A MESSAGE FROM YOUR NATIONAL SECRETARY Dear Colleagues, I hope this update finds you well. As your Elected National Secretary and your lead officer at Stena Line I recognise that there are improvements to be made, communication on key issues is something we are seeking to improve upon and employer specific updates such as this hopefully supplements the good work that your elected representatives do to keep you updated with all the latest information. This update should prove useful for all members employed at Stena Line and I would suggest that if you don’t already have a copy of your Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) you request a copy and familiarise yourself with the content of the agreement as we have some concerns surrounding the application of overtime rates which is outlined in details below. Whilst myself and the various regional organisers with responsibility for Stena Line have been visiting ships over the past 2 years it has not been as regular as we would like, with the restrictions now lifting we are putting
plans in place and I hope to undertake a roadshow with the regional organisers visiting members on the various routes. We will look to communicate this well in advance in the hope that you take this opportunity to meet with us, discuss your concerns and allow us to bring you up to speed on industrial matters with your employer and progress being made on the various Maritime campaigns and initiatives. I will take this opportunity to respectfully request that all RMT members engage with non members onboard your respective vessels and show what the union is doing to improve your terms and conditions of employment.
Regards, Darren Procter