Renewables Update September 2021

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Renewables Update

October 2021


Welcome to an update aimed specifically at our members employed as technical grades within the renewables sector. I am your elected National Officer with responsibility for representing and promoting the interests of our members across all areas of the Maritime sector. RMT has a history of organising across many grades in offshore oil and gas and we are

now actively organising members throughout the supply chain of the renewables sector. I am committed to establishing direct communication and engagement with our technician members nationally to determine what your key concerns are, if your concerns are employer specific or industry wide and developing an organising strategy to protect your current terms and conditions. We want to ensure your voice is heard and enable workers to have a voice at every table, whether this be with your employer, influencing industry or lobbying the politicians around green energy and quality jobs. Dialogue with workers throughout the sector has identified that those that didn’t think there was a requirement for a union five years ago, now consider it a requirement. Why is that? Get in contact and tell us. The objective of this update is not just to provide you with information, but also to seek your input, seek activists and encourage contact from those within the industry about what we should be doing, or as the case may be, what we shouldn’t be doing! As a skilled workforce in an industry which is in the media almost daily, who is the voice for you and your colleagues, irrespective of the subject matter. Nothing about the industry should be discussed without input from those that it will affect, and that’s YOU! So who is representing your collective concerns? Who is voicing your opinion? Who has your back? That is the role of a trade union and that is why RMT is the workers choice within the Renewables sector. Whether you have been in the RMT for years, or you have just joined, or even if you are looking to join, we need active members involved in the machinery of the union. You can make that choice to become active today and be part of a more organised renewables workforce and I am respectfully requesting that you consider joining RMT.

Regards, Darren Procter

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