Scottish Mariner October 2024
It is an honour to introduce the latest edition of the Scottish Mariner – the magazine for RMT’s maritime members in Scotland. With public sector ferries getting a negative press, the issues affecting maritime workers in Scotland, especially at CalMac, NorthLink, Orkney Ferries, Stena Line and in the offshore supply sector are an essential antidote to the bosses’ spin.
Speaking of spin, you might have heard of ‘ferries expert’ Professor Alf Baird. Prof Baird has been regularly quoted in press attacks on CalMac’s performance and used a BBC interview last month to describe Irish Ferries as ‘a reputable company.’
Let’s just look at the recent history of this so-called ‘reputable company.’ Irish Ferries was privatised in the 1990s. In 2005 the Irish Ferries fleet was ‘flagged out’ to the Cyprus flag of convenience and over 500 seafarers in Wales and the Republic of Ireland were instantly sacked and replaced by agency crew from the Baltic states on sub-minimum wage, fatigue inducing contracts and no collective bargaining rights. Sound familiar?
In airbrushing Irish Ferries’ actions from history, Prof Baird does ferry workers a dangerous disservice. It also displays the contempt that many of those arguing for job cuts and for privatisation at CalMac have for the organised working class and their trade unions in Scotland.
I can assure you that RMT will never allow this anti-trade union culture to take root anywhere in our public or private ferry services, including on the harbours and ports that the current and future fleet will rely on.
In the industrial here and now, RMT went into dispute with CalMac last week over the derisory 2024-25 pay offer. A decent pay deal is the least our CalMac members deserve, in light of their tireless work in the face of an ingrained crisis they had no hand in making. CalMac’s CEO, Duncan Mackinson bunker mentality is simply unsustainable. RMT have made this explicitly clear to the employer and at every level of Scottish Government. It was therefore pleasing to learn that the union has secured a much better pay offer that will be put to CalMac members shortly.
We have also continued to press the Cabinet Secretary for Transport, Fiona Hyslop MSP to end the dithering and to directly award CalMac the next Clyde and Hebrides Ferry Services contract on a long term basis in order to deliver a People’s CalMac. Progress is frustratingly slow but the 1-year extension to the current contract gives the Scottish Government the time to get this right for our outstanding CalMac members, including the twenty new apprentices we recently welcomed into the RMT.
The scale of the challenge that our members at CalMac, Orkney Ferries and NorthLink face in operating lifeline services with ageing ferries cannot be overestimated and RMT Scotland Organisers Gordon Martin and Ann Joss are fighting hard to get the wheels moving on -
procurement work required to reduce the average age of the CMAL owned fleet to 15 years, as the Scottish Government intend and to deliver infrastructure upgrades on budget and on time.
The need to get the Glen Sannox and Glen Rosa on the Arran run, eventually from an upgraded Ardrossan, was illustrated yet again when the port gearbox on the Caledonian Isles failed on return to the Arran service after seven months out of action in dry dock. The cover vessel, Hebridean Isles launched in 1985 is being scrapped next month, so our members are working even harder to deliver lifeline ferry services with reduced capacity.
I pay tribute to the perseverance and hard work of all our maritime members in Scotland and hope you and your workmates enjoy this edition of the RMT’s Scottish Mariner.
Mick Lynch General Secretary
When we put together the last edition of the Scottish Mariner in April 2022 I never for a moment thought it would be over two years before the next edition seen the light of day.
And what a two years it’s been with the aftermath of the disgraceful actions of P&O in March 2022 when they sacked the workforce via zoom still having an impact today with the Secretary of State for Transport Louise Haigh MP being publicly rebuked by her boss Prime Minister Starmer for telling it how it is in regards to how and why people should boycott P&O.
It’s clear that a change in government at Westminster will still see the vested powers of big business protected by the political elite although many people across these islands remain glad that the discredited Tories have been kicked out and replaced with a Labour Government with a big majority who should use this opportunity to defend and improve conditions at work and in our communities for working class people.It’s still very early days and I’m sure RMT along with other trade unions and progressive organisations will continue to push the Labour Government to do the right things and to keep them accountable to the electorate.
From a Scottish perspective the Government at Holyrood continue to parrot the line that the country is skint and that they can do nothing unless the Westminster Government increase the block grant. While it’s true the Scottish Government do not have full economic powers to intervene in the same way as the Westminster Government there are some changes they could make
including the introduction of a wealth tax on the richest in Scotland as promoted by the SNP Trade Union Group at their party conference in September. If adopted it’s reported this new progressive tax could plough hundreds of millions of pounds into the Scottish economy which could transform our crumbling public services. RMT will continue to campaign along with the Scottish Trades Union Congress and other progressive forces for policies at Holyrood which will improve the lives of working class people.
The unions “A People’s Calmac “ campaign has continued to make the positive case for a direct award of the CHFS 3 ( Clyde and Hebridean Ferry Service) contract to be directly awarded to Calmac. Over the course of the last few years we have commissioned academics from Glasgow University to carry out research for us as well as the union holding public meetings in Oban and Mull in our ongoing efforts to dispel the myths being created by some self interested and self opinionated people that the Calmac model doesn’t work and that privatisation is the answer. While it’s clear Calmac have a myriad of problems at this time these are primarily due to failures by others including the Scottish Government and Transport Scotland along with CMAL to deliver new vessels on time and on budget which has left Calmac with no spare capacity or resilience in the fleet.
Politically, we continue to engage with politicians from across the political spectrum to make the case for a direct award and these efforts will continue for as long as it takes.
On the industrial level at Calmac we entered into a trade dispute following a derisory pay offer on this years claim. I am pleased to say that following an avoidance of disputes meeting on Friday 11th October that an improved offer has been made and Calmac members will be given the opportunity to accept or reject this offer via an electronic referendum very soon.
Finally, I take this opportunity to remind you that one of the best ways to protect your families future in the event of the worst case scenario happening to you is to be a member of your employers pension scheme as you may be outside any death in service entitlements otherwise.
Stay safe and if you have anything you would wish to contribute to this newsletter going forward please email my colleague Michael Coll at
Gordon Martin RMT Scotland Organiser
As we all await the arrival of new much delayed tonnage into the Calmac fleet, while we obviously welcome the arrival of the vessels, we are expecting different and difficult challenges for the crews and port workers. To help and assist your union it is imperative that we are in a good position to tackle these challenges, hopefully before they happen but certainly as they crop up.
The best way we can tackle these challenges is to have RMT reps in position on these vessels, therefore if you are
joining newly built vessels why don’t you consider becoming a rep, we can have departmental reps, of which, one from each vessel can form part of the Western Isles Port Committee, also we can have a Health & Safety representatives. Contact details are provided in this Bulletin.
If you are a Port Worker, why don’t you consider becoming an RMT representative either dealing with day to day concerns in your workplace or with Health & Safety concerns. Contact details are provided in this Bulletin.
Brian Reynolds
RMT/ Calmac Coordinator
September of this year saw the latest intake of seagoing modern apprentices join CalMac’s successful programme, 20 deck and engine MA’s is CalMac’s highest number for these two grades and is the highest ever for this programme in Scotland.
RMT Union Learning are heavily involved in all aspects of the recruitment and training of these young workers through our representation on the companies Seagoing Apprentice Steering Group and we are at City of Glasgow Riverside Campus to meet them on their first day and spend a week with them where we offer sessions on Health and Wellbeing, Diversity and Inclusion, Cyber Security and Financial Literacy all delivered by specialist providers using the Scottish Union Learning Fund.
These sessions are delivered through our previous experiences in recent years where some young workers have had to leave the programme and we feel me must give all of those joining our industry the best possible start to give them the best chance to their new journey. We have time for a workshop on trade unions talk to the apprentices on the import role that play in CalMac and our industry, as a result of this all 20 of this year’s intake are now RMT members and we will support them through their apprentice journey and forward through their careers at sea.
Dan Henderson RMT Union Learning Organiser
Dear Members,
The Branch has a new Secretary, David Douglas, seen here on the right of the picture addressing striking RFA members at a picket at Cammel Laird, Birkenhead in the ongoing dispute.
Outgoing Secretary Marc Boal has done a sterling job in the day to day running of the Branch for the past 18 months, and I hope I speak for the branch in expressing our thanks for his service and that he continues to be an effective
Our next meeting will take place on Friday 8th 0f November at 1PM at the address below – if you cannot attend in person please contact and request a link to take part remotely
Branch Activist and Shipboard representative for his shipmates at Orkney Ferries.
I do hope we can encourage as many members as possible to take part in the activity of the Branch as we move forward. The Branch is at the very core of the democratic procedures RMT are so rightly proud of. It should be the focus of Member activity, and the regular meetings are a place for members to progress the ideas and concerns they may have at their place of work as well as any campaigning or political activity that as a member you feel your Branch should be involved with. It is also the focus of any recruitment that takes place and a resource and support for members to make use of in any of the activities mentioned.
In early September I took on the role as Branch Secretary as Marc stepped down. At this meeting we also had remote contributions from both of our Presidential Candidates – George Welch, Kings Cross Branch and Fraser Scott, Surrey & Hants Branch. Both are worthy candidates and whoever is elected has the job of protecting the integrity of the decision making processes and rules of the Union as well as speaking on behalf of members in the public forum and as a representative outwith our organisation. The branch unanimously agreed to nominate Fraser as our preferred candidate.
David Douglas Aberdeen Shipping Branch Secretary
Injuries can occur at any time - at work, on the road or just walking down the street. When this happens, it is your right to claim damages and obtain the justice you deserve. That is where your Union can and will assist.
As part of your Union membership, you are entitled to free legal support, should you suffer an injury. Our expert solicitors will investigate your case and provide straightforward, honest advice as to your right to claim damages. No case is too big, or too small. Last year, settlements on behalf of RMT members ranged from a few hundred pounds, to hundreds of thousands.
Some cases can settle quickly, whilst others need to go to court. Utilising your Union solicitors ensures you never have to pay any legal fees, court fees or solicitor costs. You are covered as part of your membership. If your case is sufficiently complex that you require the assistance of a KC, this will be covered by the Union. We ensure you receive the best legal advice and representation possible, and we pursue cases in every court in Scotland.
As a Union member, your representation is entirely free of charge. Even if you do not win your case, you do not pay any fees. Non-Union solicitors will typically ask you to pay them up front, or, should your case succeed, will take up to 30% of your damages as their fee. Should you lose a case being run by a non-Union solicitor, then you may be responsible for the other side’s legal costs. This does not happen if you are a Union member. On the rare occasions a case is lost, your Union will cover any monies owed to any other parties.
RMT members also have full access to Thompsons’ Employment Law service. This provides legal representation in the event you are unfairly dismissed, or discriminated against by your employer. We also advise on unlawful deductions from wages. This service provides you with a specialist employer solicitor from the very start of your case, who will take matters all the way to Industrial Tribunal, if required. There is never any charge to RMT members in respect of this service, whereas a non-Union solicitor would expect a percentage of any settlement.
The RMT also provides a free wills service, via Thompsons. This entitles you and your spouse to free basic wills, to help ensure peace of mind if the worst happens. Thompsons can also provide more complex wills, should you wish property or assets be placed into trust. Whilst these do incur a small charge, this is discounted for RMT members. Further, Thompsons can arrange for a Power of Attorney to be drafted, which would permit a loved one to make decisions on your behalf should illness render you incapable.
The RMT also provides a free legal helpline, and representation in criminal defence, family & child law, divorce, and conveyancing matters at discounted rates. Thompsons are proud to work alongside the RMT and its members – do not hesitate to get in touch to discuss any legal issue.
Alan Rodgers Thompsons Solicitor