by business need.
Job Description Briefing
Date Job Description issued to, discussed with and understood by Post Holder ------------------------------------------------------------
Name of Post Holder: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Signature: ------------- ----------(I confirm I have been briefed on the requirements of this Job Description and other related documents)
Name of immediate superior: ------------------------------------------------------------------ Signature: ----------------------- -----------
(I confirm I have briefed the Post Holder on the requirements of this Job Description and other related documents)
Amended by: John Young Dated: June 2019 Version: 1
Page 2 of 2 Technician Track Maintenance (003).doc OFFICIAL
Infrastructure Maintenance Delivery ManagerChart 145 Regions
One or more minimum one Nought or one only (optional) Unique in single Route / Territory Area
Key Safety Post One and only one Nought or more (optional)
Chart number for ease of reference1
Eastern; East Coast only See note 2
Option to report to Workforce HSE Advisor, Infrastructure Maintenance Delivery Manager or Route Health & Safety Manager See note 1
Infrastructure Maintenance Delivery Manager
Note 1: Scotland, Southern, W&W report to Infrastructure Ma intenance Delivery Manager NW&C, Eastern; Anglia report to Workfo rce HSE Advisor in Head of SHE team Eastern; East Coast, East Mids, North East report to Route Helath & Safety Manager in Hea d of SHE team
Note 2: W&W; Western Infrastructure Maintenance Services Ma nager and team report to Route Works Planning Manag er in HoMD/ID team
Note 3: NW&C Routes report to Infrastructure Maintenance Engineer and WD report to Programme Engineering Man ager in RPD (WD) team Eastern, Scotland, Southern, W&W Route s and WD report to Area Plant Manager in RPD (WD) eam or ASM team
Note 4: All regions WD report to Planning & Reproting Manag er (WD) in RPD (WD) team Eastern, NW&C, Scotland, Southern; Wes sex, W&W report to Infrastructure Maintenance Servi ces Manager Southern; Kent, Sussex report to Infra structure Maintenance Engineer
team if there is a Track Maintenance Engineer dedicated to Off Track
Sizing criteria is minimum of one per DU Option to report to Area Plant Manager, Programme Engineering Manager or Infrastructure Maintenance Engineer See note 3
Option to report to Planning & Reporting Manager (WD), Infrastructure Maintenance Services Manager, Infrastructure Maintenance Engineer or Resourcing Manager in IMSM team See note 4
Chart last edited:PROPOSED Created by: Organsation Readiness
Chart 145 Infrastructure Maintenance Delivery Manager Management 1 Band 1B x Posts Chart145 Team Organiser Secretarial Band 6 Infrastructure Maintenance Workforce HSE Advisor Support Band 4B Maintenance Workforce Safety & Environment Coach Support Band 5 Posts Infrastructure Maintenance Services Manager Management 3 Band 3B Posts Chart145.1 Performance & Assurance Engineer Engineering 3 Band 4B Posts Project Interface Coordinator Project 3 Band 4B Posts Infrastructure Maintenance Engineer Engineering 1 Band 2C x Posts Track Maintenance Engineer Management Band 3C x Posts Chart145.2 Track Maintenance Engineer [Off Track] Management Band 3C x Posts Chart145.2 Signal & Telecoms Maintenance Engineer Management 3 Band 3C x Posts Chart145.3 Electrification & Plant Maintenance Engineer Management 3 Band 3C x Posts Chart145.4 Technical Clerk Administration 1b Band 6 x Posts On Track Plant Specialist Technical Specialist 3 Band 4B x Posts Project Manager Project 2 Band 3B x Posts Performance & Assurance Engineer Engineering 3 Band 4B x Posts Senior Project Engineer Project Band 3C x Posts Rail Management Engineer Management 4 Band 4C Chart145.2.3 Competence Delivery Specialist Technical Specialist 4 Band 5 x Posts Infrastructure Maintenance Protection Coordinator Support 3 Band 4B x Posts Special Projects Manager Management 2 Band 2A Project Manager Project 2 Band 3B Posts Scheme Project Manager Project 3 Band 4B Posts Project Management Assistant Project 4 Band Programme Manager Project 1 Band 2B Posts Senior Electrification & Plant Engineer Management Band 2B Posts
Sizing rules for all Section Planner / Section Administrator posts apply. Refer to sizing criteria.
Post One
or more
Chart last edited:PROPOSED
by: Organsation Readiness
Section Manager
Key Safety
one Nought
(optional) One or
minimum one Nought or one only (optional) Unique in single Route / Territory Area Key
Chart number for ease of reference3Section Manager [Overhead Line Equipment]Chart 1 45.4.1 Regions
[Overhead Line Equipment]Chart 1 45.4.1 Section Manager [Overhead Line Equipment] x Posts Chart145.4.1 Section Administrator Administration 1b Band 6 Section Planner Planning 4 Band 5 x Posts Section Planner, Administrator Planning 4 Band 5 Team Leader [Overhead Line Equipment] x Posts Technician [Overhead Line Equipment] x Posts Operative [Overhead Line Equipment] x Posts Section Supervisor [Overhead Line Equipment] x Posts
Sizing rules for all Section Planner / Section Administrator posts apply. Refer to sizing criteria.
Chart last edited:PROPOSED Created by: Organsation Readiness
Section Manager [Distribution &
Key Safety Post One and only one Nought or more (optional) One or more minimum one Nought or one only (optional) Unique in single Route / Territory Area Key
Chart number for ease of reference4 Section Manager [Distribution & Plant]Chart 145. 4.2 Regions
4.2 Section Manager [Distribution & Plant] x Posts Chart145.4.2 Section Administrator Administration 1b Band 6 Section Planner Planning 4 Band 5 x Posts Section Planner, Administrator Planning 4 Band 5 Team Leader [M&E Inspections] x Posts Team Leader [Distribution & Plant] x Posts Technician [Distribution & Plant] x Posts Section Supervisor [Distribution & Plant] x Posts
Section Manager [Track]
Sizing rules for all Section Planner / Section Administrator posts apply. Refer to sizing criteria.
Chart last edited: PROPOSED Created by: Organsation Readiness
Key Safety Post One and only one Nought or more (optional) One or more minimum one Nought or one only (optional) Unique in single Route / Territory Area Key
Chart number for ease of reference5 Section Manager [Track]Chart 145.2.1 Regions
Chart 145.2.1 Section Manager [Track] x Posts Chart145.2.1 Section Administrator Administration 1b Band 6 Section Planner Planning 4 Band 5 x Posts Section Planner, Administrator Planning 4 Band 5 Team Leader [Track Maintenance] x Posts Technician [Track Maintenance] x Posts Operative [Track Maintenance] x Posts Team Leader [Longitudinal Timbers] x Posts Section Supervisor [Track ] x Posts
Option to report to Infrastructure Maintenance Services Manager or Area Services Manager See note 7
Option to report to Property Director, Area Services Manager, Programme Manager (WD), Regional Asset Manager or Senior Programme Manager See note 5
Services Manager Chart 176 Regions
One or more minimum one Nought or one only (optional) Unique in single Route / Territory Area
Key Chart number for ease of reference6
Key Safety Post One and only one Nought or more (optional)
On Track Plant Specialist Sizing criteria is minimum of one per DU
Option to report to Area Plant Manager, Programme Engineering Manager or Infrastructure Maintenance Engineer See note 6
See note 3
Option to report to Regional Asset Manager, Route Engineer or Area Services Manager See note 2
Option to report to Principal Engineer, Route Engineer, Route Programme Director (WD) or Area Services Manager See note 4 See note 1
Eastern; East Midlands report to Infrastructure Mai ntenance Delivery Manager Eastern; Anglia, Scotland, W&W Wales re port to Infrastructure Maintenance Engineer Eastern; East Coast, NW&C, Southern, W& W Western report to Area Services Manager
Note 1:
Note 2: Scotland, W&W; Wales report to Regional Asset Mana ger in DEAM team Eastern; Anglia, East Mids reprot to Ro ute Engineer in ID team Eastern; East Coast, NW&C, Southern, W& W Western report to Area Services Manager
Note 3: Eastern; East Coast, East Mids only Note 4: Eastern (except Anglia), W&W report to Principal En gineer in DEAM team Eastern; Anglia reprot to Route Enginee r in ID team Scotland report to Route Programme Dire ctor (WD) Southern report to Area Services Manage r Note 5: NW&C, W&W report to Property Director Eastern (except Anglia) report to Area Services Manager Eastern; Anglia report to Programme Man ager (WD) Scotland report to Regional Asset Manag er in DEAM team Southern report to Senior Programme Man ager in Chief of Staff team
Note 6: NW&C Routes report to Infrastructure Maintenance E ngineer and WD report to Programme Engineering Mana ger in RPD (WD) team
Eastern, Scotland, Southern, W&W Routes and WD report to Area Plant Manager in RPD (WD) te am or ASM team
Note 7: to be completed post consultation
Chart last edited: PROPOSED Created by: Organsation Readiness Area Services Manager Chart 176 Area Services Manager Management 2 Band 2B x Posts Chart176 Route Communications Engineer Management 3 Band 3C x Posts Chart125.10.1 Route On Track Machine Engineer Engineering 2 Band 3C x Posts Section Manager [MMT] Chart145.2.5 Assistant Route On Track Machine Engineer Engineering 3 Band 4C x Posts Senior Project Engineer Project 2 Band 3C x Posts Technical Support Manager (ICC) Engineering 2 Band 3B x Posts Technical Support Engineer Engineering 3 Band 4C Posts Intelligent Infrastructure Technician x Posts Route Support Manager Support 2 Band 3B x Posts Rail Plant Support Engineer Engineering 2 Band 3C x Posts Special Projects Manager Management 2 Band 2A Project Manager (Change) Project 2 Band 3B x Posts Project Leader (Change) Project 3 Band 4B x Posts Project Manager Project 2 Band 3B x Posts Project Management Assistant Project 4 Band 5 x Posts Project Interface Coordinator Project 3 Band 4B x Posts Scheme Project Manager Project 3 Band 4B Posts Network Data Manager Management 3 Band 3B Reliability Improvement Specialist Technical Specialist 2 Band 3B x Posts Scheme Project Manager Project 3 Band 4B x Posts Intelligent Infrastructure Technician x Posts Infrastructure Maintenance Performance Manager Support 2 Band 3B x Posts Performance Assistant Support 4 Band 5 x Posts Route Property & Facilities Manager Management 3 Band 3B x Posts Route Facilities Manager Management 4 Band 4B x Posts Utilities Specialist Technical Specialist 4 Band 5 x Posts Area Plant Manager Planning 2 Band 3B x Posts On Track Plant Specialist Technical Specialist 3 Band 4B x Posts Plant Supervisor x Posts Resourcing Manager Support 3 Band 4B x Posts Roster Clerk Support 4 Band 5 x Posts
and the addtional resource is uti lised by MMT team
Key Safety Post One and only one Nought or more (optional) One or more minimum one Nought or one only (optional) Unique in single Route / Territory Area Key Note : If Team Leader [Welding]
establishment i n DU is increased
Chart number for ease of reference8 Works Delivery Manager [MMT]Chart 145.5.6 Regions Chart last edited: PROPOSED Created by: Organsation Readiness Works Delivery Manager [MMT]Chart 145.5.6 Works Delivery Manager [MMT] Management 4 Band 4C x Posts Chart145.5.6 Section Planner, Administrator Planning 4 Band 5 Section Planner Planning 4 Band 5 x Posts Section Administrator Administration 1b Band 6 Team Leader [Works Delivery MMT] x Posts Technician [Works Delivery MMT] x Posts Operative [Works Delivery MMT] x Posts Works Delivery Supervisor [MMT] x Posts
Key Safety Post One and only one Nought or more (optional) One or more minimum one Nought or one only (optional) Unique in single Route / Territory Area Key Chart number for ease of reference9 Works Delivery Manager [Signalling]Chart 145.5.2 Regions Chart last edited: PROPOSED Created by: Organsation Readiness Works Delivery Manager [Signalling]Chart 145.5.2 Works Delivery Manager [Signalling] Management 4 Band 4C x Posts Chart145.5.2 Section Planner, Administrator Planning 4 Band 5 Section Planner Planning 4 Band 5 x Posts Section Administrator Administration 1b Band 6 Team Leader [Works Delivery Signalling] x Posts Technician [Works Delivery Signalling] x Posts Operative [Works Delivery Signalling] x Posts Works Delivery Supervisor [Signalling] x Posts Site Manager Technical Specialist 3 Band 4C x Posts Stores Coordinator (Works Delivery) Support 4 Band 5 x Posts
Key Safety Post One and only one Nought or more (optional) One or more minimum one Nought or one only (optional) Unique in single Route / Territory Area Key Chart number for ease of reference10 Work Delivery Manager [Off Track]Chart 145.5.4 Regions Chart last edited: PROPOSED Created by: Organsation Readiness Work Delivery Manager [Off Track]Chart 145.5.4 Work Delivery Manager [Off Track] Management 4 Band 4C x Posts Chart145.5.4 Section Planner, Administrator Planning 4 Band 5 Section Planner Planning 4 Band 5 x Posts Section Administrator Administration 1b Band 6 Team Leader [Works Delivery Off Track] x Posts Technician [Works Delivery Off Track] x Posts Operative [Works Delivery Off Track] x Posts Works Delivery Supervisor [Off Track] x Posts Site Manager Technical Specialist 3 Band 4C x Posts Stores Coordinator (Works Delivery) Support 4 Band 5 x Posts
Key Safety Post One and only one Nought or more (optional) One or more minimum one Nought or one only (optional) Unique in single Route / Territory Area Key Chart number for ease of reference11Works Delivery Manager [Overhead Line Equipment]Chart 145.5.3 Regions Chart last edited: PROPOSED Created by: Organsation Readiness Works Delivery Manager [Overhead Line Equipment]Chart 145.5.3 Works Delivery Manager [Overhead Line Equipment] Management 4 Band 4C x Posts Chart145.5.3 Section Planner, Administrator Planning 4 Band 5 Section Planner Planning 4 Band 5 x Posts Section Administrator Administration 1b Band 6 Team Leader [Works Delivery Overhead Line Equipment] x Posts Technician [Works Delivery Overhead Line Equipment] x Posts Operative [Works Delivery Overhead Line Equipment] x Posts Works Delivery Supervisor [Overhead Line Equipment] x Posts Stores Coordinator (Works Delivery) Support 4 Band 5 x Posts
Key Safety Post One and only one Nought or more (optional) One or more minimum one Nought or one only (optional) Unique in single Route / Territory Area Key Chart number for ease of reference12Works Delivery Manager [Conductor Rail]Chart 145 .5.8 Regions Chart last edited: PROPOSED Created by: Organsation Readiness Works Delivery Manager [Conductor Rail]Chart 145 .5.8 Works Delivery Manager [Conductor Rail] Management 4 Band 4C x Posts Chart145.5.8 Section Planner, Administrator Planning 4 Band 5 Section Planner Planning 4 Band 5 x Posts Section Administrator Administration 1b Band 6 Team Leader [Works Delivery Conductor Rail] x Posts Team Leader [Works Delivery High Voltage Cables] x Posts Technician [Works Delivery Conductor Rail] x Posts Technician [Works Delivery High Voltage Cables] x Posts Operative [Works Delivery Conductor Rail] x Posts Operative [Works Delivery High Voltage Cables] x Posts Works Delivery Supervisor [Conductor Rail] x Posts Stores Coordinator (Works Delivery) Support 4 Band 5 x Posts
Key Safety Post One and only one Nought or more (optional) One or more minimum one Nought or one only (optional) Unique in single Route / Territory Area Key Chart number for ease of reference13Works Delivery Manager [Distribution & Plant]Cha rt 145.5.7 Regions Chart last edited: PROPOSED Created by: Organsation Readiness Works Delivery Manager [Distribution & Plant]Cha rt 145.5.7 Works Delivery Manager [Distribution & Plant] Management 4 Band 4C x Posts Chart145.5.7 Section Planner, Administrator Planning 4 Band 5 Section Planner Planning 4 Band 5 x Posts Section Administrator Administration 1b Band 6 Team Leader [Works Delivery Distribution & Plant] x Posts Technician [Works Delivery Distribution & Plant] x Posts Works Delivery Supervisor [Distribution & Plant] x Posts Stores Coordinator (Works Delivery) Support 4 Band 5 x Posts
Key Safety Post One and only one Nought or more (optional) One or more minimum one Nought or one only (optional) Unique in single Route / Territory Area Key Chart number for ease of reference14Works Delivery Manager [Electrical Installation]Chart 145.5.5 Regions Chart last edited: PROPOSED Created by: Organsation Readiness Works Delivery Manager [Electrical Installation]Chart 145.5.5 Works Delivery Manager [Electrical Installation] Management 4 Band 4C x Posts Chart145.5.5 Section Planner, Administrator Planning 4 Band 5 Section Planner Planning 4 Band 5 x Posts Section Administrator Administration 1b Band 6 Supervisor (B&C) x Posts Artisan (B&C) [EI] x Posts Operative (B&C) x Posts Stores Coordinator (Works Delivery) Support 4 Band 5 x Posts
Key Safety Post One and only one Nought or more (optional) One or more minimum one Nought or one only (optional) Unique in single Route / Territory Area Key Chart number for ease of reference15Works Delivery Manager [Track]Chart 145.5.1 Regions Chart last edited: PROPOSED Created by: Organsation Readiness Works Delivery Manager [Track]Chart 145.5.1 Works Delivery Manager [Track] Management 4 Band 4C x Posts Chart145.5.1 Section Planner, Administrator Planning 4 Band 5 Section Planner Planning 4 Band 5 x Posts Section Administrator Administration 1b Band 6 Team Leader [Works Delivery Track] x Posts Technician [Works Delivery Track] x Posts Operatiive [Works Delivery Track] x Posts Works Delivery Supervisor [Track] x Posts Driver x Posts Stores Coordinator (Works Delivery) Support 4 Band 5 x Posts
Sizing rules for all Section Planner / Section Administrator posts apply. Refer to sizing criteria.
Section Manager [Off Track]
Chart last edited: July 2022 & PROPOSED Created by: Organsation Readiness
Key Safety Post One and only one Nought or more (optional) One or more minimum one Nought or one only (optional) Unique in single Route / Territory Area Key
Chart number for ease of reference16 Section Manager [Off Track]Chart 145.2.2 Regions
145.2.2 Section Manager [Off Track] Chart145.2.2 Section Administrator Administration 1b Band 6 Section Planner Planning 4 Band 5 x Posts Section Planner, Administrator Planning 4 Band 5 Team Leader [Off Track Inspection] x Posts Team Leader [Off Track Maintenance] x Posts Technician [Off Track] x Posts Operative [Off Track] x Posts Section Supervisor [Off Track] x Posts
Sizing rules for all Section Planner / Section Administrator posts apply. Refer to sizing criteria.
Sizing rules for all Section Planner / Section Administrator posts apply. Refer to sizing criteria.
Sizing rules for all Section Planner / Section Administrator posts apply. Refer to sizing criteria.
Key Safety Post One and only one Nought or more (optional) One or more minimum one Nought or one only (optional) Unique in single Route / Territory Area Key
Chart number for ease of reference17 Rail Management EngineerChart 145.2.3 Regions Chart last edited: July 2022 & PROPOSED Created by: Organsation Readiness Rail Management EngineerChart 145.2.3 Rail Management Engineer Management 4 Band 4C Chart145.2.3 Section Administrator Administration 1b Band 6 Section Planner Planning 4 Band 5 x Posts Section Planner, Administrator Planning 4 Band 5 Section Manager [Welding & Grinding] Section Administrator Administration 1b Band 6 Section Planner Planning 4 Band 5 x Posts Section Planner, Administrator Planning 4 Band 5 Team Leader [Welding] x Posts Team Leader [Grinding] x Posts Technician [Welding & Grinding] x Posts Operative [Welding & Grinding] x Posts Section Supervisor [Welding & Grinding] Section Manager [Rail Testing & Lubrication] Section Administrator Administration 1b Band 6 Section Planner Planning 4 Band 5 x Posts Section Planner, Administrator Planning 4 Band 5 Team Leader [Rail Testing] x Posts Team Leader [Lubrication] x Posts Technician [Rail Testing & Lubrication] x Posts Operative [Rail Testing & Lubrication] x Posts Section Supervisor [Rail Testing & Lubrication]
Sizing rules for all Section Planner / Section Administrator posts apply. Refer to sizing criteria.
Chart last edited: July 2022 & PROPOSED Created by: Organsation Readiness
Key Safety Post One and only one Nought or more (optional) One or more minimum one Nought or one only (optional) Unique in single Route / Territory Area Key
Chart number for ease of reference18 Section Manager [MMT]Chart 145.2.5 Regions
Section Manager [MMT]
145.2.5 Section Manager [MMT] Chart145.2.5 Section Administrator Administration 1b Band 6 Section Planner Planning 4 Band 5 x Posts Section Planner, Administrator Planning 4 Band 5 Team Leader [MMT] x Posts Technician [MMT] x Posts Operative [MMT] x Posts Section Supervisor [MMT] Work Plan Coordinator Support 3 Band 4B x Posts
Manager [Signalling]
Sizing rules for all Section Planner / Section Administrator posts apply. Refer to sizing criteria.
Chart last edited: July 2022 & PROPOSED Created by: Organsation Readiness
Key Safety Post One and only one Nought or
(optional) One or more minimum one Nought or one only (optional) Unique in single Route / Territory Area Key
Chart number for ease of reference19 Section Manager [Signalling]Chart 145.3.1 Regions
145.3.1 Section Manager [Signalling] x Posts Chart145.3.1 Section Administrator Administration 1b Band 6 Section Planner Planning 4 Band 5 x Posts Section Planner, Administrator Planning 4 Band 5 Control Centre Technician x Posts Team Leader [Signalling Maintenance] x Posts Technician [Signalling Maintenance] x Posts Operative [Signalling Maintenance] x Posts Section Supervisor [Signalling] x Posts
Sizing rules for all Section Planner / Section Administrator posts apply. Refer to sizing criteria.
Chart last edited: July 2022 & PROPOSED
Created by: Organsation Readiness
Key Safety Post One and only one Nought or more (optional) One or more minimum one Nought or one only (optional) Unique in single Route / Territory Area Key
Chart number for ease of reference20Section Manager [Conductor Rail Equipment]Chart 145.4.3 Regions
Section Manager [Conductor Rail Equipment]Chart 145.4.3 Section Manager [Conductor Rail Equipment] Chart145.4.3 Section Administrator Administration 1b Band 6 Section Planner Planning 4 Band 5 x Posts Section Planner, Administrator Planning 4 Band 5 Team Leader [Conductor Rail] x Posts Technician [Conductor Rail] x Posts Operative [Conductor Rail] x Posts Team Leader [High Voltage Cables] x Posts Technician [High Voltage Cables] x Posts Operative [High Voltage Cables] x Posts Section Supervisor [Conductor Rail Equipment] x Posts
ease of
Safety Post One and only
Nought or more
Chart last edited: July 2022 &
Created by: Organsation Readiness
or more minimum one Nought or one only (optional) Unique in single Route / Territory Area Key
Wales only Chart number for
reference21 Depot Manager (Sudbrook) WalesChart 145.4.4 Regions
Manager (Sudbrook) Wales -
145.4.4 Depot Manager (Sudbrook) Management 4 Band 4C 1 Post Chart145.4.4 Team Leader [Distribution & Plant] [Sudbrook] x Posts Technician [Distribution & Plant] [Sudbrook] x Posts Operative [Distribution & Plant] [Sudbrook] x Posts Section Supervisor [Distribution & Plant] [Sudbrook] x Posts Section Planner, Administrator Planning 4 Band 5 Section Planner Planning 4 Band 5 x Posts Section Administrator Administration 1b Band 6
Current Regions Charts
All impacted charts are included i.e. those where changes to the structure and / or positions and / or notes are proposed. In addition, unaffected Section Manager charts included for information only.
The charts included are listed below, chart references have been added for ease and these references are for use during this consultation only.
Chart reference Chart title
Infrastructure Maintenance Delivery Manager
2 Infrastructure Maintenance Services Manager
3 Section Manager [Overhead Line Equipment]
Section Manager [Distribution & Plant]
Section Manager [Track]
Area Services Manager
Principal Programme Controls Manager (Works Delivery)
Works Delivery Manager [MMT]
9 Works Delivery Manager [Signalling]
10 Works Delivery Manager [Off Track]
11 Works Delivery Manager [Overhead Line Equipment]
Works Delivery Manager [Conductor Rail]
13 Works Delivery Manager [Distribution & Plant]
14 Works Delivery Manager [Electrical Installation]
Works Delivery Manager [Track]
16 Info only Section Manager [Off Track]
17 Info only Rail Manangement Engineer
18 Info only Section Manager [MMT]
19 Info only Section Manager [Signalling]
20 Info only Section Manager [Conductor Rail Equipment]
21 Info only Depot Manager (Sudbrook)
For clarity Operatives are ‘must have minimum of one’ in Maintenance teams and are ‘optional’ in Works Delivery teams, with the following exceptions:
No Operatives in Distribution & Plant Maintenance and Works Delivery teams
No Operatives in Electrical Installation Works Delivery teams
Operatives in High Voltage Cables Maintenance teams are optional
Operatives in, uniqie to W&W Wales, Depot Manager (Subrook) Maintenace team are optional
1 of 1
Infrastructure Maintenance Delivery ManagerChart 145
One or more minimum one Nought or one only (optional) Unique in single Route / Territory Area
Eastern; East Coast only See note 2
Key Safety Post One and only one Nought or more (optional)
Infrastructure Maintenance Delivery
Option to report to Workforce HSE Advisor, Infrastructure Maintenance Delivery Manager or Route Health & Safety Manager See note 1
Note 1: Scotland, Southern, W&W report to Infrastructure Ma intenance Delivery Manager NW&C, Eastern; Anglia report to Workfo rce HSE Advisor in Head of SHE team Eastern; East Coast, East Mids, North East report to Route Helath & Safety Manager in Hea d of SHE team
Note 2: W&W; Western Infrastructure Maintenance Services Ma nager and team report to Route Works Planning Manag er in HoMD/ID team
Note 3: NW&C Routes report to Infrastructure Maintenance Engineer and WD report to Programme Engineering Man ager in RPD (WD) team Eastern, Scotland, Southern, W&W Route s and WD report to Area Plant Manager in RPD (WD) eam or ASM team
Note 4: All regions WD report to Planning & Reproting Manag er (WD) in RPD (WD) team Eastern, NW&C, Scotland, Southern; Wes sex, W&W report to Infrastructure Maintenance Servi ces Manager Southern; Kent, Sussex report to Infra structure Maintenance Engineer
last edited: July 2022
by: Organsation Readiness
Optional team if there is a Track Maintenance Engineer dedicated to Off Track
Sizing criteria is minimum of one per DU Option to report to Area Plant Manager, Programme Engineering Manager or Infrastructure Maintenance Engineer See note 3 Option to report to Planning & Reporting Manager (WD), Infrastructure Maintenance Services Manager or Infrastructure Maintenance Engineer See note 4 Chart number for ease of reference1
Regions Chart
ManagerChart 145 Infrastructure Maintenance Delivery Manager Management 1 Band 1B x Posts Chart145 Team Organiser Secretarial Band 6 Infrastructure Maintenance Workforce HSE Advisor Support Band 4B Maintenance Workforce Safety & Environment Coach Support Band 5 Posts Infrastructure Maintenance Services Manager Management 3 Band 3B Posts Chart145.1 Performance & Assurance Engineer Engineering 3 Band 4B Posts Project Interface Coordinator Project 3 Band 4B Posts Infrastructure Maintenance Engineer Engineering 1 Band 2C x Posts Track Maintenance Engineer Management Band 3C x Posts Chart145.2 Track Maintenance Engineer [Off Track] Management Band 3C x Posts Chart145.2 Signal & Telecoms Maintenance Engineer Management 3 Band 3C x Posts Chart145.3 Electrification & Plant Maintenance Engineer Management 3 Band 3C x Posts Chart145.4 Technical Clerk Administration 1b Band 6 x Posts On Track Plant Specialist Technical Specialist 3 Band 4B x Posts Project Manager Project 2 Band 3B x Posts Performance & Assurance Engineer Engineering 3 Band 4B x Posts Senior Project Engineer Project Band 3C x Posts Rail Management Engineer Management 4 Band 4C Chart145.2.3 Competence Delivery Specialist Technical Specialist 4 Band 5 x Posts Infrastructure Maintenance Protection Coordinator Support 3 Band 4B x Posts Special Projects Manager Management 2 Band 2A Project Manager Project 2 Band 3B Posts Scheme Project Manager Project 3 Band 4B Posts Project Management Assistant Project 4 Band Programme Manager Project 1 Band 2B Posts Senior Electrification & Plant Engineer Management Band 2B Posts
Sizing rules for all Section Planner / Section Administrator posts apply. Refer to sizing criteria.
Chart last edited: July 2022 Created by: Organsation Readiness
Section Manager
Key Safety Post One and only one Nought or more (optional) One or more minimum one Nought or one only (optional) Unique in single Route / Territory Area Key
Chart number for ease of reference3Section Manager [Overhead Line Equipment]Chart 1 45.4.1 Regions
[Overhead Line Equipment]Chart 1 45.4.1 Section Manager [Overhead Line Equipment] x Posts Chart145.4.1 Section Administrator Administration 1b Band 6 Section Planner Planning 4 Band 5 x Posts Section Planner, Administrator Planning 4 Band 5 Team Leader [Overhead Line Equipment] x Posts Technician [Overhead Line Equipment] x Posts Operative [Overhead Line Equipment] x Posts Working Supervisor [Overhead Line Equipment] x Posts Section Supervisor [Overhead Line Equipment] x Posts
Sizing rules for all Section Planner / Section Administrator posts apply. Refer to sizing criteria.
Chart 145. 4.2
Chart last edited: July 2022 Created by: Organsation Readiness
Section Manager [Distribution & Plant]
Key Safety Post One and only one Nought or more (optional) One or more minimum one Nought or one only (optional) Unique in single Route / Territory Area Key
Chart number for ease of reference4Section Manager [Distribution & Plant]Chart 145. 4.2 Regions
Section Manager [Distribution & Plant] x Posts Chart145.4.2 Section Administrator Administration 1b Band 6 Section Planner Planning 4 Band 5 x Posts Section Planner, Administrator Planning 4 Band 5 Team Leader [M&E Inspections] x Posts Team Leader [Distribution & Plant] x Posts Technician [Distribution & Plant] x Posts Working Supervisor [Distribution & Plant] x Posts Section Supervisor [Distribution & Plant] x Posts
Sizing rules for all Section Planner
Section Administrator posts apply. Refer to sizing criteria.
Chart last edited: July 2022 Created by:
Key Safety Post One and only one Nought or more (optional) One or more minimum one Nought or one only (optional) Unique in single Route / Territory Area Key
Chart number for ease of reference5 Section Manager [Track]Chart 145.2.1 Regions
Organsation Readiness
Manager [Track]Chart 145.2.1 Section Manager [Track] x Posts Chart145.2.1 Section Administrator Administration 1b Band 6 Section Planner Planning 4 Band 5 x Posts Section Planner, Administrator Planning 4 Band 5 Team Leader [Track Inspection] x Posts Technician [Track Inspection] x Posts Operative [Track Inspection] x Posts Team Leader [Track Maintenance] x Posts Technician [Track Maintenance] x Posts Operative [Track Maintenance] x Posts Team Leader [Longitudinal Timbers] x Posts Section Supervisor [Track ] x Posts
Area Services Manager Chart 176 Regions
One or more minimum one Nought or one only (optional) Unique in single Route / Territory Area
Key Safety Post One and only one Nought or more (optional)
Option to report to Property Director, Area Services Manager, Programme Manager (WD), Regional Asset Manager or Senior Programme Manager See note 5
Option to report to Principal Engineer, Route Engineer, Route Programme Director (WD) or Area Services Manager See note 4
See note
Option to report to Regional Asset Manager, Route Engineer or Area Services Manager See note 2
See note
On Track Plant Specialist Sizing criteria is minimum of one per DU
Option to report to Area Plant Manager, Programme Engineering Manager or Infrastructure Maintenance Engineer See note 6
Note 1: Eastern; East Midlands report to Infrastructure Mai ntenance Delivery Manager Eastern; Anglia, Scotland, W&W Wales re port to Infrastructure Maintenance Engineer Eastern; East Coast, NW&C, Southern, W& W Western report to Area Services Manager
Note 2: Scotland, W&W; Wales report to Regional Asset Mana ger in DEAM team Eastern; Anglia, East Mids reprot to Ro ute Engineer in ID team Eastern; East Coast, NW&C, Southern, W& W Western report to Area Services Manager
Note 3: Eastern; East Coast, East Mids only Note 4: Eastern (except Anglia), W&W report to Principal En gineer in DEAM team Eastern; Anglia reprot to Route Enginee r in ID team Scotland report to Route Programme Dire ctor (WD)
Southern report to Area Services Manage
Note 5: NW&C, W&W report to Property Director Eastern (except Anglia) report to Area Services Manager Eastern; Anglia report to Programme Man ager (WD) Scotland report to Regional Asset Manag er in DEAM team Southern report to Senior Programme Man ager in Chief of Staff team
Note 6: NW&C Routes report to Infrastructure Maintenance E ngineer and WD report to Programme Engineering Mana ger in RPD (WD) team Eastern, Scotland, Southern, W&W Routes and WD report to Area Plant Manager in RPD (WD) te am or ASM team
Area Services Manager Chart
July 2022
Chart number for ease of reference6
Chart last edited:
Created by: Organsation Readiness
176 Area Services Manager Management 2 Band 2B x Posts Chart176 Route Communications Engineer Management 3 Band 3C x Posts Chart125.10.1 Route On Track Machine Engineer Engineering 2 Band 3C x Posts Section Manager [MMT] Chart145.2.5 Assistant Route On Track Machine Engineer Engineering 3 Band 4C x Posts Senior Project Engineer Project 2 Band 3C x Posts Technical Support Manager (ICC) Engineering 2 Band 3B x Posts Technical Support Engineer Engineering 3 Band 4C x Posts Intelligent Infrastructure Technician x Posts Route Support Manager Support 2 Band 3B x Posts Network Data Manager Management 3 Band 3B Special Projects Manager Management 2 Band 2A Project Manager (Change) Project 2 Band 3B x Posts Project Leader (Change) Project 3 Band 4B x Posts Project Manager Project 2 Band 3B x Posts Project Management Assistant Project 4 Band 5 x Posts Project Interface Coordinator Project 3 Band 4B x Posts Scheme Project Manager Project 3 Band 4B x Posts Rail Plant Support Engineer Engineering 2 Band 3C x Posts Reliability ImprovementSpecialist Technical Specialist 2 Band 3B x Posts Scheme Project Manager Project 3 Band 4B x Posts Intelligent Infrastructure Technician x Posts Infrastructure Maintenance Performance Manager Support 2 Band 3B x Posts Performance Assistant Support 4 Band 5 x Posts Route Property & Facilities Manager Management 3 Band 3B x Posts Route Facilities Manager Management 4 Band 4B x Posts Utilities Specialist Technical Specialist 4 Band 5 x Posts Area Plant Manager Planning 2 Band 3B x Posts On Track Plant Specialist Technical Specialist 3 Band 4B x Posts Plant Supervisor x Posts
One or more minimum one Nought or one only (optional) Unique in single Route / Territory Area
Key Safety Post One and only one Nought or more (optional)
Technician and 1
Team Leader, 1
Posts under the WDM are optional Where team in place must consist of minimum of 1
DU is increased and the addtional resource is uti lised by MMT team
Note : If Team Leader [Welding] required establishment
Chart last edited: July 2022 Created by: Organsation Readiness
i n
Chart number for ease of reference8 Works Delivery Manager [MMT]Chart 145.5.6 Regions
Works Delivery Manager
Chart 145.5.6 Works Delivery Manager [MMT] Management 4 Band 4C x Posts Chart145.5.6 Section Planner, Administrator Planning 4 Band 5 Section Planner Planning 4 Band 5 x Posts Section Administrator Administration 1b Band 6 Team Leader [Works Delivery MMT] x Posts Technician [Works Delivery MMT] x Posts Operative [Works Delivery MMT] x Posts Works Delivery Supervisor [MMT] x Posts
Key Safety Post One and only one Nought or more (optional) One or more minimum one Nought or one only (optional) Unique in single Route / Territory Area Key Posts under the WDM are optional Where team in place must consist of minimum of 1 x Team Leader, 1 x Technician and 1 x Operativ e Chart number for ease of reference9 Works Delivery Manager [Signalling]Chart 145.5.2 Regions Chart last edited: July 2022 Created by: Organsation Readiness Works Delivery Manager [Signalling]Chart 145.5.2 Works Delivery Manager [Signalling] Management 4 Band 4C x Posts Chart145.5.2 Section Planner, Administrator Planning 4 Band 5 Section Planner Planning 4 Band 5 x Posts Section Administrator Administration 1b Band 6 Team Leader [Works Delivery Signalling] x Posts Technician [Works Delivery Signalling] x Posts Operative [Works Delivery Signalling] x Posts Works Delivery Supervisor [Signalling] x Posts Site Manager Technical Specialist 3 Band 4C x Posts Stores Coordinator (Works Delivery) Support 4 Band 5 x Posts
Ope rative
either Technician
Key Safety Post One and only one Nought or more (optional) One or more minimum one Nought or one only (optional) Unique in single Route / Territory Area Key Posts under the WDM are optional Where team in place must consist of minimum of 1 x Team
and 1 x
Chart number for ease of reference10 Work Delivery Manager [Off Track]Chart 145.5.4 Regions Chart last edited: July 2022 Created by: Organsation Readiness Work Delivery Manager [Off Track]Chart 145.5.4 Work Delivery Manager [Off Track] Management 4 Band 4C x Posts Chart145.5.4 Section Planner, Administrator Planning 4 Band 5 Section Planner Planning 4 Band 5 x Posts Section Administrator Administration 1b Band 6 Team Leader [Works Delivery Off Track] x Posts Technician [Works Delivery Off Track] x Posts Operative [Works Delivery Off Track] x Posts Works Delivery Supervisor [Off Track] x Posts Site Manager Technical Specialist 3 Band 4C x Posts Stores Coordinator (Works Delivery) Support 4 Band 5 x Posts
Technician and
Team Leader, 1
Posts under the WDM are optional Where team in place must consist of minimum of 1
one Nought or one only
or more
Safety Post One and only one Nought or more
Chart last edited: July 2022
by: Organsation
(optional) One
(optional) Unique in
Route / Territory Area Key
1 x
e Chart number for ease of reference11Works Delivery Manager [Overhead Line Equipment]Chart 145.5.3 Regions
Readiness Works Delivery Manager [Overhead Line Equipment]Chart 145.5.3 Works Delivery Manager [Overhead Line Equipment] Management 4 Band 4C x Posts Chart145.5.3 Section Planner, Administrator Planning 4 Band 5 Section Planner Planning 4 Band 5 x Posts Section Administrator Administration 1b Band 6 Team Leader [Works Delivery Overhead Line Equipment] x Posts Technician [Works Delivery Overhead Line Equipment] x Posts Operative [Works Delivery Overhead Line Equipment] x Posts Works Delivery Supervisor [Overhead Line Equipment] x Posts Stores Coordinator (Works Delivery) Support 4 Band 5 x Posts
Key Safety Post One and only one Nought or more (optional) One or more minimum one Nought or one only (optional) Unique in single Route / Territory Area Key Posts under the WDM are optional Where team in place must consist of minimum of 1 x Team leader and 1 x either Technician or Ope rative Chart number for ease of reference12Works Delivery Manager [Conductor Rail]Chart 145 .5.8 Regions Chart last edited: July 2022 Created by: Organsation Readiness Works Delivery Manager [Conductor Rail]Chart 145 .5.8 Works Delivery Manager [Conductor Rail] Management 4 Band 4C x Posts Chart145.5.8 Section Planner, Administrator Planning 4 Band 5 Section Planner Planning 4 Band 5 x Posts Section Administrator Administration 1b Band 6 Team Leader [Works Delivery Conductor Rail] x Posts Team Leader [Works Delivery High Voltage Cables] x Posts Technician [Works Delivery Conductor Rail] x Posts Technician [Works Delivery High Voltage Cables] x Posts Operative [Works Delivery Conductor Rail] x Posts Operative [Works Delivery High Voltage Cables] x Posts Works Delivery Supervisor [Conductor Rail] x Posts Stores Coordinator (Works Delivery) Support 4 Band 5 x Posts
Key Safety Post One and only one Nought or more (optional) One or more minimum one Nought or one only (optional) Unique in single Route / Territory Area Key Posts under the WDM are optional Where team in place must consist of minimum of 1 x Team Leader and 1 x Technician Chart number for ease of reference13Works Delivery Manager [Distribution & Plant]Cha rt 145.5.7 Regions Chart last edited: July 2022 Created by: Organsation Readiness Works Delivery Manager [Distribution & Plant]Cha rt 145.5.7 Works Delivery Manager [Distribution & Plant] Management 4 Band 4C x Posts Chart145.5.7 Section Planner, Administrator Planning 4 Band 5 Section Planner Planning 4 Band 5 x Posts Section Administrator Administration 1b Band 6 Team Leader [Works Delivery Distribution & Plant] x Posts Technician [Works Delivery Distribution & Plant] x Posts Works Delivery Supervisor [Distribution & Plant] x Posts Stores Coordinator (Works Delivery) Support 4 Band 5 x Posts
Key Safety Post One and only one Nought or more (optional) One or more minimum one Nought or one only (optional) Unique in single Route / Territory Area Key Posts under the WDM are optional Where team in place must consist of minimum of 2 po sts Chart number for ease of reference14Works Delivery Manager [Electrical Installation]Chart 145.5.5 Regions
last edited: July 2022 Created by: Organsation Readiness Works Delivery Manager [Electrical Installation]Chart 145.5.5 Works Delivery Manager [Electrical Installation] Management 4 Band 4C x Posts Chart145.5.5 Section Planner, Administrator Planning 4 Band 5 Section Planner Planning 4 Band 5 x Posts Section Administrator Administration 1b Band 6 Supervisor (B&C) x Posts Artisan (B&C) [EI] x Posts Operative (B&C) x Posts Stores Coordinator (Works Delivery) Support 4 Band 5 x Posts
Technician and
Team Leader,
Posts under the WDM are optional Where team in place must consist of minimum of
last edited: July
Key Safety Post One and only one Nought or more (optional) One or more minimum one Nought or one only (optional) Unique in single Route / Territory Area Key Chart number for ease of reference15
1 x
1 x
1 x
e Works Delivery Manager [Track]Chart 145.5.1 Regions Chart
2022 Created
Works Delivery Manager
Chart 145.5.1 Works Delivery Manager [Track] Management 4 Band 4C x Posts Chart145.5.1 Section Planner, Administrator Planning 4 Band 5 Section Planner Planning 4 Band 5 x Posts Section Administrator Administration 1b Band 6 Team Leader [Works Delivery Track] x Posts Technician [Works Delivery Track] x Posts Operatiive [Works Delivery Track] x Posts Works Delivery Supervisor [Track] x Posts Driver x Posts Stores Coordinator (Works Delivery) Support 4 Band 5 x Posts
Sizing rules for all Section Planner / Section Administrator posts apply. Refer to sizing criteria.
Section Manager [Off Track]
Chart last edited: July 2022 & PROPOSED Created by: Organsation Readiness
Key Safety Post One and only one Nought or more (optional) One or more minimum one Nought or one only (optional) Unique in single Route / Territory Area Key
Chart number for ease of reference16 Section Manager [Off Track]Chart 145.2.2 Regions
145.2.2 Section Manager [Off Track] Chart145.2.2 Section Administrator Administration 1b Band 6 Section Planner Planning 4 Band 5 x Posts Section Planner, Administrator Planning 4 Band 5 Team Leader [Off Track Inspection] x Posts Team Leader [Off Track Maintenance] x Posts Technician [Off Track] x Posts Operative [Off Track] x Posts Section Supervisor [Off Track] x Posts
Sizing rules for all Section Planner / Section Administrator posts apply. Refer to sizing criteria.
Sizing rules for all Section Planner / Section Administrator posts apply. Refer to sizing criteria.
Sizing rules for all Section Planner / Section Administrator posts apply. Refer to sizing criteria.
Key Safety Post One and only one Nought or more (optional) One or more minimum one Nought or one only (optional) Unique in single Route / Territory Area Key
Chart number for ease of reference17 Rail Management EngineerChart 145.2.3 Regions Chart last edited: July 2022 & PROPOSED Created by: Organsation Readiness Rail Management EngineerChart 145.2.3 Rail Management Engineer Management 4 Band 4C Chart145.2.3 Section Administrator Administration 1b Band 6 Section Planner Planning 4 Band 5 x Posts Section Planner, Administrator Planning 4 Band 5 Section Manager [Welding & Grinding] Section Administrator Administration 1b Band 6 Section Planner Planning 4 Band 5 x Posts Section Planner, Administrator Planning 4 Band 5 Team Leader [Welding] x Posts Team Leader [Grinding] x Posts Technician [Welding & Grinding] x Posts Operative [Welding & Grinding] x Posts Section Supervisor [Welding & Grinding] Section Manager [Rail Testing & Lubrication] Section Administrator Administration 1b Band 6 Section Planner Planning 4 Band 5 x Posts Section Planner, Administrator Planning 4 Band 5 Team Leader [Rail Testing] x Posts Team Leader [Lubrication] x Posts Technician [Rail Testing & Lubrication] x Posts Operative [Rail Testing & Lubrication] x Posts Section Supervisor [Rail Testing & Lubrication]
Sizing rules for all Section Planner / Section Administrator posts apply. Refer to sizing criteria.
Chart last edited: July 2022 & PROPOSED Created by: Organsation Readiness
Key Safety Post One and only one Nought or more (optional) One or more minimum one Nought or one only (optional) Unique in single Route / Territory Area Key
Chart number for ease of reference18 Section Manager [MMT]Chart 145.2.5 Regions
Section Manager [MMT]
145.2.5 Section Manager [MMT] Chart145.2.5 Section Administrator Administration 1b Band 6 Section Planner Planning 4 Band 5 x Posts Section Planner, Administrator Planning 4 Band 5 Team Leader [MMT] x Posts Technician [MMT] x Posts Operative [MMT] x Posts Section Supervisor [MMT] Work Plan Coordinator Support 3 Band 4B x Posts
Manager [Signalling]
Sizing rules for all Section Planner / Section Administrator posts apply. Refer to sizing criteria.
Chart last edited: July 2022 & PROPOSED Created by: Organsation Readiness
Key Safety Post One and only one Nought or
(optional) One or more minimum one Nought or one only (optional) Unique in single Route / Territory Area Key
Chart number for ease of reference19 Section Manager [Signalling]Chart 145.3.1 Regions
145.3.1 Section Manager [Signalling] x Posts Chart145.3.1 Section Administrator Administration 1b Band 6 Section Planner Planning 4 Band 5 x Posts Section Planner, Administrator Planning 4 Band 5 Control Centre Technician x Posts Team Leader [Signalling Maintenance] x Posts Technician [Signalling Maintenance] x Posts Operative [Signalling Maintenance] x Posts Section Supervisor [Signalling] x Posts
Sizing rules for all Section Planner / Section Administrator posts apply. Refer to sizing criteria.
Chart last edited: July 2022 & PROPOSED
Created by: Organsation Readiness
Key Safety Post One and only one Nought or more (optional) One or more minimum one Nought or one only (optional) Unique in single Route / Territory Area Key
Chart number for ease of reference20Section Manager [Conductor Rail Equipment]Chart 145.4.3 Regions
Section Manager [Conductor Rail Equipment]Chart 145.4.3 Section Manager [Conductor Rail Equipment] Chart145.4.3 Section Administrator Administration 1b Band 6 Section Planner Planning 4 Band 5 x Posts Section Planner, Administrator Planning 4 Band 5 Team Leader [Conductor Rail] x Posts Technician [Conductor Rail] x Posts Operative [Conductor Rail] x Posts Team Leader [High Voltage Cables] x Posts Technician [High Voltage Cables] x Posts Operative [High Voltage Cables] x Posts Section Supervisor [Conductor Rail Equipment] x Posts
ease of
Safety Post One and only
Nought or more
Chart last edited: July 2022 &
Created by: Organsation Readiness
or more minimum one Nought or one only (optional) Unique in single Route / Territory Area Key
Wales only Chart number for
reference21 Depot Manager (Sudbrook) WalesChart 145.4.4 Regions
Manager (Sudbrook) Wales -
145.4.4 Depot Manager (Sudbrook) Management 4 Band 4C 1 Post Chart145.4.4 Team Leader [Distribution & Plant] [Sudbrook] x Posts Technician [Distribution & Plant] [Sudbrook] x Posts Operative [Distribution & Plant] [Sudbrook] x Posts Section Supervisor [Distribution & Plant] [Sudbrook] x Posts Section Planner, Administrator Planning 4 Band 5 Section Planner Planning 4 Band 5 x Posts Section Administrator Administration 1b Band 6